On December 18 2015 07:33 Elentos wrote: The intriguing thing will be to see how influental a single season of GSL/SSL truly is. Currently, players like Trust or RagnaroK with no notable achievements have a 600 point lead on championship caliber players who didn't qualify. Can they keep this up and earn more? Will someone miss Blizzcon by the exact 600 points they would have gotten by winning their last qualifying game?
It's actually kinda exciting.
Just try again in the last season of GSL/SSL, Korean Terrans xoxo
On December 18 2015 07:33 Elentos wrote: The intriguing thing will be to see how influental a single season of GSL/SSL truly is. Currently, players like Trust or RagnaroK with no notable achievements have a 600 point lead on championship caliber players who didn't qualify. Can they keep this up and earn more? Will someone miss Blizzcon by the exact 600 points they would have gotten by winning their last qualifying game?
This is a great point because it highlights one of the things I mentioned earlier: the deincentive for Korean players and even the increased randomness at the highest levels of the year-end events. By removing 2 entire seasons of points you decrease a lot of consistency at the top level of the point structure by providing less opportunity for the players to recieve points. I think they should at least consider some way of providing points in proleague. Honestly the more ideal way would be to give points based on some type of elo-point calculator (lol) which awarded points on quality of competition as well as actualy tournament result
On December 18 2015 07:33 Elentos wrote: The intriguing thing will be to see how influental a single season of GSL/SSL truly is. Currently, players like Trust or RagnaroK with no notable achievements have a 600 point lead on championship caliber players who didn't qualify. Can they keep this up and earn more? Will someone miss Blizzcon by the exact 600 points they would have gotten by winning their last qualifying game?
It's actually kinda exciting.
Just try again in the last season of GSL/SSL, Korean Terrans xoxo
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah... that happened. But more than 3 Korean Terrans at Blizzcon would be imbalanced anyway
OK, with only 2 GSL and SSL seasons, granting huge amounts of points, let us look at the Standing 2015 and check, who would not qualify to BlizzCon. So let us forget the last season and count only the first 2 seasons and points only from GSL and SSL:
Life, Maru, Rain and Classic are the winners, so guaranteed places and in addition to them, Dream, herO, PartinG and ByuL would make it. So we would miss just Innovation, sOs, Zest and FanTaSy from the participants ... so this is not that bad.
If I understand the system correctly, the big losers will be the second tier korean players as well as the up and comers.
The future players like Dream, Dark and Stats will have a harder time proving themselves with less GSL/SSL tournaments. Ofc there's still pro league as well but still, less opportunity.
I as a viewer don't like this as well, since I enjoy the GSL/SSL games more than foreigner games. But that's just my taste, other ppl might like the foreigner games more.
So what about players like State that played the SSL qualifiers, are they allowed to play both WCS Korea and WCS Circuit? And what if they had earned points in WCS Korea and then also in WCS Circuit?
On December 18 2015 07:50 HsDLTitich wrote: So what about players like State that played the SSL qualifiers, are they allowed to play both WCS Korea and WCS Circuit? And what if they had earned points in WCS Korea and then also in WCS Circuit?
Forget that that was wrong. Yeah State can play both that's fine.
I’m not sure if DH and IEM still allow Koreans so I can’t really say, but it would really sucks if they aren’t allow in those events anymore. I would really be happy even if they only allow like 2 Koreans for each DH/IEM tournament. I mean the reason why I am so hyped (and a lot of other people as well) about ShoWTimE is that he was able to show his skills against PartinG, a very good Korean. I doubt that if he wasn’t fighting against a Korean, would he be pushing his limit that far and would we be so impressed with his play? I can cheer for foreigners, sure thing as I will cheer for ShoWTimE, but if I don’t know how good a foreigner is and if the player is able to fight on par with Koreans then how can I cheer for them?
Unlike a majority of SC2 fans, my country doesn’t have a SC2 scene whatsoever (I even doubt if we have a e-Sport scene at all) and my region is Asia. I couldn’t give half a damn about the Chinese/Taiwan scene if I try (there is just some… tension between Vietnam and China) so my regional choice would obviously be Korea.
Also, not everyone have a chance to travel to Korea or to BlizzCon to meet their favourite Korean players, so completely blocking them out of DH or IEM would sucks big time. I would love to see more global events that allow Koreans and the foreigners that give out WCS points, that would be amazing and exciting to watch. On the topic of WCS Korea, there will only be GSL, SSL combine with the weekly ProLeague so the scene will be really quiet, and the more tournaments the better. GSL and SSL is only going to have 2 seasons, compare to the foreigners scene that have the Winter, Spring and Summer Championships, that doesn’t sound really fair to me. Also, some of the very good Korean players already failed SSL (like Zest, Life, Sos, Maru, you name them) so it would sucks if they can’t show up at BlizzCon because they failed to qualify for 1 tournament.
The thing about tournaments is that the more we see of them, the more we will see how a certain meta, of match-up has evolved or how a certain player has improved. We can see more about the so-called balance issue that everyone loves to whine about. If there is only 4 major tournaments, there will certainly be 1 race that win more than the others and will inflict the debate. In my opinions, a larger amount of major tournaments in the Korean scene (and the foreign scene, too, but I think they already have more leagues than the Korean?) is totally necessary, especially now when Blizzard have just released a new expansion.
On December 18 2015 07:39 Diabolique wrote: OK, with only 2 GSL and SSL seasons, granting huge amounts of points, let us look at the Standing 2015 and check, who would not qualify to BlizzCon. So let us forget the last season and count only the first 2 seasons and points only from GSL and SSL:
Life, Maru, Rain and Classic are the winners, so guaranteed places and in addition to them, Dream, herO, PartinG and ByuL would make it. So we would miss just Innovation, sOs, Zest and FanTaSy from the participants ... so this is not that bad.
If you adjust the point values to the new system, minus Life/Maru/Rain/Classic:
Dream 7000 PartinG 4800 ByuL 4000 Rogue 3600 Stats 3600 TY 2100 Dear 2100 sOs 1800 INno 1800
Atleast gsl moved afreeca and I can watch vods for free. DOnt feel like reading alll these details but if it means less koreans at DH and IEM for example I will def not be watching. The ongoing HSC is already bad enough with not enough koreans.
FYI since some people seem to not be understanding this, this system does not provide 11 extra tournaments, those tournaments are repurposed IEMs/Dreamhacks with Blizzard support and bigger prizepools, but a region lock.