EDIT: Thanks to the amazing Blargh, we now have an aggregator! If you enter your list here, then we can average everyone's list out here. But still do post your lists in this thread as well, so we can talk about them.
With the season coming in a week (A WEEK!), everyone has their opinions as to who's the favorite, who's the strongest or most likely team to succeed. This thread is for you not only to list your teams from #1 to #8, but also to defend your list. My PR is in the spoilers, but don't JUST tell me how dumb my list is. I want to see you make your own and justify it.
Without further ado:
+ Show Spoiler [8th-Ranked Team] +![[image loading]](http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft/images2/5/5d/Primelogo.jpg) Current Roster: Creator, MyuNgSiK, Zoun, YoDa, TANGTANG, Nette, TerrOr, BBoongBBoongOh, Prime. The little team that could...still can't. Their roster is a little more stable right now, with the recent additions of Yoda and B4, but their mainstay is still Creator, who was fielded as the team's ace all season last season, played more games than anyone else on his team, had Prime's highest winning percentage...and was still under .500. And while Terror has shown some improvements over the offseason, coming only 1 match short of quaifying for the Taiwan Open and notably upsetting MMA in the SSL qualifiers, he was still the joke of Proleague last year, and his nerves are still untested. A Myungsik-Yoda-BBoongBBoong core has a chance to steal some games, but it takes some real rose-colored glasses to predict Prime even making a single playoff appearance this season.
+ Show Spoiler [7th-Ranked Team] +![[image loading]](http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/lol.gamepedia.com/thumb/2/2d/CJEntus_logo.png/300px-CJEntus_logo.png?version=38c219a3ecf8e321dcc1b1cd37b1b8db) Current Roster: herO, Sora, Hush, Trust, sKyHigh, Bbyong, Bunny, ByuLProleague isn't all-kill. You can't get by with a one-man wrecking crew. And that's what I see when I look at CJ right now. There is herO, and then there's a bunch of "Here's hoping". Here's hoping our only Zerg doesn't get figured out too quickly. Here's hoping Trust rolls a good-but-not-great Protoss as his opponent. Here's hoping the new concoction that Bbyong cooked up will work when it counts. Here's hoping Skyhigh plays like the Skyhigh who beat Maru and Classic, not the Skyhigh who got knocked out in the first round of Code B to a non-qualifier. Here's hoping someone announces another Olympic-type tournament so we can field Sora again. The team lacks consistency. It also lacks Zerg. And that doesn't add up to a winning combination.
+ Show Spoiler [6th-Ranked Team] +![[image loading]](http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft/images2/thumb/5/57/Startalelogo.png/300px-Startalelogo.png) ![[image loading]](http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft/images2/thumb/7/7a/Flash_wolves_logo.png/300px-Flash_wolves_logo.png) Current Roster: San, Has, Hack, Bomber, aLive, Vanilla, Curious, Pet, Life, Ssemi, Leenock, Ian, SlamThis is the big question mark. We don't know if Bomber will play, or how much. We don't know if StarTale will gain access to Parting at any point. We dont know how much the Taiwanese will play. But we have players on this roster who've got solid experience in team leagues in the old StarTale as well as San and Leenock. This team could easily bomb out across the board, and just as easily make deep round playoffs. But overall, I still favor them over CJ due to a strong racial balance (more than twice as many Zergs as any other team). At the end of the day, this is a roster what has more opportunities to succeed than CJ, but pretty much as much variance.
+ Show Spoiler [5th-Ranked Team] +![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/Fionn/galaxxy.jpg) Current Roster: Stork, eMotion, Hurricane, Dear, BrAvO, Guilty, Journey, Solar, Shine, ArmaniIt's hard to say if Samsung is stronger or weaker after this offseason. Out with RorO, in with Dear. Out with Turn and Reality, in with Bravo and Journey. Dear was very consistent in Proleague 2013, but his European excursion has left him worse for wear. He HAS qualifier for Code S and SSL, so it's possible he's returning to form, but it's too early to declare that just yet. More importantly, however, Samsung lacks a consistent Terran. Bravo's style has been quite predictable since he joined Samsung, Journey looks great on stream but iffy in tournaments, and Guilty has a career record of absolutely nothing. With Solar transitioning into the full-time Ace role, and Stork transitioning to more infrequent play as player-coach, this Samsung roster isn't looking like the potential contender for the overall playoffs that it was last year.
+ Show Spoiler [4th-Ranked Team] +![[image loading]](http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft/images2/thumb/8/81/MVPlogo.png/300px-MVPlogo.png) Current Roster: YongHwa, Seed, LiquidHerO, Panic, MarineKing, Center, SalvatioN, Aphrodite, TaeJa, DeParture, LosiraChoya, what ARE you? You show me this lineup in October, I say this team is a pile of scraps. Today, it looks like one of the strongest in the league. Losira might be a Top 10 Zerg in Korea right now, Center is consistently a top performer in the OlimoLeague, Seed and YongHwa are in Code S, and beyond all else, MarineKing - MarineKing, of all people - is a top-end contender for the title. If Gumiho is re-added to the roster through the previously announced partnership, this team goes to #3, easily. As it stands, it's still kinda weak in the Zerg front, and neither of the Liquid players are good at this format. I think this team goes deep, but not too deep. Not yet.
+ Show Spoiler [3rd-Ranked Team] +![[image loading]](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/61/KT_Rolster_logo.png) Current Roster: Stats, Zest, Believe, Flash, TY, Miso, Action, SleepIt's weird to see a team win a title, change essentially nothing that led them to that title, and so clearly look worse. One of the big things to note: If you remove PvZ, Zest actually had a losing record in the last Proleague. And Zest's record as of late in PvZ has been...well, subpar. On raw talent alone, and hopefully prep time, KT still takes the spot over MVP - after all, this is Proleague, where Flash is one of the best players come rain or shine. But if Zest and Stats don't bounce back from their recent setbacks, this could be a rude awakening from the KT dream run.
+ Show Spoiler [2nd-Ranked Team] +![[image loading]](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/e/e2/SK_Telecom_T1.jpg) Current Roster: Classic, ParalyzE, Billowy, INnoVation, Dream, Sorry, soO, DarkMeet the new boss, same as the old boss. They're not quite the stacked lineup that still didn't win last season, but Innovation is in the shape of his life, Classic is slowly gaining consistency, SKT1.3Gate has shown good Proleague results in the past, and Dark appears poised to bust into the top eschelon at the drop of a hat. Even Sorry was playing amazingly not long ago, so it'd take a concerted effort for them to field a lineup that could be described as "weak". If soO was doing better or Paralyze was in any way consistent, this would be a tight contest for #1. But with their current form, and with how stacked they were without managing to clean house in 2014, I can't justify putting SK Telecom T1 above...
+ Show Spoiler [Top-Ranked Team] +![[image loading]](http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft/images2/thumb/7/72/Green_Wings_Logo.png/300px-Green_Wings_Logo.png) Current Roster: sOs, Trap, Pigbaby, Terminator, Maru, Cure, Rogue, Symbol, AdiosCome fly the friendly skies, folks. This lineup is ridiculous. Maru is coming out of his slump at exactly the right time, Symbol is consistently a threat, sOs has just finished his Triple Crown, Rogue is coming back into shape, Cure is FAR better than he was when Proleague ended, Pigbaby is returning to the team as a champion, and oh yeah, there's also Trap. When Trap could arguably be the 5th to 7th best player on your team, you have an embarrassment of riches so large, you're actually almost assured to disappoint. But we can't assume who actually won't live up to their talent level based on nothing. (Well, we can, but it has to be exactly 3 people, and we have to add them up to 13 points.) So based on the current talent, it is nigh on impossible to see the Jin Air Green Wings as anything other than the top pre-season contenders.
Well, that's my list. But, of course, I'm the OP, so my list is wrong and my logic is faulty. So let's get the lists going!
1. Jin Air 2. KT Rolster 3. MVP 4. SKT 5. ST/yoe 6. CJ Entus 7. Samsung 8. Prime
for me, it's like this.
8th- Prime 7th CJ 6th YoeFlash+Startale 5th MVP 4th Samsung 3rd SKT1 2nd KT 1st JIn Air
Pretty similar to yours, but not quite.
Nah, I think 8th place is officially reserved for Prime/Startale!
Bring on the hate, Prime/Startale fans!
1. Jin Air 2. Kt rolster 3. Skt 4.CJ 5. MVP 6. Samsung 7. Startale 8. Prime
your Country52797 Posts
8. Startale - When a team is likely to use a foreign player, you know they're weak. 7. Prime - Has three key players that are likely to win, but none of the other players are likely to take a game at any point. 6. CJ - Who know how well Bbyong, sKyHigh, Sora, and Hush will do? 5. SKT - Much weaker than last year. Only INnoVation looks super reliable. 4. Jin Air - Very strong, but most of them don't particularly thrive in team leagues. Symbol is a very nice addition. 3. Samsung - Dear, Journey, and Solar are actually very strong. They also have a bunch of hidden weapons. 2. KT - Hard to change a champion lineup much without removing players or outright changing them. 1. MVP - http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/starcraft-2/473629-why-team-mvp-will-win-spl-2014-2015
1. Jin Air
+ Show Spoiler +At least 2 strong players of each race to field. Maru and sOs were two of the best in the league last season and Rogue as many seem to have finally noticed is a strong upcoming Zerg. Maybe, just maybe Symbol will regain his strength as well. Historically he was once a team league beast. The clear #1.
2. KT
+ Show Spoiler +They've been looking shaky outside of SPL, but they were even worse off in 2013 with terrible individual league results. Yet, they still knew how to turn it on when it came to proleague. Also the reigning champs with little change in their lineup. That at least buys them #2.
3. SKT + Show Spoiler +Still a strong team. Dark, Dream, and Sorry are somewhat to very underrated. Historically, soO hasn't really replicated his individual success to SPL, but with being out of both leagues now and SKT very diminished in heavy-hitters I think he'll rise to the occasion. Bogus is just a monster in this league, pure gold to my eventual FPL team. Also Classic....he has a gsl title I guess >_>
4. MVP + Show Spoiler +I would put them in 3rd, but somehow I think Taeja is going to let the team down again and barely play. Thankfully, Choya is a god among men!
5. CJ + Show Spoiler +CJ lacks a deep roster but they certainly have quality. herO and ByuL were consistently at the top of the rankings in the last SPL season and Bbyong certainly grew into one of the best terrans in the league with rather unpredictable play. sKyHigh looks like a powerful TvT sniper (hi2u Flash). The rest of the lineup hasn't been that great lately, but in the past they've totally shown glimmers of brilliance and shouldn't be taken lightly. KT won last season with a small yet deadly lineup, I don't see why CJ can't do the same.
6. Samsung + Show Spoiler +I'd say this team is slightly weaker than last season with the loss of Reality and RorO. Solar seems to have matured into a top-tier Zerg the team desperately needs thankfully, but on paper I'm not seeing any clear heavy-hitters. I've always been critical of Dear, but at a minimum I'd expect he'll be decent. Journey has been a mancrush of mine for awhile, watch out for him. Bravo is like diet-Reality, so still formidable. Yet, the rest of the protoss lineup isn't terribly impressive. Hurricane might finally have matured into something great but I'm doubtful. Stork on the other hand is likely burnt out. I do not expect a good performance from him like last season.
7. ST-Yoe + Show Spoiler +On paper they should be ahead of Samsung, but this is Startale we're talking about. They bombed in GSTL after IM, MVP, and Prime left it. Life is not the god he is in individual league when it comes to SPL. Curious and Leenock managed to qualify for GSL and SSL respectively, but until I see their games I'm reserving judgement. San is probably good. I'm doubtful Bomber will play much if at all. Finally, who's aLive? :p
8. Prime + Show Spoiler + I mean who the hell else could it be?
Why are you so worried about teams lacking zergs? I don't think that will be a disadvantage until round 2 at least.
8. Prime + Show Spoiler +Prime doesn't have a lineup that impresses at all. MyuNgSiK and YoDa are their best players, and considering that MyuNgSiK was something like the sixth best player on KT the previous season really puts things into perspective. On the other hand MyuNgSiK was always seriously underrated so it'll be a good opportunity for him to show his stuff. But even so, Prime will go into this as a serious underdog with very little chance of this changing.
7. Samsung + Show Spoiler +Samsung has two good players, Solar and Dear. That's not enough for a bo5. Its hard to see which of the others will pick up a win, and if either Solar or Dear falters its game over for Samsung unless one of the others picks up the slack. The key for Samsung this season is to find a solid third pillar to rest upon. Or else its probably good night.
6. CJ + Show Spoiler +CJ has a lot of players that have the potential to carry them to victory, Bbyong, sKyHigh, and ByuL among them. And of course herO to rest upon. Its hard to say who will perform. CJ definitely has the potential for great things or not so great things. Either way I have the niggling feeling that I've ranked them too low.
5. KT + Show Spoiler +KT keeps on being ranked highly in everyone's power ranks. How have they been performing recently? Uh, surprisingly poorly. Only four total participations in SSL and GSL next season, worse then any other team except Prime, and tying Samsung. Zest, their ace has been slumping, Flash is overrated as ever, and Stats and TY still have yet to really impress. They get some credit for being the previous champions, and I guess their failures in individual leagues will give them more time to practice Proleague, but realistically they should be far from favourites.
4. ST/Yoe + Show Spoiler +Much like CJ, Startale has a scattering of good players, but its unclear which of them are the great ones among them who will carry the team. Life has had recent losses against ByuL and Seed that have suggested that he could be suppressed in a format as preparation based as Proleague, and Bomber has taken more of a coaching role. If San and Curious pick up the slack Startale could be in a decent position.
3. SKT + Show Spoiler +Is this really SKT? Doesn't look much like the team I remember. They have a strong ace in INnoVation, and Dark and Dream have been doing well recently, qualifying for GSL and SSL. Classic is not to be underestimated, and soO will be a strong member of the team once he shakes off his recent individual leagues trauma (caveat: if he ends up against TaeJa in the first match against MVP, his will be shattered and he will be useless for a while). Either way they have a fairly good roster. I'm just not convinced that Dark and Dream are not only good players, but great players.
2. MVP + Show Spoiler +Not sure how, but Choya has revitalized MVP (or rather built it up from scratch, I guess kicking out all the old members doesn't count as revitalizing). YongHwa, MarineKing and TaeJa are a solid anchor for the team(assuming TaeJa actually plays), and I really want to see what results Choya has achieved on Seed and Panic. My only worries is that MarineKing is very snipeable and YongHwa wildly inconsistent. As things are MVP is a definite title contender.
1. JinAir + Show Spoiler +Hmm... I guess JinAir is the only team left? Looking at their roster I don't really feel that they deserve the number one spot, but none of the others present a compelling argument either. They have the most depth out of any team, Rogue, Maru, Cure, sOs, Trap, Pigbaby, and Terminator all being foes worthy of respect. They don't really have a super-ace, but several of their members have the potential to become one very fast. No team has a roster to match them, and in Proleague format sOs will have tricks that will make other teams tremble. Their recent performance has been on the rise. They are the favourites.
8. Prime 7. Samsung 6. KT 5. CJ 4. SKT 3. JAGW 2. MVP 1. Startale
Great topic! For me the list has to be:
1. Jin Air They've got star power plus a pretty deep lineup, might not win but overall most solid (unless Maru & sOs slump)
2. KT It's basically the same team that won it all last season, enough said
3. ST They have a long list of potential ace players (San, Bomber, Curious, Life, Leenock) and some decent support too
4. SKT T1 I'm worried for these guys, they lost a lot of players, and dropping out of SSL and GSL might put soO in a serious slump. On the other hand, they have Innovation, who is a complete monster.
5. CJ I'm putting CJ above MVP even though I think the lineups are similar strength because they have such extensive experience in Proleague format and have the Coach Park factor (I don't think he's a miracle worker though, to put them in top 4)
6. MVP Their supporting players are fine, but Taeja has not been impressive in teamleagues since 2012 (23-3 IPL TAC3 never forget), and MKP is not consistent enough yet. This is the team with the biggest upset potential imo (like MVP in round 2 of last season!)
7. Samsung I love Solar, but he can't carry the team alone; they lost Roro and I believe Stork will be playing less, or worse, as a coach
8. Prime They actually look better than last year, but I still wouldn't bet on them vs any of these other teams (yet )
Pretty similar to Frosted's and iMrising 1. Jin Air 2. KT 3. SKT 4. CJ 5. MVP 6. Startale-Yoe 7. Samsung 8. Prime
I completely disagree with OP's disregard of CJ Entus. herO is probably their best player, but he is not their only good one. Bbyong? Skyhigh? Byul? For reference, Bbyong went 20-11 last PL, Byul 18-11, and herO 26-18. Skyhigh didn't seem to participate, but given his very solid results as of late, it's safe to say he's a strong player.
Also, MVP is definitely the strongest looking non-Kespa team. I could definitely see them doing well this season.
Here's my "tier" list: S-tier Jin Air A-tier KT - SKT B-tier CJ - MVP C-tier ST+Y - Samsung D-tier Prime
Prime isn't bad enough to warrant the usage of an F-tier, which is a definite improvement over last PL. Between Creator, Myungsik, Yoda, 3 wins isn't that absurd. But it'd be quite the surprise to see them make it to round playoffs.
United States23455 Posts
Seeing a lot of Jin Air respect. I approve
Not gonna post mine because that would just spoil it for now :D
United States97274 Posts
1. KT 2. SKT 3. Jin Air 4. ST Yoe 5. CJ 6. Samsung 7. MVP 8. Prime
I'm interested to see how many people don't put Prime last. Templar's the only one so far.
United States23455 Posts
On December 17 2014 14:41 SetGuitarsToKill wrote: I'm interested to see how many people don't put Prime last. Templar's the only one so far. He put Startale last and MVP first his rank is a joke :D
People are hopelessly overrating ST-Yoe. Life has been mediocre in team leagues the past couple years, Curious and Alive are decent but not great, Bomber won't be playing much, the Taiwanese will get figured out VERY fast, and San is only ace quality in PvZ, unless he shores up his other matchups - especially his PvP.
On December 17 2014 14:54 Pontius Pirate wrote: People are hopelessly overrating ST-Yoe. Life has been mediocre in team leagues the past couple years, Curious and Alive are decent but not great, Bomber won't be playing much, the Taiwanese will get figured out VERY fast, and San is only ace quality in PvZ, unless he shores up his other matchups - especially his PvP. I have faith in Has to Protoss some poor terran or zerg every so often. Also Hack is actually really good, but Bomber, when he plays, probably won't do that well because he is easily prepared for. Life can do really well if he practices specifically for proleague. However, the Taiwanese zergs are totally unknown, and San is weak in PvP and can't go toe-to-toe in PvT with the highest level Terrans. I think it's really unclear how well they will perform.
On December 17 2014 14:54 Pontius Pirate wrote: People are hopelessly overrating ST-Yoe. Life has been mediocre in team leagues the past couple years, Curious and Alive are decent but not great, Bomber won't be playing much, the Taiwanese will get figured out VERY fast, and San is only ace quality in PvZ, unless he shores up his other matchups - especially his PvP.
I wouldn't say that people are overrating ST-Yoe. Aggregating all the results, so far ST has been rated on average around the 5th-6th position. Even if you think ST-Yoe is awful, I don't think that's hopelessly overrating. Now KT on the other hand is actually hopelessly overrated.
1 KT  2 JinAir  3 SKT  4 CJ  5 MVP  6 Samsung  7 Startale-Yeo  8 Prime
On December 17 2014 15:18 Zerg.Zilla wrote:1 KT  2 JinAir  3 SKT  4 CJ  5 MVP  6 Samsung  7 Startale-Yeo  8 Prime 
ps: why the fuck does this smily exist?