Why does no one mid with Ashe anymore? I mean, I guess she doesn't have great lane sustainability, but if you start with boots and three health pots it isn't an issue. It isn't like you are going to kill someone early game anyway...
Is the metagame just shifting away from her? It isn't like she doesn't still dominate hard...
And yes, buy IE first pretty well every game. Lots of +AD, +crit chance, and stronger crits? Hells yeah. If the game is going slow, I like to stack two or three Dorans Blades. After IE I usually grab Phantom Dancers asap. Unless there are extreme circumstances (IE, the whole other team is squishy AP champs, or the WHOLE other team is squishy AD champs, or the WHOLE other team is beefy as hell) I might grab a Banshees/Thornmail/Madreds respectively, but in most cases you'll get a lot more use out of Infinity's Edge on decent teams.
People don't go mid with Ashe because everyone will cry and bitch and afk and leave and report and QQ and flame and you can extend that list as much as you like.
There is no reason for Ashe to not be mid. There are some matchups she should avoid, but that's the case in every lane.
On November 06 2011 02:06 spinesheath wrote: People don't go mid with Ashe because everyone will cry and bitch and afk and leave and report and QQ and flame and you can extend that list as much as you like.
There is no reason for Ashe to not be mid. There are some matchups she should avoid, but that's the case in every lane.
lol, I guess that explains the reaction I got last game.
I'm playing with a buddy who just started, so I am stomping ofcourse. Everyone told me I was absolutely terrible and was pissed because "we were going to lose." One guy even troll deathed into the enemy turrets...
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/EQBiJ.png)
Level 1-10 players are funny.
I tend to try too hard in video games, ever since the beginning where I would get mad if I wasn't ever able to win. (I am a sore loser) which is why my gaming life had been dedicated to so few games, so I can get the best that I can with them. I spend most of my time playing starcraft when I game, but have dabbled in LoL. Me, being the try hard I am picked Ashe and has played every game with her and I think I'm level 13. Yea i've read some guides here and there and know what to do build wise. Right now, I can't see myself changing heroes, ranged is so much fun and ashe seems to be a risky, yet rewarding hero to play. For example, she is super squishy, but can deal a lot of damage early game and is really fun to have so much CC on late game 5v5 lane wars. I would say 90% of the games I've played I soloed and gone mid. Why? I dont know I havent played this game enough to know why, but I was just told to! Ashe is great for dipping to the top or bottom lanes to help out the battle and pretty much assure your getting a free kill at lvl 6 with your arrow.
All of this learning aside, it's hard to "carry" a whole team by yourself. It seems if one person "feeds" one person from the other team, or once the other teams kills doubles your teams kills (ex. 10 to 20) its gg. So, the easiest way it seems to win this game is just stay alive, be safe and pick your battles wisely! Yet, there are too many heroes out there that don't understand this and rush in like a boss thinking they can take on the whole team...why? Nonetheless, Ashe is a lot of fun and I don't see myself changing champions any time soon.
Alright so with the new summoner spell Surge, does anyone take this?
I've been doing Flash/Surge but I seem to lose a lot of survivability and I have to resort to getting some defensive items.
Is flash/ghost still the best combo?
Flash/Ghost, Flash/Exhaust, Flash/Cleanse. Offensive summoners on Ashe are not a good idea.
Pretty much. Can't beat Flash/Ghost, especially since exhaust can be cleansed now...
Ghost is such an amazing summoner on ashe, there are very few situations where i wouldnt take flash/ghost
I generally take Ghost/Flash on most AD carries since positioning during teamfights is usually far better than 250 extra tacked on damage or a slow on a single person. However the reason that Ashe is unpopular is because she has no escape mech other than the slow and if you have gap closing heros like pretty much every melee hero the slow that she provides is useless.
On June 14 2011 05:19 spinesheath wrote:A relatively short IE Ashe guide, not all that detailed. Runes: Apen marks flat armor seals MP5L glyphs 1 APen/ 2 flat HP quints or MP5L seals and MRes or MResL glyphs or double MP5. Whatever. Quints are open for changes too. Masteries: 21/9/0 mastery builderGo 2 offensive mastery and drop some CDR for it if you have 300 ms latency like me. 1.5% CDR doesn't matter on IE Ashe. Summoners: Exhaust and Flash. Skills: R>W>Q>E, 1 point in E somewhere from 1-4. W first in all but the rarest cases (really dangerous enemies at lvl 1: E first) Items: Boots+3 potions or DBlade depending on lane and opponent. DBlades as necessary, don't forget potions and wards exist. Get boots if you started DBlade. BFSword -> Pickaxe Finish IE (never get Cloak of Agility before the AD items) Green/Red Elixiers depending on the game Berserker Greaves here or earlier, for example if you have to go back and can't afford a bigger item but need some extra strength. Phantom Dancer + Last Whisper, then Bloodthirster. All out offense. You can get some other items under special conditions: Sword of the Divine against lots of dodge. Executioner's Calling if you're about to end the game, have IE and want lifesteal. Don't get it if you don't expect the game to end soon. I won't rule out other items completely, but I can't think of many cases where you need anything else. Defense as necessary, but the better you and your team (and your enemies) get, the less you should need. Try to get away without defenses as much as you can. Exhaust and a decent support works wonders. Gameplay: Try to get mid. Don't go top. Bottom if you have to, but I dislike it. Without any escapes and underleveled, Ashe is easy prey in bottom lane and midgame fights. Farm is your goal. Ashe can beat some enemies in a straight up 1v1 lane, but as soon as you put junglers and roamers into the game, you're better off playing safely than trying to prevent the enemy from farming. In fights, just stay far away from everything and hit the most extended enemy. If you have multiple targets in range, you obviously go for the one that is less tanky, but usually you're going to hit the tank and that's fine. Stay alive >>> deal damage. Arrows are obviously a huge part of playing Ashe, but I doubt I can teach you how to use it well. Practice. Get your team to push or take objectives once you finish IE. Red buff is not all that strong on Ashe. You barely get anything from the slow. The true damage isn't bad, but if you have a melee autoattacker you typicaly want to give it to him. Why Ashe/why not Ashe? Ashe has relatively low DPS compared to other ranged ADs. Pick someone else if you mostly need DPS. Pick her if you need more CC and initiation.
I started playing LoL bout a week ago, been using ashe 80% of the time.... have a few questions -
what matchups should i avoid? ( im usually not playing great players but still)
when should i get DBlade to start, and when should i get boots+potions? when should i add Dblades or should i not.
is it every a good idea to get armor or magic resist?
masteries: everything changed like 3 days after i started playing, anyone have updated masteries builds?
anyone who can help would be appreciated!
On November 22 2011 11:07 SMD wrote:Show nested quote +On June 14 2011 05:19 spinesheath wrote:A relatively short IE Ashe guide, not all that detailed. Runes: Apen marks flat armor seals MP5L glyphs 1 APen/ 2 flat HP quints or MP5L seals and MRes or MResL glyphs or double MP5. Whatever. Quints are open for changes too. Masteries: 21/9/0 mastery builderGo 2 offensive mastery and drop some CDR for it if you have 300 ms latency like me. 1.5% CDR doesn't matter on IE Ashe. Summoners: Exhaust and Flash. Skills: R>W>Q>E, 1 point in E somewhere from 1-4. W first in all but the rarest cases (really dangerous enemies at lvl 1: E first) Items: Boots+3 potions or DBlade depending on lane and opponent. DBlades as necessary, don't forget potions and wards exist. Get boots if you started DBlade. BFSword -> Pickaxe Finish IE (never get Cloak of Agility before the AD items) Green/Red Elixiers depending on the game Berserker Greaves here or earlier, for example if you have to go back and can't afford a bigger item but need some extra strength. Phantom Dancer + Last Whisper, then Bloodthirster. All out offense. You can get some other items under special conditions: Sword of the Divine against lots of dodge. Executioner's Calling if you're about to end the game, have IE and want lifesteal. Don't get it if you don't expect the game to end soon. I won't rule out other items completely, but I can't think of many cases where you need anything else. Defense as necessary, but the better you and your team (and your enemies) get, the less you should need. Try to get away without defenses as much as you can. Exhaust and a decent support works wonders. Gameplay: Try to get mid. Don't go top. Bottom if you have to, but I dislike it. Without any escapes and underleveled, Ashe is easy prey in bottom lane and midgame fights. Farm is your goal. Ashe can beat some enemies in a straight up 1v1 lane, but as soon as you put junglers and roamers into the game, you're better off playing safely than trying to prevent the enemy from farming. In fights, just stay far away from everything and hit the most extended enemy. If you have multiple targets in range, you obviously go for the one that is less tanky, but usually you're going to hit the tank and that's fine. Stay alive >>> deal damage. Arrows are obviously a huge part of playing Ashe, but I doubt I can teach you how to use it well. Practice. Get your team to push or take objectives once you finish IE. Red buff is not all that strong on Ashe. You barely get anything from the slow. The true damage isn't bad, but if you have a melee autoattacker you typicaly want to give it to him. Why Ashe/why not Ashe? Ashe has relatively low DPS compared to other ranged ADs. Pick someone else if you mostly need DPS. Pick her if you need more CC and initiation. I started playing LoL bout a week ago, been using ashe 80% of the time.... have a few questions - what matchups should i avoid? ( im usually not playing great players but still) when should i get DBlade to start, and when should i get boots+potions? when should i add Dblades or should i not. is it every a good idea to get armor or magic resist? masteries: everything changed like 3 days after i started playing, anyone have updated masteries builds? anyone who can help would be appreciated! Most duo bot lane matchups should be fine. Caitlyn, Graves, Kog are usually the most problematic, but a well coordinated Trist/support or Vayne/support lane can be scary too. Honestly, though, playing ashe just means you have to play very safe for the most part and just focus on csing.
Dblade start is whenever you have a support that has sustain (heals). Otherwise you start boots+3pot. You want to have 1-3 dblades depending on how badly you need the hp/cost-efficient stats to survive your lane OR if you're dominating your lane getting an extra dblade can help you dominate even harder. You don't want to go overboard on dblades though. Generally getting 2 dorans items is very solid and safe.
You should definitely be building a Guardian angel, banshees, OR quicksilver sash come lategame. Guardian angel for balanced defensive stats and if your team absolutely fails without you. Banshees if they have some scary frontloaded spells you want to dodge (ie Annie, Blitz, etc...) QSS is probably the most solid/common choice as it's cheap. It's best for magic resist and to get rid of problematic cc, especially suppressions (WW, Skarner, Malz)
Masteries is basically all relevant AD masteries in the offensive tree with the remaining points in wherever you think is necessary. Defensive for a little more early game tankiness or utility for the movespeed.
On November 06 2011 01:50 iCanada wrote: Why does no one mid with Ashe anymore? I mean, I guess she doesn't have great lane sustainability, but if you start with boots and three health pots it isn't an issue. It isn't like you are going to kill someone early game anyway...
Is the metagame just shifting away from her? It isn't like she doesn't still dominate hard...
And yes, buy IE first pretty well every game. Lots of +AD, +crit chance, and stronger crits? Hells yeah. If the game is going slow, I like to stack two or three Dorans Blades. After IE I usually grab Phantom Dancers asap. Unless there are extreme circumstances (IE, the whole other team is squishy AP champs, or the WHOLE other team is squishy AD champs, or the WHOLE other team is beefy as hell) I might grab a Banshees/Thornmail/Madreds respectively, but in most cases you'll get a lot more use out of Infinity's Edge on decent teams.
Ashe kind of gets shat on hard by a lot of mids. She has horrendous mana with W being her only way to put out good damage so she's going to be out harassed and out-traded by a huge majority of the heroes you usually send to mid. She also has no way to clear minion waves fast so someone like Sion, Morgana, Malzahar, etc could just instantly kill the minion wave then have free reign to roam and gank while Ashe struggles to last hit under the tower.
I find Ashe vs Morg to be a very good matchup in Ashe's favor, as your long range pretty much means you're never going to get Q'd and her Black Shield does very little to you. You can't deny her farm with W but I think you "win" if you match her CS.
Bad matchups are unavoidable damage- Ryze, Annie, etc. who can all just stand near their melee minions and press Q and click on you for a chunk of your lifebar every time you go up to last hit is bad.
On November 22 2011 14:14 rigwarl wrote: I find Ashe vs Morg to be a very good matchup in Ashe's favor, as your long range pretty much means you're never going to get Q'd and her Black Shield does very little to you. You can't deny her farm with W but I think you "win" if you match her CS.
Bad matchups are unavoidable damage- Ryze, Annie, etc. who can all just stand near their melee minions and press Q and click on you for a chunk of your lifebar every time you go up to last hit is bad. Well doesn't Morg get beat by most range AD champs anyways?
If clearing creeps is a problem you just grab a wriggles and you should be able to counter-push Morg decently well.
I am coming back to playing Ashe, but as people stated above, the game seems to shift from this good old champ. I mean look at all the AD carry that came out later, they all have some kind of escape mechanism and even AP nowaday has gap closing ability. People just hate Ashe now, whenever I use Ashe just threat to quit or troll. If we win, no one say nothing, but if we doing bad people start to blame on Ashe even I win my lane and got a positive K/D score.
So please, tell me, is Ashe still viable?
Lategame Ashe is still a boss in teamfights. SO good. And her Ultimate is still one of the best initiations.
But when you pick Ashe, you should prepare to lose your lane. Her laning after lvl 1-3 is utterly shitty. Besides Volley every 20/16 seconds and your initial crit (that you won't hit an enemy with if he's at least semi-competent) you don't have the ability to trade hits in lane.
Go with a passive support (I prefer Janna over Soraka tho since she can interrupt pesky burst comps like Trist / Ali or Taric / Vayne) and try to farm as good as possible.
If you're not getting zoned too much, cs decently and don't lose the tower before 15 mins, you are pretty much set once you get your IE.
However, regarding SoloQ, I'd just recommend another AD carry and use good old Ashe with your ranked team. 
Of course she is, she can kite people all day long after a point, and nailing a long stun on a critical person who is out of position to start a fight is always going to be great. She doesn't do as much damage as other AD carries, but I think Graves and Vayne being way better than other AD carries in damage output (while being hard to kill) has made Ashe fall out of favor more than anything.
I'd attribute it more to the tanky tops that people are playing and initiating with (plus a number of junglers). Ashe is the only carry that can initiate a fight so she'll always have that special place. If you don't need ashe to initiate then her kit is pretty lackluster compared to other ad carries that have been released. Her kiting with frost arrows are pretty awesome, but red buff is a suitable replacement for most carries since they have escape skills.
If you can make some game changing ashe arrows then ashe is win. If you aren't then you're better off playing something else in my opinion.
On January 04 2012 05:21 zer0das wrote: Of course she is, she can kite people all day long after a point, and nailing a long stun on a critical person who is out of position to start a fight is always going to be great. She doesn't do as much damage as other AD carries, but I think Graves and Vayne being way better than other AD carries in damage output (while being hard to kill) has made Ashe fall out of favor more than anything.
IMO it depends on how you look at it.
If you compare her kit with Vayne's / Grave's she looks a lot weaker and these two probably deal more damage in shorter time, but in reality she often gets more AAs in since no one escapes her once slowed.
Only thing is she really lacks escape mechanisms besides Flash which makes her more team reliant which is way she is stronger in a coordinated ranked team (iirc, CLG used Ashe with Doublelift in one of the recent tournies and just won uncontested lategame).
graves and vayne are in right now because we're seeing an assassin resurgence. noct and lee are picking up out of the jungle and assholes like Pantheon, TF, Kass and Ahri are picking up too. these guys are pretty indifferent to your range because they just jump on you from forever away and blow you up, so graves and vayne are preferable to poke ADs because poke battles aren't happening anymore, it's just teams diving each other's carries, so having that crazy damage output is more useful than poking kits. If we see powerful counter-assassin teamfighters pick back up like amumu and galio, the poking ranged ADs will come back.