On November 07 2009 05:03 bumatlarge wrote: Lack of OZ fans here dissapoints me
Bu I cant blame anyone, it's like rooting for a player, BUT CANT KILLER WIN SOMETHING FOR ONCE AKAOSDVJASDAF hey we still got backho!!!!!!!! and perfectman!!!!! killer will get his chance hot bid great remark really felt like i was reading a note from the teacher lol since i started being a fan of oz cause of jaedong started to like other players but need to have roots in one place so guess oz will be the team  but i cant possibly see how can you be a fan of a team that loses 80 % of its matches with no real good player (loyalty or no loyalty that sucks pretty much ) not talking about ace (ace is pretty cool team cant see who wouldnt want to be an ace fan once u follow starcraft more than 2 years ) but lets say mbc (just an example... light, sea and pusan lately is doing good) .... sure once the team was an empire but can you really still be a fan while it gets crushed every time not being mean just pointing out that sometimes being a fan of a team and not a player does "suck" sometimes and when sometimes is a long time ..... than sometimes u should jump ship to oz !!!!!! so plz join in  other than that coudnt agree more
Oz! Just give some time to the new generation players, and the team will be back in kicking everyone asses.
I think it's easier to bandwagon across players than it is to bandwagon across whole teams, considering players win matches but the team doesnt win to begin with. (JD partially this season, Flash last season...) Provided the general attitude towards bandwagoning is finding the player who always wins, it's not hard to find the right player. Lucky for me, I became a JD fan before his MSL loss to forGG and saw him win a Golden Mouse. This coming from being a NaDa fan before.
Personally, I'm a fan of any team that doesn't have Canata in the lineup. I watch SC more for the games and strategic and entertainment value than to support a certain team.
I understand what you mean but it´s hard, because 1. I love oldies, all of them. Can´t unlove them. 2. Skt T1 has Bisu,Best and fantasy whose style I just don´t like and they get to play all the time 3. If I choose ACE it wont be the same team for long, otherwise I would be an avid ACE fan.
But I guess my love for e-sports can handle this even though I would like to be a fan of just one team.
Oh what the hell just f it, I guess I´ll be a wemade fan, they still got Midas and Nada right?
GO WEMADE! Is there any other wemade fans here? I think I should now go and check their roster just so I know who I can call next bonjwa
I love CJ/KHAN equally
I wouldn't even know who to cheer for in a match-up between them
On November 07 2009 05:02 Djabanete wrote: So you're a team fan. Cool.
It's not for everyone.
Not directed at the OP: I wish people would get it out of their heads that rooting in a certain way or for a certain team makes them "better" fans. There's no such thing as a "good" fan or a "bad" fan, only a fan who is or isn't annoying as hell in live report threads. EVERY fan is annoying in LR threads. I am no exception.
United States23455 Posts
Being a fan of a team makes Proleague matches more exciting for me, and it's more fun watching their run through the season, but that's just me.
My favourite players would be EffOrt, sKyHigh, and Iris probably. I like many other players on CJ so I kind of already just cheer for CJ as a whole.
I'm in a strange situation, my favorite teams don't really have the majority of my favorite players : I prefer estro and stars in team formats, but my favorite players are people like Violet/Bisu/Ruby/Hoejja/Horang2/Calm. I don't particularly care for Flash because he's a terran player, or even JD because zvz is boring.
I like Stars because they treat their players really well, and most of them have a really strong emphasis on micro-oriented playstyles, a la Free or Zero. But I refuse to have them as a team because their terrans are horrible. MVP has decent tvp, that's it. I also like them because they constantly feel like they are just on the verge of being an incredibly good team, only needing a player or two (the terrans) to step up.
And estro are foreigner friendly people. I like their B-team players, but their A-team players kind of bore me for the most part. Upmagic is fun occasionally, but Sangho/Hyvaa are boring. Really I enjoy a lot, and I don't know why.
However, at the end of the day the only way a team will get my respect is if they field players whose play impresses or entertains me. It's fine to watch a horang2 vs frozean game, every bit as much as it is to watch a Flash vs jaedong or Bisu vs stork one.
CJ love arrived once EffOrt, SkyHigh, Kwanro and Movie made good matches @ Shin Han Winners League, then I was more than a Samsung Khan Fan due to Stork and JangBi
I agree with this however I root for Jaedong over STX and I usually still pick STX to win mostly because Oz keeps sending out baxtar lol
Cheer for SKTT1, why settle for anything less?
I cheer for Ace when not cheering for Jaedong.
I'm guilty of cheering for just my favorite players yes. sAviOr, Light, Jangbi and Effort. This is a decision I made though, on purpose. I do have a TEAM, being CJ, but I was a Pro-football fan for too long cheering for a "team". Teams loose too, and go into slumps. I find following the people in the "sport" and their personal struggles/victories to be much more interesting.
I remember feeling like CRAP when my team would lose. I took that hard. I know other people do weather or not they admit it.
I know there was a certain someone on this Forum who was a HUGE "Oz" fan, but when they lost a few in a row... you could see it affect him a lot. This isnt going to happen to me.
Sometimes, I even enjoy watching players I have no attachment to MORE, because Im just watching the game. Half the time sAviOr plays, Im too freaked out to enjoy it as much as I would if it were... Stork vs Leta... or some such good players who Im not really so attached to.
I cheer for CJ and STX. I hate Khan and SKT.
I think cheering for teams is a lot more fun than cheering just for the player.
I've been a fan of SKT1 for a pretty long time.. Back when they had red and white adidas team sweaters, when was that? I think it was back when iloveoov peaked...
Edit: Btw it was so sweet when Bisu, hands down my favorite player, joined my team! :D
I've been a T1 fan since I learned about progaming through BoxeR.
I am one of these boring guys ;.;
I used to have (before Midas joined Wemade and oov/Kingdom retired) most of my favorite gamers in SKT1 but now only Best and Fantasy is left, while Wemade has NaDa, Mind and Midas...