On October 22 2011 02:48 Clamev wrote: from reddit My friend is at BlizzCon and he's played HoTS. Here are the latest changes.
No more Overseer. Hydra speed increased. Viper will permanently grant detection for energy. Lair tech. Grant detection is the cheapest spell. Burrowed banelings can MOVE. Possibly an upgrade. Swarm lord spits out broodling-looking things that have 16 attack damage and .87 attack speed.
On October 22 2011 02:52 Mr Showtime wrote: Hellions transforms to become MORE durable? Did I read that correctly?
Thats what i said, it is already stupidly hard to kill hellions, if you face 10 hellions you need 90 stalker shots to kill 1k minerals... if they gain hp and stay light, toss will have nothing to oppose them but mass blink stalkers
On October 22 2011 02:56 0neder wrote: " The hitch is, if friendly units are standing near it, it won't fire the pulse. It has to be alone."
Half the excitement of spider mines was using them against the terran. Retarded balance for bronze league.
Yea, i thought the same.
The game would be better and more interesting in every way if they were on/off that you had to individually control, if they could kill your own units etc, like siege tanks.
On October 22 2011 02:56 0neder wrote: " The hitch is, if friendly units are standing near it, it won't fire the pulse. It has to be alone."
Half the excitement of spider mines was using them against the terran. Retarded balance for bronze league.
I think the point is that you can force the terrans into positions that negate the use of the shredders (this is probably meant to interact with the viper pull).
On October 22 2011 02:40 TUski wrote: Oracle and tempest from stargate? That's fuckin weird. I thought oracle would be a robo unit
It's to give Stargate tech detection.
I.e make clocked banshees entirely unfeasable except in cheesing situations.
Lets see what this leaves us with: a walking hellion, a goliath, a ravenholm zombie trap from Half-Life 2, an idea stolen from Star Gate SG-1, a protoss science vessel, and a burrowed brood lord.
No, seriously wtf.
I hope beyond hope this stuff changes before release.
On October 22 2011 02:52 Mr Showtime wrote: Hellions transforms to become MORE durable? Did I read that correctly?
Thats what i said, it is already stupidly hard to kill hellions, if you face 10 hellions you need 90 stalker shots to kill 1k minerals... if they gain hp and stay light, toss will have nothing to oppose them but mass blink stalkers
I doubt they will gain HP. More likely they will actually turn into armored units with the same HP and gain some armor, making it EASIER for stalkers to kill.
On October 22 2011 02:50 NicolBolas wrote: This means that all Zerg units can burrow move! That may as well be a new unit; hell, it's better than a new unit. And it's something I've been saying since they gave Roaches burrow-move.
No it doesn't, what a ridiculous extrapolation with no evidence.
Did you see the part that said "burrow moveable blank?"
On October 22 2011 02:52 Mr Showtime wrote: Hellions transforms to become MORE durable? Did I read that correctly?
Thats what i said, it is already stupidly hard to kill hellions, if you face 10 hellions you need 90 stalker shots to kill 1k minerals... if they gain hp and stay light, toss will have nothing to oppose them but mass blink stalkers
Void rays?
They deal bonus damage to armored and massive - You suggest massing them to deal with light units?
That would be not only stupid, but imbalanced in my opinion if it worked.
On October 22 2011 02:55 GDbushido wrote: The hydra speed change is stupid. God forbid zergs have a single unit that moves as slow as everyone else's shit (off creep of course).
except the hydra is slower than stalkers and stimmed marines...
On October 22 2011 01:04 cklrkzk wrote: Gameplay experiences from AskJoshy added! Mass recall on Nexus in HOTS!!!!! Burrowed banelings can MOVE. Possibly an upgrade! Carriers Are Gone! ...
....WHAT? I can't even comprehend this sentence. Burrowed. Banelings. Can. Move.
And I'm guessing Mass recall on Nexus is an upgrade to replace the mothership. No surprise there. Although I would be pissed if the research cost is less than the mothership, simply because of Kiwikawi's usage of recall in IPL. The harassment options.
Any building can become a cannon with a bonus to light.
Fuck. Yes.
not only is protoss can deny zerg 1st expansion by building pylon, it can kill zerglings and drones which is trying to kill pylon that block expo without having to build forge balance. If assuming pylon can use arc shield.
i think you missed the part where the guy explained that Artosis DID cast it on a pylon he built in the enemies mineral line...and you also missed the part where the guy said he took out the pylon with his workers and didn't lose a single SCV, the worst damage was one SCV had 5 hp left....so its obviously not a super strong ability. I don't see that denying zergs expansion or even killing more than a zergling.