Day 1 Stream Guide (watch at MLG)
(All times have been significantly altered due to start up delays.)
Upcoming matches/matches being streamed in bold
Upcoming matches/matches being streamed in bold
23:30 GMT (+00:00)
Flash vs Grubby
00:00 GMT (+00:00)
Bomber vs Scarlett
01:45 GMT (+00:00)
Oz vs Hyvaa
02:30 GMT (+00:00)
Daisy vs Soo
03:30 GMT (+00:00)
Major vs Life
04:31 GMT (+00:00)
Revival vs Soulkey
Flash vs Grubby
00:00 GMT (+00:00)
Bomber vs Scarlett
01:45 GMT (+00:00)
Oz vs Hyvaa
02:30 GMT (+00:00)
Daisy vs Soo
03:30 GMT (+00:00)
Major vs Life
04:31 GMT (+00:00)
Revival vs Soulkey
23:30 GMT (+00:00)
Vibe vs San
00:30 GMT (+00:00)
Hwangsin vs BabyKnight
01:45 GMT (+00:00)
Trimaster vs MaximusBlack
02:45 GMT (+00:00)
TubbyTheFat vs ToD
03:30 GMT (+00:00)
by.Rain vs Goswser
03:30 GMT (+00:00)
Major vs Life
04:31 GMT (+00:00)
Revival vs Soulkey
Vibe vs San
00:30 GMT (+00:00)
Hwangsin vs BabyKnight
01:45 GMT (+00:00)
Trimaster vs MaximusBlack
02:45 GMT (+00:00)
TubbyTheFat vs ToD
03:30 GMT (+00:00)
by.Rain vs Goswser
03:30 GMT (+00:00)
Major vs Life
04:31 GMT (+00:00)
Revival vs Soulkey
Match Recaps (Brackets @Liquipedia)
Group Play
Group A
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- Game One - Daybreak: San won in a game that was not streamed.
- Game Two - Cloud Kingdom: San won after a complicated base-trade reset game where he hit two clutch vortexes on Vibe's brood lord army.
- ViBE 0 - 2 San

- Game One - Cloud Kingdom: Hyvaa tried to take Oz off guard with a sneaky slowling all in. Hyvaa denied the first probe and caught a second right before it scouted the missing third hatchery. However, Hyvaa inexplicitly waited too long to pounce, and was finally caught red handed. When the late attack finally hit, it hit a wall of cannons and Hyvaa tapped out.
- Game Two - Ohana: Oz was unphased by a fast pool and comfortably expanded after opening forge first. Oz put on some early zealot pressure followed by phoenix harassment, but could not prevent Hyvaa from expanding and teching as planned. Hyvaa looked to be in a great position as he took out Oz's big pre-hive attack with roaches and infestors. Then, as Hyvaas broodlords were hatching, Oz stretched his opponent out with a three pronged attack and forced a fight while his opponent was poorly positioned. Hyvaa clung on by claw and carapace but couldn't stop Oz from rolling through with stalkers after losing the cohesion of his late game composition.
- Hyvaa 0 - 2 Oz
Group B
+ Show Spoiler [Match Recaps] +

- Game One - Ohana: Flash outmacroed Grubby, not much more to say. Ahead in supply the entire game, he constantly threatened to attack with a larger army while expanding faster and saturating quicker than Grubby. He hesitated to commit to an attack until he maxed out and took a 4th then crashed in and easily rolled through the army, natural and third base of the Dutch Protoss. Sorry, Grubby.
- Game Two - Daybreak: In a reverse from the last game Grubby opened with an aggressive but uncommitted threat against the Terran player. But like the previous game Flash demonstrated his years of exceptional talent by outmacroing and outmicroing his opponent. After holding off Grubbys initial aggression, Flash countered and conquered with a larger marine/maruader/medivac force, sweeping the game and the series, 2-0.
- Grubby 0 - 2 Flash

- Game One - Ohana: Well that was awkward. Both players opened identically with a stalker-zealot-probe push! Babyknight outmaneuvered and drove Hwang into his base. Although Hwangsin was able to defend his ramp with help from an immortal, Babyknight took the economic lead with an expansion while simutaneously containing his opponent.
Hwangsin distracted Babyknight and escaped his contain and the game evolved into each player taking turns chasing each other around the map. Eventually Babyknight thought he had chased Hwangsin back to his own natural and willingly took the bait by attacking aggressively. Hwangsin revealed his colosii and smashed his opponents army. Although Babyknight valiantly tried to exploit a more mobile approach with mass blink stalkers he could not catch up in supply or tech and tapped out. - Game Two - Tal'Darim Altar: Hwangsin dared to not 4-gate on Tal'Darim Altar, but still successfully fended himself off against BabyK's own 4-gate. However, Hwangin was punished later for trying to expand too quicky while BabyKnight simply transitioned into a 4-gate blink all-in off one base.
- Game Three - Daybreak: Despite an unsuccessful proxy-robo strategy from Hwangsin, the game played out into a fairly typical late game laser war between the two players. Babyknight grabbed a better position and zapped Hwangsin from the first round.
- Hwangsin 1 - 2 Babyknight
Group C
+ Show Spoiler [Match Recaps] +

- Game One - Daybreak: Major went for his usual mech TvZ play, while Life responded by playing fairly standard himself. The game went to a typical Daybreak half-map split situation, with Life getting brood lords and Major trying to transition to ravens. However, the critical engagement of the game really didn't go Major's way, and Life won a crushing victory to take game one.
- Game Two - Ohana: Major went for his mech play again on Ohana, while Life played it slightly differently by spending some time on lair building mutalisks before he transitioned to hive. His mutalisks didn't really achieve all that he wanted making his brood lord transition tougher, but in the ending was the same anyway, with major tapping out to a brood lord deathball.
- Life 2 - 0 Major

- Game One - Daybreak: Both players opted for a sedated economic opening until Soulkey pressed the boom button. In an instant Soulkey went all in with 10 banelings and dozens of zerglings against a completely unprepared Revival. Without a baneling nest, Revival quickly evaporated under the ling bling attack from SoulKey.
- Game Two - Daybreak: Revival was down the whole game but never let up and earned one of the best wins of the night. Soul Key scouted a gasless opener and did average damage with a baneling attack that didn't interrupt his gameplan or economy. Soul Key brought out fast mutalisks and took a third while denying Revivals own third and defending a roach push. Soul key had counter attacks set up on both sides of the map for an eventual followup push from Revival. And then when it came, Revival crushed through the defenses with an unstoppable 2/2 roach hydra infestor army and wrecked Soul Keys well laid plans.
- Game Three - Antiga Shipyard: Soul Key dominated the map early on and took an easy third while denying his opponent the same. The game stayed relatively even until Revival tried to take a faster fourth in the center of Antiga and was instantly scouted and stopped. Just when it looked darkest for Revival, Soul Key was caught stretched too thin and clutch fungals on Soul Keys infestors kept him from evening the odds. Revival instantly turned on the jets and drove across the map, killing Soul Keys 4th while remaking his own. After a dicey fight for both sides Revival retreated to his reinforcements. Although it started to look like the game was going Soul Keys way again it was Revival who would not give up and smashed Soul Keys army, sending it into a broken retreat. In a narrow fight, Revival barely edged out Soul Key and took a incredibly impressive Game 3 win.
- Soulkey 1 - 2 Revival
Group D
+ Show Spoiler [Match Recaps] +

- Game One - Ohana: Besides an oddly timed marine-hellion pressure timing from Bomber, the game built up as a standard macro game with both players able to play fairly greedy. Bomber took three bases and massed for a big tank-marine push while Scarlett impressed with insane creep spread that reached Bomber's natural. No matter, Bomber took us back to a time before brood lords and annihilated expansions and naturals with marine-tank, destroying Scarlett's infestor-ling composition before she could transition to broods.
- Game Two - Entombed Valley : Bomber was kicking it old school in game 2 with a bunker rush. Scarlett had none of it with a flawless denial and counterattack. Although she was was able to briefly harry and again scout Bombers 4rax behind triple expand plans, Bomber still delayed her third successfully with marines while switching to a mech composition. Scarlett was then caught off guard by 10 blue flame hellions and paid for it in drones. She stabilized with roach infestor while Bomber secured a supply and economic lead. At 16 minutes Bomber started his push by clearing out creep tumors that had grown as far as his natural ramp. Before he made it the center of the map Scarlett ambushed him on creep with a massive wave of infested terrans and roaches. Bomber tried to stabilize with his remaining tanks but Scarlett had transitioned to brood lords as well and walked over him on a carpet of creep.
- Game Three - Cloud Kingdom: Episode 3 Return of the Bunker Rush. Bomber bunker rushed but called it off early, building two command centers and being annoying by bunkering Scarlett's third. In any case, the game played out somewhat like game one, with both players building strong economies while Scarlett spread creep like a madwoman (even better than the first game, reaching Bomber's natural ramp in 12 mins). Scarlett started a greater spire at 13:59 and the race was on as Bomber started his marine tank push. Unlike the first game, Scarlett was able to crush Bomber's pushes. Although the Korean Terran's macro was incredible, it was not overwhelming and Scarlett capitalized on the momentum to batter each attempt down. Bomber eventually resorted to a last ditch all in with his SCVs combined, and in green fungaled glory, Scarlett snagged the dregs of Bombers army and rolled through with celebratory banelings.
- Bomber 1 - 2 Scarlett

- Game One - Daybreak: Daisy tried to use the zealots and warp prism for some early pressure but failed. The game slid into a messy exchange of attacks and despite SoO having a marked advantage for the first 20 minutes, he was overcautious or uneager to commit to a decisive engagement. Daisy took of SoOs patience and equalized with his opponents tech. After 20 more minutes of little action and lots of spine crawlers Daisy tried to break the center of the map with carriers, colossii, a void ray or two and a mothership. Daisy vortexed his opponents corruptors but was left with infestors and broodlords to contend with. He was unable to inflict enough damage to the deathball and quickly lost once the corruptors reemerged.
- Game Two - Ohana: After the quagmire of a game one, Daisy stuck with doing a normal, predictable immortal all in. SoO was unsurprised and harassed the push all the way down but at the critical moment when Daisy entered his natural he split his army for a surround and sent part of it up into his main. Whoops. Daisy spent the next 3 minutes repeatedly forcefielding 60% of SoOs supply out of action while he wrecked the natural and snagged a bonus roach warren located on the low ground. Daisy let SoO down his ramp once he was done and finished off the remaining army for an easy win to tie the series.
- Game Three - Cloud Kingdom: Daisy showed that the third time is the charm with yet another sentry immortal all in. SoO used roach ling mutalisk to keep himself alive but was unable to save his third. Daisy tried to retire to his base but SoO beat him there and started picking apart his economy with his mutas. Daisy threw all his chips in the middle of the table and went for it, with soO forced to retreat his forces to defend. With good forcefields to separate mutalisks from the supporting grounf forces, Daisy was able to win the final battle and take the series.
- soO 1 - 2 Daisy
Open Bracket
Streamed games only

- Game One - Cloud Kingdom: Upset specialist? Not quite. Offensive hatchery specialist? Definitely. Goswser played to entertain and managed to punk Rain to boot. Goswser slammed Rains third base repeatedly, first with an offensive hatchery, then with infested terran bombs, and later with roach infestor corruptor. Although he put up a hell of a fight, perhaps he was a little TOO eager to attack. Rains defense proved to be too much for Goswsers creative antics and collected a win for Korea in game 1.
- Game Two - Cloud Kingdom: How to Lose an Army. Step one: Liberally pressure your opponent with a roach ling army on a minimal economy. Step two: Power drone to catch up while your opponent plays standard and hits a three base 2/2 timing without any problems. Step three: Load up your entire army and try to doom drop your Protoss opponents main without scouting ahead. Be sure to drop onto an army that can easily shred yours. Final step: Type gg and politely bow out after an impressive exercise in losing an entire army.
- Rain 2 - 0 Goswser
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Graphics: Meko