![[image loading]](http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft/images2/8/81/MVPlogo.png)
![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd/images/teams/icons/32.png)
That's right, team MVP has assembled the greatest lineup of fighters there has ever been, and ever will be, and perfect leadership will allow for the use of the perfect player in every situation to bring swift victory against their opponents. Nobody will be able to kill them. They are an indestructible object, a dominant force, and an intelligent team, and because of this, there is no way they are losing this season.
"But The_Templar," I imagine you saying, "this is surely impossible! You see, I did the math, and I considered past circumstances including EG-TL and SKT, and (insert team name here) along with (0-6) other team(s) is going to completely obliterate those who stand and fight under MVP's name. Anyway, I'm pretty sure you only think this team will win because it has TaeJa. I hope you understand." I do understand, and you see, while I'll try not to tell you that you're just completely wrong about MVP, you're just completely wrong about MVP. They will not fall. Their forces consist of the best of the best, the cream of the crop, the most magnificent of all players.
Now, I know that other articles will aim to derail the opposing teams' lineups in order to make what little they have look superior, but with an amazing team like this, we don't need to! Let's take a look at each of the individual players that makes this group nigh unstoppable, starting from the best.
Again, your voice speaks inside of my head. "Of course you'd put TaeJa first, but has he won anything in the last 149 days? Exactly, he hasn't. He is now cursed with bronze, and he won't ever get first in Korea. Sure, he's a great player, but you vastly over-rate his abilities." First of all, I wondered why this voice was so nasty when people on TL are usually polite about these sort of things. Second, TaeJa is, and will remain, a top player if not the best player in the world until he retires. He is not conquerable. His spirit will never truly die, as he never really wants to retire. He is likely to win the GSL and SSL at least once this year. + Show Spoiler [Spoilers] +
Even Terminator can only stop him for so long, and TaeJa had not yet settled in his future kingdom.
Some might point out that TaeJa has never won a tournament in Korea, suggesting that he might be weak in this region. They may also note that TaeJa did not play much for EG-TL during their disastrous SPL run. However, TaeJa left Korea a few months after Proleague began to play in WCS AM, which meant that he was spread between two countries. As TaeJa will be playing in GSL and SSL the whole time, in addition to a likely KeSPA cup or three, he will be well positioned to prepare as much as he wants for Proleague. And TaeJa wants it. He will be leading MVP to greatness.
In second place, there is MarineKing. He is the greatest of Protoss snipers, as the Hot6iX cup demonstrated. He is also capable of defeating Zerg and Terran players in shorter series such as BO1. Due to his amazing micro, he is always a force to be reckoned with in games of moderate length, but he is capable of crushing cheese or macro play provided he does not do something silly like open CC first. In a controlled environment such as proleague, where a reliable opponent is a key to victory, expect no CC first builds from MarineKing.
One may note that YongHwa is third on this list, and conclude that therefore MVP's lineup can not be that deep. Look more closely. YongHwa made an incredible feat of qualifying for BOTH GSL and SSL, which was only matched by some of the best players in the universe, many of which play for MVP here. Who did he beat in GSL? Oh, only some Korean Terrans such as Bunny, Apocalypse, and MMA. He also beat NesTea, jjakji, BrAvO, soO, and DRG in the SSL qualifiers, losing to just Cure. YongHwa is clearly a very scary player who can not be challenged by any normal player. If you even want to think of beating this guy, you're going to need your ace players.
You may ask yourself, who is SalvatioN? Why, he's one of the best players nobody knows about. He's been everywhere, on NSHS, StarTale, Prime, and now MVP. He is the underground scene. He knows everyone. He's also a very scary player, as he managed to destroy one of the most stacked tournaments of all time, Olimoleague #11. If you don't know what the Olimoleague is, here's what TotalBiscuit had to say about one of its installments:
On October 03 2014 23:34 TotalBiscuit wrote:
This is the most stacked one yet.
This is the most stacked one yet.
And this was before SalvatioN showed up and wrecked everyone. Including me.
Few of his games have been seen by mere mortals such as you and I, but he destroyed Cure in TvT when his former team Prime was down 2-0, just because he could. What are his results? That's the most scary thing: he doesn't have any. He's training in his super-secret, underground chamber, waiting to destroy Proleague.
That's right, MVP has acquired a freaking GSL winner for the sole purpose of having him play in Proleague. Now, I know that he hasn't won any big tournaments since defeating MC convincingly in PvP to take his title, but Seed has a number of notable qualities that make him stand out in order to make him one of the more mysterious and desirable players on the team.
First off, he's one of the three people to win their final match in a tournament and get second. He was so good, that the tournament organizers simply could not allow him to lose his final match, as it would bring the legitimacy of the tournament into question. Secondly, and more seriously, he defeated Life, yes, ST_Life, 2-0 on a path of destruction straight into Code S. Life hadn't lost a series in ZvP in two months before Seed came along and nearly crushed his dreams of qualification. This clearly means that Seed is at least as good if not better than Zest.
HerO is a boss. He will bring the fans to team MVP with his amazing warp prism micro, personality, and hair. He can bring extra personality and fangirls to MVP. However, HerO is not only capable of good looks. His play can be exquisite as well, and will likely aid MVP on the way to their championship.
Losira is the wise man of this team. He has been around since the beginning of time, also known as the first GSL, where he got knocked out by TLO in the first round. After letting the world know exactly how skilled he was in 2011, he went into a state of semi-hibernation. Now, he's back, and a top four finish at HSC X, the most stacked HSC by far, suggests that he is as good as ever. He additionally wrecked TY 3-0 in a humiliating series, suggesting that he's definitely going to have utility in Proleague.
Team MVP has acquired the cloak of invisibility. When aLive, who was a master of the invisibility cloak, joined ST, Panic, who was already secretly a
Ask yourself, what has Panic done? He has, quite simply, made himself forgettable. In one of the final chapters of GSTL, he found the power within himself to crush Terrans. In one fell swoop, he obliterated Ryung, Heart, and INnoVation, a move that was unfortunately not enough to prevent AxiomAcer from winning the whole thing. It was almost as if his wins were... invisible. However, in Proleague, every win matters, so his skills could prove very useful for the team.
I bet you even forgot he was in Code S.
Center is a player who was slowly improving over time, with marginally better and better results as 2013 wore on. However, he had to successfully avoid the Quantic Gaming scandal and be a prominent player on Azubu, the latter of which never happened. One could only ask so much of him. On the currently stable MVP, Center will have the time he needs to become a deadly weapon.
I guess Departure hasn't done that much. I mean, he lost to Gumiho (possibly MVP), Stats, SalvatioN (MVP), Maru, herO, and Dream while beating PenguiN, MarineKing (MVP), Guilty, TANGTANG, Symbol, FanTaSy, Stork, PartinG, Hush, BboongBboong, Cure, Sacsri, and Zest. Oh wait, that's a 31-23 (14-8 in matches) record against some of the best proleague has to offer. Departure being a mere 10th on this list shows how stacked this team is. He can offer much to the team in the way of winning games.
Aphrodite, admittedly, is not the greatest of players, which is why she is last on this list. However, like every other player on this amazing roster, she has a special characteristic. As a Startale player, she had the honor of winning the only female vs female match in a Korean team league, against Eve. While this actually doesn't mean anything, some of you that don't believe in MVP yet probably care quite a bit about things like this.
As you may remember, SKT had the scariest lineup in the universe last season. With heavy hitters such as PartinG, Rain, Classic, soO, and Soulkey, they were expected by pretty much everyone except KT fans and Zealously to win Proleague easily. What happened? Soulkey threw away a ZvP by playing his part as the iron wall poorly, PartinG angered God, and Classic lost to a bunker rush.
MVP's players may be amazing individually, but only one person could unite such different personalities and characteristics under one banner, fix their flaws, and create the ultimate competitors. One man, who defeated The_Templar in Olimoleague twice, who knows everything there is to know about coaching and improving his players, will guarantee MVP success in Proleague.
You may ask yourself, how can Choya bring everyone together? There are champions and kongs, charismatic players and invisible men, and they have almost nothing in common. How, then? I will tell you.
Choya began his quest to gather up every player that could destroy proleague by firing everyone on the team. This was a strategy of special tactics, and could only be done because of an exchange of Billowy to Prime, which was unknown at the time to Billowy. He then picked up his friends from the Prime clan as part of the exchange. This formed the core of the team that Choya was to assemble. From there, the ritual to summon the greatest warriors of Korea and the world began. He assembled himself, MarineKing, Departure, SalvatioN, YongHwa, Center, and Losira onto a series of points that made a perfect heptagram and began the incantations. Unfortunately, the only recording of this ritual has fallen into greedy hands belonging to someone that doesn't know Korean.
However, the ritual worked almost exactly as Choya had intended. Suddenly, amidst blue smoke and pink flames, TaeJa, HerO, Seed, Aphrodite appeared in the center. Panic was also there, but nobody could see him. TaeJa was in the middle of complaining to HerO about how ravagers were going to be too good against Terran, HerO seemed to be focusing on multiple locations at the same time with the minimap while eating a burrito and talking to TaeJa in Korean and MaNa in English at the same time, Seed was admiring his GSL trophy, and Aphrodite and Panic were practicing quietly. Choya smiled, and knew that his new team was already capable of completing their future mission.
And thus, Choya knew that MVP would win Proleague, and proclaimed it from the tallest tower, on the busiest streets, and within the hugest building. No team would be safe.
Choya is the key to this team. Without him, the rest of these players would simply be a fine collection of what Starcraft has to offer; perhaps a coach could guide them, but they wouldn't win team leagues any more than SKT won Proleague last year. However, Choya knows. He can field the right player at the right time, instruct them on what they should do and have them win with it, and he can even play himself if he needs to.
I would link the MVP fan club here, but none of the players in that fan club are actually still on MVP because of Choya's grand scheme.