Treat each loss as a lesson, telling you where you're game is weak so you can correct it later.
Accepting a loss. - Page 3
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United States1288 Posts
Treat each loss as a lesson, telling you where you're game is weak so you can correct it later. | ||
United States10467 Posts
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Australia753 Posts
Works for me. | ||
Sweden2358 Posts
I get pissed. So I keep asking for regames until i figure the (supposed) noob opponent out, or until I've learned to correct my mistakes and/or improve my timing based on where it fails against his build. If I don't get a regame though... I can become really pissed. I can't stop playing until I've calmed down. Which usually is after I stop screwing up or start winning a couple of games. If an opponent is clearly superior to me I don't get mad though. It's strange. But you learn to recognize when you're outclassed as opposed to outcheesed etc. | ||
United States1094 Posts
On April 14 2009 10:05 arb wrote: calm the fuck down Reference to Jaedong VS Bisu on Blue Storm? | ||
Canada2555 Posts
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United States3837 Posts
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Canada1857 Posts
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United States1190 Posts
On April 14 2009 09:30 Chill wrote: Get over your stats. After that it becomes pretty easy to just keep playing. This. When I get losses on my main account I will go on a tilt. I now almost NEVER play on my main account, but play on silly smurfs. The fact that I'm not trying to make an image and just playing the game allows me to play far better and, for me, more aggressive. When I get really frustrated I'll activate caps lock, spam /f m a little bit then find a way to laugh about it. If you're getting really frustrated and just can't seem to play anymore, I can ALWAYS benefit (oftentimes in ways that help my main race that I would've never gotten just "toughing it out"). Personally I have a smurf for each race, then one I just fuck around on. Makes the games a lot less meaningful and easy to play. Then once I start dropping games going from C- to C I clear stats and stomp noobs!... I'm getting nowhere fast ![]() | ||
United States7366 Posts
embrace anger such a great emotion (as long as you don't direct it at anybody, including yourself!) | ||
Canada277 Posts
After a lose i just tend to look at the replay and see where i went wrong, as day[9] said, embrace anger, sometimes it can make you play even better or motivate you to go on to the next level and evolve into a better person. Reflect on your loses, or take a break, let yourself cool down, refresh your mind and be calm for the next match is about to begin and a calm mind is victorious over a frustrated one. | ||
Tom Phoenix
1114 Posts
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Canada1639 Posts
Just watch the replay, that's what I do. I had the same problem as you did because I tried to continuously play one game after another. Take a little time, watch the replay, think about the game, and then play again. You'll get better faster this way | ||
Canada2277 Posts
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Canada3083 Posts
On April 14 2009 09:21 Lexpar wrote: Hey, I had a question for you guys. I've been playing iccup recently, and have been keeping a solid D but not advancing over it. Basicly I'm pretty noob at the game. I play every day and have a real desire to get better, but something that constantly plagues me is how I feel after losing. At most I can play three games in a row, and if 2 are loses I get too angry to play anymore, and I'm sure I could be doing much better if I could overcome this. I was wondering if any of you had any tips or tricks for overcoming the dissapointment/anger after a loss. Thanks! This is pretty much the opposite of myself. If I win a bunch of games in a row and hit a new rank, or play an exceptionally long game and win, I tend to take a 'break' and just bask in my glory. When I lose, I always play more. I usually don't stop at a loss, but that can be a benefit, you don't want to play when your frustrated or angry, as you'll play bad. Like Chill said, get over your stats [if that's what you're fretting about]. If you're embarrassed because your friends will cut you up for your bad record [if you have friends like that], I would suggest making using a smurf? | ||
Canada1222 Posts
What I do sometimes is play fastest on east server. it helps me get my mind off of the build orders, expansion timings and whatnot... you need to relax your "I MUST WIN THIS OMG" mindset. and enjoy some other types of games (like fastest) If you don't play fastest, then play ums, or team games :D | ||
Canada807 Posts
Sometimes I can identify, if it's lose upon lose upon lose, but even then it quickly passes. You just need to have a good attitude. A loss will teach you how to get better. You just want to learn from each loss. Just be calm, and rational. If you're watching the replay, take note of things like "Oh man, his army was all over the place. I got flanked like mad there. I guess I need to control my army better and do better micro". But again, it's all attitude. Learn to enjoy the thrill of a challenge. Some of my funnest games were ones where I got schooled by Koreans, because I had to try my absolute best. Just have fun while you're playing. You probably shouldn't be playing if it's zero fun for you, and only a pain in the ass. | ||
United States10657 Posts
On April 14 2009 09:34 Terranist wrote: i don't think that it is so much the stats that angers people as it is the cheese. standard games are always pleasant, win or lose, but losing to some smartass who 4pooled and talked shit after winning makes me want to call it quits. standard games i can understand being frustrated by because you couldn't stop his 3rd/4th gas etc, but that is more motivation to play and improve. Wow, do you really get that upset over a 4 pooler that talks shit? Bm is everywhere. I get more upset about a sick korean zerg who crushes me with sick defiler play when I'm playing my absolute best and had an early game advantage. That's just deflating. Takes everything out of you, sort of how I can imagine going to korea for a foreigner would be. I'm amazed idra has had the will power to keep at it. When you have a pretty solid understanding of the game, it sucks getting raped by people who are just flat better than you. Makes you feel "too slow" for this game. At this point I like being cheesed because generally I can win. This is because my micro is very very strong while my multitask and late game is very weak(i play on a really shitty laptop + I'm not that fast at all = low apm). I think your frustration really stems from your inability to micro against a 4 pool properly(aka - high level scv micro). Try getting a friend to 4 pool you while you do a standard build (11 rax --> scout). You'll find that after 10 games of it or so youll be much more comfortable, and loses against them will be much less frustrating because youll be able to see THE EXACT reason why. Shitty misclicks and things like that also suck real bad, but thats all part of the game. If you think bw is frustrating, try poker. Good god. Nothing is more aggrevating then when some cocky donk whos talking big because hes on a lucky streak. Specially when you get poc aces, get them all in with their fucking 2/5 offsuit or something like that and a 2/5 flops. Then you rage quit while the retarded donk smiles thinking hes sooooo good at poker. | ||
United States7453 Posts
I haven't been able to play good for about 3 weeks now (no clue why) like everything I do feels off, my apm is lower, my reaction time and scouting is horrible ... basicly I just got worse. So I've been playing play obs. I've gone 49~ and 5 in the last week just playing 5-7 games a day and maybe 2-3 iccup. It has helped me relax about winning and start having fun again. Also playing in those games if you choose to go into the mindset of "I can't play serious, 95% will be hacking of the 95% that are hacking 85% will talk shit and 100% won't be very good" then you just try weird/random shit and have a fucking blast doing it. This will not help you play better. AT ALL. | ||
Canada718 Posts
things I've tried: * not playing for a few days (just get rusty and less confident) * practicing builds for a few days (promptly get owned by an unexpected build) * beating comps/noobs (get less confident, feel certain I can't beat any non-noob) | ||
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