1. CJ - Because faith dawg...... herO will beast mode this shit, and their "weak" (yeah... weak =/) backups will pull through. I see Bbyong and ByuL having over 50% w/r, and herO being top 5 for SPL MVP. 2. KT - A weak KT is just the guise behind this team. They'll still manage to win most of their games because this is KT and this is SPL. 3. Jin Air - Beast of a team right now. These guys are definitely #1 right now, but I just don't see their completely capable team pulling through. Just intuition... 4. SKT - Still top 4 contenders, they just won't get as lucky as the top 3, nor are they quite as there as they were before. 5. MVP - Man this team is looking good, but they won't perform well, because this is SPL, and they aren't top KeSPA material! 6. ST-Yoe - Will be really fun watching these guys give us entertaining matches. I just see them losing 2-3 in most of their matches and never being able to catch a real break. 7. Samsung - Oh boy.... This is where I hope I'm wrong. I hope Stork BEASTS through this, and that his coaching skills helps the team pull through some amazing wins, but it just doesn't seem likely at all. Above all (even though CJ and JA are my favorite teams), I hope Samsung pulls through and destroys everyone out of nowhere. 8. Prime - Oh Prime.... I love Prime. They are awesome guys. How can you think they'll win though? Oh well, one can dream... In the end, I want Prime to do well enough, and I want them to keep competing in the pro scene.
1.) KT Everyone seems to be putting them below JinAir, but I think the previous champion without any changes to their roster should be definitely regarded highest. Yes, their star players did not perform the best in the last couple of days, but it is a team that is notorious to be focusing on Proleague - and who knows, maybe they were on holidays or there were other factors why their players didn't play the best in GSL/SSL qualifiers. Still, the combination of skill and starpower that they can field in the lineup (Flash, Stats, TY, Zest) is still not rivaled by any other team.
2.) Jin Air Second strongest lineup I think, with 1-2 combo of Maru and sOs and deep lineup of other players capable of beating anyone - Rogue, Cure, Symbol, Trap even Pigbaby. A lot of people are putting them first, and rightfully so, but I just have a feeling that at the end of the day, some other team will emerge victorious.
3.) SKT1 Well, after last year of being undisputed king of the world (and failing to capitalize on it by winning), this year they are considerably weaker. Which, quite funnily, may help them. They have the backbone of Inno/Classic (the strongest STX duo in their winning season) with soO added in. That's a really strong P/T/Z trio, that can compare to Jin Air's Maru/sOs/Rogue or CJ's Bbyong/herO/Byul! Coming behind them are probably gonna be Dark, Dream, Paralyze and Sorry - which I don't think are as strong as Jin Air's alternatives, but still quite capable.
4.) CJ Another team, another super strong T/P/Z trio in Bbyong/herO/Byul. Ranking them below SKT and JinAir, cause I personally think their team is not as deep as far as skill or experience is concerned. I can see Skyhigh taking quite a few games, mostly in TvT but if players like Sora, Trust, Hush or Bunny meet any of the strong players on other teams, well, I don't think they will win. Unfortunately, as I root for CJ and I want to see the herO smile in the finals!
5.) MVP To be honest, I wanted to put them above CJ and I still think they may end up being stronger. Choya has put together a very strong team, but to be honest, I have my doubts. Taeja is likely the strongest player on that team. But he didn't really want to train for SPL while being on his own team (remember EG-TL?), do you really think he will put in extra practice playing for MVP? Other then that, there is also HerO, who is much better in this regard, but there are doubts whether he can carry a team in SPL (protip: he couldn't do that for both EG-TL and IM). Another player with potential to carry is obviously Marineking. Other than those players though, there is not too much experience with SPL in that team (maybe Yonghwa, but he doesn't have a stellar record at all) compared to teams above them - and as we all know, experience is very important in SPL. I can see MVP much higher and also much lower - all depends on how well the Liquid guys play.
6.) ST-YOE First of all - Bomber himself said he will be focusing on individual leagues and won't be playing in SPL much. They still have great players, but they are missing one of the most important components - experience. SPL is very taxing venture and we have seen time and time again that teams without experience are failing in it. Plus Startale players in general have a history of performing better in individual leagues then team leagues. Still - Life, San, aLive, Hack, Curious, Leenock should be very dangerous lineup against any of the other teams!
7.) Prime Sorry Samsung, but I think Creator, Myungsik, Yoda +1 is a better lineup then Solar, Dear and whoever else you decide to field, be it Hurricane, Shine, Bravo or Journey.
8.) Samsung Refer to the above + as a note - last time I also thought they are gonna be bad and they ended up much better then expected, so I fully think they will perform again just to fuck me up.
Last thing I want to say is that this year it seems to me that all teams are muc closer in power and all the matchups can be very unpredictable. Lineups and maps will probably be much more important then in the past as well as preparation for the specific map/matchup and research into the opponents. That's why I think the long standing Kespa teams will have an advantage, at least in the beginning.
It was easy to look at a large team with star power and think omg! They are so stacked, no brainer. Proleague don't work like this. It's win 3 games and you win the series.
1. KT. Flash will be flash. This is Proleague. His playground. Flash delivers. TY is the best Terran with multi-tasking, tearing opponents apart. Flash will prepare a build so brutal, execute to perfection and leaves you wondering if the game is imba or it's just flash. But TY just tears his opponent apart with his drops and multi tasking. Given that how flash and ty was just destroying Protoss during the blink era, it's scary to think this 2 can do now. Stats was looking great 2 months back but look a bit inconsistent now. He should still be good for 50% win rate. As for Zest, he should bounce back. His pvt have never been great, although his once godly pvp now looks shaky. But a bit of practice, he should be ok again. The strength of KT is this, all of them are veterans in Proleague. I do not think there is a team that can realistically take 3 games off this quartet. When it goes down to an ace match. This is where Zest and Flash will trully shine.
2. Samsung Galaxy. Stork was beginning to look like the stork of old at the tail end of Proleague last season. If he turns it up a bit, he can be so strong again. Solar is now in contention for best Zerg in the world. And at worst, placed 3rd behind soo and life. He should be the cornerstone of the team's charge to compete for first. Shine is devious and evil. He has no qualms about 9 pooling. And can be counted on to grab some devious wins for the team when least expected to. Dear can be counted on for wins especially since he looks kinda good again.
3. JinAir. sOs had the best record in Proleague last season. Considering he won just 1 out of his first 6 games iirc, which makes him even more terrifying. Forget about not qualifying for SSL or code S. This is where he truly shines. He will come out with a whacky build tailored for this one or two games a week and continue to leave everyone dumbfounded. Cure and Rogue now seems to have found confidence and play well. This 2 will be a handful for anyone. The doubt is actually Maru. He has been kinda found out. 2 rax merry go round was his specialty and he seems to have problem playing the long game unless he does crippling damage early game. With a lot more terrans now, I think maru might be in trouble. His tvt was quite weak. But with trap wIting in the sidelines, I think JinAir will be ok.
4. SKT1. Rain, Soulkey and Parting were the players that brought in the most wins for SKT last season. Classic hardly played, and Soo never really showed his prowess in team league. Sure innovation is a great addition, but it's just a point in a race to 3. Paralyze have improved but he is no Rain. Not convinced Dream is the real deal. He has been around for a long time and I don't know if he has made it even to the finals of a big tournament. Dark needs to pull lots of miracles out for this team. This is going to be a long hard season for SKT fans like myself.
5. CJ Entus. Hero remains the one unscathed from the qualifiers where Rain, sOs and Zest fell. He should still be good for a win and pray his team mates can find another to send it to the ace match for the team to have a chance. Byong looks the most likely bet for the other win. Sora/Trust + skyhigh if he can get a tvt looks decent. The loss of effort really hurt, just when he was starting to play some great games.
6. MVP. If this is 2012, early 2013 then wow. What a team. The player with a decent record in Proleague is hero, but I think he may not get as much chance to play like last year. Taeja and MK have proved in the past that they are not suited to Proleague. But maybe now if they concentrate fully and Proleague and not be distracted by going to foreign tournament for easy cash, we might see some improvement. But make no mistake as IM, MVP and Prime found out. Proleague is cutthroat tough. These kespa guys are mad.
7. Startale/YW. Remember EGTL? I think STYW should do better and not finish last. Oh and that's because the team in last place is so bad.
another edition of EGTL & IM. Slapping together a slew of washed-up or re-invigorating vets does not guarantee any success, choke master HerO & drama queen Taeja do not help either. They actually look worse than IM on paper last season Ace: Taeja when he feels like playing? Any team without a true ace will suffer
Bomber doesnt seem to bother teamleague, Life played subpar last season. The rest has next to zero Proleague experience.gg Ace: Life, but I cant remember him playing as one
being ranked 5th simply because of their slow-start trait. Otherwise a team of experienced (Shine, Stork), returning hero (Dear) and peaking talents (Solar) will unsurprisingly break into top4 after round2 or round3 Ace: KHAN is the one team that doesnt have a specific ace but it's likely Solar and hes scary
their roster has always looked slim but things seem to get on track toward the end of last season. CJ even becomes more stable with ByuL instead of the cointoss zerg duo. They finally have a solid triangle with Bbyong/herO/ByuL, only lacking a consistent fourth, but thats enough to grab a playoff spot Ace: herO
only losing Rain hurts but they got there 2 GSL winners and 1 legendary soO who doesnt lose to weaker players. Their backups are great too with Dark & Dream making both leagues Ace: Innovation (yeah finally a terran ace)
we can all agree that this team is so goddamn strong AND consistent. A 2-0 is guaranteed against most team with sOs and Maru, and the likes of Trap/Rogue/Pigman will take care of the rest. The only thing that puts behind KT (or sometimes SKT) is their ability to win playoff, which might not always related to skills Ace: Maru most of the times
KT knows how to win PL. Their players might fail individual leagues left and right but when Flash/Zest/Taeyang/Stats hit their gear, they wont stop. KT rosters changes the less for the last few SPL because they dont need to, they are that good at SPL Ace: Flash or Zest
The thing that separates top4 with the bottom is the stability of their lineup and the quality of their ace
Prime P - MyuNgSiK (their strongest protoss [probably]. may have a winning record this round, but I rather suspect slightly below) P - Creator (has put up a couple impressive wins recently [including one over PartinG], but failed to qualify for either individual league. I suspect he'll probably get wins over unexpectedly good players though) P - Zoun (has had a few notable wins over good players online, but may or may not be able to replicate that here) T - YoDa (perhaps their strongest player overall, will likely go out every time. probably won't do great to my estimation) T - TANGTANG (like Zoun, has put up wins over progamers online, and could potentially do so in proleague as well) T - Nette (complete unknown [to me]) Z - BBoongBBoong (will most likely be played regularly, although I doubt he'll perform too well [except perhaps in ZvZ, which he seems to still be pretty good at]) Z - TerrOr (his only, and admittedly sparse, results have been online, so I doubt he'll do good right away. but maybe oneday)
I'm sure most people are going to be pretty surprised if Prime doesn't finish dead last this round, and frankly, I will be too. The only two of Prime's players that have really proven themselves recently have been MyuNgSiK and YoDa, but I think Creator may actually impress this round and beat some good players. Will the combined efforts of these three and the supporting cast of BBoongBBoong, TANGTANG, Zoun, and TerrOr be enough to prevent the team from ending up eighth in the rankings? Sadly, probably not. Prognosis of making the playoffs? ABSOLUTELY ZERO.
YoeFW-StarTale YoeFW: P - San (one of seven protosses to qualify for both individual leagues and a threat in all three matchups, I suspect he'll be a regular, and a frequent winner to boot) Z - Leenock (inconsistent, but often great. will find himself played quite often I'd reckon, but may not be able to put up higher than a winning record) P - Has, Z - Ian, Z - Slam, T - Vanilla (I'm unsure if these guys are actually staying in korea or not, but if they are I'd say Has and Ian are the only ones liable to play, and those two likely rarely at that) StarTale: T - Hack (beat Check, TRUE(!), and Cure(!) to qualify for GSL, losing to former teammate Panic. will probably play regularly and pretty damn well) T - aLive (despite being decidedly unimpressive in 2014, he's been putting in work in the daily Leifeng Cups recently so I wouldn't be too surprised if he proves he can hold his own with proleague-level competition) Z - Life (despite his arguably being the best zerg player in the world, he's never been all that consistent, and I wouldn't be too surprised if he had some losses to questionable players) Z - Curious (fresh off his code s qualification, and having beaten sOs 2-1 a total of three times in the past couple weeks, Curious seems to be on the comeback trail, and I'm pretty convinced he'll win his fair share of games this round) Z - Pet (...I don't really know lol. to the extent he's ever fielded, I honestly doubt he'll do that well) Z - Ssemi (their new female zerg player probably won't be seeing much action, but might be played against Aphrodite[?}) Player-Coach: T - Bomber (given his new status and the fact he's stated he wants to focus on GSL, I doubt he'll come out more than a couple times a round, but there's no doubt he can score wins)
At face value, YoeST actually doesn't seem too bad, but given they're as new to the proleague format as their player-coach is to his new role, I doubt they'll be terribly successful in the early rounds. Life, Curious, and San will probably be their big three in my opinion, but Leenock, Hack, aLive, and Bomber all have the capacity to put in some work. They'll definitely win some matches and I wouldn't be all that surprised if they even placed as highly as fifth or sixth, but they just won't have the consistency of a team like SKT or JinAir. Side note: I'll be curious to see if their relatively new protoss acquisition, StuN, or any of the Taiwanese players are ever fielded.
CJ Entus P - herO (arguably the best protoss in the world at the moment and historically one of proleague's best and most consistent players, herO will almost certainly function as CJ's rock for the first part of the season and is undeniably an invaluable asset) P - Hush (a very solid sniper/support player, Hush will probably be played now and again and will likely win a fair bit) P - Sora (hasn't really been played much in proleague, but has put up impressive games offline before. still mid-tier at best) P - Trust (not a bad backup option, but considering CJ's protoss lineup is actually pretty deep, I doubt we'll see much of him) T - Bbyong (one of the better terran players out there right now [despite only qualifying for one individual league], and certainly has a unique style. will help form the backbone of CJ's lineup along with herO, ByuL, and sKyHigh) T - sKyHigh (while his recent top four finish at Hot6ix cup may have been somewhat of a fluke, I expect he'll perform fairly well this round) T - Bunny (probably won't be played much tbh, but could easily nab a few wins over the course of the season nonetheless) Z - ByuL (inescapably solid, will probably be one of CJ's bigger assets. actually one of the scariest zergs out there, provided he doesn't have to play ZvZ)
CJ is the one team I think may actually punish me for how low I ranked it. herO, Bbyong, and ByuL are all REALLY good, and sKyHigh certainly seems to be on the comeup. Additionally, their supporting cast (Hush, Trust, Sora, and Bunny) have continually proved themselves capable of putting up wins. That said, I think there are simply deeper and stronger teams out there this season, and while I'd love to be proven wrong, I don't expect them to make the playoffs this first round.
Samsung P - Dear (with how he's been performing [very] recently – qualifying for both individual leagues – I bet he'll do very well, at least in the first round[s]. solid in all three matchups too, which is very valuable) P - Hurricane (will probably be one of their protoss mainstays. will probably get wins regularly, but I'd be mildly surprised if he put up better than a 50/50 record) P - Stork (player-coach. probably will only come out a couple times a round now, if that, especially considering how deep Samsung's lineup is now. doubt he'll perform very well either, I'm sad to say) P - eMotion (can't imagine him being played much, but may come out as a sniper[?]) T - Journey (great online player, has yet to really prove himself offline, but I suspect he'll actually perform very, very well) T - BrAvO (he'll get played some, probably put up half-decent results too) T - Guilty (doubt he'll be played at all, at least for the early going. I guess we'll see) Z - Solar (top-class zerg, top five in the world probably [not least of which because he's one of the only five zergs to have qualified for both individual leagues], will get played almost every match I'll wager, will come out regularly as the ace, will probably do outstandingly) Z - Armani (good online player, once he gets used to getting played regularly he'll probably be good) Z - Shine (ehh... he'll be played. will he be that good? no. will he get wins here and there? probably)
All in all, there's no denying Samsung is at least a moderately strong team, with the beasts Solar and Dear at the heart of their lineup and various supporting entities like Journey(!), Armani, Hurricane, BrAvO and Shine to back them up. Stork will function well in his role as Player-Coach, and I could easily imagine the team's finishing as high as third or fourth this round.
KT Rolster P - Zest (former[?] best protoss player in the world, a proleague beast... he's going to be a monster this season, especially for the lack of his having qualified for either individual league) P - Stats (really one of the more underrated protosses out there I think, and someone I highly expect to not only be played almost every match but to hold a strong winning record at the season's close) P - Believe (unknown entity. would be surprised if he was even played this round) T - TY (I actually think the BaByterran might be KT's best terran player at the moment and would be quite surprised if he didn't nab a pretty fearsome record over the season) T - Flash (despite the fact he hasn't really be able to put it together in offline korean tournaments, he has never failed to perform quite, quite well in proleague. I see no reason why that should be any different this season) T - Miso (beat a couple people in the qualifiers for GSL/SSL if I recall correctly, but I doubt he'll be played much if at all) Z - Action (will likely be played in some matches, will likely not do all that well imo) Z - Sleep (actually a pretty sick sniper, I predict he'll rack up a decent number of wins over the rounds)
There's no doubt that, like last season, KT's core four will most likely be Flash, TY, Zest, and Stats. These four actually all seem to of a pretty similar level of play recently, but if I had to pick the one I think will do best, it might actually have to be TY. Despite his tendency to lose to every protoss he fucking meets in individual leagues, in proleague he's actually not bad in the matchup, and in 2014 he had one of the higher win-counts of the season (admittedly still the third highest within KT, behind Flash and Zest). KT's real weakness is its lack of consistent supporting players (Action[meh], Sleep[meh], Miso[?], Believe[?]), so its big four will have to shoulder the lion's share of the burden.
MVP P - YongHwa (YongHwa will do REALLY well this round. he's been playing like an absolute monster recently, with convincing wins over MMA, DongRaeGu, NesTea, and soO(!). I fully expect him to be one of MVP's most consistent players) P - Panic (he's pretty good. he did just qualify for code s. I suppose there's no real reason not to expect he'll get wins...) P - (dignitas)Seed (Seed, like Dear, is another instance of a former protoss champion returned to form and, having just qualified for both SSL and GSL, I fully expect impressive play from him this round) P - (liquid)HerO (over the past eighteen months or so, HerO's results have grown profoundly inconsistent, with his occasionally destroying everyone with his classically beastly play but more often falling short. I don't expect he'll be too good in the early rounds but maybe being back in korea will help his play) T - MarineKing (MarineKing is back. that said, despite having gotten second in Hot6ix cup and made it through BOTH individual league qualifiers, the proleague format is not one that particularly suits him. I expect he'll hover somewhere around 50%, but would be pleasantly surprised for this to have proved an underestimation) T - Center (while impressive online, Center has yet to prove himself in offline competition or matches that revolve around heavy preparation and, as such, I suspect it will take a couple rounds for him to start performing well in proleague) T - SalvatioN (like fellow A/B level terrans BrAvO, Bunny, and others, he may well be played now and again, perhaps even to moderate success, but probably won't exactly be a leader in wins...) T - Aphrodite (will likely play a token match against StarTale's new female player in Round 1, but isn't really a factor...) T - (liquid)TaeJa (TaeJa... is TaeJa. what more can one say?) Z - Losira (has been hot on the comeback trail recently, with a Ro4 in HSC and solid performance in online tourneys. I suspect he might not perform that well early on, being relatively unused to the format, but with the help of Coach Choya I predict he'll fast transform into a force to be reckoned with) Z - DeParture (actually a pretty decent player [beat Zest 2-1 in the recent qualifiers], but probably still won't be played much)
Some might scoff at MVP's being ranked so high, above KT no less, but with MarineKing, YongHwa, Losira, and Seed (all of whom have been performing better than they have in years), not to mention the unstoppable winning machine that is TaeJa, I don't actually think such a ranking is unreasonable. One factor I think will be instrumental in MVP's success this season is its wily and talented new coach – Choya. It will also be interesting to see how much HerO is played and whether or not he is able to put forward any results.
SK Telecom T1 P - Classic (GSL champion. one of the cleanest protosses in the world. he'll be good) P - Billowy (with Billowy's random all-kill of KT last season, its not hard to see why SKT picked him up. still though, I don't expect he'll be fielded every time, or even necessarily end the round with a positive record) P - ParalyzE (while he did make a GSL Ro8 last year, I don't expect the afro toss will come out that frequently. when he does, expect something crazy) T - INnoVation (one of the best players in the world for the past two years and absolutely among the top three terrans on the planet, INnoVation should be a monster in proleague. he's been away from the format for over a year though, so it may take some getting used to) T - Dream (one of the hottest rising players, I expect great things from Dream. he's a threat in all three matchups too) T - Sorry (one of those smaller-name, lower-tier terrans who everyone knows is very good but who probably won't see much playtime. might be a decent pick for FPL though, being on a team that's likely to do so well...) Z - soO (what to say about soO... we all know he's one of the best zerg players in the world, but there's no way around the fact that he's been in a massive slump recently. the fact that he's not in either starleague will probably mean he'll step it the fuck up in proleague though) Z - Dark (one of just five zergs to have made it into both starleagues, Dark is becoming a serious badass. I definitely think he will surprise some people with how well he does this season and possibly even finish with a winning record) Z - PenguiN (qualifying for the first individual league of his career is a big deal. performing well in proleague is something else... he'll probably get some playtime, but I have no idea how he'll do)
With a total of three players qualified for both starleagues (INno, Dream, and Dark), a feet only equaled by JinAir (which, if you've read this far, I am sure you've already figured out is my no.1 ranked team this round), there's no denying that SKT is a powerhouse. That's even more impressive when one considers that they ALSO have Classic and soO, both of whom have shown that they can kill nerds in proleague, not just in GSL. Billowy, ParalyzE, Sorry, and PenguiN (who recently qualified for Code S, beating HerO, Stats(!), and TOP) are all going to be good options to throw into the rotation now and again too. Honestly, its SKT... is there any chance they won't wind up near the top?
JinAir Green Wings P - sOs (like his fellow gosus Zest and soO, sOs actually failed to qualify for either GSL or SSL. as a result however, I expect he'll be putting even more effort into proleague. a build order master and exceptionally clever player, sOs will almost certainly be a leader in proleague this season) P - Terminator (this guy basically just up and decided to start playing really, really well recently... now qualified for BOTH starleagues, Terminator is on what might actually be the hottest streak of his SC2 career so far, and I see no reason why that shouldn't extend to proleague) P - Trap (an MLG winner. a very dangerous protoss. well versed in proleague. this guy will get wins, and lots of them) P - Pigbaby (it testifies to the strength of JinAir's protoss lineup that this WCS America champion might well be its weakest protoss player. I don't expect him to be played THAT much, but his capacity as a sniper should not be undervalued) T - Maru (Maru was pretty quiet for most of 2014, but now that he's qualified for both GSL and SSL, he certainly seems to be back in top form. one of the top two winners of last season's proleague, expect Maru to crush nerds' hopes and dreams) T - Cure (GSL semifinalst. very good online. decent in last season's proleague. he'll probably do pretty well) Z - Rogue (another of the five zergs to have made it into both starleagues, its hard to deny that Rogue is fast becoming one of the best zergs in the world. what's more, he's strong in every matchup, a very valuable quality in a proleague competitor) Z - Symbol (very inconsistent, but an undeniably high-tier zerg nonetheless. I actually have no idea how he'll do in proleague, but with the gosus he has to practice with, I'd be surprised if we didn't see notable improvement in his play) Z - Adios (mostly an online player to date, I expect he'll be played now and again, but with the depth of JinAir's lineup probably not all that frequently...)
With Maru, Rogue, and Terminator's each having qualified for both individual leagues, JinAir is still very much at the fore. What's more, they probably have the single strongest protoss lineup in the world (the competition being YoeFW, with PartinG, San, and Has). sOs, Maru, Rogue, and Cure all seem likely candidates for positive overall winrates this season, and with the aid of Terminator, Symbol, Pigbaby, and Trap, I predict that JinAir will more or less make minced meat of most of its competition. Finally, I would argue that JinAir might be the only team with two REALLY strong players of each race, which puts them just ahead of the rest of the pack.
EDIT: Shit, thought it was Bo7... TT some of my rankings/rationale seems kinda dumb now (KT especially should be higher).
Flash always performs well in ProLeague no matter how awful he's doing in individual league's, Zest since he's not in either GSL or SSL will have 100% concentration on ProLeague in Round 1, TY is 1 of the best prep player for a specific map/player as we saw in the previous ProLeague (especially in Round 1), Stats and Action are good players to take wins here and there to help bring a match to the ace match if needed.
sOs is still doing great even after some of the other protoss went into a little slump after the recent patch/map pool changes in individual league's, Cure and Maru are good/great Terrans, Rogue is 1 of the best korean zergs atm, just after Soulkey and soO IMO.
Basicly KT Rolster minus the godly player who always performs fantastic in ProLeague (Flash), herO is their main player, Bbyong will do well again, sKyHigh is lucky that more teams have terrans now for him to crush, ByuL did awesome last ProLeague.
Definatly a downgrade from last season's roster, though they gained Innovation who is 1 of the strongest team league players. soO is still 1 of the best zergs and with him not being in GSL or SSL he like Zest for KT can fully 100% concentrate on ProLeague Round 1. Dark is a great zerg overall who can take some wins here and there. I'm not to sure about Classic as i wasn't all that impressed by him last ProLeague so he might end up being a player that is simply better in individual league's then team league's.
The best of the former ESF teams IMO in this season of ProLeague. YongHwa and Seed are the main protoss as HerO has been slumping lately and also didn't perform that great for IM last season, MarineKing is on the rise again lately so aslong as it isn't a round playoff final or grand final he'll probably do well. TaeJa might do well if he cares enough about ProLeague to play in most of the games which i honestly doubt considering his previous look towards ProLeague. LosirA is doing well lately so he might get some wins here and there.
A very high potential team but it all depends on if they use more players outside of just StarTale as a regular. Life won't win them much as he's an Individual League player, the only time he performed great was in the very 1st GSTL he played for ZeNEX where he all killed Team Liquid and had the best win/loss ratio of any player, every GSTL/ProLeague after that he was a major letdown. Curious and Leenock will be the main zergs for the team that can get some wins, San will probably win a few games here and there, Bomber if he plays will be the main ace for the team.
Dear and Solar will be the main players with Stork as main support, Shine will play and beat fan favorite's causing fans to get upset about him, Hurricane will see some play and do decent. though good news for Fantasy ProLeague, RorO is gone and won't be killing your FPL anymore.
Slightly stronger then last season IMO, with YoDa and MyuNgSiK, they might end up not getting last place in a round untill people figure out they basicly have to send the same 4 people everytime (YoDa/MyuNgSiK/Creator/BboongBboong) and just prepare for those 4 and beat them.
On December 17 2014 14:54 Pontius Pirate wrote: People are hopelessly overrating ST-Yoe. Life has been mediocre in team leagues the past couple years, Curious and Alive are decent but not great, Bomber won't be playing much, the Taiwanese will get figured out VERY fast, and San is only ace quality in PvZ, unless he shores up his other matchups - especially his PvP.
I wouldn't say that people are overrating ST-Yoe. Aggregating all the results, so far ST has been rated on average around the 5th-6th position. Even if you think ST-Yoe is awful, I don't think that's hopelessly overrating. Now KT on the other hand is actually hopelessly overrated.
Nah KT is gonna do well because they have four good players and it's Bo5. Also the fact that they didn't make the individual leagues will give them more PL practice time :D
I appreciate the point about more PL practice. I just don't think their four players are as good as everyone thinks they are.
Oh I think there are some overrated players on that KT lineup but I still think Zest/Flash/TY/Stats is one of the strongest starting lineups in the league
1. Jin Air. If lovely sOs plays legit since R1 this time, i don't see what can prevent Green Wings sOs/Maru/Cure/Rogue/Trap core from racking points and rounds. Having Symbol gives you another sniper in playoffs with Avenge and Terminator can still win bunch of PvPs to snipe Telecom Protosses.
2. SKT T1. On paper, Bogus/Dark/soO/Classic core is extremely good, adding there Dream/Penguin/Billowy for snipes should help a lot in playoffs, but of course, losing mainly, Rain, Soulkey and PartinG won't be easy to recover. Especially, Rain, now Bogus is going to be primary ace, so he might get sniped shittons of time.
3. KT. Rolster have same quadcore in Stats/Flash/Zest/TY, but after MyuNgSiK leave, there is simply only Action on the bench for them, so they might struggle in playoffs. But jokes aside, i don't see how this team can miss playoffs in general, TY/Flash should provide enough points, even if Protosses are going to struggle.
4. CJ Entus. CJ is probably in worst situation from top-4, after effOrt and Hydra retirements/freedom searching, ByuL is only Zerg in team + they still can't get stable ace, if herO struggles as much as last time, Bbyong will have to step up big for CJ to reserve that place in global playoffs.
5. Samsung Galaxy KHAN. Even with RorO's retirement and Stork going for player coach role, Dear/Hurricane/Shine/Solar core is pretty much what you want from bo5 - Protoss sniper, Zerg cheeser and two all-around Protosses. Lack of relatively big Terran never hurt Samsung though :>
6. MVP. Choya magic is cute, but it won't be enough. In general, MVP is bunch of guys who failed with IM last season, TaeJa and HerO who won't play every week either and newly resurgent MKP. If TaeJa plays every week, TJ/MK/Panic/YongHwa core looks cute but not really something which should be feared by either of five teams above.
7. Startale-Yoe Flash Wolves. Bomber is player coach, PartinG isn't allowed to play, so we're left with Life/San/Hack/Curious/Leenock core? Unless San steps up big and wins more than 50-60% of his PvPs, i don't see them going really big, probably one-two round playoffs is possible though.
8. Prime. Poor Prime, they're in better shape this time though. Having Creator/MyuNgSiK/YoDa core isn't something which is scary for top teams, but it might be enough with bunch of PvP wins. We'll see how it goes.
On December 17 2014 18:05 Blargh wrote: Okay guys!! Using all of my e-sports passion, and time-wasting skills (I'm staying up for SSL!!), I have created a Google form which would allow us to input our rankings. This way, we can also look at the "average" rankings (idea from ZigguratOfUr!) Link to ranking form Link to ranking "averages"
If everyone uses it, then my time wouldn't have been wasted, too! I think it'd be pretty cool if OP updated with the links, and even cooler if he maintained the statistics on it. Now people don't need to read each response to get an idea of what people think. Obviously, it's still fun to read The_Templar's choices though, just his are so horrible.
Time for the terrible list that will never be right 8. Startale (Unless Has plays quite a bit) 7. Prime 6. Cj entus (I really want to put them above Samsung but I don't think I can) 5. Samsung 4. MVPC (Think MKC) 3. Sk Telecom (only this high because Bogus information) 2. KT best KT 1. The Jin Air Green Wings, because million dollar man
On December 17 2014 14:54 Pontius Pirate wrote: People are hopelessly overrating ST-Yoe. Life has been mediocre in team leagues the past couple years, Curious and Alive are decent but not great, Bomber won't be playing much, the Taiwanese will get figured out VERY fast, and San is only ace quality in PvZ, unless he shores up his other matchups - especially his PvP.
I wouldn't say that people are overrating ST-Yoe. Aggregating all the results, so far ST has been rated on average around the 5th-6th position. Even if you think ST-Yoe is awful, I don't think that's hopelessly overrating. Now KT on the other hand is actually hopelessly overrated.
Nah KT is gonna do well because they have four good players and it's Bo5. Also the fact that they didn't make the individual leagues will give them more PL practice time :D
I appreciate the point about more PL practice. I just don't think their four players are as good as everyone thinks they are.
Oh I think there are some overrated players on that KT lineup but I still think Zest/Flash/TY/Stats is one of the strongest starting lineups in the league
On December 17 2014 14:54 Pontius Pirate wrote: People are hopelessly overrating ST-Yoe. Life has been mediocre in team leagues the past couple years, Curious and Alive are decent but not great, Bomber won't be playing much, the Taiwanese will get figured out VERY fast, and San is only ace quality in PvZ, unless he shores up his other matchups - especially his PvP.
I wouldn't say that people are overrating ST-Yoe. Aggregating all the results, so far ST has been rated on average around the 5th-6th position. Even if you think ST-Yoe is awful, I don't think that's hopelessly overrating. Now KT on the other hand is actually hopelessly overrated.
Nah KT is gonna do well because they have four good players and it's Bo5. Also the fact that they didn't make the individual leagues will give them more PL practice time :D
I appreciate the point about more PL practice. I just don't think their four players are as good as everyone thinks they are.
Oh I think there are some overrated players on that KT lineup but I still think Zest/Flash/TY/Stats is one of the strongest starting lineups in the league
On December 17 2014 14:54 Pontius Pirate wrote: People are hopelessly overrating ST-Yoe. Life has been mediocre in team leagues the past couple years, Curious and Alive are decent but not great, Bomber won't be playing much, the Taiwanese will get figured out VERY fast, and San is only ace quality in PvZ, unless he shores up his other matchups - especially his PvP.
I wouldn't say that people are overrating ST-Yoe. Aggregating all the results, so far ST has been rated on average around the 5th-6th position. Even if you think ST-Yoe is awful, I don't think that's hopelessly overrating. Now KT on the other hand is actually hopelessly overrated.
Nah KT is gonna do well because they have four good players and it's Bo5. Also the fact that they didn't make the individual leagues will give them more PL practice time :D
I appreciate the point about more PL practice. I just don't think their four players are as good as everyone thinks they are.
Oh I think there are some overrated players on that KT lineup but I still think Zest/Flash/TY/Stats is one of the strongest starting lineups in the league
CJ have some really good players in herO, Bbyong and ByuL, and will probably float around in the middle. And if all of these players show up consistently, they might go to the upper-middle, or even the top.
INnoVation and soO, which team wouldn't want these two on their roster? Although, if we're gonna give this an honest analysis, we also have to say that INnovation is quite inconsistent, and who really knows where soO is mentally right now? And if these two won't show up, Classic is gonna have a difficult time carrying.
sOs, Maru, Symbol, Trap. That is a contender line-up right there. The way things are looking right now, sOs is probably gonna rack up wins with his quirky builds and recently boosted confidence. Behind him are Maru, the Marine Prince, Symbol, the King of Roaches, and Trap, the clutcher who showed us the ultimate late game PvZ at MLG. And with really decent substitutes like Rougue and Cure, this is is a team to watch out for.
Some of you might wonder how this team is at top 2, while it is really east to see why. This is a team of unending potential. Yongwha, Seed, Losira, names that just scream potential. And backing them up, manifesting their potential into results, is Choya. Marineking has already showed what this is about, not to mention that he also will gave Teaja and Hero by his side, helping to carry.
Life, the best player in the world, accompanied by Leenock, Curious, Pet... heck, they could even field an all-zerg line-up and still be contenders! Anyway, as for terran and protoss, Bomber, Hack, aLive, San and Has. Not only they have alot of raw firepower, but they also have endless sniping opportunities. Not to mention what kind of quirky builds some of these players can bring. Facing a team like this will be a nightmare for anyone, and I very confident about their ability to deliver.
8.Prime : self-explanatory 7.Samsung : They have some good players, but somehow I feel like they won't perform well 6.STFW : I would put them in the top 4 if they had PartinG and Bomber as a player only, but now I don't know if they will perform well. Life and San will have to carry hard, and I'm not sure teamleagues are Life's cup of tea. 5.MVP : Their players are on a hot streak right now, the Choya effect is in full power, but will it last? I don't know. I see them making a very good round 1, maybe even winning it, and then slumping. 4.SKT : SKT didn't manage to win last season with a dream lineup. This lineup is not bad, and I expect INnoVation to be in the race for best player at the end of the season, but I don't think the other players will be consistent throughout the year in PL and are exceptional teamleague players. 3.CJ : It's almost the same team as last year, with a good PL Zerg added (although CJ could definitely use one or two more good Zergs), which gives CJ a great stability. Add that to Coach Park's natural magic and I would be surprised not to see them in the finals this season. In terms of line-up though, they feel weaker than KT and JAGW. 2.KT : Just like CJ, KT didn't change a lot during the offseason. I expect them to power through the season with their traditional Flash-TY-Zest-Stats base lineup. 1.JAGW : JAGW has two exceptional players and a whole lot of very strong players, and also has diversity. I think they are the favorite to win this season, much like SKT was last year.
On December 17 2014 18:05 Blargh wrote: Okay guys!! Using all of my e-sports passion, and time-wasting skills (I'm staying up for SSL!!), I have created a Google form which would allow us to input our rankings. This way, we can also look at the "average" rankings (idea from ZigguratOfUr!) Link to ranking form Link to ranking "averages"
If everyone uses it, then my time wouldn't have been wasted, too! I think it'd be pretty cool if OP updated with the links, and even cooler if he maintained the statistics on it. Now people don't need to read each response to get an idea of what people think. Obviously, it's still fun to read The_Templar's choices though, just his are so horrible.
Thank you for this, it's pretty cool to have the average power rank
8. Prime: If the best player on your team is a little green gremling, well glhf
7. MVP: I still don't buy that MKP² is back, rest of the players are ok, nothing more though (assuming Taeja won't play much)
6. Startale: A little bit stronger than MVP imo, Life, Bomber (does he actually play?) and San looks promising, but at the end of the day they won't prepare as well as the other teams and be kinda like EGTL back in the day.
5. Samsung: Worst of the "trve" Kespa teams, Solar and Dear probably have to carry hard to make the playoffs a possibility
4. SKTT1: From probably the best team last year (at least on paper) to a team which probably will need to fight for place 4. Innovation, Classic and soO surely are absolutely great players, but soO looked kinda shacky the last few weeks and Innovation seems to be "easily" snipable imo.
3. CJ Entus: Not sure why i put them at third instead of fourth place, probably cause of Coach Park and the smile of herO
2. KT Rolster: Yes, KT the winner of last season is "only" second in my list. It hurts to say, but i think it is the truth. Sure, TY, Stats, Zest and Flash are probably the strongest core players of any team, but other than that KT isn't really blessed witha deep roster. I think these 4 players will perform very well in the season (even though KT looked kinda lost at the qualifiers of the individual leagues), but the first place goes to
1. JinAir: You just can't really argue that JinAir has the best roster this year, just look at this and tell me i am wrong. Jaedong, you really should have gone there -.- ^^