because we need more 4spawn maps! and because there are so few mar sara maps these days.
TPW Rattlesnake (Published on EU, NA)
size: 150x150 distances: cross position ~170/140 close position ~140/116
detail shots will follow as i work on asthetics. i got a few ideas for this map i want to try out
previous version: + Show Spoiler +
Analyzer: + Show Spoiler +
Mmm, this looks like a fun map - strong harass possibilities, but still quite big.
It actually looks like an alternate version of crevasse, if you look at the bases, attackpaths and even rocks
However, because the 'inbase' naturals can be sieged, jumped, where u spawn could make a big difference on this map.
kinda looks like the mains jet out too much towards the middle. the mains punish zerg scouting quite a bit since they are quite large. i do like the little highground by the 1 gas bases though. the rocks are completely useless as army paths take maybe 5 more seconds to go the other way.
i know you arent done with aesthetics but the middle should pop out more from the lower parts of the middle, since the nats are on the same terrain level, but then you get to the middle and its the same looking texture as the lowered parts, maybe its just an overview thing though
oh and the watchtower looks to be more towards the left?
the watchtower is centered, it's just the shadows of the los blockers that make it look a little bit off
i agree the rocks have no significant impact to the map. it is more of a remainder of the previous layout version (see here). when i figured the cross distances needs to be shorter and the close distance needs to be a little longer, i just moved them into that choke. it may only cause a second or two delay, but those may be very valueable to the defender but that part of the terrain may change in future updates.
overlord scouting may be a little bit difficult due to the larger size caused by the inbase mini expansion, but i don't think it is that far from the standart. in return zergs also get a large amount of highground islands to park overlords at.
update: worked on some details and texturing the rocks are now gone, replaced by a choke spot
Germany1536 Posts
I like those changes
However, analyzer plz
This map looks fine, but too much like Crevasse / Taldarim for me to really think it's very interesting.
been working on some custom textures again
The map and textures look awesome! Without playing it the only fault I can see is that Zergs have no where to suicide overlords from to scout.
i fucking love those cracks holy crap
custom textures will be a great thing.
map looks great aswell tempted to use it. i wonder how it would work for brood war, maybe not open enough. either way. great work.
feel free to make any changes you want, if you indeed want to use it. it would be an honor
attached a pic of some ingame shots. in the overview image the map feels alot more choked than it actually is in the game.
Those bricks <3 I love your custom textures.
the only thing i dislike is the one central XWT. It feels like once again, 4 spawn map, nowhere good to put watchtower... guess I better put one in the middle.
Other than that, this is an awesome map! Love the custom textures.
how about this tower placement?
finally, added analizer images for your viewing pleasure didn't want to do so before as i was still making changes constantly.
Germany1536 Posts
This tower placement looks good to me
added some detail shots to the op also, i spend way too much time watching ai matches on my maps