[Champion] Ashe - Page 12
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China26351 Posts
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United States779 Posts
![]() Just played a game with Ashe where the only concern I had was farming in between team fights. She is so much fun for someone so linear | ||
Russian Federation4235 Posts
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United States779 Posts
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Poland1142 Posts
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Chile4253 Posts
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United States47024 Posts
On May 07 2011 00:16 Zato-1 wrote: Can't say I agree with that bloodrazor... I'd have gotten another BT or IE, probably. Nasus got 5 armor items, Leblanc got GA+RoA+Rylais, GP got a Giant's Belt (that's probably turning into Mallet or Warmog's), and nobody got MR items. Bloodrazor seems like a legit choice to me over AD items with that kind of survivability distribution. | ||
Pakistan1905 Posts
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China26351 Posts
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United States17077 Posts
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United States2707 Posts
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Germany8679 Posts
Runes: Apen marks flat armor seals MP5L glyphs 1 APen/ 2 flat HP quints or MP5L seals and MRes or MResL glyphs or double MP5. Whatever. Quints are open for changes too. Masteries: 21/9/0 mastery builder Go 2 offensive mastery and drop some CDR for it if you have 300 ms latency like me. 1.5% CDR doesn't matter on IE Ashe. Summoners: Exhaust and Flash. Skills: R>W>Q>E, 1 point in E somewhere from 1-4. W first in all but the rarest cases (really dangerous enemies at lvl 1: E first) Items: Boots+3 potions or DBlade depending on lane and opponent. DBlades as necessary, don't forget potions and wards exist. Get boots if you started DBlade. BFSword -> Pickaxe Finish IE (never get Cloak of Agility before the AD items) Green/Red Elixiers depending on the game Berserker Greaves here or earlier, for example if you have to go back and can't afford a bigger item but need some extra strength. Phantom Dancer + Last Whisper, then Bloodthirster. All out offense. You can get some other items under special conditions: Sword of the Divine against lots of dodge. Executioner's Calling if you're about to end the game, have IE and want lifesteal. Don't get it if you don't expect the game to end soon. I won't rule out other items completely, but I can't think of many cases where you need anything else. Defense as necessary, but the better you and your team (and your enemies) get, the less you should need. Try to get away without defenses as much as you can. Exhaust and a decent support works wonders. Gameplay: Try to get mid. Don't go top. Bottom if you have to, but I dislike it. Without any escapes and underleveled, Ashe is easy prey in bottom lane and midgame fights. Farm is your goal. Ashe can beat some enemies in a straight up 1v1 lane, but as soon as you put junglers and roamers into the game, you're better off playing safely than trying to prevent the enemy from farming. In fights, just stay far away from everything and hit the most extended enemy. If you have multiple targets in range, you obviously go for the one that is less tanky, but usually you're going to hit the tank and that's fine. Stay alive >>> deal damage. Arrows are obviously a huge part of playing Ashe, but I doubt I can teach you how to use it well. Practice. Get your team to push or take objectives once you finish IE. Red buff is not all that strong on Ashe. You barely get anything from the slow. The true damage isn't bad, but if you have a melee autoattacker you typicaly want to give it to him. Why Ashe/why not Ashe? Ashe has relatively low DPS compared to other ranged ADs. Pick someone else if you mostly need DPS. Pick her if you need more CC and initiation. | ||
United States35091 Posts
One thing I've been putting off for a while has been going mid. I feel super exposed and all together far too vulnerable away from the turret. I'm much more comfortable laning and want to work on feeling more comfortable solo so I can be more at ease going mid. Unfortunately few people at my level jungle and when I play with my friends, which are all level 30 and good players, they just hog everything and I'm along for the ride with 20+ assists. What tips do you have, as Ashe or in general, for learning to solo mid? | ||
Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
Okay, as for solomid specific stuff with an Ashe context. Run Flash. It's so good. It's like free ice cream and candy. And then getting paid to eat it. You're not an early game champion by any stretch of the imagination. You scale pretty well into the late game. So focus on farming, and then farm some more. Get those mechanics of last hitting down. They're so important for AD Carries. Then, start mixing it up and learn how to punish last hits. Know your autoattack range. When someone comes in for a last hit and you can hit then, do so. But at earlier levels, try not to be too close to enemy minions because they will focus you. 16 damage per minion hit hurts at lvl 1 and 2. Since mid lane has no brush, you can always see what the other person is doing. You have a threat radius around you which is basically where you can hurt people safely. It's like a bubble that moves around with you. Try and control what goes on in that bubble. Harass. You're a ranged champion so you can push around people who are melee, have lower range than you, or have no instant gap closer. Harassing people forces them out of lane leaving you some free time to get exp and farm. This lets you win lane and have a stronger mid/late game. Harassing also puts them into the kill threshold which I will explain later. Learn to position. Remember to keep toggling your Q on and off where appropriate. If your jungler comes in, toggle it on. That slow is delicious. Use W as well to apply slow. It has a slightly larger range than your autoattack so you can lead with W to slow them which lets you catch up and then keep applying Qs to keep them slowed. Smartcast. The default hotkey for smart-casting is Shift-QWER. This basically instantly uses the spell on QWER at or in the direction your mouse is pointing. If you're trying to run around or run away from someone and want to W to slow them down, smart cast it. Trying to click with a mouse is too slow and gives them time to chase you and kill toy. Changing to Shift-W has improved my game so much it's not funny. Don't be afraid to fire your Ult Arrows. You will miss arrows for one reason or another. So learn how to line them up properly, learn how to predict and lead shots, etc. Every champions has a "burst level". This is basically an amount of damage they can pump out in ~1-2sec to quickly kill someone who is low. Learn the approximate burst levels for the champ you play. Even champions who are more of a sustained damage dealer still have their own level of burst. This will obvious be lower than, say, AP Burst Casters. But it's still respectable. If you have been harassing right, then you can put the enemy into a kill threshold. That is basically the level of hp that is equal to or less than the amount you can burst. For Ashe, you could Ult, W, toggle Q and hit them with a passive-crit charged autoattack. At lvl 6, that's 250 magic damage and just under 250 physical damage with no items. That's still pretty impressive. And finally always run Flash. | ||
964 Posts
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United States3714 Posts
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United States1321 Posts
Start off with quick Zerker's boots (dorans or three depending on lane) and then a fast Thirster with a Zeal. Usually Banshee's Veil next, sometimes Last Whisper, and occasionally Infinity Edge. Only other rule is that you finish your Dancer as soon as you get an Infinity Edge, but never before. | ||
United States1291 Posts
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United States1291 Posts
Doran's Blade to start Boots of Swiftness or Berzerkers ??? BF Sword >> IE Zeal >> PD My first question is "Should I build straight into IE after I get my boots or should I stack another DB or early item first?" My second question, "Is IE the first legendary item I should build in most games?" | ||
Germany14079 Posts
@the latest two posts. Ranged AD carries are called that because they are designated to a) be ranged b) have loads of AD and c) because they deal a load of damage. This (almost) always means that you want some kind of BF item at some point. The options are IE, BT and BC. -IE is for autoattackers with low AD scaling on their spells, and/or huge range. Get a solo Vamp scepter as needed. (Tristana, Ashe, Caitlyn) -BT is for autoattackers with either close range or great AD scaling on their spells (MF, Urgot, Ez, (Vayne)) -BC is for a select few under specific circumstances (Vayne/Corki) On most champions (hint: not ezreal/corki/urgot) you want that first BF item asap, the timing of when it comes out for you means a lot in terms of what your team can achieve. a) 1-3 dblades, boots, BF item, zeal, LW, PD - Add QSS (nowadays preferred by most people afaik) or Banshees when needed. Get PD before LW if the situation allows it. b) Boots+max 1 dblade, Wriggles, BF item, zeal, LW, PD - Same comments as above. tl;dr: Ashe should build IE. Period. BT is a horrible item choice on her. Also 21 x x is pretty much the standard on AD carries nowadays since the Havoc buff. Not 100% sure if any of the top players deviates from this on Ashe, so take it with a grain of salt. She was always like THE AD carry to like utility the most, but still - Offense 2 gud imoimo. Edit, ninja'd: On October 24 2011 11:46 Ghost-z wrote: I guess the build I'm considering goes like this: Doran's Blade to start Boots of Swiftness or Berzerkers ??? BF Sword >> IE Zeal >> PD My first question is "Should I build straight into IE after I get my boots or should I stack another DB or early item first?" My second question, "Is IE the first legendary item I should build in most games?" Never, never build swiftboots. Just don't. Ashe needs all the damage output she can get and swifties don't help with that. Everytime someone builds swifties on Ashe, god kills a kitten. Don't let more kittens die. Question #1: You build as many DBlades as needed, then get IE. "Needed" means a) to not get fucked in lane b) to fuck the other laner royally. If another DBlade means you can fuck with him and deny cs/kill him, go for it. Don't forget the option for Wriggles. iirc Chaox reasoning for Wriggles was if he a) can hold tower and b) is getting fucked over in lane. Question #2: As stated above, yes. | ||
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