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On February 01 2013 11:44 kmillz wrote:Show nested quote +On February 01 2013 11:39 FallDownMarigold wrote:On February 01 2013 11:32 kmillz wrote:On February 01 2013 11:13 FallDownMarigold wrote:On February 01 2013 10:17 Laeon wrote: How can you debate 396 pages on that. The answer is : NO, people should not to be allowed to own weapon ! Because the debate goes like this: -Let's implement a gradually-increasing form of gun control so that we can eventually, someday, catch up to our European friends. --But, dictators will takeover. You see, Waco, Kent State, etc. Therefore, gun control is bad. -Hmm, that seems like quite a leap. So because of those instances, some vastly larger form of dictatorship occurring in the US is plausible? --Yes, did I mention Waco, Kent State, etc.? -...... --Cut it out with the ad homs. I served in the military. You're just saying things with no evidence. I have evidence: Waco, Kent State, etc. Never ends with these sorts of participants. Sincerely hope fellow TLers from around the world remember that those from the US expressing some of the more extreme viewpoints in favor of guns--especially the ones arguing that largescale US dictatorship is something we should be concerned about in our modern world if we lose our open access to guns--represent only a small portion of viewpoints in the US. They just so happen to populate this thread very vocally. So please, do not think less of people from the US as a whole  I'm still actually waiting for you to post anything with actual substance instead of you just mocking people and blowing steam. Seriously, I've covered at least a dozen other reasons why gun control is bad previously in this thread, sorry that you missed it but if you aren't going to contribute to the argument then stop posting. You're just talking like a complete dick and adding VERY little to the actual argument in each of your posts. I happened upon this thread because I saw that it was still appearing in the sidebar. So, what's your argument? Telling me to wade through ~400 pages isn't helpful because that's like telling someone to go read a novel in order to reply. If you have a sound argument that you know in and out, it won't be too much of a trouble to provide a ~250 word abstract. That's much more useful than sifting through thousands of posts, finding yours, then making sense of them as a whole out of the many sub-discussions from which they arose. My argument: You (again) decided to ad hominem and strawman by suggesting the debate is 396 pages long because of our 2 page argument with an innaccurate representation of the side that does not support control. Not to mention you left out all your little childish bullshit. Then you basically wrote us off as people who are paranoid about tyranny and not worth taking seriously....and you expect to be taken seriously.
You, me, and Falldownwhatever are all equally guilty of everything you just said.
I think what he was asking for was a restatement, boiled down, concise 2-3 sentences that summarize your feelings on the issue. Here's mine:
I have a personal interest and hobby in guns. They are a part of the culture in many parts of the country. Still, I think it is ridiculous that they are less regulated than cars, booze, cigarettes, and lots of other things that are way less harmful. I support legislation that makes buying guns a more regulated and strict process.
P.S. Handguns should be harder to get than anything.
On February 01 2013 11:59 mynameisgreat11 wrote:Show nested quote +On February 01 2013 11:44 kmillz wrote:On February 01 2013 11:39 FallDownMarigold wrote:On February 01 2013 11:32 kmillz wrote:On February 01 2013 11:13 FallDownMarigold wrote:On February 01 2013 10:17 Laeon wrote: How can you debate 396 pages on that. The answer is : NO, people should not to be allowed to own weapon ! Because the debate goes like this: -Let's implement a gradually-increasing form of gun control so that we can eventually, someday, catch up to our European friends. --But, dictators will takeover. You see, Waco, Kent State, etc. Therefore, gun control is bad. -Hmm, that seems like quite a leap. So because of those instances, some vastly larger form of dictatorship occurring in the US is plausible? --Yes, did I mention Waco, Kent State, etc.? -...... --Cut it out with the ad homs. I served in the military. You're just saying things with no evidence. I have evidence: Waco, Kent State, etc. Never ends with these sorts of participants. Sincerely hope fellow TLers from around the world remember that those from the US expressing some of the more extreme viewpoints in favor of guns--especially the ones arguing that largescale US dictatorship is something we should be concerned about in our modern world if we lose our open access to guns--represent only a small portion of viewpoints in the US. They just so happen to populate this thread very vocally. So please, do not think less of people from the US as a whole  I'm still actually waiting for you to post anything with actual substance instead of you just mocking people and blowing steam. Seriously, I've covered at least a dozen other reasons why gun control is bad previously in this thread, sorry that you missed it but if you aren't going to contribute to the argument then stop posting. You're just talking like a complete dick and adding VERY little to the actual argument in each of your posts. I happened upon this thread because I saw that it was still appearing in the sidebar. So, what's your argument? Telling me to wade through ~400 pages isn't helpful because that's like telling someone to go read a novel in order to reply. If you have a sound argument that you know in and out, it won't be too much of a trouble to provide a ~250 word abstract. That's much more useful than sifting through thousands of posts, finding yours, then making sense of them as a whole out of the many sub-discussions from which they arose. My argument: You (again) decided to ad hominem and strawman by suggesting the debate is 396 pages long because of our 2 page argument with an innaccurate representation of the side that does not support control. Not to mention you left out all your little childish bullshit. Then you basically wrote us off as people who are paranoid about tyranny and not worth taking seriously....and you expect to be taken seriously. You, me, and Falldownwhatever are all equally guilty of everything you just said. I think what he was asking for was a restatement, boiled down, concise 2-3 sentences that summarize your feelings on the issue. Here's mine: I have a personal interest and hobby in guns. They are a part of the culture in many parts of the country. Still, I think it is ridiculous that they are less regulated than cars, booze, cigarettes, and lots of other things that are way less harmful. I support legislation that makes buying guns a more regulated and strict process. P.S. Handguns should be harder to get than anything.
You lost me at booze and cars are way less harmful. Responsible gun ownership is much less harmful than irresponsible drinking or irresponsible driving, which do you think is more common?
edit: Smoking kills more too...
On February 01 2013 11:18 FallDownMarigold wrote:Show nested quote +On February 01 2013 11:14 JingleHell wrote:On February 01 2013 11:05 FallDownMarigold wrote:On February 01 2013 07:03 JingleHell wrote: So, out of curiosity, what's up with all those data points that don't fit a pretty linear progression? First off, the term you want is linear regression -- linear progression is something related to music. That's beside the point entirely though, and I'm only telling you this so that in the future when the need for that term comes up, you will know the right one. Consider that a friendly pointer, not a "personal ad hom". Moving on: The only point on that graph that strays from the linear fit is Mexico. Think about it. In Mexico far less people own guns, but far more people are killed by them due to the narco violence currently ongoing there.... That violence in terms of deaths by the number is on par with the level of the violence in the Iraq War. Obviously the result is that Mexico sits low on guns owned axis, high on gun deaths. Oh, congratulations, your combination of scathing wit and trivia has truly left me gasping for breath and clutching my chest as my arguments turn to ash like the very blood in my veins, truly, my soul is scarred, I shall never be the same, left to my own devices, I shall fade... Seriously, if you're going to lecture me on semantics related to statistics, don't tell me you're allowed to discount one data point due to a factor, and don't consider the possibility that the same factor could play in a separate data point. Do you honestly think gangs and drugs have nothing to do with violence in the USA? We've argued with Mexico over who's to blame for that sort of nonsense. I went out of my way to tell you that I was merely letting you know the proper term for your own sake. Seriously. I then moved to explain why that "outlier" data point is easily explained. I have no idea why you are so quick to scream bloody murder 'quit ad homming me bro'. Sheesh, it's incredible.
I leave it down to your supposed intellect to determine how saying people who disagree with you sound like 14 year old kids is an ad hominem attack.
Once you've accomplished that one, you may realize that all your snark is misdirected.
Say, weren't you the one who kicked up a shitfit earlier and "screamed bloody murder" about my "jargon" earlier when I pointed out that "leveling a city" and destroying a single tactical objective with no or minimum collateral damage were completely different things?
Ah yes, here it is...
On January 31 2013 17:00 FallDownMarigold wrote:Show nested quote +On January 31 2013 13:50 JingleHell wrote:On January 31 2013 13:44 FallDownMarigold wrote:On January 31 2013 08:29 kmillz wrote:On January 31 2013 07:46 white_horse wrote:On January 31 2013 06:10 Millitron wrote:On January 31 2013 04:48 white_horse wrote:On January 31 2013 03:01 Millitron wrote:On January 30 2013 15:10 StayPhrosty wrote:On January 30 2013 14:15 Millitron wrote:[quote] 1) That sucks. I would hope the background checks would weed out the people who will get drunk and still carry. I'm ok with CUI, Carrying Under the Influence being a crime. I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't already actually. 2) I personally do not care about handguns, mostly because they're pretty much pointless for overthrowing a tyranny. I still support them, but I am willing to compromise here. Handguns can have stricter background checks for two reasons, in my opinion. First, like I said, can't overthrow the next Hitler with a glock. Second, they actually are used in a huge majority of gun-related crimes. 3) I don't know. The exact details don't really matter too much though. Democracies in developed have fallen to to tyrants as recently as the 30's (maybe more recently, but I can't think of any at the moment). The public doesn't stand up for the oppressed because A) its not happening to them, and B) the few who do "Disappear". It happened in Spain, Italy, and Germany in the 30's, and in China in the 50's. 5) How are you harming every day life by owning guns? Will my rifle shoot someone on its own? Is it going to break its way out of its gun-safe and start killing people? You can't blame the guns, you have to blame the person holding them, or there's no accountability. 6) It is worse for you to die because you are innocent. If you kill your attacker, that's sad, but he knew the risks. And you don't really need to pack more heat than everyone else. A common thug is going to want something concealable, which basically means small. At the distances you're likely to face, any hand-gun will do, they're all basically the same inside 20 yards. 7) How is the War on Drugs going in Canada? Did it make your urban centers hellish wastelands like it did here? I honestly don't know. If it didn't, then the socioeconomic conditions aren't similar enough for that comparison to be valid. Anyways, of those 310 million guns, a very small percentage are used in crimes, we're talking single digit percentages. http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/content/guns.cfm5.1 million violent crimes involving guns. Even if every gun-crime was committed with a unique gun, i.e. 1 gun = 1 crime, that's only 1.6 percent of all guns in the country are used in crimes. Okay so you kind of ignored a huge chunk of my argument but I'll try to state it a little better this time. Guns change society. Guns change societal atmosphere and gun culture has a negative impact on the public. This is my main point. When I punch you, you punch back, when I pull a gun on you, you pull a gun on me. If we have fists then somebody gets beaten up, when we have guns then somebody gets shot. It's really as simple as that. You multiply that by millions of people and you have americans dying en-masse. If nobody has a gun then nobody gets shot. Okay, that was simplified, but the point still stands. Fewer guns mean fewer gun crimes, more guns mean more gun crimes. Sure you can kill people with knives but it's not as easy as pulling a trigger anymore. Then again, you seem to be against the masses carrying glocks. So please elaborate because at this point I don't know if you understand the negative impact that comes with this gun culture. Long rifles and semi-auto assault rifles though you seem to support. Well, like I said those would not be very pleasant to encounter on the street. One guy with a knife cuts a few people and gets stopped, another guy brings an AK and 100 rounds and slaughters a crowd before being stopped. Maybe you support keeping those guns out of the hands of the irresponsible though. Well, that's going to take A LOT of government oversight to make it safe enough for a lot more people to own them safely. And then what happens when this tyrranical government turns? Now they have a list of everybody who has trained at a gun range to fight them. Now they have controls and know exactly what areas and what cities have whichever guns. To me if you want better government control over weapons you start to lose some of this ability to 'fight back' against your own military. In my opinion though this is okay, because I really don't see how it would be beneficial to form a civilian militia to defeat the US military. You seem to have trouble describing exactly how or when or in what conditions you might need to fight the US government, well perhaps this is part of the irrationality if you 'needing protection' from them. the 30's elsewhere and the 50's in china seem far too disconnected from us today to be relevant in a discussion of the citizens overthrowing the government. Did they have the internet? Did they have a modern democratic government with a modern military? How successful were the citizens at overthrowing this tyranny again? Please, I would actually be interested in a case where such a contemporary violent revolution turned out great for the public. in reference to 6) - of course its too bad that the innocent person died, but someone still died. Having a gun or not having one didn't somehow prevent anyone from dying ever. I mean, tell me how the situation is going to end peacefully when we both pull out a gun? This guy who pulls a gun on me for money is somehow now less ballsy than me? Now he's likely to put his gun down? The situation just doesn't improve for me when I have a gun. Maybe I kill him, great now I'm a murderer. I don't approve of the death penalty because I believe people can still contribute to society and there is no purpose for revenge. So on the street I don't find it any more justified that I should be able to kill him. It would be better that neither of us died - that neither of us had the ability to end the other's life so easily. Pretend that we all start carrying bigger guns for proper self defence. Would some thug on the street really come at me with a pocket knife when he knows people generally have an assault rifle for defence? No, he's just going to bring an even bigger gun, or he'll bring friends and surround/surprise me. The criminals aren't going to obey any restrictions I have to adhere to, they're simply going to be better armed than I am. The solution is not to hope I have a bigger gun than them, the solution is to have fewer guns for fewer people causing fewer crimes. 7-right so you really don't know how socioeconomic conditions are outside of the US. Ok well here for example the war of drugs is bullshit and we have gang/crime problems in major cities just like the US, only our homicide rates are much lower. There are many things that contribute to this, and I don't see how gun ownership provides any benefits. just some statistics on gun ownership causing harm in the US- http://www.businessinsider.com/shooting-gun-laws-2012-12wikipedia on gun violence "In 2009, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 66.9% of all homicides in the United States were perpetrated using a firearm.[5]" States in the highest quartile for gun ownership had homicide rates 114% higher than states in the lowest quartile of gun ownership.[84] Among juveniles (minors under the age of 16, 17, or 18, depending on legal jurisdiction) serving in correctional facilities, 86% had owned a gun, with 66% acquiring their first gun by age 14.[2] There was also a tendency for juvenile offenders to have owned several firearms, with 65% owning three or more.[2] Juveniles most often acquired guns illegally from family, friends, drug dealers, and street contacts.[2] Inner-city youths cited "self-protection from enemies" as the top reason for carrying a gun.[2] In 2005, almost 18% of U.S. households possessed handguns, compared to almost 3% of households in Canada that possessed handguns.[9] In 2011, the number was increased to 34% of adults in the United States personally owned a gun; 46% of adult men, and 23% of adult women. "The United States has about five percent of the total world population but residents of the United States own about 42 percent of all the world's civilian-owned firearms." and crime in the US The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world. As of 2006, a record 7 million people were behind bars, on probation or on parole, of which 2.2 million were incarcerated. The People's Republic of China ranks second with 1.5 million. The United States has 5% of the world's population and 25% of the world's incarcerated population.[33][dated info] The US homicide rate, which has declined substantially since 1991 from a rate per 100,000 persons of 9.8 to 4.8 in 2010, is still among the highest in the industrialized world. In 2004, there were 5.5 homicides for every 100,000 persons, roughly three times as high as Canada (1.9) and six times as high as Germany (0.9). Your gun culture example doesn't work. Specifically because guns are more dangerous. The repercussions are much greater, so you don't just pull guns as freely as you start fist-fights. People carrying guns don't just draw for nothing. They don't get cut-off in a parking lot and start shooting people. The AR15 is the most commonly owned rifle in the US. It's an "Assault Weapon". In many jurisdictions, it is already legal to open carry it. But "Assault Weapons" are used in less than 1% of all fire-arm related crimes. Carrying a gun doesn't mean you WILL shoot someone. My point is, is that this gun culture idea, the idea that people will shoot each other over everything and nothing, has already been tested. People already carry guns, and it doesn't happen. It doesn't take too much government oversight. All you need is background checks. As long as there's no database of gun-owners, it doesn't really matter if they know you're allowed to own a gun. A tyrant would need to know whether you actually do or not. I'm not Nostradamus, I can't predict the future. But democracies can, and have become tyrannies, and that should be good enough. Sure, I can't say every little detail that would be necessary for armed rebellion, but neither did the founding fathers. 15 years before the revolution, no one had any desire for independence. 15 years isn't that long. Europe in the 30's DID have a modern democracy, and they had an almost-modern military. Sure, they didn't have the internet, and things may have turned out differently if they did, but they were never given the chance for open rebellion. Any people with opposition sympathies were at least disarmed, and they often just "Disappeared". I'll be honest, I don't know enough about China to say much there, besides the fact that before Mao, they were a functional democracy, and after he took power, they weren't. This arms race between civilians and criminals also doesn't happen. Plenty of civilians already have guns, and you don't see criminals getting bigger and better guns. Criminals need cheap, concealable guns. They need to be concealable so they can sneak up on you, and they need to be cheap so they can throw them away before the cops show up. Cheap, concealable guns are not very big or powerful. What is worse, a civilian who did nothing wrong getting killed, or a criminal who knew the risks getting killed? And please don't give me the whole "You don't know him, maybe he just wanted to feed his family." nonsense. Soup kitchens are a thing. Foodstamps exist. And besides, you have to admit that this would be a pretty rare occurrence. Most (I'd wager almost all) thefts aren't because the person will starve otherwise, they're because the thief wants to buy a new TV or more cocaine. Last, you do not know what he plans on doing to you. You have no idea if he's just going to take your wallet, or if he's going to kill you. Sure, it might be rare, but if you want to talk about the one-in-a-million dad's who steal to feed their family, I can talk about the one-in-a-million muggers who also kill. I didn't say I don't know socioeconomics anywhere outside the US, I said I don't know them in Canada. I'm happy for you that you seem to have solved all your problems. But look at the UK. They have almost no guns, and have one of the highest crime rates in Europe. Clearly guns are not the only factor, or even the main factor Suggesting that the US federal government is somehow going to devolve into a dictatorship/tyranny, and then using that as an argument for more guns is bullshit. I don't know how some people always bring it up and not be able to think to themselves how stupid the entire idea is. That's just a childish fantasy gun proponents secretly want to happen just so they can tell everyone else how wrong they were. So please...stop pulling the what-if-tyranny-1776-nazi-hitler-stalin-happens-in-america because you're just telling every sensible person how stupid your logic is. If you want to actually convince people that more guns/stronger gun rights is better for the country, use another argument that actually makes some sense. And yes, you are honest about not knowing a lot about china. They weren't a "functional democracy" before Mao (whatever that means). China never had the opportunity to become a real democracy early in the 20th century because of (1) WWII (2) their nationalism vs. communism civil war and (3) their decades-long war against Japan, which had occupied china. What part of it is bullshit? Is it that you think democracy is somehow perfect? Tell that to Spain, Italy, and Germany in the 30's, and France in the 1800's. Tell that to everyone who died at Waco, Ruby Ridge, and Kent State. Is it that you feel guerrillas would be completely outmatched? They wouldn't. Sure, they'd get slaughtered in a conventional fight, but guerrilla warfare is amazingly effective. And if it happened in the US, it'd be even more effective, because the Guerrillas would have far more targets and each one would be more strategically important. All the guerrillas in Vietnam and Iraq could do is ambush a patrol or two here and there. Homegrown guerrillas could target every factory, bridge, and powerplant in the country. Is it that you feel peaceful protest is a better option? Good, I do too. But it shouldn't be the only option. Skydivers wear two parachutes for a reason. The people in the US military are people just like you and me. The people that work in federal government are american citizens just like you and me. Intelligent people not only learn, but also carry with them the knowledge that the american government is made up of checks and balances. Have you? There's a reason why we've had a peaceful transfer of government for 250 years without any problems. And I thought pro-gun supporters were the ones who knew all about the constitution. The idea that someone in the federal government or a high ranking military general would decide that he wanted to become Supreme Dictator of Facist America is batshit crazy with a daily forecast chance of 0%. If we really wanted to be hypothetical, do you really think american soldiers would go shoot up an american neighborhood because the Supreme Dictator wanted them to so that he could start taking control of our country? Somebody down the line would say no. Somebody else in similar power in the government would say no. Someone might kill him first. Do you really think A-10s and F-16s from wright-patterson would start bombing chicago and cincinatti just because the Supreme Dictator wanted them to? Why does something like these even need an explanation? + Show Spoiler +Sure, they'd get slaughtered in a conventional fight, but guerrilla warfare is amazingly effective. + Show Spoiler +All the guerrillas in Vietnam and Iraq could do is ambush a patrol or two here and there. Homegrown guerrillas could target every factory, bridge, and powerplant in the country.
Jesus christ, you sound like a 14 year old. You act as if most of the people in the military wouldn't follow orders that would be bad for the American people. Sure you might have a few who refuse, but the majority of them would be more concerned about the consequences of disobeying a direct order for fear of their own life or their families life. Why do you live in this fantasy land where tyranny is impossible? Telling someone they sound like a 14 year old makes you look like the childish one. Being condescending doesn't help your argument. ... Really? It should be completely obvious that the *vast* majority in the military would simply put down their weapons and give the bird to the chain of command that said "bomb Chicago" (and this chain of orders wouldn't happen in the first place because it require every single person up the chain of command to be batshit insane). He's dead-on accurate when he says "sounds like a 14 year old". It's not an insult, it's an apt observation. Do you actually think the order would be "Bomb Chicago"? JDAM, Joint Direct Attack Munition. Precise. Take down a single warehouse or other building, minimal collateral damage. Do you really think internment to prevent guerilla warfare wouldn't happen? I remember when Abu Ghraib was a thing. Been there? I have. That fiasco happened because the wrong people were doing the wrong job and were way overstretched. And that job was detention of a large percentage of a civilian population for fitting the wrong demographics. I'm utterly baffled by this response. Your first bone to pick with me was the fact that the order would not literally be: "bomb Chicago".... I just... I... whaa.. Hahahhhahahahahaahah. And then your next comment is... something about Abu Ghraib, and how you were there... and this is supposed to, erm, stand as evidence for something totally unrelated..? I just... wow. LOL Show nested quote +On January 31 2013 07:46 white_horse wrote: Jesus christ, you sound like a 14 year old.
Oh, and look, it even includes the ad hominem attack I commented on, how convenient. You know, the one that actually existed, and I responded to by pointing it out as the weak excuse for debate that it was? Which, now, is "screaming bloody murder".
On February 01 2013 12:01 kmillz wrote:Show nested quote +On February 01 2013 11:59 mynameisgreat11 wrote:On February 01 2013 11:44 kmillz wrote:On February 01 2013 11:39 FallDownMarigold wrote:On February 01 2013 11:32 kmillz wrote:On February 01 2013 11:13 FallDownMarigold wrote:On February 01 2013 10:17 Laeon wrote: How can you debate 396 pages on that. The answer is : NO, people should not to be allowed to own weapon ! Because the debate goes like this: -Let's implement a gradually-increasing form of gun control so that we can eventually, someday, catch up to our European friends. --But, dictators will takeover. You see, Waco, Kent State, etc. Therefore, gun control is bad. -Hmm, that seems like quite a leap. So because of those instances, some vastly larger form of dictatorship occurring in the US is plausible? --Yes, did I mention Waco, Kent State, etc.? -...... --Cut it out with the ad homs. I served in the military. You're just saying things with no evidence. I have evidence: Waco, Kent State, etc. Never ends with these sorts of participants. Sincerely hope fellow TLers from around the world remember that those from the US expressing some of the more extreme viewpoints in favor of guns--especially the ones arguing that largescale US dictatorship is something we should be concerned about in our modern world if we lose our open access to guns--represent only a small portion of viewpoints in the US. They just so happen to populate this thread very vocally. So please, do not think less of people from the US as a whole  I'm still actually waiting for you to post anything with actual substance instead of you just mocking people and blowing steam. Seriously, I've covered at least a dozen other reasons why gun control is bad previously in this thread, sorry that you missed it but if you aren't going to contribute to the argument then stop posting. You're just talking like a complete dick and adding VERY little to the actual argument in each of your posts. I happened upon this thread because I saw that it was still appearing in the sidebar. So, what's your argument? Telling me to wade through ~400 pages isn't helpful because that's like telling someone to go read a novel in order to reply. If you have a sound argument that you know in and out, it won't be too much of a trouble to provide a ~250 word abstract. That's much more useful than sifting through thousands of posts, finding yours, then making sense of them as a whole out of the many sub-discussions from which they arose. My argument: You (again) decided to ad hominem and strawman by suggesting the debate is 396 pages long because of our 2 page argument with an innaccurate representation of the side that does not support control. Not to mention you left out all your little childish bullshit. Then you basically wrote us off as people who are paranoid about tyranny and not worth taking seriously....and you expect to be taken seriously. You, me, and Falldownwhatever are all equally guilty of everything you just said. I think what he was asking for was a restatement, boiled down, concise 2-3 sentences that summarize your feelings on the issue. Here's mine: I have a personal interest and hobby in guns. They are a part of the culture in many parts of the country. Still, I think it is ridiculous that they are less regulated than cars, booze, cigarettes, and lots of other things that are way less harmful. I support legislation that makes buying guns a more regulated and strict process. P.S. Handguns should be harder to get than anything. You lost me at booze and cars are way less harmful. Responsible gun ownership is much less harmful than irresponsible drinking or irresponsible driving, which do you think is more common?
He gave his own version as an example. Before you get lost in another meaningless side-tangent argument, can you please just summarize your argument regarding why you believe gun control is bad? It's currently scattered all over the place. Surely if you have a clear, sound argument, it's no big deal to simply summarize the key points so that others can respond to them.
On February 01 2013 12:01 kmillz wrote:Show nested quote +On February 01 2013 11:59 mynameisgreat11 wrote:On February 01 2013 11:44 kmillz wrote:On February 01 2013 11:39 FallDownMarigold wrote:On February 01 2013 11:32 kmillz wrote:On February 01 2013 11:13 FallDownMarigold wrote:On February 01 2013 10:17 Laeon wrote: How can you debate 396 pages on that. The answer is : NO, people should not to be allowed to own weapon ! Because the debate goes like this: -Let's implement a gradually-increasing form of gun control so that we can eventually, someday, catch up to our European friends. --But, dictators will takeover. You see, Waco, Kent State, etc. Therefore, gun control is bad. -Hmm, that seems like quite a leap. So because of those instances, some vastly larger form of dictatorship occurring in the US is plausible? --Yes, did I mention Waco, Kent State, etc.? -...... --Cut it out with the ad homs. I served in the military. You're just saying things with no evidence. I have evidence: Waco, Kent State, etc. Never ends with these sorts of participants. Sincerely hope fellow TLers from around the world remember that those from the US expressing some of the more extreme viewpoints in favor of guns--especially the ones arguing that largescale US dictatorship is something we should be concerned about in our modern world if we lose our open access to guns--represent only a small portion of viewpoints in the US. They just so happen to populate this thread very vocally. So please, do not think less of people from the US as a whole  I'm still actually waiting for you to post anything with actual substance instead of you just mocking people and blowing steam. Seriously, I've covered at least a dozen other reasons why gun control is bad previously in this thread, sorry that you missed it but if you aren't going to contribute to the argument then stop posting. You're just talking like a complete dick and adding VERY little to the actual argument in each of your posts. I happened upon this thread because I saw that it was still appearing in the sidebar. So, what's your argument? Telling me to wade through ~400 pages isn't helpful because that's like telling someone to go read a novel in order to reply. If you have a sound argument that you know in and out, it won't be too much of a trouble to provide a ~250 word abstract. That's much more useful than sifting through thousands of posts, finding yours, then making sense of them as a whole out of the many sub-discussions from which they arose. My argument: You (again) decided to ad hominem and strawman by suggesting the debate is 396 pages long because of our 2 page argument with an innaccurate representation of the side that does not support control. Not to mention you left out all your little childish bullshit. Then you basically wrote us off as people who are paranoid about tyranny and not worth taking seriously....and you expect to be taken seriously. You, me, and Falldownwhatever are all equally guilty of everything you just said. I think what he was asking for was a restatement, boiled down, concise 2-3 sentences that summarize your feelings on the issue. Here's mine: I have a personal interest and hobby in guns. They are a part of the culture in many parts of the country. Still, I think it is ridiculous that they are less regulated than cars, booze, cigarettes, and lots of other things that are way less harmful. I support legislation that makes buying guns a more regulated and strict process. P.S. Handguns should be harder to get than anything. You lost me at booze and cars are way less harmful. Responsible gun ownership is much less harmful than irresponsible drinking or irresponsible driving, which do you think is more common?
You have to have a drivers license to operate a car. You have to pass a written and driving test. Your car has to be insured, and inspected and certified every year. You can be pulled over while driving your car for any infinitely minor driving error and questioned.
I can buy a semi-automatic M4, legally, immediately regardless of my past or mental state.
On February 01 2013 12:03 JingleHell wrote:Show nested quote +On February 01 2013 11:18 FallDownMarigold wrote:On February 01 2013 11:14 JingleHell wrote:On February 01 2013 11:05 FallDownMarigold wrote:On February 01 2013 07:03 JingleHell wrote: So, out of curiosity, what's up with all those data points that don't fit a pretty linear progression? First off, the term you want is linear regression -- linear progression is something related to music. That's beside the point entirely though, and I'm only telling you this so that in the future when the need for that term comes up, you will know the right one. Consider that a friendly pointer, not a "personal ad hom". Moving on: The only point on that graph that strays from the linear fit is Mexico. Think about it. In Mexico far less people own guns, but far more people are killed by them due to the narco violence currently ongoing there.... That violence in terms of deaths by the number is on par with the level of the violence in the Iraq War. Obviously the result is that Mexico sits low on guns owned axis, high on gun deaths. Oh, congratulations, your combination of scathing wit and trivia has truly left me gasping for breath and clutching my chest as my arguments turn to ash like the very blood in my veins, truly, my soul is scarred, I shall never be the same, left to my own devices, I shall fade... Seriously, if you're going to lecture me on semantics related to statistics, don't tell me you're allowed to discount one data point due to a factor, and don't consider the possibility that the same factor could play in a separate data point. Do you honestly think gangs and drugs have nothing to do with violence in the USA? We've argued with Mexico over who's to blame for that sort of nonsense. I went out of my way to tell you that I was merely letting you know the proper term for your own sake. Seriously. I then moved to explain why that "outlier" data point is easily explained. I have no idea why you are so quick to scream bloody murder 'quit ad homming me bro'. Sheesh, it's incredible. I leave it down to your supposed intellect to determine how saying people who disagree with you sound like 14 year old kids is an ad hominem attack. Once you've accomplished that one, you may realize that all your snark is misdirected. Say, weren't you the one who kicked up a shitfit earlier and "screamed bloody murder" about my "jargon" earlier when I pointed out that "leveling a city" and destroying a single tactical objective with no or minimum collateral damage were completely different things? Ah yes, here it is... http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=313472¤tpage=388#7741Show nested quote +On January 31 2013 17:00 FallDownMarigold wrote:On January 31 2013 13:50 JingleHell wrote:On January 31 2013 13:44 FallDownMarigold wrote:On January 31 2013 08:29 kmillz wrote:On January 31 2013 07:46 white_horse wrote:On January 31 2013 06:10 Millitron wrote:On January 31 2013 04:48 white_horse wrote:On January 31 2013 03:01 Millitron wrote:On January 30 2013 15:10 StayPhrosty wrote:[quote] Okay so you kind of ignored a huge chunk of my argument but I'll try to state it a little better this time. Guns change society. Guns change societal atmosphere and gun culture has a negative impact on the public. This is my main point. When I punch you, you punch back, when I pull a gun on you, you pull a gun on me. If we have fists then somebody gets beaten up, when we have guns then somebody gets shot. It's really as simple as that. You multiply that by millions of people and you have americans dying en-masse. If nobody has a gun then nobody gets shot. Okay, that was simplified, but the point still stands. Fewer guns mean fewer gun crimes, more guns mean more gun crimes. Sure you can kill people with knives but it's not as easy as pulling a trigger anymore. Then again, you seem to be against the masses carrying glocks. So please elaborate because at this point I don't know if you understand the negative impact that comes with this gun culture. Long rifles and semi-auto assault rifles though you seem to support. Well, like I said those would not be very pleasant to encounter on the street. One guy with a knife cuts a few people and gets stopped, another guy brings an AK and 100 rounds and slaughters a crowd before being stopped. Maybe you support keeping those guns out of the hands of the irresponsible though. Well, that's going to take A LOT of government oversight to make it safe enough for a lot more people to own them safely. And then what happens when this tyrranical government turns? Now they have a list of everybody who has trained at a gun range to fight them. Now they have controls and know exactly what areas and what cities have whichever guns. To me if you want better government control over weapons you start to lose some of this ability to 'fight back' against your own military. In my opinion though this is okay, because I really don't see how it would be beneficial to form a civilian militia to defeat the US military. You seem to have trouble describing exactly how or when or in what conditions you might need to fight the US government, well perhaps this is part of the irrationality if you 'needing protection' from them. the 30's elsewhere and the 50's in china seem far too disconnected from us today to be relevant in a discussion of the citizens overthrowing the government. Did they have the internet? Did they have a modern democratic government with a modern military? How successful were the citizens at overthrowing this tyranny again? Please, I would actually be interested in a case where such a contemporary violent revolution turned out great for the public. in reference to 6) - of course its too bad that the innocent person died, but someone still died. Having a gun or not having one didn't somehow prevent anyone from dying ever. I mean, tell me how the situation is going to end peacefully when we both pull out a gun? This guy who pulls a gun on me for money is somehow now less ballsy than me? Now he's likely to put his gun down? The situation just doesn't improve for me when I have a gun. Maybe I kill him, great now I'm a murderer. I don't approve of the death penalty because I believe people can still contribute to society and there is no purpose for revenge. So on the street I don't find it any more justified that I should be able to kill him. It would be better that neither of us died - that neither of us had the ability to end the other's life so easily. Pretend that we all start carrying bigger guns for proper self defence. Would some thug on the street really come at me with a pocket knife when he knows people generally have an assault rifle for defence? No, he's just going to bring an even bigger gun, or he'll bring friends and surround/surprise me. The criminals aren't going to obey any restrictions I have to adhere to, they're simply going to be better armed than I am. The solution is not to hope I have a bigger gun than them, the solution is to have fewer guns for fewer people causing fewer crimes. 7-right so you really don't know how socioeconomic conditions are outside of the US. Ok well here for example the war of drugs is bullshit and we have gang/crime problems in major cities just like the US, only our homicide rates are much lower. There are many things that contribute to this, and I don't see how gun ownership provides any benefits. just some statistics on gun ownership causing harm in the US- http://www.businessinsider.com/shooting-gun-laws-2012-12wikipedia on gun violence "In 2009, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 66.9% of all homicides in the United States were perpetrated using a firearm.[5]" States in the highest quartile for gun ownership had homicide rates 114% higher than states in the lowest quartile of gun ownership.[84] Among juveniles (minors under the age of 16, 17, or 18, depending on legal jurisdiction) serving in correctional facilities, 86% had owned a gun, with 66% acquiring their first gun by age 14.[2] There was also a tendency for juvenile offenders to have owned several firearms, with 65% owning three or more.[2] Juveniles most often acquired guns illegally from family, friends, drug dealers, and street contacts.[2] Inner-city youths cited "self-protection from enemies" as the top reason for carrying a gun.[2] In 2005, almost 18% of U.S. households possessed handguns, compared to almost 3% of households in Canada that possessed handguns.[9] In 2011, the number was increased to 34% of adults in the United States personally owned a gun; 46% of adult men, and 23% of adult women. "The United States has about five percent of the total world population but residents of the United States own about 42 percent of all the world's civilian-owned firearms." and crime in the US The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world. As of 2006, a record 7 million people were behind bars, on probation or on parole, of which 2.2 million were incarcerated. The People's Republic of China ranks second with 1.5 million. The United States has 5% of the world's population and 25% of the world's incarcerated population.[33][dated info] The US homicide rate, which has declined substantially since 1991 from a rate per 100,000 persons of 9.8 to 4.8 in 2010, is still among the highest in the industrialized world. In 2004, there were 5.5 homicides for every 100,000 persons, roughly three times as high as Canada (1.9) and six times as high as Germany (0.9). Your gun culture example doesn't work. Specifically because guns are more dangerous. The repercussions are much greater, so you don't just pull guns as freely as you start fist-fights. People carrying guns don't just draw for nothing. They don't get cut-off in a parking lot and start shooting people. The AR15 is the most commonly owned rifle in the US. It's an "Assault Weapon". In many jurisdictions, it is already legal to open carry it. But "Assault Weapons" are used in less than 1% of all fire-arm related crimes. Carrying a gun doesn't mean you WILL shoot someone. My point is, is that this gun culture idea, the idea that people will shoot each other over everything and nothing, has already been tested. People already carry guns, and it doesn't happen. It doesn't take too much government oversight. All you need is background checks. As long as there's no database of gun-owners, it doesn't really matter if they know you're allowed to own a gun. A tyrant would need to know whether you actually do or not. I'm not Nostradamus, I can't predict the future. But democracies can, and have become tyrannies, and that should be good enough. Sure, I can't say every little detail that would be necessary for armed rebellion, but neither did the founding fathers. 15 years before the revolution, no one had any desire for independence. 15 years isn't that long. Europe in the 30's DID have a modern democracy, and they had an almost-modern military. Sure, they didn't have the internet, and things may have turned out differently if they did, but they were never given the chance for open rebellion. Any people with opposition sympathies were at least disarmed, and they often just "Disappeared". I'll be honest, I don't know enough about China to say much there, besides the fact that before Mao, they were a functional democracy, and after he took power, they weren't. This arms race between civilians and criminals also doesn't happen. Plenty of civilians already have guns, and you don't see criminals getting bigger and better guns. Criminals need cheap, concealable guns. They need to be concealable so they can sneak up on you, and they need to be cheap so they can throw them away before the cops show up. Cheap, concealable guns are not very big or powerful. What is worse, a civilian who did nothing wrong getting killed, or a criminal who knew the risks getting killed? And please don't give me the whole "You don't know him, maybe he just wanted to feed his family." nonsense. Soup kitchens are a thing. Foodstamps exist. And besides, you have to admit that this would be a pretty rare occurrence. Most (I'd wager almost all) thefts aren't because the person will starve otherwise, they're because the thief wants to buy a new TV or more cocaine. Last, you do not know what he plans on doing to you. You have no idea if he's just going to take your wallet, or if he's going to kill you. Sure, it might be rare, but if you want to talk about the one-in-a-million dad's who steal to feed their family, I can talk about the one-in-a-million muggers who also kill. I didn't say I don't know socioeconomics anywhere outside the US, I said I don't know them in Canada. I'm happy for you that you seem to have solved all your problems. But look at the UK. They have almost no guns, and have one of the highest crime rates in Europe. Clearly guns are not the only factor, or even the main factor Suggesting that the US federal government is somehow going to devolve into a dictatorship/tyranny, and then using that as an argument for more guns is bullshit. I don't know how some people always bring it up and not be able to think to themselves how stupid the entire idea is. That's just a childish fantasy gun proponents secretly want to happen just so they can tell everyone else how wrong they were. So please...stop pulling the what-if-tyranny-1776-nazi-hitler-stalin-happens-in-america because you're just telling every sensible person how stupid your logic is. If you want to actually convince people that more guns/stronger gun rights is better for the country, use another argument that actually makes some sense. And yes, you are honest about not knowing a lot about china. They weren't a "functional democracy" before Mao (whatever that means). China never had the opportunity to become a real democracy early in the 20th century because of (1) WWII (2) their nationalism vs. communism civil war and (3) their decades-long war against Japan, which had occupied china. What part of it is bullshit? Is it that you think democracy is somehow perfect? Tell that to Spain, Italy, and Germany in the 30's, and France in the 1800's. Tell that to everyone who died at Waco, Ruby Ridge, and Kent State. Is it that you feel guerrillas would be completely outmatched? They wouldn't. Sure, they'd get slaughtered in a conventional fight, but guerrilla warfare is amazingly effective. And if it happened in the US, it'd be even more effective, because the Guerrillas would have far more targets and each one would be more strategically important. All the guerrillas in Vietnam and Iraq could do is ambush a patrol or two here and there. Homegrown guerrillas could target every factory, bridge, and powerplant in the country. Is it that you feel peaceful protest is a better option? Good, I do too. But it shouldn't be the only option. Skydivers wear two parachutes for a reason. The people in the US military are people just like you and me. The people that work in federal government are american citizens just like you and me. Intelligent people not only learn, but also carry with them the knowledge that the american government is made up of checks and balances. Have you? There's a reason why we've had a peaceful transfer of government for 250 years without any problems. And I thought pro-gun supporters were the ones who knew all about the constitution. The idea that someone in the federal government or a high ranking military general would decide that he wanted to become Supreme Dictator of Facist America is batshit crazy with a daily forecast chance of 0%. If we really wanted to be hypothetical, do you really think american soldiers would go shoot up an american neighborhood because the Supreme Dictator wanted them to so that he could start taking control of our country? Somebody down the line would say no. Somebody else in similar power in the government would say no. Someone might kill him first. Do you really think A-10s and F-16s from wright-patterson would start bombing chicago and cincinatti just because the Supreme Dictator wanted them to? Why does something like these even need an explanation? + Show Spoiler +Sure, they'd get slaughtered in a conventional fight, but guerrilla warfare is amazingly effective. + Show Spoiler +All the guerrillas in Vietnam and Iraq could do is ambush a patrol or two here and there. Homegrown guerrillas could target every factory, bridge, and powerplant in the country.
Jesus christ, you sound like a 14 year old. You act as if most of the people in the military wouldn't follow orders that would be bad for the American people. Sure you might have a few who refuse, but the majority of them would be more concerned about the consequences of disobeying a direct order for fear of their own life or their families life. Why do you live in this fantasy land where tyranny is impossible? Telling someone they sound like a 14 year old makes you look like the childish one. Being condescending doesn't help your argument. ... Really? It should be completely obvious that the *vast* majority in the military would simply put down their weapons and give the bird to the chain of command that said "bomb Chicago" (and this chain of orders wouldn't happen in the first place because it require every single person up the chain of command to be batshit insane). He's dead-on accurate when he says "sounds like a 14 year old". It's not an insult, it's an apt observation. Do you actually think the order would be "Bomb Chicago"? JDAM, Joint Direct Attack Munition. Precise. Take down a single warehouse or other building, minimal collateral damage. Do you really think internment to prevent guerilla warfare wouldn't happen? I remember when Abu Ghraib was a thing. Been there? I have. That fiasco happened because the wrong people were doing the wrong job and were way overstretched. And that job was detention of a large percentage of a civilian population for fitting the wrong demographics. I'm utterly baffled by this response. Your first bone to pick with me was the fact that the order would not literally be: "bomb Chicago".... I just... I... whaa.. Hahahhhahahahahaahah. And then your next comment is... something about Abu Ghraib, and how you were there... and this is supposed to, erm, stand as evidence for something totally unrelated..? I just... wow. LOL On January 31 2013 07:46 white_horse wrote: Jesus christ, you sound like a 14 year old. Oh, and look, it even includes the ad hominem attack I commented on, how convenient. You know, the one that actually existed, and I responded to by pointing it out as the weak excuse for debate that it was? Which, now, is "screaming bloody murder".
Christ, why do you care about such a meaningless tangent. I could take that bait and go down that road, get into it with you, disagree indefinitely with you, but why bother? It's utterly pointless. Forget it.
Moving on: Please summarize your argument in favor of gun control in brief so that I can consider it carefully and respond. Doesn't need to be lengthy -- if you have a clean thought out argument, you will have no trouble making a simple abstract. Then we can progress. We won't get anywhere if you keep dragging everything down into the shit. Just move on.
I'm only summarizing this because you asked, but I have been responding to things that stuck out to me in the ongoing discussion and I don't generally leave my entire position completely outlined in every post. Personally, I don't even own a gun, but I believe in the right for someone to own one for many reasons. First of all, the Constitution is not the reason I believe in everyones right to have one, I believe in your right to protect yourself. A knife does not stop a gun. Guns won't disappear in the U.S., that is the real fantasy if anyone were using one. You keep arguing that tyranny is a fantasy and unrealistic despite it happening in several times in history. You have a scary amount of confidence in the government to never succumb to corruption, even though you already disagree with the constitution.
On February 01 2013 12:06 FallDownMarigold wrote:Show nested quote +On February 01 2013 12:03 JingleHell wrote:On February 01 2013 11:18 FallDownMarigold wrote:On February 01 2013 11:14 JingleHell wrote:On February 01 2013 11:05 FallDownMarigold wrote:On February 01 2013 07:03 JingleHell wrote: So, out of curiosity, what's up with all those data points that don't fit a pretty linear progression? First off, the term you want is linear regression -- linear progression is something related to music. That's beside the point entirely though, and I'm only telling you this so that in the future when the need for that term comes up, you will know the right one. Consider that a friendly pointer, not a "personal ad hom". Moving on: The only point on that graph that strays from the linear fit is Mexico. Think about it. In Mexico far less people own guns, but far more people are killed by them due to the narco violence currently ongoing there.... That violence in terms of deaths by the number is on par with the level of the violence in the Iraq War. Obviously the result is that Mexico sits low on guns owned axis, high on gun deaths. Oh, congratulations, your combination of scathing wit and trivia has truly left me gasping for breath and clutching my chest as my arguments turn to ash like the very blood in my veins, truly, my soul is scarred, I shall never be the same, left to my own devices, I shall fade... Seriously, if you're going to lecture me on semantics related to statistics, don't tell me you're allowed to discount one data point due to a factor, and don't consider the possibility that the same factor could play in a separate data point. Do you honestly think gangs and drugs have nothing to do with violence in the USA? We've argued with Mexico over who's to blame for that sort of nonsense. I went out of my way to tell you that I was merely letting you know the proper term for your own sake. Seriously. I then moved to explain why that "outlier" data point is easily explained. I have no idea why you are so quick to scream bloody murder 'quit ad homming me bro'. Sheesh, it's incredible. I leave it down to your supposed intellect to determine how saying people who disagree with you sound like 14 year old kids is an ad hominem attack. Once you've accomplished that one, you may realize that all your snark is misdirected. Say, weren't you the one who kicked up a shitfit earlier and "screamed bloody murder" about my "jargon" earlier when I pointed out that "leveling a city" and destroying a single tactical objective with no or minimum collateral damage were completely different things? Ah yes, here it is... http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=313472¤tpage=388#7741On January 31 2013 17:00 FallDownMarigold wrote:On January 31 2013 13:50 JingleHell wrote:On January 31 2013 13:44 FallDownMarigold wrote:On January 31 2013 08:29 kmillz wrote:On January 31 2013 07:46 white_horse wrote:On January 31 2013 06:10 Millitron wrote:On January 31 2013 04:48 white_horse wrote:On January 31 2013 03:01 Millitron wrote: [quote] Your gun culture example doesn't work. Specifically because guns are more dangerous. The repercussions are much greater, so you don't just pull guns as freely as you start fist-fights. People carrying guns don't just draw for nothing. They don't get cut-off in a parking lot and start shooting people.
The AR15 is the most commonly owned rifle in the US. It's an "Assault Weapon". In many jurisdictions, it is already legal to open carry it. But "Assault Weapons" are used in less than 1% of all fire-arm related crimes. Carrying a gun doesn't mean you WILL shoot someone. My point is, is that this gun culture idea, the idea that people will shoot each other over everything and nothing, has already been tested. People already carry guns, and it doesn't happen.
It doesn't take too much government oversight. All you need is background checks. As long as there's no database of gun-owners, it doesn't really matter if they know you're allowed to own a gun. A tyrant would need to know whether you actually do or not.
I'm not Nostradamus, I can't predict the future. But democracies can, and have become tyrannies, and that should be good enough. Sure, I can't say every little detail that would be necessary for armed rebellion, but neither did the founding fathers. 15 years before the revolution, no one had any desire for independence. 15 years isn't that long.
Europe in the 30's DID have a modern democracy, and they had an almost-modern military. Sure, they didn't have the internet, and things may have turned out differently if they did, but they were never given the chance for open rebellion. Any people with opposition sympathies were at least disarmed, and they often just "Disappeared". I'll be honest, I don't know enough about China to say much there, besides the fact that before Mao, they were a functional democracy, and after he took power, they weren't.
This arms race between civilians and criminals also doesn't happen. Plenty of civilians already have guns, and you don't see criminals getting bigger and better guns. Criminals need cheap, concealable guns. They need to be concealable so they can sneak up on you, and they need to be cheap so they can throw them away before the cops show up. Cheap, concealable guns are not very big or powerful.
What is worse, a civilian who did nothing wrong getting killed, or a criminal who knew the risks getting killed? And please don't give me the whole "You don't know him, maybe he just wanted to feed his family." nonsense. Soup kitchens are a thing. Foodstamps exist. And besides, you have to admit that this would be a pretty rare occurrence. Most (I'd wager almost all) thefts aren't because the person will starve otherwise, they're because the thief wants to buy a new TV or more cocaine. Last, you do not know what he plans on doing to you. You have no idea if he's just going to take your wallet, or if he's going to kill you. Sure, it might be rare, but if you want to talk about the one-in-a-million dad's who steal to feed their family, I can talk about the one-in-a-million muggers who also kill.
I didn't say I don't know socioeconomics anywhere outside the US, I said I don't know them in Canada. I'm happy for you that you seem to have solved all your problems. But look at the UK. They have almost no guns, and have one of the highest crime rates in Europe. Clearly guns are not the only factor, or even the main factor Suggesting that the US federal government is somehow going to devolve into a dictatorship/tyranny, and then using that as an argument for more guns is bullshit. I don't know how some people always bring it up and not be able to think to themselves how stupid the entire idea is. That's just a childish fantasy gun proponents secretly want to happen just so they can tell everyone else how wrong they were. So please...stop pulling the what-if-tyranny-1776-nazi-hitler-stalin-happens-in-america because you're just telling every sensible person how stupid your logic is. If you want to actually convince people that more guns/stronger gun rights is better for the country, use another argument that actually makes some sense. And yes, you are honest about not knowing a lot about china. They weren't a "functional democracy" before Mao (whatever that means). China never had the opportunity to become a real democracy early in the 20th century because of (1) WWII (2) their nationalism vs. communism civil war and (3) their decades-long war against Japan, which had occupied china. What part of it is bullshit? Is it that you think democracy is somehow perfect? Tell that to Spain, Italy, and Germany in the 30's, and France in the 1800's. Tell that to everyone who died at Waco, Ruby Ridge, and Kent State. Is it that you feel guerrillas would be completely outmatched? They wouldn't. Sure, they'd get slaughtered in a conventional fight, but guerrilla warfare is amazingly effective. And if it happened in the US, it'd be even more effective, because the Guerrillas would have far more targets and each one would be more strategically important. All the guerrillas in Vietnam and Iraq could do is ambush a patrol or two here and there. Homegrown guerrillas could target every factory, bridge, and powerplant in the country. Is it that you feel peaceful protest is a better option? Good, I do too. But it shouldn't be the only option. Skydivers wear two parachutes for a reason. The people in the US military are people just like you and me. The people that work in federal government are american citizens just like you and me. Intelligent people not only learn, but also carry with them the knowledge that the american government is made up of checks and balances. Have you? There's a reason why we've had a peaceful transfer of government for 250 years without any problems. And I thought pro-gun supporters were the ones who knew all about the constitution. The idea that someone in the federal government or a high ranking military general would decide that he wanted to become Supreme Dictator of Facist America is batshit crazy with a daily forecast chance of 0%. If we really wanted to be hypothetical, do you really think american soldiers would go shoot up an american neighborhood because the Supreme Dictator wanted them to so that he could start taking control of our country? Somebody down the line would say no. Somebody else in similar power in the government would say no. Someone might kill him first. Do you really think A-10s and F-16s from wright-patterson would start bombing chicago and cincinatti just because the Supreme Dictator wanted them to? Why does something like these even need an explanation? + Show Spoiler +Sure, they'd get slaughtered in a conventional fight, but guerrilla warfare is amazingly effective. + Show Spoiler +All the guerrillas in Vietnam and Iraq could do is ambush a patrol or two here and there. Homegrown guerrillas could target every factory, bridge, and powerplant in the country.
Jesus christ, you sound like a 14 year old. You act as if most of the people in the military wouldn't follow orders that would be bad for the American people. Sure you might have a few who refuse, but the majority of them would be more concerned about the consequences of disobeying a direct order for fear of their own life or their families life. Why do you live in this fantasy land where tyranny is impossible? Telling someone they sound like a 14 year old makes you look like the childish one. Being condescending doesn't help your argument. ... Really? It should be completely obvious that the *vast* majority in the military would simply put down their weapons and give the bird to the chain of command that said "bomb Chicago" (and this chain of orders wouldn't happen in the first place because it require every single person up the chain of command to be batshit insane). He's dead-on accurate when he says "sounds like a 14 year old". It's not an insult, it's an apt observation. Do you actually think the order would be "Bomb Chicago"? JDAM, Joint Direct Attack Munition. Precise. Take down a single warehouse or other building, minimal collateral damage. Do you really think internment to prevent guerilla warfare wouldn't happen? I remember when Abu Ghraib was a thing. Been there? I have. That fiasco happened because the wrong people were doing the wrong job and were way overstretched. And that job was detention of a large percentage of a civilian population for fitting the wrong demographics. I'm utterly baffled by this response. Your first bone to pick with me was the fact that the order would not literally be: "bomb Chicago".... I just... I... whaa.. Hahahhhahahahahaahah. And then your next comment is... something about Abu Ghraib, and how you were there... and this is supposed to, erm, stand as evidence for something totally unrelated..? I just... wow. LOL On January 31 2013 07:46 white_horse wrote: Jesus christ, you sound like a 14 year old. Oh, and look, it even includes the ad hominem attack I commented on, how convenient. You know, the one that actually existed, and I responded to by pointing it out as the weak excuse for debate that it was? Which, now, is "screaming bloody murder". Christ, why do you care about such a meaningless tangent. I could take that bait and go down that road, get into it with you, disagree indefinitely with you, but why bother? It's utterly pointless. Forget it. Moving on: Please summarize your argument in favor of gun control in brief so that I can consider it carefully and respond. Doesn't need to be lengthy -- if you have a clean thought out argument, you will have no trouble making a simple abstract. Then we can progress. We won't get anywhere if you keep dragging everything down into the shit. Just move on.
Just stop, this is deteriorating so quickly, stick to the issue.
On February 01 2013 12:06 FallDownMarigold wrote:Show nested quote +On February 01 2013 12:03 JingleHell wrote:On February 01 2013 11:18 FallDownMarigold wrote:On February 01 2013 11:14 JingleHell wrote:On February 01 2013 11:05 FallDownMarigold wrote:On February 01 2013 07:03 JingleHell wrote: So, out of curiosity, what's up with all those data points that don't fit a pretty linear progression? First off, the term you want is linear regression -- linear progression is something related to music. That's beside the point entirely though, and I'm only telling you this so that in the future when the need for that term comes up, you will know the right one. Consider that a friendly pointer, not a "personal ad hom". Moving on: The only point on that graph that strays from the linear fit is Mexico. Think about it. In Mexico far less people own guns, but far more people are killed by them due to the narco violence currently ongoing there.... That violence in terms of deaths by the number is on par with the level of the violence in the Iraq War. Obviously the result is that Mexico sits low on guns owned axis, high on gun deaths. Oh, congratulations, your combination of scathing wit and trivia has truly left me gasping for breath and clutching my chest as my arguments turn to ash like the very blood in my veins, truly, my soul is scarred, I shall never be the same, left to my own devices, I shall fade... Seriously, if you're going to lecture me on semantics related to statistics, don't tell me you're allowed to discount one data point due to a factor, and don't consider the possibility that the same factor could play in a separate data point. Do you honestly think gangs and drugs have nothing to do with violence in the USA? We've argued with Mexico over who's to blame for that sort of nonsense. I went out of my way to tell you that I was merely letting you know the proper term for your own sake. Seriously. I then moved to explain why that "outlier" data point is easily explained. I have no idea why you are so quick to scream bloody murder 'quit ad homming me bro'. Sheesh, it's incredible. I leave it down to your supposed intellect to determine how saying people who disagree with you sound like 14 year old kids is an ad hominem attack. Once you've accomplished that one, you may realize that all your snark is misdirected. Say, weren't you the one who kicked up a shitfit earlier and "screamed bloody murder" about my "jargon" earlier when I pointed out that "leveling a city" and destroying a single tactical objective with no or minimum collateral damage were completely different things? Ah yes, here it is... http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=313472¤tpage=388#7741On January 31 2013 17:00 FallDownMarigold wrote:On January 31 2013 13:50 JingleHell wrote:On January 31 2013 13:44 FallDownMarigold wrote:On January 31 2013 08:29 kmillz wrote:On January 31 2013 07:46 white_horse wrote:On January 31 2013 06:10 Millitron wrote:On January 31 2013 04:48 white_horse wrote:On January 31 2013 03:01 Millitron wrote: [quote] Your gun culture example doesn't work. Specifically because guns are more dangerous. The repercussions are much greater, so you don't just pull guns as freely as you start fist-fights. People carrying guns don't just draw for nothing. They don't get cut-off in a parking lot and start shooting people.
The AR15 is the most commonly owned rifle in the US. It's an "Assault Weapon". In many jurisdictions, it is already legal to open carry it. But "Assault Weapons" are used in less than 1% of all fire-arm related crimes. Carrying a gun doesn't mean you WILL shoot someone. My point is, is that this gun culture idea, the idea that people will shoot each other over everything and nothing, has already been tested. People already carry guns, and it doesn't happen.
It doesn't take too much government oversight. All you need is background checks. As long as there's no database of gun-owners, it doesn't really matter if they know you're allowed to own a gun. A tyrant would need to know whether you actually do or not.
I'm not Nostradamus, I can't predict the future. But democracies can, and have become tyrannies, and that should be good enough. Sure, I can't say every little detail that would be necessary for armed rebellion, but neither did the founding fathers. 15 years before the revolution, no one had any desire for independence. 15 years isn't that long.
Europe in the 30's DID have a modern democracy, and they had an almost-modern military. Sure, they didn't have the internet, and things may have turned out differently if they did, but they were never given the chance for open rebellion. Any people with opposition sympathies were at least disarmed, and they often just "Disappeared". I'll be honest, I don't know enough about China to say much there, besides the fact that before Mao, they were a functional democracy, and after he took power, they weren't.
This arms race between civilians and criminals also doesn't happen. Plenty of civilians already have guns, and you don't see criminals getting bigger and better guns. Criminals need cheap, concealable guns. They need to be concealable so they can sneak up on you, and they need to be cheap so they can throw them away before the cops show up. Cheap, concealable guns are not very big or powerful.
What is worse, a civilian who did nothing wrong getting killed, or a criminal who knew the risks getting killed? And please don't give me the whole "You don't know him, maybe he just wanted to feed his family." nonsense. Soup kitchens are a thing. Foodstamps exist. And besides, you have to admit that this would be a pretty rare occurrence. Most (I'd wager almost all) thefts aren't because the person will starve otherwise, they're because the thief wants to buy a new TV or more cocaine. Last, you do not know what he plans on doing to you. You have no idea if he's just going to take your wallet, or if he's going to kill you. Sure, it might be rare, but if you want to talk about the one-in-a-million dad's who steal to feed their family, I can talk about the one-in-a-million muggers who also kill.
I didn't say I don't know socioeconomics anywhere outside the US, I said I don't know them in Canada. I'm happy for you that you seem to have solved all your problems. But look at the UK. They have almost no guns, and have one of the highest crime rates in Europe. Clearly guns are not the only factor, or even the main factor Suggesting that the US federal government is somehow going to devolve into a dictatorship/tyranny, and then using that as an argument for more guns is bullshit. I don't know how some people always bring it up and not be able to think to themselves how stupid the entire idea is. That's just a childish fantasy gun proponents secretly want to happen just so they can tell everyone else how wrong they were. So please...stop pulling the what-if-tyranny-1776-nazi-hitler-stalin-happens-in-america because you're just telling every sensible person how stupid your logic is. If you want to actually convince people that more guns/stronger gun rights is better for the country, use another argument that actually makes some sense. And yes, you are honest about not knowing a lot about china. They weren't a "functional democracy" before Mao (whatever that means). China never had the opportunity to become a real democracy early in the 20th century because of (1) WWII (2) their nationalism vs. communism civil war and (3) their decades-long war against Japan, which had occupied china. What part of it is bullshit? Is it that you think democracy is somehow perfect? Tell that to Spain, Italy, and Germany in the 30's, and France in the 1800's. Tell that to everyone who died at Waco, Ruby Ridge, and Kent State. Is it that you feel guerrillas would be completely outmatched? They wouldn't. Sure, they'd get slaughtered in a conventional fight, but guerrilla warfare is amazingly effective. And if it happened in the US, it'd be even more effective, because the Guerrillas would have far more targets and each one would be more strategically important. All the guerrillas in Vietnam and Iraq could do is ambush a patrol or two here and there. Homegrown guerrillas could target every factory, bridge, and powerplant in the country. Is it that you feel peaceful protest is a better option? Good, I do too. But it shouldn't be the only option. Skydivers wear two parachutes for a reason. The people in the US military are people just like you and me. The people that work in federal government are american citizens just like you and me. Intelligent people not only learn, but also carry with them the knowledge that the american government is made up of checks and balances. Have you? There's a reason why we've had a peaceful transfer of government for 250 years without any problems. And I thought pro-gun supporters were the ones who knew all about the constitution. The idea that someone in the federal government or a high ranking military general would decide that he wanted to become Supreme Dictator of Facist America is batshit crazy with a daily forecast chance of 0%. If we really wanted to be hypothetical, do you really think american soldiers would go shoot up an american neighborhood because the Supreme Dictator wanted them to so that he could start taking control of our country? Somebody down the line would say no. Somebody else in similar power in the government would say no. Someone might kill him first. Do you really think A-10s and F-16s from wright-patterson would start bombing chicago and cincinatti just because the Supreme Dictator wanted them to? Why does something like these even need an explanation? + Show Spoiler +Sure, they'd get slaughtered in a conventional fight, but guerrilla warfare is amazingly effective. + Show Spoiler +All the guerrillas in Vietnam and Iraq could do is ambush a patrol or two here and there. Homegrown guerrillas could target every factory, bridge, and powerplant in the country.
Jesus christ, you sound like a 14 year old. You act as if most of the people in the military wouldn't follow orders that would be bad for the American people. Sure you might have a few who refuse, but the majority of them would be more concerned about the consequences of disobeying a direct order for fear of their own life or their families life. Why do you live in this fantasy land where tyranny is impossible? Telling someone they sound like a 14 year old makes you look like the childish one. Being condescending doesn't help your argument. ... Really? It should be completely obvious that the *vast* majority in the military would simply put down their weapons and give the bird to the chain of command that said "bomb Chicago" (and this chain of orders wouldn't happen in the first place because it require every single person up the chain of command to be batshit insane). He's dead-on accurate when he says "sounds like a 14 year old". It's not an insult, it's an apt observation. Do you actually think the order would be "Bomb Chicago"? JDAM, Joint Direct Attack Munition. Precise. Take down a single warehouse or other building, minimal collateral damage. Do you really think internment to prevent guerilla warfare wouldn't happen? I remember when Abu Ghraib was a thing. Been there? I have. That fiasco happened because the wrong people were doing the wrong job and were way overstretched. And that job was detention of a large percentage of a civilian population for fitting the wrong demographics. I'm utterly baffled by this response. Your first bone to pick with me was the fact that the order would not literally be: "bomb Chicago".... I just... I... whaa.. Hahahhhahahahahaahah. And then your next comment is... something about Abu Ghraib, and how you were there... and this is supposed to, erm, stand as evidence for something totally unrelated..? I just... wow. LOL On January 31 2013 07:46 white_horse wrote: Jesus christ, you sound like a 14 year old. Oh, and look, it even includes the ad hominem attack I commented on, how convenient. You know, the one that actually existed, and I responded to by pointing it out as the weak excuse for debate that it was? Which, now, is "screaming bloody murder". Christ, why do you care about such a meaningless tangent. I could take that bait and go down that road, get into it with you, disagree indefinitely with you, but why bother? It's utterly pointless. Forget it. Moving on: Please summarize your argument in favor of gun control in brief so that I can consider it carefully and respond. Doesn't need to be lengthy -- if you have a clean thought out argument, you will have no trouble making a simple abstract. Then we can progress. We won't get anywhere if you keep dragging everything down into the shit. Just move on.
Are you, the person who roughly everybody in recent pages has called out for derailing the thread with insults and condescension, really trying to deflect the blame for that onto others?
Also, why should I explain to you what you'd know if you'd read any posts? I've said what I believe about gun control, unfortunately, you seem to want to fight more than to discuss, so you've missed all the posts that you couldn't flamebait as a response to.
Go back through recent pages, you might even find some concise opinions in there. And discussions that didn't involve you directly that actually went somewhere. How's that for a correlation?
On February 01 2013 12:12 JingleHell wrote:Show nested quote +On February 01 2013 12:06 FallDownMarigold wrote:On February 01 2013 12:03 JingleHell wrote:On February 01 2013 11:18 FallDownMarigold wrote:On February 01 2013 11:14 JingleHell wrote:On February 01 2013 11:05 FallDownMarigold wrote:On February 01 2013 07:03 JingleHell wrote: So, out of curiosity, what's up with all those data points that don't fit a pretty linear progression? First off, the term you want is linear regression -- linear progression is something related to music. That's beside the point entirely though, and I'm only telling you this so that in the future when the need for that term comes up, you will know the right one. Consider that a friendly pointer, not a "personal ad hom". Moving on: The only point on that graph that strays from the linear fit is Mexico. Think about it. In Mexico far less people own guns, but far more people are killed by them due to the narco violence currently ongoing there.... That violence in terms of deaths by the number is on par with the level of the violence in the Iraq War. Obviously the result is that Mexico sits low on guns owned axis, high on gun deaths. Oh, congratulations, your combination of scathing wit and trivia has truly left me gasping for breath and clutching my chest as my arguments turn to ash like the very blood in my veins, truly, my soul is scarred, I shall never be the same, left to my own devices, I shall fade... Seriously, if you're going to lecture me on semantics related to statistics, don't tell me you're allowed to discount one data point due to a factor, and don't consider the possibility that the same factor could play in a separate data point. Do you honestly think gangs and drugs have nothing to do with violence in the USA? We've argued with Mexico over who's to blame for that sort of nonsense. I went out of my way to tell you that I was merely letting you know the proper term for your own sake. Seriously. I then moved to explain why that "outlier" data point is easily explained. I have no idea why you are so quick to scream bloody murder 'quit ad homming me bro'. Sheesh, it's incredible. I leave it down to your supposed intellect to determine how saying people who disagree with you sound like 14 year old kids is an ad hominem attack. Once you've accomplished that one, you may realize that all your snark is misdirected. Say, weren't you the one who kicked up a shitfit earlier and "screamed bloody murder" about my "jargon" earlier when I pointed out that "leveling a city" and destroying a single tactical objective with no or minimum collateral damage were completely different things? Ah yes, here it is... http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=313472¤tpage=388#7741On January 31 2013 17:00 FallDownMarigold wrote:On January 31 2013 13:50 JingleHell wrote:On January 31 2013 13:44 FallDownMarigold wrote:On January 31 2013 08:29 kmillz wrote:On January 31 2013 07:46 white_horse wrote:On January 31 2013 06:10 Millitron wrote:On January 31 2013 04:48 white_horse wrote: [quote]
Suggesting that the US federal government is somehow going to devolve into a dictatorship/tyranny, and then using that as an argument for more guns is bullshit. I don't know how some people always bring it up and not be able to think to themselves how stupid the entire idea is. That's just a childish fantasy gun proponents secretly want to happen just so they can tell everyone else how wrong they were. So please...stop pulling the what-if-tyranny-1776-nazi-hitler-stalin-happens-in-america because you're just telling every sensible person how stupid your logic is. If you want to actually convince people that more guns/stronger gun rights is better for the country, use another argument that actually makes some sense.
And yes, you are honest about not knowing a lot about china. They weren't a "functional democracy" before Mao (whatever that means). China never had the opportunity to become a real democracy early in the 20th century because of (1) WWII (2) their nationalism vs. communism civil war and (3) their decades-long war against Japan, which had occupied china.
What part of it is bullshit? Is it that you think democracy is somehow perfect? Tell that to Spain, Italy, and Germany in the 30's, and France in the 1800's. Tell that to everyone who died at Waco, Ruby Ridge, and Kent State. Is it that you feel guerrillas would be completely outmatched? They wouldn't. Sure, they'd get slaughtered in a conventional fight, but guerrilla warfare is amazingly effective. And if it happened in the US, it'd be even more effective, because the Guerrillas would have far more targets and each one would be more strategically important. All the guerrillas in Vietnam and Iraq could do is ambush a patrol or two here and there. Homegrown guerrillas could target every factory, bridge, and powerplant in the country. Is it that you feel peaceful protest is a better option? Good, I do too. But it shouldn't be the only option. Skydivers wear two parachutes for a reason. The people in the US military are people just like you and me. The people that work in federal government are american citizens just like you and me. Intelligent people not only learn, but also carry with them the knowledge that the american government is made up of checks and balances. Have you? There's a reason why we've had a peaceful transfer of government for 250 years without any problems. And I thought pro-gun supporters were the ones who knew all about the constitution. The idea that someone in the federal government or a high ranking military general would decide that he wanted to become Supreme Dictator of Facist America is batshit crazy with a daily forecast chance of 0%. If we really wanted to be hypothetical, do you really think american soldiers would go shoot up an american neighborhood because the Supreme Dictator wanted them to so that he could start taking control of our country? Somebody down the line would say no. Somebody else in similar power in the government would say no. Someone might kill him first. Do you really think A-10s and F-16s from wright-patterson would start bombing chicago and cincinatti just because the Supreme Dictator wanted them to? Why does something like these even need an explanation? + Show Spoiler +Sure, they'd get slaughtered in a conventional fight, but guerrilla warfare is amazingly effective. + Show Spoiler +All the guerrillas in Vietnam and Iraq could do is ambush a patrol or two here and there. Homegrown guerrillas could target every factory, bridge, and powerplant in the country.
Jesus christ, you sound like a 14 year old. You act as if most of the people in the military wouldn't follow orders that would be bad for the American people. Sure you might have a few who refuse, but the majority of them would be more concerned about the consequences of disobeying a direct order for fear of their own life or their families life. Why do you live in this fantasy land where tyranny is impossible? Telling someone they sound like a 14 year old makes you look like the childish one. Being condescending doesn't help your argument. ... Really? It should be completely obvious that the *vast* majority in the military would simply put down their weapons and give the bird to the chain of command that said "bomb Chicago" (and this chain of orders wouldn't happen in the first place because it require every single person up the chain of command to be batshit insane). He's dead-on accurate when he says "sounds like a 14 year old". It's not an insult, it's an apt observation. Do you actually think the order would be "Bomb Chicago"? JDAM, Joint Direct Attack Munition. Precise. Take down a single warehouse or other building, minimal collateral damage. Do you really think internment to prevent guerilla warfare wouldn't happen? I remember when Abu Ghraib was a thing. Been there? I have. That fiasco happened because the wrong people were doing the wrong job and were way overstretched. And that job was detention of a large percentage of a civilian population for fitting the wrong demographics. I'm utterly baffled by this response. Your first bone to pick with me was the fact that the order would not literally be: "bomb Chicago".... I just... I... whaa.. Hahahhhahahahahaahah. And then your next comment is... something about Abu Ghraib, and how you were there... and this is supposed to, erm, stand as evidence for something totally unrelated..? I just... wow. LOL On January 31 2013 07:46 white_horse wrote: Jesus christ, you sound like a 14 year old. Oh, and look, it even includes the ad hominem attack I commented on, how convenient. You know, the one that actually existed, and I responded to by pointing it out as the weak excuse for debate that it was? Which, now, is "screaming bloody murder". Christ, why do you care about such a meaningless tangent. I could take that bait and go down that road, get into it with you, disagree indefinitely with you, but why bother? It's utterly pointless. Forget it. Moving on: Please summarize your argument in favor of gun control in brief so that I can consider it carefully and respond. Doesn't need to be lengthy -- if you have a clean thought out argument, you will have no trouble making a simple abstract. Then we can progress. We won't get anywhere if you keep dragging everything down into the shit. Just move on. Are you, the person who roughly everybody in recent pages has called out for derailing the thread with insults and condescension, really trying to deflect the blame for that onto others? Also, why should I explain to you what you'd know if you'd read any posts? I've said what I believe about gun control, unfortunately, you seem to want to fight more than to discuss, so you've missed all the posts that you couldn't flamebait as a response to. Go back through recent pages, you might even find some concise opinions in there. And discussions that didn't involve you directly that actually went somewhere. How's that for a correlation?
Do you have a simple/concise thought-out argument for why you are in favor of no gun control? If so, please provide it so that I can respectfully consider it and respond reasonably. I tried going back but found that the thread was marred by hundreds off side-tangents, which makes extricating any particular person's comprehensive viewpoints quite difficult.
If not, it's fine. I was just curious to know what your argument actually is, on the whole, rather than to continue getting into the shit with meaningless tangents.
On February 01 2013 12:04 mynameisgreat11 wrote:Show nested quote +On February 01 2013 12:01 kmillz wrote:On February 01 2013 11:59 mynameisgreat11 wrote:On February 01 2013 11:44 kmillz wrote:On February 01 2013 11:39 FallDownMarigold wrote:On February 01 2013 11:32 kmillz wrote:On February 01 2013 11:13 FallDownMarigold wrote:On February 01 2013 10:17 Laeon wrote: How can you debate 396 pages on that. The answer is : NO, people should not to be allowed to own weapon ! Because the debate goes like this: -Let's implement a gradually-increasing form of gun control so that we can eventually, someday, catch up to our European friends. --But, dictators will takeover. You see, Waco, Kent State, etc. Therefore, gun control is bad. -Hmm, that seems like quite a leap. So because of those instances, some vastly larger form of dictatorship occurring in the US is plausible? --Yes, did I mention Waco, Kent State, etc.? -...... --Cut it out with the ad homs. I served in the military. You're just saying things with no evidence. I have evidence: Waco, Kent State, etc. Never ends with these sorts of participants. Sincerely hope fellow TLers from around the world remember that those from the US expressing some of the more extreme viewpoints in favor of guns--especially the ones arguing that largescale US dictatorship is something we should be concerned about in our modern world if we lose our open access to guns--represent only a small portion of viewpoints in the US. They just so happen to populate this thread very vocally. So please, do not think less of people from the US as a whole  I'm still actually waiting for you to post anything with actual substance instead of you just mocking people and blowing steam. Seriously, I've covered at least a dozen other reasons why gun control is bad previously in this thread, sorry that you missed it but if you aren't going to contribute to the argument then stop posting. You're just talking like a complete dick and adding VERY little to the actual argument in each of your posts. I happened upon this thread because I saw that it was still appearing in the sidebar. So, what's your argument? Telling me to wade through ~400 pages isn't helpful because that's like telling someone to go read a novel in order to reply. If you have a sound argument that you know in and out, it won't be too much of a trouble to provide a ~250 word abstract. That's much more useful than sifting through thousands of posts, finding yours, then making sense of them as a whole out of the many sub-discussions from which they arose. My argument: You (again) decided to ad hominem and strawman by suggesting the debate is 396 pages long because of our 2 page argument with an innaccurate representation of the side that does not support control. Not to mention you left out all your little childish bullshit. Then you basically wrote us off as people who are paranoid about tyranny and not worth taking seriously....and you expect to be taken seriously. You, me, and Falldownwhatever are all equally guilty of everything you just said. I think what he was asking for was a restatement, boiled down, concise 2-3 sentences that summarize your feelings on the issue. Here's mine: I have a personal interest and hobby in guns. They are a part of the culture in many parts of the country. Still, I think it is ridiculous that they are less regulated than cars, booze, cigarettes, and lots of other things that are way less harmful. I support legislation that makes buying guns a more regulated and strict process. P.S. Handguns should be harder to get than anything. You lost me at booze and cars are way less harmful. Responsible gun ownership is much less harmful than irresponsible drinking or irresponsible driving, which do you think is more common? You have to have a drivers license to operate a car. You have to pass a written and driving test. Your car has to be insured, and inspected and certified every year. You can be pulled over while driving your car for any infinitely minor driving error and questioned. I can buy a semi-automatic M4, legally, immediately regardless of my past or mental state.
Wut? Is this true. I thought there was mandatory backgrounds checks etc.
I've literally never said I'm in favor of no gun control. I want background checks tightened up, and better mandatory training for anyone desiring to carry.
What I'm not in favor of is stupid gun control, like banning weapons based literally on aesthetics. Magazine caps are ridiculous, since really big mags are kind of hard to get functioning well, and 3 tens is barely slower than 1 30, with practice.
I also firmly oppose any knee-jerk legislation based on stupid sensationalism of the topic.
On February 01 2013 12:18 TheRealArtemis wrote:Show nested quote +On February 01 2013 12:04 mynameisgreat11 wrote:On February 01 2013 12:01 kmillz wrote:On February 01 2013 11:59 mynameisgreat11 wrote:On February 01 2013 11:44 kmillz wrote:On February 01 2013 11:39 FallDownMarigold wrote:On February 01 2013 11:32 kmillz wrote:On February 01 2013 11:13 FallDownMarigold wrote:On February 01 2013 10:17 Laeon wrote: How can you debate 396 pages on that. The answer is : NO, people should not to be allowed to own weapon ! Because the debate goes like this: -Let's implement a gradually-increasing form of gun control so that we can eventually, someday, catch up to our European friends. --But, dictators will takeover. You see, Waco, Kent State, etc. Therefore, gun control is bad. -Hmm, that seems like quite a leap. So because of those instances, some vastly larger form of dictatorship occurring in the US is plausible? --Yes, did I mention Waco, Kent State, etc.? -...... --Cut it out with the ad homs. I served in the military. You're just saying things with no evidence. I have evidence: Waco, Kent State, etc. Never ends with these sorts of participants. Sincerely hope fellow TLers from around the world remember that those from the US expressing some of the more extreme viewpoints in favor of guns--especially the ones arguing that largescale US dictatorship is something we should be concerned about in our modern world if we lose our open access to guns--represent only a small portion of viewpoints in the US. They just so happen to populate this thread very vocally. So please, do not think less of people from the US as a whole  I'm still actually waiting for you to post anything with actual substance instead of you just mocking people and blowing steam. Seriously, I've covered at least a dozen other reasons why gun control is bad previously in this thread, sorry that you missed it but if you aren't going to contribute to the argument then stop posting. You're just talking like a complete dick and adding VERY little to the actual argument in each of your posts. I happened upon this thread because I saw that it was still appearing in the sidebar. So, what's your argument? Telling me to wade through ~400 pages isn't helpful because that's like telling someone to go read a novel in order to reply. If you have a sound argument that you know in and out, it won't be too much of a trouble to provide a ~250 word abstract. That's much more useful than sifting through thousands of posts, finding yours, then making sense of them as a whole out of the many sub-discussions from which they arose. My argument: You (again) decided to ad hominem and strawman by suggesting the debate is 396 pages long because of our 2 page argument with an innaccurate representation of the side that does not support control. Not to mention you left out all your little childish bullshit. Then you basically wrote us off as people who are paranoid about tyranny and not worth taking seriously....and you expect to be taken seriously. You, me, and Falldownwhatever are all equally guilty of everything you just said. I think what he was asking for was a restatement, boiled down, concise 2-3 sentences that summarize your feelings on the issue. Here's mine: I have a personal interest and hobby in guns. They are a part of the culture in many parts of the country. Still, I think it is ridiculous that they are less regulated than cars, booze, cigarettes, and lots of other things that are way less harmful. I support legislation that makes buying guns a more regulated and strict process. P.S. Handguns should be harder to get than anything. You lost me at booze and cars are way less harmful. Responsible gun ownership is much less harmful than irresponsible drinking or irresponsible driving, which do you think is more common? You have to have a drivers license to operate a car. You have to pass a written and driving test. Your car has to be insured, and inspected and certified every year. You can be pulled over while driving your car for any infinitely minor driving error and questioned. I can buy a semi-automatic M4, legally, immediately regardless of my past or mental state. Wut? Is this true. I thought there was mandatory backgrounds checks etc.
It's an exaggeration. Medical reporting is sketchy here, but there IS a criminal background check.
Unless it's bought from a "private seller"!
On February 01 2013 11:43 wswordsmen wrote:Show nested quote +On February 01 2013 10:41 JingleHell wrote:On February 01 2013 10:38 Stratos_speAr wrote:On February 01 2013 07:44 StarStrider wrote:On February 01 2013 07:33 Salteador Neo wrote: If you ban all guns today, in 15-20 years the only people who would still want to keep their weapons are old farts and sons of rednecks who were teached to love their guns over people. That is progress.
In other countries maybe I would say 30 years, but USA has a story of learning and adapting fast. It's a "new" country after all, and always at the vanguard of change. Criminals who desire money and power wouldn't want to keep their guns to use against a population of the gun free? Or do you think that in 20 years people either won't commit crimes anymore or criminals with guns would have all been either caught or killed? This thread harps alot on psychos who kill innocents to watch them bleed. As if that's even a significant portion of the problem. The drug industry, their low level distribution gangs (that claim territory), people who commit violence or threat of violence for easy profit, or people in dire poverty who are desparate enough to commit crimes as a last resort....THESE are the gun problems in the United States. Not the occasional psycho who slaughters kids or the man who puts a bullet in his neighbors' head because he got heated. But no one wants to talk about that. Everyone is harping on people who premeditate the most amount of indiscriminate death possible in the quickest time possible, and think that taking 20 rounds out of his clip is going to somehow dent the other 10,000+ gun deaths that happen across our country and in our inner cities, including a far higher innocent body count. THOSE things aren't going to be addressed by limiting law abiding citizens in purchasing this or that gun or mag, so no one is talking about them. Doesn't that seem unusual? If you completely banned guns, criminals wouldn't have guns in 20 years. Guns don't have an incredibly long street life, and the reason it's so easy for criminals to get guns is because gun laws are so lax in the first place. If they were very strict, it would be much, much harder for a respectable black market for guns to exist. Are you high? Guns last quite a while, assuming people take reasonable care of them. Sure, since they're readily available, people might use something and throw it, but if the stakes were that much higher to even have one, they'd keep it, just to be sure. If you aren't sure how long guns can last with some basic maintenance... well, there's functional guns from both World Wars, and even older than that. The 20 is obviously referring to the seizure of them by law enforcement. The supply of guns (for criminals) would drain a lot faster if any time the police seized a weapon there wasn't a new weapon to replace it. Many guns made in the 16th and 17th centuries can still fire, but the person you quoted isn't referring to how long the guns will physically laugh. If a criminal doesn't own a gun because the gun they want was taken from them and there is no replacement made to be sold to that criminal. I am not even saying he is right, but don't argue against something he didn't actually say.
Gangbangers constantly need guns because they're constantly losing them. You realize after someone kills with a gun they tend to dump it right? Seeing as how it's evidence of MURDER? Bringing up ridiculous examples about WW2 guns that still work and top-level maintenance is totally missing the point. Every time they use these guns in a real firefight, they dump the guns afterwards. That's why gun-running is such a profitable business in the USA. If this wasn't happening, then how do you explain the constant demand for more guns on the black market?
Not directing my statements towards the quoted poster btw. I'm just adding to the thread.
On February 01 2013 12:22 TheFrankOne wrote: Unless it's bought from a "private seller"!
See the other half of my post?
On February 01 2013 12:11 kmillz wrote: I'm only summarizing this because you asked, but I have been responding to things that stuck out to me in the ongoing discussion and I don't generally leave my entire position completely outlined in every post. Personally, I don't even own a gun, but I believe in the right for someone to own one for many reasons. First of all, the Constitution is not the reason I believe in everyones right to have one, I believe in your right to protect yourself. A knife does not stop a gun. Guns won't disappear in the U.S., that is the real fantasy if anyone were using one. You keep arguing that tyranny is a fantasy and unrealistic despite it happening in several times in history. You have a scary amount of confidence in the government to never succumb to corruption, even though you already disagree with the constitution. Ok, thanks. Sorry if that was a little bit of a hassle, but I think you'll agree it was more productive than our previous tangent-pursuing. So:
A) You firmly believe in the right to protect yourself. Currently, the US has many guns in circulation. Therefore, cutting them off suddenly to the public would not address the fact that there are already guns out there. Response: A gradual implementation of gun control would be a good idea. Challenging, but surely better than doing nothing at all. Think of it as a reasonable compromise. On the one hand, you can't implement full gun control immediately. On the other hand, evidence points in the direction of the need for tighter gun control. Let's compromise.
B) You believe that without guns, a US tyranny is very plausible. Response: This is not a good debate point for us to pursue. This is just a matter of differing opinions. You think it's plausible while I don't. When you appeal to past instances of tyranny, it does not serve as evidence for current or future possibilities. That tyranny was likely X years ago does not mean it's still likely, or less likely. What I am saying here is that neither one of us can really prove or disprove anything here -- it's just a matter of opinion.
Just stop, this is deteriorating so quickly, stick to the issue. What I'm trying to do is to cut the bullshit, kill off the meaningless tangents, and move on to what matters: responding to coherent viewpoints in favor of no gun control. First, I need to see some coherent arguments to respond to. Thanks again for yours. Jingle can provide his when he's ready, or not.
On February 01 2013 12:20 JingleHell wrote:I've literally never said I'm in favor of no gun control. I want background checks tightened up, and better mandatory training for anyone desiring to carry. What I'm not in favor of is stupid gun control, like banning weapons based literally on aesthetics. Magazine caps are ridiculous, since really big mags are kind of hard to get functioning well, and 3 tens is barely slower than 1 30, with practice. I also firmly oppose any knee-jerk legislation based on stupid sensationalism of the topic. Show nested quote +On February 01 2013 12:18 TheRealArtemis wrote:On February 01 2013 12:04 mynameisgreat11 wrote:On February 01 2013 12:01 kmillz wrote:On February 01 2013 11:59 mynameisgreat11 wrote:On February 01 2013 11:44 kmillz wrote:On February 01 2013 11:39 FallDownMarigold wrote:On February 01 2013 11:32 kmillz wrote:On February 01 2013 11:13 FallDownMarigold wrote:On February 01 2013 10:17 Laeon wrote: How can you debate 396 pages on that. The answer is : NO, people should not to be allowed to own weapon ! Because the debate goes like this: -Let's implement a gradually-increasing form of gun control so that we can eventually, someday, catch up to our European friends. --But, dictators will takeover. You see, Waco, Kent State, etc. Therefore, gun control is bad. -Hmm, that seems like quite a leap. So because of those instances, some vastly larger form of dictatorship occurring in the US is plausible? --Yes, did I mention Waco, Kent State, etc.? -...... --Cut it out with the ad homs. I served in the military. You're just saying things with no evidence. I have evidence: Waco, Kent State, etc. Never ends with these sorts of participants. Sincerely hope fellow TLers from around the world remember that those from the US expressing some of the more extreme viewpoints in favor of guns--especially the ones arguing that largescale US dictatorship is something we should be concerned about in our modern world if we lose our open access to guns--represent only a small portion of viewpoints in the US. They just so happen to populate this thread very vocally. So please, do not think less of people from the US as a whole  I'm still actually waiting for you to post anything with actual substance instead of you just mocking people and blowing steam. Seriously, I've covered at least a dozen other reasons why gun control is bad previously in this thread, sorry that you missed it but if you aren't going to contribute to the argument then stop posting. You're just talking like a complete dick and adding VERY little to the actual argument in each of your posts. I happened upon this thread because I saw that it was still appearing in the sidebar. So, what's your argument? Telling me to wade through ~400 pages isn't helpful because that's like telling someone to go read a novel in order to reply. If you have a sound argument that you know in and out, it won't be too much of a trouble to provide a ~250 word abstract. That's much more useful than sifting through thousands of posts, finding yours, then making sense of them as a whole out of the many sub-discussions from which they arose. My argument: You (again) decided to ad hominem and strawman by suggesting the debate is 396 pages long because of our 2 page argument with an innaccurate representation of the side that does not support control. Not to mention you left out all your little childish bullshit. Then you basically wrote us off as people who are paranoid about tyranny and not worth taking seriously....and you expect to be taken seriously. You, me, and Falldownwhatever are all equally guilty of everything you just said. I think what he was asking for was a restatement, boiled down, concise 2-3 sentences that summarize your feelings on the issue. Here's mine: I have a personal interest and hobby in guns. They are a part of the culture in many parts of the country. Still, I think it is ridiculous that they are less regulated than cars, booze, cigarettes, and lots of other things that are way less harmful. I support legislation that makes buying guns a more regulated and strict process. P.S. Handguns should be harder to get than anything. You lost me at booze and cars are way less harmful. Responsible gun ownership is much less harmful than irresponsible drinking or irresponsible driving, which do you think is more common? You have to have a drivers license to operate a car. You have to pass a written and driving test. Your car has to be insured, and inspected and certified every year. You can be pulled over while driving your car for any infinitely minor driving error and questioned. I can buy a semi-automatic M4, legally, immediately regardless of my past or mental state. Wut? Is this true. I thought there was mandatory backgrounds checks etc. It's an exaggeration. Medical reporting is sketchy here, but there IS a criminal background check.
Background checks are also made when applying for jobs so I don't see how that's very intrusive.
Car: ID, Age minimum, ID renewal, car checks, eye checks, insurance, the ability for police to pull you over at any time for any reason, etc...
What do gun owners have to go through on a yearly basis?
On February 01 2013 12:20 JingleHell wrote:I've literally never said I'm in favor of no gun control. I want background checks tightened up, and better mandatory training for anyone desiring to carry. What I'm not in favor of is stupid gun control, like banning weapons based literally on aesthetics. Magazine caps are ridiculous, since really big mags are kind of hard to get functioning well, and 3 tens is barely slower than 1 30, with practice. I also firmly oppose any knee-jerk legislation based on stupid sensationalism of the topic. Show nested quote +On February 01 2013 12:18 TheRealArtemis wrote:On February 01 2013 12:04 mynameisgreat11 wrote:On February 01 2013 12:01 kmillz wrote:On February 01 2013 11:59 mynameisgreat11 wrote:On February 01 2013 11:44 kmillz wrote:On February 01 2013 11:39 FallDownMarigold wrote:On February 01 2013 11:32 kmillz wrote:On February 01 2013 11:13 FallDownMarigold wrote:On February 01 2013 10:17 Laeon wrote: How can you debate 396 pages on that. The answer is : NO, people should not to be allowed to own weapon ! Because the debate goes like this: -Let's implement a gradually-increasing form of gun control so that we can eventually, someday, catch up to our European friends. --But, dictators will takeover. You see, Waco, Kent State, etc. Therefore, gun control is bad. -Hmm, that seems like quite a leap. So because of those instances, some vastly larger form of dictatorship occurring in the US is plausible? --Yes, did I mention Waco, Kent State, etc.? -...... --Cut it out with the ad homs. I served in the military. You're just saying things with no evidence. I have evidence: Waco, Kent State, etc. Never ends with these sorts of participants. Sincerely hope fellow TLers from around the world remember that those from the US expressing some of the more extreme viewpoints in favor of guns--especially the ones arguing that largescale US dictatorship is something we should be concerned about in our modern world if we lose our open access to guns--represent only a small portion of viewpoints in the US. They just so happen to populate this thread very vocally. So please, do not think less of people from the US as a whole  I'm still actually waiting for you to post anything with actual substance instead of you just mocking people and blowing steam. Seriously, I've covered at least a dozen other reasons why gun control is bad previously in this thread, sorry that you missed it but if you aren't going to contribute to the argument then stop posting. You're just talking like a complete dick and adding VERY little to the actual argument in each of your posts. I happened upon this thread because I saw that it was still appearing in the sidebar. So, what's your argument? Telling me to wade through ~400 pages isn't helpful because that's like telling someone to go read a novel in order to reply. If you have a sound argument that you know in and out, it won't be too much of a trouble to provide a ~250 word abstract. That's much more useful than sifting through thousands of posts, finding yours, then making sense of them as a whole out of the many sub-discussions from which they arose. My argument: You (again) decided to ad hominem and strawman by suggesting the debate is 396 pages long because of our 2 page argument with an innaccurate representation of the side that does not support control. Not to mention you left out all your little childish bullshit. Then you basically wrote us off as people who are paranoid about tyranny and not worth taking seriously....and you expect to be taken seriously. You, me, and Falldownwhatever are all equally guilty of everything you just said. I think what he was asking for was a restatement, boiled down, concise 2-3 sentences that summarize your feelings on the issue. Here's mine: I have a personal interest and hobby in guns. They are a part of the culture in many parts of the country. Still, I think it is ridiculous that they are less regulated than cars, booze, cigarettes, and lots of other things that are way less harmful. I support legislation that makes buying guns a more regulated and strict process. P.S. Handguns should be harder to get than anything. You lost me at booze and cars are way less harmful. Responsible gun ownership is much less harmful than irresponsible drinking or irresponsible driving, which do you think is more common? You have to have a drivers license to operate a car. You have to pass a written and driving test. Your car has to be insured, and inspected and certified every year. You can be pulled over while driving your car for any infinitely minor driving error and questioned. I can buy a semi-automatic M4, legally, immediately regardless of my past or mental state. Wut? Is this true. I thought there was mandatory backgrounds checks etc. It's an exaggeration. Medical reporting is sketchy here, but there IS a criminal background check.
Permit to buy required? No. Private sales legal, no waiting period. Firearm registration? No. Owner license required? No.
Private sales in many states have no background check, no waiting period, etc. For handguns and 'long guns'.
On February 01 2013 12:04 mynameisgreat11 wrote:Show nested quote +On February 01 2013 12:01 kmillz wrote:On February 01 2013 11:59 mynameisgreat11 wrote:On February 01 2013 11:44 kmillz wrote:On February 01 2013 11:39 FallDownMarigold wrote:On February 01 2013 11:32 kmillz wrote:On February 01 2013 11:13 FallDownMarigold wrote:On February 01 2013 10:17 Laeon wrote: How can you debate 396 pages on that. The answer is : NO, people should not to be allowed to own weapon ! Because the debate goes like this: -Let's implement a gradually-increasing form of gun control so that we can eventually, someday, catch up to our European friends. --But, dictators will takeover. You see, Waco, Kent State, etc. Therefore, gun control is bad. -Hmm, that seems like quite a leap. So because of those instances, some vastly larger form of dictatorship occurring in the US is plausible? --Yes, did I mention Waco, Kent State, etc.? -...... --Cut it out with the ad homs. I served in the military. You're just saying things with no evidence. I have evidence: Waco, Kent State, etc. Never ends with these sorts of participants. Sincerely hope fellow TLers from around the world remember that those from the US expressing some of the more extreme viewpoints in favor of guns--especially the ones arguing that largescale US dictatorship is something we should be concerned about in our modern world if we lose our open access to guns--represent only a small portion of viewpoints in the US. They just so happen to populate this thread very vocally. So please, do not think less of people from the US as a whole  I'm still actually waiting for you to post anything with actual substance instead of you just mocking people and blowing steam. Seriously, I've covered at least a dozen other reasons why gun control is bad previously in this thread, sorry that you missed it but if you aren't going to contribute to the argument then stop posting. You're just talking like a complete dick and adding VERY little to the actual argument in each of your posts. I happened upon this thread because I saw that it was still appearing in the sidebar. So, what's your argument? Telling me to wade through ~400 pages isn't helpful because that's like telling someone to go read a novel in order to reply. If you have a sound argument that you know in and out, it won't be too much of a trouble to provide a ~250 word abstract. That's much more useful than sifting through thousands of posts, finding yours, then making sense of them as a whole out of the many sub-discussions from which they arose. My argument: You (again) decided to ad hominem and strawman by suggesting the debate is 396 pages long because of our 2 page argument with an innaccurate representation of the side that does not support control. Not to mention you left out all your little childish bullshit. Then you basically wrote us off as people who are paranoid about tyranny and not worth taking seriously....and you expect to be taken seriously. You, me, and Falldownwhatever are all equally guilty of everything you just said. I think what he was asking for was a restatement, boiled down, concise 2-3 sentences that summarize your feelings on the issue. Here's mine: I have a personal interest and hobby in guns. They are a part of the culture in many parts of the country. Still, I think it is ridiculous that they are less regulated than cars, booze, cigarettes, and lots of other things that are way less harmful. I support legislation that makes buying guns a more regulated and strict process. P.S. Handguns should be harder to get than anything. You lost me at booze and cars are way less harmful. Responsible gun ownership is much less harmful than irresponsible drinking or irresponsible driving, which do you think is more common? You have to have a drivers license to operate a car. You have to pass a written and driving test. Your car has to be insured, and inspected and certified every year. You can be pulled over while driving your car for any infinitely minor driving error and questioned. I can buy a semi-automatic M4, legally, immediately regardless of my past or mental state. You'd be hard pressed to find a gun owner who isn't in favor of background checks. Assuming those checks are fair anyways, if they make the fee insanely expensive, then it's still effectively a ban.
My positions are as follows: 1) Guns don't actually kill all that many people. Alcohol kills over double as many people in the US. Even if you discount liver failure, alcohol still kills more. To restrict guns before restricting alcohol would be hypocrisy. And don't give me the whole, "We already do restrict alcohol." No, we don't. There's a drinking age, and some local open container laws, and that's it. Most of those often aren't enforced, or are easily circumvented.
2) Gun-control doesn't decrease crime. It may decrease gun-crime (no sources agree),. but generic crime is either unaffected, or even increased in regions with strict gun control. Look at DC, Chicago, and the UK for evidence,
3) Of the 100,000,000-300,000,000 guns in the US, 477,000 crimes were committed involving firearms in 2010. Assuming each crime involved a different gun (unlikely, but provides a good upper bound), that means that only 0.47% of all guns in the US are used in crimes. http://www.nij.gov/topics/crime/gun-violence/welcome.htm
4) An armed populace can better protect itself from tyranny. It CAN happen and has happened to democracies, see Weimar Republic or France during the Reign of Terror. Further, popular uprisings CAN succeed against modern militaries. A conventional war would be suicide for the rebels, but a guerrilla war would be totally winnable. It would not be easy, but it wouldn't be hopeless either.
5) High-capacity magazine bans won't stop massacres. Adam Lanza reloaded multiple times during the massacre, many of his discarded magazines were found over half full. He didn't actually take advantage of his high capacity magazines.
6) The AR15 is the most commonly owned rifle in the US. The annual rate of homicide with a long-gun (rifle or shotgun, "assault" weapons included) is only 0.2 per 100,000 people. Clearly, "Assault Weapons" are not a problem.
On February 01 2013 12:27 FallDownMarigold wrote:Show nested quote +On February 01 2013 12:11 kmillz wrote: I'm only summarizing this because you asked, but I have been responding to things that stuck out to me in the ongoing discussion and I don't generally leave my entire position completely outlined in every post. Personally, I don't even own a gun, but I believe in the right for someone to own one for many reasons. First of all, the Constitution is not the reason I believe in everyones right to have one, I believe in your right to protect yourself. A knife does not stop a gun. Guns won't disappear in the U.S., that is the real fantasy if anyone were using one. You keep arguing that tyranny is a fantasy and unrealistic despite it happening in several times in history. You have a scary amount of confidence in the government to never succumb to corruption, even though you already disagree with the constitution. Ok, thanks. Sorry if that was a little bit of a hassle, but I think you'll agree it was more productive than our previous tangent-pursuing. So: A) You firmly believe in the right to protect yourself. Currently, the US has many guns in circulation. Therefore, cutting them off suddenly to the public would not address the fact that there are already guns out there. Response: A gradual implementation of gun control would be a good idea. Challenging, but surely better than doing nothing at all. B) You believe that without guns, a US tyranny is very plausible. Response: This is not a good debate point for us to pursue. This is just a matter of differing opinions. You think it's plausible while I don't. When you appeal to past instances of tyranny, it does not serve as evidence for current or future possibilities. That tyranny was likely X years ago does not mean it's still likely, or less likely. What I am saying here is that neither one of us can really prove or disprove anything here -- it's just a matter of opinion. What I'm trying to do is to cut the bullshit, kill of the meaningless tangents, and move on to what matters: responding to coherent viewpoints in favor of no gun control. First, I need to see some coherent arguments to respond to. Thanks again for yours. Jingle can provide his when he's ready, or not.
Do you think women should be allowed to shoot a rapist if that is her only way of stopping him? Do you think you should be allowed to shoot someone dead if they are trying to murder your family? Do you think having no guns will stop those things from happening?
On February 01 2013 12:27 JingleHell wrote:Show nested quote +On February 01 2013 12:22 TheFrankOne wrote: Unless it's bought from a "private seller"! See the other half of my post?
I see you saying that you support tighter background checks but not mentioning the purchasing method that avoids the background checks. Which is what the poster was asking about.