Looking to be a student and coach (bronze-plat) ------------------------------------------ Name.Character Code: Poofpoo.438 Server:EU/NA Race: Zerg League: Top Diamond What you are hoping to achieve: I'm generally looking to improve and get masters along the way. Time you're free to learn: Just about any day currently Brief description about you: 22 years old, playing nothing other than SC2.
Looking to be a student ------------------------------------------ Name: JetH.292 Server:NA Race: Protoss League: Plat I'm looking to improve and get to diamond/masters.
Student or Coach ------------------------------------------ Name: Catastrophe#11267 Server: NA/EU Race: Zerg League: Masters Skype: guitarizt2
Coach --------------------------------- Name: Zedd#2246 Server: EU (but it doesnt really matter) Race: / League: / Range of players willing to coach: I am quite sure that I can help pretty much everyone Time you're free to coach: few hours each day / very flexible
Brief description about you: I dont have much time to practice SC2, so my mechanics suck and as a result, I enjoy watching game and thinking about it much more than just playing it. I have seen almost all Proleague/GSL/SSL LoTV matches and I am quite confident that I have good knowledge of current game state. If you want to improve your play, I would prefer you sending me some replays so I can see them and tell you my insights. If it works for you, I can also coach you live ingame.
If interested, message me here or skype me: mr.zedd
Looking for a Coach Student: ------------------------------------------ Name.Character Code: Server: NA Race: Zerg (Interested in Protoss as a Second) League: None What you are hoping to achieve: Gold, but the sky's the limit? Time you're free to learn: EST time zone, usually available in the evening/late night so any time zone works. Brief description about you: My names Jay. I'm 24 years old, and I love RTS games but I've never been particularly good at them. I was a silver player in HoTS around 3 years ago and I haven't played SC2 since. At the end of next week I'm buying LoTV and I'm looking to get back into it hard. By next week my streaming machine will be built and I would love, love, love to stream SC2. This is why I'm looking for a mentor/coach. It is easiest to reach me on my Twitter @SYNLastLaugh. I really hope someone picks this up. Thank you!.
Looking to be a student
Name: Aniroth#1372 Server: NA Race: Protoss League: None
Time you're free: after 8PM EST up until 2:30PM week days and anytime on the weekends.
Brief description about you: right now i am still running HotS but i am trying to learn and it seems no matter what i can seem to win, so i am hoping to have someone coach me and show me what i am doing wrong so i can get better and finally play ranked and actually place when i get LotV.
Looking to be a student and a coach.
Name: BobbyFischer#1679 Server: NA Race: Can Coach Terran Up to Plat, looking for masters coach in zerg/terran League: Diamond Terran/Plat Zerg
Time you're free: Any Time
Brief description about you: I love competition and gaming. I main Terran, and dabble with zerg. I'm looking for a coach for both terran and zerg, while also offering coaching to plat or below Terran players.
Looking for Student
Name: Starkad Character Code: 1861 Server:NA Race: Terran League: Terran Experience coaching If any: very little Range of players willing to coach: any Time you're free to coach: shoot me a message and we can sort it out
Brief description about you: I am a high masters terran. Was semi pro back in 2011 and 2012. Just started playing again in December. I just want to help improve the community
Looking for Coach
Name: AleXusher Character Code: 231 Server:EU Race: Terran League: Master Time you're free: Mostly any time
Brief description about you: I am a masters terran, struggling in TvP and TvZ and rly could need help to understand current MUs, BOs and the Meta as well as timings and counters, basically the whole game^^
Looking for coach
Name: Shield Character Code: 2846 Server: EU Race: Protoss League: High diamond Time you're free: After 18:00 (CET) usually
Brief description about you: I am a protoss player who rarely watches pro scene to learn builds. I've reached masters several times without following builds too strictly. However, I have some problems with PvP and early PvZ all-in. Help outside those issues is also welcome.
I am a coach! --------------------------------- Name.Character Code: McMonroe.112 Server: North America Race: Zerg League: Grandmaster Experience coaching If any: I've coached around 25 players of varying levels from bronze to masters Range of players willing to coach: Bronze-Masters Time you're free to coach: 7-10 p.m. Central Time M-F, Weekends any time from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Brief description about you: I'm a GM macro zerg player.
Name : EverZTelecom / joeycacalano@hotmail.com (realid) server : NA Race : Zerg & Protoss League : Grandmaster Range : Any level Time : PM on skype = TelecomRG Brief description of me : Played SC BW for over 10+ years, SC2 since WOL, GM twice, aspiring pro gamer..
skype = telecomRG
Student ------------------------------------------ Name.Character Code: Pharaphobia#2829 (real id) Server: EU Race: Zerg League: Ex Diamond What you are hoping to achieve: Master/GM Time you're free to learn: I work shift weeks so one week its from 8amto 13:30pm / Other week from 14:30 to 22:30 CET Brief description about you:
I was very active diamond zerg player/caster for (czech) community at StarCraft. I stopped playing after a accident where i lost my left eye (i can briefly see shapes with my left eye). After that I lost a lot of games becaseu it was hard to adapt and I suffered from a big ladder anxiety. Now I want to pick LotV back to my hands again.
So I'm looking for someone with big patience, because I knew it will be hard with me ^.^/
Looking forward for potencional responses.
Anyone interested in making a website / SC2 group / project in order to make coaching & tutoring more mainstream and accessible? PM
Name.Character Code: 442 Server: Europe Race: Zerg League: Gold What you are hoping to achieve: Coaching Time you're free to learn: Anytime Brief description about you: i'm in the gold league for almost 1 year wanting to go up the ladder
Student ------------------------------------------------- Name.Character Code: whysogosu #1406 Server: KR Race: Terran League: Plat What you are hoping to achieve: improve my mechanics, improve scouting, improve build orders, improve harass, get to Masters Time you're free to learn: anytime for the next 2 weeks! Brief description about you: i'm a Canadian working in HK, and starcraft is awesome
hye,if anyone there like to be my coach ??
want to be a STUDENT
Name.Character Code: BajuBesi #292 Server: South East Asia Race: Terran League : Bronze What you are hoping to achieve: Platinum/Diamond Time you're free to learn: anytime 8pm GMT Brief description about you: fast learner and willing to listen and learn
Student looking for coach --------------------------------------------------- Name.Character Code: Zigg #1251 Server: NA Race: Protoss League: Bronze What you are hoping to achieve: At least silver Time you're free to learn: Anytime. Brief description about you: I am a very fast learner, and I can usually master any video game within 100> hours of playing it, but this game is just so damned difficult to learn. I've been playing it on and off since the release of WOL, and Bronze 1 is STILL the best I can do.
Coach looking for Coach or Student so i will write down both.
--------------------- Looking For A Student ---------------------
Name.Character Code: SouL.1724 Server: EU Race: Zerg League: Master Experience coaching If any: Arround 14 Students in the last 3 Years. Range of players willing to coach: Gold to Diamond Time you're free to coach: Really depends on the day/week or even my mood. Brief description about you: I am an 19 year old guy from germany who is really into competition and especially into StarCraft II. I am interested into the korean eSports scene, because i enjoy high level competition. If you wanna know anything private, you may ask me ingame with my Battletag. I am fluent in german and english. Currently i am learning spanish and would enjoy to improve it while coaching.
----------------------------- Looking For A Coach ----------------------------- Name.Character Code: SouL.1724 Server: EU Race: Zerg League: Master What you are hoping to achieve: Improve in general. Time you're free to learn: Really depends from day to day and i would enjoy to argue about that with my coach. Brief description about you: Wrote it above in the "Looking for a student" section :-)
Hello, I'm just curious and I hope my post isn't out of place here... You say this is "free" coaching. This would imply there are actually coaches who help players get better in a game FOR A FEE? O.o