I was hoping to toss up a thread a few days ago, but was bitten by the 3 day rule. I did manage to add a thread to the map design threads for Inundation and received one or two pieces of feedback.
I finished up a map last night called Dissolution. My goals for my first map, Inundation, was to create a claustrophobic feeling with a watch-your-back type feeling. Dissolution is much more open and still gives you a watch-your-back feeling.
Any and all feedback is good feedback in my eyes. I'm new to the map making scene and would really like to create some interesting maps for the competitive.
Cool stuff. One thing you might want to keep in mind - by putting the high yield on an island, you're probably giving an unfair advantage to terran who can acquire island expansions quite easily and have little trouble defending them for a while.
On April 29 2010 02:02 NATO wrote: Cool stuff. One thing you might want to keep in mind - by putting the high yield on an island, you're probably giving an unfair advantage to terran who can acquire island expansions quite easily and have little trouble defending them for a while.
IMHO, just put a small destructible rock there (like 100HP) and there you go =)
The maps look very nice. My one issue is that the first map looks like it is lacking expansions. That really limits the amount of options players have on the map.
gold expansion should always have higher risks than 'normal' expansions imo ergo small entrance/islands expansions should be normal ones
as already mentioned only having spawn/natural + gold expos seems a little less
@first map: im not sure how much the vision of these 4 watchtowers really reveal but from the positioning it seems to take away some of the wanted 'claustrophobic feeling'
like the ideas of your maps though, nicely done (:
Looking good there infinite. I can't wait until we can publish our maps and get some real play testing in. I wonder how robust user storefronts will be, hopefully we can track number of dls/times played, and even win/loss stats by race for each map - those kinda things would be really awesome for improving ones maps.
The maps look awesome! As it was said earlier, the gold island expansion should have some destructible rocks to prevent a Terran from lifting a CC to it easily. Besides that, the maps look great, excellent job!