ok it's 3:19 am, and I've just arrived from the premiere here goes my review:
To all Star Wars fans out there! I saw episode III at the midnight premiere last night and I would like to share my personal comments. Once again, if you havn't seen the movie, I'd sujest you dont read it.
Finally, we all get to see the key missing piece of all six parts to the trilogy. it brings everything together. Its all non-stop action and it is exciting the whole way though. Fist off The second the opening credits roll, the action takes place right away. Obi-Wan and Anakin have become more skilled and powerful, R2-D2 is more funnier than ever and Count Dooku its killed by Anakin quick and swift. Maybe not the way I like it, but considering the movie was focused on Vader and not Dooku, it was ok.
The movie is over 2 hours and halft but you won't even notice, because it's very fast paced, and I mean VERY fast paced. General Greivous is quite an interesting character but going to see the movie, I hoped that he wasn't going to take such a big part in the movie so it wont take take up so much story so we don't get away from the other characters journeys. General Greivous you might say would be a discrace on the jedi who are meant to be the only characters to use lightsabers to battle, but it was intersting to see a character with 4 arms using 4 sabers and he was eventually killed by obi-wan which was about in the middle of the film. Like Count Dooku, he was killed the appropirate time. The only thing I disliked, is that considering such a dangerous character he was supposed to be, I felt that General Greivous didn't look as scary or intimidator as Maul did on episode 1 or Dooku did on episode 2.
Now we get to Anakins story. It was definately the most intresting story to watch and what we all have been waiting for. Anakin's slip to the dark side was not done too quickly and not to slowly, which made the movie perfect. He did all this too seek more power to resolve these visions he has over Padme' dying over childbirth. It started as saving the ones you love until you realise that u can control the universe. Very nice script telling
All the Jedi get killed by Anakin and the clone troopers who are commanded by chancellor Palpaltine/Darth Sidious/The Emperor. There is alot of death in this film which makes the story very emotional. It is a very sad story but exciting all the more. We say goodbye to likeable characters like Mace Windu and Padme'. Pame' was the one character was the most emotional to see go, second to Anakin. She died know that there is hope in Luke Skywalkers Future.
The Lightsaber battle's was the most interesting to see. Anakin and Obi-Wan's battle was a very personal battle and Yoda and The Emperors battle was very was a very cool bttle to see the most skilled sith lord and jedi master fight each other. Anaking eventually becoming Darth Vader in the suit was great to see. When the mask gets put on and vader takes his first breath was just awesome! Also, what I liked a lot of the movie, when Obi wan defeats Anakin, he cites a Sun Tzu's Art of war phrase: "it's over, surrender because I have the high level". This really touched me. The other excellent phrase that touched me was when Anakin asks for Yoda for help on his nightmares and Yoda tells him "you must train yourself to be prepared to lose everything you love". Very true.
What can I say? It is a must see. The violence is something for adults to consider, take your kids to see the film if they are over 11 years of age. The humor isn't over the top, R2-D2 and yoda brought the humor to life and We see very little of C-3PO and Jar-Jar Binks. I give the movie 8/10. The only disadvantage is that George Lucas making the prequals, we sort know what to expect considering 4, 5, 6 explain the prequals a little. We go into the cinema knowing that the Jedi become wiped out, we know Anakins fate, We know Luke and Leia will be born and we know C-3PO gets his memory erased. Also people have complained about how much they hate the prequals. Honestly if you think they are that bad, i think your opinion will change wen you see Revenge of the Sith. It brings all six parts together in how to accept them, and I truely think that this movie is among the top 3 of all best films.
I was never a big fan of the series. I used to never be able to watch a complete viewing of the first three produced. However, that changed as my interest was caught watching Episode 1 while playing through some WCIII. I turned off the game and watched the story unfold, which became pretty exciting as the battle commenced.
Theyre showing Episode II on Fox next sunday, so Ill probably catch that and then go watch Episode III.
8/10 and top 3 movie of all time ? or top 3 movie among the other Star Wars movies? --;;
Well I saw it yesterday. I am a big fan of SW, not a geek, but still a big fan. I was kind of dissapointed. The action is cool, the movie is fast paces, but the acting suxx. Ewan McGregor is great, Ian McDiarmid is great, but Hayden, Portman suck big time. There is no depth, no real emotion in the movie, just weak acting. The only emotion I really felt was Obi Wans love for anakin, and his for saddnes for losing his friend. A great point addressed by Lightman is that u are not afraid. Not even of Grievous, Anakin or Palpatine. The whole movies seems to me like a comic book full of great big images, but nothing frightening. Only at the end when u see Vader in his suit crushing things to u feel something.
All in all the movie does connect, but it does not convince. I am going to see it again on friday, maybe I missed something.
ok so this is a review and ppl that haven't seen it shouldn't read it?...
i saw the midnight viewing too got home at 3am and now its 15 to 8am and i gotta go to school --;
i was pretty disappointed
the good: ending, anakin killing dooku -_-, yoda .... duh =/
the bad: it seems the movie is going nowhere for 2.5 hours, you know how its going to end but it gets there in such a sort of boring way imo. Too many stupid jokes for kids and their parents like with R2 this movie was suppose to be 'evil' but was no where near the evil that vader should have been portrayed as and too much action.. if u can believe it, i guess its because of this that the movie seems to go nowhere with the all the fighting going on.
the ugly: the acting... fuckin terrible. thank god jar jar is on screen for about 2 seconds and i think i heard him say 1 word... i almost got up and left =/ soooooo many cheesy lines. they really should hire new script writters =[ its so pathetic..
oh and btw... read the opening credits. I felt like i was reading something off the back of a kids cereal box.. =[
in the end ep6>ep5>ep4>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ep2>ep3>>>>>>>>>ep1 ~_~
Gotta agree with Veg, the movie feels so empty, except for action.
I agree with wicked but more like ep5>ep4>ep6>>>ep3>>>>>>ep2>ep1
yes the acting is poor. and what dissapointed me the most, is that there is no scareful character
battle scen of darth maul in ep1 is what the movie is all about
The lightsabre fights have changed .. the camera view is all close and the battles blurry. Just not as good as they are in the old ones
it's a bit disapointing when you know how the movie ends -.0
Anakin's acting (i dont know the actor's name) is better then in Ep2, but it still sucks.
Other than that, I thought in was great.
I also think they could have taken some cheesy generic lines out, not to mention some of the gay R2D2 stuff at the start. Star Wars is better when its serious throughout the whole thing. I didnt mind the old Han Solo comic relief lines but this new shit with jar jar and whatnot gets on my nerves.
The only good part of them ovie was the lightsaber duels, and the part where you see the millenium falcon fly in at the bottom of the screen, only me and one of my other friends who went to see it caught it. Its after the big air fight thing in the beginning. I don't suggest going to see it again just to see the falcon, but haha if u missed it! O yea 4/10
I am boycotting the movie because they didn't give the "Star Wars Kid" a cameo. Lucas should have done it if he wanted my freaking money.
It was very good. I'd say ep5>ep3>ep4>ep6>ep2>ep1. But the last 3 are hard to compare.
I think most of the actors did pretty well, Hayden was far better than the last one but Portman seems like she didnt really give a crap. The actor who plays palpatine is just awsome though.
My only complaint is that his turn over to the dark side was slightly unrealistic but cool nonetheless.
rofl its that new? I downloaded and watched a some sort of a DVDR of it (had timestamp whatever on it so must have been a screener i guess) today. It wasnt wery good.. the worst star wars imo. The so called witty jokes were bad and annoying. Ian McDiarmid did a pretty gj as Palpatine but thats about it.
United States12226 Posts
Wow most of you guys are dumb. You didn't like the movie because you already knew what was going to happen. Well duh! What did you expect? The movie wasn't necessarily about what was going to happen, it was about how it was going to happen. If you take that philosophy, the movie was great.
I felt that Anakin's fall to the dark side didn't make a whole lot of sense. We know he loves Padme, that much is clear. What didn't fit in was how he was entranced by Palpatine so easily. Anakin starts out respecting much of the Jedi code but then he kills Dooku after only some slight nudging by Palpatine. Not much of an internal struggle to start with, is it? Then he regrets doing it a little later thinking that lightens the impact, but of course it doesn't.
As for Palpatine being Darth Sidious, that is another thing we already knew. What didn't make sense about that was how lustful for death he was, even in the beginning when he was taken captive. He talks all this mysterious stuff about the Dark Side in front of Anakin but Anakin doesn't even give it a second thought. His initial reaction when they were in the stadium should have been "wait how do you know so much about the Dark Side anyway?" He later explains this a little but the explanation took place far too late. Anakin also pledged loyalty to him far too quickly, like I mentioned in my first point. It is pretty obvious that Anakin can see through Palpatine's lies about the Jedi trying to usurp power (because he pays no attention to that), he merely saves his life from Windu. But that doesn't mean he should all of a sudden start assassinating the viceroy and becoming his apprentice. That part was a WTF moment.
The fighting was great. The plot development moved pretty smoothly, there were really no slow parts to the movie. The "oh shit" factor when Darth Vader arose was in full effect.
The acting left much to be desired, of course. Hayden (that's Anakin right?) sucked as usual, but way way less than in Episode 2. He had this menacing presence which was pretty awesome. His lines just seem so forced but that actually goes for most of the actors. Palpatine was pretty good but I didn't like the constant voice modulation they used. He didn't have that in Return of the Jedi! Natalie Portman was looking good (except for a few bad angles) and her acting was forgiveable.
There were some parts in the movie that were designed as mental orgasms for fanboys that I thought were just too cheesy. Kind of like "overconnecting" the dots. Padme naming Luke and Leia was pretty lame I thought, because you find out who they are later (after that incestuous kiss in Episode 4). So if you're watching the series in order (and you're a total newb that hasn't seen any Star Wars before), you see Luke and know "oh that's Anakin's son" and Leia and "oh that's Anakin's other son". We get it, you don't have to spell it out for us. Another part I didn't like was Yoda's transitioning. He could have disappeared midway through the movie, or after the Palpatine battle, and it would have been better, because then in Episode 5 Luke hears about some Jedi master and it's Yoda and you think "oh yeah Yoda I remember him, he must have gone into exile". But instead, and this leads up to the third annoying part, they had him AND Obi-Wan present for the birth of Luke and Leia. That was a little too much I thought. The final annoying part was when they had Darth Vader and Palpatine looking at the construction of the Death Star. Come on, man, that's a little excessive.
One of my biggest gripes about the movie was: why was General Grievous coughing all the time? Since when do droids cough? They don't need air (obviously because he was swept out into space). Oh I also didn't like how kiddy the droids were. The screams when they die, come on, man, they're freaking droids.
Apparently also the Stormtroopers are all clones. That doesn't make a whole lot of sense since they have different voices.
But overall it was a great movie.
I thought Grievous was a droid at first but then during the close up of his eyes they are clearly organic. And later on I am sure they they show his heart behind the chest plate. Also droids cant use lightsabers because you need to use the force to erect the blade (so sad that I know this, yes).
I loved it minus the cheesiness and hideous script.
wow i 100% agree with all of Excaliburs points . perfect review man !
I ll give the film a 7/10
Episode 5 > Episode 4,6,3 >>>Episode2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Episode1
Episode 1 was just the biggest dissapointment ever
griveous looks like a protoss templar
i've never managed to actually watch one of those craps to the end, pathetic.
On May 19 2005 16:55 Excalibur_Z wrote: I felt that Anakin's fall to the dark side didn't make a whole lot of sense. We know he loves Padme, that much is clear. What didn't fit in was how he was entranced by Palpatine so easily. Anakin starts out respecting much of the Jedi code but then he kills Dooku after only some slight nudging by Palpatine. Not much of an internal struggle to start with, is it? Then he regrets doing it a little later thinking that lightens the impact, but of course it doesn't. I actually thought it worked really well and made a lot of sense. I liked the fact that it was driven by a dream/vision that he was trying to overcome...but in the end, his turning to the Dark Side was what fulfilled the "prophecy". Nice.
And, I was into the Palpatine thing, too. Anakin had a lot of "issues" stemming from his youth, the death of his mother, etc. He had fear, insecurity, impatience...all of that from events BEFORE this movie. Palpatine had ALWAYS been there, subtely whipsering the things he wanted to hear into his ear. He was the leader of the Republic Anakin swore allegiance to. He trusted and respected him. When Dooku was kneeling helpless before him, surely revenge was also a motive (since Dooku was the one who took his hand, mocked him, etc. in the last movie). With a trusted "mentor" and leader's urging, it's not surprising at all that he gave in. It certainly didn't feel unbelievable to me. The pacing of the movie was a little off...too fast and rushed. So, I think it did play out on screen being a little fast (his decision to lop of his head)...but with the background laid out previously, I think it worked alright.
As for Palpatine being Darth Sidious, that is another thing we already knew. What didn't make sense about that was how lustful for death he was, even in the beginning when he was taken captive. He talks all this mysterious stuff about the Dark Side in front of Anakin but Anakin doesn't even give it a second thought. His initial reaction when they were in the stadium should have been "wait how do you know so much about the Dark Side anyway?" Yes, it maybe it should have been more of a "red flag" to Anakin...but this WAS a man whom Anakin respected for wisdom who did seem to have some knowledge of Jedi art, etc. I'm not sure at this time in "galactic history" the ways of the Jedi were as secret as they were years later when there weren't dozens of Jedi's roaming about with a Temple in the middle of the main city. The fact that there might have been people with some knowledge of Jedi doings who weren't Jedi's isn't that far out of place, imo.
It is pretty obvious that Anakin can see through Palpatine's lies about the Jedi trying to usurp power (because he pays no attention to that), he merely saves his life from Windu. But that doesn't mean he should all of a sudden start assassinating the viceroy and becoming his apprentice. That part was a WTF moment. I'm not sure Anakin really could see through much of anything. He felt confused about the Jedi. And, to be honest, the Jedi were portrayed as less than perfect in this movie (a fact that I liked). Palpatine, like any good evil dictator brainwasher, was a master at telling partial and half-truths. He fed into Anakin's confusion. And Mace walked a little over the line there as well (or at least that's the way Lucas made it out). His doubt, now reaching a peak, along with his panic over Padme did make it a choosing moment. And, Anakin didn't merely stop Mace, he lopped his hand off (Lucas seems to really like hand lopping) rendering him defenseless to Palpatine/Sidious. He obviously crossed the Point of No Return there, basically killing the Jedi leader. I think at that point, Anakin really snapped (I think his complete breaking occurred when he found out about Padme's death, but a significant "snap" happened here as well)...and what he did after that fit somewhat. He accepted at that point (striking down Mace) that the Jedi were his enemy and now he had a duty to perform...difficult as it might have been.
The acting left much to be desired, of course. Hayden (that's Anakin right?) sucked as usual, but way way less than in Episode 2. That's an understatement. I thought he did pretty well in this movie. Hayden has much improved himself as an actor in the last few years. He was downright terrible in Ep. 2.
But instead, and this leads up to the third annoying part, they had him AND Obi-Wan present for the birth of Luke and Leia. That was a little too much I thought. The final annoying part was when they had Darth Vader and Palpatine looking at the construction of the Death Star. Come on, man, that's a little excessive. I thought all the tie-ins to Episode 4 were really nice. It's quite impressive that he managed to recreate the feel of Episode 4 without making it feel dated. Episode 4 was released 28 years ago...in a special effect dominated movie, that's forever (and it makes me feel old since I remember going to see Episode 4 with my Dad right before my 4th birthday). I think he might even have spliced in the characters into an old clip from Ep. 4. Because Tarkin was there (although I don't think he said anything) and he didn't look like he aged in the last 28 years.
I also liked the scene went Luke was handed over. The two suns setting was maybe a clip taken altogether (or recreated nicely) from Ep. 4. It was a nice nostalgic bone to throw to those of us who experienced Episode 4 in our youths.
One of my biggest gripes about the movie was: why was General Grievous coughing all the time? Since when do droids cough? Because he wasn't a droid. He was a lifeform living inside a largely mechanical body (Palpatine preparing his technology for Vader?). You saw the little alien in the middle when Obi-wan ripped the plate off his midsection.
But overall it was a great movie. Yes, it was very good. On par with the original 3, or at least close to it (I don't like picking favorites among the original 3). In my adult life, I've only been blown away by 3 movies in the theater. Saving Private Ryan, The Two Towers and now this.
Baltimore, USA22250 Posts
On May 19 2005 16:55 Excalibur_Z wrote: The movie wasn't necessarily about what was going to happen, it was about how it was going to happen. If you take that philosophy, the movie was great.
I take that viewpoint, and I still completely disagree with you. I was so let down by this.
Baltimore, USA22250 Posts
On May 19 2005 04:51 Veg wrote: oh and btw... read the opening credits. I felt like i was reading something off the back of a kids cereal box.. =[
ROFL, so I wasn't the only one who noticed. 
in the end ep6>ep5>ep4>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ep2>ep3>>>>>>>>>ep1 ~_~
I agree 100% with that.
On May 19 2005 13:15 Zeller wrote: The lightsabre fights have changed .. the camera view is all close and the battles blurry. Just not as good as they are in the old ones
The actual fight scenes in the original weren't that great because of the lightsabre fights, but because of the emotion that they carried. The first, old apprentice killing ex-master. The second, father and son battle each other in the old good vs evil way. The final battle is absolutely amazing because it's again father vs son, but this is the final time, and we see the good in Vader come out again, and not only does he save Luke, but also himself.
You know... i agree that anakin converts to the dark side way too easily.. or better yet, way to fast. The ideas are coherent though... and i am sure the book must take a long ass time to convert, whereas in a movie you can't waste that time.
But i thought that sucked.
The movie was basically showing how many people can kick sidious ass. Well lets count it up... samuel jackson... yoda.. anakin.. hmm so he is basically a pussy who gets a whipping out of these guys.... the dark side sure is 'scary' eh?
movie lacked a lot as usual.. better than 2 and 1 .. or maybe i should say less worse..
Seriously.. the fights scenes were not great.. like u saw the first 3 seconds of the fight.. then after that was a bunch of light going all around and then u saw the kill.. thats it lol
but here is the fact of the matter:
Lucas is ancient history... he did right on the old ones.. and is now too far behind on technology + writing + all other factors of a movie to make such a great thing as before.. sorry to say 
anyways i would rate movie as a 5.5 out of 10.
On May 20 2005 10:05 Raging.BuLL wrote:You know... i agree that anakin converts to the dark side way too easily.. or better yet, way to fast. The ideas are coherent though... and i am sure the book must take a long ass time to convert, whereas in a movie you can't waste that time. But i thought that sucked. The movie was basically showing how many people can kick sidious ass. Well lets count it up... samuel jackson... yoda.. anakin.. hmm so he is basically a pussy who gets a whipping out of these guys.... the dark side sure is 'scary' eh? movie lacked a lot as usual.. better than 2 and 1 .. or maybe i should say less worse.. Seriously.. the fights scenes were not great.. like u saw the first 3 seconds of the fight.. then after that was a bunch of light going all around and then u saw the kill.. thats it lol but here is the fact of the matter: Lucas is ancient history... he did right on the old ones.. and is now too far behind on technology + writing + all other factors of a movie to make such a great thing as before.. sorry to say  anyways i would rate movie as a 5.5 out of 10.
Me sa Jar Jar Binks
USA29055 Posts
excaliber_Z: storm troopers in early stages were all clones of Jango Fett but later (4,5,6) they become draft members of the Empire and all the clones are gone. Cloning en masse like that ended after episode 3 until much much much later the the Thrawn series of books
God im a star wars nerd
About the books, are the ones titled the Phantom Menace, etc, book forms of the movie, or the original books?
They have star wars books? ;x Do they agree with the movies?
USA29055 Posts
the books that go beyond the star wars movies are all lucas approved yes :D and are considered extensions of the story, great books might i add :D
On May 20 2005 13:25 {88}iNcontroL wrote: the books that go beyond the star wars movies are all lucas approved yes :D and are considered extensions of the story, great books might i add :D
Are the movies based off the books? If not, George Lucas is really, really retarded for not looking at the Return of the Jedi script before making Episode I: The Phantom Menace.
i heard there was a robot who spoke in a russian accent and coughed.
It still saddens me that they couldnt make the movies as good as the old ones, if only they had the same talent as they did before PLUS the special effects of now. I really think star wars is a great story and they really fucked it up with making these half-assed prequels
mcgregor was the saving grace of the movie in terms of acting, as dooku dies so early and hayden/portman were horrible, particularly that "blinded by love" exchange O_O. Jackson, while a great actor in his own right is a veritable fish out of water in the star wars universe, and it is painfully obvious that the only reason he's there is to promote a more racially diverse jedi council.
as a lot of people have stated before the motivation for anakin's allegiance to palpatine and journey to the darkside was very very weak. this was my biggest problem with the movie, that and the fact that lucas continued to butcher the image of yoda. he should have never used a lightsabre, the fight scenes (particularly episode 2 where he flipped around to house music) have ruined the austere image of wisdom and power that episode 5 created.
I saw it
It was really not at all what I expected.
Action scenes were okay, darth vader disappointing, love scenes disappointing, and fight scenes weren't that good. too much jumping, messed up time frame bad acting on hadyn's part
too much moving, too much stuff happening, and way too many wide angle shots
and it was really long and i felt the length because it wasn't any good =/
I'll explain the coughing. There were around 25ish cartoons made by I believe the same artist as for Samurai Jack. These cartoons took place in the interim between Ep. 2 and 3. They are really good and you can look them up (they are probably better than Ep. 1 or Ep. 2). At any rate, one part thats shown is Greivous' "daring" maneuver to get Senator Palpatine. Mace Windu chases him at one point and as Greivous is taking off, Mace is unable to get to him, but hits him in the midriff with a force crush... And so basically Greivous is reeling around with that.
Greivous' dislike for Jedi also stems from personal pride- he's shown to be trained by Dooku in the cartoons (also mentioned) and he is quite proud of being able to kill Jedi- that's why he has so many lightsabers, from all the Jedi he has killed.
Baltimore, USA22250 Posts
On May 20 2005 13:25 {88}iNcontroL wrote: the books that go beyond the star wars movies are all lucas approved yes :D and are considered extensions of the story, great books might i add :D
The books all started coming out roughly mid 90's, and all followed a continuous, interactive time line with each other, all starting with Timothy Zahn's Thrawn series, which was just AWESOME, and that sparked many other books, most of which were extremely well written (with like 2 exceptions), and begin immediately after Jedi (Truce at Bakura) and stretch upwards of 15+ years after Jedi (Coreillian Trilogy, second Thrawn series). The books chronicle life after Jedi for all the characters, and deal with how the Empire is broken up a bit, with the retaking of Coruscant, with the remnants of the empire becoming warlods and fighting with each other, with Han/Leia getting married + having kids, with Luke basically restarting the Jedi order... bleh, now I want to go read them all again, there are so fucking many though. 
But yeah, to reitterate, Lucas fucked up with these three prequels. The original 3 movies + the books are 98234283748234 times better.
this is a case of the guy you ask what car do you prefer: a Mustang or a Ferrari? , some will answer the mustang do to nostalgic reasons and great perfomance in their time , and others will pick the ferrari since they like power , and technology.
Baltimore, USA22250 Posts
On May 21 2005 11:14 k3fka wrote: this is a case of the guy you ask what car do you prefer: a Mustang or a Ferrari? , some will answer the mustang do to nostalgic reasons and great perfomance in their time , and others will pick the ferrari since they like power , and technology.
Fair enough, but that's basically all I got out of the movie; just all special effects, no substance. ^_^
On May 21 2005 11:14 k3fka wrote: this is a case of the guy you ask what car do you prefer: a Mustang or a Ferrari? , some will answer the mustang do to nostalgic reasons and great perfomance in their time , and others will pick the ferrari since they like power , and technology.
No, that's a terrible analogy. The difference in feeling and quality is oceanic. Episodes 1,2,3 barely redeem their existence. CGI graffiti does not compare with timeless masterpieces.
FireBlast , u r the guy that picks the mustang. Episode 1 are 2 , i must agree , have an oceanic difference (like u said) with the 1st 3. But imho , u judge movies 2 fast. Episode 3 was a very nice movie , story was very well adapted to it could join together perfectly with episode 4. However i must also say that episode 4-6 were great movies , and by the time they were made , the visual effects were incredibly nice.
i have a feeling , u r the kind of guy , after watching lord of the rings, u said , nah i prefer the books , the movies sucked.
Actually, I loved Fellowship of the Ring, I consider it one of the best films ever made. However TTT ended up just being a "good" film and RoTK an inconsistent film that left a mixture of aftertaste in my mouth. I never read the books :p
However as much as I respect your own opinion, the mustang and the ferrari are both cars in the end made to serve as transport. They weren't made to compliment each other, nor is the ferrari an attempt at a continuation of the mustang.
i was disappointed with grievous; he completely raped in clone wars, but in ep3 he deals more damage running away than actually doing any fighting
also there was a huge discrepancy in acting between obi-wan, palpatine, yoda, and the rest. macgregor genuinely touched the audience with everything he felt and did, while the scenes between hayden and portman became awkward as hell since they had absolutely no chemistry. the final exchange between them was quite touching though, with the 'you're breaking my heart' speel.
i also dislike how anakin turned to the dark side based on his love for padme, but soon forgets that as he begins slaughtering everybody. he forgets the purpose for which he chose to live, the reason he chose to change.
besides the scriptwriting, the art direction could have definitely been improved upon. i couldn't tell what was going on half the time during the lightsaber battles.
overall the movie is definitely better than 1 and 2, but not up to par with the first ones. lucas did a nice job connecting everything, and i personally enjoyed the allusions to other episodes he employed.
"The books all started coming out roughly mid 90's, and all followed a continuous, interactive time line with each other, all starting with Timothy Zahn's Thrawn series, which was just AWESOME, and that sparked many other books, most of which were extremely well written (with like 2 exceptions), and begin immediately after Jedi (Truce at Bakura) and stretch upwards of 15+ years after Jedi (Coreillian Trilogy, second Thrawn series). The books chronicle life after Jedi for all the characters, and deal with how the Empire is broken up a bit, with the retaking of Coruscant, with the remnants of the empire becoming warlods and fighting with each other, with Han/Leia getting married + having kids, with Luke basically restarting the Jedi order... bleh, now I want to go read them all again, there are so fucking many though.
But yeah, to reitterate, Lucas fucked up with these three prequels. The original 3 movies + the books are 98234283748234 times better."
Never knew you were hardcore evilteletubby
Actually the books stretch up to 30+ years past Return of the Jedi. The new ones are the Yuuzhan Vong or whatever and Chewbacca and Han Solo's son have died.
Didn't read all the previous posts (it's 11:30pm here and I'm too tired after a whole day out to be able to read so much on the screen).
For now:
I'm a big fan of Star Wars but this episode was just .... Really nothing there came near my expectations, the only thing I liked there was how they made gen. Grevious (visually) and Night Watch trailer that came before the movie  Since ep 1 it's been more and more flashy and 'for kids' and I don't like it at all. Some of you may ask: How come he placed ep 1 before 2 and 3 if he states he's SW fan?! Thge answer is simple: Yes, I am fully aware that ep 1 was the most 'for kids' one but it has got many much better things than 2 that came after it (like the lightsaber combat horeography and maul in general), it had much less computer stuff put in there, much less special effects and even though it was too bright for me, I think it should be this way. Why? Simple, as the first episode it starts really nice, everyone's happy everything's bright and so on. But somewhere near the end there comes this disturbing shadowy thing (darth Sidious, darth Maul), things get a little worse but not bad enough for anyone to worry about. And in next episodes it should all get dark and scary and all this stuff but it doesn't. Episode 2 is ok, you get the war, things are getting worse for characters etc. Episode 3 should be the culmination point where evil triumphs and stuff and what I got? Matrix 3: censored version for kids :/ And the deathstar at the end.... OMFG! It took them ~20 years to build first dstar (not even taking account higher technology they lost later etc.) and they built next one in like a year, maybe two? WTF?! Pssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhh.... I'm going to watch eps 4-6 now and just forget about the other three...
Its objective:
1.) Revenge of the Sith 2.) Empire 3.) Return of the Jedi 4.) Phantom Menace 5.) A New Hope 6.) Attack of the Clones
lmao i saw it yesterday night
- the space "battle" at the start of the movie sucks some serious ass.
- lightsaber duels seem less intense overall
- the whole anakin crap falling prey to the dark side in this episode is a huge joke. Starting with the emperor telling anakin to kill daku in a cheesy evil voice and ending with anaking saying what have i done after he kills the hero of operation human shield. After "becoming" a sith he just seems brainwashed overall. It's like anakin does not fall prey (or is seduced)to the dark side but rather goes emo and just loses it.
- lots of emo moments that are not really justified
- crap that is out of place like the battle between 3 jedi + samuel jackson and the emeror. Wtf those 3 newbs that were with him die like they are props or something.
Expected better.......the movie still has some good moments tho.
P.S. One code 66 moment is enough. Yoda's "spacecraft" that he uses to escape the wookie planet looks like a toilet lmao.
i like how yoda magically travels through vents and opens a shaft right above organa, while there are clone troopers swarming everywhere
Few things I noticed:
-The sith overtaking the war and killing the jedi was inevitable, with or without anikin.
-Luke is left with the same family that Anikin was raised with in Tatuin. Thus making them, in a way, brothers. Padme is thus Anikin's brother's Mother, or thus his own mother. Which makes sense seeing as how he views her in the same way he often sees his mother in his dreams. Anikin seems to have a thing for killing his mother. Or maybe we can also say that Luke caused the death of his mother.
-The story by darth sidious about the power of the dark side to save the lives of people such as padme was most likely a fib, which anikin bought.
-I never watched any of the movies more than once and never read the books. I forget most of what happened it most of the other movies. so I have some questions to the true fans out there. What is the entire series of Star Wars about? What statement is Lucus making and what things should we focus on when we watch the movies? Is this just a classic 'good vs evil' type fantasy that happens 'a very long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away' or is it deeper than that? I was never the best student at analyzing literature >.<
On May 21 2005 15:11 imRadu wrote: lmao i saw it yesterday night
- the space "battle" at the start of the movie sucks some serious ass.
- lightsaber duels seem less intense overall
what was wrong with the space battle? admittedly the whole "i'm done for finish the mission" part was moderately lame, but there so was soooo much going on, and when the z-95 starfighters came into view and the famous "lock s-foils into attack position" phrase was said....how can you NOT love it
and if ur gonna talk about lightsaber duels sucking, look at episode 2. those were awful compared to these... they were far more choreographed, and they actually had training for this one. episode 1's fights were better, but what do you expect when you ahve a legitimate martial arts master in the movie? considering what they had to work with, i think they did an excellent job
the rest of your stuff i more or elss agree with
On May 21 2005 19:06 SiZo wrote: Few things I noticed:
-Luke is left with the same family that Anikin was raised with in Tatuin. Thus making them, in a way, brothers. Padme is thus Anikin's brother's Mother, or thus his own mother. Which makes sense seeing as how he views her in the same way he often sees his mother in his dreams. Anikin seems to have a thing for killing his mother. Or maybe we can also say that Luke caused the death of his mother.
Uhh....this theory isn't really right at all. Anakin wasn't raised by that family, he was raised only by his mother. His mother was bought and freed by Owen Lars' dad, so that would make Uncle Owen and Anakin "brothers" and would make Luke his "nephew". thus the whole mother is my life garbage is wrong
Korea (South)2971 Posts
uuuuuuuuughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. i finally saw the movie today, and literally, i wanted to cry at some of the scenes because they were fucking horrible. at most of the dialogues me and my friends just started laughing because of the horrible script writing and acting. oh my god. i was a big fan of star wars. i mean, i wasted my childhood on the fucking franchise. and it ends like this. a steaming pile of bantha poodoo.
i mean, the acting by the actors for anakin and padme was fucking awful. i thought it was bad in the last 2, but oh god lol let's not even go there now.
the space battle at the beginning was ok. but every fight after that was pure crap. holy shit i couldn't believe what i was seeing. all the jedis died in the most comical ways ever. and after palpatine got fucked up, the way he was laughing all by himself... i couldn't help but laugh with him because it was FUCKING AWFUL. and who can forget 'Don't do it anakin! I have the higher ground!', 'You underestimate my powers, master'. ahahah get it, obi-wan's a fucking foot higher up and he's all saying shit about higher ground, and anakin counters with his 'underestimate' line ahahah get it. fags.
and that fucking scream at the end. fucking shit.
edit: i think i'm just bitter because this movie sucked so fucking much.
i know when u are fan of SW u can t like new starwars... coz they suxx? the answer is: no coz after 20 years, u are any more a kid... u arent looking the news movies with kid eyes. U wait too much time those movies, so u hope it will be the best movies that u never see before... How can u like movie when u wait too much from him? u cant appreciat. Only kids can tell us 1>2>3>4>5>6, for exemple coz they dont know movies, they dont wait anything about them, they can dream about SW universe with any movies.. so they can appreciat the skill of new movies. For my part, i try to analyse movies, good scene, music, action, univers, story, special/visual effects, actors, words... and i can say 3>2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1. My wife isnt a fan of SW and she has liked a lot this one, like my kid ( remenber when u come at cinema or watch at TV first trilogy of SW ). my kid: << wooot it s so cool dady! i want go back at cinema, can u buy me darthvador mask ? please >> when i listen my kid, i just want say: the legend continue.
Remenber bad saber laser scenes in past, actors in news movies have learn different martial arts, the special effects are unbelievable not like timeless masterpieces in past, the most interresting story: anakin is coming the famous DarthVador! some good sentences from jedi to remenber, good mix music too, very worked.
Realise how ep 5 and 6 are the most popular and it's the only episodes that lucas didnt direct..
No one likes Episode 6 except women and children. Among men ep. 5 is by far the most popular.
Episode 6 though shines compared to the new Prequel trilogy.
The thing that annoyed me the most was Yoda/Palpatine's transformation from symbolic heads of good/evil into ninja action heroes, Yoda's muppet stunts have everyone so thrilled that people don't notice that he hasn't had one piece of intelligent dialogue since 1980. In III especially he's a dumbass, pure and simple.
Also Lucas is aiming to teach us something about the nature of evil and using the rise of "Fascism" as his historical political model. Your time is better spent reading Paradise Lost.
It was alright.
Not being a huge SW fan, there were alotta things I didn't get.
The last 30mins or so is pretty good though.
On May 21 2005 21:41 KOFgokuon wrote:Show nested quote +On May 21 2005 15:11 imRadu wrote: lmao i saw it yesterday night
- the space "battle" at the start of the movie sucks some serious ass.
- lightsaber duels seem less intense overall
what was wrong with the space battle? admittedly the whole "i'm done for finish the mission" part was moderately lame, but there so was soooo much going on, and when the z-95 starfighters came into view and the famous "lock s-foils into attack position" phrase was said....how can you NOT love it and if ur gonna talk about lightsaber duels sucking, look at episode 2. those were awful compared to these... they were far more choreographed, and they actually had training for this one. episode 1's fights were better, but what do you expect when you ahve a legitimate martial arts master in the movie? considering what they had to work with, i think they did an excellent job the rest of your stuff i more or elss agree with Show nested quote +On May 21 2005 19:06 SiZo wrote: Few things I noticed:
-Luke is left with the same family that Anikin was raised with in Tatuin. Thus making them, in a way, brothers. Padme is thus Anikin's brother's Mother, or thus his own mother. Which makes sense seeing as how he views her in the same way he often sees his mother in his dreams. Anikin seems to have a thing for killing his mother. Or maybe we can also say that Luke caused the death of his mother.
Uhh....this theory isn't really right at all. Anakin wasn't raised by that family, he was raised only by his mother. His mother was bought and freed by Owen Lars' dad, so that would make Uncle Owen and Anakin "brothers" and would make Luke his "nephew". thus the whole mother is my life garbage is wrong
- ok let's look at the space battle it starts nice, especially with only one ship in view then camera going around and it's a huge battle. Then whut happens? Operation human shield all over again. Red leader we are right behind you cuz we wanna die like noobs. And forget about spacecraft vs spacecraft battles omg let's have silly matrix like drones that harvest the ship and some "art" moves with ships instead of using force push to throw those fuckers away. I don't know man it's too cheesy for me. In ep4/5/6 in space fights you can see people are focusing on piloting and crap it makes it more belivable. The space battle seemed like a waste of special effects imho.
- as for light saber duels dunno man they seemed more intense in the other episodes with force shields goin on and off and there was actually a wow factor when some dude used a dual lightsaber. In ep3 it's more fun to wach them fight robots (and i don't mean those with lightsabers those sucked ass) than the actual duels.
Remenber bad saber laser scenes in past, actors in news movies have learn different martial arts, the special effects are unbelievable not like timeless masterpieces in past, the most interresting story: anakin is coming the famous DarthVador! some good sentences from jedi to remenber, good mix music too, very worked.
Saber scenes in ep 4-6 roxxors compared to 2-3, 1 is rather exceptional (very good lightsaber combat choreography, but I don't know if it should be this way). I have nothing against special effects in ep 4-6 (only in one scene you were able to spot photomontage) and in 1-3 it's all too flashy imo. I didn't notice much of the story in ep 3, for me it was far too chaotic and dumb to form a story like ep 5 for example. Anakin becoming darth Vader was obvious for everyone who watched old episodes/read the books. I didn't notice any valuable quotes from the jedi in this movie. Good music? They didn't even put Imperial March there T_T. Crap.
Imperial march is Darth Vader's theme, right? If so, there was a part in the movie where Anakin is talking to the chancellor and it was played as subtle background music.. very well done imo.
I have watched all the star wars previous to watching episode 3, but not having been a big fan back before episode 1 came out, I only watched 4 5 and 6 once, and when I was young, so I remembered very little of the story. I also disliked episode 1 and 2, moreso 2 because of Anakin's angsty teenager part combined with his bad acting.
I was actually very impressed with 3. There were a lot of cheesy/kiddie jokes, which would probably have taken away with the movie if I expected it to be ultra-serious. However I actually enjoyed the comical parts (R2D2 zapping the droid, which goes 'ow' and then kicks over R2 comes to mind). Also, there were quite a few parts of the script that were cheesy as well, however it didn't detract too much from the seriousness of the plot.
The beginning of the movie was okay, but the ending really shone. It was epic and tragic, probably one of the most touching movies I've seen in that respect. I didn't know if Obi-wan won the battle with Anakin, since I had forgotten, so when Anakin and Obi-wan fought, it was actually very suspensful... I knew Anakin lived, but I didn't want Obi-wan to die. When he finally incapacitated Anakin, his lines were very touching.
The part where the Jedi were betrayed and killed, the defeat of Anakin by Obi-wan, and Yoda's line 'Failed, have I'.. really added a great mood to the movie. Also, the tragedy of Anakin, in that by trying to save the one he loved from a fate he foresaw, he doomed her to it, was nicely done.
I went into the movie expecting nothing and prepared to enjoy it for itself, and came out very satisfied.
I watched all the six movies yesterday. Watching Ep1 and Ep2 all over again, which I tought might be kind of boring, was quite fun. I paid more attension to the politics, something the old episodes don't have, and Palpaltine's double play. During Ep3 the pieces are starting to find their places and the triology needed a good end. To my pleasure it was a good ending. When all the jedi knights were killed it kind of reminded me of the oprea scene in the Godfather triology, which in my opinion was a great move. One of my most emotional scenes in Ep3 was weird enough the joy over seeing a good "old" ship again, it was when the emperor came to save a burning Anikin.
Things I don't like about the new movies: - The very young anikin. - The race in Ep1, a scene that would have been ok if it was in the end of a RACINGMOVIE. - The lines don't live up to old standar. - They don't fight with the ligtsabers, they dance. - Too many frontflips/backflips. - Missing an ironic charecter giving the the movies more perspective, like Han Solo in the old ones. - The big battle scenes are just battle scenes, no smart tricks, no strategy, just battlescenes. - The smooth ship.
The movie was decent if you remove all of the glaring mistakes in it, which this time around were fewer than in Episodes I & II. Like when Mace Windu is about to "kill" Palpatine, and the camera lays on Palpatine for what seems like a full minute, and Palpatine just groans feebly and mouths, "Uhhh...so weak...save me...uhhh...uhhh...uhhh." Also, Hayden Christensen just ain't that dangerous, son. His acting is probably better than in the previous movies, but mainly because all of his lines didn't suck this time around. The Frankenstein allusion at the end made me wince. Darth Vader in full black garb asking if Padme was alright just didn't sit right. Vader would be too badass at that point. You don't need to show constantly that Vader has a little bit of good in him at all these different points in the movie, when he becomes badass let him go, don't keep jumping back over the line.
On May 22 2005 09:17 A3iL3r0n wrote: Screw you George Lucas for not casting Snoop Dogg as Mace Windu.
On May 22 2005 09:17 A3iL3r0n wrote: The Frankenstein allusion at the end made me wince. Darth Vader in full black garb asking if Padme was alright just didn't sit right. Vader would be too badass at that point. You don't need to show constantly that Vader has a little bit of good in him at all these different points in the movie, when he becomes badass let him go, don't keep jumping back over the line. Agreed. And the "NOOOOOoooooo!" just didn't fit in.
On May 19 2005 17:25 Chobohobo wrote: I thought Grievous was a droid at first but then during the close up of his eyes they are clearly organic. And later on I am sure they they show his heart behind the chest plate. Also droids cant use lightsabers because you need to use the force to erect the blade (so sad that I know this, yes).
Then how did han solo use it in the empire strikes back when saving luke?
Baltimore, USA22250 Posts
On May 22 2005 16:34 cava wrote:Show nested quote +On May 19 2005 17:25 Chobohobo wrote: I thought Grievous was a droid at first but then during the close up of his eyes they are clearly organic. And later on I am sure they they show his heart behind the chest plate. Also droids cant use lightsabers because you need to use the force to erect the blade (so sad that I know this, yes). Then how did han solo use it in the empire strikes back when saving luke?
Oh, I missed that post. Yeah, Chobohobo is completely wrong in that regard.
On May 22 2005 16:34 cava wrote:Show nested quote +On May 19 2005 17:25 Chobohobo wrote: I thought Grievous was a droid at first but then during the close up of his eyes they are clearly organic. And later on I am sure they they show his heart behind the chest plate. Also droids cant use lightsabers because you need to use the force to erect the blade (so sad that I know this, yes). Then how did han solo use it in the empire strikes back when saving luke?
All living things are part of the force even if they can't control it directly like a jedi, while droids are not.
Actually I made this up but thats what I thought he meant.
I didn't read what other ppl said in the other 4 pages, but I didn't like the "NOOOOOOOOO~" scene.
The part I was dissapointed they did not show was when Anakin goes to the Temple and the "younglings" come to him for help and he busts out the lightsaber. That was sad, but I wanted to see those 5 or 6 little kids fight the most powerful Jedi. That woulda been cool to watch, lol. I also want to see another dual wielding saber Jedi fight like Darth Maul (one of the best saber scenes imo, when qui gon and obi wan fight him 2 on 1). liked the movie alot, hayden's acting didn't get to me, I didn't pay much attention to how is acting was. It was really sad to see all the Jedi getting killed off, like one second they are fighting with them and the next they open fire at close range on them. Like I said, was a good movie please go watch it, Now I wanna see them all over again, except 1 and 2 which are really really boring. 7.7-10
Can someone answer me why Yoda had to retire? And why didn`t he or Obi train luke, espacially with yoda always complaining about everyone beeing to old and everything leading to the dark side.
On May 22 2005 18:34 Painbringer wrote: Can someone answer me why Yoda had to retire? And why didn`t he or Obi train luke, espacially with yoda always complaining about everyone beeing to old and everything leading to the dark side.
hmm, have you seen the older ones? Obi wan ends up like mentoring Luke, and then after obi wan dies, luke goes to get more training from yoda on that swamp planet
yoda had to retire because he fell thirty stories
and sidious had the higher ground
Acting was fucking horrendous. Other than that, it was pretty good.
Oh yeah, what role did gen. grievous play in episode 2? I can't seem to remember.
Woah I never knew people prefer the older and slower lightsabre fights than the newer ones 0_0. By introducing martial arts, the fighting are much more dynamic and interesting IMO.
Baltimore, USA22250 Posts
On May 22 2005 20:02 Abang_Zealot wrote: Woah I never knew people prefer the older and slower lightsabre fights than the newer ones 0_0. By introducing martial arts, the fighting are much more dynamic and interesting IMO.
Simple, there is no feeling to them.
And although episode 1 was by farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr the shittiest movie of all 6, I did enjoy the lightsaber duel a lot...
ep1's ending duel is the best one
On May 22 2005 20:01 Heen wrote: Acting was fucking horrendous. Other than that, it was pretty good.
Oh yeah, what role did gen. grievous play in episode 2? I can't seem to remember.
grievous did not exist in ep2, he was created by count dooku to command the droid army, and dominated in the clone wars, a series of shorts that aired on cartoon network
I was kind of dissapointed in the way they made General Grievous. The early screenshots of him made him look so cool- all evil and powerful. But, when you see him with standing with his robe, it is completely different. His stature is all slouched, like an animal, and his coughing made him seem all feeble. It made sense that his voice would be all deep and evil-sounding, but it didn't match too well. They made him seem more human than droid, which was strange. And, even when he did fight, he quickly lost two of his arms, and it was nothing special after that. I had no intention of seeing this movie, but once I saw Grievous's screenshots, and heard that he was a 4-lightsaber wielding robot, I thought that is was such a cool concept, that it would be worth seeing the movie.
But, the one thing that I hated most about the movie was that dog-thing that Obi wan rides on to spy on Grievous. That thing just would not stop barking, and I just had to yell, "Yes!!!" when I saw it go off that cliff. Overall, though Episode three was much better than One and Two, but there were a couple things that they could have done better.
I liked episode 3. I guess maybe I just 'take things as they are' and don't become so critical. I'm betting the majority of you people that didn't like it went into the movie already feeling negatively about it, right?
Baltimore, USA22250 Posts
On May 23 2005 01:12 SoleSteeler wrote: I'm betting the majority of you people that didn't like it went into the movie already feeling negatively about it, right?
Actually, I was very hopeful for the third one, which is why I feel let down so much. And probably why I liked Episode 2 the best of the three (because my expectations were at their lowest).
Saw it last night. Piece of crap =[
I saw it saturday night. It was very good. You don't find so many special effects and the quality of battles, spaceships,etc on the other movies. The digital video is just awesome.
I didn't thought Anakim acted so poorly. And the reason why he leaves the jedi counsil is sound. I especially loved those minutes when anakim is thinking and everything is reddish, the sound and the images he sees through the window.. the atmosphere..
very good movie overall.
edit: oh and btw, episode 5 is the greatest imo, followed by episode 4 then 3 then 2 then 6 then 1 which actually really sucks. I don't like the the return of the jedi, ewoks really suck. Episode 5 is art.
Norway10161 Posts
One word: suckfest.
If I was given enough powers I would destroy every trace of episode 1,2 and 3 before striking george lucas with a giant meteor, bringing peace and happyness to the world.
Australia3818 Posts
I would have prefered not to hear the lines: "Together we can rule the galaxy!" or my personal *favourite* "Nooooooo!" from the new Darth Vader.
Also I kept saying in a 100% American teenage girl accent..."I'm pregnant" because of the lamness of Padme just saying that...it's Star Wars...the weird way of speech...and suddenly..."I'm pregnant".
R2D2 is the father, he has the manipulators for it too...C3P0 can't make the claim since he's obviously gay..look at the walk and the shiny gold exterior...+ he has a voice that has been stolen from the vocal chords of men gayer than himself.
Funny how at the end all of a sudden...everything goes from ultra-modern and futuristic...to 20s style Nazi caps and shit boxes for computers. Sure they had to merge it together...but it made it a joke.
I'm guessing the rebels are too shit poor to afford pimped rides, since they have the X-wings which look like shiteggs compared to the ships leading up to 4, 5 & 6.
There were some cool fights, but thats all it was really...was almost a DBZ episode but Star Wars style..."I am the most powerful Saiy...Jedi here...I shall never reveal my true power leve...the force...we can rule the Galaxy together...I'm pregnant!"
All up I'd give it 6/10 because of the music and the MAD dream I had when I feel asleep watching it...nah just kidding I didn't fall asleep...but it was a bit too long and pointless. George Lucas already has a large enough bank account & stomach to pack it in now.
But thanks for the series and now you can go roll in cash for the rest of your life. (12 days)
On May 23 2005 04:45 Smurg wrote: I would have prefered not to hear the lines: "Together we can rule the galaxy!" or my personal *favourite* "Nooooooo!" from the new Darth Vader.
Also I kept saying in a 100% American teenage girl accent..."I'm pregnant" because of the lamness of Padme just saying that...it's Star Wars...the weird way of speech...and suddenly..."I'm pregnant".
R2D2 is the father, he has the manipulators for it too...C3P0 can't make the claim since he's obviously gay..look at the walk and the shiny gold exterior...+ he has a voice that has been stolen from the vocal chords of men gayer than himself.
Funny how at the end all of a sudden...everything goes from ultra-modern and futuristic...to 20s style Nazi caps and shit boxes for computers. Sure they had to merge it together...but it made it a joke.
I'm guessing the rebels are too shit poor to afford pimped rides, since they have the X-wings which look like shiteggs compared to the ships leading up to 4, 5 & 6.
There were some cool fights, but thats all it was really...was almost a DBZ episode but Star Wars style..."I am the most powerful Saiy...Jedi here...I shall never reveal my true power leve...the force...we can rule the Galaxy together...I'm pregnant!"
All up I'd give it 6/10 because of the music and the MAD dream I had when I feel asleep watching it...nah just kidding I didn't fall asleep...but it was a bit too long and pointless. George Lucas already has a large enough bank account & stomach to pack it in now.
But thanks for the series and now you can go roll in cash for the rest of your life. (12 days)
that's the funniest thing i've read on this website, thank you
yeah that was kinda good. summed up a lot of what i thought too
- ROTS has the best visuals of any movie EVER. - The kid playing Anakin is a horrible actor, still. - Darth Vader yelling..."Noooooooooooooo!" Made me laugh so fucking hard. - The quote "Don't try it Anakin I have the higher ground" by Obi, wtf? So no matter how powerful the jedi you will get owned if the other is up higher than you? - We get to meet Chewie. - Yoda gets owned. - Anakin's fall to the darkside felt a bit rushed...but its already a 2 1/2 hour movie so not much you can do unless you wanna make it a LotR snorefest. - Would anyone seriously murder a dozen little kids to save their wife? - Anakin's dreams of Padme dying are actually caused by Anakin's fall to the darkside. Which he thought by turning to the darkside he would be able to save her. - Every 5 minutes of this movie I just wanted to punch Anakin's arrogant face in.
Yeah i agree that it was pretty over the top for anakin to murder all those young jedi... i mean wtf?? :O
hm.. i think in the scene where he kills mace windu darth sidious must have been mind controlling him and stuff, because he all of a sudden kneels down and pledges alliance.
thats the only way to explain how sudden the fall was.
On May 23 2005 10:02 chrusher97 wrote: hm.. i think in the scene where he kills mace windu darth sidious must have been mind controlling him and stuff, because he all of a sudden kneels down and pledges alliance.
thats the only way to explain how sudden the fall was.
He didnt kill Mace, he cut his hand off and Sidious killed him. Im thinking he felt he was fucked either way so he might as well serve Sidious and learn how to save his wife. He was confused and desperate at that point.
I agree that the acting in this one, wasn't that great but.. i loved the part near the end where obiwan says something about how hes gonna have to take Anakin down, and anakin goes "you will try." just sounded so bad ass. i was like "Ooo!"
On May 23 2005 10:31 DooMeR wrote: I agree that the acting in this one, wasn't that great but.. i loved the part near the end where obiwan says something about how hes gonna have to take Anakin down, and anakin goes "you will try." just sounded so bad ass. i was like "Ooo!"
LOL yea but the cocky little arrogant Anakin got wrecked.
True.. but if it were level ground then he wouldn't have lost =o. And Yoda really dissapointed, he shoulda did what windu did and use the lightsaber when he was fighting against The Emperor/Palpatine/Sidious WTF u wanna call him. That way he wouldn't be so fucked up cuz he trying to fight lighting with lightning. And since they were so close in power, yoda shoulda just put some socks on and rubbing his feet across the carpet to win that fight ez.
On May 23 2005 10:49 DooMeR wrote: True.. but if it were level ground then he wouldn't have lost =o. And Yoda really dissapointed, he shoulda did what windu did and use the lightsaber when he was fighting against The Emperor/Palpatine/Sidious WTF u wanna call him. That way he wouldn't be so fucked up cuz he trying to fight lighting with lightning. And since they were so close in power, yoda shoulda just put some socks on and rubbing his feet across the carpet to win that fight ez.
Anakin lost because he is arrogant and stupid not because of "higher ground" thats just retarded. He jumped over Obi and got his shit handed to him. Yoda did use his lightsabre but put it away when Sidious was throwing all those objects at him. He had to "concentrate" and whirl them back at him.
What is with that Jedi master getting owned by blasters during op 66? The wierd looking Jedi with the long grey head you see in the council all the time just flat out dies and he wasnt even cought of guard because he sensed it well before hand. Hell, the little kid jedi that comes to the resuce of Leahs step father did much better (forget his name).
It gives the impression the only Jedi that are any good are Anakin, Obi, Yoda, and Mace. The three jedi that come with Mace to arrest Palpatine are props. It was wtf.
Still i thought the movie was pretty good. I love some of the lines from palpatine like "Are you threating me Jedi?"
i liked it ^^ i didnt read too much into it. im not really a big sw fan despite my geeking out in sw gear c/o lucasarts and watching a midnight screening. i enjoyed it for its pure entertainment value.
Yea the Emperor killing the 3 jedi that came with Mace was such a horrible scene. Almost as bad as the scene with Anakin stands up in his new Darth Vader outfit and yells....are you ready people? "Noooooooooooooooooooooo" ROFL.
Those 2 scenes were the worst in the movie.
Mace shoulda been like "Wtf nigga, Is Wayne brady gonna have to choke a bitch?" when Anakin plop't his hand off.
I gotta say tho, the movie was pretty good, but they didn't leave enough to the imagination. Still they kept the movie fast paced and so people were able to look past the flaws
Baltimore, USA22250 Posts
On May 23 2005 06:00 MVP[eV] wrote: - Would anyone seriously murder a dozen little kids to save their wife?
Rofl, that was by far the funniest part of the movie... my friend and I were just laughing for five minutes straight in a sadistic sort of way.
Quite dissappoint, this movie did. I mean seriously I was expecting to see a cyborg going around slaughtering Jedi in uber swordfights. What I saw would've been much better titled as:
Star Wars Episode III: The Unceremonious Rape of the Jedi
I mean seriously, all that were on assignments just got killed with a few shots. Little display of uber piloting skills; the beginning part was hardly good enough to show that. Saberfights also weren't that great. Yoda vs Palpatine could've been art if half of it wasn't spent throwing seats around, and the other part of it resembled DBZ more than StarWars. Plus so much violence cut out :/ no pictures of decapitation, not enough of other violence either. The lack of footage on the part where anakin meets the kids did sort of make it funnier, but then again, it would've also been funny if that part was done in the 1 vs many 5-year-olds style. Basically, I just found the movie to be shallow, lacking something. Lack of suspense I suppose, I spent more time drawing parallels between Dubya and Palpatine than enjoying the story, the extreme predictability of the story probably contributed to that too.
In SW 4, Ben tells luke:
When your father left, he didn't know your mother was pregnant. Your mother and I knew he would find out eventually, but we wanted to keep you both as safe as possible, for as long as possible. So I took you to live with my brother Owen on Tatooine... and your mother took Leia to live as the daughter of Senator Organa, on Alderaan.
In SW 5 or 6, not sure, Leia tells Luke:
LUKE Leia... do you remember your mother? Your real mother?
LEIA Just a little bit. She died when I was very young.
LUKE What do you remember?
LEIA Just...images, really. Feelings.
LUKE Tell me.
LEIA (a little surprised at his insistence) She was very beautiful. Kind, but...sad. (looks up) Why are you asking me all this?
The movie was quite disappointing to me too, it seemed like it was just a quick attempt to glue the old and the new movies together. The acting sucked, the storyline was missing alot of depth. Anakin goes over to the dark side far too easily, REALLY needed alot more depth in that, especially since that basically is the 'what the movie is all about'.
The force is barely even used. Yoda got far too little screentime. Windu died in the most stupidest way ever. So we all expected TONS of special effects, but they were disappointing too.
In movie 2: Dooku > Obi wan + Anakin In movie 3: Anakin > Dooku > Obi Wan, that all in a pretty convincing way... but in the end Obi Wan convincingly > Anakin? What's up with that BS? T_T;
Aren't Yoda & Palpatine supposed to be superiour? Windu > Palpatine with ease... but Yoda has a hard time fighting Palpatine?
all in all:
The lines about Padme in Episode 4-5-6 are now complete bullshit because of Episode 3 which is very sad.
Smorrie you mention Mace > Sidious...however that isnt true. Sidious was just playing weak to look like the victim to Anakin. Despite what anyone says Sidious got the best of even Yoda. Yoda even admits that he failed after he runs away like a chump . Worst part of the movie was before Sidious vs Mace when Sidious kills the 3 jedi with basically 1 move each. I mean come on thats just stupid, I could of fought Sidious better than that.
The acting sucked, the storyline was missing alot of depth. Anakin goes over to the dark side far too easily, REALLY needed alot more depth in that, especially since that basically is the 'what the movie is all about'.
Yeah no shit, it can be reasoned out to make sense, but his conversion is still completely weak. Lucas could've at least done his fans a favor and had Jar Jar get killed along with the jedi... 
Aren't Yoda & Palpatine supposed to be superiour? Windu > Palpatine with ease... but Yoda has a hard time fighting Palpatine?
Well the guy who played Windu said he'd only do it if his death wasn't stupid like the death of pretty much every other fucking jedi. So I guess this is what he gets, at least there is a little irony, as soon as he begins to trust Anakin he gets pwned. Windu is a Jedi Master anyways, Yoda doesn't > him that much. You know it's like how a GM could beat the world champion if given a little advantage by circumstances.
The lines about Padme in Episode 4-5-6 are now complete bullshit because of Episode 3 which is very sad.
That could be interpreted as Obi Wan bullshitting the guy because he sure as hell wouldn't take in someone who Vader may be searching for.