Stop the League of Legends bashing. Temp bans will be handed out from now on. - Page 32. |
On October 11 2013 20:06 hoburame wrote: My heart just exploded.
So many of my sc2 souvenirs with MKP just rushed through my brain. The tickets we payed for him with reddit, the amazing tournaments. MKP the only true sc2 kong. Always playing amazingly, innovating, and crumbling under the pressure in the finals. Such a cute kid playing so well. Foxer. 2 raxes. Lifting to get gold on metalopolis and then winning...
It really hurts to see this. I am deeply hurt. The game I cherish most, enjoy most, and in which I respect the proplayers the most for their skills ( asside from BW ) is getting so many bad news at this moment. I hope to see really good news soon. I really hope that somehow the game can become what is was in 2011 again, I enjoyed that so much.
But at this very moment, I want to sit in a corner and cry, blame Blizzard, Kespa, and everyone for fucking it all up.
I cannot take more of this.
That sounds awful man.
Still, for what it's worth...
Is it really such a big deal whether basketball or baseball pros are better or worse than football pros? eSports has come far enough that, at least as far as DotA 2 and SC2 and LoL are concerned, all of the top pros are practicing several hours a day every day and are really damn good at their games. I don't know enough about the CoD or SF4 scenes to know how they're doing, but I wouldn't especially respect a top SC2 player more than a top LoL player nowadays, or the other way around. Just pick a game you enjoy playing and/or watching, if you ask me.
If that game is SC2... I don't think it's going to bounce back. It's not going to die either, but what you see is what you get.
On October 11 2013 19:48 sqrt wrote:Show nested quote +On October 11 2013 19:33 SmoKim wrote:On October 11 2013 19:24 Plansix wrote:On October 11 2013 19:22 TigerKarl wrote: Says a lot when not only the rats are leaving the sinking ship Although it's mean, I like this quote. The only players that are retiring seem to be ones that haven't won anything in a while. Wouldn't make alot of sense to retire if you kept winning alot  jk, i know what you mean I think this is the crux of the problem, truly, you can only survive in the SC2 arena if you are winning a lot. There are no heavy sponsors or any other reliable sources of income to support long-term slumps or B-teamers. And while this is excusable for a newcomer...well SC2 already has a few graying hairs.
Yes i agree that this aspect is important not to overlook
It's just like Queen the song "We are the champions" = No time for losers
did not see that one coming........
Oh noes! I love MKP! One of my favourite players from the start, and I also remember the lifting CC to get gold base game... It was amongst the first SC2 games I ever watched.
GLHF MKP! I don't really watch LoL, but hope you do well. (:
It was nice knowing you MKP
yeah this is horrible news for sc community. good news is he'll probably quit lol sooner. hah. LoL is completely oversaturated.
Well done Marine King - most of us agree. This game is broken. As Toss player Adonminus recently said in TL interview - to be in GM (he is top 50 GMatm) as toss is enough to have 90 apm, he also qualifying for WCS ..... 90 apm enough as toss.... Try Terran and Zerg play with 90 apm in GM. Good Bye MarineKing
GG WP MKP! it was a nice show. Thanks for everything
On October 11 2013 19:42 opterown wrote:Show nested quote +On October 11 2013 19:37 Kasaraki wrote:On October 11 2013 19:24 Plansix wrote:On October 11 2013 19:22 TigerKarl wrote: Says a lot when not only the rats are leaving the sinking ship Although it's mean, I like this quote. The only players that are retiring seem to be ones that haven't won anything in a while. That quote says the opposite though. He says it's no longer just the rats leaving, implying that SC2 is dying, etc. But in reality, yeah, it's just "rats" leaving, that is, people who haven't had any result in ages - or never had any. not jangbi, nor puzzle or coca when they left the first time
CoCa and Puzzle left when their team disbanded. And at least CoCa wasn't even in Code A at the time being (because he got disqualified). These are definitely not the best examples :-P
I have good memories, a great player. gl MKP
On October 11 2013 20:09 JustPassingBy wrote: Well, shit.
Wow, I will really miss him. He always made up for some great games. :/
well with the new Coke league for LoL, either blizz moves or its over =(. LoL is taking over
From someone who recently switched from SC2 to LoL, i am extremely happy! I've been a long time lurker but i had to make and account and post here, im really excited! I think we should cheer and hope luck for MKP's future in LoL.
League of Legends has become the main pillar of e-sports. We should always support and hope for the best of E-sports.
On October 11 2013 20:34 saltis wrote: Well done Marine King - most of us agree. This game is broken. As Toss player Adonminus recently said in TL interview - to be in GM (he is top 50 GMatm) as toss is enough to have 90 apm, he also qualifying for WCS ..... 90 apm enough as toss.... Try Terran and Zerg play with 90 apm in GM. Good Bye MarineKing
Hey, dont ever say this again! Blizzard made protoss much more APM intensive with the nexus cannon (now you cant simply amove your units to defend your expo, you need artful movements to activate the cannon in your nexus), colossi micro and oracle harass (yea, an improved version of the banshee that definitely isn't useless after the opponent has turrets).
Oh boy, I don´t know... I understand this decision somehow, but I don´t see LoL fitting more to his skill set than SC2. Marineking allways relied mostly on his mechanics to carry him through. He build all his big successes on his superior micro and macro. In LoL however that doesn´t mean that much. Strategy, Teamsynergy and Teamcomposition are the most important things. Execution is not that hard as in SC2, so you´ll face a lot of players executing nearly perfect. And MKP is known for some of the worst tactical and strategic blunders in SC2 history.... I hope he does well, but I have some concerns... I would be happier than ever if I could see him in a broadcasted match again
Sad to see a legend go! GoodLuck in the future, if we are lucky we see you in a while
btw: "Try Terran and Zerg play with 90 apm in GM"... Goody did. And he did more than that. U need skill for every race, its not like they go because of toss dude.
marineking~~~ u inpsired me to play sc2 terran, made me change from Z to T. u were my one and only idol. girls have their kpop idol, i had mine, it was you~~~ i will definately miss you, i hope you will come back to SC2 once more and rise as before. Without you, SC2 is just not the same for me these few months. i remembered the time i would stay up late just to watch u play your games. GSL season 2 finals.. damn... it was what got me hooked on to you and only you ever since~~~ i will miss you... Lee 'MarineKing' Jung Hoon.. all the best in LoL my friend..