You know how most people say dont talk to the police. Well earlier i was innocent but i decided not to talk to the police in case they try to incriminate me. Well when they asked if i choose to speak or no. I say no they handcuff me and took me to jail. My friends told them what happened so the police let them go free... My friends and I were smoking from a vaporizer in a parking lot of an abandon building. The police saw us and asked us to get out of the car. In the car there were less than a gram of marijuana, a vaporizer. Its my friend's car. When the police asked my friend to search his vehicle, he accepted. So they got the dog and found the weed and vaporizer. I sat in the passenger seat. Its not my weed or vaporizer. Always i was charged with possession of the vaporizer.
I watched this video
im thinking about fighting the charge because the police arrested me without any proof that the paraphernalia is mine. I was not on me, it was in the vehicle with was not mine. They just arrested me and made up the charge because i chose not to talk.
Wait so you actually had bail on a paraphernalia charge? That's messed up man... what state do you live in? If I were you I'd get a consultation with a lawyer b/c this whole thing sounds like bullshit.
If your friend were as smart as you, you wouldn't be in this mess. Remember kids, never ever let the police search your car even if you're innocent. Who knows... a friend might have left something incriminating in the back seat and there's absolutely no need to take that chance.
wait i'm confused, is it just me but do these two statements conflict? (it really may be just me cause it's 3am and my brain is fried from studying) "My friends and I were smoking from a vaporizer in a parking lot of an abandon building." and "Well earlier i was innocent but i decided not to talk to the police in case they try to incriminate me." Still bullshit that they arrested you for the sole reason of choosing to exercise the 5th.
either way, tough break man. i rarely smoke, but when I do, it's never in public places. Only at people's houses and stuff.
btw, it's awesome that you smiled in your mugshot. you should put that as your picture in the TL gallery
On December 07 2009 17:10 motbob wrote: If your friend were as smart as you, you wouldn't be in this mess. Remember kids, never ever let the police search your car even if you're innocent. Who knows... a friend might have left something incriminating in the back seat and there's absolutely no need to take that chance.
On December 07 2009 17:10 motbob wrote: If your friend were as smart as you, you wouldn't be in this mess. Remember kids, never ever let the police search your car even if you're innocent. Who knows... a friend might have left something incriminating in the back seat and there's absolutely no need to take that chance.
EDIT: and yeah, get a lawyer.
Do you have the option to not let the police search the car? I know you have the right from unwarranted searches, but as with all rules there are exception to thi rule. Does it apply in this case?
I don't know why you just didn't talk to the police. Who the hell said to you "don't talk to the police"? If you cooperate with them they are wayy more likely to cooperate with you. Even if they did incriminate you, who cares? If you don't talk you will get in trouble anyway, just be honest about it.
I got pulled over speeding last week. I noticed the cop behind me right away who just barely blinked his lights. I pulled over right away, and parked. All he did was pull up beside my car and tell me to slow down, and drove off. If I gave him hassle and didn't pull over I am sure he woulda ticketed me.
I guess now you know though. They are everyday people too so best to just cooperate with them.
On December 07 2009 17:10 motbob wrote: If your friend were as smart as you, you wouldn't be in this mess. Remember kids, never ever let the police search your car even if you're innocent. Who knows... a friend might have left something incriminating in the back seat and there's absolutely no need to take that chance.
EDIT: and yeah, get a lawyer.
yeah don't agree with this @ all btw. Maybe we just have nicer cops in Canada. Either that or you just have a bunch of illegal things in your car and I don't so I am not worried about a cop searching my car.
On December 07 2009 17:25 resonance wrote: I don't know why you just didn't talk to the police. Who the hell said to you "don't talk to the police"? If you cooperate with them they are wayy more likely to cooperate with you. Even if they did incriminate you, who cares? If you don't talk you will get in trouble anyway, just be honest about it.
I got pulled over speeding last week. I noticed the cop behind me right away who just barely blinked his lights. I pulled over right away, and parked. All he did was pull up beside my car and tell me to slow down, and drove off. If I gave him hassle and didn't pull over I am sure he woulda ticketed me.
I guess now you know though. They are everyday people too so best to just cooperate with them.
On December 07 2009 17:10 motbob wrote: If your friend were as smart as you, you wouldn't be in this mess. Remember kids, never ever let the police search your car even if you're innocent. Who knows... a friend might have left something incriminating in the back seat and there's absolutely no need to take that chance.
EDIT: and yeah, get a lawyer.
yeah don't agree with this @ all btw. Maybe we just have nicer cops in Canada. Either that or you just have a bunch of illegal things in your car and I don't so I am not worried about a cop searching my car.
You live in Canada lol... Here in America everyone is taught a young age NEVER to talk to the cops. Also, this is not a traffic ticket but a drug charge. I know this probably sounds just insane to you, but in the good'ole USA, especially in the Southern states, marijuana (especially when it is in the possession of minorities) is taken very seriously.
Yeah I went to jail on a threats to kill charge when the guy wasn't even around to hear me say I was gonna "frickin' murder him". I didn't even use his name. They said it was a felony so I was like uhhhh can i talk to a lawyer first and they're like sure right after you post $10000 bail, off to jail.
You are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Outside of the courtroom, nobody gives a shit.