In group phase A of yesterday's IEM Championship @ Hannover, Ashe has been picked several times. She was even banned vs. aAa because irrc it is said that yellowstar does magical things with her. And if I'm not mistaken, FnaticRC Lamia scored a pentakill with her.
And just now, that on day two TSM was destroyed by 3 perfect arrows in a row, it starts getting hilarious IMO. It seems like even people at the very top level of play have completely forgotten about how to deal with Ashe's ultimate - wtf is going on?
From my experience, a gamechanging arrow must be well aimed but requires a little luck in addition to be truly devastating. Inb4 Ashe becoming fotm.
so can i get a good guide on how to lane as ashe these days?
can she just not trade at all? i was up 40 cs and a kill on an enemy draven (ashe soraka v draven taric) and was still getting demolished in trades, nearly instantly bursted. is draven that strong, is taric that strong, or was i doing something wrong? should i just arrow other lanes and try to get my teammates fed or save arrow for jungle gank? i feel dominant some games and pathetic other games. the only thing that's really consistent is i always out-cs the enemy champ, but that's cause my elo is so low now that my girlfriend could out-cs them. how can i tell when i'm going to win a trade? do i all-in when i manage a crit?
basically i just want an update on ashe because arrow is the best skill in the game and i want to master it/her
trade with range and volley as an additional free atk. when winning lane try to volley aoe on both supp / ad (especially applicable against any lane not taric/sona/ali who gain from healing multiple targets)
ashe is particularly strong at 1 (with volley and free crit) and then only again at 6 so that 2-5 is rather awkward
Taric draven is a very strong lane since they have much higher burst and sustained damage than you. Your sole advantage as ashe is volley being on a short cooldown and being long ranged. Draven will outdamage you shot for shot because of his spinning axes so you have to poke, not trade.
Laning is pretty much just volleying them whenever you have a clear shot and otherwise playing passive against an aggressive lane like draven taric or any aggressive lane in general.
Remember that Ashe is not an early game killer. She only really becomes a killer later on in the game. If you're saying that you are up on CS, then perfect, just keep at it.
When you transition into the mid-late game is your time to shine.
i am just beginning playing LoL and am having fun with ashe but i would like to see an updated guide just to know the basics with her. I know the skill at my level is really poor right now but still i want to learn now and not later. Thanks
Best broad piece of advice is to have a loose trigger finger on your ult 'cause hitting a carry wins team fights much of the time and also to learn the highest percentage angles for arrows. There are certain places people like to stand near towers and in lane.
On July 16 2012 20:15 shadowravenn wrote: Remember that Ashe is not an early game killer. She only really becomes a killer later on in the game. If you're saying that you are up on CS, then perfect, just keep at it.
When you transition into the mid-late game is your time to shine.
Depends on how well you can initiate ganks with arrow tbh. A good tip if you're on voice communication with mid, is to hit an arrow when you recall, because it will be alot harder for the enemy to notice (and it's easier to hit because it's a straight line), and most mid's should be able to utilize a proper arrow with a kill.
Is there any reason to do the static shiv 1st build CHaox was doing on ashe? It seems kinda weak lategame, but seems fun regardless.
What was the context he was doing it in? It sounds very similar to the pdancer first builds that was popular on vayne pre-s3. It looks really fun if you're just planning to be a permaslow until you catch your IE.
On December 10 2012 17:06 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: What was the context he was doing it in? It sounds very similar to the pdancer first builds that was popular on vayne pre-s3. It looks really fun if you're just planning to be a permaslow until you catch your IE.
He was doing it vs. Curse NA. He did it 2 games in a row, one when they were a little behind, the other they were a little ahead. The magic damage proc did decent damage i guess.
I've been tinkering with IE + PD but it feels safe. Everyone expects it and counters at the right time. Is there a way to customize the build toward arm-pen + crit chance? Black Cleaver / PD / Last Whisper or Ghostblade?
Edit: Black Cleaver is awesome. Rushing it, switching PD for Stinger (only for attack speed), then going for Last Whisper, another Black Cleaver and then a Phanton Dancer. Adding in survivability as needed. Gone from under 5 kills per game to 10+ consistently for 3 games. Sticking with this
ashe man. ppl should play her more. she works so well with high damage bruisers lategame, she has such a strong laneing phase against alot of the popular champions. she does very well vs cait, vayne and ezreal. against mf its a hard matchup but doable if you can do a couple good moves. the really bursty ones like corki and graves can be a nightmare though. but hell she is underrated. there was a time when she was like in every game. her ult got a higher cd and ppl stopped playing her. until then she received some substantial early game buffs. in comps with assassins like irelia, diana etc you should consider picking her because they are not gonna initiate anyways. ashe does not carry as hard as most other ad carries. but she brings invaluable utility to the table. just don't do the mistake of playing passive during the midgame. hitting arrow on mid at the right time and killing their turret can be so much more valuable as getting a couple more CS. Also you need to do this kind of stuff in soloq becuase then ppl trust you to hit arrow at the right times and they will dive in if you shoot it. this is old news but it had to be said.
On January 27 2013 08:42 clickrush wrote: ashe man. ppl should play her more. she works so well with high damage bruisers lategame, she has such a strong laneing phase against alot of the popular champions. she does very well vs cait, vayne and ezreal. against mf its a hard matchup but doable if you can do a couple good moves. the really bursty ones like corki and graves can be a nightmare though. but hell she is underrated. there was a time when she was like in every game. her ult got a higher cd and ppl stopped playing her. until then she received some substantial early game buffs. in comps with assassins like irelia, diana etc you should consider picking her because they are not gonna initiate anyways. ashe does not carry as hard as most other ad carries. but she brings invaluable utility to the table. just don't do the mistake of playing passive during the midgame. hitting arrow on mid at the right time and killing their turret can be so much more valuable as getting a couple more CS. Also you need to do this kind of stuff in soloq becuase then ppl trust you to hit arrow at the right times and they will dive in if you shoot it. this is old news but it had to be said.
You pretty much summed it up and I'm pretty sure that any half decent player knows about this. Lategame Ashe turns around whole games like she always did. The problem is that she doesn't really fit well into the current (professional gaming) metagame where tier one towers are falling at the 5th - 10th minute mark. Even if she is picked for her ultimate and permaslow, she still needs to be doing at least some DPS and these can only come from IE + PD eventually. With no inherent burst, she is not of much use compared to a 20 minute BT, DB, Boots2 Graves/Ezreal. In addition,she is naturally weak vs. all these popular divers (Noc, Khazix, Wukong) and unstoppable carry hunters (Irelia / Olaf) and thus became a niche pick in competitive play. She's still fine like she always was, but that's not what's needed right now.
Only thing I can imagine is her surprise effect to wreck unprepared opponents. Her ultimate can really punish the current super aggressive playstyle, especially since I'm sure that not many teams are used to play against her (I guess friday's EU S3 qualifiers had one team [was it GIANTS?] successfully run her where her arrows just won three teamfights in a row by simply hitting someone out of position; you could observe really well that the caught players didn't resepect her arrow what lost them the game in the end).
Ashe's issue for me is that she is uncomfortable in the pick order as an AD. I don't think its safe to pick Ashe until you see the enemy AD/Sup pick (if you don't want to laneswap). And I'd like to see at least 1 solo to make sure they can't dive too hard.
If it's a squshy diver/assassin though (khazix comes to mind) then ashe has strengths against them too - means they have more than 1-2 valid arrow targets for fight initiation
Arrow always feels unreliable. Sometimes you get a pick, sometimes you hit 4, sometimes you miss, sometimes you need to use it just to peel yourself.
Ashe vs. KhaZix is too risky for me.
I really like the Static Shiv + Havoc Enchant early game when you're running a kill lane. You can permaslow anyone that ever gets in range and kite for days. Only issue is that you take a slight midgame hit to damage.
The biggest problem with Ashe is that you just get so owned in lane by like 90% of the pairs bot