Never once though did I make it before finishing manamune. It makes tons of sense, but I just get single minded about it.
[Champion] Urgot - Page 6
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United States1356 Posts
Never once though did I make it before finishing manamune. It makes tons of sense, but I just get single minded about it. | ||
United States5348 Posts
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Marshall Islands3404 Posts
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United States41 Posts
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Canada31494 Posts
Sometimes I find that MM and Bruta are not enough damage however, especially if I was unable to rack up many early kills/assists. In those cases I sometimes pick up LW as well. I mean it's great building him tanky after you get a bit of CDR/Arpen/dmg, but it translates to you just getting focused last in a teamfight because you barely do anything midgame. It's definitely a delicate balance as to what point in the game Urgot is useful for laning power versus poking/survivability. | ||
Canada31494 Posts
The bug fix to Urgot's Q does it fact make it so that you can't make those 1-in-10 crazy long shots anymore, however with it comes a very welcome undocumented change. I noticed that previous to this patch, much like Nidalee's spear, Urgot's missile doesn't hit at the end of its animation and just disappears after going into a champion. Now, it looks like it has actually GAINED a bit of range, and if the missile even touches a champion at ANY point during the animation, even right at the end, it will hit. Obviously this is how it should have been from the beginning, but any bug fix is welcome news. | ||
Germany8679 Posts
On March 02 2011 08:27 WaveofShadow wrote: So I feel like I have to bump this and bring it up: The bug fix to Urgot's Q does it fact make it so that you can't make those 1-in-10 crazy long shots anymore, however with it comes a very welcome undocumented change. I noticed that previous to this patch, much like Nidalee's spear, Urgot's missile doesn't hit at the end of its animation and just disappears after going into a champion. Now, it looks like it has actually GAINED a bit of range, and if the missile even touches a champion at ANY point during the animation, even right at the end, it will hit. Obviously this is how it should have been from the beginning, but any bug fix is welcome news. Is it a range increase or was the range of the animation shortened? | ||
Canada31494 Posts
I have been hitting a lot of poking Qs I hadn't been before. It's obviously not a huge difference but I play Urgot enough that I noticed something odd. | ||
664 Posts
Meki Pendant + 2 health pots Tear of Goddess -> Manamune boots -> Boots of Lucidity Brutalizer Last Whisper Banshee Veil BloodThirster Super late game: he opts to sell brutalizer for cleaver (The opening and first few items are pretty consistent. The latter items might be more situational but i just copied and pasted what he did in one game) The way he explained it was that he wanted to get his CDR down to the point where he can get off 3 Qs off on one E. Q has a 2 second cooldown and E has a 5 second duration so the breakpoints for getting additional Qs are at 17% CDR for 3Qs and 37% CDR for 4Qs. His opening actually makes a whole lot of sense. He pretty much gets the CDR boots asap after tear/manamune to hit the 17% CDR sweet spot . Boots of lucidity gives 15% cdr + 3% cdr from mastery = 18% cdr, which puts him right above the mark for squeezing in 3Qs per bomb. | ||
United States5348 Posts
my thoughts: tear -> bruta has been working out for me a lot better than manamune -> bruta, i def feel like its pretty far superior. in terms of openings, meki works for him because he doesnt get mana regen from runes, so he desperately needs the mana regen from meki, but atm i prefer getting my mana regen from runes and going boots first, i may go back and try meki opening again. imo, the key thing thats different between my build and jiji's is frozen heart, with the recent nerf, im not sure its as core on urgot anymore as it used to be, but if you get fr heart, you better get merc treads, because you wont need cdr boots to hit the 4 Q mark. edit: another note, it seems to me that a lot of the items that jiji got in that game were based on the idea that he was the only source of AD dmg, there are alternate builds for a more support/tank urgot build that gets a decent amount of dmg, then starts building other things, but you need some1 on your team who is actually doing a lot of AD dmg | ||
664 Posts
On March 06 2011 22:52 barbsq wrote: updated op with link to jiji's build my thoughts: tear -> bruta has been working out for me a lot better than manamune -> bruta, i def feel like its pretty far superior. in terms of openings, meki works for him because he doesnt get mana regen from runes, so he desperately needs the mana regen from meki, but atm i prefer getting my mana regen from runes and going boots first, i may go back and try meki opening again. imo, the key thing thats different between my build and jiji's is frozen heart, with the recent nerf, im not sure its as core on urgot anymore as it used to be, but if you get fr heart, you better get merc treads, because you wont need cdr boots to hit the 4 Q mark. edit: another note, it seems to me that a lot of the items that jiji got in that game were based on the idea that he was the only source of AD dmg, there are alternate builds for a more support/tank urgot build that gets a decent amount of dmg, then starts building other things, but you need some1 on your team who is actually doing a lot of AD dmg He seems perfectly content to stay on 3Qs per E for the majority of the games. Maybe it's because he doesn't want to waste occasional Blue buff he gets from kills (he doesn't hog blue buff, usually opting to give it to AP carries) or the fact that there isn't really any other "pure" AD-CDR items besides for brutalizer. | ||
7579 Posts
Boots/3pot -> tears -> brut -> mana (or just a bfsword if I can afford it) -> BT/Manamune/Bveil/GA/FH/QSS/etc has been working really really well. Running 9/0/21 with flash ghost. EDIT: Apparently "note: pressing ~ makes it so that you can only target champs with mouseover, which makes q even easier to hit, now there is no way you can mess up q lockons by targeting creeps instead (tho this never really happeneed much to begin with)." Is this a toggle or do I have to keep it pressed? Also as long as E hits even in FoW your q hits right if mouseover'd? | ||
Russian Federation4235 Posts
Yes, it hits it fog of war, that's what makes it so cash. | ||
United States13274 Posts
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United States37500 Posts
On March 09 2011 02:18 Mogwai wrote: such a bullshit champion, seriously fuck this asshole. l2dodgebombs | ||
United States13274 Posts
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Finland33997 Posts
On March 06 2011 18:59 crazeman wrote:The way he explained it was that he wanted to get his CDR down to the point where he can get off 3 Qs off on one E. Q has a 2 second cooldown and E has a 5 second duration so the breakpoints for getting additional Qs are at 17% CDR for 3Qs and 37% CDR for 4Qs. His opening actually makes a whole lot of sense. He pretty much gets the CDR boots asap after tear/manamune to hit the 17% CDR sweet spot . Boots of lucidity gives 15% cdr + 3% cdr from mastery = 18% cdr, which puts him right above the mark for squeezing in 3Qs per bomb. How does that even make sense? E doesn't put Q on cooldown, so even without cdr getting 3 Qs should only be 4 seconds + animations. You really can't count the breakpoints like that. | ||
United States1356 Posts
On March 09 2011 02:15 BluzMan wrote: Went 25-4 with him yesterday. This guy can carry at times, but overall, if you don't fuck up someone's laning like grossly, you're dead weight. The next game I got matched with really good people, went 6-1 and couldn't do shit after the laning phase was over. Yes, it hits it fog of war, that's what makes it so cash. Seriously though, as Urgot you have more potential to fuck up someone's lane than even pantheon. He's such an awesome early game champ that turns into a late game carry with a gimmick. | ||
Poland5551 Posts
Urgot's laning seems to sum up in the rule of "lategame i may be only 90% as powerful as normal carry but at the same time i will make your carry only 60% as powerful as normal carry". I don't even know why i feel like Urgot is not 100% as powerful as standard carries lategame (in terms of pure dps), he seems to me to have kind of low attack speed. It may be just a feeling though... | ||
Russian Federation4235 Posts
But at the same time he has so much hidden utility that he can orchestrate a lot of stuff for his team. Brush checking, CC, suppression, displacement, shield, slow, 15% damage reduction, armor reduction, vision (with grenade), you name it. | ||
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