Original post:
(in Korean of course)
In short, Fruitseller went berserk on Korean forum, expressing his frustration with swears and incoherent sentences.
Topic: To hell if I play zerg in GSL2 (swears)
Content: incoherent
Fruitseller's reply on bottom: All I can get is 10% win ratio with zerg in practice. (swears) This is a crapload of garbage.
Fruitseller's 2nd reply: What am I supposed to do when they use 3 dropships and expand all over the map. What am I suppose to stop the dropships with Blizzard? If I maintain my muta number, I can't win. (swear, swear, swear)
Fruitseller's 3rd reply: Really.. I feel like throwing away my keyboard and mouse and whatever out the window. (swears)
Ogs.Zenio's replies: There's no answer to zerg right now.. It's past the point of overcoming through practice.
** Don't mean to add fuel to the zerg UP notion, but with these 2 top zergs of the world QQing.. what more can anyone say?
oh this gives me warm fuzzies
United States7166 Posts
He better not. Cool is my hero. 
I wonder if this is just during a moment of frustration. I know DIMAGA had similar plans to change races, but hasn't yet.
Except a lot of TvT from now on I guess
Yeah regarding his practise with his own proteam (tester, clide)
"I have 10% win ratio practicing (against my teammates) F*** what garbage"
oGs.Zenio then adds:
"Zerg is so done. It's hopeless" "It's not a matter of overcoming it with practice"
Julyzerg is apparently also going terran? So that leaves like.. checkprime and ogsthewind?
This isnt very cool of cool...
United States7166 Posts
On September 24 2010 02:12 yowza wrote:
Julyzerg is apparently also going terran? So that leaves like.. source?
Yeah July is rumored to go Terran and check is also very mad.
This is really sad- FruitSeller is one of my favorite players to watch. Hopefully Blizzard is paying attention.
On September 24 2010 02:12 yowza wrote: Yeah regarding his practise with his own proteam (tester, clide)
"I have 10% win ratio practicing (against my teammates) F*** what garbage"
oGs.Zenio then adds:
"Zerg is so done. It's hopeless" "It's not a matter of overcoming it with practice"
Julyzerg is apparently also going terran? So that leaves like.. checkprime and ogsthewind? Well I guess that's that.
So long zerg... i hardly knew ye
who can blame him blizzard clearly is either bad at balancing the game or just doesn't care very much about making it good for top level competition
i guess they just don't mind taking 2 years to balance the game when people are trying to play it for a living
The horrible balance starts to surface as players reach a softcap of skill. I guess I won't buy a GSL season 2 ticket if all we see is TvT.
Fuck if it's this bad, why do I keep losing to zergs It seems to me a soon as zerg hits 3 bases it's so frking hard to win 
Well you guys are just gonna have to wait another year before the expansion gives you defilers. That's how it is.
noooooo my only zerg hope
psh, if he was Jaedong he wouldn't be complaining.
United States4126 Posts
I'm actually really interested in seeing how many zergs qualify for the next GSL.
I think it's been fairly obvious for a while now that Zerg units are way undertuned and restrictive. While terran units are obviously overtuned in terms of the TvZ matchup. That only further perpetuates the imbalance.
The problem is that blizzard moves slower than evolution so the significant changes that are needed wont come for a long time.