Lack of content, flaming (of the French or anyone) and useless posts will be punished. Please keep it from being too inflammatory and keep discussion on-topic. -semioldguy (p.103)
On September 20 2011 05:04 Koorb wrote: BTW, Millenium's manager is saying on stream right now that he doesn't intend to send Stephano in international event more than he used to, and will focus on the french scene.
Oh please, the french scene is exactly what player should avoid. Millenium's manager really fails to see all what's wrong in that scene. A shame.
This is what makes me sad, basically why ToD said he left Mill in an interview, sponsors have no interest in foreign scene outside of France much, particularly Korea....
On September 20 2011 05:13 Maxtor wrote: That is just really making a mockery of e-sports, a legally binding contract is exactly that, its not a handshake deal, stephano knew what he was signing, if the contract isnt honoured id really want to know the consequences.
The whole point is though under French law that contract wasn't worth the paper it was written on, he basically signed his name on a napkin to get a nice salary bump from Mil. What he Stephano did was pretty shitty in the eyes of everyone here it seems, in all honesty if he was happy at Mil and used coL to get a salary boost then good on him, smart head for an 18yr old kid!
Except that he didn't get a salary bump and instead of flying all over the world, getting paid decently and training in korea, he'll now be aiming his attention on the french scene, on a much lower salary, hardly attending any international event.
Which I personally think is an awesome way to keep yourself irrelevant when it comes to the global scene.
col. would fly him to MLG´s, great Salary, he cloud train in korea proberly in the MVP house because of the col.MVP deal, with great players like Genuis, sC and DRG + col. is a big organization for a decade in the esports scene. But he got cold feet an spit on the whole contract so grz now u stay for ur whole sc2 life too Mill.After this drama none of the major teams(mouse,EG,TL or Dignitas) would sign him.
On September 20 2011 05:18 Vadrigar wrote: Today 9:30 CET, Stephano gets a visit from Millenium Manager (MM).
MM: Good morning, Steph! What did you do you, my son? Why are you doing this to me? Is it because of money? *throws 100 euro bills at his feet* Eh? *throws more euros* There! We have more money than you can ever dream for! We're the most visited site on the frenchwebz (excluding TL france of course)! You're like a son to me! Remember when you were 17 I taught you how to larva inject! I love you, my boy! You can't leave me! We're French! French stick together! Why would you go to the Americans? French have honor, dignity... *French rant for 120 minutes* So did they make you sign a paper or something? Show it to me! Stephano: Here it is. *MM calls his friend Pierre who studied a year of law, but dropped out. They speak for 5 minutes.* MM: Pfff. That's bullshit, my boy! See here, it says "This contract is valid under the laws of the state of New York." LOL New York. We're French we can do whatever we want. Take the money and stay with France I tell you! Stephano: OK.
Stephano's contract with compLexity made him one of the highest paid SC2 players in the world
Source needed
This is an interesting development. IF the contract is actually legally binding as is mentioned than Stephano would have to pay the penalty for breaching said contract. Complexity is mad understandably, but sometimes things don't work out when you fish for talent on other teams. Try using your own talent from Complexity Acadamy, i thought that is what it's there for.
On September 20 2011 05:18 Vadrigar wrote: Today 9:30 CET, Stephano gets a visit from Millenium Manager (MM).
MM: Good morning, Steph! What did you do, my son? Why are you doing this to me? Is it because of money? *throws 100 euro bills at his feet* Eh? *throws more euros* There! We have more money than you can ever dream for! We're the most visited site on the frenchwebz (excluding TL france of course)! You're like a son to me! Remember when you were 17 I taught you how to larva inject! I love you, my boy! You can't leave me! We're French! French stick together! Why would you go to the Americans? French have honor, dignity... *French rant for 120 minutes* So did they make you sign a paper or something? Show it to me! Stephano: Here it is. *MM calls his friend Pierre who studied a year of law, but dropped out. They speak for 5 minutes.* MM: Pfff. That's bullshit, my boy! See here, it says "This contract is valid under the laws of the state of New York." LOL New York. We're French we can do whatever we want. Take the money and stay with France I tell you! Stephano: OK.
On September 20 2011 05:18 Logros wrote: Jeez with every comment that Mill manager seems to be making I dislike the team more and more.
Yeah, I've been feeling the same way. His complete insensitivity to the integrity of eSports and, even more simply, to other people, is embarassingly childish.
"We will sign a contract with Stephano, we're going to do something serious and not going to do it at 5am and hurry and post on Team Liquid"
"Col contract means absolutely nothing"
"Yes Stephano signed a contract at 5am, Stephano show it to us the next-morning, we saw that it was nothing serious and the contract was full of mistakes, we explained this to Stephano and he agreed with us"
"His new contract with us isn't bigger than it use to be" (i'm not 100% about this one, he said in french, "son contract n'a pas été revu a la hausse")
+ he talk about Stephano wanting to "stay closer" to the french scene
On September 20 2011 04:33 Lunas wrote: On stephano´s Stream they sayd no contract had been signed and Millinium made 1 last offer in the last minut and comlexity was to fast to anounce it
Yeah and Stephano/his fans aren't biased at all.
Who isn't? CoL will be biased to CoL, Mil will be biased to Mil, Stephano will be biased to Stephano.
So far CoL has a history of contract "misfortunes", with Destiny, vvvTitan and now Stephano. So who to believe?
Exactly my thoughts and people thought i was crazy for Calling CoL a sneaky snake when this is the 3rd time this 'Situation' has Happened with Complexity.
Stephano was probably pressured into signing .. This is obviously apparent when Stephano so quickly changed his mind and/or didn't feel the contract was what he agreed to and/or was deceived by Complexity.
3rd times the charm
I dont think you have any idea what you are talking about. Just take a break, cold shower, fap if necessary, then come back and see what happens.
Stephano Changed his mind the next day... or soon after..
This probably means he was pressured into signing and if multiple people who posted here are right about French law then CoL. cannot sue Stephano and/or Millenium for Changing his mind because there is a 1 month grace period since the beginning of contract initiation. If he did indeed bind himself to a Contract.
And if CoL wants to take Legal action against Millenium they have bad intentions in mind since Stephano probably never wanted to be on Team Complexity.. reason being he ended up choosing to stay with Millenium...
I think you keep missing the part where he had 18 nights, 18 cold showers, 18 fap sessions to think it over. That is not what we call "pressured"
Totally Uncalled for 18 Fap Sessions? -_- Not cool
This is Stephano's Choice he wants to stay with his French Team millenium Maybe he got scared and changed his mind because he would be Home Sick
No it's not his choice anymore. He signed a legally binding document, if he changes his mind afterwards then that's his problem. Millenium have just lost a lot of credibility over this whole debacle, and Stephano too.
The fact that he's 17 as well has nothing to do with it. When I was 17 I knew what I was signing, it's called reading the contract.