코카 최종환이 제넥스에서 슬레이어스로 팀을 옮긴다.
슬레이어스는 17일 보도자료를 통해, 코카 최종환을 영입하기로 결정했다고 밝혔다. 이적을 결심한 최종환은 당초 2011 GSTL 시즌1 종료 후 팀을 옮기기로 했으나 MLG 롤리 참가를 위해 예정보다 조금 일찍 슬레이어스에 합류한다.
최종환은 GSL과의 선수 교환 프로그램을 통해 초청장을 받아 오는 26일(현지 시간)부터 29일까지 미국 노스캐롤라이나주 상공업도시 롤리에서 열리는 MLG 롤리에 출전할 예정이다. 현재 집에서 혼자 연습을 하고 있는 최종환은 MLG 출전을 앞두고 연습에 매진할 수 있는 환경이 필요해 빠르게 슬레이어스 합류를 결정한 것.
이번 최종환의 이적과 관련해서는 게임단간의 이적에 관한 규정이 부족한 관계로 약간의 오해가 있었으나 김가연 게임단주와 제넥스 윤희원 감독간에 의견 조율을 통해 원활히 마무리 됐다.
슬레이어스 김가연 게임단주는 “최종환 선수의 팀 합류를 매우 기쁘게 생각한다. 앞으로 최종환 선수의 연습과 생활에 최선의 지원을 하겠다”고 말한 뒤 “대부분의 선수들이 나이가 어린 관계로 팀에 자신의 의지를 밝히는데 힘든 부분이 있다. 앞으로 선수들의 의사를 도와줄 규정 마련이나 기구의 설치가 시급하다”는 의견을 전했다.
슬레이어스로 팀을 옮기는 최종환은 다음주부터 슬레이어스에 합류해 생활하게 되며 MLG 롤리부터 슬레이어스의 유니폼을 입고 출전하게 된다.
Summarised translation:
Choi Jong-Hwan –Coca- is moving from ZeNex to Slayers.
On 17th of August, Slayers has revealed via press that they have decided to get Coca.
Coca will compete in MLG from upcoming 26th to 29th. Coca, who is practicing at home by himself right now needed an environment where he could focus on his practice, therefore he joined SlayerS quickly [quicker than he would have joined]
On the matters of this player transfer, there were some misunderstandings as the protocol for transfer is lacking at the moment. But it was solved on good faith by cooperative negotiation between Slayers Jessica and Coach Yun Hee Won of Zenex.
[The rest of the article is about how Slayers Jessica is happy to have Coca]
It all seem well until the owner of ZeNex, Kim Dae Gi, asked the reporter of ThisIsGame to stop posting the article, as it is wrong. He claims that SlayerS has stolen Coca from ZeNex
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Jyh9N.jpg)
‘@Altair1973 [the reporter] [Coca] was not transferred on good terms, so could you delete your article please. At the moment ,I am of understanding that SlayerS has stolen our player.’
‘I have raised the issue with SlayerS team and asked for press correction but I was declined, and I am planning to give an official statement about this issue’
Then SlayerS Jessica reacts to the tweets
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/OdDwO.jpg)
‘The transfer was decided with the coach of ZeNex by agreement of both parties with presence of a witness. If you need the testimony, you can have as much [as testimony as you like]’
‘Stop asking for 어설픈 * rights. You should at least do what you need to do. Then you can speak for your rights. My reactions are reactions to your actions. I am always prepared to fight’
*[not sure how to translate어설픈 without making it sound so negative. It’s direct translation is lame, but it carries so much negative connotations]
At the moment, not enough information is available for a full judgment of the matter. But tbh personally I am kinda suspecting SlayerS to be at fault since there is no smoke without a fire. If the transfer was ‘on good terms’ as they claim, why the f*** is ZeNex owner pissed off? That’s not what's called ‘on good terms’