Painuser: If i could, i would marry you ♥. Your intentions and feelings for the games are so smooth and u have the minimap greatly in your eyes u catch so many things its just a pure AWESOMENESS watchin starcraft with you commentating it.
PainUser & HD Casting Feedback Thread! - Page 12
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Germany200 Posts
Painuser: If i could, i would marry you ♥. Your intentions and feelings for the games are so smooth and u have the minimap greatly in your eyes u catch so many things its just a pure AWESOMENESS watchin starcraft with you commentating it. | ||
Canada94 Posts
If you want to talk about overexaggerating, don't you ever hate when Painuser goes "WooooooooooooooooooooooooooW". It's probably the most annoying sound lmao. HD your doing fine and some people don't understand that your up there trying to cheer up a crowd and have some fun at the same time. You way funnier than Painuser, so you definately need to share some of your jokes with him, but overall I think you guys are just fine. When people say HD doesn't have the game knowledge, he does, PainUser just knows how to predict an outcome of a battle a little more precise than HD does. So I would say HD just has to be more patient, i think patience in order to give a more accurate reading of what goes down is the best improvement for HD, and the best improvement for PainUser would be to stop going "WooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooW". Yours Truly, -Keyz (The name founder of HD Teddy) | ||
Sweden275 Posts
In my opinion, you have the perfect voice for casting, you are extremely enthusiastic and is good at play-by-play, which you should focus more on. Again, if you don't have the knowledge you shouldn't even talk about it to begin with. You should take a more "laid-back" role in terms of analysis, especially when you are with someone like Painuser who knows his shit. Take a step away from your solo-casting and find a more defined role when casting with someone else. tl;dr: Focus A LOT less on analysis and more on play-by-play. You have a co-host who is pretty knowledgeable in this area, take use of him. Painuser: No real complaints, pretty solid and knows his shit. Can sound a bit "dull" at times, but not that big of an issue. | ||
Netherlands165 Posts
HD: I love your enthusiasm, it's great! I agree though that it happens too often that you call out something that's blatantly wrong. I think you would both benifit from focussing more on your roles. HD should focus more on play by play than he does now, describing what is actually happening, without making judgements or predictions about what's going to happen. Painuser should stop trying to hype up play by play, he just doesn't have the voice for it. You are there to drop the knowledge bombs during downtime talking calmy ![]() In general I thought the cast was ok, the tournament itself was awesome, so I was entertained! | ||
United States946 Posts
it's almost like you try to be everything at once and end up doing everything wrong. i don't know who obses, but i have caught a LARGE amount of points where you and painuser are rambling theorycraft trying to predict the game about something virtually pointless while a run by or a drop or an important scout is coming in. if you just watched the minimap you could have a much better discussion because you can actually read what players are seeing and reacting with rather than blindly theorycrafting. then there's your misplaced enthusiasm, you heavily overexaggerate things and poorly describe what's happening. you say things like "he's lost most of his x" when he just hasn't, most of his x are still there. the unit tab is up as you say it, i can clearly read it, you are just rambling and being wrong. you need to chill out and read what's happening, but i feel like you just don't know what's going on in the first place to even make that happen. that's also why i feel your enthusiasm is misplaced often times, because it's like you don't know what subtle thing is happening that is really very important, or you don't know when something obvious is happening that isn't really that spectacular despite your shouting. i would recommend watching some high level games and analyze them to yourself in a cool, collected manner (but still as though you're speaking to an audience) as the action happens and then ask yourself if what you said is really what all the tabs are saying because it REALLY turns me off more than anything when people say wrong things confidently. i would also try to increase your awareness of the "hidden gems" of each game and try to learn to accurately evaulate them. | ||
601 Posts
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United Kingdom184 Posts
2) Dont clap loudly at the start of every game when your mics pick it up. This is very distracting for stream viewers. Definatley agree with this. part from that tho really enjoyed ![]() | ||
Germany2 Posts
I can understand some of the criticism here but I can't understand the poll result. The question is "Did you OVERALL enjoy our Cast at IPL3 AC?" and I think the answer has to be 90% "yes". The IPL3 casters did all a very good job and I was very relieved I didn't have to listen to Tastosis this time. They are overrepresented and their casting annoys me. Day9 on the other hand would be a great caster for IPL and I think the combination Day9+DJWeat is one of the best possible. Keep on doing such a great job HD. Finally some advices: HD start playing Protoss and Terran sometimes Painuser start playing Zerg and Protoss sometimes both of you look more often at the minimap don't take the criticisms to heart | ||
United States47 Posts
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Sweden677 Posts
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Korea (South)41 Posts
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Singapore333 Posts
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284 Posts
I'll be very honest. Your casting was very poor. It will take a lot of effort to improve, starting with a deep level of humility to be able to accept it (which I'm skeptic that you have). First, as many people have said, your game knowledge is still very poor. It's actually not a big deal though, that's what painuser is sitting next to you for. Instead of always trying to shell out your amateur level analysis, defer to the commentator next to you. What is really annoying is not your lack of game knowledge, it's your constant desire to analyze every trivial fact in the game just to prove you have some game sense. It feels like you're trying way too hard. Furthermore, you have a heavy zerg bias. You know little about protoss and terran in their own respect. It seems like you think zerg is the best race, the hardest race to play, the coolest race, the most underpowered race, and the race you root for every game no matter who is playing. Are we really supposed to want to watch that? Next is your use of language. I hate to tell you this, but you fumble your words too often to make a decent cast. You don't care at all for precision in your language. You talk too fast and your mind can't keep up. Again it feels like you're trying too hard. Speak only at a pace that you can maintain control of your language. Every time you misuse your words or back yourself into a corner with a some convoluted sentence you can't seem to complete, the cast just takes a massive slide. Furthermore, some of the acronyms and abbreviations you use are just plain obnoxious. Like "bling" for baneling. Are you serious? Do you know what that sounds like? Stop it. Finally, your comfort level in front of the camera seems off. You don't come off as genuine. Your behavior feels manufacturing. You chuckle at too many comments and try to make too many jokes. The audience isn't laughing but you have a demeanor that is as if you're about to burst out in laughter every second. You over-hype too many things during your cast. Your excitement seems feigned, manufactured. Again it feels like your trying way too hard. I do not mean to be harsh at all, though I do admit these criticisms are serious. I believe your casting falls short in these areas. If you disagree, that's fine. I do hope you acknowledge what I've said though. | ||
United States1327 Posts
It's ok to say it's a strong range unit but to go on and make 5 other points which are just about the same is annoying and redundant. | ||
706 Posts
I think people in general are much too anal about casters making wrong calls and not providing pro-level analysis. Very few people possess that kind of knowledge *and* the necessary charisma to make a good caster (when it comes to Terran, PainUser got this though). As long as a caster doesn't try to make an absolute truth out of a blatantly ridiculous claim it's cool with me. That being said, knowledge and understanding is never, ever a bad thing and only good things can come from improving on it Aside from all that, I think HD and PainUser are at their very best when they're providing relaxed banter rather than when they go into overdrive during the more intense moments. So yeah, I liked their casting and I'm overall quite happy with the casting duos at the event. They all had their own flavor. | ||
Poland373 Posts
On October 11 2011 21:11 Wout wrote: You and PainUser did alright, really. It would probably help if you tried to stick to the play-by-play role a bit more consistently, and let Taylor handle the predictions and theorycrafting. It's actually okay to make a wrong prediction every now and again but often times it appeared as though you were taking away Taylor's opportunities to explain the situation. You obviously get really excited and fired up casting games (this is not criticism, it's pretty electrifying and one of your defining features as a caster, imho) but when you spot something unorthodox, rather than going out on a limb trying to explain what you see, just state what is going on, and then ask your analyst buddy what it means. It will help define both your roles during the cast better. exactly this. i like HD doing his high energy play-by-play, and his game knowledge is okay, but painuser is there for a reason. this doesn't mean HD should stick only to play by play, and PU should do the analysis all the time, but sticking to your roles more wouldn't hurt you either. | ||
United Kingdom801 Posts
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United Kingdom2163 Posts
Otherwise, it was really enjoyable. | ||
United States151 Posts
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Netherlands1541 Posts
Eventually you changed from that enthousiastic kid nerd into that sales guy I get at the door that wants to sell me something I don't want. The original genuine enthusiasm started to sound fake, you started to dress in a suit, your smile became that McDonalds guy smile, your voice too slick. You got a commercial air around you like I'm doing anything for my youtube viewer count, I want your money. People also mention the lack of knowledge compared to guys like Day9 and Artosis a lot, but this in itself is no issue at all, because I can watch DJWheat, Husky and Tasteless fine. But there is a difference, these last 3 don't give me the feeling they "sell" me stuff they don't know, pretending like they do, while you often give me that feeling you do. These 2 things combined are your biggest issue I think. At least that's what made me stop believing what you say eventually and the main reason I stopped watching you. And this can be fixed. Because you are still that masters league sc2 zerg nerd. And you do have the casting skills. Silly thing is that I do think your enthusiasm is genuine, but you somehow make it feel fake. I think you should try to be yourself more, be the genuine HD, try to get rid of the fake sales guy thingy and you'll be a lot better soon. | ||
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