Braavos36372 Posts
It seems a large number of users on this forum cheer for specific players rather than specific teams. Or they cheer for a team because a specific player is on it. I think that's fine, but I implore you guys to cheer more for a team only. Its much more rewarding, fun, and less frustrating. It also makes you a "cooler" fan. Here's why:
1. Slumps occur in BW a lot. Cheering for a team lets you seamlessly transition into cheering for other players you already care about while still appreciating the old guy who is in the twilight of his career and doesn't really appear as much anymore. Its a more consistent form of caring. Otherwise, once your guy is eliminated, you have to find another guy (without a good connection to a player its hard to cheer more than superficially) or you just lose interest in progaming.
2. You know the players better on your team. You know the young players, get excited about them, and see their progress. There are so many amateurs and new guys that its hard to keep track of, but if you follow a team you just have to track the history and results of just a few guys.
3. You suddenly care about offline prelims and minor league. I followed Skyhigh and Efforts' rise from unknown to major proleague contributors. Its really fun and rewarding to see this happen, to see a kid grow and get better and start performing. Much more rewarding than becoming a fan of a player once he's already good.
4. Inter-team dynamics, coaching, and moving on. You see how the coach interacts and develops the players. You see new players and how they interact with old players. You see when a younger guy slowly surpasses the older guy. This happened several times with Savior-Effort, Iris-Skyhigh, and Much-Movie. I loved those old guys, but I knew so much about the new guys too and it was extremely exciting to see them start succeeding while the "older generation" mentored them.
5. Easier and better fan and forum interaction. What do Savior fans talk about? Maybe the one game he played the other day? But I talk to CJ fans all the time about so many things about the team, from Skyhighs loss to Ruby to Hydra slowly learning how to perform under pressure. Plus all this closer attetion-paying and better knowledge will lead to more in depth and good quality forum discussion.
6. Loyalty is rewarded. Its much more rewarding to see your team win when you suffer through bad times. This doesnt happen often with players (outside of Nada and July) because once players slump for real, they are usually never back to being "good." But teams are different -- theres always hope for next year. Look at how bad Samsung is doing and how good WeMade is now. I sincerely hope KHAN fans dont jump ship and I hope all teams get their "WeMade" moment, when it seems a team is finally putting it together. It's great.
So thats my pitch, guys. For whatever reason, pick a team, and stick by them forever.
khan forevar!
(until my SamSung monitor breaks)
I like 4 teams..equally :C it's a pain to cheer for teams
Totally agree... helps devotion get past the slumps. I enjoy watching difference teams for various reasons. SKT has been pretty revolutionary of late... and CJ has been so full of win. I wouldn't say that I'm totally a one-team fan... but I definitely have favorites
MBC will win PL finals this year.
meh, I don't think either one is better. The reason people often cheer for players is that they enjoy watching their games - as Starcraft is an individual eSport, it's hard to like to watch every player on the team.
I'm with you, HB, I'm sticking with my team through thick and (now especially) thin. Thankfully, Seattle sports teaches us to accept the inevitable fall from grace and to do so without getting too worked up about it. Truth be told, it felt weird rooting for a winning team...
Go Khan!
I like Khan because of all the badass Protossers they had at one point. Don't follow progaming a lot anymore though but still they my proteam boys.
You shouldn't have to cheer for a team. You should just have more than 1 player that you like. If they all happen to be on the same team (like for me), then great.
I only became interested in pro Starcraft this last July, when someone linked me to Flash vs Shuttle in GOM. I loved it and I have been a Flash fan ever since. By following Flash his results I became a fan of KT in general too. But seeing as this is my first full season as a fan I haven't seen much growth yet in any of the players so most of your points don't apply to me.
Also, I also really like some players outside of KT. I'd probably cheer for Baby and July if they were to play 815 or Firefist or a KT b-teamer.
Germany2762 Posts
the only sad thing is, that daezang doesn't play for them anymore
First I started to cheer for CJ because Effort was in it, but then I learned to love the whole team.
The optimal strategy is to be flexible and always cheer for the favorite in every game. That way you'll usually end up satisfied with the outcome. Even better, skip the live broadcasts and watch VODs. Then you can check the results beforehand and always make sure that you're cheering for the winner.
Cheering for T1 makes me feel like im bandwagoning ;;
Baa?21242 Posts
Look at how bad Samsung is doing and how good WeMade is now. I sincerely hope KHAN fans dont jump ship and I hope all teams get their "WeMade" moment, when it seems a team is finally putting it together. It's great.
Good heavens, no. I'm sticking with KHAN to the bitter end.
I became a KHAN fan solely because of my liking of Stork, and at first I was pretty lackluster in my enthusiasm or the team; but now, I'm definitely a fan of the whole team. And, oddly enough, this season has made me more committed to the team as a whole than ever before, rather than less... although it'll always be Stork > KHAN for me, nevertheless I'm becoming more enthusiastic about the rest of the team every day.
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is: Go Stork! Go KHAN!
My love for CJ Entus may have started as love for a player, but as players move from the team, slump, or retire, I find that I still love CJ just as much.
meh I'm not a fan of bandwagoning onto one team tbh, I support like half the teams (SKT1, CJ, eSTRO, KT, MBC, ACE and MBC) and just hope for good games overall
CJ because of The Maestro~ and fortunately even after his reign, they still have some decent chances. EffOrt gogo!