On November 15 2017 00:21 NoS-Craig wrote: What is the biggest shit storm to ever hit TL. I'm talking like the whole place being in a uproar. I'm curious about history here on TL.
First thing that comes to my mind is the match fixing that went down in BW back in the day.
On November 15 2017 00:23 FO-nTTaX wrote: I think the answer to this depends a lot on what you look at, is TL the websites, or the pro team, or the combination, and is TL actually the target? Because said match fixing didn't exactly target TL
I meant on the forums. I should have been more specific.
What poster pissed you guys off the most? And what one do you think caused the most trouble on the forums? (Might be the same guy for both answers who knows)
Also, what's with this shield guy I read about in the ABL thread. Has a hard on for Tofu it seems.
Edit: Out of boredom I check page 700 of this thread with the intention from reading from that page onward. Had a awesome background of a Siege tank doing donuts, i love it.
Edit 2: Just realized someone got gifted TL+ and warned in the same post. Page 700 is indeed an awesome page. Can we get the spinning tank gif for this page also? Would be very cool if we could.
I'm trying to fin da good place on TL to make an archival record of some TL posts (more precisely a set of links to those posts) that I want to be able to reference in the future. basically, i'm gathering data for a future post/pm that will link to all those posts. I want to keep the archive somewhere on TL itself since i'll be changing computers soonish, and I may use multiple computers at times. but it's not something that's ready yet, nor that's really worth disturbing people about with a new post that'd show up on the forum feeds, so I don't want to just do it as a regular forum post, and no need to clog up the blog section with it either since it's not really that.
I couldn't find anything in the various profile areas to just keep a page or two of notes, but I may've missed something; so, where would be a good place to put these notes?