C9++ Mini Mafia - Page 36
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United States21170 Posts
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Denmark1944 Posts
On March 21 2012 16:01 xsksc wrote: Two roleblockers AND a framer? Doesn't sound likely.. two roleblockers and a framer on the scum team does seem unlikely. It could be 1 town roleblocker and 1 scum, but I still find this unlikely. Sloosh wants us to look into the people bandwagoning Jackal (and now himself). This doesn't really make sense since Jackal was scum and we only just got him lynched. If we had 10 people on jackal I could agree that some might be scum but with only 7 votes the scenerio just fits better that scum voted elsewhere. | ||
United Kingdom1044 Posts
On March 21 2012 18:01 Dirkzor wrote: two roleblockers and a framer on the scum team does seem unlikely. It could be 1 town roleblocker and 1 scum, but I still find this unlikely. Sloosh wants us to look into the people bandwagoning Jackal (and now himself). This doesn't really make sense since Jackal was scum and we only just got him lynched. If we had 10 people on jackal I could agree that some might be scum but with only 7 votes the scenerio just fits better that scum voted elsewhere. Oh yeah, good point. I missed town roleblocker on the possible roles list, silly me. I think it's more likely VE was actually RB'd by scum and slOosh is bullshitting us, but we'll see how he flips I guess. | ||
3291 Posts
On March 21 2012 14:14 johnnywup wrote: And if you were roleblocked, what is your role? you're probably going to get lynched so if you want any chance of not being lynched you have better give your role RIGHT NOW. and thats a very small chance of not being lynched as well You can get roleblocked whether you have a role or not. I was roleblocked and that is all I know - I don't know what alignment it came from. On March 21 2012 16:12 VisceraEyes wrote: @SlOosh This isn't so much about the fact that you didn't sheep sandroba. Games don't have that many blind sheep. Jackal made himself suspicious enough to gather that many votes by being inactive. The fact that you were willing to "sheep" sandroba on a Snarfs lynch "because town sandroba is boss", yet when sandroba calls for someone else, you vote for "no-lynch" over a null read is suspicious no matter what you give as your reasoning. Jackal was suspiciously silent, and this lynch didn't happen just because sandroba waved a magic wand. Your reasoning for not being on the lynch is inconsistent with your previous votes. So it boils down to my inability to see that Jackal's lurking was suspicious? I mean if that is the case than yea, I didn't. I was open to semi sheeping on Snarfs because I could see him as slightly scummy - one was because he voted Nemesis, someone who I think is town (not that this is the tell) and then his reasoning for his unvote didn't make sense. Right now it feels like I'm being lynched for bad play, not scummy play. Is it just because it threatened the Jackal lynch that it seems scummy? On March 21 2012 14:13 johnnywup wrote: so, sloosh, whos the scum we should pressure? As for who I would start discussion about it would be Probulous. For someone who has closely watched my posting in my newbie games, it doesn't make sense that he would use raw meta to "set the tone" - he knows the failure that was my SNMMVII game (where I was VT) and yet still assumes that meta is viable, as if I didn't want to improve my play. He gives off lurking vibes, especially so since I've seen his scumhunting / discussion driving nature. The only thing he has talked about after D1 is me - I'd think he would move on to find the "last scum" as there isn't any serious opposition to my lynch. Of course coming from me this could all look like OMGUS which is why I said you guys have to pressure - it seems most people are dead set fixed that I am scum and have closed ears on me and so won't take my reads or anything objectively, so I'm asking you guys to do it. | ||
Canada2568 Posts
I wasn't willing to blindly believe the mason claim as it could have been a gutsy mafia ploy This is inconsistent with your previous vote and previous read: On March 20 2012 03:01 slOosh wrote: Mentions that Nemesis lynch is unviable for today in his explanation of unvote and in the same sentence says that he likes Nemesis' response and vote on VE (from which I infer he is leaning town read?). You can unvote someone because you now think they are town or if you want to avoid no-lynch and vote another mafia but I don't see how you can do both. Plus town Sandroba is boss. ##Unvote: xsksc ##Vote: Snarfs Probulous can you weigh in on Snarfs' posting this game? I know you played with him in Wiggle's mini not too long ago as well. Mind addressing that. You mentioned previously that you thought sandroba was town, and hopped in the bandwagon against snarfs. But when he pushed against Jackal, you suddenly changed your mind and thought sandroba was scum? | ||
3291 Posts
On March 21 2012 22:36 Nemesis wrote: My main reason for voting you is this: This is inconsistent with your previous vote and previous read: Mind addressing that. You mentioned previously that you thought sandroba was town, and hopped in the bandwagon against snarfs. But when he pushed against Jackal, you suddenly changed your mind and thought sandroba was scum? This may be where the misunderstanding may be coming from, but when I used the term "town Sandroba" it was to say that Sandroba is established in the TL mafia community as a good town player, not that I was like 99% certain that he was town. Breakdown of actions & thoughts I know that Sandroba is a really strong town player. His mason claim = confirmed town but back then there was chance it could have been 2 mafia. Unlikely maybe, but not impossible. I'm open to Snarfs lynch because I can see how Snarfs could be scummy, and there is time available in the day to discuss should new information arise. I'm not open to Jackal lynch because I only see null lurking that I thought a town Jackal might also do, and there is no more time available in the day to discuss Paranoia kicks in and I fear worst case scenario where scum Sandroba mislynches town Jackal and we are screwed since we lost a town aligned vet. | ||
Canada4998 Posts
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3291 Posts
On March 22 2012 01:00 sandroba wrote: @SlOosh Can you please claim your role? I'm starting to get this weird feeling that you are town and probulous is scum. I am a vanilla town. | ||
United States21170 Posts
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Canada4998 Posts
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United States21170 Posts
Are you thinking a mass vote-switch? | ||
Canada4998 Posts
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United States21170 Posts
I never filtered Probulous because reading slOosh's filter convinced me, I think I'm gonna go read that filter and see what I see. So if we vote-switch, you're saying Probulous is your preferred lynch? | ||
United States21170 Posts
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Canada2568 Posts
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Canada4998 Posts
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Canada1006 Posts
I had a look back though for some contradictions in things he's said that might give us a better idea as to his alignment, but I'd really like to see him post a bit more. Maybe I'm biased because he was really nice to me last game (even though he was serial killer ![]() Something interesting: In his case against slOosh, first he claims that he has no problem with slOosh's post against me and that he's actually more interested in the timing of it: His next major contribution is his case against Snarfs (Klicky). I have no problem with the post itself. It did come after Tobon, sandroba and jcarlsoniv voted for Snarfs so the timing looks like joining a wagon. But later he claims that actually the content of his jump onto me was indeed bad: Your jump onto Snarfs' was bad. There were others on him already and then you call him out for a simple mistake. The most telling things was the comparison with his previous play which is indeed quite different. Saying something that can be interpreted as contradictory does not make a case. Like I said though, I want to see Probulous post more like it seems most people do. I thought besides the timing of his case on slOosh he was looking pretty good. | ||
3291 Posts
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United States21170 Posts
##Unvote: slOosh | ||
Denmark1944 Posts
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