Season 8 Lock and new Ladder changes incoming - Page 2
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United States1904 Posts
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United States17423 Posts
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240 Posts
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Master of DalK
Canada1797 Posts
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Canada4267 Posts
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Serbia1449 Posts
On September 07 2012 10:19 NovemberstOrm wrote: Ladder tier means theirs different tiers in each league/division so just because you are at rank 1 in diamond you could be at a low tier division in diamond meaning you probably won't be promoted just because of that. This change will make it easier to tell where you are in terms of skill and whether you will be promoted or not. Thx! | ||
United States3088 Posts
On September 07 2012 10:20 blade55555 wrote: So does that mean no more divisions unless I am mistaken? most likely? but who knows, that would mean you'd open your ladder and see thousands of names. But, maybe they will keep the divisions but have a regional ranking (like in SC2ranks) next to your name. Who knows how it will work, but they promised that being rank 1 in masters means you are literally #1 in masters so we will see. | ||
Poland1958 Posts
On September 07 2012 10:16 DGB.Zerok wrote: Can someone explain me a little better what is ladder tier? My english sucks ![]() Its very simple. Before trier remove you have: 1) Some bad divisions , for players that are bit worste then others 2) Some Better divisions , for players a little bit better then others. There was a time when you watch divisions , when in one division top 10 players have like 1500 points , and in other division top 10 players have like 700-800 points. Now you only get one kind of division , mixing better and worse player. Like blizzard write , now if you are for example in top 10 plat , you are in top 10% players in your region , ofc plat ![]() | ||
Norway1360 Posts
After this change, climbing to (for example) Rank 2 Diamond will mean that you are in the top 2% of all Diamond players, and you are very close to moving into the Master League. Similarly, Rank 50 Platinum is in the top 50% in the Platinum league, and so forth. How would that work, then? Wouldn't that mean that individual divisions would have to be entirely fluid? After all, if you have a division with 100 at one point selected players, that is static apart from promotions and demotions, it'd be impossible to make such a definitive statement. | ||
116 Posts
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Brazil170 Posts
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United States823 Posts
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United States134 Posts
On September 07 2012 10:16 DGB.Zerok wrote: Can someone explain me a little better what is ladder tier? My english sucks ![]() Before, two rank 1 platinum players may have totally different skill levels.. because one was in a harder division while the other was in the weaker division. After the change, two rank 1 platinum players will have roughly the same skill levels; they both will be top 1% of platinum players. | ||
Canada13379 Posts
On September 07 2012 10:20 blade55555 wrote: So does that mean no more divisions unless I am mistaken? Bronze, silver, gold, plat, diamond, master, GM all still exist. No tiers in these divisions. Unless you mean division like "beta zeratul" division. In this case, yes there should still be some i think? But your rank will correspond to skill position more accurately? tbh I dont even understand how this works but it wont matter because I play the game and dont care specifically what place i am in on a list of people in a ladder division. Though how being rank 50 means you are in top 50% percentile i dont understand what with bonus pool and ladder being based on points and not MMR. But here it seems like MMR shows where you are in the overall pool of diamond players for example. In which case your points is your MMR???? We should just simply use an elo system and give people a rank based on that. | ||
Luxembourg4004 Posts
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United States3714 Posts
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Poland1958 Posts
On September 07 2012 10:23 phfantunes wrote: Sorry for my stupidity, but I'm still not sure how the no tier system is going to work. Do we still have divisions? Are all players within a league (bronze, silver, gold, platinum, etc) ranked in the same division? Do you move between divisions in the new system? Or does the division thing stays but if you make it to the top of it, it means you're close to a promotion? In this case how exactly are they arranging divisions, since some would be easier than others? Not one division , there will be still 100 players division , but with mix of better and worste players. No waek , good divisions anymore. Watch my post up ![]() So now if you hit for example top 10 , you are in top 10% players in your region NA/EU/KR etc etc | ||
United States2068 Posts
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United States154 Posts
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Canada6688 Posts
Rocks removed from the third base for all starting locations W H A T | ||
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