Hi everybody!
Big thanks to rawrcakes and arcticvangard for helping set this up. You guys rock!
Player Posts/Updates + Show Spoiler +
Alright everyone, we've been talking about a succession game in the DF thread for a few days now and its finally happening! We have a base package set up and everything; I'm currently playing our fortress. So far everything is going good; I'll be posting it when I finish it. The base package (so you guys can try testing some stuff out) is located here. Remember not to play with the files in the package! I'll just be including my world file with my save in it, so just throw that folder into this and we'll be golden.
"You have arrived. After a Journey from the Mountainhomes into the forbidding wilderness beyond, your harsh trek has finally ended. Your party of seven is to make an outpost for the glory of all gingmestthos. There are almost no supplies left, but with stout labor comes sustenance. Whether by bold, plow or hook, provide for your dwarves. You are expecting a supply caravan just before winter entombs you, but it is spring now. Enough time to delve secure lodgings, ere the giant jaguars get hungry. A new chapter of Dwarven history begins here at this place, Famthutusan, "Horsemurdered". Strike the earth!"
(Liquidmurdered wasn't an option unfortunately, lol)
Remember, if you take a turn with the fortress you can play for two IRL days or for one year (spring --> spring), whichever comes first. You have to write up a little story that tells everyone what happened during your reign! I'll be updating this OP with posts to peoples stories so casual players/readers can read up on whats happened. Try to make them fun/interesting!
Rules (they start applying after N3rV[green]'s turn:
Rules if you want to play: 1. If you are on the list, you are guarrenteed a time slot of one day after the previous player has posted his story to download and announce in the thread/a pm to me that you're playing. 2. If you do not post in the thread or contact me 24 hours after the player previous to you posted his/her update, you're probably afk and I will allow the thread to choose someone to play (usually the first post to say something like, "I call dibs on tnkted's save!" The 24 hour clock will be counted from the exact date/time of the previous player's post.
Rules for playing: 1. Once you have let everyone know that you are playing, you have one in game year (from spring -> spring), or you have two REAL LIFE days, whichever event happens first. This will be counted from the time of your post stating that you've received the save from the previous player or that you call dibs on the post. 2. You will write up a post explaining what happened (I suggest that you keep a log, thats what I did) and try to make it funny/interested. 3. You will chose a dwarf and name him after yourself. I also changed the profession of my dwarf to the 'First of the Ponies,' in the hope that later rulers would follow suit and become the second, third, and so on, but you guys can just let my guy be the sole member in that exclusive fraternity if you'd like (thats actually almost funnier). It would also be cool if we gave all of the noble roles to ourselves, but if one of you guys wants to choose a peasant working his way up for cinematic/story purposes, that would be totally cool as well. All I really care about is if you wrote a good story. 4. If the fort dies on your watch, post your log, apologise, and we give the previous player's save to the next player. 5. Please be timely and quick with your post/turn, or make sure you let the thread know you'll be late, and the reasons why. We'll decide whether to void your rule as a vote between me, Arctic Vangard and Plated.rawr (for this fortress only, next fortress we'll reevaluate this list with other players). If neither of the other two are online and there is a time delay (you're on your third day, etc) I'll just decide. Voided turns nullify all actions you made on the fortress, and the next player will use the previous players save.
Posting rules 1. Please put some effort into your post. As long as you post some sort of log we'll be happy; some people aren't natural writers and I understand that. Other people are happy and able to write themselves into the story as characters, but you certainly aren't obligated to do so if you don't think you can do it in a way you're proud of. As long as we have a log of the things that happened and the funny/interested stuff that happened along the way (I'm thinking of the merchants in boatmurdered who traveled through rampaging elephants, goblin territory, and death swamps to trade two rolls of cloth and a piece of cheese with the fortress). 2. You are not obligated to use stonesense if you can't get it to work. Regular ascii screenshots are fine. In fact, a mix between the two would be greatly appreciated. If you are using a special tileset, thats perfectly alright. The base package in the OP is meant as a base; if you would like to install some tilesets in there you're welcome to do so; it will not affect anyone else since you are only giving us the region1 file. Remember, alt-printscreen saves a screenshot of the open window in your c/p memory. Open paint and press ctrl V to paste the image. 3. Please at least attempt to use proper grammer/spelling when you post. All this means is throw your post into word and run spellcheck. Some people aren't natural english speakers etc and thats cool but people are going to read your posts and I'd like them to enjoy doing so.
Please post in the thread if you want to play.
Player list:
1. tnkted 2. rawrcakes 3. Iankill 4. N3rV[Green] 5. Fontong 6. Shawty 7. nttea 8. alak 9. SpectralFremen 9. Ulfsark 10. stormtemplar 11. ArcticVangard 11. dellwon 12. GMarshal 13. Kurumi 14. Ulfsark 15. dellwon 16. Vain 17. ??? Maybe YOU!
I already pmed ArcticVangard about playing, but I'll post in here too.
Perfect timing. I just finished my last paper for the spring, so I'll be ready for my turn whenever.
Edit; Oh, and if you haven't already - remember to name a dwarf after you! That way, we can possibly have some Fun events including us all in the future!
Oh, and also - PM me with a DL link when you're done with your turn!
I want my name on that list. I could be ??? xD
what are the skills of our first 7? Do we have a hunter?
I do want to note that the package that tnkted isn't the final package - it doesn't have the readme with a couple of important notes and information, with lots of questions that I'm sure will be asked. I'll have the updated package uploaded later today after I've had some sleep.
I'll play!
Also, name the fisherman after me >:D
From the Diary of 'TnkTed' Udostirist, First of the Order of Ponies
We found a nice spot near a brook, nestled in the mountains. The immediate area is forest, and the brook is located on a large deposit of stone which will be useful and hopefully will contain metal.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/YIAND.jpg)
I wanted to name it liquidmurdered, but unfortunately liquid wasn't an option. I named it horsemurdered instead, which sounds... well, ominous. Hopefully our enemies will take heed.
I had decided to only bring a single cat (my brother died during the catsplosion which destroyed the Pick of Gears) but as we were leaving the settlement another kitten joined us, and I couldn't bear to say no. Sigh, at least any catsplosion will occur later. I should remember to make a note to future dwarves to place all kittens in a pit or cage immediately after birth.
"You have arrived. After a Journey from the Mountainhomes into the forbidding wilderness beyond, your harsh trek has finally ended. Your party of seven is to make an outpost for the glory of all gingmestthos. There are almost no supplies left, but with stout labor comes sustenance. Whether by bold, plow or hook, provide for your dwarves. You are expecting a supply caravan just before winter entombs you, but it is spring now. Enough time to delve secure lodgings, ere the giant jaguars get hungry. A new chapter of Dwarven history begins here at this place, Famthutusan, "Horsemurdered". Strike the earth!"
Excellent! Goats! Plenty of bones in those folk. I can't wait for my first goat burger!
I've designed a system for flooding some nice sized farms, with the possibily later of enlargening them. Basically I dug some small rooms next to the river. The two levers next to the stairs nearby control the two floodgates that are linked to the river; pressing the bottem one opens the top floodgate, and the top lever controls the bottem floodgate. I considered putting the levers in a locked room, but with all the mining going on in other parts of the fortress I didn't trust my miners to value the procedure as much as they should.
I'm digging out a HUGE supply room, surrounded on all sides by 8x8 rooms, each of which fits 4 workshops without any of them getting in the way. The resulting work area will be able to quickly and easily churn out any goods and store them quickly.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/ywCUz.jpg)
Migrants have arrived! One was a bowyer with some military skills; I made him a fisher/fish cleaner for now, he'll lead the military later. Another was a bone carver/weaver; I made him a farmer/brewer so he isn't completely useless while we get our craftshops up. We also got a high master stone crafter! Yippee! Time to make some crafting workshops, and start making mugs for the trade caravan. An Architect: Oh joy, this guy is completely useless. At least hes got novice appraiser, he can be our town broker.
Curses! These fools have elected one of the idiot miners to be our exhibition leader. I won't stand for it! If he is ever injured in a cave in, I will not use an ounce of anesthetic.
ooo! More migrants!
The first who came over the hill was a renowned high master engraver; I have much respect for the arts, and I recieved him warmly.
The second I recieved with less joy; it was a lowly siege operator, basically a peasant with no useful skills. I shall direct him posthaste to the barracks, where he can at least serve our fair settlement with the strength of his body.
The third was an extremely intimidating woodsman; he was a carpender, but seemed to have more skill with the axe than most. One could tell from his movements that he was a military man; I treated him with the respect reserved for dwarves who I will be undoubtedly healing.
The rest of the migrants were petty dyers, farmers, peasants, milkers and masons; clearly lower sorts.
Our fortress has swelled to nineteen sturdy dwarves, all of them useful; We have a military in training, and our supply of food and booze is robust and self-sufficent.
I've flooded the indoor farms and am starting to grow crops; I suggested to the farmers that we have smaller plots growing pigtails year round so we can get a nice clothing industry started, and then plump helmets for the rest. Should be pretty simple.
Drat! An elvan caravan is here, and nobody has bothered to set up the trade depot!
A thief managed to creep into the fortress! it got all the way to the dining hall before it ran into a startled farmer on his way to eat breakfast.
The theif got away, and the elves are STILL without someplace to store their goods. Everyone is too busy moving things from stockpile to stockpile to do anything! Oh well, at least they're just elves. I don't have to care much about them, they're going to get angry anyway when we level the surrounding forest to power our forges.
Oh! this is interesting. The brook froze! We'll be able to use the ice to build fortifications eventually. That should be useful! Horsemurdered could become an ice fortress!
Our liason from the mountainhomes arrived with a nice pile of stuff; I traded all of our useless (although well crafted - thank you high master stonecrafter!) mugs, and got a great deal of useful and exciting things in return, such as a good deal of cheese (I love cheese), four anvils, metal weapons, and a nearly complete suit of steel plate armor. I got a ton of food and drink and I also got a huge collection of cloth and leather for making more crafts and bags and things. I cleaned the fools out! Hahahaha!
Winter came and went uneventfully, and it is now spring. The fortress Horsemurdered is in a good place; it is time that I yield my role as leader and take my place as chief medical dwarf. I am proud of my progress on the fortress, although there were several things I never managed to accomplish:
1. the fortress is almost completely undefended. A single ambush would destroy us; we have a small militia of three dwarves but they spend most of their time training and would be of no use in a fight. 2. We have enough beds in the barracks to support our numbers for now, but more migrants will arrive soon and we will have nowhere to bed them. 3. The more advanced industries have not been established; we have no metalworking to speak of, and our soap/dye/cheese economy is nonexistant.
It is our defencelessness that worries me the most; I sure hope we don't suffer an ambush before the next guy gets here!
The diary ends here; the rest of the tome has been torn out.
Notes: Here is the region1 file: http://www.mediafire.com/?eu9u913ql1nh2ya
Throw that into the base package above, and start playing! You may have to delete the old region1 file first. AV said he was gonna upload a new base file, I'll update the OP when he does so. AV, make sure you delete the region1 file from the base pack when you upload it. GL everybody!
Second Year of Horsemurdered - Diary of "Rawrcakes" Handleorbs.
1st of Granite, year 252 From this spring untill the next, I have been assigned to guide Horsemurdered's development. I will not dissapoint our king, Lorbam Pleattomes, or our people. To help expedite my task, I've given myself the role as settlement manager and bookkeeper. Once I've worked my way through the chaotic mess and untended paperwork my predeccessor has left me, I can finally start planning for the future.
But first, I need to personally inspect our alcohol stockpile!
23th of Granite, year 252 Progress is going steadily. Our miners finished a basic workspace for me not many days after my last diary entry, and I have spent most of the time since trudging through old records. I can see that while we're very well stocked on food and other essential supplies, we're very lacking in infrastructure and defense. I will have to make these two my top priority.
But first, there's this party I should attend to...
19th of Slate, year 252 Joyous day! The mountainhomes sent 21 able dwarves to join our settlement, something which has helped my plans for our defense immensely. I've drafted 8 dwarves into our military, and hopefully organizing them in pairs will optimize their training schedule. I've dismissed my predeccessors plan of having our guards patrol, as I see it more important to temper their combat abilities. I expect to have complaints from our citizens about lacking defenses without there being patrolling guards, but they will just have to feel insecure - my plan will allow us the best defense, eventually.
I've ordered our miners to carve away some of the rock and sharpen some of the cliffs around our entrance. This should give our military a better strategic position if we have to defend against agressors in the future.
12th of Felsite, year 252. Considering the future and our rapid population growth, I've started working on enlarging our population capacity. To accomodate more citiziens, I have had my miners add two more dormitories, as well as enlarging the central dining hall. I've also had them install four wooden furnaces, as winters in this region tend to be quite cold, even underground.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/d708y.jpg)
I also added a few statues in the corridor to my office. Megalomania, say some, but I quite like them.
24th of Felsite, year 252. Something odd is going on here. After having been increasingly distant the last few days, Kosoth Theatretomes last night forcibly occupied one of our craftdwarf workshops. Ever since, he's been restlessly roaming the corridors, gathering seemingly random materials and objects, all while muttering to himself in some strange language. I have assigned a team of our soldiers to keep an eye on him, in case this odd behaviour manifests violently.
26th of Felsite, year 252. When checking in on Kosoth Theatretomes this morning, I found him soundly asleep at the workshop. Once he woke up properly, he seemed to be back to normal, but seems to be completely oblivious of what's happened the last few days. What's more strange though, is the item I found in the workshop after he left - some sort of trumpet-like instrument, crafted out of solid slate. It's decorated by rings and spikes, and has the image of a feather tree carved in its frame. When I confronted Kosoth about the item, he said it was named Bigmagic the Rough Bridle of Splashes, but seemed to be unknowing about anything else regarding it.
The origin of the instrument is unnerving, but it's craftdwarfship is unquestioningly exquisite. It would be a shame to dispose of such an item.
The month has otherwise been uneventful. Oh, an elven caravan arrived, but the despicable vermin brought very little of interest.
13th of Malachite, year 252. Our soldiers are training well, and our first line of defense is nearing completion. The first floor is ready, and I have assigned two teams to keep constant watch over it.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/L5KyB.jpg)
15th of Malachite, year 252. The errection of our first line of defense couldn't have been more well timed, it seems. Today, three kobolds have tried sneaking into our storages, but thanks to the two teams I've assigned at the entrance, their attempts were all nullified. Unfortunately, they all escaped, but it's still good to see my defensive plan worked out this well.
The second floor of the entrance defenses has been completed. The fortifications here should let our crossbowmen pick off enemies in the future, if needed. Hmm, that reminds me... we really should get some crossbows. I'll have to talk to the liaison once he returns this autumn.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/OeYsg.jpg) 3rd of Sandstone, year 252. These last couple months have been quite uneventful. Two more waves of immigrants have arrived, which has helped bolster our defenses. More importantly though, the latest wave brought a high master brewer! Already, I can feel my own moral and that of the fort increasing, as nothing is as great as well-brewed alcohol!
I should arrange a party at our new outdoor statue-garden, to celebrate his arrival.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/39Uxp.jpg)
10th of Sandstone, year 252 Again! Again, something strange is happening in the fort! Usuth Bargilt followed the same, disconnected behavioural patterns that Kosoth Theatretomes showed a few months back, and once a few days passed, he, too, returned to normal, no recollection of what had happened. He presented to me a dog bone table, which, while quite macabre, is also breathtakingly well carved. I'm not entirely sure what to do with this table, but, like the trumpet, the craftmanship is exquisite. I only wish I knew what manner of force kept possessing our citizens, and what their intentions are...
15th of Sandstone, year 252. The caravan from the mountainhomes arrived today, finally. Our broker was able to barter some quite fine goods, including two full sets of armour, some weapons and various other items. This will undoubtably help us strenghten our defenses for the future, as well as increase our standing with our king. Such stellar progress as has been performed here in Horsemurdered is without equal, surely.
Their boon will arive to us, I'm sure. Any day now.
23th of Timber, year 252. I had a terrible nightmare last night. In my dream, we had dug deep down into the earth, through winding caves and past seas of magma, the wealth of our fort growing with each day. At one point though, we hit something terrible - faceless horrors and ghostly wails swept through our tunnels and rooms, snuffing out life wherever they went! Soon, our formerly glorious fort was nothing but a cold tomb, covered with our dusty skeletons.
This must be an omen, a warning of some kind. I've ordered our miners and engineers to make an easilly defendable chokepoint in our lower tunnels, to ensure that IF my dream comes true, then we are properly prepared for it.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/hrg4c.jpg)
12th of Opal, year 252. This is a great day! Tun Abanom has been pregnant for some time, and early this morning, she gave birth! This is the first citizen who has been born in Horsemurdered, and to commemorate this event, I've ordained that he should from now on be known by the title of "Firstborn".
May he live long and strenghten us all!
27th of Obsidian, 252. Villains! Monsters!
Mere days before I was about to enjoy an end to my responsibilities as leader, goblins attacked! Two groups of them attacked savagely, and before anyone had time to react, they had already killed one of our farmers. Thankfully I had prepared enough for this situation and our soldiers were trained and eager to show their skill, but even so, three of our twelve payed for our safety with their lives, with five more in the infirmary.
I've assigned our masons the grim task of making slabs. My successor will have to decide wether we should honor our noble dead with masterfully carved memorial slabs, or if we're to carve a mausoleum for them.
Whoever follows me - I advice you to put the dead to rest as soon as possible. Strange things are happening in Horsemurdered, and I would not want us to get on bad terms with the dead!
Here's the savegame file. http://www.mediafire.com/?g2rawoa1z8tgmya
Oh my god I can't understand anything in the pictures because I've only ever looked at the default ascii. ITS ALL SO STRANGE
Good to see that the fort's starting strong. Which brings me to the next point - the fort is too stable. Horrors must be awaiting it in primal, karmic force.
The tutorials in the other thread are broken links now, I just downloaded and after a quick 5 minute encounter I ended up closing the game. Any good tutorials for beginners?
On May 25 2011 21:00 Dfgj wrote: Oh my god I can't understand anything in the pictures because I've only ever looked at the default ascii. ITS ALL SO STRANGE
Good to see that the fort's starting strong. Which brings me to the next point - the fort is too stable. Horrors must be awaiting it in primal, karmic force. Just wait, knowing my luck, there'll be this HUGE invasion I'm totally not prepared for when it's my turn. Which it is now. Just a note, I'll be late 'cause I've got 3 tests at school today ;_;
This is awesome. I will definately get in on the next one (as I'm sure there will be!) due to my exams being in a week! I might just take this one up if no one does after my exams are finished.
On May 25 2011 21:08 Derrida wrote: The tutorials in the other thread are broken links now, I just downloaded and after a quick 5 minute encounter I ended up closing the game. Any good tutorials for beginners?
The site has changed, http://df.magmawiki.com/ is the new one. It is really well made, just look on the homepage for the various tutorials. My advice is to load up DF40D first though, as the new military mechanics and doctor stuff is really complicated, and so getting used to the rest of the stuff first will help.
I don't have any problem with you joining in the middle of it, shawty.
On May 25 2011 21:08 Derrida wrote: The tutorials in the other thread are broken links now, I just downloaded and after a quick 5 minute encounter I ended up closing the game. Any good tutorials for beginners? Watch captnduck's videos. He's got a 2.5hr video tutorial covering the very basics for 2011 DF, but his 2010 and (some) of his older videos are still quite relevant. Also as already mentioned, the wiki is your best friend. Keep it open, look stuff up that you want to know about, and just experiment.
I want in!!! all sounds good so far^^
On May 25 2011 21:53 fishbowl wrote:Show nested quote +On May 25 2011 21:08 Derrida wrote: The tutorials in the other thread are broken links now, I just downloaded and after a quick 5 minute encounter I ended up closing the game. Any good tutorials for beginners? Watch captnduck's videos. He's got a 2.5hr video tutorial covering the very basics for 2011 DF, but his 2010 and (some) of his older videos are still quite relevant. Also as already mentioned, the wiki is your best friend. Keep it open, look stuff up that you want to know about, and just experiment.
It's so hilarious how it takes 2.5 hours just to explain the basics of DF.
I'm loving this so far, thanks for doing it. Keep it up please, I'll be reading!
On May 25 2011 21:53 fishbowl wrote:Show nested quote +On May 25 2011 21:08 Derrida wrote: The tutorials in the other thread are broken links now, I just downloaded and after a quick 5 minute encounter I ended up closing the game. Any good tutorials for beginners? Watch captnduck's videos. He's got a 2.5hr video tutorial covering the very basics for 2011 DF, but his 2010 and (some) of his older videos are still quite relevant. Also as already mentioned, the wiki is your best friend. Keep it open, look stuff up that you want to know about, and just experiment. This is what I did - really, you only need to learn the extreme basics of how to do stuff, and can experiment it out from there with the help of the wiki/multiple fortresses. His videos are pretty decent, in any case.
I updated the OP with more players and with rawr's post.
On May 25 2011 21:00 Dfgj wrote: Good to see that the fort's starting strong. Which brings me to the next point - the fort is too stable. Horrors must be awaiting it in primal, karmic force.
ooooh yeah. If horrors aren't awaiting, somebody will do something stupid like trying to build a giant magma cannon or something, only to have it fail horrible and melt everyone.
United States22154 Posts
Could I be moved down the cue a little? it seems like the next week or so is going to be hellish for me, and I'd hate to not give this game the attention it deserves. -__-
On May 26 2011 01:32 GMarshal wrote: Could I be moved down the cue a little? it seems like the next week or so is going to be hellish for me, and I'd hate to not give this game the attention it deserves. -__-
Done. Can you let kurumi know? Otherwise I can just throw you at the bottom of the list if you think you'll be busy when your turn comes.