On August 23 2011 03:30 monx wrote: One of the reason i dislike this guy is he's doing nothing to improve E-sports or help grow the SC2 scene. He's funny and creative but he's far from a team player and should stay teamless until he changes his egocentric attitude.
Skillwise, i think he's bad but entertaining.
But with his popularity and such, he's marketable for sure but far away of Huk's value.
You say he isn't a teamplayer yet he used to practice with his teammates often and discuss tactics with them (I've seen it happen on stream a few times).
The main reason I think he doesn't want to join a team is because most teams demand that you behave well in public (and on stream) which includes not using offensive language (even tho offensive language doesn't actually exist imo).
Also he doesn't need the money you get from being on a team and he can just practice with his old teammates anyway. In short no reason for him to join a team.
On August 23 2011 04:23 Sj___ wrote: It is pretty rich coming from EG about the results side of things. Aside from Idra, Puma and Huk none of their players have done much. Axslav, Incontrol, Machine and LZGamer have never placed well in any tournament to my knowledge.
If EG have such high standards they should see about removing their bad players before they start calling out other people about their results.
While I agree on the results part you make a HUGE mistake here.
Alex hasn't called out anyone on his results. He responded to a PRIVATE message. Also when EG picked up those players the player landscape and their ambitions where very different. With the current results they wouldn't pick up Axlav if he wasn't already on the team but back then they did because times where different. Also no need to drop any of their players who aren't performing at the very top if they are useful practice partners or provide other services for the team. Also nothing wrong with staying loyal with your players.
On August 22 2011 13:43 viralintruder wrote: Who would EG consider a 10/10 or even a 7/10?
No one on eg is a 10/10 that is sure. Going by that harsh a rating scale huk is prob the only one close to 7/10 as idra has many of the same faults they point out in destiny just with better results.
Yeah inc and idra regularly say shit that makes them look like idiots as well, I love them all for it as there should be a combination of the super proffessional and the people who speak their mind.
People loved hines ward and bill romanowski and football and they are about as polar opposite as you get and that is an established "professional" sport.
We take a variety of factors into account when recruiting, including:
1) Major LAN/Online Tournament Results 2) Work Ethic/Natural Talent/Potential for Improvement 3) Marketability/Personality 4) Established Fan Base
I think that Destiny is quite strong in category 4, and probably slightly above average in category 2. In categories 1 and 3, I'd give him very low ratings.
I agree that his style is innovative, and he should be applauded for developing such a huge fan base and streaming following. However, he currently has no impressive results to speak of in my eyes, really (practice games, show matches, and mid-tier tournaments just don't matter, unfortunately). Also, his image and personality really hold him back from becoming more of a mainstream star.
I think that if he can post an impressive result at a large tournament, it'll turn some heads.
It's interesting to see how EG evaluate potential recruits. I bet each team puts different emphasis on certain categories. For example, Team Liquid places a premium on players who are well mannered and presentable.
On August 23 2011 01:10 MisterFred wrote: I am fully aware that Destiny probably means no ill with his words, but the fact that he thinks that black people shouldn't be offended by the N word, just shows that he is ignorant.
he might be a comedian... but hes right...
Louis CK is really hitting it big atm, but come on, you're using a comic's bit as an argument? What a joke. There was an episode this season, where the whole focus was about Louis realizing that there were just some words that he couldn't say on stage if he wanted to keep his job. One of those words was the N-word. He brought in Joan Rivers to slap some sense into him, into realizing how much of an idiot he was being.
It's comedy. Sometimes comedians make a point, sometimes comedians don't. Comedians generally do not care if they believe what they say. Comedians have one goal above all, it's to make it funny, so that's the only thing you can know for sure that they're being sincere about when doing their routine. Quit being a cunt.
His work ethic is a extremely impressive, he analyzes matches everytime, knows the game in and out, and doesn't give up. He plays all day, on NA and KR. Alex needs to re-evaluate. Points 3 and 4 are also overlooked. Fan Base? over 20 million views kinda does mean something.
On August 23 2011 01:10 MisterFred wrote: I am fully aware that Destiny probably means no ill with his words, but the fact that he thinks that black people shouldn't be offended by the N word, just shows that he is ignorant.
Louis CK is really hitting it big atm, but come on, you're using a comic's bit as an argument? What a joke. There was an episode this season, where the whole focus was about Louis realizing that there were just some words that he couldn't say on stage if he wanted to keep his job. One of those words was the N-word. He brought in Joan Rivers to slap some sense into him, into realizing how much of an idiot he was being.
It's comedy. Sometimes comedians make a point, sometimes comedians don't. Comedians generally do not care if they believe what they say. Comedians have one goal above all, it's to make it funny, so that's the only thing you can know for sure that they're being sincere about when doing their routine. Quit being a cunt.
Comedy is very much a valid way of making a point. See shows like the Daily Show and the Colbert Report-sure, they're trying to entertain, but they are definitely using comedy to make political points. There are many ways to express your views or make points besides just flat out saying them. Comedy is one of them.
That said, I've always been a destiny fan, but he seems to choke or something at tournaments. If he can start improving on that and start placing in tournaments, then he definitely will have teams looking at him. The potential is there, and I think Destiny has the work ethic to make it happen. We'll see.
On August 23 2011 00:15 drlame wrote: I know a big fanbase and popularity all around can bring revenue in some way to a team, but picking up a player that doesn't show consistent results (in tourneys) tarnishes the reputation a lot. Most teams want their name to be associate with the best of the best and picking up a player solely on his/her fanbase is not the way to do it.
Then I guess, EG should get rid of most of their team and Liquid could say thank you to Tyler and Haypro...
Except that Tyler has shown great results, even if not recently his understanding of the game might make him a future coach. The same can be said about Haypro: he's already shown he can compete for medal placement in tourneys and to top it off he has a lot more potential than Destiny. + Show Spoiler +
On August 23 2011 03:30 monx wrote: One of the reason i dislike this guy is he's doing nothing to improve E-sports or help grow the SC2 scene. He's funny and creative but he's far from a team player and should stay teamless until he changes his egocentric attitude.
Skillwise, i think he's bad but entertaining.
But with his popularity and such, he's marketable for sure but far away of Huk's value.
This is very much the way i feel like it is. I also think with an infestor nerf his play level will drop very much.
I don't understand why you rank him low on 3 (marketability/personality).
He obviously attracted a huge fan base / gets many stream viewers due to his personality - he is actually refreshing to watch since he does not care about being politically correct 100% of the time, is pretty outspoken, and entertaining to watch - much more so than other pro gaming streams who just blast random techno music and don't say a word.
Popularity/stream viewers doesn't really factor in for me. So far he has produced mediocre results (The koreans were playing at obscenely early times for them in addition to dealing with lag so dont bother bringing those showmatches into it). He has never made it far into the open bracket in any of the MLG's. Yeah, hes pretty good, I watch his stream sometimes. Like yesterday, I saw him in the showmatch vs Skit, he just got demolished, and he isnt even known that much to foreigners.
Another thing to consider is his commitment. I can't see him dropping everything and moving to a teamhouse in korea if the situation called for it. I do think at the very least he will stay active and continue practicing, unlike Spanishiwa. His dedication to SC2 is something I can respect.
I think destiny is a great player, hes gotten alot better recently from playing on the KR servers, but i think alot of people give him too much credit for the wins against bomber.
On August 23 2011 05:28 JIJI_ wrote: I don't understand why you rank him low on 3 (marketability/personality).
He obviously attracted a huge fan base / gets many stream viewers due to his personality - he is actually refreshing to watch since he does not care about being politically correct 100% of the time, is pretty outspoken, and entertaining to watch - much more so than other pro gaming streams who just blast random techno music and don't say a word.
EG already has publicity problems, do you really think picking up destiny would HELP EG's publicity problems? Sure, he has his own rabid fanbase, but he also has a ton of people who DON'T like him. I think many teams besides EG would have issues with that. He deserves to be on a team, but I'm not certain he will be on a team if he doesn't clean up his act at least a little bit.
On August 23 2011 05:28 JIJI_ wrote: I don't understand why you rank him low on 3 (marketability/personality).
He obviously attracted a huge fan base / gets many stream viewers due to his personality - he is actually refreshing to watch since he does not care about being politically correct 100% of the time, is pretty outspoken, and entertaining to watch - much more so than other pro gaming streams who just blast random techno music and don't say a word.
Marketing is about getting people into something, not already having them in.
Did you ever see "Hey come to our store people treat you like shit and they say bad words it's funny lol come here" in marketing? No, you need a different, more mass-compatible image to get a wide "range" of viewers.