Revenge of the sith review [spoilers here in] - Page 3
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Argentina1267 Posts
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Baltimore, USA22250 Posts
On May 21 2005 11:14 k3fka wrote: this is a case of the guy you ask what car do you prefer: a Mustang or a Ferrari? , some will answer the mustang do to nostalgic reasons and great perfomance in their time , and others will pick the ferrari since they like power , and technology. Fair enough, but that's basically all I got out of the movie; just all special effects, no substance. ^_^ | ||
United Kingdom5251 Posts
On May 21 2005 11:14 k3fka wrote: this is a case of the guy you ask what car do you prefer: a Mustang or a Ferrari? , some will answer the mustang do to nostalgic reasons and great perfomance in their time , and others will pick the ferrari since they like power , and technology. No, that's a terrible analogy. The difference in feeling and quality is oceanic. Episodes 1,2,3 barely redeem their existence. CGI graffiti does not compare with timeless masterpieces. | ||
Argentina1267 Posts
i have a feeling , u r the kind of guy , after watching lord of the rings, u said , nah i prefer the books , the movies sucked. | ||
United Kingdom5251 Posts
However as much as I respect your own opinion, the mustang and the ferrari are both cars in the end made to serve as transport. They weren't made to compliment each other, nor is the ferrari an attempt at a continuation of the mustang. | ||
3664 Posts
also there was a huge discrepancy in acting between obi-wan, palpatine, yoda, and the rest. macgregor genuinely touched the audience with everything he felt and did, while the scenes between hayden and portman became awkward as hell since they had absolutely no chemistry. the final exchange between them was quite touching though, with the 'you're breaking my heart' speel. i also dislike how anakin turned to the dark side based on his love for padme, but soon forgets that as he begins slaughtering everybody. he forgets the purpose for which he chose to live, the reason he chose to change. besides the scriptwriting, the art direction could have definitely been improved upon. i couldn't tell what was going on half the time during the lightsaber battles. overall the movie is definitely better than 1 and 2, but not up to par with the first ones. lucas did a nice job connecting everything, and i personally enjoyed the allusions to other episodes he employed. | ||
1 Post
But yeah, to reitterate, Lucas fucked up with these three prequels. The original 3 movies + the books are 98234283748234 times better." Never knew you were hardcore evilteletubby | ||
United States5606 Posts
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Poland17206 Posts
For now: 5>6>4>>>>>>>>1>2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>3 I'm a big fan of Star Wars but this episode was just .... Really nothing there came near my expectations, the only thing I liked there was how they made gen. Grevious (visually) and Night Watch trailer that came before the movie ![]() Since ep 1 it's been more and more flashy and 'for kids' and I don't like it at all. Some of you may ask: How come he placed ep 1 before 2 and 3 if he states he's SW fan?! Thge answer is simple: Yes, I am fully aware that ep 1 was the most 'for kids' one but it has got many much better things than 2 that came after it (like the lightsaber combat horeography and maul in general), it had much less computer stuff put in there, much less special effects and even though it was too bright for me, I think it should be this way. Why? Simple, as the first episode it starts really nice, everyone's happy everything's bright and so on. But somewhere near the end there comes this disturbing shadowy thing (darth Sidious, darth Maul), things get a little worse but not bad enough for anyone to worry about. And in next episodes it should all get dark and scary and all this stuff but it doesn't. Episode 2 is ok, you get the war, things are getting worse for characters etc. Episode 3 should be the culmination point where evil triumphs and stuff and what I got? Matrix 3: censored version for kids :/ And the deathstar at the end.... OMFG! It took them ~20 years to build first dstar (not even taking account higher technology they lost later etc.) and they built next one in like a year, maybe two? WTF?! Pssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhh.... I'm going to watch eps 4-6 now and just forget about the other three... | ||
United States93 Posts
1.) Revenge of the Sith 2.) Empire 3.) Return of the Jedi 4.) Phantom Menace 5.) A New Hope 6.) Attack of the Clones | ||
1798 Posts
- the space "battle" at the start of the movie sucks some serious ass. - lightsaber duels seem less intense overall - the whole anakin crap falling prey to the dark side in this episode is a huge joke. Starting with the emperor telling anakin to kill daku in a cheesy evil voice and ending with anaking saying what have i done after he kills the hero of operation human shield. After "becoming" a sith he just seems brainwashed overall. It's like anakin does not fall prey (or is seduced)to the dark side but rather goes emo and just loses it. - lots of emo moments that are not really justified - crap that is out of place like the battle between 3 jedi + samuel jackson and the emeror. Wtf those 3 newbs that were with him die like they are props or something. Expected better.......the movie still has some good moments tho. P.S. One code 66 moment is enough. Yoda's "spacecraft" that he uses to escape the wookie planet looks like a toilet lmao. | ||
3664 Posts
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3 Posts
-The sith overtaking the war and killing the jedi was inevitable, with or without anikin. -Luke is left with the same family that Anikin was raised with in Tatuin. Thus making them, in a way, brothers. Padme is thus Anikin's brother's Mother, or thus his own mother. Which makes sense seeing as how he views her in the same way he often sees his mother in his dreams. Anikin seems to have a thing for killing his mother. Or maybe we can also say that Luke caused the death of his mother. -The story by darth sidious about the power of the dark side to save the lives of people such as padme was most likely a fib, which anikin bought. -I never watched any of the movies more than once and never read the books. I forget most of what happened it most of the other movies. so I have some questions to the true fans out there. What is the entire series of Star Wars about? What statement is Lucus making and what things should we focus on when we watch the movies? Is this just a classic 'good vs evil' type fantasy that happens 'a very long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away' or is it deeper than that? I was never the best student at analyzing literature >.< | ||
United States14892 Posts
On May 21 2005 15:11 imRadu wrote: lmao i saw it yesterday night - the space "battle" at the start of the movie sucks some serious ass. - lightsaber duels seem less intense overall what was wrong with the space battle? admittedly the whole "i'm done for finish the mission" part was moderately lame, but there so was soooo much going on, and when the z-95 starfighters came into view and the famous "lock s-foils into attack position" phrase was can you NOT love it and if ur gonna talk about lightsaber duels sucking, look at episode 2. those were awful compared to these... they were far more choreographed, and they actually had training for this one. episode 1's fights were better, but what do you expect when you ahve a legitimate martial arts master in the movie? considering what they had to work with, i think they did an excellent job the rest of your stuff i more or elss agree with On May 21 2005 19:06 SiZo wrote: Few things I noticed: -Luke is left with the same family that Anikin was raised with in Tatuin. Thus making them, in a way, brothers. Padme is thus Anikin's brother's Mother, or thus his own mother. Which makes sense seeing as how he views her in the same way he often sees his mother in his dreams. Anikin seems to have a thing for killing his mother. Or maybe we can also say that Luke caused the death of his mother. Uhh....this theory isn't really right at all. Anakin wasn't raised by that family, he was raised only by his mother. His mother was bought and freed by Owen Lars' dad, so that would make Uncle Owen and Anakin "brothers" and would make Luke his "nephew". thus the whole mother is my life garbage is wrong | ||
Korea (South)2971 Posts
i mean, the acting by the actors for anakin and padme was fucking awful. i thought it was bad in the last 2, but oh god lol let's not even go there now. the space battle at the beginning was ok. but every fight after that was pure crap. holy shit i couldn't believe what i was seeing. all the jedis died in the most comical ways ever. and after palpatine got fucked up, the way he was laughing all by himself... i couldn't help but laugh with him because it was FUCKING AWFUL. and who can forget 'Don't do it anakin! I have the higher ground!', 'You underestimate my powers, master'. ahahah get it, obi-wan's a fucking foot higher up and he's all saying shit about higher ground, and anakin counters with his 'underestimate' line ahahah get it. fags. and that fucking scream at the end. fucking shit. edit: i think i'm just bitter because this movie sucked so fucking much. | ||
France67 Posts
coz they suxx? the answer is: no coz after 20 years, u are any more a kid... u arent looking the news movies with kid eyes. U wait too much time those movies, so u hope it will be the best movies that u never see before... How can u like movie when u wait too much from him? u cant appreciat. Only kids can tell us 1>2>3>4>5>6, for exemple coz they dont know movies, they dont wait anything about them, they can dream about SW universe with any movies.. so they can appreciat the skill of new movies. For my part, i try to analyse movies, good scene, music, action, univers, story, special/visual effects, actors, words... and i can say 3>2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1. My wife isnt a fan of SW and she has liked a lot this one, like my kid ( remenber when u come at cinema or watch at TV first trilogy of SW ). my kid: << wooot it s so cool dady! i want go back at cinema, can u buy me darthvador mask ? please >> when i listen my kid, i just want say: the legend continue. Remenber bad saber laser scenes in past, actors in news movies have learn different martial arts, the special effects are unbelievable not like timeless masterpieces in past, the most interresting story: anakin is coming the famous DarthVador! some good sentences from jedi to remenber, good mix music too, very worked. | ||
China2164 Posts
hrmm... | ||
5195 Posts
Episode 6 though shines compared to the new Prequel trilogy. The thing that annoyed me the most was Yoda/Palpatine's transformation from symbolic heads of good/evil into ninja action heroes, Yoda's muppet stunts have everyone so thrilled that people don't notice that he hasn't had one piece of intelligent dialogue since 1980. In III especially he's a dumbass, pure and simple. Also Lucas is aiming to teach us something about the nature of evil and using the rise of "Fascism" as his historical political model. Your time is better spent reading Paradise Lost. | ||
Australia12802 Posts
Not being a huge SW fan, there were alotta things I didn't get. The last 30mins or so is pretty good though. | ||
1798 Posts
On May 21 2005 21:41 KOFgokuon wrote: what was wrong with the space battle? admittedly the whole "i'm done for finish the mission" part was moderately lame, but there so was soooo much going on, and when the z-95 starfighters came into view and the famous "lock s-foils into attack position" phrase was can you NOT love it and if ur gonna talk about lightsaber duels sucking, look at episode 2. those were awful compared to these... they were far more choreographed, and they actually had training for this one. episode 1's fights were better, but what do you expect when you ahve a legitimate martial arts master in the movie? considering what they had to work with, i think they did an excellent job the rest of your stuff i more or elss agree with Uhh....this theory isn't really right at all. Anakin wasn't raised by that family, he was raised only by his mother. His mother was bought and freed by Owen Lars' dad, so that would make Uncle Owen and Anakin "brothers" and would make Luke his "nephew". thus the whole mother is my life garbage is wrong - ok let's look at the space battle it starts nice, especially with only one ship in view then camera going around and it's a huge battle. Then whut happens? Operation human shield all over again. Red leader we are right behind you cuz we wanna die like noobs. And forget about spacecraft vs spacecraft battles omg let's have silly matrix like drones that harvest the ship and some "art" moves with ships instead of using force push to throw those fuckers away. I don't know man it's too cheesy for me. In ep4/5/6 in space fights you can see people are focusing on piloting and crap it makes it more belivable. The space battle seemed like a waste of special effects imho. - as for light saber duels dunno man they seemed more intense in the other episodes with force shields goin on and off and there was actually a wow factor when some dude used a dual lightsaber. In ep3 it's more fun to wach them fight robots (and i don't mean those with lightsabers those sucked ass) than the actual duels. | ||
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