That isn't the point here. I thought all featured tournaments on were meant to be professionally run. I guess you're saying I'm wrong about that?
relative to the other streams our events are run professionally. relative to an event like the Super Bowl we are not as good.
you are taking this issue too seriously... CCup has made 60 events in 6 months. judgement errors will occur with this large number of events...
at this point i am still gathering info to determine if it was a bad decision or not. at the time i thought it was correct.. .but i was in the middle of doing 20 things at once.
and with that said... there are 2 events per week... any player can always just join the next FREE event a few days later and try to win the Cup... very very few top players are involved.. its essentially a for fun event.
on the tuesday event half the challenge is checking in on time.. slow check ins eliminated hundreds every tuesday
Why would Avilo ever even consider wanting to play another Craftcup after being treated like this? Do you realise how much you casters were insulting him? At one point one caster even compared him to a handicapped person who was on a youtube video they were overlaying onto the stream.
I'm not talking about other streams, I'm talking about actual tournaments. I have never seen anything like this in any other featured tournament here and that's what I have the issue with.
i assure you WE at IMBAtv did no such thing! - we might have made some comments about why he wouldnt accept the regame and such, but we did NOT compare him to a handicapped person or in any other way insult him - this must have been another stream
That isn't the point here. I thought all featured tournaments on were meant to be professionally run. I guess you're saying I'm wrong about that?
relative to the other streams our events are run professionally. relative to an event like the Super Bowl we are not as good.
you are taking this issue too seriously... CCup has made 60 events in 6 months. judgement errors will occur with this large number of events...
at this point i am still gathering info to determine if it was a bad decision or not. at the time i thought it was correct.. .but i was in the middle of doing 20 things at once.
and with that said... there are 2 events per week... any player can always just join the next FREE event a few days later and try to win the Cup... very very few top players are involved.. its essentially a for fun event.
on the tuesday event half the challenge is checking in on time.. slow check ins eliminated hundreds every tuesday
Why would Avilo ever even consider wanting to play another Craftcup after being treated like this? Do you realise how much you casters were insulting him? At one point one caster even compared him to a handicapped person who was on a youtube video they were overlaying onto the stream.
I'm not talking about other streams, I'm talking about actual tournaments. I have never seen anything like this in any other featured tournament here and that's what I have the issue with.
i assure you WE at IMBAtv did no such thing! - we might have made some comments about why he wouldnt accept the regame and such, but we did NOT compare him to a handicapped person or in any other way insult him - this must have been another stream
A video was shown on stream with a man staggering around bending backwards in public places. Whether this person (in the video) was in fact handicapped or just acting it I don't know since I cannot re-find the youtube video and it was muted on stream. However, the man in the video was compared to Avilo. This is fact.
A man who was portraying someone handicapped was called Avilo by one of the casters on your stream, that is fact. Just covering it up doesn't mean it didn't happen.
On February 10 2011 11:04 UnholyRai wrote: A man who was portraying someone handicapped was called Avilo by one of the casters on your stream, that is fact. Just covering it up doesn't mean it didn't happen.
i will have to review the vod's to see if its true or not
On February 10 2011 10:50 Smurphy wrote: Also, why would a player want to compete in a tournament where rules are made up mid-game and enforced without warning?
ok then, let's continue along this line of reasoning. The CraftCup is not worthy of any player joining because it is extremely poorly run.
Here are some players who've enjoyed the past few events.
On February 10 2011 11:04 UnholyRai wrote: A man who was portraying someone handicapped was called Avilo by one of the casters on your stream, that is fact. Just covering it up doesn't mean it didn't happen.
there are so many incorrect comments in here i'll take them on one by one.
the guy is not handicapped. it was a comedy video about back pain.
further, i was talking to silverfire showing in a different window showing him where avilo was on the map...
keep in mind that what i see on my stream lags against what is on screen for the viewers. i was not hosting the video being displayed.
This was shown on the stream and the sound was muted. Caster(s?) then proceeded to say things such as "Im Avilo" and more as the man in the video staggered around.
On February 10 2011 11:04 UnholyRai wrote: A man who was portraying someone handicapped was called Avilo by one of the casters on your stream, that is fact. Just covering it up doesn't mean it didn't happen.
the guy is not handicapped.
Hence why I said a man portraying someone handicapped.
It makes little difference in the end, it is still massively degrading avilo.
SO WTF - ii just spent the one hour and 30 minutes to write down my statement - as i was one of the casters in the game - but i accidentally closed the tab on my firefox - so everything is gone - its 3 am already here so i will - once again - prepare a statement, tomorow until then -
heres the replay and the VOD
vod: and yes, nobody was forcing me to post the VOD i have nothign to hide , most of the feedback i got was , people telling me this cast was hilarous - but like always the FEW people with most extreme opinions are often the loudest to cry (i am not obejctive - i know that - the reason why my website is called is NOT becasue i take everything soo serious in life :| - just think about it before people start bitching around "THIS SPECIEL ENDREY SHOULD get banned etc.- you rarely see drunken casters - diversifaction 4tw)
and yeah i was drunk like shit i told this to ervybody multiple times on the stream but more information why i did what, whats my opinion on the decisions, craftcup in general and much more will be posted later -
good night
p.s. everybody should just calm down this is not the gsl/iem/mlg/dh/whatever
On February 10 2011 10:50 Smurphy wrote: Also, why would a player want to compete in a tournament where rules are made up mid-game and enforced without warning?
ok then, let's continue along this line of reasoning. The CraftCup is not worthy of any player joining because it is extremely poorly run.
Here are some players who've enjoyed the past few events.
This was shown on the stream and the sound was muted. Caster(s?) then proceeded to say things such as "Im Avilo" and more as the man in the video staggered around.
by this point.. the admins had declared the game over. between games we play comedy vids.
there were like 5 convos going on at once.
if want to look to "feel insulted" by something you sure can find a way to "feel insulted" though.
On February 10 2011 11:04 UnholyRai wrote: A man who was portraying someone handicapped was called Avilo by one of the casters on your stream, that is fact. Just covering it up doesn't mean it didn't happen.
further, i was talking to silverfire showing in a different window showing him where avilo was on the map...
Wow, you simply cannot just start telling outright lies. Do you think we have the intellects of two year olds? I think you've insulted Avilo enough already, you don't need to start insulting the intelligence of the viewers now as well. Something along the lines of "This is Avilo shopping" was said while the portrayed handicapped man was walking through a supermarket.
Please DO NOT EVER try and pass that off as you showing silverfire avilos positioning on a map at the same time as a giant coincidence.
I'm insulted and frankly you just lost all credibility.
Jim did send a video over it was this one ... And yes prolly a bad call for me to allow it to be played. that is why i stopped it. This guy is not mentally handicapped or anything of that nature. He is just a comedy skit actor and that is just a character he plays on his internet tv show. And heres the transcript from the vod when the video was played:
JimRaynor: "This is a very painful process and to match that pain i want to introduce this video here"
mcDuffs "im just going to play music to see what happens"
JimRaynor: "posted something in the skype, that you can play" "and avilo is refusing to play? ok great at least we can move on. Nothing like a good old fashioned disqualification."
"avilo has been banned from other websites that i know of. and he turns it into a giant drama that you would not believe. he made like 50 accounts and spammed msgs"
mcDuffs "oh so thats whats going on in the chat"
JimRaynor: "oh we got avilo on camera here" (@ 1:00 in that youtube video "This is avilo going shopping" video - "my back went out a copule weeks ago blah blah" "Ohh looks like hes about to fall over here"
mcDuffs "Its a very hard call on what just happend here at the cc. jim im just going to put on music"
So you can read that it really wasnt as bad as your making it. Now keep in mind this video is about a guy who hurt his back. Theres nothing in teh video that states that this guy is mentally handicapped.
And i literally just watched the vod... It will be live soon..
Mcduff - You could not hear the video at all when it as playing on stream. All you heard was Jim and saw the video (but could not hear the video). So it doesn't look good or professional.