We are currently talking about this issue in the mod forum. We take this issue very seriously, and want to find the best way to serve those who want faster results, and those that don't wish to be spoiled. |
Thank you for posting this! This has been bothering me for quite sometime.
Every time someone would complain about a spoiler on Team Liquid regarding an already finished SC2 game... my blood would boil.
If I don't want to be spoiled, I
1. Don't go to team liquid. 2. Don't talk to my other starcraft 2 friends (or at least in form them ahead of time not to tell me) 3. Don't watch any event that happened later to avoid any potential references
Its that simple. If I can't watch it live (doesn't matter the reason) it is my responsibility to not find out if I don't want to.. No one else.
GSL results should be posted on the front page within minutes of them occurring.
Let say we have this kind of situation. Frequent TL.net user wins MLG or IPL, so on... Decides to post his victory story and how he did in the tourney few hours later
"Champion of MLG xxxxxxxx, My story" posted as same user.
Would tl.net spoiler this?
No I dont agree with you, i really cant understand why anyone would still watch eg gsl if he knew the results, i often bash my friends when they spoil me the results because knowing the outcomes just kills the fun for me. When i know the results and still watch the games i always go in my mind: "Oh, now hes gonna die soon, ok now its gonna be over.." and you just cant have any surprises anymore.. and to your point with the stanley cup outcomes and the like, well this is mostly limited to regions, like the US, in case of Hockey, or American Football,and if people want to watch it, they have to watch it live (in most cases). But SC is a worldwide phenomenon and time still matters to those people that do not want to be spoiled and watch the VODs, even if it doesnt to you.
On October 13 2011 16:17 DeAnconia wrote: If I don't want to be spoiled, I
1. Don't go to team liquid. 2. Don't talk to my other starcraft 2 friends (or at least in form them ahead of time not to tell me) 3. Don't watch any event that happened later to avoid any potential references
So you say you should just completely shut yourself away and do not talk to anyone (sc related)? Come on, this cant work ^^
On October 13 2011 00:46 Clearout wrote: No thank you, I'm scared enough to browse TL when I haven't been up to date with GSL.
Edit: I go to TL for much more than e-sports, I do not wish to HAVE to watch games without being spoiled. Then the games become a chore I have to do, or get spoiled. Also I do not believe I am part of a 5% group, I believe a lot more people don't want to be spoilered. Yet we still want to be able to go to TL for other reasons.
Turns out you belong to a group of about 8% (right now)
Sorry i just had to...
In my opinion e-sports should be treated like any other sport, its a winning concept...
To be honest I really hate all kinds of spoilers, especially in SCII since it just takes so much of the excitement away. However I'll normally be watching the tournies I care about on streams or youtube, and the rest I don't care about so it doesn't bother me If TL spoils stuff.
On October 13 2011 16:27 KoBlades wrote: No I dont agree with you, i really cant understand why anyone would still watch eg gsl if he knew the results, i often bash my friends when they spoil me the results because knowing the outcomes just kills the fun for me. When i know the results and still watch the games i always go in my mind: "Oh, now hes gonna die soon, ok now its gonna be over.." and you just cant have any surprises anymore.. and to your point with the stanley cup outcomes and the like, well this is mostly limited to regions, like the US, in case of Hockey, or American Football,and if people want to watch it, they have to watch it live (in most cases). But SC is a worldwide phenomenon and time still matters to those people that do not want to be spoiled and watch the VODs, even if it doesnt to you.
when i want to know the results i open up tl or reddid when i dont want to know the results i open up gsl. when the games are highly recommended i watch them when not i dont watch them. ist that easy you know?
When i dont want to know the results of a soccer game.
i must close my phone i can not talk to everyone that likes soccer i must look down when i travel through my town because of tvs in public transportation. im not allowed to buy the morning paper im not allowed to watch tv still the last moment when the recap starts.
so i dont even try it. when i mist it. i watch the results and then i watch HOOOOOOWWWWWWW they won or lost and thats the most important factor not who won
I think one of these websites has a "spoiler free" version.How about this: by default, there are no spoilers. Users can specify that they are O.K. with spoilers in the user dashboard.
Having a news story and a photo of the winner =/= a live tournament results tab. Putting every recent result on the front page is way too much but having a news story for an important match (usually the final) is something I'm definitely okay with.
Also, it shouldn't be that hard to make an alternative, spoiler-free.teamliquid.net homepage, that does not feature the articles in this category.
A few weeks ago, someone whined to the SlayerS account on facebook that they should not post the results because it spoiled him. Come on, part of esports is excitement and people have the right to be excited about results and be shown in the frontpage. Show me those nerds holding trophies in the frontpage !
Every single week I have to avoid WWE spoilers for 24 hours. You know how I do that? I DON'T VISIT SITES THAT WILL GIVE ME THE RESULTS. Is it that hard to stay away from TeamLiquid until you've watched the games? For fucks sakes, people.
I always watch games with ~1 day delay due to work & related, but still visit TL for let's say reading strategy threads. However I can accept the spoilers if the majority wishes so, in which case I would just have to bookmark the strategy thread and go straight there . You can always find workarounds if you want, but I guess complaining and requesting empathy from others is a lot easier than trying to do something and is deeply embedded in human nature.
Watch it live for the sake of esports.
I've never come to a gaming site or an anything site expecting to find the "winning team" plastered all over the front. Maybe a big link to "IPL FINALS!" to use your example. But what difference does it make to you if you know the result to see an image depicting the winning team outside of the post. Whereas it could make all the difference to someone else. To use your Stanley cup example. It would be fine to have (what you would actually see), a big link to FINALS! and then images / posting inside. This is what actually usually happens and it's perfectly fine.
If there was one actual reason to show spoilers there may some argument here. Everyone posts saying how annoyed they are when people visit TL then complain. First off very few people complain compared to the amount who will see spoiled things. Hell, more people complain about those who complain, than original complaints are posted in the first place! Secondly TL does a great job of not spoiling things. Just because you see something live doesn't mean everyone else will. Maybe someone comes here expecting to find the event still live? To find vods? Before complaining for the sake of it about what annoys you (Sorry the internet isn't here to indulge your whims Sir), before saying how much people piss you off regarding something, think about the actual point of what you're saying.
Point actually being. Seems like people here actively want things spoiled to make a point to those who come here and complain and for no other actual reason. Yes maybe these people shouldn't visit. Yes they shouldn't complain about spoilers (very few do). I've come here myself and seen "oh shit I've missed day 1 of X tournament" and I can go and watch without knowing the results. Don't punish the silent majority in spite of the few vocal idiots.
You're point is: "I want to see things a certain way that actually makes no difference to me, but screw everybody else." If you had literally any point at all then it may be a legitimate post.
*Edit, actually, OP is a bit of an ass. "Spoiler freaks", "5%" (when the poll shows closer to 10%). Entire post is misleading and founded on OP wanting the internet to serve his every desire. I'm not one to complain about spoilers. But no reason to be a dick for the sake of it.
+ Show Spoiler +On October 13 2011 17:19 Tone_ wrote: I've never come to a gaming site or an anything site expecting to find the "winning team" plastered all over the front. Maybe a big link to "IPL FINALS!" to use your example. But what difference does it make to you if you know the result to see an image depicting the winning team outside of the post. Whereas it could make all the difference to someone else. To use your Stanley cup example. It would be fine to have (what you would actually see), a big link to FINALS! and then images / posting inside. This is what actually usually happens and it's perfectly fine.
If there was one actual reason to show spoilers there may some argument here. Everyone posts saying how annoyed they are when people visit TL then complain. First off very few people complain compared to the amount who will see spoiled things. Hell, more people complain about those who complain, than original complaints are posted in the first place! Secondly TL does a great job of not spoiling things. Just because you see something live doesn't mean everyone else will. Maybe someone comes here expecting to find the event still live? To find vods? Before complaining for the sake of it about what annoys you (Sorry the internet isn't here to indulge your whims Sir), before saying how much people piss you off regarding something, think about the actual point of what you're saying.
Point actually being. Seems like people here actively want things spoiled to make a point to those who come here and complain and for no other actual reason. Yes maybe these people shouldn't visit. Yes they shouldn't complain about spoilers (very few do). I've come here myself and seen "oh shit I've missed day 1 of X tournament" and I can go and watch without knowing the results. Don't punish the silent majority in spite of the few vocal idiots.
You're point is: "I want to see things a certain way that actually makes no difference to me, but screw everybody else." If you had literally any point at all then it may be a legitimate post.
*Edit, actually, OP is a bit of an ass. "Spoiler freaks", "5%" (when the poll shows closer to 10%). Entire post is misleading and founded on OP wanting the internet to serve his every desire. I'm not one to complain about spoilers. But no reason to be a dick for the sake of it.
This would be an excellent use of spoilers if you can't be more concise
How about we find out for ourselves.
On October 13 2011 17:42 HeavyWeapons wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On October 13 2011 17:19 Tone_ wrote: I've never come to a gaming site or an anything site expecting to find the "winning team" plastered all over the front. Maybe a big link to "IPL FINALS!" to use your example. But what difference does it make to you if you know the result to see an image depicting the winning team outside of the post. Whereas it could make all the difference to someone else. To use your Stanley cup example. It would be fine to have (what you would actually see), a big link to FINALS! and then images / posting inside. This is what actually usually happens and it's perfectly fine.
If there was one actual reason to show spoilers there may some argument here. Everyone posts saying how annoyed they are when people visit TL then complain. First off very few people complain compared to the amount who will see spoiled things. Hell, more people complain about those who complain, than original complaints are posted in the first place! Secondly TL does a great job of not spoiling things. Just because you see something live doesn't mean everyone else will. Maybe someone comes here expecting to find the event still live? To find vods? Before complaining for the sake of it about what annoys you (Sorry the internet isn't here to indulge your whims Sir), before saying how much people piss you off regarding something, think about the actual point of what you're saying.
Point actually being. Seems like people here actively want things spoiled to make a point to those who come here and complain and for no other actual reason. Yes maybe these people shouldn't visit. Yes they shouldn't complain about spoilers (very few do). I've come here myself and seen "oh shit I've missed day 1 of X tournament" and I can go and watch without knowing the results. Don't punish the silent majority in spite of the few vocal idiots.
You're point is: "I want to see things a certain way that actually makes no difference to me, but screw everybody else." If you had literally any point at all then it may be a legitimate post.
*Edit, actually, OP is a bit of an ass. "Spoiler freaks", "5%" (when the poll shows closer to 10%). Entire post is misleading and founded on OP wanting the internet to serve his every desire. I'm not one to complain about spoilers. But no reason to be a dick for the sake of it. This would be an excellent use of spoilers if you can't be more concise 
Presumably you don't understand the use of spoiler tags. But yeah, come to a forum and complain about non mandatory reading. And better to have a longer point than no point at all.
I find spoilers pointless, beside that, what is preventing TL to have articles about tournaments without revealing results anyway. It's frustrating we only hear about tournaments which was finished days/weeks until articles are pulished.
Presumably you don't understand the use of spoiler tags. But yeah, come to a forum and complain about non mandatory reading. And better to have a longer point than no point at all.
First it was a joke ( duh ) . Second, I think having a more concise post helps everyone, including you . Because my first instinct upon seeing that is to just skip it . But maybe I'm the odd one.
On October 13 2011 18:28 HeavyWeapons wrote:Show nested quote + Presumably you don't understand the use of spoiler tags. But yeah, come to a forum and complain about non mandatory reading. And better to have a longer point than no point at all.
It was a joke ( duh ) and I don't remember complaining about something on TL. Actual point was I find a 30 lines post inappropriate for this thread and this site ( unless talking about strategy ), It's more like blog content.
Oh. Yeah it was funny... (definitely). So your "actual point" was you complaining, for your reference.
I feel my post contained nothing but points relating to the issue being discussed. I sincerely apologise that you feel that the length of the post doesn't adhere to your posting standards. I will consider your advice in all further posting, nay in all my actions in life from this moment forward and beg of you to continue your vigilante noble guard of the forums. We should also try and get a "HeavyWeapons posting rules" sticky up on the forums in all sections (except strategy and blog) asap.
I would, if you'll permit me, point out the irony in taking several posts to question the length of what was one post or petition the applicable content of the post whilst contributing nothing yourself.
*You've edited your post since I wrote this. Point being: if it's too long, don't read. Don't make another post complaining further. This is.... quite obvious.