Change this mineral fields. One patch more or more per each mineral field i cant see that any longer like it is.
Let siege tanks faster siege up and siege down. And holy buff the health of a tank. Why is a tank so weak???? I NEVER UNDERSTOOD THAT AND I NEVER WILL - ITS A TANK NOT A trabant (very bad car).
Change costs vor Barracks if the adept keep on going on like this or reduce marine produciton time like 5% HOLY ADEPTS.
This game is so broken if no real changes will come which really changes the whole possiblites in the game which end mostly after 10min or 15min i cant deal with that any longer, Its a aracade game not worth playing like this ONLY FOR PROS which even aswell dont pass the 15min mark or the 3 base setup. The game gets smaller and smaller of opporutinites while making it faster. LOTV ABSOULTY NONSENSE like this.
Raven should be cheaper. He lost his rolle complelty somehow definitly needs a change. Only usefull for auto turrets which is like dead raven.
Cant deal any longer with shooting pylons take them out replace it with nexus cannon as liberators was nerfed theres absolutly no need for shooting pylons. Lower gate way unit costs i dont know but take this thing out it was working in hots so i want this back and chronoboost is a joke aswell toss is way to static and not flexible change this toss static.
Warp prism unbelievable that it still exists like this. Its so easy to harrise and to get an advantage wihtout really doing anything its just fly in warp in or just do nothing and zerg has no clue what to do. The pick up range and the speed is insane and absolutly unneccessary. Warp ins at warp prism should be slow if its that mobile. I dont know but its totally op and way to ez to play and mostly the only option a toss uses to get ahead. Thats unacceptable for a terran that drops and get wasted by plyons LIKE LOL WAKE UP.
This game is dying and u better change fast stuff. I like to hear the thor could be buffed. I think thats important to make this unit great again.
And hellbats should be avialable withouth armory. I think we saw this eary ling pushes enough to get rekt everytime if the helions die.
Change stuff i dont care but do MAJOR STUFF and stop snitching arround with stupid patches that dont really change something just pushes a way of play cause they game is so small now cause of ur mineral changes and the macro decrease by just playing like a zerg and stop microing.
On April 01 2017 17:39 AnossSc2 wrote: Blizzard... i know my english is bad.. but stop act like you listen the community. The community is gone, you listen people who are still playing Starcraft 2, not the community who still love this game but don't want to play it. Cause the game is so fast.. Did you try to play Starcraft 2 without Hotkey like a beginner ? you can't perform a simple 1 1 1... Can you please try to play this game like you never played it? I love Starcraft, i spend 7 years on it, i made a lot of tutorial on Youtube, i was host on Iron Squid / Nation War, but if i had discover this game with LOTV, i would probably never start this game.
Cause LOTV is a game only for player who spend 3 years on Wol/Hots, at this time we had time for learning the hotkey, the unit, and improve apm. And game was fun even if you don't have the knowledge, cause it was slow, and you had time to improve. Now even if you want play it's only frustrated game for beginner player.
How many of you have friends who want play "for fun" some games of Overwatch, LOL, H1Z1 but always says no when you start to say : Let's play a Starcraft 2 4v4 it can be fun ! no it's not fun anymore, it's boring macro and Oracle at 4 min and no.. i don't want let's go LOL bro.
So please Blizzard, even BroodWar is more easy to start than LOTV, you can 6 pool and play, you can 2 gate Zealot and play on BGH. Go back to 6 harvesters start. And stop acting like we don't have time, Starcraft is not : Easy to learn, hard to masteries, it's hard to learn, hard to masteries, go back on 6 harvesters and you will have a game : Easy to learn, hard to masteries.
Trust me, i can explain you in French by so many ways why the 12 harvesters killed the game... we can't make tutorial ( and nobody does...) we can't argue why it's better to play with 12 harvesters, it's just we gain time, and lost all the beginner player so no viewers on Twitch, no prize on competition, just to gain 4 min each game.. Why David ? all the people who love Starcraft work, they don't have time to perform until 150 apm if game is not fun, if a simple 1 1 1 is 1 month of try harding ( try to do it without knowledge of hotkey, supply positioning, unit.. like a beginner who want try this game not like the guys who knows perfectly the game since 5 years) with 6 harvesters, all can play, and people who have knowledge/apm can make the difference until 7 min mark... so why you did that ? Pro player want a hard game ? good, BWHD is coming ! but Starcraft 2 need to be like LOL, Hearthstone, H1Z1, a playable game for everybody. Master will always stay Master even with 6 harvesters you know that. So why...
I know balance is important, but Thor or not, people will not play again this game, the problem is the game is too fast, this should be the first priority of David Kim : Why people don't play Starcraft 2 anymore ?
No thx... I dont want 6 workers back EVER... I don't want to play 1 or 2 hour games anymore... or mashing SD SD SD SD SD for 10 minutes until something is going on...
ALSO Never ever again compare SC2 to casualstone, league of boredom or h1(wth is even that?).. go play hots if you want...
This is why Starcraft is dying... Because most of people who keep playing this game think 6 harvesters was to slow.. Look BW, the reference, the base of Starcraft 2, you spend 4 min to just macro and nobody complaining. You said : i don't want play 1 or 2 hours games anymore... mate, a game on LOTV last about 13 min on average, a game on HOTS last about 17 min on average, that's all it's not about 1 hours game (remember timer was X1.5 faster)
And this argument about "Casual Game". What is casual on 6 harvesters start ? You can go CC first or gas first or One rax expo or all in double rax 11 with 6 harvester, on a Bo3 it's a paper roc scissor before game start. With 12 ? only gas first ! mineral is free and gas unit come so fast why do anything else... you have gas unit AND b2 fast ! is that the casual thing ?
I remembered when Bomber was countering 15 banelings with only 23 marines ! is that the casual thing ? split is casual ? where is the splitt now ? when mines and tank come so fast...
Now you macro 4 min, at 4 min 30, you can have an Oracle, or a Cyclone, a Liberator, is that the skill ? when on 6 harvester you had to read and scout to know, did i put a bunker/sunken or not ? where is the skill now ? it's Bo against Bo and you can't read properly what do your opponent cause you can do what you want ! 8 min Carrier lol, 8 min BC rofl..
So now you execute the same build against each race, and you think the game is less casual cause you have to be faster ? faster on macro ? but macro is just a repetition, same pylon, same robotics.. and you think this is skill ? on HOTS 3 gas on Protoss, i'm sur it's a 7 gate robot, let's scan or send a reaper, what did you read now ? tell me ? you just macroing and then you attack and discover ! ok Protoss play Phoenix ! This is not skill, this is just playing.
And it's so easy to say : 6 harvester is to slow and unskilled. 90% of the people who are still play this game started on Wol/Hots. You have had more than 5 years to get used to the game, and now you think 6 harvesters is bad.. easy to think now you know how to play mate, think about you 5 years ago when you was this guy with no mechanics, and no knowledge, remembrer your first game. 6 harvester let you grow up, 12 don't.
Blizzard should not listen people like you, with no new player, you will stop to play this game like all the rest, you think you are playing the real game, but tomorrow you will speak with a BW player : I play the real game, i play Starcraft 2 ! Really ? BW player will laugh ! real game is BW bro, you will speak to your casual player friend : I play SC2 ! the real game !! and casual player will laugh ! SC2 is dead bro.. And you will change the game and go to all this game you don't like, like a lot of people. And Blizzard will think : I listened the community why people still stop playing ? Cause a lot of people think playing a inaccessible game make them smart, but it's wrong, you are smart when you are the best in a game, not cause you play a type of game. So Stop arguing this plz, Does not mix your egocentricity and the game, casual game is Sonic bro, all the E-sport game are Skill game, there is no SC2 is on the top and LOL is bullshit, it's just different game.
So IF WE LOVE STARCRAFT 2, we have to think differently, this game is not only for people like you and me who discovered it with WOL, League has a ton of new player cause player don't say : I want start level 6 cause game is boring with one spell. It's the game, this is how people can grow up. Faker is Faker after 7 min mark, before we can all play and creep like Faker, this why League work, and why Starcraft 2 don't. Think about it.
May be we should all understand, than if we don't want some new player, we will never have a great E-sport scene on Starcraft 2, so if the only argument for 12 harvesters is : The game is for the real guys who don't play Lol H1Z1 and all this shit, we will never be great again, pro player will never make some money, and game will die cause even TL one day will focus on other game. So please guys, we need to wake up, we all played on 6 harvesters, best game EVER on Starcraft 2 was on 6 harvester, we need to discuss about that.
@eonzerg you don't understand my point, Starcraft is hard to masteries and it's cool like that, the point is, when i started to play this game, it was easy to execute a 1 1 1, the difficulties was when i had to micro my hellion and continue to macro in my basement. That's why i continued to play the game, that was fun to micro and make a build, and i was thinking : I did some damage but with a better macro my damage would have been increased, so i want be a better player, i need to focus more on my macro when i attack my opponent.
Now you can't execute a 1 1 1, if you don't know the game, it's just stupid, if people don't have fun why they would continue to perform ? you stress to build a simple 1 1 1 cause it's so much APM now for a beginner and oups ! an Oracle, you die ! but play again !!! This game is so cool ! it's stupid. In my time, i just had to send a worker, no B2 since 1 min 30, ok may be it's Oracle or Blink but it's all in. I do a bunker and a Turret. Now you go heavy gas or B2, the difference on the B2 timing is 40 sec ! WOW !! with 6 collector you go heavy gas ok, the opponent B2 come 2 min after than yours. This is why now no body make some tutorial on the game, cause you need a lot of knowledge and APM even at 4 min mark... in my time, it was easy to say : at 3.35 until 5 min no B2, may be it's all in, do a bunker and a turret, now it's at 3.35 until 4.10 no B2, may be its Oracle but may be player is low... so i don't know mate ! this why nobody try to make some tutorial, cause you can't make tutorial on LOTV.
Si i don't want a Starcraft 2 easy to play, i want a Starcraft 2 Easy to play, hard to masteries, like all the other Esport game. And i dont want play Hots because HOTS was redundant due to a lack of unity, Lotv is not.
So you basically compared SC2 to BW which is WAY WAY more hard on APM and your actions with 12 unit limitations and no hotkeys available for multiple buildings and rally points. New BW players who will jump on ladder will get destroyed with anything that more experienced player throws on them...
Whats with difference when the game starts you rally ur probe or scv directly to build supply depot (pylon) ? Its like in WC3 when you start with money to build 3 buildings (or 2)...
Now you talked about new players, even if they scouted with 6 worker start and they see stargate, there is no way they know ho to properly react (most of them will start rushing eng bay for turrents etc...) and also there are bunch of low apm players hitting GM (Railgan for reference)...
Now you talked about easy to learn... back in wol and hots, there were only 6 workers and streams... now you got what? CO-OP, mutations, more flexible arcade where gamespeed could be adjusted, way better starting guide etc...
and for last... go install league and show me how you farm as faker for first 6 minutes of the game... ill get bunch of his midplays and compare it with you...
Now end of the rant about how denial and wrong you are in your posts...
There are bunch of ways how to casualize the lower league ladder (up until gold, maybe plat league max).. you can lower game speed and add the introductor (basically improved announcer who would give you advices like it does in tutorial games)
f.e: Bronze: slow speed Silver: normal speed Gold: fast speed
However if you remove macro mechanics from the game it will became repetitive and boring for those new players very fast, maybe not for first 6 months but than for sure. There is a special reward for being fast and precise in SC2 and thats the true beuty...
P.S: Also in other games you mentioned there is constant flow of casual tournaments and content for casuals, where in sc2 there is almost none of it or its very rare....
You always lose against more experienced player.. on LOTV or BW it's the same thing, this is why ladder is, to select a opponent who has the same experience than you. The fact is on LOTV, if you want reproduce the Pro Build orders on the first 4 min, you can't (without Hotkey like a beginner). If you want reproduce what did Flash on is first 4 min of BW you can (without hotkey like a beginner). You will lose on both game, but BW let you play for 4 min and micro some unit, when LOTV. don't let you build a 1 1 1 properly. Even BW is too easy to practice on the beginning than LOTV. LOTV requires 12 "macro action" the first minute, HOTS 8, BW 9 ( even if you have to rally manually the harvester on the mineral line). So yes BW is too hard than LOTV on mid and late game, but the game START SLOWLY, so beginner have time. NOT ON LOTV.
If you compare the macro action required on LOTV, 2 min : 23, HOTS : 16. 3 min : 37, HOTS : 26 4 min : 50, HOTS : 39
This example is for a Terran gas first 1 1 1 drop 2 widow mines. The fact is, for an old player like us it's easy to perform, for a new player you reach the limit. It's too more action.
You do not have time to find the shortcuts and read the BO written on your notepad with LOTV. It's a fact, i did the test. On HOTS, you have the time.
If you understand that point, you understand why Starcraft 2 doesn't work anymore, it's not about losing some game, it's about have fun before losing a game. New player or low player can't have fun on LOTV, so why play this game ?
I did a lot of tutorial for french community, (youtube/anoss91) and TRUST ME, you can explain - No Expo, build a bunker and a turret on HOTS, so yes it works with HOTS, it doesn't for LOTV, this is why on Wol/Hots you had Day9 tutorial, Apollo Tutorial, mine for french people, a lot of for different language AND NO ONE FOR LOTV WHATEVER THE LANGUAGE.
What you say on Co-op etc is off topic. We have better starting guide loooool where ? better than Day9 ? please... we have no starting guide at all.
This is not a good idea to "casualize" the low league, people want play the same game than Polt, and i never said i want remove macro mechanic's, you are off topic too.
For Faker, i can show you A LOT OF PLAT/DIA PLAYER who farm as Faker on the 6 first minute... just open a stream and look the timer.
"P.S: Also in other games you mentioned there is constant flow of casual tournaments and content for casuals, where in sc2 there is almost none of it or its very rare."
And why ?? cause no noob player, no stream watch, no Twitch, no compétition, wake up bro, Starcraft 2 will not live just with a bunch of "Elitist player" who think the game is cool with 12 harvesters, cause YOU can play the game, cause YOU discovered it with WOL/HOTS and 6 harvesters, and all this extensions left you the time to improve your knowledge and apm... WAKE UP
If you understand that, you save the game, if you don't understand that, you kill the game. That's all. It's better for all.
Wasn't the trailer for LotV to HotS specifically saying they wanted to make the game a faster-paced game? Also, the appeal for LoL and SC2 are for different people. People will watch the pro faker farm for 6 minutes cause they like League. If you really think the better future is to slow down then you can go back and cast Wings of liberty or Heart of the Swarm. But to say that Legacy of the void an expansion many people like is just gone with no guides to start from is incorrect. There are so many guides (maybe not youtube guides that were as explanatory as before) for this game. The PiG dailies are like Day9's videos players like Nathanias release info videos Beasty QT releases info videos Spawning tool is a website with lots of guides and if you really want to learn this game you can just ask somewhere or someone to help you its not hard to learn this game from a google search or from this website.. But its not just elitist players who like 12 workers. I don't want to be rude when I argue this but I think your opinion is way to biased and you're argument is too 1 dimensional rather than looking at multiple peoples viewpoints. But like I said if you like 6 workers go back to HotS, WoL or wait for SCHD. Just try to refrain from things like this "If you understand that, you save the game, if you don't understand that, you kill the game. That's all. It's better for all." cause its not true.
I seems to be "you're argument is too 1 dimensional rather than looking at multiple peoples viewpoints" Because when I try to explain point by point why the 12 harvesters are bad, nobody listens.
Cause i am mister nobody for TL/Reddit NA/English community and my english is bad. French community trust me. I put all my arguments on this Youtube video. I put in on TL / Reddit. And response was : hmm too long and the guy speak in french, i have to read the subtitle it's boring. "Tl:dr plz". Tl:dr ? he want go back to 6 harvester. " ok boring next"
This is why i seems to have only one argument, cause people don't have time for a mister nobody analysis. And a analysis always take time. So now I prefer to quickly develop 1 argument rather than make 5 pages on all the arguments that are against the 12 harvester.
On this vidéo i explained how work and what need an E-sport game, i explain the same thing than : "A Eulogy for the Six Pool" about the Build Order. 12 harvester is no mind game, no CC first, no all in double rax, no paper roc scissor start, ALWAYS GAS FIRST NO MATTER WHAT.
I explained we lost all the T1 unit fight, like Marines vs Zergling fight, like split to avoid baneling all in (with no ban speed) etc
So you right, if i seems to be a " one argument guys" i apologize, there is way more than 1 argument to explain why Starcraft 2 need to be on 6 harvester start. If Tl was in french, trust me, i had make ton and ton of paper about it.
Video : 870 like 34 dislike, France community agree. This video has 8 month now.
PS : I love Pig, meet him with Nation War, really good guy, Pig's daily are really great tutorial but look the viewers count. Less than 10 k. last tutorial : less than 5 k and his tutorial are VERY GOOD we all agree on that. So why no view ? cause this game is really to fast if you never played at least once on Wol/Hots. Cause you spend a lot of time to just learn hotkey / unit / Build order BEFORE have some fun. This is why the noob don't care about Tutorial, cause they don't care about this game. Go back to 6 harvester, learning will be fun, cause like i mentioned previously you can perform a 1 1 1 and play whatever your apm. It change everything for beginner, nothing for us, so GO !!
On April 04 2017 09:04 starkiller123 wrote: People will complain no matter what, I liked the game with 6 workers and I like it now with 12
I think most players feel the same at the end of the day, they just like StarCraft.
I love StarCraft. I stopped playing with LotV. The changes to the game are not for me. The game is simply too fast now. I hate 12 worker start, I hate lowered resources. I hate all the new units they added. I won't say HotS was perfect, it wasn't. But LotV wasn't step in the right direction for me. And because I stopped playing I no longer watch streams.
But I still love the game and I am waiting if/when they revert some of the changes. It won't happen, I know it, yet I will keep dreaming.
I was just a diamond noob. I cannot imagine how the changes appeared for lower league players.
On April 04 2017 14:09 terrafreako wrote: NERV ADEPTS HOLY BALANCE.
Bring back widow mine splash.
Change this mineral fields. One patch more or more per each mineral field i cant see that any longer like it is.
Let siege tanks faster siege up and siege down. And holy buff the health of a tank. Why is a tank so weak???? I NEVER UNDERSTOOD THAT AND I NEVER WILL - ITS A TANK NOT A trabant (very bad car).
Change costs vor Barracks if the adept keep on going on like this or reduce marine produciton time like 5% HOLY ADEPTS.
This game is so broken if no real changes will come which really changes the whole possiblites in the game which end mostly after 10min or 15min i cant deal with that any longer, Its a aracade game not worth playing like this ONLY FOR PROS which even aswell dont pass the 15min mark or the 3 base setup. The game gets smaller and smaller of opporutinites while making it faster. LOTV ABSOULTY NONSENSE like this.
Raven should be cheaper. He lost his rolle complelty somehow definitly needs a change. Only usefull for auto turrets which is like dead raven.
Cant deal any longer with shooting pylons take them out replace it with nexus cannon as liberators was nerfed theres absolutly no need for shooting pylons. Lower gate way unit costs i dont know but take this thing out it was working in hots so i want this back and chronoboost is a joke aswell toss is way to static and not flexible change this toss static.
Warp prism unbelievable that it still exists like this. Its so easy to harrise and to get an advantage wihtout really doing anything its just fly in warp in or just do nothing and zerg has no clue what to do. The pick up range and the speed is insane and absolutly unneccessary. Warp ins at warp prism should be slow if its that mobile. I dont know but its totally op and way to ez to play and mostly the only option a toss uses to get ahead. Thats unacceptable for a terran that drops and get wasted by plyons LIKE LOL WAKE UP.
This game is dying and u better change fast stuff. I like to hear the thor could be buffed. I think thats important to make this unit great again.
And hellbats should be avialable withouth armory. I think we saw this eary ling pushes enough to get rekt everytime if the helions die.
Change stuff i dont care but do MAJOR STUFF and stop snitching arround with stupid patches that dont really change something just pushes a way of play cause they game is so small now cause of ur mineral changes and the macro decrease by just playing like a zerg and stop microing.
so... Tanks already received a health buff. Tanks are also one of the highest damage units (In a splash radius) in the game why the heck would making it have more health be a good idea?. Any tank push that isn't countered exactly right vs robo style than the protoss will usually just die. (Reference is Stats vs Ty Set 7 IEM Katowice Grand finals) Widow mines never lost their splash (No idea where you got this from, they just lost some splash damage vs protoss) and adepts don't need their damage nerfed. If anything I think they just need a tweak to their health or shade cooldown. Pylon overcharge as dumb as it is, its actually needed for Legacy of the void. Nexus overcharge is way too easy to abuse. Also seriously? Hellbats at the start? lol have you not seen or done a hellbat banshee push? That 100 gas that goes into the armory is practically a whole banshee and a much much much FASTER timing. Literally what you're suggesting would bring back hellbat drops increase the popularity of hellbat pushes and it would make mech TvT a nightmare to engage into. The hellbat isn't meant to come out as soon as you finish the factory. Also blizzard is legitimately trying to balance the game. Have you ever played protoss? I doubt that you're in masters or higher. And im not saying because of this you're not able to make a point but what I am saying is if you play at a level where these tools are an essential part of your defensive kit and they get removed Protoss essentially is screwed. Also if you drop ontop of a pylon and you visibly see that its been overcharged why in the hell would you sit there? Pick up and leave wait for it to finish. You're not always meant to fight in them bait them out if you can. I agree though that warp prisms are strong, I think they should have a mix between the slow and fast warp in speed (A unique speed so to say) Also the raven has a tremendous role in TvT! Literally every TvT opens up with a fast raven or double raven. There are TvP builds with Raven pushes TvZ builds with Ravens for harassing. To say that its useless is so wrong. The difference is that it doesn't sit forever in one area. Barracks production rates are fine nothing needs to be changed on them the barracks units produce at a fine rate. In my personal opinion I would say you're just a Terran whose probably having a bad time in Terran vs Protoss I agree as a Terran myself its a bit favored towards Protoss but it doesn't make them unbeatable or broken. It just means you probably need to figure out where you got a flaw or find a new build to run.
What would be really cool, is if they could implement drawbacks upgrade, or choice upgrade. Something like the choose one mechanics in hearthstone. For example choose one : blink stalkers or warp prism range Or maybe something like attack speed for adepts but decrease stalker range. That way you can buff early game units knowing that if the players chooses to go in a certain direction where this buff would be problematic, then the unit would be nerfed. Also, it increases the strategic choice. we can imagine something like buff roaches a lot but nerf muta a lot too. you would have to commit more.
I don't know just a thought. Maybe that's just a bad idea
But LotV wasn't step in the right direction for me. And because I stopped playing I no longer watch streams.
Yes that's the point. Blizzard designed a game for the viewer experience, but the viewer is actually the player. Why would anyone follow Esport XY, if they don't even play the game themselves or aren't in touch with it anymore.
On April 04 2017 09:04 starkiller123 wrote: People will complain no matter what, I liked the game with 6 workers and I like it now with 12
I think most players feel the same at the end of the day, they just like StarCraft.
I love StarCraft. I stopped playing with LotV. The changes to the game are not for me. The game is simply too fast now. I hate 12 worker start, I hate lowered resources. I hate all the new units they added. I won't say HotS was perfect, it wasn't. But LotV wasn't step in the right direction for me. And because I stopped playing I no longer watch streams.
But I still love the game and I am waiting if/when they revert some of the changes. It won't happen, I know it, yet I will keep dreaming.
I was just a diamond noob. I cannot imagine how the changes appeared for lower league players.
I'm in the same boat. I love starcraft, I just don't like LotV.
I still hold on to the forlorn hope that I'll like the game some day as much as I used to, but I also know that's never going to happen. I couldn't even really say why I'm still here reading community updates, as I haven't touched the game in months. What a weird relationship I have with this game.
On April 04 2017 09:04 starkiller123 wrote: People will complain no matter what, I liked the game with 6 workers and I like it now with 12
I think most players feel the same at the end of the day, they just like StarCraft.
I love StarCraft. I stopped playing with LotV. The changes to the game are not for me. The game is simply too fast now. I hate 12 worker start, I hate lowered resources. I hate all the new units they added. I won't say HotS was perfect, it wasn't. But LotV wasn't step in the right direction for me. And because I stopped playing I no longer watch streams.
But I still love the game and I am waiting if/when they revert some of the changes. It won't happen, I know it, yet I will keep dreaming.
I was just a diamond noob. I cannot imagine how the changes appeared for lower league players.
I'm in the same boat. I love starcraft, I just don't like LotV.
I still hold on to the forlorn hope that I'll like the game some day as much as I used to, but I also know that's never going to happen. I couldn't even really say why I'm still here reading community updates, as I haven't touched the game in months. What a weird relationship I have with this game.
Looks like there are more of us feeling similarly. I still watch LotV quite regularly, follow tournaments and still attend live IEM in Katowice. However I also feel like LotV bring changes I'm not ok with: 12 workers start reduced resources per base strange, "gimmicky", unnecessary, overlapping, forced and overpowered units On top of this closure of PL which did not helped my hype levels :/
I think you guys are crucifying 12 worker start too much.
The speed of the game is more attributed to the lower minerals per base then anything else. When you're forced to invest in expansions, you can't really invest in early aggression.
I mean, Zerg doesn't really start the game until your fourth is up, minus some odd timings that pop up now and then.
On April 05 2017 02:44 InfCereal wrote: I think you guys are crucifying 12 worker start too much.
The speed of the game is more attributed to the lower minerals per base then anything else. When you're forced to invest in expansions, you can't really invest in early aggression.
I mean, Zerg doesn't really start the game until your fourth is up, minus some odd timings that pop up now and then.
The thing is that after 7 years even if the SC2 would be big and "perfect" there will be exact same ppl complaing about anything.. 12 worker start did not speed the game at all just removed the boring SD SD SD SD start...
On April 05 2017 02:44 InfCereal wrote: I think you guys are crucifying 12 worker start too much.
The speed of the game is more attributed to the lower minerals per base then anything else. When you're forced to invest in expansions, you can't really invest in early aggression.
I mean, Zerg doesn't really start the game until your fourth is up, minus some odd timings that pop up now and then.
Agreed D:
What if we put some maps with a few extra minerals at the bases for a test map? I haven't been around since the very beginning... did Blizz give an explicit balance reason for the lower resources or was it just FASTEST SPEED!?
Personally, I really like the auto turret harass at its current power. It is because of this harass that we finally have the Raven as a legitimate part of the meta.
Adding an upgrade for warp-ins actually seems like an awesome idea.
For the Thor: Just be sure to balance the anti-ground attack if you buff the anti-air attack.
Void-ray change seems good.
Generally, seems like good changes, but I want the raven to remain effective and impressive. No other unit works like the Raven currently, so it's kind of neat.
I would just like to see CD changes to Adepts Shade, or maybe they take higher damage when shade is active and the 2s thereafter, and then make Warp Prism Pickup range an upgrade at Cycore or so.
Give Protoss some real beef back at the Zealot/Stalker tech. Stuff like +15 shield upgrade for Zealots at Templar Archives, or Stalkers deal +2 AA damage.
Adepts are one of the things I least like about LOTV, they just feel stupid.
On April 05 2017 02:44 InfCereal wrote: I think you guys are crucifying 12 worker start too much.
The speed of the game is more attributed to the lower minerals per base then anything else. When you're forced to invest in expansions, you can't really invest in early aggression.
I mean, Zerg doesn't really start the game until your fourth is up, minus some odd timings that pop up now and then.
The thing is that after 7 years even if the SC2 would be big and "perfect" there will be exact same ppl complaing about anything.. 12 worker start did not speed the game at all just removed the boring SD SD SD SD start...
If it was the case, we would see the same Starcraft 2 as before faster, but it's not the case. Read "A Eulogy for the Six Pool". That just change all the game, all the start, it's always the same opener in PvZ ( Gate - gas - expo - CybCore - gas) always in TvZ ( gas - rax- expo - facto - gas) and same for Zerg, always Hatch - gas - pool.
If game was just "removed the boring SD" We would see the equivalent of 6 pool / 8 pool / 10 pool / 15 pool Hatch / 15 hatch - pool and all the gas variation that goes with. Now it's just in ZvZ 13 pool or pool hatch or Hatch gas pool. The only match up with variation is the mirror, in no mirror match up Hatch gas pool.
So no the speed of the game are not only attributed to the lower minerals per base, like i wrote on my last topic : at 4 min mark LOTV it's 51 action required for a gas first drop mine, HOTS is 39. It's an average of 4 more action per minute and i don't count the fact that Reaper come 45 second sooner. Which means that I need to focus on my micro faster on LOTV, Which also takes apm.
On April 05 2017 02:44 InfCereal wrote: I think you guys are crucifying 12 worker start too much.
The speed of the game is more attributed to the lower minerals per base then anything else. When you're forced to invest in expansions, you can't really invest in early aggression.
I mean, Zerg doesn't really start the game until your fourth is up, minus some odd timings that pop up now and then.
The thing is that after 7 years even if the SC2 would be big and "perfect" there will be exact same ppl complaing about anything.. 12 worker start did not speed the game at all just removed the boring SD SD SD SD start...
If it was the case, we would see the same Starcraft 2 as before faster, but it's not the case. Read "A Eulogy for the Six Pool". That just change all the game, all the start, it's always the same opener in PvZ ( Gate - gas - expo - CybCore - gas) always in TvZ ( gas - rax- expo - facto - gas) and same for Zerg, always Hatch - gas - pool.
If game was just "removed the boring SD" We would see the equivalent of 6 pool / 8 pool / 10 pool / 15 pool Hatch / 15 hatch - pool and all the gas variation that goes with. Now it's just in ZvZ 13 pool or pool hatch or Hatch gas pool. The only match up with variation is the mirror, in no mirror match up Hatch gas pool.
So no the speed of the game are not only attributed to the lower minerals per base, like i wrote on my last topic : at 4 min mark LOTV it's 51 action required for a gas first drop mine, HOTS is 39. It's an average of 4 more action per minute and i don't count the fact that Reaper come 45 second sooner. Which means that I need to focus on my micro faster on LOTV, Which also takes apm.
Anoss, I fully respect your opinion I think you make a very compelling argument but I just feel like the way LotV was meant to be directed was through a faster and more evolved starcraft. I and im sure many others would feel the same way that the game picks up in such a fast and fun pace. I love the non-stop action that we have right away in games and while its true ZvZ is cancer if were being honest it always has been. However the only biggest flaw I see in Legacy of the void is the speed at which late game arrives. I rewatched some old hots games and I like those pre mini battles before you had all these upgrades line bane speed, stimpack but I don't think that it is caused by the 12 worker starts. I believe the way starcraft 2 as a game has evolved is for people to want to specialize into their late games. LotV allows you to get to it faster due to the constant demand of trying to build a stronger army and how the game functions. However I think that all match-ups have a big variation and not just mirrors. Especially TvP you can now run cool mech styles and mass BC! thats something I would never think to see in HotS vs protoss.
The real reason why Zerg struggles in PvZ and TvZ is nerfed macro. Stop buffing random things in Z arsenal. Just bring back 4 larva. Its sad to see how Zerg has worse macro than P or T in midgame. Zerg's main strengh which are fast remakses or switches are soooo less efficient because of that...U just don't have enough bank to do this with 3 larva from the start (which snowballs into midgame with lesser eco) while you are being harrased to the death by so many things from P and T. Bring the 4 larva back or at least test it.