![[image loading]](http://wordpress.tools.majorleaguegaming.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/mlglive_4th_1_545.jpg)
LIVE STREAM: http://www.MLG.tv
Join us today for a sneak preview of MLG Live as we knock Independence Day out of the park with ten straight hours of live streamed content featuring the best of the world of eSports/competitive gaming.
Many of you in the US will be out with friends and family for the evening, which is great! If you have some time throughout the day, check it out. If not, VOD's will provided shortly after. For everyone who can't get enough eSports, and those outside the US where it'll just be another Monday, this will be a treat.
It’s an extravaganza of gaming with all your favorite players, commentators, and community members - all streamed to you live in HD. Starcraft 2, Quake Live, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Halo: Reach and maybe even some Mortal Kombat 9/SSF4AE. JP, Slasher, Puckett, Nexy and more will team up with special guest casters and pro players for a day of FUN. SC Center returns with JP and chobopeon, and what everyone has been waiting for, the return of State of The Game. New hosts co-hosts will be announced. Can you guess who they are?
Below is the tentative schedule of events for the day. Because matches are live, there is no knowing how long games will go, along with all other apects of running a live event such as this.
TLO, MrBitter and 2GD will be guest casting this evening.
19:00 GMT (+00:00): MLG Live Launch with JP McDaniel w/ special guests, tour of studio 19:30 GMT (+00:00): Starcraft 2 1v1 Showmatch - White-Ra vs TLAF`Ret - Best of 5 20:15 GMT (+00:00): Starcraft 2 2v2 Showmatch - coL.CatZ & coL.Drewbie vs EG.Axslav & EG.StrifeCro - Best of 3 21:00 GMT (+00:00): Quake Live 1v1 Showmatch - Toxic vs srs.av3k, winner vs srs.Cypher - Best of 3/5 22:00 GMT (+00:00): Special Edition of SC Center with JP McDaniel and Chobopeon 22:30 GMT (+00:00): Call of Duty: BlackOps Showmatch - OpTic Gaming vs Force - Best of 3 23:15 GMT (+00:00): Halo: Reach Showmatch - Status Quo vs Dynasty - Best of 5 00:00 GMT (+00:00): Quake Live 1v1 Showmatch - ZeRo4 vs EG.DaHanG, winner vs SK.Rapha - Best of 3/5 01:00 GMT (+00:00): Quake Live CTF Showmatch - Evil Geniuses (DaHanG, id, viju, kgb) vs Cloud 9 (ZeRo4, Rapha, br1ck, FienD) 01:30 GMT (+00:00): Starcraft 2 1v1 Showmatch - FXO.qxc vs FXO.Twilight ![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/images/flags2/kr.png) 02:00 GMT (+00:00): All-new State of The Game with new co-hosts
Is that [9] just a coincidence ?
Hmmm. I could have gone outside tomorrow... but this sounds better.
MLG? Quake? Please make this happen!
Also SC Center is finally coming back...I haven't really missed SotG what with djWHEAT's shows and all, but SC Center is a godsend when I'm too busy to keep up with things.
On July 04 2011 16:56 Xeris wrote: Is that [9] just a coincidence ? Well, Day said he was originally from the [9] clan, as unlikely as that sounds, maybe they're still around?
Awesome lineup for the broadcast. I've really been looking forward to this event since it was announced. I can't wait to see what JP and MLG have in store.
On July 04 2011 16:56 Xeris wrote: Is that [9] just a coincidence ?
yes, the nine clan was very popular in quake 3
oh my god i love you
white ra vs ret? qxc vs twilight?
i really love you
+ Show Spoiler +6:15 PDT (-07:00): Halo: Reach Showmatch - [image loading] Status Quo vs [image loading]Dynasty - Best of 5 sq is assault/fs/ace/enable vs dynasty Destin, Ghostayame, Tizoxic, Snipedown?
so epic.
...damnit! Most starcraft players have lives and go outside you know! Why couldn't you do this the other 6 days of the nothing to do day week?
...oh I'm just happy SOTG is back baby....Yea!
SotG niceeeeeeeeeeee. That > Every other xD
Charlie Sheens House51449 Posts
I dont like when they tease you with comments like;
and what everyone has been waiting for, the return of State of The Game. New hosts co-hosts will be announced. Can you guess who they are?
So much anticipation -_- tell us already xD
Clan 9 was originally a Swedish Quake 1/Quakeworld clan, considered the best in the world at the time. They won a famous 4v4 match against the best american Quake clan at the time, back when there was little interaction between Europe and the US. Someone probably knows the details better than me though.
wow, this came in under the radar, definitely going to check out.
I know what I'm doing tomorrow ^^
great that there will be vods, gotta work 16 hrs tomorrow ;(
that seems good, looking forward to see RA VS RET
I can't stand that Puckett guy :/, I hope there's more JP than him.
Nice lineup! Glad to see the return of SotG and seeing the tour of their studio. It is cool to see Quake in the lineup.
Holy shit why aren't there more posts in this thread?!
WhiteRa vs Ret Bo5 and return of State of the Game... July 4th is now the greatest day of my life.
USA29055 Posts