On March 12 2013 04:52 Musicus wrote: Units that get countered by voidrays in high numbers: Ultras, Corruptors, Queens, Broodlords, Roaches.
Stephano builds: Ultras, Corruptors, Queens, Broodlords :D.
Great game btw! All Zerg units get hard countered by Voidrays.
On March 12 2013 04:51 Tsubbi wrote: seriously grubby beating stephano is a new low for zerg in hots, what was their record in wol? 26:1 for stephano?
WoL was extremely imbalanced toward Zerg.
Holy freaking Aiur, what you waiting for Grubby to take that win? Next Starcraft 2 expansion? :D
On March 12 2013 04:53 Mohdoo wrote: Say what you want about voidrays, but you have to be crazy to prefer WoL over this. Fucking good riddance, WOL.
On March 12 2013 04:50 NeonFox wrote: No idea how to deal with those massive void ray counts coupled with templars.
throw a green goo ball at them and laugh because you outrange them even more. The other option is don't let the Toss get to that point, which is more easy.
On March 12 2013 04:53 Mohdoo wrote: Say what you want about voidrays, but you have to be crazy to prefer WoL over this. Fucking good riddance, WOL. It's just the same thing the other way around, no?
I sure hope Blizzard login servers are better than Twitch.tv streaming servers
Stephano was close to breaking the Protoss army there, just needed a bit more.
stephano mistimed his flank, too bad.
That's the stephano quality to pull out engagements that win him games playing from behind.
that flank saved stephano.
Thx lag for this wonderful battle.
ultra vs protoss : is this possible ?
On March 12 2013 04:50 goswser wrote: A tough one to call? Late game protoss vs zerg in HOTS isn't tough to call, protoss wins. Looks like someone has some more practicing to do.
Looks good, was pretty even.
Was a remarkably even exchange!