If you have a Nintendo DS, you NEED TO PLAY THIS GAME. This game messes with your head
I'm not good at writing up reviews for a game so I'll leave it to the pros... some excerpts from reviews: IGN (9 out of 10): It's been three days since I started playing. Three days that stretched into three nights. Late nights, staying up well into the A.M. hours. It wasn't a choice. It wasn't a decision, ahead of time, to play like that. But as my mind began to become more and more intertwined into the world I'd begun exploring, it seemed impossible to stop. I couldn't stop. I was playing 999: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors.
This is the game that you might have heard described as a text adventure, or a visual novel, translated for our American market and given an M-for-Mature content rating -- a rarity on DS. And though it is all those things, those things fail to describe what you'll truly find in this box: One complete and total mindf***.
Destructoid (10 out of 10) To give you an idea of just how engrossed I was in 999, I stayed up past 5 AM several nights in a row plunging down every possible avenue. I don't know when was the last time I was so fascinated by a game, especially one as story-heavy as this. When I look back at the small list of quibbles -- having to repeat escape rooms and fast-forward through text on subsequent runs -- I can't honestly say that those faults detracted from the overall experience in the least!
The puzzle portion of Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors is substantial and enjoyable enough in its own right, but it's the story that keeps you hooked. Here is proof that videogame narrative can be everything we wish it could be and more. It gets you thinking, pulls at your fears and emotions, and hits you with a few perception-altering twists. What else can I do but give this game my highest recommendation?
some notes: - this game is very text-driven. Lots of reading - there are multiple endings. I recommend playing at least your first playthrough on your own, without any walkthrough. Getting the ending that ties the whole story together takes multiple playthroughs so it may help to use a walkthrough to get it after your first time playing it(up to you if you want to) - this game was given a M for Mature rating for a reason. Just like you wouldn't let your toddler play Grand Theft Auto, don't let them play this game
Anyways I'd say this is the best game I've played on the DS of my 4+ years of owning one. I normally put Phoenix Wright and Professor Layton at the top, but I think I'm ready to put 999 above them
Sounds like an awesome game, I'll definitely be trying this out now!! Thanks for the recommendation, my DS has been gathering dust for quite some time now :D
This game looks amazing. I may have to check it out.
Canada13379 Posts
oh thanks for the recommendation I love text based ds games/visual novel style. I also remember seeing the trailer for this a while ago now and thank you for reminding me about it. Im off to "get" it now
I am now thinking about getting this game for my girlfriend, how gorey/violent is it or is it more text based. Do you think its something a typical female rpg player whos a bit squeamish would like?
there is definitely some graphic/gory images (ie. lots of blood) but most of it is from the text you read. The game has no rpg elements whatsoever, it is purely a visual novel/puzzle game. Squeamish people will probably get uncomfortable but I don't think it's bad enough that people will get nauseous
as for pirating the game, I believe it has some anti-piracy thing where it will freeze early on in the game. I don't know if people found a workaround or not but the best way to play it with a guarantee of no problems is to buy the game!
This game seems really good. How does it compare to games such as Hotel Dusk or Pheonix Wright?
some westerners finally finding VN's. hell just froze over.
On December 19 2010 10:42 lepape wrote: This game seems really good. How does it compare to games such as Hotel Dusk or Pheonix Wright? If you're into those types of games you will love 999... one playthrough is not nearly as long as those games, but the fact that you have to play the game multiple times to find the truth gives the game its length.
I just finished the second puzzle and I must say this reminds me a lot of those 'escape the room' games I used to love as a kid. I remember staying up late with a friend to beat those too.
For those who are going to play the game, all I'm gonna say, without spoiling anything, is:
"she was afraid to be alone with another guy"
You'll know what I'm talking about when the time comes, and lulz will ensue.
Is it like Higurashi o.0? If so it sounds awesome and I might grab it.
I actually saw this while browsing DS games and looking for resources for GS:Dark Dawn. It seemed pretty intriguing, but now that there's a TL recommendation for it, I'm compelled to try it out.
Canada8028 Posts
On December 19 2010 10:45 Minzy wrote: some westerners finally finding VN's. hell just froze over. That was my first thought, lol. Apparently the writer for this story is the same guy who did Ever 17.
Just played it for a lot longer than I expected to... rather difficult to put down. Definitely gets my recommendation as well.
999 will probably be one of the best and but most underated 2010 NDS game (overshadowed by GS:DD). The plot/writing is amazing - Loved the dialogue at the "elevator scene" xD
Also, about the true ending:
+ Show Spoiler +That was probably the most emotional sudoku I've ever had to complete.
United States4126 Posts
I'm definitely picking this up after I finish Golden Sun
Already played it. Serves as decent job for DS VN platformer, right up there with Time Hollow methinks. The writer seems to have preserved his penchant for trying to wow us with one final explosive 'revelation' just like he did on Ever17 though- also puzzle skip option for new game+ would have been much more preferable.
SPOILER + Show Spoiler +The puzzle was very easy, but I guess that's expected to be for game designed for childrens rofl. Also kinda disappointed me it was not indenpendent storylines for each play like Fate: Stay Night, Secret Game: Killer Queen, Higurashi/Umineko etc. to keep things fresh.
I also heard Misshitsu no Sacrifice (密室のサクリファイス) was also excellent puzzle VN for PSP, but unfortunately it's not getting translated OTL
I've been playing this game for the past 3 hours and it is FANTASTIC.
I'm definitely picking this up after I finish Golden Sun Kinky, do yourself a favor. Drop Golden Sun right now and play this game instead (or at least play golden sun 1 or 2). This game is just fantastic the puzzles are what I expected from Dark Dawn but never got. The story is what I would expect from a Golden Sun sequel but never got.
This game is like Saw+Phoenix Wright+Professor Layton+Myst. An absolute gem.