Hey techsupport,
I just got my new GTX560 Ti Twin Frozr GPU today. As I was about to mount it in machine i found out that there was a white sticker sitting on the back of the graphicscard. It is sitting ontop of a lot of copper caps and basicly on the back of the GPU's printcard.
I've never encountered anything like this, should I leave the sticker on or might that cause damage to my machine?
Maybe you can post a picture of it so we can judge how silly it looks ?
this is how it looks
Doesn't really matter what you do, it's just a sticker. If there's a serial number on it, it's supposed to be there.
EDIT: Your picture is up now. Yes, leave it there.
Thanks a bunch! Was scared that it might've shortcircuit or w/e.
<3<3<3 love you guys
You could take it out if you want, but just paste it somewhere and dont lose it.. thats what i did for my msi card, exact same sticker too
51296 Posts
make sure to take off that plastic wrap around the cooler ;p
msi went pretty crazy shielding everything on this card imo