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+ Show Spoiler [Jon Galt: Crack, the Whip Master] +
On April 25 2013 18:27 JonGalt wrote:
I posted this is in the GD thread a while back but...
Crack, The Whip Master
Crack's mastery of the whip quickly became world
renowned across Runeterra. Despite this, he seemingly appeared in Demacia out of thin air. He is a very handsome and vastly intelligent man with witty comebacks or jokes to lighten the mood. Many believe his jovial and joking manner is how he deals with the tragedies he has incurred. Crack's past is known by very few, and much of that is rumors. His childhood is the only part of Crack's history that can be agreed upon and confirmed.
Crack's childhood was characterized by a few things: his affinity for the whip, and the bond he shared with his father. Having never known his mother, Crack became very close with his father. Many say they were inseparable and that they weren't merely son and father, but best friends. They owned and operated an exotic animal zoo in a rural village under Noxus control. The zoo was Crack and his father's life. Crack learned the mastery of the whip from his father and at a young age proved to be a prodigy. Unfortunately, when the League of Legends started, Crack and his father were hit hard. The League of Legends provided endless entertainment that the people loved. Crack and his father fell on hard times and were forced to sell many of their animals to survive. One night after coming back from the sale of their favorite yeti, some Noxian patrol men stopped them and tried to force a bribe from them. Acting rashly, Crack attacked and disabled them with his whip. After running back home, Crack and his father got into a fight regarding the incident. Crack was upset his father didn't stand up for himself while Crack's father knew Crack's actions would have dire circumstances. Crack stormed out of the house and slept in the zoo that night. When he awoke in the morning he found his father brutally murdered by Noxian forces.
Crack vanished that same day. No one truly knows if Crack is in the League to destroy Noxus forces, if he wants revenge on the League for his zoo, or both. People only know he was not seen until 15 years later when he showed up in Demacian high court unannounced. Using his sharp tongue and wit, he provoked Garen and Prince Jarvan IV to attack him where he immediately paralyzed them with two quick shots of his whip. Crack stepped over them, sat down, kicked up his feet and told King Jarvan III, "They'll be fine. So what sorta benefits we talkin' 'bout as a Champion of Demacia?"
Time to open up a can of whip ass.
- Crack
Passive: Cat o' Ninetails - Crack attached
magically-envenomed glass shards to the end of
his whip, dealing extra magic damage with his
Auto Attacks. Using an ability adds a stack. Crack can obtain up to a maximum of 6 stacks. Stacks are reset to 0 after an auto attack, or if enough time has elapsed. It does Level * Stacks + %AP magic damage. The stacks only last a certain amount of time so that it rewards players who can combo. This ability means that every autoattack deals some additional magic damage over time, scaling with level and ability power. Early game, this adds to his harass potential and assists with last hitting. The stacking buff allows strategic play and micro, allowing you to "charge up" what ends up being some very decent burst for a passive. Using the passive to its maximum is
crucial to high-level play for this champ, as his kit is low on the damage side but high on the CC side.
Q: Lightning Strike - Crack lashes his whip,
dealing damage to all units in a line. Units at the
whip's tip (a small aoe at the max range of the ability) take double damage. This is a normal wave-clearing, damage dealing ability that all AP casters need with a neat caveat. Rewarding positioning play by the player, or punishing it by opponents, people at the very tip of the hitbox take significantly increased damage.
W: Whiplash - Crack swings his whip in a circle, dealing damage and knocking back enemies. This is one of the abilities that
gives Crack his "assassin-counter" status. If a Khaz or Zed jumps on you, you knock them back and gain some breathing room. Additionally, this could be used creatively in teamfights to interfere with the other team's positioning, knock someone into a turret, etc etc. Probably 1/2 or less of a Janna ult radius. I have also toyed with the idea of it stopping some dashes such as Vi Q, Xin dash, Akali and Diana R, etc. This would reward really good players to parry dashes with quick reflexes.
E: Tamer - He lashes out his whip in an area with an AOE that compels all allied minions in the AOE to all target the same enemy champion that is
closest to you. If no champions are around, they target the enemy minion closest to you. Does not work on neutral minions. This goes with his whole whip theme and it is a fairly cool/new mechanic. This could make some weird Promote based strategies. Use promote, now you can push with a band of personal guard of super minions. Also means he is better against gap closers. (Each rank increases the number of minions you "tame")
R: Flay - Crack gains 3 charges of Flay (similar to how Ahri's ult works). Crack lashes his whip out in a line, dealing damage in a line and rooting the target at the end of the whip. Targets at the end of the whip are rooted for 1 second and take additional damage. Each additional flay roots and damages for 50% less. However, you may decide to use this on the same target 3 times for a
decent root-lock, use it on 3 different people to help peel, etc. Additionally, because it has charges and does line-aoe damage, a pro could use it to great effect by stutter-stepping to line up his opponents. R, move, R, move, R, all while assessing where the greatest effect will be. This also adds stacks to his passive, for excellent damage synergy for burst. I think a great combo
would be flash W (to push them back into max range of R/Q) R E R R Q AA would be a full 6 stacks of Cat 'o Nine and maximizing damage.
Skin ideas: Circus Animal Trainer, Pootie Tang (this one would be AWESOME. Look it up if you don't know it. It's my second favorite movie of all time).
Taunt: Time to open up a can of whip ass!; Yo momma so fat she uses cool whip as her coffee
creamer!; Are you faster than the speed of
sound? 'Cause my whip is.;
Jokes: You're not lookin' too good... I'll whip you into shape.; What do old turtles call young
turtles?... WHIPper snappers!;
Also, not sure if I mentioned but all of his abilities
do magic damage and have AP ratios.
I posted this is in the GD thread a while back but...
Crack, The Whip Master
Crack's mastery of the whip quickly became world
renowned across Runeterra. Despite this, he seemingly appeared in Demacia out of thin air. He is a very handsome and vastly intelligent man with witty comebacks or jokes to lighten the mood. Many believe his jovial and joking manner is how he deals with the tragedies he has incurred. Crack's past is known by very few, and much of that is rumors. His childhood is the only part of Crack's history that can be agreed upon and confirmed.
Crack's childhood was characterized by a few things: his affinity for the whip, and the bond he shared with his father. Having never known his mother, Crack became very close with his father. Many say they were inseparable and that they weren't merely son and father, but best friends. They owned and operated an exotic animal zoo in a rural village under Noxus control. The zoo was Crack and his father's life. Crack learned the mastery of the whip from his father and at a young age proved to be a prodigy. Unfortunately, when the League of Legends started, Crack and his father were hit hard. The League of Legends provided endless entertainment that the people loved. Crack and his father fell on hard times and were forced to sell many of their animals to survive. One night after coming back from the sale of their favorite yeti, some Noxian patrol men stopped them and tried to force a bribe from them. Acting rashly, Crack attacked and disabled them with his whip. After running back home, Crack and his father got into a fight regarding the incident. Crack was upset his father didn't stand up for himself while Crack's father knew Crack's actions would have dire circumstances. Crack stormed out of the house and slept in the zoo that night. When he awoke in the morning he found his father brutally murdered by Noxian forces.
Crack vanished that same day. No one truly knows if Crack is in the League to destroy Noxus forces, if he wants revenge on the League for his zoo, or both. People only know he was not seen until 15 years later when he showed up in Demacian high court unannounced. Using his sharp tongue and wit, he provoked Garen and Prince Jarvan IV to attack him where he immediately paralyzed them with two quick shots of his whip. Crack stepped over them, sat down, kicked up his feet and told King Jarvan III, "They'll be fine. So what sorta benefits we talkin' 'bout as a Champion of Demacia?"
Time to open up a can of whip ass.
- Crack
Passive: Cat o' Ninetails - Crack attached
magically-envenomed glass shards to the end of
his whip, dealing extra magic damage with his
Auto Attacks. Using an ability adds a stack. Crack can obtain up to a maximum of 6 stacks. Stacks are reset to 0 after an auto attack, or if enough time has elapsed. It does Level * Stacks + %AP magic damage. The stacks only last a certain amount of time so that it rewards players who can combo. This ability means that every autoattack deals some additional magic damage over time, scaling with level and ability power. Early game, this adds to his harass potential and assists with last hitting. The stacking buff allows strategic play and micro, allowing you to "charge up" what ends up being some very decent burst for a passive. Using the passive to its maximum is
crucial to high-level play for this champ, as his kit is low on the damage side but high on the CC side.
Q: Lightning Strike - Crack lashes his whip,
dealing damage to all units in a line. Units at the
whip's tip (a small aoe at the max range of the ability) take double damage. This is a normal wave-clearing, damage dealing ability that all AP casters need with a neat caveat. Rewarding positioning play by the player, or punishing it by opponents, people at the very tip of the hitbox take significantly increased damage.
W: Whiplash - Crack swings his whip in a circle, dealing damage and knocking back enemies. This is one of the abilities that
gives Crack his "assassin-counter" status. If a Khaz or Zed jumps on you, you knock them back and gain some breathing room. Additionally, this could be used creatively in teamfights to interfere with the other team's positioning, knock someone into a turret, etc etc. Probably 1/2 or less of a Janna ult radius. I have also toyed with the idea of it stopping some dashes such as Vi Q, Xin dash, Akali and Diana R, etc. This would reward really good players to parry dashes with quick reflexes.
E: Tamer - He lashes out his whip in an area with an AOE that compels all allied minions in the AOE to all target the same enemy champion that is
closest to you. If no champions are around, they target the enemy minion closest to you. Does not work on neutral minions. This goes with his whole whip theme and it is a fairly cool/new mechanic. This could make some weird Promote based strategies. Use promote, now you can push with a band of personal guard of super minions. Also means he is better against gap closers. (Each rank increases the number of minions you "tame")
R: Flay - Crack gains 3 charges of Flay (similar to how Ahri's ult works). Crack lashes his whip out in a line, dealing damage in a line and rooting the target at the end of the whip. Targets at the end of the whip are rooted for 1 second and take additional damage. Each additional flay roots and damages for 50% less. However, you may decide to use this on the same target 3 times for a
decent root-lock, use it on 3 different people to help peel, etc. Additionally, because it has charges and does line-aoe damage, a pro could use it to great effect by stutter-stepping to line up his opponents. R, move, R, move, R, all while assessing where the greatest effect will be. This also adds stacks to his passive, for excellent damage synergy for burst. I think a great combo
would be flash W (to push them back into max range of R/Q) R E R R Q AA would be a full 6 stacks of Cat 'o Nine and maximizing damage.
Skin ideas: Circus Animal Trainer, Pootie Tang (this one would be AWESOME. Look it up if you don't know it. It's my second favorite movie of all time).
Taunt: Time to open up a can of whip ass!; Yo momma so fat she uses cool whip as her coffee
creamer!; Are you faster than the speed of
sound? 'Cause my whip is.;
Jokes: You're not lookin' too good... I'll whip you into shape.; What do old turtles call young
turtles?... WHIPper snappers!;
Also, not sure if I mentioned but all of his abilities
do magic damage and have AP ratios.