On December 15 2011 07:00 Derity wrote: so why idra and sen? why not stephano? did you even talk to him?
GomTv really failed to make clear that MLG Providence didn't give a Code S seed.
I believe Stephano has made a point that he does not want to play in Korea (GSL)
On December 15 2011 07:01 pi_rate_pir_ate wrote: I have a question about the game NaNiWa played against Nestea.
Did he micro his probes or simply stop them by Nestea?
The reason that I ask this, is that if he tried to win with his probe rush, I fail to see the distinction between this and a discouraged player cheesing his way out of a tournament.
He did not. He a-moved. At least Nestea went mineral drill to surround the probes.
Thank you! I wish I could have watched the games. I'm still a little confused about whether he had already been awarded the Code S or whether it was "under consideration." If it had been awarded, then it is clearly a punishment and GomTV is lying. This would seem completely unnecessary, because obviously you can't have players deliberately throwing games because that would make match-fixing motive based rather than fact based. GomTV did mention this last point in their statement.
So my remaining question:
Had Code S been officially awarded to NaNiWa? Is there digital or hard proof of this fact?
There has never been, as far as I know, a GOMTV announcement that Naniwa gets Code S.
Read Waxangels post
My point is: GOMTV, after MLG Providence, has never announced Naniwa to get the Code S.
But they did allrdy announce it get it?
They didnt announce MMA or DRG got a spot when they won there code S in the MLG exchange program
At MLG Columbus, the Top 3 non-Korean finishers will each be placed into GSL Code A. At every 2011 Pro Circuit Live Competition after MLG Columbus, GSL placement will occur as follows:
Code S status will be awarded to the highest placing player, regardless of country of origin, who doesn't already have Code S status.
this says it all Naniwa won a code S spot. Acording to there own rules.
So MLG Dallas 2025 will award a Code-S Spot too? Stop being blind, the partnership is over, or atleast in this form. GOM was about to explain it to us (as they said in this thread that you apparently didn't read). If you fail to read or refuse to believe them, it's your problem but that doesn't make your statement right.
2011 is now 2011 and 2025?
GomTV needs to sort their shit out. the kespa ppp rule was stupid but if there are no real rules they should not punish players.
On December 15 2011 07:00 Derity wrote: so why idra and sen? why not stephano? did you even talk to him?
GomTv really failed to make clear that MLG Providence didn't give a Code S seed.
I believe Stephano has made a point that he does not want to play in Korea (GSL)
On December 15 2011 07:01 pi_rate_pir_ate wrote: I have a question about the game NaNiWa played against Nestea.
Did he micro his probes or simply stop them by Nestea?
The reason that I ask this, is that if he tried to win with his probe rush, I fail to see the distinction between this and a discouraged player cheesing his way out of a tournament.
He did not. He a-moved. At least Nestea went mineral drill to surround the probes.
Thank you! I wish I could have watched the games. I'm still a little confused about whether he had already been awarded the Code S or whether it was "under consideration." If it had been awarded, then it is clearly a punishment and GomTV is lying. This would seem completely unnecessary, because obviously you can't have players deliberately throwing games because that would make match-fixing motive based rather than fact based. GomTV did mention this last point in their statement.
So my remaining question:
Had Code S been officially awarded to NaNiWa? Is there digital or hard proof of this fact?
There has never been, as far as I know, a GOMTV announcement that Naniwa gets Code S.
Read Waxangels post
My point is: GOMTV, after MLG Providence, has never announced Naniwa to get the Code S.
But they did allrdy announce it get it?
They didnt announce MMA or DRG got a spot when they won there code S in the MLG exchange program
At MLG Columbus, the Top 3 non-Korean finishers will each be placed into GSL Code A. At every 2011 Pro Circuit Live Competition after MLG Columbus, GSL placement will occur as follows:
Code S status will be awarded to the highest placing player, regardless of country of origin, who doesn't already have Code S status.
this says it all Naniwa won a code S spot. Acording to there own rules.
So MLG Dallas 2025 will award a Code-S Spot too? Stop being blind, the partnership is over, or atleast in this form. GOM was about to explain it to us (as they said in this thread that you apparently didn't read). If you fail to read or refuse to believe them, it's your problem but that doesn't make your statement right.
Jesus, are you blind ? At every 2011 Pro Circuit Live Competition
On December 15 2011 07:15 ampson wrote: Hey, GOMTV. You're just failing here. Your first statement regarding why naniwa was being denied his code S spot cited a rule that you had, and now you say,"It is true that NaNiWa has not taken actions that break any explicit rules." You shouldn't be able to do that. Furthermore, get your damn MLG partnership straight. It is either MLG or GSL's fault, but MLG TOLD US ALL that Nani would get a code S spot and NO announcement was made about changing the format. So you (or MLG) has misled us all. I've lost respect for GOM over this, perhaps kespa would do a better job with SC2.
95% exactly my thoughts. But I don't think KeSPA would be better than GOM. I mean this bullshit by GOM sucks but with KeSPA it would be far worse.
On December 15 2011 07:23 Mellon wrote: I don't like the statement at all. How come everyone was under the impression that top placing non-Code S player at any MLG event will recieve a Code S slot? Because that's what was being said. If you would change it now, and it would affect next season it would be fine. I think it's disrespectful to Naniwa, Quantic, MLG and frankly the entire western SC2 community. Did he purposely break a rule? Was the rule obvious and 100% correct to what happen? Neither of those question's answer is true.
A warning would have been fine, you have enough status to be able to say "we won't tolerate that again", then noone will ever do it. Making an example of a player is completely unnecessary. Also, you might want to look into playing unnecessary games, unless it's clearly stated as "Friendly showgame", or anything like that. Would the game be good either way? Definately not. Two players playing with nothing to gain, probably just want to get home or get the previous games out of their mind.
I really don't agree with how you managed this, and i actually hope that you take back this statement and instead hand out a warning to Naniwa, aswell as stating that MLG seeds is no longer 100%, rather it depends on who you want to pick. This also makes MLG less valuable in my eyes, since the best part with last MLG was a non-korean competing in Code S, and a swedish aswell as protoss player.
I don't get why you take Idra either. He is a great player for sure, but he hasn't posted the results and i don't get why you forget what happened last time he played in the GSL. He left in the middle of a season (i've heard rumours that you wanted him to leave during the middle and not before, but i don't know if it's true and i will treat it like you didn't communicate). Now you invite him back giving him a Code S slot, over a player who was promised a slot, both according to MLG and GSL, just because you had rules that wasn't clear enough?
I think this will have a negative impact on GSL, i don't know for how long. But i got less interested in buying a season ticket, which i have been doing for about half the seasons. Both because Naniwa aint no longer in it and i wanted to follow his progress seeing as he deserved this code S spot in so many ways. Also since you handled this very poorly in my eyes. I just hope you won't stick with being this stuck up...
Did you read Naniwas statement? He regrets his actions and will not compete in GSL January at all. OUT OF REGRET. Why do his "fans" still try to back him although he already admitted that he was wrong?
To sum it up - Nani and Quantic are deeply sorry for their sins and apologize while GOM doesnt take half a step back , even in regards of the tournament format.
On December 15 2011 06:41 Hydrox911 wrote: Im sorry, but I do like the stance gomtv has taken to this and am very disappointed. The thing you have to understand is that you have taken away Naniwa's code s spot. He was going to be in code s --> incidenent happens ----> No seed. For me at least, its gomtv who looks the worst out this occasion. You have to clearer what the rules are and , as has been discussed in other threads, not have these vague rules which gomtv seems to have used against naniwa. Be clear with your rules. Very disappointed and In my opinion, there is a large part of blame for having pointless games in the first place. You seem to purely have reacted according to Korean netizen reactions and not having clear rules, just making them up as you feel fitting.
Sorry Gom, but this is my opinion and don't feel like supporting gomtv right now. Thanks
Did you not read the statement? They said he was never given the code s spot, he was just a candidate for it. As a result of his actions, they decided to remove him from the candidacy, which is a very reasonable punishment for throwing the game, even if it didn't mean anything.
I read the statement thank you. You know that he would of got the spot if he hadnt done this. That is taking it away in my eyes and gom is using unwritten rules and opinions as a course of action.
You're right, he would've gotten the spot if he didn't do this, but the fact of the matter is he did do it. So it was never taken away because he never had it. The whole point of those spots is for GOM to choose 2 foreigners that have done well recently and that they want to be there, which GOM clearly states in their statement. Because Naniwa decided to make poor decision in a tournament, they were going to count that against him. Even GOM says that Naniwa is lucky he isn't Korean. If he was, he would have likely been banned.
On December 15 2011 06:33 GOMTV wrote: Both Korean as well as international fans are important to us. We hope that no one gets the wrong picture and believes that NaNiWa is being treated disadvantageously because he is a foreigner. On the contrary, if a Korean had been involved in a similar incident, it is possible that a much harsher reaction would have followed. It is also very likely that the player's team would have taken firm action before the GSL could have even reacted to it.
I would strongly urge you to revise this statement. The way that it is worded leaves the perception that your organization is making a snide comment about the nature of Naniwa's foreigner representation vis-a-vis your stated examples of the Korean model. This vagueness can be chalked up to inadequacies in translation, but should be addressed.
My emphasis added in the quote.
To be fair, this is exactly what happened with CoCa... SlayerS punished him severely before GOM had a chance to do anything.
Thanks for the good and honest statement from Gom, although this does still raise some questions i (as a SC2 fan) would like to see answered, first, isn't Gom taking any responsibility on the matter? The last statement saying you will look into better formats its something to short, but Gom does have the responsibility of creating the bad format that allowed this and should take a fair part of the blame, neither Naniwa or Nestea should have been put into that situation or atleast clearly Naniwa was mentally worn, and still he was thrown into the main stage, to me it doesn't sound like a very good way to treat your players. Someone should have been there and noticed that Naniwa was in no state to perform, because that's what you were asking of him, not to be a competitor but for that game to be a performer. Second, it seems that the ruling that Naniwa will no longer be considered for the code S spot is fair enough, seeing that, as you state Gom is chosing the players going in, rather then having some standard quantifiable way to do it. But that seems just like a bad way, that's not how it should work, everyone assumed Naniwa got it because he was the top foreigner qualified, but if rather, its just Gom chosing who the think its best isn't that a susceptible to bias system? also does that mean the arrangement with MLG is over or just being completly ignored?
Very nice response from Gom showing once again they are the most professional company in e-sports today and set the gold standard. Explained the situation really well, while acknowledging the format and not being able to please everyone with their decision. Things like this make me feel good about continuing to support gom through buying the subscriptions.
On December 15 2011 07:20 Cush wrote: So many people here making up stuff to back Naniwa lol.
they ahvent though GOMTV hasnt actually said anything true... 4 koreans gotpaid togo to Prov which MLGposted on their own site... so if the was no agreement in case for a code ss why did MLG pay for 4 koreans to come over... it all smellslike dog poo...lol
New GSL Format, read the OP.
I have read it... nothing is clear it all seems ahzy so that GSL can do this whenever they want.. in a way they get what they want Idra who will bring in more viewers then Nani would and Sen who will get Taiwan and other countires also signing upp....
GOM will gain more with the way things have happened then they like to admit.
"시드는 총 10장이다. 우승자를 비롯해 8위까지 8명만이 차기 시즌 시드를 받는다. 여기에 후원사 시드 2장이 마련됐다. 후원사 시드는 해외 대회에서 좋은 활약을 펼친 선수들이나 두각을 드러내고 있는 외국인 선수들에게 돌아갈 가능성이 높다."
There are 10 seeds. The Top 8 will get Seeds for the next Seasons. There will be 2 Sponsorship Seeds added to this. There is a high probability that Sponsorship Seeds will be awarded to Players that showed skill in Foreign tournaments or Foreign Players that have shown their skill otherwise.
So the terminology no longer was MLG Seeds but Sponsorship Seeds.
Does anyone else not care about MLG seeds because MLG is overpriced and a general waste of money, when held against the GSL, IPL, NASL, dreamhack, etc?
On December 15 2011 06:43 Gin-san wrote: That's actually a pretty lame response, just like i expected it. They think they're 100% correct and only blame NaNiwa. Hopefully Blizzard won't give the next SC2 contract to you but to KeSPA.
KeSPA would have banned Naniwa for life... Just saying....
On December 15 2011 07:20 Cush wrote: So many people here making up stuff to back Naniwa lol.
they ahvent though GOMTV hasnt actually said anything true... 4 koreans gotpaid togo to Prov which MLGposted on their own site... so if the was no agreement in case for a code ss why did MLG pay for 4 koreans to come over... it all smellslike dog poo...lol
New GSL Format, read the OP.
Yes but it contradicts their old statement saying it applied to EVERY MLG stop this year. they cant just change it after the event. READ THE THREAD.