Stephano contract situation - Page 48
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Lack of content, flaming (of the French or anyone) and useless posts will be punished. Please keep it from being too inflammatory and keep discussion on-topic. -semioldguy (p.103) Update: Please read and continue the discussion there. | ||
United States354 Posts
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United States1345 Posts
On September 20 2011 05:15 Emporio wrote: tbh, I thought the French scene was Stephano lol This. I mean better to just view them all as Europeans, but still. Stephano would be any team's ace, no matter where he went. He's the only big name. | ||
Sweden1301 Posts
On September 20 2011 05:16 Koorb wrote: Live Report: Mille's manager states that Stephano didn't get a raise from Millenium after the incident. I don't believe that for a second to be frank... The manager keeps spewing out ridiculous comments. | ||
Bulgaria2379 Posts
MM: Good morning, Steph! What did you do, my son? Why are you doing this to me? Is it because of money? *throws 100 euro bills at his feet* Eh? *throws more euros* There! We have more money than you can ever dream for! We're the most visited site on the frenchwebz (excluding TL france of course)! You're like a son to me! Remember when you were 17 I taught you how to larva inject! I love you, my boy! You can't leave me! We're French! French stick together! Why would you go to the Americans? French have honor, dignity... *French rant for 120 minutes* So did they make you sign a paper or something? Show it to me! Stephano: Here it is. *MM calls his friend Pierre who studied a year of law, but dropped out. They speak for 5 minutes.* MM: Pfff. That's bullshit, my boy! See here, it says "This contract is valid under the laws of the state of New York." LOL New York. We're French we can do whatever we want. Take the money and stay with France I tell you! Stephano: OK. P.S. really disappointed in Stephano right now... | ||
United States2405 Posts
On September 20 2011 05:13 SnoLys wrote: So after reading one side you are on that side? And by French Law a contract is not final for 1 month, so in that time frame each side can go back. I'm not on one side or on another, but so far law seems to be in Stephano and Mill side. For the love of god someone better find a source for this shit because everyone is saying it (although with varying times). | ||
France5 Posts
It seems that he's still a 18 year old young guy. Better act more wisely in 12 month now. | ||
Austria511 Posts
On September 20 2011 05:12 Golgotha wrote: hahaha nani is sooo right. i wonder how much stephano got... I don't think rumors can be considered as true. | ||
United States379 Posts
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Peru1519 Posts
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240 Posts
On September 20 2011 05:14 Koorb wrote: Have at least some respect, even if you're disapointed. How can you respect something that doesn't exist? | ||
Canada1975 Posts
On September 20 2011 05:15 Hipsv wrote: What this shows me is that Stephano is just a kid, he obviously didn't seriously consider the legal and non legal ramifications of his actions and as a result flopped on his decision. I too at 18 did lots of flopping on big decisions (nothing as legally binding), so I can sympathize with his situation, however I also realize that its youthful irresponsibility that caused this whole situation whether or not his fans or the coL haters want to admit it. I can't imagine what it would be like to be young and have big amounts of money thrown at you to play a game you enjoy, but its also his responsibility to carefully decide his course of action and to follow contracts he signed. I think that what coL should take from this is that they really need to be thorough when dealing with players from other countries at explaining their contracts and what it means. They absolutely have a right to either pursue Mill to buy out his contract or have Stephano play for them, however I personally think seeking Mill to buy the contract out is the more diplomatic approach. Stephano definitely needs to grow up. Flopping on HUGE decisions like this makes him seem childish and it at least partially rubs off onto the scene. Staying true to your word (in most ordinary circumstances) is one of the most important aspects of being an adult and he definitely has not stayed true to his word to at least one party here. Mill definitely needs to learn about contract law at least, and idk it seems like they pressured him into staying I agree it was an extremely immature decision on stephano's part and in the future other teams will probably be hesitant to deal with him regardless of his skill. I absolutely think legal action should be taken , Col needs to set a precedent for the esports scene , i think it would negatively affect the esports scene if they just let this go. | ||
United States188 Posts
On September 20 2011 05:17 StarCraft64 wrote: All of this just so there can be something to talk about on SotG this week? Seems like a bit much... Hahaha! | ||
United States5660 Posts
On September 20 2011 05:17 dpL wrote: We'll have to settle this in court. FRENCH COURT! Excuse my french. on that note. This is getting beyond silly >_> | ||
United States371 Posts
On September 20 2011 05:16 Pugget wrote: This attitude seems to be common. Yet, last I checked, contracts are not slavery, and one can leave a work contract at anytime, without repercussions. You must have checked in 1913, because that's completely wrong. Don't talk about things you've never even heard of before. | ||
Netherlands9913 Posts
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Sweden3286 Posts
On September 20 2011 05:14 Sleight wrote: So talking with a member of Millenium staff, he said this, unofficially... "The contract violates French law" by not having sufficient information regarding termination/withdrawal, among other things, and that this nullifies it's value when involving a French citizen in France. It isn't that US laws don't apply, it is that this contract DIRECTLY contradicts a French precedent. Doesn't really matter tbh. Still a douche move from Millenium. If anyone pressured Stephano it's obviously Millenium.... | ||
2 Posts
He also said he was not very happy the contract was signed at 3am (french hour), and without contacting the team (his team). Now Stephano has signed a "real" contract (working contract ? don't really know the way to say). If COL goes to justice what will i do ? Nothing, the contract has no value. COL says Millenium does not answer to their mail, well, i'm streaming now, i'm not going to make lucifron and hasuobs (they were playing a koth for some money) wait. In france we say that The best cure is prevention. And when you don't want to have problems, you don't do something like signing a contract in the middle of the night and putting it on just to be sure to get it... I won't say millenium did things the best way, i don't say stephano did do things the good way, but complexity is not better... You don't think the same way at 6 PM and at 5 AM. Stephano did not have a better contract than what was planned, we just showed him that the contract with COL was missing things like "look here, they say this, but they don't say anything if this or that". Well my english is bad, and i was translating as i was listening him speaking on his stream after the "Défi Winamax" (Lucifron vs HasuObs), so he said a bit more, but i was too slow to write everything. Everything was not said in this order, as i added the last sentences with what i had writting on a paper, but didn't have the time to write here first. EDIT : added a missing word ![]() | ||
689 Posts
On September 20 2011 05:12 Megiddosc wrote: Exactly. Hence the "using his contract with Complexity as leverage". Millenium did not make a new offer to beat Complexity's one. Stephano just changed his mind after talking with Millenium. | ||
2471 Posts
On September 20 2011 05:17 coljbass wrote: At the end of the day I am not a lawyer but my partner Jason Lake is. Lot's of people can always say that a contract is "badly" written or it has "no value" but what I can say is that our contract very clearly spells out what we will provide and what is expected from the player. So maybe the focus should be on if someone understands the offer and accepts the offer and then signs the contract, that is probably a tad bit more important than if some clause that is necessary for a French contract is missing. The intention of a contract is for an offer and acceptance as well as all that is required of both parties and I can safely say that our contract spells all of that out very clearly. There is no doubt that he was getting what he asked for and he should have had no doubt what he was asked for in return. I spoke to him for weeks and answered all questions. So sure we could all spend our lives focusing on something that is not worded correctly or something that is "missing" because I can assure you there is probably not a "perfect" contract out there. The more important issue is did he know what he was being asked to do and did he know what he was receiving in return and did he subsequently sign the contract and agree to the terms as they were? And the answer in this case is absolutely. Add to OP please for completeness sake? | ||
United States170 Posts
On September 20 2011 05:08 DiaBoLuS wrote: I dont care what contract stuff happens, i like Stephano for his PLAY and his personality. why do such things affect ppl so much, i dont get it Because Esports is still not a permanent monolith. We are all aware of the previous crashes, we're all doing our part (as spectators or players or whatever) to make this as healthy and legitimate an activity as we can. Pissing all over contracts doesn't help this. And I for one don't want to watch, support or have anything to do with a player or group that gives fuck all about everyone else. Further, when you buy or watch or support something in some way, it says something about yourself. Are you okay with watching a player who (allegedly) wiped his ass with a contract and told everyone to shove it before retreating into silence? It's the same question you ask yourself when you buy sweat shop jeans or non-fair trade coffee. Sure it doesn't really matter all that much about your individual contribution to any given problem and, let's face it, it's impossible to live 100% consistently with your beliefs when you're buying something or watching another. But you can at least try, and people who dislike this behavior aren't trying to change the world, they're trying to make sure things they help to grow are ones they can agree with on a personal level. Of course the information is not all in. For all we know complexity took Stephano's parents hostage and threatened to molest his current and future dogs until Millenium swept in and beat down with some French bread. But given the current information and the idiotic response by Millenium alleging moral indiscretion without citing any specifics, gotta give it to coL for the time being. | ||
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