United Kingdom14103 Posts
On February 06 2013 21:36 nucLeaRTV wrote: I see to fair options:
- Free HotS (+some special portrait? HotS is cheaper than WoL). - Move one WoL licence to another account.
How is free HoTS fair? o.0
I can't understand why people are taking Blizzards side in this matter?! We who bought more than one account should get the benefits on bying two.. If I would have known this I would have registered my NA and EU copies on different email-addresses.
Edit: I don't expect a Hots copy ofc.
On January 28 2013 09:41 Torpedo.Vegas wrote:Show nested quote +On January 28 2013 09:14 Conti wrote:On January 28 2013 09:07 aike wrote:On January 28 2013 09:03 Conti wrote:On January 28 2013 08:38 aike wrote:On January 28 2013 07:52 Conti wrote:On January 28 2013 07:44 aike wrote:On January 28 2013 07:18 Elairec wrote: No, actually he should have 2 accounts and 8 playable "characters". Please just let this thread die because so many people aren't comprehending what the problem actually is. It's not blizzard's fault he's an idiot. I have 3 copies of sc2. Guess what, they are all on different accounts. Because I knew this would happen. He bought the extra copies for the strict purpose of playing on other servers. They didn't take anything away by adding global play, they GAVE HIM MORE. Before global play, did he have 2 NA accounts? no. So he didn't lose anything, therefor blizzard doesn't owe him anything. He bought the accounts to play other servers, guess what, he was allowed to play on other servers. Aka he bought a product, and used it. having used said product, he is entitled to nothing more. As someone said earlier... Just because I bought the game day 1 for $60, and someone else didn't buy the game until just now for $40, it doesn't mean blizzard owes me $20 because the game is now cheaper. We buy things because we want to play something NOW, not in 2 years. You bought extra accounts so you could play other servers NOW. That's how things work. He literally lost nothing, and by not losing anything he is not owed anything. Funny how he "literally lost nothing", yet both him and you bought exactly the same.. and here you are, having twice as many SC2 accounts as him. Must be magic happening.  Sally has 2 apples, and bill has 2 apples. A week later, Sally has 4 apples and Bill has 8 apples. How many fewer apples does Sally have week 2 than she had week 1? Well, maybe explaining the situation like that does help, so here we go.. All Sally wants is to have the same amount of apples as Bill, since they both paid exactly the same amount of money for their two apples. Which, up until this point, were exactly the same two sets of apples, too. There was no practical difference between the two sets of apples. And suddenly Bill has 8, while Sally has 4. Sally doesn't think that's fair at all! But Bill says Sally's just some entitled bitch who wants 4 apples for free. Sure, Bill got 4 apples for free, too. But those 4 free apples are totally different from the 4 apples that Sally wants for free. Totally. Yeah. Sally and Bill start with the same number of apples. Sally invests her 2 apples into Company A, while Bill invests his apples into Company B. After 2 years they both decide to sell their stock in the companies so they can retire. Sally's investment only yielded 4 apples, while Bill's investment yielded 8 apples. Sally was upset, but she accepts the fact that Bill made a better investment than her and decides to just be happy that she still has twice as many apples as when she started. And they lived happily ever after. The End. Okay, you're seriously saying that people should be punished for putting different region versions of SC2 on the same b.net account? If this is the case, perhaps they could give an 1 time access code which allows people to move the SC2 account to a new B.net account. You will have multiple b.net accounts but retain the unique game. But at the same time we knew this was coming but people paid extra anyway to play in different regions up to 2.5 years before the guy with one license.
I say just give people who have extra copies additional sc2 keys. Best case, this will result in additional HotS purchases (either by the same owner or a new player). Worst case, someone who would have just purchased WoL+HotS gets the free key and decides they don't want to buy HotS either?
Just give people who bought two a special portrait. That's it.
A sc2key seems fair; in my opinion, you should start opening tickets and asking for it, Blizzard is known to listen to the pressures.
Buy those people free MLG tickets for a season or two.
NO NO NO ok now i am getting angry so much so that i just sent a ticket to Blizzard.
You need to STOP looking at it as what servers we had access to.
People like myself who had friends on BOTH sides of the pond were told CATAGORICALLY BY BLIZZARD that the ONLY way we would be able to enjoy both regions is to buy 2 copies .... now in my case i don't have a free SMURF account and btw its NOT free i bought and paid for 2 copies of the game regardless of region.
In my case both keys are on the SAME account just like WOW and anything else i have in that ilk because i do not smurf i just like to enjoy GAMING WITH FRIENDS ( i know shock horror right?).
I BOUGHT and PAID for 2 COPIES of the game until recently i showed as having 2 KEYS in my account now i only have 1 it doesn't matter about functionality something i bought and paid for has been taken away and when that is against your will in this country we call that THEFT!.
It is my opinion that if Blizzard has any decency they will credit the value of a standard WOL to all affected cases like this. That means they STILL get the cash and we can atleast get something for ours. Anyone who argues this either didn't buy 2 copies and thus didn't make the commitment and is talking in a complete comfort zone OR doesn't understand the simple principles of consumer rights.
you guys had the luxury of playing on multiple regions before global play. so no, you guys shouldnt deserve anything
I wanted to comment on the "NO NO NO" part, but I think that'd be a little more dick than I need to be.
Think of it this way, you purchase a game, 6 months later they start giving that game away with the system you purchased it for. That doesn't make you entitled to a free copy of the game, or equivalent monetary value.
It has nothing to do with decency, it has to do with a change of policy that ends up benefiting those who did not get a valuable service for the first 2+ years.
I purchased 4 total copies of WoL, 2 main server (one was for my brother, that prick never ended up playing) and 2 off server. I did this willingly, even after the rumors of global play started floating around (at least 1 copy). While I think it would be dick for them to not give me additional WoL accounts for my money, I don't think that I'm entitled to it as I went into the purchases knowing full-well what they meant.
This is no different from games selling copies and then going free to play, I didn't get any credit for the cost of The old Republic, or Aion, or any of the older wow expansions, or city of heroes, or dc universe etc. etc. etc. (I'm sure some of those went free to play after I purchased them). It's a simple change to business model that is nothing but beneficial for the future, it's just not good for the past.
Lol @ freebie logics You get what you pay for at the time that you get it, you can complain all you want later no one owes you anything. At the same time this does not stop blizzard from doing nice gestures, but don't act like you deserve it 
OMG no wonder Blizzard are getting away with this ... would you STOP thinking of it as what region it gave access to and realise we bought and paid for 2 copies of the game in my case 1 physical! - i do not have 2 Bnet accounts with 1 game each on it i have 1 Bnet account which had 2 games on it and now 1
It wasnt a unified client either so stop selling this crap it was 2 seperate clients, 2 seperate downloads, 2 seperate keys, 2 seperate purchases ... but since you say "you guys" that tells me you didn't buy 2 keys so like i said it is very easy to sit there in your comfort zone being all smug but you are abolutely out your mind if you think that BUYING something and having it taken away against your will is ok. STOP looking at it as regions and realise 2 products were bought and we have had 1 taken away.
and Noobity my purchase dates will show i made MY purchases before Global Play was even a WHISPER. Did you bother to read what i said? Blizzard CATAGORICALLY before the launch of SC2 said you will need to buy 2 copies in order to play both regions. Some of us did it out of necessity.
This is pointless you are not actually reading what is being said you are reading as far as you can be arsed and then commenting from POV and situations that have already been made clear are NOT the same.
"Think of it this way, you purchase a game, 6 months later they start giving that game away with the system you purchased it for. That doesn't make you entitled to a free copy of the game, or equivalent monetary value."
- this ridiculous analogy proves how far you are not grasping what is being said .... you purchase a game and 6 months later they give it away for free its still ONE game .... you purchase 2 games and 6 months later they take one away ... THAT is what is happening is it really that hard to understand?
Yeah I'm gonna agree with everyone saying "you bought it however long ago and have been using and appreciating it since, it wasn't worthless"
So what if it's worthless when HotS comes out, no need to penny pinch when you've already gotten use out of it. It's like buying a pizza from Domino's and eating 3/4 of it then returning the last 1/4 and saying "I didn't really like it".
An extra name change or something would be neat, but I wouldn't say it's expected of them to provide anything as retribution.
You know what the amount of complacency and sheer ignorance being displayed here confirms EXACTLY why Blizzard thought that region locking Starcraft 2 was ok in the first place.
You buy 2 cars, one Stock and one Formula for 2 different races ... years later they unify the race its a mix car race they pick a car at random and CRUSH it .... are you seriously going to tell me that you would allow SOMEONE ELSE to DESTROY something YOU bought with the attitude "i had my moneys worth" ...?
On February 08 2013 13:41 QuackPocketDuck wrote:Lol @ freebie logics You get what you pay for at the time that you get it, you can complain all you want later no one owes you anything. At the same time this does not stop blizzard from doing nice gestures, but don't act like you deserve it 
Exactly this.
I cannot understand the logic that Blizzard has "stolen" something from those who are complaining. They just want extra. I don`t see anything lost. They bought an extra copy to play in a different region....that is it. And with global play, they still have that option (and other regions). All this extra key bullshit is non-sense, since you didn`t buy it in anticipation of global play and bought it on the same account.
I can`t imagine a world where customers are given compensation for things they buy in the past, and then goes on sale in the future. I sure as hell was not complaining when TF2 became F2P despite originally buying that game. I got what I wanted at that time and I cannot predict the future.
omg ... this ignorance is staggering .... Mango you BOUGHT a single licence to own TF2 and you KEPT a licence to own TF2 free or not i totally agree when it went F2P i had the same attitude
Please understand it is NOT the same ... by YOUR logic i have bought NA and EU both NA is now Global EU is now Global so i should have 2!!!! Global accounts .... if i did i wouldn't be saying anything here but i DO NOT have 2 i have 1!!!!
That is it end of story i bought 2 licences, 2 keys, 2 accounts region is moot they were 2 separate licences and now i am reduced to 1 it doesnt matter what id use the 2nd one for now doesnt matter if it is even OF use the fact is i BOUGHT it i should atleast HAVE IT! END OF STORY!
Person A buys 1 extra WoL copy. He registers it on his original battle.net account. He now has 2 WoL copies.
Person B buys 1 extra WoL copy. He registers it on a new battle.net account. He now has 2 WoL copies.
Global play comes along.
Person A has paid for 2 WoL copies and now has 1 WoL copy.
Person B has paid for 2 WoL copies and now has 2 WoL copies.
Get it now?
I don't actually mind too much, I bought two copies because i wanted to play in two regions, now I can do that with one.
They should credit people who had two keys before with an extra WoL account though, like how you can have 2 WoW accounts on your bnet account. I can see where people are coming from on that one, it feels kinda wrong to see one account disappear.
Prob a free Premium stream ticket for MLG or something. But people don't deserve much more than that.
On February 08 2013 15:46 Conti wrote: Person A buys 1 extra WoL copy. He registers it on his original battle.net account. He now has 2 WoL copies.
Person B buys 1 extra WoL copy. He registers it on a new battle.net account. He now has 2 WoL copies.
Global play comes along.
Person A has paid for 2 WoL copies and now has 1 WoL copy.
Person B has paid for 2 WoL copies and now has 2 WoL copies.
Get it now?
Guys read this. Too many people are missing the real issue at hand.
it´s like buying something right before a buy-1-get-1-for-free week begins. it´s sad, but you can´t change it.