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Special Shindigs banner!
The accompany reddit topic: http://www.reddit.com/r/starcraft/comments/g277l/its_that_time_again_socal_gsl_finals_party_joes/
Where: Joes pizza (www.joespizzasd.com) 5583 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. San Diego, CA 92117
What: Delicious all you can eat pizza + salad + drink + starcraft + other starcraft nerds = awesome (10$ for the buffet)
When: Friday March 18th 10:00pm to whenever the games are done
Please sign up ahead of time if you plan on attending.
What to bring: Laptops! Last time I had to run it on my terrible laptop which was a miracle. Between 140 people we had 4 laptops. Terrible ratio. All we need is S-Video out. I have an adapter that goes to RCA to let us set the system up. If you happen to have an HDMI laptop that goes out to RCA (or an adapter) bring it!
Chairs. Always chairs....
Board Games (for hanging/playing with fellow nerds in down time)
1) Diggity
2) BobotheLuvRacoon
3) sm0b
4) krazymunky
5) Irave
6) Joemcdoug
7) TheAssuager
8) BrightShadow +1
9) Sneakysnakez
10) Gatsbi
11) Johnnywup
12) Conserved
13) crazyfingers619
14) rickymare
15) imkirok
16) Logikz (is rocking the OC carpool message him on reddit)
17) Maxtortion
18) BurnedEden
19) Rayeth
20) kvnchris
21) yapyap325
22) culpfiction
23) cheeseandwhine
24) RobbybabyDTF
25) MrBlanks
26) Ohthatdang
27) Jackrare
28) SigmaoctanusIV
29) Shaetan
30) kibeth
31) BarbarianMD
32) IlluminatedWorld
33) xiipledge +3 (LA party wagon)
34) palmtree12233
35) dubo
36) sinbad
37) reeferlisk
38) bigdaddykane
39) scarfaced619
40) TGMais
41) Soulscar
42) 2Legit
43) SigmaoctanusIV
44) endGame
45) Jaef
46) StreetHeat
47) opiuman
48) inn5013orecl
49) fuzzy8balls
50) NdLyss
51) Regstata
52) joomanjii
53) Engdrew
54) Gormeroth
55) Soviet_Birthday
56) Kleander
Video of last time