Baltimore, USA22250 Posts
On May 23 2005 01:12 SoleSteeler wrote: I'm betting the majority of you people that didn't like it went into the movie already feeling negatively about it, right?
Actually, I was very hopeful for the third one, which is why I feel let down so much. And probably why I liked Episode 2 the best of the three (because my expectations were at their lowest).
Saw it last night. Piece of crap =[
I saw it saturday night. It was very good. You don't find so many special effects and the quality of battles, spaceships,etc on the other movies. The digital video is just awesome.
I didn't thought Anakim acted so poorly. And the reason why he leaves the jedi counsil is sound. I especially loved those minutes when anakim is thinking and everything is reddish, the sound and the images he sees through the window.. the atmosphere..
very good movie overall.
edit: oh and btw, episode 5 is the greatest imo, followed by episode 4 then 3 then 2 then 6 then 1 which actually really sucks. I don't like the the return of the jedi, ewoks really suck. Episode 5 is art.
Norway10161 Posts
One word: suckfest.
If I was given enough powers I would destroy every trace of episode 1,2 and 3 before striking george lucas with a giant meteor, bringing peace and happyness to the world.
Australia3818 Posts
I would have prefered not to hear the lines: "Together we can rule the galaxy!" or my personal *favourite* "Nooooooo!" from the new Darth Vader.
Also I kept saying in a 100% American teenage girl accent..."I'm pregnant" because of the lamness of Padme just saying that...it's Star Wars...the weird way of speech...and suddenly..."I'm pregnant".
R2D2 is the father, he has the manipulators for it too...C3P0 can't make the claim since he's obviously gay..look at the walk and the shiny gold exterior...+ he has a voice that has been stolen from the vocal chords of men gayer than himself.
Funny how at the end all of a sudden...everything goes from ultra-modern and futuristic...to 20s style Nazi caps and shit boxes for computers. Sure they had to merge it together...but it made it a joke.
I'm guessing the rebels are too shit poor to afford pimped rides, since they have the X-wings which look like shiteggs compared to the ships leading up to 4, 5 & 6.
There were some cool fights, but thats all it was really...was almost a DBZ episode but Star Wars style..."I am the most powerful Saiy...Jedi here...I shall never reveal my true power leve...the force...we can rule the Galaxy together...I'm pregnant!"
All up I'd give it 6/10 because of the music and the MAD dream I had when I feel asleep watching it...nah just kidding I didn't fall asleep...but it was a bit too long and pointless. George Lucas already has a large enough bank account & stomach to pack it in now.
But thanks for the series and now you can go roll in cash for the rest of your life. (12 days)
On May 23 2005 04:45 Smurg wrote: I would have prefered not to hear the lines: "Together we can rule the galaxy!" or my personal *favourite* "Nooooooo!" from the new Darth Vader.
Also I kept saying in a 100% American teenage girl accent..."I'm pregnant" because of the lamness of Padme just saying that...it's Star Wars...the weird way of speech...and suddenly..."I'm pregnant".
R2D2 is the father, he has the manipulators for it too...C3P0 can't make the claim since he's obviously gay..look at the walk and the shiny gold exterior...+ he has a voice that has been stolen from the vocal chords of men gayer than himself.
Funny how at the end all of a sudden...everything goes from ultra-modern and futuristic...to 20s style Nazi caps and shit boxes for computers. Sure they had to merge it together...but it made it a joke.
I'm guessing the rebels are too shit poor to afford pimped rides, since they have the X-wings which look like shiteggs compared to the ships leading up to 4, 5 & 6.
There were some cool fights, but thats all it was really...was almost a DBZ episode but Star Wars style..."I am the most powerful Saiy...Jedi here...I shall never reveal my true power leve...the force...we can rule the Galaxy together...I'm pregnant!"
All up I'd give it 6/10 because of the music and the MAD dream I had when I feel asleep watching it...nah just kidding I didn't fall asleep...but it was a bit too long and pointless. George Lucas already has a large enough bank account & stomach to pack it in now.
But thanks for the series and now you can go roll in cash for the rest of your life. (12 days)
that's the funniest thing i've read on this website, thank you
yeah that was kinda good. summed up a lot of what i thought too
- ROTS has the best visuals of any movie EVER. - The kid playing Anakin is a horrible actor, still. - Darth Vader yelling..."Noooooooooooooo!" Made me laugh so fucking hard. - The quote "Don't try it Anakin I have the higher ground" by Obi, wtf? So no matter how powerful the jedi you will get owned if the other is up higher than you? - We get to meet Chewie. - Yoda gets owned. - Anakin's fall to the darkside felt a bit rushed...but its already a 2 1/2 hour movie so not much you can do unless you wanna make it a LotR snorefest. - Would anyone seriously murder a dozen little kids to save their wife? - Anakin's dreams of Padme dying are actually caused by Anakin's fall to the darkside. Which he thought by turning to the darkside he would be able to save her. - Every 5 minutes of this movie I just wanted to punch Anakin's arrogant face in.
Yeah i agree that it was pretty over the top for anakin to murder all those young jedi... i mean wtf?? :O
hm.. i think in the scene where he kills mace windu darth sidious must have been mind controlling him and stuff, because he all of a sudden kneels down and pledges alliance.
thats the only way to explain how sudden the fall was.
On May 23 2005 10:02 chrusher97 wrote: hm.. i think in the scene where he kills mace windu darth sidious must have been mind controlling him and stuff, because he all of a sudden kneels down and pledges alliance.
thats the only way to explain how sudden the fall was.
He didnt kill Mace, he cut his hand off and Sidious killed him. Im thinking he felt he was fucked either way so he might as well serve Sidious and learn how to save his wife. He was confused and desperate at that point.
I agree that the acting in this one, wasn't that great but.. i loved the part near the end where obiwan says something about how hes gonna have to take Anakin down, and anakin goes "you will try." just sounded so bad ass. i was like "Ooo!"
On May 23 2005 10:31 DooMeR wrote: I agree that the acting in this one, wasn't that great but.. i loved the part near the end where obiwan says something about how hes gonna have to take Anakin down, and anakin goes "you will try." just sounded so bad ass. i was like "Ooo!"
LOL yea but the cocky little arrogant Anakin got wrecked.
True.. but if it were level ground then he wouldn't have lost =o. And Yoda really dissapointed, he shoulda did what windu did and use the lightsaber when he was fighting against The Emperor/Palpatine/Sidious WTF u wanna call him. That way he wouldn't be so fucked up cuz he trying to fight lighting with lightning. And since they were so close in power, yoda shoulda just put some socks on and rubbing his feet across the carpet to win that fight ez.
On May 23 2005 10:49 DooMeR wrote: True.. but if it were level ground then he wouldn't have lost =o. And Yoda really dissapointed, he shoulda did what windu did and use the lightsaber when he was fighting against The Emperor/Palpatine/Sidious WTF u wanna call him. That way he wouldn't be so fucked up cuz he trying to fight lighting with lightning. And since they were so close in power, yoda shoulda just put some socks on and rubbing his feet across the carpet to win that fight ez.
Anakin lost because he is arrogant and stupid not because of "higher ground" thats just retarded. He jumped over Obi and got his shit handed to him. Yoda did use his lightsabre but put it away when Sidious was throwing all those objects at him. He had to "concentrate" and whirl them back at him.
What is with that Jedi master getting owned by blasters during op 66? The wierd looking Jedi with the long grey head you see in the council all the time just flat out dies and he wasnt even cought of guard because he sensed it well before hand. Hell, the little kid jedi that comes to the resuce of Leahs step father did much better (forget his name).
It gives the impression the only Jedi that are any good are Anakin, Obi, Yoda, and Mace. The three jedi that come with Mace to arrest Palpatine are props. It was wtf.
Still i thought the movie was pretty good. I love some of the lines from palpatine like "Are you threating me Jedi?"
i liked it ^^ i didnt read too much into it. im not really a big sw fan despite my geeking out in sw gear c/o lucasarts and watching a midnight screening. i enjoyed it for its pure entertainment value.
Yea the Emperor killing the 3 jedi that came with Mace was such a horrible scene. Almost as bad as the scene with Anakin stands up in his new Darth Vader outfit and yells....are you ready people? "Noooooooooooooooooooooo" ROFL.
Those 2 scenes were the worst in the movie.
Mace shoulda been like "Wtf nigga, Is Wayne brady gonna have to choke a bitch?" when Anakin plop't his hand off.
I gotta say tho, the movie was pretty good, but they didn't leave enough to the imagination. Still they kept the movie fast paced and so people were able to look past the flaws