For Korean players, the inevitability of military service acts as a ticking clock against their already fragile careers. However, one player that came back stronger after his military service is StarDust. The affable Protoss, charmingly nicknamed "Cheesedust" for his arsenal of aggressive builds, shot into the limelight after his DreamHack Summer 2013 win. It came almost out of nowhere, but he managed to maintain a high level of play through 2014, which culminated in a spot in the Global Finals. While he has been taking a break since late 2015, it's only a matter of time until he begins competing again.
We caught up with him to talk about his beginnings, his greatest moments, and his future in Legacy of the Void.
When you were younger, what did you want to do as a career? How were you introduced to StarCraft 1?
When I was young, my dream was to become a scientist. This was because there was a popular Korean drama called “Kaist” that was going around when I was young. The characters in that drama looked so cool.
I was introduced to StarCraft when I was in elementary school. During Seollal (Korean New Year) holiday, when the family would get together, the older brothers would find it bothersome to take care of me so they would just take me to PC rooms and let me play StarCraft there. That was the start of my pro-gaming career. Although, now that I think about it, perhaps things would have worked out for better had I not gone to the PC room that day… In reference, the person who actually took me to the PC room and influenced me was a pastor.
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I was introduced to StarCraft when I was in elementary school. During Seollal (Korean New Year) holiday, when the family would get together, the older brothers would find it bothersome to take care of me so they would just take me to PC rooms and let me play StarCraft there. That was the start of my pro-gaming career. Although, now that I think about it, perhaps things would have worked out for better had I not gone to the PC room that day… In reference, the person who actually took me to the PC room and influenced me was a pastor.
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어렸을때 나의 꿈은 과학자 였다. 왜냐하면 내가 어렸을때 당시에 카이스트라는 한국 드라마가 유행했었는데 거기 나오는 사람들이 너무 멋져보이더라 .. 내가 스타크래프트를 시작하게된 계기는 한국에는 온가족이 모이는 설날 이라는 명절이 있는데 그때 당시에 나는 초등학생 이었는데 놀러가면 형들이 데리고 놀기 귀찮으니까 피시방에 데려가서 스타크래프트를 하게 해줬었다.. 그게 내가 프로게이머가 되게된 계기다.. 만약 그날 피시방을 가지 않았더라면.. 더 좋았을까 라고 생각하기도 한다.. 참고로 피시방에 데려가서 나를 타락시킨사람의 직업은 목사다..
Before StarDust, you went by the name
M18M. Why did you decide to choose that name?

When I was little, the trend was to create an ID that had a composition of two letters sandwiching a name. So for example: z"ID"z or x"ID"x. But I felt z and x were too common so I decided to be special and go with the letter M. But obviously that was just the mindset of an immature elementary kid. And the number 18 is something that all Koreans understand. The most common form of swearing… [t/n: In Korean, you pronounce 18 as ship-pal, which sounds similar to shi-bal, which is a swear word (there is no literal KR → EN translation for this word)] I don’t understand myself why I chose that kind of ID but then again… I was just a little kid… Maybe I was feeling a little rebellious?
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전에는 한국에 어린애들사이에서 유행하던 아이디 조합이 있었다 예를들어 z아이디z x아이디x
이런것들이었는데 이런건 너무 흔하니까 나는 특별하니까 다른거! 해서 고른게 M이었는데 그냥 개초딩이었다. 그리고 중간에 있는 숫자는 모두가 아는 그 단어다 . 한국의 가장 흔한 욕.. 그땐 워낙 초딩시기라.. 좀 지금으로선 이해가 안되지만 그런 아이디를 만들었다 약간의 반항같은..?
이런것들이었는데 이런건 너무 흔하니까 나는 특별하니까 다른거! 해서 고른게 M이었는데 그냥 개초딩이었다. 그리고 중간에 있는 숫자는 모두가 아는 그 단어다 . 한국의 가장 흔한 욕.. 그땐 워낙 초딩시기라.. 좀 지금으로선 이해가 안되지만 그런 아이디를 만들었다 약간의 반항같은..?
Lets talk about your history as a pro in StarCraft Brood War. When was the moment when you realized that you wanted to become a pro player?
Mmm, I’m pretty sure this is a common reasoning for all pro-gamers. At first, the game was just fun to play and I was also good at it. At school, I had a friend who was known for being really good at SC but I ended up beating him pretty easily. That’s when I realized that I was good at this game. I was really young back then but I was already so good at the game that I felt a sense of pride. I thought I was one of the best. But then I got discouraged when I found out that a guy named “Sea” was already a pro-gamer even though we were the same age. But still, because I was so focused on gaming, naturally my grades started tanking. So I made the decision to become a pro-gamer around my second year of high school. I tried to study hard during my first year of high school but my grades were not satisfactory. So I came to the realization that it would be faster to succeed through gaming than to succeed through studying. But now I realize this was not the case at all. I should have just studied... (laughs)
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음 이건 대부분의 프로게이머들이 똑같을것 같다 그냥 처음엔 재밋으니까 했고 또 잘하기도 했다 학교내에서 엄청 잘한다는 친구가있는데 해보니까 쉽게 이기게되더라 그때 내가 게임을 잘한다는걸 알게되었다. 나는 나름 어린나이였고 내가 이나이대에서는 탑수준 아닐까 약간 자부심이있었는데 프로게이머 염보성이 그때 당시 굉장히 잘했는데 나랑 동갑인걸 알게되고 좌절했었다. 그렇게 게임만 주구장창 하다보니 학교 성적이 자연스럽게 안좋아졌고 고등학교 2학년쯤에 결정하게 됬다. 고1떄 공부를 해봤는데 만족할만한 성적이 나오지 않았고 그때 깨달았다 공부로 성공하는것보다 게임으로 성공하는게 더 빠른길일것같다고 .. 하지만 아니었다 공부나할걸..ㅋㅋ
You were pretty young when you moved to a team house. How difficult was it for you to adjust to the house?
Even as of right now, I’m not used to a team house lifestyle. I’m just really not the kind of guy who focuses heavily on being courteous and looking up to the people who are older than me. The Samsung environment was sensitive toward age differences so the older ones were always calling the shots. For me personally, I didn’t really follow anyone unless I thought they were good people personality-wise. But the whole concept of me having to bow my head and show respect just because some people were older than me never really made sense to me. Because of this mindset, I rebelled a lot. So a lot of teammates actually disliked me because of that. If I look back on it now and had the chance to do it all over again… I’d still act the same way.
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나는 지금도 예전에도 단체 생활에는 익숙하지 않다. 나이 많은 선수들에 대한 예의라던지 존경이라던지 난 이런것과는 거리가 멀다. 삼성은 조금은 나이에 대해서 매우 민감한편이라 나이많은 사람이 짱이었따. 하지만 난 그냥 그 사람이 인격적으로 존경 할만한 사람이라고 판단되면 잘 따르고 하지만 그냥 나이가 많기 때문에 굽신거려야 한다는게 이해가 되지 않았고 그러다보니까 반항을 많이 했던것 같다. 팀 동료들중에 나를 싫어하는사람이 많았다.
근데 지금 정신으로 그때로 돌아가도 똑같이 할거임..
근데 지금 정신으로 그때로 돌아가도 똑같이 할거임..
Did you have to go through the process of being a b-teamer? What were some difficult things that you have to go through as a brand new pro player?
Well when I first started off within Samsung, Proleague was only Bo5 during that time, and there was a requirement that all races had to be represented. It was almost impossible for me to get a Proleague roster seat with players like
JangBi and
Stork on the team. And when you look at our skill levels, there was clearly a difference there. I have a tendency to scoff at my own abilities so I didn’t think I could ever become as good as them, especially because my hands were really slow. But I constantly expressed my desire to be sent out in the lineup to the coaching staff, and I was able to grab a seat in the lineup more often than most b-teamers on the team.
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일단 내가 처음에 삼성에 입단했을때는 프로리그가 5전제였고 종족 의무 출전제라는게 있었다.
그렇다보니 팀에 허영무와 송병구가 있는 상황에서 사실상 프로리그에 출전하는건 불가능에 가까웠다. 그리고 그 둘의 게임을 보고있으면 정말 수준이 달랐다. 난 약간 자조적인 면이 있어서 내 실력이 그렇게 좋아질수 없다고 생각했다. 왜냐면 난 손이 너무 느렸기 때문이다. 하지만 나는 자주 코칭스태프한태 가서 경기에 나가고 싶다고 피력했고.. 다른 2군보다는 그래도 더 많이 기회를 잡았었다.
그렇다보니 팀에 허영무와 송병구가 있는 상황에서 사실상 프로리그에 출전하는건 불가능에 가까웠다. 그리고 그 둘의 게임을 보고있으면 정말 수준이 달랐다. 난 약간 자조적인 면이 있어서 내 실력이 그렇게 좋아질수 없다고 생각했다. 왜냐면 난 손이 너무 느렸기 때문이다. 하지만 나는 자주 코칭스태프한태 가서 경기에 나가고 싶다고 피력했고.. 다른 2군보다는 그래도 더 많이 기회를 잡았었다.
It seems like you weren’t drafted out to play for Proleague very often since you were one of the newer players. How did the coach make the decision to bring out his younger players that weren’t experienced as the veteran players?
Honestly speaking, nothing like that existed. It was just a matter of getting better on your own.
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솔직히 말하자면 전혀 없었다. 그냥 알아서 성장해야 됬다.
One of the most memorable moments in the Shinhan Bank Winners League was when you played
Flash in Week 4. Samsung Khan was playing KT Rolster, and Flash was about to go for an all-kill, defeating
firebathero, and
Stork. When you were sent out to play, you went in for a 14 Nexus play on the map New Tornado and you were successful. How did you feel about that moment?

During that time, the best players on Samsung were
firebathero, and
Great. But the head coach decided that Great would probably end up losing anyways to Flash since Flash had already killed the three others ahead of him. Honestly, that last pick was supposed to just be a throwaway pick. It just so happened that at that time, I had this feeling that I couldn’t lose to anyone, so the coach picked me. But honestly, the only reason I was chosen was because Flash had already secured a three-kill.
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그때 당시에 삼성의 주전들은 Stork jangbi firebathero great 이렇게 4인방이었다. 하지만 감독님은 어차피 앞에 3명이 flash에게 패배하면 great는 절대 이기지 못할거라고 판단했었다. 그래서 남은 한자리는 사실상 버리는 카드였는데 그때 당시 내가 약간 누구한태도 이길 수 있다는 그런 의외성이 있어서 나를 선택하셨다. 근데 내가 경기에 출전하는 유일한 수는 flash가 3명을 이겼을때 뿐이었다.
How important was that Flash match for you?
Honestly that was probably the only game that I was ever praised for after my pro-gaming debut 2-1 victory over Sea. Of course that match was really important to me, but there’s also some bitterness there because I feel like people only remember me as “that guy that beat Flash”, so I often think to myself, “This was the extent of my career.”
[t/n: StarDust isn’t lying here. I once met him at MLG Dallas back in 2012 and I told him about how memorable his victory over Flash was. His response to that was, “Thank you but that’s all anyone ever remembers about me and that brings me down.”]
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[t/n: StarDust isn’t lying here. I once met him at MLG Dallas back in 2012 and I told him about how memorable his victory over Flash was. His response to that was, “Thank you but that’s all anyone ever remembers about me and that brings me down.”]
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사실 게이머로서는 처음에 준 프로게이머때 데뷔 경기에서 염보성 선수를 2:1로 이긴적이 있고. 그 다음으로는 아마 처음으로 주목을 받은 경기였던것 같다. 엄청나게 중요하지만 한편으로는 씁쓸하기도 하다 많은 사람들이 이영호 이긴애 정도로만 기억해주기 때문에 내 프로게이머 생활 동안 한게 이것밖에 없구나 라는 생각이 자주든다.
What made you switch from Samsung Khan to Air Force ACE?
Proleague was undergoing the Winners’ League Round 3 and I think I had a score of around 3-1 or something like that during that time. We were going up against the weakest team in the league, Air Force ACE, and we sent out a player that I personally didn’t like. That player ended up grabbing an all-kill and thus, ended up with a better score than mine. I felt a sense of deprivation at that time.
Whenever Samsung would send out a roster against ACE, the roster would consist of players that the coaching staff would like to see wins from. But I was never sent out so I was really upset about that.
Then, I heard that ACE was recruiting and gathering more players so I just decided to register. Most likely I would have had to retire if I hadn’t gotten into Air Force ACE. I had established an ultimatum with the Samsung coaching staff at that time.
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Whenever Samsung would send out a roster against ACE, the roster would consist of players that the coaching staff would like to see wins from. But I was never sent out so I was really upset about that.
Then, I heard that ACE was recruiting and gathering more players so I just decided to register. Most likely I would have had to retire if I hadn’t gotten into Air Force ACE. I had established an ultimatum with the Samsung coaching staff at that time.
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프로리그가 라운드 3 위너스리그가 진행되고 있었는데 그때 내가 3승1패인가 그랬다.
근데 상대적으로 약팀인 공군전에 내가 개인적으로 싫어하는 선수가 나가더니 올킬을 해버렸다 그래서 그 선수가 나보다 승수가 많아지게 되고 뭔가 상대적으로 박탈감을 많이 느꼈다.
공군전에 나가는 선수는 보통 코칭스탶이 승리를 챙겨주고 싶은 선수다. 나는 절대 한번도 나가본적이 없다. 많이 섭섭했다.
그때 때마침 공군에서 선수를 모집하고 있어서 그냥 홧김에 신청해 버렸다. 만약에
공군에 들어가지 못 했다면 나는 은퇴해야만 했을거다. 코칭스탶이랑 각을 세웠기 때문이다.
근데 상대적으로 약팀인 공군전에 내가 개인적으로 싫어하는 선수가 나가더니 올킬을 해버렸다 그래서 그 선수가 나보다 승수가 많아지게 되고 뭔가 상대적으로 박탈감을 많이 느꼈다.
공군전에 나가는 선수는 보통 코칭스탶이 승리를 챙겨주고 싶은 선수다. 나는 절대 한번도 나가본적이 없다. 많이 섭섭했다.
그때 때마침 공군에서 선수를 모집하고 있어서 그냥 홧김에 신청해 버렸다. 만약에
공군에 들어가지 못 했다면 나는 은퇴해야만 했을거다. 코칭스탶이랑 각을 세웠기 때문이다.
Were there any differences between Air Force ACE and Samsung Khan?
Within Air Force ACE, there were some players in there who played with no passion directed towards the game. Personally, that disappointed me.
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공군에이스에 온 선수들중에 몇몇은 아예 게임에 대한 열정이 없다시피 했다.
개인적으로 실망스러웠다.
개인적으로 실망스러웠다.
Moving forward, you announced that you were planning to take a break from StarCraft 2. You were streaming some Brood War games on Afreeca in the beginning of the year while also laddering on SC2. What are your feelings towards the game at this moment?
During last year’s WCS Challenger League, I lost to Neeb and I ended up getting really frustrated at the game. I found the overseas life difficult and I wasn’t having any fun playing the game. Personally, I feel that I’m lacking in areas where I can motivate myself to do something even if I dislike it. It was unprofessional-like behavior but I boldly decided to just take a break. I spent my break time playing Heroes of the Storm and League of Legends. And as everyone should know by now, BW is still going very strong in the Afreeca scene. So I started streaming a little in hopes that the nostalgia factor would revitalize my passion for SC2.
I didn’t realize it back then but looking back on it now, making such a decision caused a lot of issues for my manager, so I want to apologize for that.
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I didn’t realize it back then but looking back on it now, making such a decision caused a lot of issues for my manager, so I want to apologize for that.
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작년 wcs에서 닙한태 챌린져매치를 패배하고나서 약간 게임에 대한 실증이 많이 났었다. 해외생활도 힘들었고 게임내적으로도 너무 재미가 없었다. 나는 개인적으로 내가 하기 싫은일을 하는 능력은 많이 부족한것 같다. 프로페셔널하지 못한 행동이었지만 그냥 과감하게 쉬기로 판단했고 히어로즈오브스톰과 리그오브레전드를 하면서 그냥 쉬었다. 알다시피 아직 아프리카에서는 스타크래프트가 매우 활성화되있다. 그러다보니 약간 추억이랄까그러다 보면 어느날 스타2에 대한 열정이 돌아올것 이라고 생각했다.
그 판단을 내릴때는 몰랐는데 이제와서 생각하니 매니저한태 너무 미안하다..
그 판단을 내릴때는 몰랐는데 이제와서 생각하니 매니저한태 너무 미안하다..
There seems to be some tournaments for Brood War here and there. Did you consider playing in any of them on your break?
Not really… I was playing BW for fun and because I wanted to take a break. Although it really didn’t take me that much effort to get to a skill level where I wasn’t considered to be one of the worst players around, but that’s when I decided to stop. I would have to put in a lot more time and effort in order to get above and beyond that level and I didn’t want to participate in tournaments.
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그냥.. 쉬려고 놀려고 브루두워를 했던거기 때문에 딱 프로게이머중에 가장 못하는 정도의 실력까지는 그다지 많은 노력이 필요하지 않았어요 그래서 그냥 그정도 까지만 딱하고 그 이상으로 올라가기 위해서는 많은 노력과 시간의 투자가 필요하기 때문에 대회까지 참가하고 싶진 않았어요.
What are your opinions on the remaining Brood War pros that play and stream on Afreeca?
It feels like most of them are doing it because they need the money. I mean, it’s difficult and all but it’s easier than holding down a regular job and you can make more money off of gaming and streaming.
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그냥 돈을 위해서 하는사람이 대부분인것 같다.. 분명 힘들지만 보통의 일보단 쉽고 훨씬 많이 벌 수 있으니까..
Do you keep in touch with any of the Brood War players? Do you hang out with them or talk to them often?
I didn’t really have a lot of friends during my BW pro-gaming career anyways so I don’t really talk and hang out with many people. I just talk a lot with the Air Force ACE guys and the Samsung guys.
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내가 브루두워할때 원래 친한선수가 많은편은 아니었어서 얘기하고 지내는 선수도 많지는 않다 주로 공군에 있던 선수들과 삼성에 있던 선수들중에 연락을 많이 한다.
We saw that you were also playing on the LotV ladder as well. What do you think about this expansion so far?
Personally, I feel that it’s much more fun to play than HotS. The main reason is because in HotS, you could really only go for a monotonous army composition and also had to do locked-in build orders to start off. You had to focus on nothing but defending for the first ten minutes in every game because you couldn’t get your composition together otherwise. But in LotV, you have several different aggressive options you can open with so the game is very enjoyable.
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개인적으로 hots 보다 훨씬 재밋는것 같다. 그 이유는 일단 첫째로 군단의 심장을 플레이할때는 조합의 단조로움과 초반 빌드의 고착화가 컸다 프로토스는 항상 조합을 갖추기위해 초반 10분이상을 방어에만 치중해야 했지만 공허의 유산에서는 초반에도 꽤 많은 초반 공격 수단이있어서 게임이 너무 즐겁다.
You found success in StarCraft 2 after you finished your compulsory military service. What might be your best and memorable moment for you in your whole entire progaming career?
That would of course be the time when I won the DreamHack championship. That day was not only my most memorable day in my pro-gaming career but also my entire life. Is that embarrassing to admit? (laughs) I even had a wet dream about it the day after.
[t/n: I kid you not, every translation program I consulted translated this part of the sentence into “wet dream”, so I just went with it. ]
This is my first time saying this. I’ve never told anyone about this before (laughs). I didn’t even have a perverted dream. I’m sure you can clearly see how much of a jolted feeling I was experiencing.
Up until that moment, I used to think to myself, “I won’t ever win a championship,” or, “I’m not destined for a championship victory,” or even, “I don’t deserve to win a championship.” And even if I was capable of pulling off a championship victory, I figured it would happen gradually after I overcame a Ro16 hurdle, a Ro8 hurdle, a Ro4 hurdle, step-by-step in that process. But then that DreamHack championship happened in the blink of an eye and I had even started from the very bottom. It was a victory that changed my life’s thoughts.
Within my pro-gaming career, most of the feedback that I got back from people was very negative. “Your hands are too slow. You’re not good at multi-tasking,” these were the kinds of things that I heard and they were causing me to think that maybe I would be better off becoming a coach since I like to strategize, and lots of regrets like that. I kept thinking to myself, “Maybe I should have never become a pro-gamer. After all, you rarely receive any money or prestige unless you’re right up there at the top.” I was constantly putting myself down with these kinds of thoughts. I knew that I was good, but I was only an “okay” kind of good and there were so many players out there who excelled over me. But suddenly, all that changed after I won DreamHack. I went from thinking, “In life, there is a pre-destined amount of people who are supposed to win championships,” to, “If you work hard, anyone can pull it off,” kind of motto? It changed to something along the lines of that.
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[t/n: I kid you not, every translation program I consulted translated this part of the sentence into “wet dream”, so I just went with it. ]
This is my first time saying this. I’ve never told anyone about this before (laughs). I didn’t even have a perverted dream. I’m sure you can clearly see how much of a jolted feeling I was experiencing.
Up until that moment, I used to think to myself, “I won’t ever win a championship,” or, “I’m not destined for a championship victory,” or even, “I don’t deserve to win a championship.” And even if I was capable of pulling off a championship victory, I figured it would happen gradually after I overcame a Ro16 hurdle, a Ro8 hurdle, a Ro4 hurdle, step-by-step in that process. But then that DreamHack championship happened in the blink of an eye and I had even started from the very bottom. It was a victory that changed my life’s thoughts.
Within my pro-gaming career, most of the feedback that I got back from people was very negative. “Your hands are too slow. You’re not good at multi-tasking,” these were the kinds of things that I heard and they were causing me to think that maybe I would be better off becoming a coach since I like to strategize, and lots of regrets like that. I kept thinking to myself, “Maybe I should have never become a pro-gamer. After all, you rarely receive any money or prestige unless you’re right up there at the top.” I was constantly putting myself down with these kinds of thoughts. I knew that I was good, but I was only an “okay” kind of good and there were so many players out there who excelled over me. But suddenly, all that changed after I won DreamHack. I went from thinking, “In life, there is a pre-destined amount of people who are supposed to win championships,” to, “If you work hard, anyone can pull it off,” kind of motto? It changed to something along the lines of that.
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당연히 드림핵을 우승했던때 였던것 같다. 그때가 아마 프로게이머 인생뿐만아니라 내 인생 전체에서 가장 기억에 남는 날이었다. 부끄러운 말이지만 ?ㅋㅋ 심지어 다음날 몽정까지 했었다 ㅋㅋ 처음으로 말하는거다 그 누구한태도 말한적 없다 ㅋㅋ 야한꿈도 안꾸었다 얼마나 짜릿했는지 상상할 수 있을거다.
난 그전까지 나는 대회에서 우승을 하거나 할만한 운명? 그런 자격? 이런게 없다고 생각했었다 만약에 가능하다고 해도 차근차근 단계를 밟아가며 16강 8강 4강 이런식으로 올라갈것이라고 생각했었는데 그냥 하루아침에 바닦에서 우승을 해버리다니 내 인생에 대한 생각조차 바꿔버린 우승이었다. 내가 게이머생활을 시작하고나서 들은 말들은 대부분 매우 부정적인 얘기였다. 손이 너무느리다. 멀티태스킹이 안좋다 이런말들이다보니 사실 나는 전략을 만들거나 하면서 코치가 나 한태 더 잘 어울리는 직업일것이라고 생각했고 많은 후회가 있었다. 어차피 프로게이머라는 직업은 상위권이 되지 못하면 돈도 명예도 없으니까 시작하지 않았으면.. 이라는 자조적인 생각을 많이 했었다. 난 분명 뛰어나지만 그저 평범한 뛰어남이고 나보다 뛰어난사람이 너무나 많았기 때문에 하지만 우승이후 모든건 바뀌었다.
그전까진 성공하는사람은 정해져있다 에서 누구나 노력하면 될 수 있다로 좌우명? 비슷한것 까지 바뀌었다
난 그전까지 나는 대회에서 우승을 하거나 할만한 운명? 그런 자격? 이런게 없다고 생각했었다 만약에 가능하다고 해도 차근차근 단계를 밟아가며 16강 8강 4강 이런식으로 올라갈것이라고 생각했었는데 그냥 하루아침에 바닦에서 우승을 해버리다니 내 인생에 대한 생각조차 바꿔버린 우승이었다. 내가 게이머생활을 시작하고나서 들은 말들은 대부분 매우 부정적인 얘기였다. 손이 너무느리다. 멀티태스킹이 안좋다 이런말들이다보니 사실 나는 전략을 만들거나 하면서 코치가 나 한태 더 잘 어울리는 직업일것이라고 생각했고 많은 후회가 있었다. 어차피 프로게이머라는 직업은 상위권이 되지 못하면 돈도 명예도 없으니까 시작하지 않았으면.. 이라는 자조적인 생각을 많이 했었다. 난 분명 뛰어나지만 그저 평범한 뛰어남이고 나보다 뛰어난사람이 너무나 많았기 때문에 하지만 우승이후 모든건 바뀌었다.
그전까진 성공하는사람은 정해져있다 에서 누구나 노력하면 될 수 있다로 좌우명? 비슷한것 까지 바뀌었다
Do you have any plans of coming back for some of your fans in StarCraft 2?
Mmm, if I had to make a decision right now then I would say yes. I’m still practicing SC2 even as of right now but I have been taking breaks here and there. Mainly because the maps being used on ladder and the maps being used in Proleague are different so a lot of pro-gamers are not really laddering right now. So I’m just kind of waiting around and hoping for a map pool change. I plan on continuing my activities in America, so I’m planning out my timing for that. I probably won’t do it though until we arrive at a time where there are tons of tournaments available.
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음 결론부터 말하자면 그렇다. 지금도 스타2 연습을 하다가 잠깐 쉬고있다 왜냐하면 한국서버에서 레더와 프로리그맵이 다르기 때문에 프로게이머들이 레더를 잘 안하더라.
그래서 약간 맵이 바뀌길 기다리고있다. 그리고 미국에 가서 활동할 생각이고. 시기를 조율하고 있다. 아마 대회가 뭉쳐있는 시기에 갈 것 같다.
그래서 약간 맵이 바뀌길 기다리고있다. 그리고 미국에 가서 활동할 생각이고. 시기를 조율하고 있다. 아마 대회가 뭉쳐있는 시기에 갈 것 같다.