ok it's 3:19 am, and I've just arrived from the premiere here goes my review:
To all Star Wars fans out there! I saw episode III at the midnight premiere last night and I would like to share my personal comments. Once again, if you havn't seen the movie, I'd sujest you dont read it.
Finally, we all get to see the key missing piece of all six parts to the trilogy. it brings everything together. Its all non-stop action and it is exciting the whole way though. Fist off The second the opening credits roll, the action takes place right away. Obi-Wan and Anakin have become more skilled and powerful, R2-D2 is more funnier than ever and Count Dooku its killed by Anakin quick and swift. Maybe not the way I like it, but considering the movie was focused on Vader and not Dooku, it was ok.
The movie is over 2 hours and halft but you won't even notice, because it's very fast paced, and I mean VERY fast paced. General Greivous is quite an interesting character but going to see the movie, I hoped that he wasn't going to take such a big part in the movie so it wont take take up so much story so we don't get away from the other characters journeys. General Greivous you might say would be a discrace on the jedi who are meant to be the only characters to use lightsabers to battle, but it was intersting to see a character with 4 arms using 4 sabers and he was eventually killed by obi-wan which was about in the middle of the film. Like Count Dooku, he was killed the appropirate time. The only thing I disliked, is that considering such a dangerous character he was supposed to be, I felt that General Greivous didn't look as scary or intimidator as Maul did on episode 1 or Dooku did on episode 2.
Now we get to Anakins story. It was definately the most intresting story to watch and what we all have been waiting for. Anakin's slip to the dark side was not done too quickly and not to slowly, which made the movie perfect. He did all this too seek more power to resolve these visions he has over Padme' dying over childbirth. It started as saving the ones you love until you realise that u can control the universe. Very nice script telling
All the Jedi get killed by Anakin and the clone troopers who are commanded by chancellor Palpaltine/Darth Sidious/The Emperor. There is alot of death in this film which makes the story very emotional. It is a very sad story but exciting all the more. We say goodbye to likeable characters like Mace Windu and Padme'. Pame' was the one character was the most emotional to see go, second to Anakin. She died know that there is hope in Luke Skywalkers Future.
The Lightsaber battle's was the most interesting to see. Anakin and Obi-Wan's battle was a very personal battle and Yoda and The Emperors battle was very was a very cool bttle to see the most skilled sith lord and jedi master fight each other. Anaking eventually becoming Darth Vader in the suit was great to see. When the mask gets put on and vader takes his first breath was just awesome! Also, what I liked a lot of the movie, when Obi wan defeats Anakin, he cites a Sun Tzu's Art of war phrase: "it's over, surrender because I have the high level". This really touched me. The other excellent phrase that touched me was when Anakin asks for Yoda for help on his nightmares and Yoda tells him "you must train yourself to be prepared to lose everything you love". Very true.
What can I say? It is a must see. The violence is something for adults to consider, take your kids to see the film if they are over 11 years of age. The humor isn't over the top, R2-D2 and yoda brought the humor to life and We see very little of C-3PO and Jar-Jar Binks. I give the movie 8/10. The only disadvantage is that George Lucas making the prequals, we sort know what to expect considering 4, 5, 6 explain the prequals a little. We go into the cinema knowing that the Jedi become wiped out, we know Anakins fate, We know Luke and Leia will be born and we know C-3PO gets his memory erased. Also people have complained about how much they hate the prequals. Honestly if you think they are that bad, i think your opinion will change wen you see Revenge of the Sith. It brings all six parts together in how to accept them, and I truely think that this movie is among the top 3 of all best films.
I was never a big fan of the series. I used to never be able to watch a complete viewing of the first three produced. However, that changed as my interest was caught watching Episode 1 while playing through some WCIII. I turned off the game and watched the story unfold, which became pretty exciting as the battle commenced.
Theyre showing Episode II on Fox next sunday, so Ill probably catch that and then go watch Episode III.
8/10 and top 3 movie of all time ? or top 3 movie among the other Star Wars movies? --;;
Well I saw it yesterday. I am a big fan of SW, not a geek, but still a big fan. I was kind of dissapointed. The action is cool, the movie is fast paces, but the acting suxx. Ewan McGregor is great, Ian McDiarmid is great, but Hayden, Portman suck big time. There is no depth, no real emotion in the movie, just weak acting. The only emotion I really felt was Obi Wans love for anakin, and his for saddnes for losing his friend. A great point addressed by Lightman is that u are not afraid. Not even of Grievous, Anakin or Palpatine. The whole movies seems to me like a comic book full of great big images, but nothing frightening. Only at the end when u see Vader in his suit crushing things to u feel something.
All in all the movie does connect, but it does not convince. I am going to see it again on friday, maybe I missed something.
ok so this is a review and ppl that haven't seen it shouldn't read it?...
i saw the midnight viewing too got home at 3am and now its 15 to 8am and i gotta go to school --;
i was pretty disappointed
the good: ending, anakin killing dooku -_-, yoda .... duh =/
the bad: it seems the movie is going nowhere for 2.5 hours, you know how its going to end but it gets there in such a sort of boring way imo. Too many stupid jokes for kids and their parents like with R2 this movie was suppose to be 'evil' but was no where near the evil that vader should have been portrayed as and too much action.. if u can believe it, i guess its because of this that the movie seems to go nowhere with the all the fighting going on.
the ugly: the acting... fuckin terrible. thank god jar jar is on screen for about 2 seconds and i think i heard him say 1 word... i almost got up and left =/ soooooo many cheesy lines. they really should hire new script writters =[ its so pathetic..
oh and btw... read the opening credits. I felt like i was reading something off the back of a kids cereal box.. =[
in the end ep6>ep5>ep4>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ep2>ep3>>>>>>>>>ep1 ~_~
Gotta agree with Veg, the movie feels so empty, except for action.
I agree with wicked but more like ep5>ep4>ep6>>>ep3>>>>>>ep2>ep1
yes the acting is poor. and what dissapointed me the most, is that there is no scareful character
battle scen of darth maul in ep1 is what the movie is all about
The lightsabre fights have changed .. the camera view is all close and the battles blurry. Just not as good as they are in the old ones
it's a bit disapointing when you know how the movie ends -.0
Anakin's acting (i dont know the actor's name) is better then in Ep2, but it still sucks.
Other than that, I thought in was great.
I also think they could have taken some cheesy generic lines out, not to mention some of the gay R2D2 stuff at the start. Star Wars is better when its serious throughout the whole thing. I didnt mind the old Han Solo comic relief lines but this new shit with jar jar and whatnot gets on my nerves.
The only good part of them ovie was the lightsaber duels, and the part where you see the millenium falcon fly in at the bottom of the screen, only me and one of my other friends who went to see it caught it. Its after the big air fight thing in the beginning. I don't suggest going to see it again just to see the falcon, but haha if u missed it! O yea 4/10
I am boycotting the movie because they didn't give the "Star Wars Kid" a cameo. Lucas should have done it if he wanted my freaking money.
It was very good. I'd say ep5>ep3>ep4>ep6>ep2>ep1. But the last 3 are hard to compare.
I think most of the actors did pretty well, Hayden was far better than the last one but Portman seems like she didnt really give a crap. The actor who plays palpatine is just awsome though.
My only complaint is that his turn over to the dark side was slightly unrealistic but cool nonetheless.
rofl its that new? I downloaded and watched a some sort of a DVDR of it (had timestamp whatever on it so must have been a screener i guess) today. It wasnt wery good.. the worst star wars imo. The so called witty jokes were bad and annoying. Ian McDiarmid did a pretty gj as Palpatine but thats about it.
United States12226 Posts
Wow most of you guys are dumb. You didn't like the movie because you already knew what was going to happen. Well duh! What did you expect? The movie wasn't necessarily about what was going to happen, it was about how it was going to happen. If you take that philosophy, the movie was great.
I felt that Anakin's fall to the dark side didn't make a whole lot of sense. We know he loves Padme, that much is clear. What didn't fit in was how he was entranced by Palpatine so easily. Anakin starts out respecting much of the Jedi code but then he kills Dooku after only some slight nudging by Palpatine. Not much of an internal struggle to start with, is it? Then he regrets doing it a little later thinking that lightens the impact, but of course it doesn't.
As for Palpatine being Darth Sidious, that is another thing we already knew. What didn't make sense about that was how lustful for death he was, even in the beginning when he was taken captive. He talks all this mysterious stuff about the Dark Side in front of Anakin but Anakin doesn't even give it a second thought. His initial reaction when they were in the stadium should have been "wait how do you know so much about the Dark Side anyway?" He later explains this a little but the explanation took place far too late. Anakin also pledged loyalty to him far too quickly, like I mentioned in my first point. It is pretty obvious that Anakin can see through Palpatine's lies about the Jedi trying to usurp power (because he pays no attention to that), he merely saves his life from Windu. But that doesn't mean he should all of a sudden start assassinating the viceroy and becoming his apprentice. That part was a WTF moment.
The fighting was great. The plot development moved pretty smoothly, there were really no slow parts to the movie. The "oh shit" factor when Darth Vader arose was in full effect.
The acting left much to be desired, of course. Hayden (that's Anakin right?) sucked as usual, but way way less than in Episode 2. He had this menacing presence which was pretty awesome. His lines just seem so forced but that actually goes for most of the actors. Palpatine was pretty good but I didn't like the constant voice modulation they used. He didn't have that in Return of the Jedi! Natalie Portman was looking good (except for a few bad angles) and her acting was forgiveable.
There were some parts in the movie that were designed as mental orgasms for fanboys that I thought were just too cheesy. Kind of like "overconnecting" the dots. Padme naming Luke and Leia was pretty lame I thought, because you find out who they are later (after that incestuous kiss in Episode 4). So if you're watching the series in order (and you're a total newb that hasn't seen any Star Wars before), you see Luke and know "oh that's Anakin's son" and Leia and "oh that's Anakin's other son". We get it, you don't have to spell it out for us. Another part I didn't like was Yoda's transitioning. He could have disappeared midway through the movie, or after the Palpatine battle, and it would have been better, because then in Episode 5 Luke hears about some Jedi master and it's Yoda and you think "oh yeah Yoda I remember him, he must have gone into exile". But instead, and this leads up to the third annoying part, they had him AND Obi-Wan present for the birth of Luke and Leia. That was a little too much I thought. The final annoying part was when they had Darth Vader and Palpatine looking at the construction of the Death Star. Come on, man, that's a little excessive.
One of my biggest gripes about the movie was: why was General Grievous coughing all the time? Since when do droids cough? They don't need air (obviously because he was swept out into space). Oh I also didn't like how kiddy the droids were. The screams when they die, come on, man, they're freaking droids.
Apparently also the Stormtroopers are all clones. That doesn't make a whole lot of sense since they have different voices.
But overall it was a great movie.
I thought Grievous was a droid at first but then during the close up of his eyes they are clearly organic. And later on I am sure they they show his heart behind the chest plate. Also droids cant use lightsabers because you need to use the force to erect the blade (so sad that I know this, yes).
I loved it minus the cheesiness and hideous script.
wow i 100% agree with all of Excaliburs points . perfect review man !
I ll give the film a 7/10
Episode 5 > Episode 4,6,3 >>>Episode2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Episode1
Episode 1 was just the biggest dissapointment ever