On March 31 2012 12:39 Forikorder wrote:Show nested quote +On March 31 2012 12:38 SnipedSoul wrote:On March 31 2012 12:37 stevarius wrote:On March 31 2012 12:32 Iloja wrote:On March 31 2012 11:47 stevarius wrote:On March 31 2012 11:44 McFeser wrote:On March 31 2012 11:33 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 11:32 Blasterion wrote:On March 31 2012 11:26 Odal wrote:On March 31 2012 11:20 Blasterion wrote: [quote] If we've reached the point as a society when people are allowed to be dicks as much as they want, I'd say something has gone awry. I disagree. You should be able to act the way you'd like. Punishments shouldn't be serious for offending people with harmless words. I disagree. People should be expect to act with a minimum level of class, and be punished if they act with lack of it. People should strive to be higher and higher class. These acts of lack of class shouldn't be tolerated and should be punished and made an example of. why? why do the people of "higher class" have the right to force there views and beliefs on us "lower class" people? He's not using the right word but he is right. Everyone should act with a minimum amount of decency if only because that is was the majority of people expect/want from others. I don't think anyone would argue that this man's acts were beneficial to anyone. Also, I generally assume the best in people but for those saying we don't need laws to tell people not to be dicks - we do. I would rather have laws then some culturally pressured restriction on what is right and what is wrong concerning public behavior. As for this man's actions, they are unacceptable within what is culturally acceptable and within legal boundaries (just the Korean laws though I'm sure if someone was shouting obscenities at me at the grocery store everyday, and waiting there to do so, I could get them in some sort of trouble). Now I don't think he should be put in prison for seven years. That's just stupid. But how anyone could defend him I don't know. Any American understands that this guy getting taken to civil court for being a dick is just retarded, but this is a different country we're talking about. You can't legislate good behavior. Good fucking luck trying. I don't defend his actions, but I will forever defend his right to be an asshole.... on American soil or at least a country that has sane laws involving some internet BM. Interesting. I don't think that it is South Korea = insane laws regarding internet, Rest of the world = cool with insulting/bullying/harassing in the internet. Actually I think it is the other way round, even in europe you can get arrested for stuff like this, and even more severe than what the guy in South Korea is probably facing: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-03-28/student-jailed-over-offensive-muamba-tweets/3916242Germany has a very similar stand on the issue, we just have a different treshold. Calling someone an asshole (even in real life) won't necessarliy bring the cops to your door, but repeatedly harassing a woman sexually sure will do, even if it is "just" the internet and I do support this. True, you can't legislate good behaviour but you can punish anti-social behaviour. Reminder: We are not talking about him calling her a slut once and then leaving, he did it again and again ... that is harassement. If you are a women in the states you can't do anything against this sort of behaviour? Really? What happens if she speaks out against it? Everyone will shun her because she just stirrs up drama? U.S. society is cool with something like this? I somehow can't believe this. And relax everybody, 7 years is the max, how do laws work in the U.S.? If you are getting found guilty you always get maximum sentence? In germany there is a progression of punishment, up to x years means it is the worst case scenario if the shit really hit the fan in a hurry (you really have to work for it to get the maximum penalty in germany), I belive it is the same in Korea. In America, we use the tools given to us to ban those insulting us in chat. The law isn't needed for something as silly as this. US society is based on growing a spine because you have to deal with people's bullshit every day. People have their retarded religious beliefs and no matter how stupid they are, you respect them. People have stupid opinions, you respect them. People call you bad things, you deal with it. In the case of Own3d chat, you can either deal with it or ban the fucker. Any jail sentence for calling someone a cunt or some other naughty word repeatedly on the internet is just silly. They did ban him many times. Why should they have to ban him whenever they want to stream? what kind of terrible ban system forgets people who are banned so quickly?
It's not hard to make a new account.
not surprised, the amount of jessica's hate is pretty big in everywhere somehow. from the korea which just generally hate jessica for no reason at all to foreigners hating jessica for a drama queen.
Been on slayers stream a few times and there always were these haters posting hate messages only directed to jessica, even if she didn't appear on stream
kind of sad to see so many people not viewing cyber bullying as a serious issue. shame on you guys
and this is more than "insulting" her already, constant harassment is not a simple "insult"
On March 31 2012 12:37 stevarius wrote:Show nested quote +On March 31 2012 12:32 Iloja wrote:On March 31 2012 11:47 stevarius wrote:On March 31 2012 11:44 McFeser wrote:On March 31 2012 11:33 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 11:32 Blasterion wrote:On March 31 2012 11:26 Odal wrote:On March 31 2012 11:20 Blasterion wrote:On March 31 2012 11:19 Gheed wrote:On March 31 2012 11:17 Blasterion wrote: [quote] It is right, if the law makes people be less dickery and have higher class it helps the image of the community as a whole, I can't believe all the people defending this crap. Have you not learned your lesson on what happened to the fighting game community? If we've reached the point as a society where we need the law to stop people from hurting other people's feelings, I'd say something has gone awry. If we've reached the point as a society when people are allowed to be dicks as much as they want, I'd say something has gone awry. I disagree. You should be able to act the way you'd like. Punishments shouldn't be serious for offending people with harmless words. I disagree. People should be expect to act with a minimum level of class, and be punished if they act with lack of it. People should strive to be higher and higher class. These acts of lack of class shouldn't be tolerated and should be punished and made an example of. why? why do the people of "higher class" have the right to force there views and beliefs on us "lower class" people? He's not using the right word but he is right. Everyone should act with a minimum amount of decency if only because that is was the majority of people expect/want from others. I don't think anyone would argue that this man's acts were beneficial to anyone. Also, I generally assume the best in people but for those saying we don't need laws to tell people not to be dicks - we do. I would rather have laws then some culturally pressured restriction on what is right and what is wrong concerning public behavior. As for this man's actions, they are unacceptable within what is culturally acceptable and within legal boundaries (just the Korean laws though I'm sure if someone was shouting obscenities at me at the grocery store everyday, and waiting there to do so, I could get them in some sort of trouble). Now I don't think he should be put in prison for seven years. That's just stupid. But how anyone could defend him I don't know. Any American understands that this guy getting taken to civil court for being a dick is just retarded, but this is a different country we're talking about. You can't legislate good behavior. Good fucking luck trying. I don't defend his actions, but I will forever defend his right to be an asshole.... on American soil or at least a country that has sane laws involving some internet BM. Interesting. I don't think that it is South Korea = insane laws regarding internet, Rest of the world = cool with insulting/bullying/harassing in the internet. Actually I think it is the other way round, even in europe you can get arrested for stuff like this, and even more severe than what the guy in South Korea is probably facing: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-03-28/student-jailed-over-offensive-muamba-tweets/3916242Germany has a very similar stand on the issue, we just have a different treshold. Calling someone an asshole (even in real life) won't necessarliy bring the cops to your door, but repeatedly harassing a woman sexually sure will do, even if it is "just" the internet and I do support this. True, you can't legislate good behaviour but you can punish anti-social behaviour. Reminder: We are not talking about him calling her a slut once and then leaving, he did it again and again ... that is harassement. If you are a women in the states you can't do anything against this sort of behaviour? Really? What happens if she speaks out against it? Everyone will shun her because she just stirrs up drama? U.S. society is cool with something like this? I somehow can't believe this. And relax everybody, 7 years is the max, how do laws work in the U.S.? If you are getting found guilty you always get maximum sentence? In germany there is a progression of punishment, up to x years means it is the worst case scenario if the shit really hit the fan in a hurry (you really have to work for it to get the maximum penalty in germany), I belive it is the same in Korea. In America, we use the tools given to us to ban those insulting us in chat. The law isn't needed for something as silly as this. US society is based on growing a spine because you have to deal with people's bullshit every day. People have their retarded religious beliefs and no matter how stupid they are, you respect them. People have stupid opinions, you respect them. People call you bad things, you deal with it. In the case of Own3d chat, you can either deal with it or ban the fucker. Any jail sentence for calling someone a cunt or some other naughty word repeatedly on the internet is just silly.
in my opinion, korea has more strict cyberbully laws because of how the culture works.
for example, you can list many celebrities in USA that has done something bad or controversial and they're living on as if nothing happened because people that dont care, care, hate, like, is split along the middle. in korea, a troll can ruin someone's life because the false information will spread like wide fire and cause huge damage to reputation. (example: whathappens-troll vs tablo-celebrity)
On March 31 2012 12:39 Forikorder wrote:Show nested quote +On March 31 2012 12:35 lorkac wrote:On March 31 2012 12:29 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 12:28 Wombat_NI wrote:On March 31 2012 12:23 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 12:19 lorkac wrote:On March 31 2012 12:13 Spieltor wrote:On March 31 2012 12:10 mrtomjones wrote:On March 31 2012 12:09 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 12:07 Wombat_NI wrote: [quote] Sexism is alive and well and you're deluded if you think otherwise. Legalistic equality has not seen a cultural shift to true gender equality, but it's a complex issue overall. I don't think it's fair to be characterised as some overprotective man defined by some pseudo-scientific idea of man as naturally protective. I tend to stand up against ridiculous behaviour on this forum if I'm in a particularly angry mood. Most of this relates to player/caster bashing and giving the low proportion of woman players I hardly think I'm some white-knight. I criticised the opportunities given to players like QuanticFlo because they are so blatantly non-meritocratic.
Anyhow, if people don't call out atrocious behaviour for what it actually is, then attitudes don't change. For a good example of cultural conditioning, look at the societal attitudes towards drink driving and how they have changed. At least in Ireland it used to be de rigieur to drive home while drunk as a skunk. It was 'the done thing' and nobody saw a problem with it, it took real effort for the practice to be as socially frowned upon as it now is, over years and years of government funded campaigns and grass-roots privately-supported initiatives.
Granted there is a case to be made about crying wolf racism/sexism or what have you. in this specific instance I was under the impression he was using Korean equivalents of cunt and other such pejoratives which are often applied in a misogynist manner. If wrong I stand corrected sexism is alive becuase people want it to be the white knights want sexism to be alive so they can pretend to defend the dainty females females want it to be alive so they can scream it and get people in trouble if everyone jsut forgot that women and men are different, and i mean everyone not just the people throwing insults, then sexism will disapear Ummm what? How old are you dude? lol... You have to be trolling. No way you believe this crap. People WANT it to exist? The only people who do are those who are sexist... man... you are crazy. he isnt wrong. Holding doors for women, paying for dinner for women, thats sexism because you're treating them differently due to their sex bits. Prove this isnt so. Isn't it great that the only one talking about paying for dinners and opening doors is you?  Really though, a guy comes up and says we shouldn't call women cunts. Typical response of "it's sexism to open doors too!" Why yes it would be. It's a good thing supposed "white knights" never really argue that men should open doors for women... They really only ask that men don't treat them bad--not necessarily treat them like paragons. Hmm... I wonder why a man would think that not calling a woman a cunt is equal to treating her like royalty... so are you saying its okay to call men cunts? tahts the problem, why does Jessica have to be a women in this scenario? why is it about what we shouldnt be calling women? why couldnt it have been "we shouldnt call anyone cunt"? becuase people arent interested in defending MEN there interested in defending WOMEN becuase women have painted themselves as these fragile little dainties that need to be protected, then they realised that men were taking it seriosuly, so they started wining that they were being protected like fragile little dainties, that they wanted to be treated equally, but tehy didnt want that, they wanted to be treated exactly like men except also as fragile little dainties Cunt is a pejorative that when used in that context can take on sexist connotations, I don't see how that example is so difficult to understand. To take your logic, I should be, as a white caucasian male, as offended by being called a nigger as somebody who is black right? of course you should, no matter who its said to its the same word, why do you think Orb got fired? He got fired because he lives in a society where saying someone is black is akin to saying he is a weaker/lesser/dumber human being. It must be obvious that the reason the N word is racist is because it's a word that is used to define someone as being less than human by saying they are just like negros--with the implicit understanding that negros are less than human. no he got fired becuase he used a heavy insult and got caught Ohhhh so cunt is not a heavy insult... how much does it weigh?
Korea is different. To simply log onto most websites/games etc. you need to use your Korean social security number. Any person who defames another via internet in Korea can be hunted down and prosecuted.
On March 31 2012 12:41 SnipedSoul wrote:Show nested quote +On March 31 2012 12:39 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 12:38 SnipedSoul wrote:On March 31 2012 12:37 stevarius wrote:On March 31 2012 12:32 Iloja wrote:On March 31 2012 11:47 stevarius wrote:On March 31 2012 11:44 McFeser wrote:On March 31 2012 11:33 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 11:32 Blasterion wrote:On March 31 2012 11:26 Odal wrote: [quote]
I disagree. You should be able to act the way you'd like. Punishments shouldn't be serious for offending people with harmless words. I disagree. People should be expect to act with a minimum level of class, and be punished if they act with lack of it. People should strive to be higher and higher class. These acts of lack of class shouldn't be tolerated and should be punished and made an example of. why? why do the people of "higher class" have the right to force there views and beliefs on us "lower class" people? He's not using the right word but he is right. Everyone should act with a minimum amount of decency if only because that is was the majority of people expect/want from others. I don't think anyone would argue that this man's acts were beneficial to anyone. Also, I generally assume the best in people but for those saying we don't need laws to tell people not to be dicks - we do. I would rather have laws then some culturally pressured restriction on what is right and what is wrong concerning public behavior. As for this man's actions, they are unacceptable within what is culturally acceptable and within legal boundaries (just the Korean laws though I'm sure if someone was shouting obscenities at me at the grocery store everyday, and waiting there to do so, I could get them in some sort of trouble). Now I don't think he should be put in prison for seven years. That's just stupid. But how anyone could defend him I don't know. Any American understands that this guy getting taken to civil court for being a dick is just retarded, but this is a different country we're talking about. You can't legislate good behavior. Good fucking luck trying. I don't defend his actions, but I will forever defend his right to be an asshole.... on American soil or at least a country that has sane laws involving some internet BM. Interesting. I don't think that it is South Korea = insane laws regarding internet, Rest of the world = cool with insulting/bullying/harassing in the internet. Actually I think it is the other way round, even in europe you can get arrested for stuff like this, and even more severe than what the guy in South Korea is probably facing: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-03-28/student-jailed-over-offensive-muamba-tweets/3916242Germany has a very similar stand on the issue, we just have a different treshold. Calling someone an asshole (even in real life) won't necessarliy bring the cops to your door, but repeatedly harassing a woman sexually sure will do, even if it is "just" the internet and I do support this. True, you can't legislate good behaviour but you can punish anti-social behaviour. Reminder: We are not talking about him calling her a slut once and then leaving, he did it again and again ... that is harassement. If you are a women in the states you can't do anything against this sort of behaviour? Really? What happens if she speaks out against it? Everyone will shun her because she just stirrs up drama? U.S. society is cool with something like this? I somehow can't believe this. And relax everybody, 7 years is the max, how do laws work in the U.S.? If you are getting found guilty you always get maximum sentence? In germany there is a progression of punishment, up to x years means it is the worst case scenario if the shit really hit the fan in a hurry (you really have to work for it to get the maximum penalty in germany), I belive it is the same in Korea. In America, we use the tools given to us to ban those insulting us in chat. The law isn't needed for something as silly as this. US society is based on growing a spine because you have to deal with people's bullshit every day. People have their retarded religious beliefs and no matter how stupid they are, you respect them. People have stupid opinions, you respect them. People call you bad things, you deal with it. In the case of Own3d chat, you can either deal with it or ban the fucker. Any jail sentence for calling someone a cunt or some other naughty word repeatedly on the internet is just silly. They did ban him many times. Why should they have to ban him whenever they want to stream? what kind of terrible ban system forgets people who are banned so quickly? It's not hard to make a new account. if making a new account was so easy this dude wouldnt get caught, im pretty sure in Korea making an account is alot harder then just coming up with a new username
Northern Ireland23909 Posts
On March 31 2012 12:32 snailz wrote:Show nested quote +On March 31 2012 12:29 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 12:28 Wombat_NI wrote:On March 31 2012 12:23 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 12:19 lorkac wrote:On March 31 2012 12:13 Spieltor wrote:On March 31 2012 12:10 mrtomjones wrote:On March 31 2012 12:09 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 12:07 Wombat_NI wrote:On March 31 2012 11:55 Forikorder wrote: [quote] the dude who was trolling probably doesnt give 2 cents what gender she is and was just having fun trolling if a male was doing Jessicas job and acted jsut like jessica has the dude would still have been on that chout shouting obsenities, possibly even the same ones insults are pretty universal now
the real problem with the world is people like YOU not him, he doesnt care about the gender, you do becuase Jessica is a women you consider it our job to protect her, if it was a dude you probably wouldnt care at all and jsut say he needed thicker skin, but becuase its a women allofasudden this is a big huge deal that everyone should stop and halp console Jessica after her terrible ordeal
sexism is pretty much dead, the only people keeping it alive is people who make such a huge deal over stuff like this and keep it at the top of peoples minds Sexism is alive and well and you're deluded if you think otherwise. Legalistic equality has not seen a cultural shift to true gender equality, but it's a complex issue overall. I don't think it's fair to be characterised as some overprotective man defined by some pseudo-scientific idea of man as naturally protective. I tend to stand up against ridiculous behaviour on this forum if I'm in a particularly angry mood. Most of this relates to player/caster bashing and giving the low proportion of woman players I hardly think I'm some white-knight. I criticised the opportunities given to players like QuanticFlo because they are so blatantly non-meritocratic. Anyhow, if people don't call out atrocious behaviour for what it actually is, then attitudes don't change. For a good example of cultural conditioning, look at the societal attitudes towards drink driving and how they have changed. At least in Ireland it used to be de rigieur to drive home while drunk as a skunk. It was 'the done thing' and nobody saw a problem with it, it took real effort for the practice to be as socially frowned upon as it now is, over years and years of government funded campaigns and grass-roots privately-supported initiatives. Granted there is a case to be made about crying wolf racism/sexism or what have you. in this specific instance I was under the impression he was using Korean equivalents of cunt and other such pejoratives which are often applied in a misogynist manner. If wrong I stand corrected sexism is alive becuase people want it to be the white knights want sexism to be alive so they can pretend to defend the dainty females females want it to be alive so they can scream it and get people in trouble if everyone jsut forgot that women and men are different, and i mean everyone not just the people throwing insults, then sexism will disapear Ummm what? How old are you dude? lol... You have to be trolling. No way you believe this crap. People WANT it to exist? The only people who do are those who are sexist... man... you are crazy. he isnt wrong. Holding doors for women, paying for dinner for women, thats sexism because you're treating them differently due to their sex bits. Prove this isnt so. Isn't it great that the only one talking about paying for dinners and opening doors is you?  Really though, a guy comes up and says we shouldn't call women cunts. Typical response of "it's sexism to open doors too!" Why yes it would be. It's a good thing supposed "white knights" never really argue that men should open doors for women... They really only ask that men don't treat them bad--not necessarily treat them like paragons. Hmm... I wonder why a man would think that not calling a woman a cunt is equal to treating her like royalty... so are you saying its okay to call men cunts? tahts the problem, why does Jessica have to be a women in this scenario? why is it about what we shouldnt be calling women? why couldnt it have been "we shouldnt call anyone cunt"? becuase people arent interested in defending MEN there interested in defending WOMEN becuase women have painted themselves as these fragile little dainties that need to be protected, then they realised that men were taking it seriosuly, so they started wining that they were being protected like fragile little dainties, that they wanted to be treated equally, but tehy didnt want that, they wanted to be treated exactly like men except also as fragile little dainties Cunt is a pejorative that when used in that context can take on sexist connotations, I don't see how that example is so difficult to understand. To take your logic, I should be, as a white caucasian male, as offended by being called a nigger as somebody who is black right? of course you should, no matter who its said to its the same word, why do you think Orb got fired? because white America can't get over what they did to now significant part of their population? collective guilt, if you will? there, now that was trolling.  I defended Orb in that particular instance as he used nigger as a generalcurseword, divorced from any kind of racist intent. Use of the word cunt, with the associated anti-woman connotations, against a woman is different in that sense.
I am not being hypocritical with regards to the Orb instance, I felt that he was just venting and in an impersonal environment (i.e your usernames are divorced from your real life personna). For example, I don't mind getting a ton of BM on Starcraft, but would get irritated if it was to spread and constitute spamming of my Facebook, which I use to connect and interact with friends and associates if that makes sense. I also felt that Orb was singled out by jealous people who are pissed that he was making it in an area of life that they'd like it to. Not everybody who censured him of course fits that description, that'd be silly but there was a signficant minority, especially on Reddit who to me fell into this bracket.
Incidentally back to the Jessica point. Stream chat and ad revenue has a commercial benefit for the Slayers team and her, and if the fan/star dialogue is what attracts people (at least partly) then surely she has some motivation in that sense too? Trolls/spammers are close to a DDoS when it comes to any kind of live chat, there is too much information for anybody in the chat to strike up any kind of dialogue, which is a real shame.
On March 31 2012 12:39 Forikorder wrote:Show nested quote +On March 31 2012 12:35 lorkac wrote:On March 31 2012 12:29 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 12:28 Wombat_NI wrote:On March 31 2012 12:23 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 12:19 lorkac wrote:On March 31 2012 12:13 Spieltor wrote:On March 31 2012 12:10 mrtomjones wrote:On March 31 2012 12:09 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 12:07 Wombat_NI wrote: [quote] Sexism is alive and well and you're deluded if you think otherwise. Legalistic equality has not seen a cultural shift to true gender equality, but it's a complex issue overall. I don't think it's fair to be characterised as some overprotective man defined by some pseudo-scientific idea of man as naturally protective. I tend to stand up against ridiculous behaviour on this forum if I'm in a particularly angry mood. Most of this relates to player/caster bashing and giving the low proportion of woman players I hardly think I'm some white-knight. I criticised the opportunities given to players like QuanticFlo because they are so blatantly non-meritocratic.
Anyhow, if people don't call out atrocious behaviour for what it actually is, then attitudes don't change. For a good example of cultural conditioning, look at the societal attitudes towards drink driving and how they have changed. At least in Ireland it used to be de rigieur to drive home while drunk as a skunk. It was 'the done thing' and nobody saw a problem with it, it took real effort for the practice to be as socially frowned upon as it now is, over years and years of government funded campaigns and grass-roots privately-supported initiatives.
Granted there is a case to be made about crying wolf racism/sexism or what have you. in this specific instance I was under the impression he was using Korean equivalents of cunt and other such pejoratives which are often applied in a misogynist manner. If wrong I stand corrected sexism is alive becuase people want it to be the white knights want sexism to be alive so they can pretend to defend the dainty females females want it to be alive so they can scream it and get people in trouble if everyone jsut forgot that women and men are different, and i mean everyone not just the people throwing insults, then sexism will disapear Ummm what? How old are you dude? lol... You have to be trolling. No way you believe this crap. People WANT it to exist? The only people who do are those who are sexist... man... you are crazy. he isnt wrong. Holding doors for women, paying for dinner for women, thats sexism because you're treating them differently due to their sex bits. Prove this isnt so. Isn't it great that the only one talking about paying for dinners and opening doors is you?  Really though, a guy comes up and says we shouldn't call women cunts. Typical response of "it's sexism to open doors too!" Why yes it would be. It's a good thing supposed "white knights" never really argue that men should open doors for women... They really only ask that men don't treat them bad--not necessarily treat them like paragons. Hmm... I wonder why a man would think that not calling a woman a cunt is equal to treating her like royalty... so are you saying its okay to call men cunts? tahts the problem, why does Jessica have to be a women in this scenario? why is it about what we shouldnt be calling women? why couldnt it have been "we shouldnt call anyone cunt"? becuase people arent interested in defending MEN there interested in defending WOMEN becuase women have painted themselves as these fragile little dainties that need to be protected, then they realised that men were taking it seriosuly, so they started wining that they were being protected like fragile little dainties, that they wanted to be treated equally, but tehy didnt want that, they wanted to be treated exactly like men except also as fragile little dainties Cunt is a pejorative that when used in that context can take on sexist connotations, I don't see how that example is so difficult to understand. To take your logic, I should be, as a white caucasian male, as offended by being called a nigger as somebody who is black right? of course you should, no matter who its said to its the same word, why do you think Orb got fired? He got fired because he lives in a society where saying someone is black is akin to saying he is a weaker/lesser/dumber human being. It must be obvious that the reason the N word is racist is because it's a word that is used to define someone as being less than human by saying they are just like negros--with the implicit understanding that negros are less than human. no he got fired becuase he used a heavy insult and got caught
You didn't read what I said did you?
On March 31 2012 12:41 SnipedSoul wrote:Show nested quote +On March 31 2012 12:39 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 12:38 SnipedSoul wrote:On March 31 2012 12:37 stevarius wrote:On March 31 2012 12:32 Iloja wrote:On March 31 2012 11:47 stevarius wrote:On March 31 2012 11:44 McFeser wrote:On March 31 2012 11:33 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 11:32 Blasterion wrote:On March 31 2012 11:26 Odal wrote: [quote]
I disagree. You should be able to act the way you'd like. Punishments shouldn't be serious for offending people with harmless words. I disagree. People should be expect to act with a minimum level of class, and be punished if they act with lack of it. People should strive to be higher and higher class. These acts of lack of class shouldn't be tolerated and should be punished and made an example of. why? why do the people of "higher class" have the right to force there views and beliefs on us "lower class" people? He's not using the right word but he is right. Everyone should act with a minimum amount of decency if only because that is was the majority of people expect/want from others. I don't think anyone would argue that this man's acts were beneficial to anyone. Also, I generally assume the best in people but for those saying we don't need laws to tell people not to be dicks - we do. I would rather have laws then some culturally pressured restriction on what is right and what is wrong concerning public behavior. As for this man's actions, they are unacceptable within what is culturally acceptable and within legal boundaries (just the Korean laws though I'm sure if someone was shouting obscenities at me at the grocery store everyday, and waiting there to do so, I could get them in some sort of trouble). Now I don't think he should be put in prison for seven years. That's just stupid. But how anyone could defend him I don't know. Any American understands that this guy getting taken to civil court for being a dick is just retarded, but this is a different country we're talking about. You can't legislate good behavior. Good fucking luck trying. I don't defend his actions, but I will forever defend his right to be an asshole.... on American soil or at least a country that has sane laws involving some internet BM. Interesting. I don't think that it is South Korea = insane laws regarding internet, Rest of the world = cool with insulting/bullying/harassing in the internet. Actually I think it is the other way round, even in europe you can get arrested for stuff like this, and even more severe than what the guy in South Korea is probably facing: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-03-28/student-jailed-over-offensive-muamba-tweets/3916242Germany has a very similar stand on the issue, we just have a different treshold. Calling someone an asshole (even in real life) won't necessarliy bring the cops to your door, but repeatedly harassing a woman sexually sure will do, even if it is "just" the internet and I do support this. True, you can't legislate good behaviour but you can punish anti-social behaviour. Reminder: We are not talking about him calling her a slut once and then leaving, he did it again and again ... that is harassement. If you are a women in the states you can't do anything against this sort of behaviour? Really? What happens if she speaks out against it? Everyone will shun her because she just stirrs up drama? U.S. society is cool with something like this? I somehow can't believe this. And relax everybody, 7 years is the max, how do laws work in the U.S.? If you are getting found guilty you always get maximum sentence? In germany there is a progression of punishment, up to x years means it is the worst case scenario if the shit really hit the fan in a hurry (you really have to work for it to get the maximum penalty in germany), I belive it is the same in Korea. In America, we use the tools given to us to ban those insulting us in chat. The law isn't needed for something as silly as this. US society is based on growing a spine because you have to deal with people's bullshit every day. People have their retarded religious beliefs and no matter how stupid they are, you respect them. People have stupid opinions, you respect them. People call you bad things, you deal with it. In the case of Own3d chat, you can either deal with it or ban the fucker. Any jail sentence for calling someone a cunt or some other naughty word repeatedly on the internet is just silly. They did ban him many times. Why should they have to ban him whenever they want to stream? what kind of terrible ban system forgets people who are banned so quickly? It's not hard to make a new account.
a new account doesnt get around it unless you also have a new IP to go with it. you know nothing of I.P.
On March 31 2012 12:41 mrtomjones wrote:Show nested quote +On March 31 2012 12:39 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 12:35 lorkac wrote:On March 31 2012 12:29 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 12:28 Wombat_NI wrote:On March 31 2012 12:23 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 12:19 lorkac wrote:On March 31 2012 12:13 Spieltor wrote:On March 31 2012 12:10 mrtomjones wrote:On March 31 2012 12:09 Forikorder wrote: [quote] sexism is alive becuase people want it to be
the white knights want sexism to be alive so they can pretend to defend the dainty females
females want it to be alive so they can scream it and get people in trouble
if everyone jsut forgot that women and men are different, and i mean everyone not just the people throwing insults, then sexism will disapear Ummm what? How old are you dude? lol... You have to be trolling. No way you believe this crap. People WANT it to exist? The only people who do are those who are sexist... man... you are crazy. he isnt wrong. Holding doors for women, paying for dinner for women, thats sexism because you're treating them differently due to their sex bits. Prove this isnt so. Isn't it great that the only one talking about paying for dinners and opening doors is you?  Really though, a guy comes up and says we shouldn't call women cunts. Typical response of "it's sexism to open doors too!" Why yes it would be. It's a good thing supposed "white knights" never really argue that men should open doors for women... They really only ask that men don't treat them bad--not necessarily treat them like paragons. Hmm... I wonder why a man would think that not calling a woman a cunt is equal to treating her like royalty... so are you saying its okay to call men cunts? tahts the problem, why does Jessica have to be a women in this scenario? why is it about what we shouldnt be calling women? why couldnt it have been "we shouldnt call anyone cunt"? becuase people arent interested in defending MEN there interested in defending WOMEN becuase women have painted themselves as these fragile little dainties that need to be protected, then they realised that men were taking it seriosuly, so they started wining that they were being protected like fragile little dainties, that they wanted to be treated equally, but tehy didnt want that, they wanted to be treated exactly like men except also as fragile little dainties Cunt is a pejorative that when used in that context can take on sexist connotations, I don't see how that example is so difficult to understand. To take your logic, I should be, as a white caucasian male, as offended by being called a nigger as somebody who is black right? of course you should, no matter who its said to its the same word, why do you think Orb got fired? He got fired because he lives in a society where saying someone is black is akin to saying he is a weaker/lesser/dumber human being. It must be obvious that the reason the N word is racist is because it's a word that is used to define someone as being less than human by saying they are just like negros--with the implicit understanding that negros are less than human. no he got fired becuase he used a heavy insult and got caught Ohhhh so cunt is not a heavy insult... how much does it weigh? when did i ever say it wasnt a heavy insult? however it wasnt Mr.Chae throwing the insult around so i guess you could say that it weighs as much as your public image and since it was a random chat troll... nothing
although since this is going to court it probably is very very heavy
On March 31 2012 12:41 mrtomjones wrote:Show nested quote +On March 31 2012 12:39 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 12:35 lorkac wrote:On March 31 2012 12:29 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 12:28 Wombat_NI wrote:On March 31 2012 12:23 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 12:19 lorkac wrote:On March 31 2012 12:13 Spieltor wrote:On March 31 2012 12:10 mrtomjones wrote:On March 31 2012 12:09 Forikorder wrote: [quote] sexism is alive becuase people want it to be
the white knights want sexism to be alive so they can pretend to defend the dainty females
females want it to be alive so they can scream it and get people in trouble
if everyone jsut forgot that women and men are different, and i mean everyone not just the people throwing insults, then sexism will disapear Ummm what? How old are you dude? lol... You have to be trolling. No way you believe this crap. People WANT it to exist? The only people who do are those who are sexist... man... you are crazy. he isnt wrong. Holding doors for women, paying for dinner for women, thats sexism because you're treating them differently due to their sex bits. Prove this isnt so. Isn't it great that the only one talking about paying for dinners and opening doors is you?  Really though, a guy comes up and says we shouldn't call women cunts. Typical response of "it's sexism to open doors too!" Why yes it would be. It's a good thing supposed "white knights" never really argue that men should open doors for women... They really only ask that men don't treat them bad--not necessarily treat them like paragons. Hmm... I wonder why a man would think that not calling a woman a cunt is equal to treating her like royalty... so are you saying its okay to call men cunts? tahts the problem, why does Jessica have to be a women in this scenario? why is it about what we shouldnt be calling women? why couldnt it have been "we shouldnt call anyone cunt"? becuase people arent interested in defending MEN there interested in defending WOMEN becuase women have painted themselves as these fragile little dainties that need to be protected, then they realised that men were taking it seriosuly, so they started wining that they were being protected like fragile little dainties, that they wanted to be treated equally, but tehy didnt want that, they wanted to be treated exactly like men except also as fragile little dainties Cunt is a pejorative that when used in that context can take on sexist connotations, I don't see how that example is so difficult to understand. To take your logic, I should be, as a white caucasian male, as offended by being called a nigger as somebody who is black right? of course you should, no matter who its said to its the same word, why do you think Orb got fired? He got fired because he lives in a society where saying someone is black is akin to saying he is a weaker/lesser/dumber human being. It must be obvious that the reason the N word is racist is because it's a word that is used to define someone as being less than human by saying they are just like negros--with the implicit understanding that negros are less than human. no he got fired becuase he used a heavy insult and got caught Ohhhh so cunt is not a heavy insult... how much does it weigh?
around 2.68 newtons. nigger weighs about or greater than 9000 newtons.
Also, Orb got fired for lying, the same way clinton got impeached for lying.
On March 31 2012 12:42 Spieltor wrote:Show nested quote +On March 31 2012 12:41 SnipedSoul wrote:On March 31 2012 12:39 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 12:38 SnipedSoul wrote:On March 31 2012 12:37 stevarius wrote:On March 31 2012 12:32 Iloja wrote:On March 31 2012 11:47 stevarius wrote:On March 31 2012 11:44 McFeser wrote:On March 31 2012 11:33 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 11:32 Blasterion wrote: [quote] I disagree. People should be expect to act with a minimum level of class, and be punished if they act with lack of it. People should strive to be higher and higher class. These acts of lack of class shouldn't be tolerated and should be punished and made an example of. why? why do the people of "higher class" have the right to force there views and beliefs on us "lower class" people? He's not using the right word but he is right. Everyone should act with a minimum amount of decency if only because that is was the majority of people expect/want from others. I don't think anyone would argue that this man's acts were beneficial to anyone. Also, I generally assume the best in people but for those saying we don't need laws to tell people not to be dicks - we do. I would rather have laws then some culturally pressured restriction on what is right and what is wrong concerning public behavior. As for this man's actions, they are unacceptable within what is culturally acceptable and within legal boundaries (just the Korean laws though I'm sure if someone was shouting obscenities at me at the grocery store everyday, and waiting there to do so, I could get them in some sort of trouble). Now I don't think he should be put in prison for seven years. That's just stupid. But how anyone could defend him I don't know. Any American understands that this guy getting taken to civil court for being a dick is just retarded, but this is a different country we're talking about. You can't legislate good behavior. Good fucking luck trying. I don't defend his actions, but I will forever defend his right to be an asshole.... on American soil or at least a country that has sane laws involving some internet BM. Interesting. I don't think that it is South Korea = insane laws regarding internet, Rest of the world = cool with insulting/bullying/harassing in the internet. Actually I think it is the other way round, even in europe you can get arrested for stuff like this, and even more severe than what the guy in South Korea is probably facing: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-03-28/student-jailed-over-offensive-muamba-tweets/3916242Germany has a very similar stand on the issue, we just have a different treshold. Calling someone an asshole (even in real life) won't necessarliy bring the cops to your door, but repeatedly harassing a woman sexually sure will do, even if it is "just" the internet and I do support this. True, you can't legislate good behaviour but you can punish anti-social behaviour. Reminder: We are not talking about him calling her a slut once and then leaving, he did it again and again ... that is harassement. If you are a women in the states you can't do anything against this sort of behaviour? Really? What happens if she speaks out against it? Everyone will shun her because she just stirrs up drama? U.S. society is cool with something like this? I somehow can't believe this. And relax everybody, 7 years is the max, how do laws work in the U.S.? If you are getting found guilty you always get maximum sentence? In germany there is a progression of punishment, up to x years means it is the worst case scenario if the shit really hit the fan in a hurry (you really have to work for it to get the maximum penalty in germany), I belive it is the same in Korea. In America, we use the tools given to us to ban those insulting us in chat. The law isn't needed for something as silly as this. US society is based on growing a spine because you have to deal with people's bullshit every day. People have their retarded religious beliefs and no matter how stupid they are, you respect them. People have stupid opinions, you respect them. People call you bad things, you deal with it. In the case of Own3d chat, you can either deal with it or ban the fucker. Any jail sentence for calling someone a cunt or some other naughty word repeatedly on the internet is just silly. They did ban him many times. Why should they have to ban him whenever they want to stream? what kind of terrible ban system forgets people who are banned so quickly? It's not hard to make a new account. a new account doesnt get around it unless you also have a new IP to go with it. you know nothing of I.P.
So just go to a different PC bang, house, or wifi hotspot.
On March 31 2012 12:42 Spieltor wrote:Show nested quote +On March 31 2012 12:41 SnipedSoul wrote:On March 31 2012 12:39 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 12:38 SnipedSoul wrote:On March 31 2012 12:37 stevarius wrote:On March 31 2012 12:32 Iloja wrote:On March 31 2012 11:47 stevarius wrote:On March 31 2012 11:44 McFeser wrote:On March 31 2012 11:33 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 11:32 Blasterion wrote: [quote] I disagree. People should be expect to act with a minimum level of class, and be punished if they act with lack of it. People should strive to be higher and higher class. These acts of lack of class shouldn't be tolerated and should be punished and made an example of. why? why do the people of "higher class" have the right to force there views and beliefs on us "lower class" people? He's not using the right word but he is right. Everyone should act with a minimum amount of decency if only because that is was the majority of people expect/want from others. I don't think anyone would argue that this man's acts were beneficial to anyone. Also, I generally assume the best in people but for those saying we don't need laws to tell people not to be dicks - we do. I would rather have laws then some culturally pressured restriction on what is right and what is wrong concerning public behavior. As for this man's actions, they are unacceptable within what is culturally acceptable and within legal boundaries (just the Korean laws though I'm sure if someone was shouting obscenities at me at the grocery store everyday, and waiting there to do so, I could get them in some sort of trouble). Now I don't think he should be put in prison for seven years. That's just stupid. But how anyone could defend him I don't know. Any American understands that this guy getting taken to civil court for being a dick is just retarded, but this is a different country we're talking about. You can't legislate good behavior. Good fucking luck trying. I don't defend his actions, but I will forever defend his right to be an asshole.... on American soil or at least a country that has sane laws involving some internet BM. Interesting. I don't think that it is South Korea = insane laws regarding internet, Rest of the world = cool with insulting/bullying/harassing in the internet. Actually I think it is the other way round, even in europe you can get arrested for stuff like this, and even more severe than what the guy in South Korea is probably facing: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-03-28/student-jailed-over-offensive-muamba-tweets/3916242Germany has a very similar stand on the issue, we just have a different treshold. Calling someone an asshole (even in real life) won't necessarliy bring the cops to your door, but repeatedly harassing a woman sexually sure will do, even if it is "just" the internet and I do support this. True, you can't legislate good behaviour but you can punish anti-social behaviour. Reminder: We are not talking about him calling her a slut once and then leaving, he did it again and again ... that is harassement. If you are a women in the states you can't do anything against this sort of behaviour? Really? What happens if she speaks out against it? Everyone will shun her because she just stirrs up drama? U.S. society is cool with something like this? I somehow can't believe this. And relax everybody, 7 years is the max, how do laws work in the U.S.? If you are getting found guilty you always get maximum sentence? In germany there is a progression of punishment, up to x years means it is the worst case scenario if the shit really hit the fan in a hurry (you really have to work for it to get the maximum penalty in germany), I belive it is the same in Korea. In America, we use the tools given to us to ban those insulting us in chat. The law isn't needed for something as silly as this. US society is based on growing a spine because you have to deal with people's bullshit every day. People have their retarded religious beliefs and no matter how stupid they are, you respect them. People have stupid opinions, you respect them. People call you bad things, you deal with it. In the case of Own3d chat, you can either deal with it or ban the fucker. Any jail sentence for calling someone a cunt or some other naughty word repeatedly on the internet is just silly. They did ban him many times. Why should they have to ban him whenever they want to stream? what kind of terrible ban system forgets people who are banned so quickly? It's not hard to make a new account. a new account doesnt get around it unless you also have a new IP to go with it. you know nothing of I.P. I rmb using proxy can change ip to get unbanned
On March 31 2012 12:44 SnipedSoul wrote:Show nested quote +On March 31 2012 12:42 Spieltor wrote:On March 31 2012 12:41 SnipedSoul wrote:On March 31 2012 12:39 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 12:38 SnipedSoul wrote:On March 31 2012 12:37 stevarius wrote:On March 31 2012 12:32 Iloja wrote:On March 31 2012 11:47 stevarius wrote:On March 31 2012 11:44 McFeser wrote:On March 31 2012 11:33 Forikorder wrote: [quote] why? why do the people of "higher class" have the right to force there views and beliefs on us "lower class" people? He's not using the right word but he is right. Everyone should act with a minimum amount of decency if only because that is was the majority of people expect/want from others. I don't think anyone would argue that this man's acts were beneficial to anyone. Also, I generally assume the best in people but for those saying we don't need laws to tell people not to be dicks - we do. I would rather have laws then some culturally pressured restriction on what is right and what is wrong concerning public behavior. As for this man's actions, they are unacceptable within what is culturally acceptable and within legal boundaries (just the Korean laws though I'm sure if someone was shouting obscenities at me at the grocery store everyday, and waiting there to do so, I could get them in some sort of trouble). Now I don't think he should be put in prison for seven years. That's just stupid. But how anyone could defend him I don't know. Any American understands that this guy getting taken to civil court for being a dick is just retarded, but this is a different country we're talking about. You can't legislate good behavior. Good fucking luck trying. I don't defend his actions, but I will forever defend his right to be an asshole.... on American soil or at least a country that has sane laws involving some internet BM. Interesting. I don't think that it is South Korea = insane laws regarding internet, Rest of the world = cool with insulting/bullying/harassing in the internet. Actually I think it is the other way round, even in europe you can get arrested for stuff like this, and even more severe than what the guy in South Korea is probably facing: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-03-28/student-jailed-over-offensive-muamba-tweets/3916242Germany has a very similar stand on the issue, we just have a different treshold. Calling someone an asshole (even in real life) won't necessarliy bring the cops to your door, but repeatedly harassing a woman sexually sure will do, even if it is "just" the internet and I do support this. True, you can't legislate good behaviour but you can punish anti-social behaviour. Reminder: We are not talking about him calling her a slut once and then leaving, he did it again and again ... that is harassement. If you are a women in the states you can't do anything against this sort of behaviour? Really? What happens if she speaks out against it? Everyone will shun her because she just stirrs up drama? U.S. society is cool with something like this? I somehow can't believe this. And relax everybody, 7 years is the max, how do laws work in the U.S.? If you are getting found guilty you always get maximum sentence? In germany there is a progression of punishment, up to x years means it is the worst case scenario if the shit really hit the fan in a hurry (you really have to work for it to get the maximum penalty in germany), I belive it is the same in Korea. In America, we use the tools given to us to ban those insulting us in chat. The law isn't needed for something as silly as this. US society is based on growing a spine because you have to deal with people's bullshit every day. People have their retarded religious beliefs and no matter how stupid they are, you respect them. People have stupid opinions, you respect them. People call you bad things, you deal with it. In the case of Own3d chat, you can either deal with it or ban the fucker. Any jail sentence for calling someone a cunt or some other naughty word repeatedly on the internet is just silly. They did ban him many times. Why should they have to ban him whenever they want to stream? what kind of terrible ban system forgets people who are banned so quickly? It's not hard to make a new account. a new account doesnt get around it unless you also have a new IP to go with it. you know nothing of I.P. So just go to a different PC bang, house, or wifi hotspot.
yeah. that means travel time. Thats not instant, and as each spot gets shut down, the individual ahs to move further and spend more time going to different spots. Eventually the cost of time will outweigh the benefit of getting back into the chat.
So being an asshole is now illegal? Nice freedom.
This reminds me of an old story about a poor guy living above a fancy restaurant. He would eat every meal (plain rice) at the same time the restaurant was cooking, so he could taste the smell of the feast below his apartment.
The owner of the restaurant sued him for stealing his food's scent. The judge convicted the poor guy to pay with the sound of some coins every time he steals the aroma.
On March 31 2012 12:46 ETisME wrote:Show nested quote +On March 31 2012 12:42 Spieltor wrote:On March 31 2012 12:41 SnipedSoul wrote:On March 31 2012 12:39 Forikorder wrote:On March 31 2012 12:38 SnipedSoul wrote:On March 31 2012 12:37 stevarius wrote:On March 31 2012 12:32 Iloja wrote:On March 31 2012 11:47 stevarius wrote:On March 31 2012 11:44 McFeser wrote:On March 31 2012 11:33 Forikorder wrote: [quote] why? why do the people of "higher class" have the right to force there views and beliefs on us "lower class" people? He's not using the right word but he is right. Everyone should act with a minimum amount of decency if only because that is was the majority of people expect/want from others. I don't think anyone would argue that this man's acts were beneficial to anyone. Also, I generally assume the best in people but for those saying we don't need laws to tell people not to be dicks - we do. I would rather have laws then some culturally pressured restriction on what is right and what is wrong concerning public behavior. As for this man's actions, they are unacceptable within what is culturally acceptable and within legal boundaries (just the Korean laws though I'm sure if someone was shouting obscenities at me at the grocery store everyday, and waiting there to do so, I could get them in some sort of trouble). Now I don't think he should be put in prison for seven years. That's just stupid. But how anyone could defend him I don't know. Any American understands that this guy getting taken to civil court for being a dick is just retarded, but this is a different country we're talking about. You can't legislate good behavior. Good fucking luck trying. I don't defend his actions, but I will forever defend his right to be an asshole.... on American soil or at least a country that has sane laws involving some internet BM. Interesting. I don't think that it is South Korea = insane laws regarding internet, Rest of the world = cool with insulting/bullying/harassing in the internet. Actually I think it is the other way round, even in europe you can get arrested for stuff like this, and even more severe than what the guy in South Korea is probably facing: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-03-28/student-jailed-over-offensive-muamba-tweets/3916242Germany has a very similar stand on the issue, we just have a different treshold. Calling someone an asshole (even in real life) won't necessarliy bring the cops to your door, but repeatedly harassing a woman sexually sure will do, even if it is "just" the internet and I do support this. True, you can't legislate good behaviour but you can punish anti-social behaviour. Reminder: We are not talking about him calling her a slut once and then leaving, he did it again and again ... that is harassement. If you are a women in the states you can't do anything against this sort of behaviour? Really? What happens if she speaks out against it? Everyone will shun her because she just stirrs up drama? U.S. society is cool with something like this? I somehow can't believe this. And relax everybody, 7 years is the max, how do laws work in the U.S.? If you are getting found guilty you always get maximum sentence? In germany there is a progression of punishment, up to x years means it is the worst case scenario if the shit really hit the fan in a hurry (you really have to work for it to get the maximum penalty in germany), I belive it is the same in Korea. In America, we use the tools given to us to ban those insulting us in chat. The law isn't needed for something as silly as this. US society is based on growing a spine because you have to deal with people's bullshit every day. People have their retarded religious beliefs and no matter how stupid they are, you respect them. People have stupid opinions, you respect them. People call you bad things, you deal with it. In the case of Own3d chat, you can either deal with it or ban the fucker. Any jail sentence for calling someone a cunt or some other naughty word repeatedly on the internet is just silly. They did ban him many times. Why should they have to ban him whenever they want to stream? what kind of terrible ban system forgets people who are banned so quickly? It's not hard to make a new account. a new account doesnt get around it unless you also have a new IP to go with it. you know nothing of I.P. I rmb using proxy can change ip to get unbanned
if he was using proxy he wouldn't have been caught.
On March 31 2012 12:40 Blasterion wrote:Show nested quote +On March 31 2012 12:38 iCanada wrote: This thread kind of disturbs me.
Why do people think trolling is okay? Why is someone facing a repercussion from trolling a bad thing?
Why is taking away peoples abilities to go be a complete douche-fuck on the internet a bad thing? And how does it reflect our image as a community, as TL, as gamers when we have people tolerating and supporting classless acts like these.
Yeah, thats what I was thinking.
I thought you were better than this TL.
suing is good imo, but 7 years and 44k$ ? seriously ? lol if someone said those things to anyone in real life could he even get a sentence this big ?
On March 31 2012 11:55 Forikorder wrote:Show nested quote +On March 31 2012 11:51 Wombat_NI wrote: The reason people are invoking the sexism angle is because it's probably a motivating factor in the initial chat. I grow more and more uneasy with the increase in outright, horrendous misogyny. Hey I'm all for a risque sexist joke, if there's some wit involved, but the spewing of such bile makes me worry that societal attitudes towards women will change for the worse. Bear in mind this from personal recollection rather than anything backed empirically
Of course I'm a 'white knight' for believing that somebody having different reproductive organs to me doesn't give me carte blanche to abuse them. the dude who was trolling probably doesnt give 2 cents what gender she is and was just having fun trolling if a male was doing Jessicas job and acted jsut like jessica has the dude would still have been on that chout shouting obsenities, possibly even the same ones insults are pretty universal now the real problem with the world is people like YOU not him, he doesnt care about the gender, you do becuase Jessica is a women you consider it our job to protect her, if it was a dude you probably wouldnt care at all and jsut say he needed thicker skin, but becuase its a women allofasudden this is a big huge deal that everyone should stop and halp console Jessica after her terrible ordeal sexism is pretty much dead, the only people keeping it alive is people who make such a huge deal over stuff like this and keep it at the top of peoples minds
This is an issue this community is sharply divided over. I think we should accept that we stand divided on this issue but in the end it doesen't matter, because society has already decided (in forms of laws) what is acceptable and what not. This guy is getting sued and people like Wombat and me think it's right, people like you think it is not.
In my opinion it is the exact opposite way, Racism and Sexism are still a problem because of people who constantly try to downplay it every opportunity they get while it still is a big problem in our society. Noone ever said we should all "console" Jessica but we should make a stand that sexually harassing a woman is wrong. It seems like a no-brainer for me.
Well, he deserved it....kekeke, gong to jail for 7 years after insulting sounds like its gonna be a big smack for that !@#$head.