First time arrested - Page 5
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United States3824 Posts
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Sweden2826 Posts
On December 07 2009 20:50 zatic wrote: It's always the same pattern. They overstep their boundaries if they know it's too costly for you to go after them. I agree with this. I've met too many police officers who shouldn't be in the police force, because they come across as bullies and have empathy issues. | ||
United States831 Posts
A buddy of mine was telling me how him and his other friends were smoking a couple of joints during a camping trip when a officer stopped by and checked on them. My buddy had a joint rolled up behind his ear and the cop saw it, took it, and said it was marijuana which it was. So my buddy and my buddies friend got busted for it and went to court. My buddies friend represented himself and had to pay $$$ fine. My buddy however got a lawyer and my buddy got off because the lawyer said it was an illegal search. So like I said, I would try fighting it. | ||
10319 Posts
That sucks but chances are you will get fucked, unless your friend testifies that it was his shit. | ||
United States32028 Posts
On December 08 2009 04:23 omfghi2u2 wrote: I would try fighting it, you never know. A buddy of mine was telling me how him and his other friends were smoking a couple of joints during a camping trip when a officer stopped by and checked on them. My buddy had a joint rolled up behind his ear and the cop saw it, took it, and said it was marijuana which it was. So my buddy and my buddies friend got busted for it and went to court. My buddies friend represented himself and had to pay $$$ fine. My buddy however got a lawyer and my buddy got off because the lawyer said it was an illegal search. So like I said, I would try fighting it. Where did a cop seeing a joint behidn an ear constitute an illegal search? | ||
United States349 Posts
On December 08 2009 04:12 Foucault wrote: I agree with this. I've met too many police officers who shouldn't be in the police force, because they come across as bullies and have empathy issues. Regrettably a large majority of American police are described by your post. At the risk of sounding like an emo teen playing die-hard anarchist; I honestly think my distrust has reached to the point where I doubt I would even call them for violent crimes occurring around me. With the exception of a single officer, every Policeman I've encountered has been borderline abusive, obnoxious and worthless. Also I find it entertaining that I used to be against civilian firearms, but my experiences with the wondrously inept policeman of my cities have convinced to purchase a handgun. Kind of hilarious that the Public servant charged with my protection is the one I view as the biggest threat. | ||
United States548 Posts
"yeah lol" "burn run?" "yup" "can we look around your car?" "sure" "yeah there's a weed in there. Don't smoke and drive, it isn't decriminalized yet" "ok will do" "ok have a nice night" "you too, see ya" was blazed out of my mind so this was hilarious at the time, although a bit scary. | ||
10319 Posts
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United States2263 Posts
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United States831 Posts
On December 08 2009 04:26 Hawk wrote: Where did a cop seeing a joint behidn an ear constitute an illegal search? It could've have been a rolled up cigarette so the cop had no legal grounds to search them. | ||
Japan4560 Posts
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United States2263 Posts
On December 08 2009 04:38 omfghi2u2 wrote: It could've have been a rolled up cigarette so the cop had no legal grounds to search them. Haha that's awesome. | ||
Canada1460 Posts
Because it does not matter whether or not you believe the law is stupid, the fact is it is the law and you broke it and it is the police's job to uphold the law no matter how silly or wasteful you think it is. Yes, if you had a self rolled joint on your year, that warrants a police search of the car because that is more than enough reason(even evidence) to warrant a search based on suspicion. GG, next time you smoke pot illegally, dont put the evidence behind your ear. | ||
United States831 Posts
On December 08 2009 04:59 lone_hydra wrote: Wait, I know the possession of weed is illegal but is smoking it legal? If it isn't, you have got no case. Because it does not matter whether or not you believe the law is stupid, the fact is it is the law and you broke it and it is the police's job to uphold the law no matter how silly or wasteful you think it is. Yes, if you had a self rolled joint on your year, that warrants a police search of the car because that is more than enough reason(even evidence) to warrant a search based on suspicion. GG, next time you smoke pot illegally, dont put the evidence behind your ear. The police just stumbled upon them because it happened to smell in the area. And GG you son because my buddy doesnt have shit on his record. Though he paid the same amount as the fine for the lawyer. | ||
United States32028 Posts
It also sounds like a load of shit. Not many people roll up their own cigs, and enough people do roll up their own joints to make it worth a search if he saw it. I really doubt a judge would throw out an entire conviction on those groounds | ||
United States199 Posts
If it was in plain sight, I'd say chances are you would've gotten screwed in this state anyways, and they would've been bigger dicks about it. At this stage, I'd say get a lawyer. Don't let them intimidate you, you haven't done much of anything wrong. time be smart about where you guys do this crap... | ||
United States2378 Posts
Second, I made a turn on a yellow light, (not one of those speedy yellows, but I was in the middle of the intersection when the traffic cleared). and got pulled over. The cop goes "You ran that red light right?" I said no, she then insisted I ran that red light, and I further insisted it was a yellow light. She gets pissed off and asks for license and proof of insurance, when I come back clean, she goes I'm only giving you a warning since she supposedly ran out of tickets, (who pulls people over for traffic violations if they don't have tickets) and then goes on to talk about rules of the road and how your suppose to stop for yellows trying to sound like I did something wrong and she's being nice. I guess her dumbass doesn't know you don't stop in the middle of an intersection for yellows. Long story short, be careful when talking to cops. Most of them are dicks and try to get you to incriminate yourself. | ||
United States4789 Posts
If you get pulled over, and you think "Don't talk to the cops" means that you should clam up and not say a word, that's wrong. Initially, being friendly and courteous is likely to put them in the mindset to warn rather than go looking to write a ticket. Once they decide to charge you, there is no advantage to cooperation. "Don't talk to cops" comes in at this point. It means that you admit no guilt. In the case of a speeding ticket, a cop may attempt to beguile you by getting you to admit that you may have been going only a few miles above the speed limit. They'll make it seem like its no big deal. The problem there is you've admitted guilt, and the fact that it was a minor infraction doesn't matter. Speeding is speeding after all! In this case, you maintain that you were going the speed limit. Make the cop work to prove your guilt, rather than admitting it and making his job easy. And never ever consent to a search, especially when you've something to hide. It is easy for a cop to claim probable cause, but more difficult to make that stand up in court. If you can beat the probable cause, you've beat the charge, and consenting to a search robs you of a possibly easy way to evade the charge. Basically, it comes down to a scale where you cooperate with a cop less the more they want to charge you with something. Be courteous at first, but don't consent to searches. And once they've arrested you, say nothing! | ||
Canada2533 Posts
The cops clearly knew you were smoking up, otherwise you wouldn't have had an issue in the first place, if they saw you doing anything or smelt pot thats probable cause right there, and since they found weed and a vapo in the car that makes at least one person in the car guilty. My bet is that since you weren't saying shit your friends blamed it on you (intentional or not) to get off after the cops put pressure on them. The fact that you got a paraphanelia charge is bullshit though. There is no way they can prove the vapo is yours, so unless your friends blamed it on you the driver of the vehicle should be the one who is charged. Go get a consultation with a lawyer, but don't count on getting off scott free without your friends getting charged. On December 08 2009 04:25 fanatacist wrote: 6'02 160? Damn son. That sucks but chances are you will get fucked, unless your friend testifies that it was his shit. Also: You are a fucking idiot for smoking pot in a parked car. Don't you people have houses/apartments to live in? If you smoke up in someones apartment/house, the odds of having a problem with police is instantly reduced to nearly zero unless you are trafficking and are on their radar for whatever reason. If you really have to smoke outside, roll a joint before you leave, and then take nothing but the joint. If the cops show up while you are smoking the joint, throw it on the ground & mash up the roach with your shoe or eat it before they see you smoking. Bringing a vaporizer in a car is just asking to get fucked, if you guys were smoking a J or two you wouldn't have had a problem. | ||
United States10796 Posts
![]() u def did the right thing by not talking to the cops. it's not the admitting it was urs or not, but if you make a mistake, even the tiniest mistake, the cops of the US can and will run with it. for example when i was raided I was pulled into interrogation once i got to the cop shop and this was the following convo "more or less" mind you all the evidence this raid pulled was: .5 g loose marijuana (one joint), 2 pipes. drug records dated from 04 (were from the night i got arrested, so it was ifne to have them, i had already been charged for that weed), a broken scale, and 22g's pulled from my friends coat (which he admitted was his and that we didn't know about it) Cop: So listen man, we don't think ur dealing, u seem like a good guy, so who's dealing out of your house? Me: i don't know what you are talking about Cop: listen we know someone is dealing out of your house, y don't u tell us and we'll help you out. Me: i don't know what you're talking about Cop: well tell us this, how much weed you normally get? (at this point, i've had time to see what they r trying to aim for and devise a plan to get only a possession charge) Me: ehhh dimes, eighters, once in a while a quarter (in my state over a half allows manufacturing/delivering). Cop: O ok, who do you normally buy from Me: Idk, i just drive down to the hood and find some random guy to buy from Cops: We're wasting our time with you aren't we? Me: Yep If i had said someone was selling out of my house they could have got a guaranteed Maintaining A Drug House, and a Possession conviction. If i had said i sold here or there, they would have got a Distribution Charge, Drug House, and Possession Charge. Instead I got raided and got a fucking basic "possession of marijuana" charge. bullshit slap on the wrist, and i was good to go. the good thing was my story was mostly true. i wasn't selling (ATM ![]() Now if the cops fuck with me I'm gold: I got a Medical Marijuana Card, and am a card carrying member of all these groups: NORML, ACLU, MMMA, & SAFER. You did the right thing, and they are going to have alot of trouble in court pinning the weed on u (if you get a lawyer, ALWAYS get a lawyer, preferably one that is a NORML lifetime member) unless your boys ratted you out. if your boys rolled on ur prolly fucked, but the good news is in most places (don't know which state ur in) a gram will be a fine and probation. If you get a good enuff lawyer prolly non-reporting probation which is the shit. With non-reporting 99% of the time u dont have to drug test and just mail in a sheet and some money each month and don't get arrested again. but for future reference smoking in public is dumb. i would recommend against that ever again. Edit: Saw an above poster, he is right, "Don't talk to the cops" doesn't mean don't say a word. Just don't say ne thing when it comes to them trying to trick you. You say your name, info, and that's about it. If they ask you "who's weed is this" that's when you STFU and "Don't talk to the cops". | ||
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