##Vote GMarshal Think he will do the right thing, seems townie.
Space Station Mafia - Page 21
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Korea (South)2582 Posts
##Vote GMarshal Think he will do the right thing, seems townie. | ||
United States2364 Posts
Adding my notes for the rest of today in the spoiler tags. + Show Spoiler + Snarfs says he's only been out of thread contact with sandro. I believe it. WBG seems to be playing the way he played in DFM2. Somewhat aggressive and prickly - he was town then. Dunno what to make of froggynoddy. Seems like such a plain townie but maybe he's trying to fit in? Bit of a stretch. Thread is trending towards a gmarshal vs sandroba for captain. Not sure if it makes a difference who wins. Marvellosity claims to have spoken with both gmarshal and sandroba - remember this and ask about these conversations. Maybe he can post them if they don't contain anything silly. Node putting pressure on strongandbig, likely disconnection there. Jackal and GMarhsal get into a bit of an exchange, possible disconnect. Vayesh with more in character. Who knows. Jackal claims leaning town on node, maybe a bit leaning scum on GM. Leans town on coag. risknuke pm'd errandorr to get him talking, errandorr mentions talking to GM, but dodges risknukes request for chat logs coag jumps on erandorr's quick thread response "textbook lurking scum response" likely disconnect between coag and erandorr wbg playing his own game. rayzorflash votes for gmarshal. he seems to be thinking on superficial level about who would actually be the best captain, as if that matters in the end. town-like, I suppose. Node raises an interesting point about GM's stance on sandroba. It would be a sick twist if both GM and sandroba were scum. Node's questions to GM make me lean disconnect there as well. | ||
United Kingdom2600 Posts
I have had barely any time to read the thread. after a quick skim and a PM with sandro Part of me wants to vote GM for being a gentleman, and i would like to know if he intends to explain what he plans to do, and why he should be mayor. Will he try to enforce rules of proper conduct for instance? Will he lynch Kurumi who clearly does not care about catching scum? The rest of me wants to vote for sandro. If he really is committing all of this time to PM with so many players it should be very difficult for him to do so as scum. So in a sense voting for him is less risky because their is a reduced chance that he could remain alive and looking town if he is scum. He also has better than average early reads and is thus a good candidate by default. Is anybody else wondering why a town WBG would do this? + Show Spoiler [*] + I am not sure what the term is but i do know that all the lights dim and my PC turns itself off | ||
United States9633 Posts
Looking at your filter.......... you call out gmarsh as scum THEN YOU Vote him in same post?? you dont even vote him in vote thread? Random vote on Froggynoddy with no explenation instead. than you change it back to Gmarsh randomly... because he "seems townie" after all that can you give us a little bit more information on why you decided to vote gmarsh other than "seems townie" | ||
Korea (South)2582 Posts
Only the chosen pmers know why. | ||
United States359 Posts
Re: Capt. Keeping secrets. If the captain is Town, he should make a judgment call as to whether or not revealing something is beneficial to town- we should not make an arbitrary policy of openness and force him to follow it if he decides it benefits the town to keep something a secret. If the captain is scum, he will lie regardless. So I am against forcing the captain to reveal everything. Re: Day 1 lynch target. TL Mafia players have shown themselves to be pretty bad overall at hitting scum on day 1. Part of the reason is that scum activly encourage stupid cases, such as “tone seems scummy in intro post”. For that reason, I put zero faith in the town voting on day 1 lynch and asking the captain to follow the towns vote. Re: Sandroba is blue fishing. only a select few people for some reason. I have no reason to trust him. I hope no one else is giving him blue info. I also don't know why he was limited in scope. And as Im reading, /le sigh that he claims people have responded to him. How are you scrubs so fickle with your trust? If our choice is between GM and Sandroba, someone made a good point that GM might be a better pick as Sandroba already has a lot of consolidated info since you brilliant folks gave him roles on day 1. It would be too powerful if he does happen to be scum with this info AND is captain. guna read thread again tonight. | ||
United Kingdom2600 Posts
So by that logic a town mayor with information is a good thing because it forces scum to kill a townie that will we almost certainly kill a later date anyway. Also michaelthe, i think that TL town's actually have an okay rate for killing mafia day 1. They still kill town most of the time but the percentages are much better than random lynching would give. I am sure i remember reading an argument about this but i can't find it. Also whether or not you have faith in town's ability to find scum you shouldn't discourage players from trying to provide content b telling them that their efforts will be for nothing since their efforts allow you to make reads. | ||
201 Posts
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United States9633 Posts
[QUOTE]On April 14 2012 08:59 grush57 wrote: Only the chosen pmers know why. [/QUOTE] oh ok thats wonderful your confirmed scum by my secret pm people. what do you think of that? | ||
201 Posts
Slowly taking the data pad from the floor Vayesh returned to his chair, and gazed down at the contents displayed. Incognito, Captains log, star date unknown It is worse than I feared. It has only been a few weeks since the ship has been enveloped by this horrible vegetation if that is what you would call it. The crew has long since given up hope of ever getting home. How could they expect to with people being enveloped in that red overgrowth. I fear what is worse is that someone of my crew may be responsible for selection of who has been leaving our side. Too many grudges have been settled violently for it to all be coincidence. I have also noticed people running around when everyone else is sleeping. It just doesn’t seem natural. I hope that my fears are unfounded however the longer we go without hope the more likely it is that we will give in to our fears and all will be lost. I plan to begin interviews with the crew soon to find out what I can and hopefully shed some light on this mystery. I don’t want any repeats of what happened in the crew quarters a few nights ago. | ||
United States4858 Posts
On April 14 2012 07:42 Node wrote: I'm not referring to that you're thinking out loud (I work the same way), but that you're so damn wishy-washy about it. If I look at your day 1 play in Newbie Mini Mafia VI, you're stating strong and clear opinions on lynch suspects and proposing cases of your own. Right now I'm not seeing that at all. In fact, the overall lack of discussion on who we want the captain to chuck into space in this topic is deeply disturbing. What do you think about some of the people in this game that aren't running for captain? If you read that, you should also know that all of those strong day 1 opinions were completely wrong. I'd like to think I learned a bit of humility. If you want my reads on people other than the captain candidates, here you go: I'm not sure what to make of VayeshMoru. At first I was suspicious because he seems to be hiding in the flavor, but it looks like he did the same thing in the last game he played. (Which was a really long time ago.) That said, it still seems like he hasn't been contributing much in public; plus he seems to have felt the need to publicly claim Station Researcher in the thread. Suspicious, but not for-sure scum. I think Kurumi has also not been acting very town. The thing is, he's probably right that all this early roleclaiming in PMs which is supposed to be going on is bad for town. However, he's not really making arguments in his posts; it's more like he's just yelling at people. I'm also kind of suspicious about Mr.Zentor. It seemed like he was running a joke campaign at first, with the copy-paste irrelevant speech - but then it turned serious, so I'm not sure what to make of that. Either a joke campaign or a serious one is fine, but shifting around makes me wonder a bit. I guess there's a lot of players that description could apply to though, so it's just something to keep in mind. That's what I have for now. Preview Edit: it looks like there's a couple new posts from Vayesh Moru while I was typing this, at least he's actively participating in the game now, even if he's doing it in a really weird way. | ||
United States4264 Posts
He acts Polish. | ||
United States16096 Posts
On April 14 2012 02:18 Snarfs wrote: 1. How do we verify that whoever does the randomizing actually makes it random? 2. Isn't choosing sandroba: a) Just as good because he's been randomly assigned to either scum or town and b) Better because we know that he is good as town and bad as scum and so far is about as active as we could expect a town sandroba to be? 1.) I've mentioned it before - we random based on a public event like a sports score or the outcome of an event. 2.) What faction he is assigned to isn't the same as randomly choosing a player in the game. I don't care that he is "bad at Scum" so we should give him the Captain seat. That's just absurdly ridiculous as it he's still Scum. Bad players would listen to him just because he's the Captain. On April 14 2012 03:28 Maverick32x wrote: @tailsmaina- I like the idea of posting PMs to be able to track who is talking to who. Currently the only person who has PM'ed me is Acrofales- and it was to inquire as to why I thought Sandroba was suspicious. I responded that I didn't like his role fishing. As for candidates, lets try to get a list together and get some commitement out of people! What about people using Instant Messengers or Skype? To me this is a bad idea. We really don't need to see every little bit of communication going on. Let's keep it simple here: If something needs to be proved or is critical then post the logs. Knowing who is talking to who isn't really important all of the time. On April 14 2012 05:11 Node wrote: So far, I'm leaning Gmarshal. I like the points he has brought up regarding captain transparency, and I feel that his confident posting style indicatenes townie-ness so far. I'm also distrustful of circles, confirmations, and plans revolving around anything other than finding and killing scum in general, and thus do not wish to vote for sandroba. This could change depending on what cases are put forth for the lynch -- the day 1 lynch being the only captain power we know of so far, I want to pick whoever will use it the best. This somewhat sums up my stance. I don't like trying to use circles and PM confirmation. Nothing strictly against sandroba but more so the people he could be talking to. I don't tell people shit unless they need to know because people have big mouths in PM games. On April 14 2012 06:07 Coagulation wrote: honestly I wouldnt have a problem lynching ace because he has already pretty much stepped directly into the role of his douchbag scum meta straight from the get go He just casually aknowledges that he cant be bothered to fucking pay attention and stamps it with his own official stamp of im ace so IM acety ace if aced im ace than ace is IM ace always ace Me ACE. Lynch this guy. calling it now. Hes scum. Did you count the number hairs on my balls while you were down there? GMarshal what are these plans you're talking about in PM land? On April 14 2012 08:23 wherebugsgo wrote: alright guys, I've decided after much deliberation with myself and an unknown conspirator who is not american that I will run for captaincy just to kill ace, because it would be fucking hilarious. vote me if you think that's a good idea. ##unvote sandroba ##vote wherebugsgo Oooooooo really? ##vote wherebugsgo On April 14 2012 09:15 Coagulation wrote: grush wat? Looking at your filter.......... you call out gmarsh as scum THEN YOU Vote him in same post?? you dont even vote him in vote thread? Random vote on Froggynoddy with no explenation instead. than you change it back to Gmarsh randomly... because he "seems townie" after all that can you give us a little bit more information on why you decided to vote gmarsh other than "seems townie" Good point. He said only the chosen PMers know why which to me is very odd reasoning. Must be a jubjub PM circle. On April 14 2012 09:38 michaelthe wrote: Ok guys, sorry I'm checking in a bit late, my day was a bit longer than expected. Initial thoughts: Re: Capt. Keeping secrets. If the captain is Town, he should make a judgment call as to whether or not revealing something is beneficial to town- we should not make an arbitrary policy of openness and force him to follow it if he decides it benefits the town to keep something a secret. If the captain is scum, he will lie regardless. So I am against forcing the captain to reveal everything. Re: Day 1 lynch target. TL Mafia players have shown themselves to be pretty bad overall at hitting scum on day 1. Part of the reason is that scum activly encourage stupid cases, such as “tone seems scummy in intro post”. For that reason, I put zero faith in the town voting on day 1 lynch and asking the captain to follow the towns vote. Re: Sandroba is blue fishing. only a select few people for some reason. I have no reason to trust him. I hope no one else is giving him blue info. I also don't know why he was limited in scope. And as Im reading, /le sigh that he claims people have responded to him. How are you scrubs so fickle with your trust? If our choice is between GM and Sandroba, someone made a good point that GM might be a better pick as Sandroba already has a lot of consolidated info since you brilliant folks gave him roles on day 1. It would be too powerful if he does happen to be scum with this info AND is captain. guna read thread again tonight. This guy should be Captain. On April 14 2012 09:56 layabout wrote: Since Mayors have a tendency to end up getting lynched aren't scum likely to leave the mayor alone at night as the So by that logic a town mayor with information is a good thing because it forces scum to kill a townie that will we almost certainly kill a later date anyway. Also michaelthe, i think that TL town's actually have an okay rate for killing mafia day 1. They still kill town most of the time but the percentages are much better than random lynching would give. I am sure i remember reading an argument about this but i can't find it. Also whether or not you have faith in town's ability to find scum you shouldn't discourage players from trying to provide content b telling them that their efforts will be for nothing since their efforts allow you to make reads. I don't know about recent games but Mayors tended to live no matter how scummy they were in the past due to the Town being stupid. Scum always ran for Mayor because of the ridiculous invincibility to NKs and immunity to DT checks. Right now we have no idea what the Captain gets so we really don't know if the Scum has any incentive to run. Then again the incentive to deny the Town any positive use of a role is usually a strong enough reason on it's own. Giving anyone extra information BEFORE you know their alignment is just bad play. Yes it's absolutely awesome to give a Town Mayor information but that isn't the case right now. I'm not sure what you meant by the bolded but your logic is off: If the Scum know you're going to just kill the Mayor at a later date, then you aren't forcing them to do anything. | ||
Japan10647 Posts
##unvote wherebugsgo ##vote Ace | ||
201 Posts
##vote ace | ||
United States5241 Posts
I'm support GMarshal for Mayor, as he looks/is: 1. Most transparent, will tell us Captain's abilities if it will benefit town 2. Likely to take in input from players but ultimately make his own choice 3. Isn't a total scrub From posts like these I find him to be the best candidate. ##Vote: GMarshal RazyorFlash His first post was fluffy flavor, not a scum tell per se but definitely noncontributing. On April 14 2012 04:49 RayzorFlash wrote:+ Show Spoiler + I still haven't gotten a PM... I feel left out ![]() 1.Theres been a lot of good discussion going on with regards to transparency or secrecy for the captain... I think that whoever gets elected captain will be the one who has to make that call, really. I agree with what people have said that the captain needs to be able to make an executive decision if he thinks that none of the candidates that town votes for are scum, and there is another target whom he thinks is likely to be scum. While I agree that the captain should call his lynch in order to give people a chance to defend/wrap up their matters, I can also see scum exploiting that with fakeclaims etc... 2.As I said before, I wouldn't mind being captain if you all think I'm trustworthy enough, but I have a history of making bad reads (pushed for a ton of bad mislynches in my first game, had the completely wrong reads in Arkham City too) and in retrospect it would probably be better if I were not captain. The person I'll vote for captain needs to be someone who generally has good reads, is someone I have a reasonably good town read on, and is also willing to listen to peoples opinions and think/post rationally with little spam and clear sensible points. So far all the people who are running have satisfied only one or two of these criteria... Except, that is, for GMarshal... GMarshal, in order to gain my vote you have to answer the following questions: - Who would you vote for if you had the same criteria as me? - Why would you lynch VayeshMoru instead of any of the 10 other people who haven't really contributed anything yet?? 1. RF states a lot of the ideas that have been floating around regarding captain, but didn't actually really say what HE thinks on the matter? He doesn't say whether he wants captain to be transparent or secretive, just that captain should "make that call". Also waffly when saying "I think captain should call lynch", but "maybe not cuz uhh hurr". Seems indecisive, just talking about said topic to talk about it. 2. Says I'll run for captain if you want me to, but I'm bad at making reads so I shouldn't be captain. ??? What is the point of saying this? Seems odd. FoS on RayzorFlash Going bowling, will be skyping it up later tonight if people are up for it. | ||
United States5541 Posts
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Canada253 Posts
Did you actually read my posts??? :S My first post was me running for captain, I felt there wasn't that much flavor in there, a lot of it was my stance on key matters, as well as ideas regarding transparency, etc. My second post was me changing my mind since I realized that if I had to make an executive decision i'd most likely be wrong in my reads and it'd be better for town to have a better player in the role. If you actually read the parts that you label, it contains me outlining characteristics that would make a good mayor and why I think GMarshal was a good choice for captaincy... If you want to come up with someone to FoS at least put in the effort to read the posts fully. Don't just try to pick someone and come up with a random cause... That's something scum would do | ||
United States16096 Posts
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Canada253 Posts
1: Decide who gets lynched by a vote, 2: Share hidden powers if captain gets any, 3: Dont get distracted by mechanics of how captain works and lets focus on hunting scum | ||
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