Hi Everyone,
I had an epiphany the other day. So many people bad manners on ladder after they lose, but nobody good manners. I guess it makes sense, it is easier to yell and blame someone for beating you than it is to accept that they played better. So, in an effort to make the ladder a better place, I've decided to end every game I lose with some good manner for my opponent.
Thus far, I have 6 instances of good manner:
+ Show Spoiler + + Show Spoiler + + Show Spoiler + + Show Spoiler + + Show Spoiler + + Show Spoiler +
Replays: http://www.mediafire.com/?drqka1kc3volxt1
Furthermore, I've found myself much more willing to go back and see how I lost after complementing my opponent on a job well done. That might just be a coincidence (or maybe I'm weird).
NOTE: Some players may become confused and frightened at the sight of such a rare occurrence of good manner. If they do begin to lash out, calmly explain to them that you meant your complements and that you most definitely aren't trolling. :D
You are doing a good thing, sir. I shall also attempt to compliment the cheeses that get thrown at me . But in all seriousness, this is what ladder needs.. It's so bm atm.
Haha I'd like to play against you, I haven't even gotten a 'gg' in all the games I've played lately. >.>
I'd just be careful of how you word your good manner. Some people could take "well executed rush" to have a hint of bitterness to it.
Of course if you mean well though, it doesn't matter if they interpret you the wrong way.
Personally though, I just say 'gg wp' if I feel my opponent played particularly well. Seeing as hardly anyone even says 'gg' anymore, 'gg wp' seems like the pinnacle of manner by comparison.
On August 17 2011 11:42 Sarang wrote: Haha I'd like to play against you, I haven't even gotten a 'gg' in all the games I've played lately. >.>
I'd just be careful of how you word your good manner. Some people could take "well executed rush" to have a hint of bitterness to it.
Of course if you mean well though, it doesn't matter if they interpret you the wrong way.
Personally though, I just say 'gg wp' if I feel my opponent played particularly well. Seeing as hardly anyone even says 'gg' anymore, 'gg wp' seems like the pinnacle of manner by comparison.
Indeed. In fact, my friend told me to always put "gg wp" but I always forget. >_>
In any case, 2-3 of these guys have messaged me afterward and I've had friendly conversations with them.
I always gg out of games haha. I don't understand why the bm has gotten so popular. Children these days!
The thing is pros no longer play As well mannered so that attitude is trickling down.
lol somebody just fake gg'd me and wasted 43 minutes of my time
Ya your intentions might be great, but saying something along the lines of 'nice timing' might sound angry on the other end. Regardless, good job on trying to add some gm to the ladder. Personally I feel like 'gg wp' is easy enough to do, and there isn't any wrong way to interpret it.
I love the marine scv all in, "Nice timing, gg" I have no idea how you do that. I would of put my keyboard though the wall.
I think Day[9] talks about this in his daily about getting into Starcraft II. Since you aren't venting and talking shit and just taking it like a justified loss, you are able to cope with losing a ton easier.
On August 17 2011 11:47 Ungrateful wrote: The thing is pros no longer play As well mannered so that attitude is trickling down.
So true, a lot of low level players see Pro-level players BM others and think it's okay to do so. They don't realize that most of it is (usually) taken lightly.
All those instances of good manner sound so sarcastic to me for some reason. You can't really see through the text to their actually intentions though :/
The only people who are ever mannered to me are on the Korean server T.T
heh i try to gg every game regardless how bad it was for me and on occasion if something awesome kills me go into a conversation about how well played it was, as far as bad mannering, if someone bm's i usually wait til the game is over in silence then message them after a snide comment and block em ^_^
People are such babies on ladder... I'm always good manner until my opponent isn't, which is 95% of the time.
On August 17 2011 11:50 0mgVitaminE wrote: Ya your intentions might be great, but saying something along the lines of 'nice timing' might sound angry on the other end. Regardless, good job on trying to add some gm to the ladder. Personally I feel like 'gg wp' is easy enough to do, and there isn't any wrong way to interpret it.
A fair point. I'll probably up the manner (add wp and maybe a happy face or something) to make sure I get the message across. The idea is that people go to such great lengths to BM others, the least I can do is send a nice little message complementing others on things they did well.
I think it should be more than just a "gg wp" since BMers generally send you more than just no "gg".
or you could just type gg on its own, because the people you're saying "good timing" to probably have no idea what they just did
So everything you say is actually genuine?
I will start doing this if it actually helps with rage. I just can't get over beating myself up. I want to believe that my opponents played well and deserved their win, but I just don't know. I worry that doing this is merely just "going through the motions" and won't actually help with anger issues because it is all acting.
On August 17 2011 11:53 blabber wrote: or you could just type gg on its own, because the people you're saying "good timing" to probably have no idea what they just did
Maybe, maybe not. In all honesty, I didn't know what else to say to that guy ._. I think I messed up my build on that one and reacted all wrong to everything but needed something, so the first thing that popped into my head was "nice timing". Probably not the best option, but better than "nice all-in" or something like that >>
On August 17 2011 11:54 Divergence wrote: So everything you say is actually genuine?
I will start doing this if it actually helps with rage. I just can't get over beating myself up. I want to believe that my opponents played well and deserved their win, but I just don't know. I worry that doing this is merely just "going through the motions" and won't actually help with anger issues because it is all acting.
Yeah, it is genuine. I pick out some part of their play that they did well and that I think made me lose.
Like that last guy, I messed up my entire stargate harass (plus he blind countered it) and didn't have any ground units. Regardless, he still rolled in with a great composition of infestors, banelings, zerglings, and roaches. That legitimately threw me for a loop and even if I was on top of my game would still probably have lost. It was legitimately a good build, well executed, and a deserved loss on my part.
So I guess the key is to make sure you pick an actual GOOD part of their play and complement that rather than just throwing something generic out there. Think about what they did right, not what you did wrong.
This is so mannered that some people might find it sarcastic! I say this because whenever I get cheesed I say "gg wp" and never mean it
I'll agree with others, OP you are doing a good thing! I'm only in the gold league, but I often find that if I chat a bit with the person I'm playing, and ofc gg afterwards that they'll oftentimes message me after the game to talk more. I'm not sure if manner changes by league, but I think gg'less games are because people are angry that they lost. The player behind the game is usually pretty nice.
After all, we're all nerds enjoying the majesty of SC :D
Hmm, not sure why everyone has manner problems on ladder.
I think I start every match, saying "glhf" or something similar. Sometimes they reply, sometimes not. Then towards the end, if I lose I always type "gg" then leave.
Occasionally I'll compliment someone if they put together a nice timing, or did some nice micro or whatever and type "Nice timing, gg" then leave.
It's pretty rare to have manner problems for me. Occassionally when I play 4v4, and they'll be the kid who's doing the whole internet racist rant in the game, which then me and my friends will sometimes decide to change the point of the game to killing him off, even if he's on our team. But that's like 1 out of 100 games at most.
Maybe the bad manners are mostly at the lower levels of ladder?
To be honest I feel this is a bit over the top personally. Seems like its forced. I usually compliment those who do something awesome to deserve it.
But if me and my opponent are both friendly I agree that the loss doesn't hurt as bad. If i feel my opponent was a dick and beat me, I want to forget about the game.
Be very careful of how you word your sentence, and especially the emotions you use. In TvP I do a lot of 1 base all ins and I have gotten several "great builds" or "wow...nice build" which is obviously quite negative. However once I did get a "cool build" then a leave, which I am not really sure what that meant. If it was that he really thought it was a cool build and had never seen this quite op build, or if he was being sarcastic.
I think if you put the ! mark, it does seem a lot nicer. The last one really seems clear that it has good intentions. Some of them (1,3,4,5) can be taken both ways I feel. Being very mannered like this is a very good step to take, however do not expect this to be returned to you when you win. Sometimes people will even message you after if you purposely try to give good manner on ladder just to be a dick.
One thing I have done is this. When I lose to say some sort of timing or all in, I'll go like, gg nice timing, Any idea how to stop it? Like if I play as protoss against a terran 1 base all in (i play both races), I will sometimes ask this question to the terran player.
im sure they are legit but all those compliments sound scripted. maybe cuz it's so rare :D
There wouldn't be so much BM on ladder if it wasn't such a shitty cheese-fest I often go on streaks of 5+ games where my opponents 1-2 base all-in. It's not responsive play either I am not even a remotely greedy player I pretty much never go hatch first anymore and do the "safe" build in every single matchup. This is in high diamond and I've been playing against masters players pretty often. Even at this level there are very few players who care more about improving than winning.
On August 17 2011 11:52 Sorter wrote:Show nested quote +On August 17 2011 11:47 Ungrateful wrote: The thing is pros no longer play As well mannered so that attitude is trickling down. So true, a lot of low level players see Pro-level players BM others and think it's okay to do so. They don't realize that most of it is (usually) taken lightly. All those instances of good manner sound so sarcastic to me for some reason. You can't really see through the text to their actually intentions though :/
Or it could just be the most common place occurrence in all of gaming to BM your opponent in the face of a loss (or win). Theres no way to draw that connection.
On August 17 2011 12:02 JJH777 wrote: There wouldn't be so much BM on ladder if it wasn't such a shitty cheese-fest I often go on streaks of 5+ games where my opponents 1-2 base all-in. It's not responsive play either I am not even a remotely greedy player I pretty much never go hatch first anymore and do the "safe" build in every single matchup. This is in high diamond and I've been playing against masters players pretty often. Even at this level there are very few players who care more about improving than winning.
Thats making an assumption that every player you fight is perfectly aware of the detriment doing repeated all-ins can have to your late game skill progression. Maybe it just feels rewarding to find a strategy that seems unbeatable all the way to diamond.
Haha, love the last screenshot where you left a won game.
Actually on topic, I typically "goodmanner" when my opponent does something I truly admire, whether it be a well-microed two pronged attack, something unexpected/creative, or if they do something I've wondered why certain races never do.
If you care : + Show Spoiler + I also badmanner when I get cheesed. Balance is important, yo.
I'm well mannered to everyone other then zerg cause most of the time they bust me and thats no gg for youuuuuuuuuuuu
On August 17 2011 12:00 Spicy Pepper wrote: Hmm, not sure why everyone has manner problems on ladder.
I think I start every match, saying "glhf" or something similar. Sometimes they reply, sometimes not. Then towards the end, if I lose I always type "gg" then leave.
Occasionally I'll compliment someone if they put together a nice timing, or did some nice micro or whatever and type "Nice timing, gg" then leave.
It's pretty rare to have manner problems for me. Occassionally when I play 4v4, and they'll be the kid who's doing the whole internet racist rant in the game, which then me and my friends will sometimes decide to change the point of the game to killing him off, even if he's on our team. But that's like 1 out of 100 games at most.
Maybe the bad manners are mostly at the lower levels of ladder?
I'm in Diamond League for reference. Don't know if you'd count that as low or high level (personally I count it as mid level).
On August 17 2011 12:00 Ulfsark wrote: To be honest I feel this is a bit over the top personally. Seems like its forced. I usually compliment those who do something awesome to deserve it.
But if me and my opponent are both friendly I agree that the loss doesn't hurt as bad. If i feel my opponent was a dick and beat me, I want to forget about the game.
It is true that if it is forced it is meaningless, so I make sure it isn't forced. I actually sit there and pick a part I think they did well and tell them that.
I understand if you think it is over the top, and it could be, but most BM is also over the top so hopefully I'm hard-countering it ^^
I don't even gg anymore because no one does, I don't even bother saying gl hf but I am mannered when it comes to offline events, no reason not to be.
I keep getting stuff like "zerg 2 base all-in is too strong" when I didn't even all-in or "zerg OP" "infestors OP" and bull crap like that when the game was actually close and fun.
While I think that this is the right way to be (I'm thinking of Larry Brown coaching his teams to "play the "right" way"), it doesn't do justice to the fact that, at lower levels (I'm only diamond) a lot people win because of mistakes their opponent made. In other words, in my experience, the most honest response I can usually give is "GG. My macro sucks today...floating 1k minerals." If I weren't floating 1k minerals in a loss, then the "WP" might be well deserved.
And to echo the other posters suggestions of how your opponent might interpret your good manner: I have given many a "wp" to be sarcastic after rine-scv all-ins. My general phrase is something along the lines of "Wow, you sure are talented." I suppose that's bm on my part.
On August 17 2011 12:02 chaopow wrote: Be very careful of how you word your sentence, and especially the emotions you use. In TvP I do a lot of 1 base all ins and I have gotten several "great builds" or "wow...nice build" which is obviously quite negative. However once I did get a "cool build" then a leave, which I am not really sure what that meant. If it was that he really thought it was a cool build and had never seen this quite op build, or if he was being sarcastic.
I think if you put the ! mark, it does seem a lot nicer. The last one really seems clear that it has good intentions. Some of them (1,3,4,5) can be taken both ways I feel. Being very mannered like this is a very good step to take, however do not expect this to be returned to you when you win. Sometimes people will even message you after if you purposely try to give good manner on ladder just to be a dick.
One thing I have done is this. When I lose to say some sort of timing or all in, I'll go like, gg nice timing, Any idea how to stop it? Like if I play as protoss against a terran 1 base all in (i play both races), I will sometimes ask this question to the terran player.
Excellent tips and points. If they message me after thinking its BM, I can pretty quickly correct them (and if they don't believe me, then oh well). As I said previously in this thread, I need to make it more clear and remove any ambiguity in the statements.
On August 17 2011 12:02 JJH777 wrote: There wouldn't be so much BM on ladder if it wasn't such a shitty cheese-fest I often go on streaks of 5+ games where my opponents 1-2 base all-in. It's not responsive play either I am not even a remotely greedy player I pretty much never go hatch first anymore and do the "safe" build in every single matchup. This is in high diamond and I've been playing against masters players pretty often. Even at this level there are very few players who care more about improving than winning.
For better or worse, cheese is part of the game. You just have to figure out how to stop it and then you're that much better. :S
On August 17 2011 12:03 Staboteur wrote:Haha, love the last screenshot where you left a won game. Actually on topic, I typically "goodmanner" when my opponent does something I truly admire, whether it be a well-microed two pronged attack, something unexpected/creative, or if they do something I've wondered why certain races never do. If you care : + Show Spoiler +I also badmanner when I get cheesed. Balance is important, yo.
Check the supplies, that game wasn't won. I was the red player.
I find this more annoying than if someone just leaves the game. First of all, you can't tell whether you're being sarcastic or not. Secondly, not every game is worthy of praise; some games are just bad. Thirdly, it seems really try-hard, like you're forcing some arbitrary standard of "good manner" where it doesn't need to be.
I think if you want to up the manner, and not risk coming off as sarcastic, I'd just say "gg wp " a la sheth !
lol this is great. if it happened to me i would think it was sarcasm.
I like you. Do you like me?
Nice, I might start doing this as well.
The only problem, though, is that some people might think we're being sarcastic.
On August 17 2011 11:42 Sarang wrote: Haha I'd like to play against you, I haven't even gotten a 'gg' in all the games I've played lately. >.>
I'd just be careful of how you word your good manner. Some people could take "well executed rush" to have a hint of bitterness to it.
Of course if you mean well though, it doesn't matter if they interpret you the wrong way.
Personally though, I just say 'gg wp' if I feel my opponent played particularly well. Seeing as hardly anyone even says 'gg' anymore, 'gg wp' seems like the pinnacle of manner by comparison.
haha yeah, for some reason that reminds me of Whitera "complementing" San Zenith for his top notch 4 gate loll.
TLADT24920 Posts
It's a nice idea but as mentioned, some of those seem really forced to me. I dunno, I usually gg most games unless I got BM'd and if I feel like my opponent really outplayed me, etc.... I'll gg wp them
I BMd the fuck out of people who do something silly before, then afterwards I realised it´s just a waste of time. However I GM people I truly think outplayed me a lot and if I win a game that I feel like I didnt deserve I often times give a tip to the other guy after the game is over so he/she wont lose to my bullshit again.
Gave ostijoy a heads up yesterday that he played well through the na invitational and gl in future tourneys.
I really had to push myself to gg him as I got 6 pooled in this same game.
Honestly, gg wp is just fine. And it's usually intended for ppl who beat me outright when i've played a solid game myself. If I ever want to mention something about the persons build I always do it after the game in chat.
i'm trying to ggwp or ggyo every game this season... doing quite well so far
On August 17 2011 12:13 BigFan wrote:It's a nice idea but as mentioned, some of those seem really forced to me. I dunno, I usually gg most games unless I got BM'd and if I feel like my opponent really outplayed me, etc.... I'll gg wp them 
Could you elaborate more on why you think it is forced? I make sure to figure out something they really did well and then complement that rather than just throwing out generic nice words.
I suppose if I really can't find something they did well and it was just me doing terrible terribly, I'd just say gg and leave.
i think all good manner is sarcasm on the ladder
I hope Idra starts doing theses rather than "fuck off"
Actually, I kind of hate this idea. GG'ing in a serious game, or if you get greedy and your opponent makes you pay is one thing. But if you all-in, which it looks like you do, you don't deserve a gg. I wouldn't say bm is proper, but you did something that 2 year old could do properly if done enough times. That doesn't mean its a good game, only that you rolled the dice and got lucky.
haha i would not be able to do it like you do. it seems too forced/could be received as sarcasm IMO
when i want to compliment a player i just type something in that seems rage-y but with a compliment.
"fuck your drops dude;;" "hate it when protoss knows how to dodge my emps -_-"
and putting 'wp' usually means that it was sincere, i hope people don't drive it to the point where its as much a formality as 'gg'
It's amazing how GM the koreans/korean server is. We have a a really mest up culture Lol.
In retail, employees are often overly nice to problem customers as it is the only way they can vent frustration without getting canned.
This isn't related to your manner plan but some people will mistake your kindness for sneaky meanness.
My only suggestion would be to feel free to tell your opponent where you went wrong (if in fact you did) so they don't get too comfortable with their play. Manner in the end is a way for us to interact that allows for maximal mutual improvement.
On August 17 2011 12:20 ronpaul012 wrote: Actually, I kind of hate this idea. GG'ing in a serious game, or if you get greedy and your opponent makes you pay is one thing. But if you all-in, which it looks like you do, you don't deserve a gg. I wouldn't say bm is proper, but you did something that 2 year old could do properly if done enough times. That doesn't mean its a good game, only that you rolled the dice and got lucky.
I don't think I all-in'd in any of these games. I GOT all-in'd though.
The only one I can think of is that ZvZ where I get my natural sniped and send all my crap at the guy. I didn't see any other option after that, however, seeing as I'd just lost my nat, he had his, and I'd just killed quite a few of his roaches (so our army differentials were as close as they were going to get).
When someone drops me and kills half my base, I usually say something like "nice drop" during the game.
lol, it just looks sarcastic to me, but if it works for you then more power to you!
this is great. more people should do this haha!
On August 17 2011 12:21 seansye wrote: It's amazing how GM the koreans/korean server is. We have a a really mest up culture Lol.
Are you kidding? Go watch someone's stream when they're playing on the korean ladder. Most won't say "gggl" unless prompted, many leave without saying anything, and the most you get is a "ww" and f10n.
"GM" doesn't mean bending over backwards to reach for some stupid complement, it just means respecting your opponent and not being a dickhead.
i find it when i get 6 pooled, it's hard enough for me to even type in "gg" rather than good mannar
Well done dude!
I dont bm but at the sametime i dont type gg. Laziness i guess lol
F10 n comes naturally before enter gg. XD
Dude, he marine/scv rushed you. You must have balls of steel
On August 17 2011 12:20 Warpath wrote: haha i would not be able to do it like you do. it seems too forced/could be received as sarcasm IMO
when i want to compliment a player i just type something in that seems rage-y but with a compliment.
"fuck your drops dude;;" "hate it when protoss knows how to dodge my emps -_-"
and putting 'wp' usually means that it was sincere, i hope people don't drive it to the point where its as much a formality as 'gg'
I love this idea. Since it's the internet you never know if someone is being serious or sarcastic in their "complements"
I will occasionally say a thing or 2 more than ggwp to an opponent if i lose if they start the game with a gl hf or something of the sort. I never understood why you wouldn't say glhf. People think that it's not necessary, which is true, but so is A LOT of things we say. "good luck on your test" "bless you" Have you ever said thanks to a service man/woman? I'm talkin any service, the cashier at any friggin place. It's their job to give you something, whether it be food or a ticket, why do you need to thank them? Because it's friggin mannered mannn. Why can't the ladder be like that. - -
Bravo to you sir. Bravo 
I'd love to see some more manner on the ladder.
I always gg, and if im not too annoyed with myself for losing to the 8th proxy gate, 7pool or 3rax with congo line i always try and give a nice word. Makes everyone's life easier. We're all playing this great game and god knows its a hard one to play. Anyone who likes it enough to stick around this long has points right off the bat in my book.
Love the idea. This is very learn by example for everyone out there. If at all possible we should strive to be as good mannered as possible. The NA ladder is so BM right now because of people like IdrA and CombatEX who bm constantly. Hopefully this will catch on!
Congrats for getting over that hump. Many players would just leave or say something insulting.
I personally love the idea. I'm trying to force myself to not take each loss so personally, and take the extra step to be very manner, (while i've always gg'd, i've often been really frustrated at the end of games).
And i'm trying to pull away from that frustration!!
Eh I've always gg'd except in team games (read: 3v3/4v4 are the official troll leagues of SC2), even when I was verbally abused by some players. I've seldom complimented people though. I'll give it a shot.
I like it, I myself also always try to be as manner as possible, though I mostly just leave with a gg, an added wp if I'm impressed and wp+more if I'm sickly impressed :p.
Anyway I must say I would be quite shocked if I meet you, because lately it seems that ALL zerg players I meet BM's me hardcore. And I play quite standard so it's not like I feel they got a huge reason to BM me (reaper expand into double medivac drop and throwing up a third cc inbase, then I just wing it with tank marine medivac :p).
My last three games vs zerg has ended in 0 ggs, one saying yawn as he finishes off the last of my forces and takes the game, another one leaving without a gg when I take out his last expo, and a third saying "YOU LOST NOOB LEAVE" when I was 30 supply behind mid game (that victory was one of my sweetest, after I had managed to turn that around with relentless dropping).
I've been typing gg, wp (NO MATTER WHAT, even if I Get cheesed by combat ex I say gg wp which has happend like 5 times) and It drastically reduces how mad I get and how often I tilt, as a result I Can play more games in a good mental state and have more efficient practice.
I found it especially hard to be good mannered today after losing 9 games in a row.
On August 17 2011 12:24 Gheed wrote:Show nested quote +On August 17 2011 12:21 seansye wrote: It's amazing how GM the koreans/korean server is. We have a a really mest up culture Lol. Are you kidding? Go watch someone's stream when they're playing on the korean ladder. Most won't say "gggl" unless prompted, many leave without saying anything, and the most you get is a "ww" and f10n. "GM" doesn't mean bending over backwards to reach for some stupid complement, it just means respecting your opponent and not being a dickhead.
ww = gg...
And its hell of a lot more mannered than us. From my own experience on ladder it's pretty much BM... and I don't consider not talking BM. I'm talking about straight up shit talking and complaining/whining and calling you out...
I always try to be the first one who said "gl hf!", I even macroed it onto my keyboard so that I can one press and said it after i split my worker.
lol you would still say those phrases after losing 15 games?
If anyone remembers the whole "Andy" thing, that was really a feel-good day.
I am impressed by you, but seriously, pic 5 i would have probably raged
You're weird, it doesn't make you prone to analyzing your replays. In my moment of angst, I yell/curse at the comp while opening up the replay to see how the player won.
DEMACIA6550 Posts
This is sick man, it has inspired me to try this on the ladder. we'll see :p
Until NA server gives up the cheese or get off the pot attitude I refuse to play another game. Master was just as boring as Diamond, and Diamond just as boring as Platinum. Russian roulette of all-in pushes.
On August 17 2011 12:00 Billd wrote:This is so mannered that some people might find it sarcastic! I say this because whenever I get cheesed I say "gg wp" and never mean it 
I do the same
On August 17 2011 14:55 SichuanPanda wrote: Until NA server gives up the cheese or get off the pot attitude I refuse to play another game. Master was just as boring as Diamond, and Diamond just as boring as Platinum. Russian roulette of all-in pushes.
Until you abandon this kind of thinking you will never improve as a player.
On August 17 2011 15:03 Fission wrote:Show nested quote +On August 17 2011 14:55 SichuanPanda wrote: Until NA server gives up the cheese or get off the pot attitude I refuse to play another game. Master was just as boring as Diamond, and Diamond just as boring as Platinum. Russian roulette of all-in pushes. Until you abandon this kind of thinking you will never improve as a player.
No desire to improve when I've been better than my opponents for ages. I didn't say I lose to all-ins and cheeses, I said its a boring way to play pretty simple what I said. Not sure how you could misinterpret it. I don't need to improve as a player I'm quite good enough already. I play this game for fun, and facing people who get a hard on for a win and do everything they can to get it with no shame for how little skill their build takes, or how far below 50% they have to go to get their points up is without a doubt not fun at all. Or do you think its fun to have someone A-move into your base and if you don't have a 200+ APM defense and a perfect force field (I play Protoss) you instantly lose? I guess you must.
I'm absolutely gonna give this a shot I always find that I play better when I treat the game like a friendly competition rather than as a war (opponent, rather than enemy,) and this seems like a great way to remind myself of that and keep it positive Definitely gonna try it and hope it helps!
We should all remember this post, if it turns into anything big, as the start of good mannered and friendly players en masse in StarCraft 2
Lol if someone would be like this against me I would think he was being sarcastic. ;/
Ive always kind of done what you do in games where I enjoyed myself and got outplayed. Other than that I usually say nothing and just leave the games. Some of those things can be taken as sarcasm if you arent careful about it though
Yeah, having meaningful conversations during/after games makes it much more enjoyable. Usually I'll ask a question after a game and get some conversation/insight into what I did wrong, it usually saves me from having to watch the replay and also get some good ideas.
2292 Posts
On August 17 2011 15:10 Termit wrote: Lol if someone would be like this against me I would think he was being sarcastic. ;/ Yes, I've come to the point where I perceive any pattern of words resembling a praise as sarcasm.
I 'gg' in all of my games whether it was a cheese or it was a macro game. Sure I'll be angry and frustrated but I at least give the courtesy of giving them a e-handshake. Plus for some reason I have that same problem Artosis mentioned in one of his youtube videos stating that when he gets angry, it won't stop him from playing it actually makes him want to play more so I get angry but I'm glad I do cause it makes me play more.
If you want to think of it in a better way, what would you do after a long game of chess in person? Say "YOU NOOB!! YOU CHEESING NOOB!! CAN'T BEAT ANYONE UNLESS YOU CHEESE" or "ALL IN FAG!!" or some crap like that. Normally you would just give them a handshake and a 'good game' but since you can't really give someone a hand shake through the interwebs, 'gg' is there for that.
I always GG, no matter how I lose. Hell an hour ago I lost to a ridiculous mass banshee all-in I saw coming but didn't get enough spores up, so I complimented him and gg'd. No reason getting mad!
I would never compliment my opponent on the ladder because ultimately in platinum we're both terrible at this game and nothing we did was commendable.
On August 17 2011 11:52 DFDream wrote: The only people who are ever mannered to me are on the Korean server T.T
Haha reminds me of vsing koreans on ICCUP. They would always say gg, followed by bm in korean.
I call bs on someone saying gg nice timing to a marine scv all in.
I appreciate what you're doing man it's a great thing! I think it might be wise to just type something more simple like "gg wp" because as I look through your screenshots I think to myself that if somebody said that to me in a game I could only see them being sarcastic T_T
On August 17 2011 11:42 Sarang wrote: Haha I'd like to play against you, I haven't even gotten a 'gg' in all the games I've played lately. >.>
I'd just be careful of how you word your good manner. Some people could take "well executed rush" to have a hint of bitterness to it.
Of course if you mean well though, it doesn't matter if they interpret you the wrong way.
Personally though, I just say 'gg wp' if I feel my opponent played particularly well. Seeing as hardly anyone even says 'gg' anymore, 'gg wp' seems like the pinnacle of manner by comparison.
Goes to show how BM the ladder is - that when someone says something as a compliment, we immediately feel like they're undermining us through sarcasm.
You're good at making carriers, nice skill toi have.
I GG everygame no matter how I lose, be it a 6 pool or a long macro game. Well sometimes I have forgotten but its never out of rage. No matter how my opponent beats me, he won, he deserves the GG. I feel thats all thats necessary, its like shaking a hand after a match for sports. If its just an ordinary game complimenting him feels like being a lickspittle so unless he does something really amazing I want to talk about I don't do it.
Man, imagine if the ladder was actually like this. That would be sweet. Not enough good manner floating around these days. Of course don't GM then if they don't deserve it, the same should be said for BM. It'd just be nice to see the balance of manner tip into GM's favour.
I just hate it when people call me "sir"
On August 17 2011 15:10 Termit wrote: Lol if someone would be like this against me I would think he was being sarcastic. ;/
If someone does a marine/SCV all-in, it has nothing to do with timing or the person playing exceptionally good. The only time it's a "nice timing" is when the marines and SCVs arrive just before the banelingnest is finished, otherwise (and probably even then) it's just "i had bad scouting".
I always gg, but i see no reason to compliment someone on something where i myself actually screwed up... and 90% of the losses are actually your own fault, not the opponent outplaying you (unless maybe you are top10 grandmasters).
It's a nice initiative to be more well mannered, but i don't think it's the right way to do this.
On August 17 2011 17:16 Blackk wrote: I just hate it when people call me "sir" Why? Its a sign of respect/manners. Although people can be silly with it on the internet I can't think of it ever being used in a bad sense.
On August 17 2011 15:10 Termit wrote: Lol if someone would be like this against me I would think he was being sarcastic. ;/
rofl this
It's actually my way of "raging" after a loss against a cheese/one-base-all-in...I always compliment them on their crisply timed, perfectly executed, well-microed push.
When I type in gg wp, I find that it makes me rage much less because I feel like I'm recognizing my opponent's skills, and that defuses the frustration a little.
This made my day. I'm approaching ladder with a really bad attitude (and I'm gonna work to fix that). Although I always GG, I am always fuming after a loss - I will try to complement my opponents more often and that will probably help me look over replays without being so angry.
What a fantastic post. This made my day. Thank you!
On August 17 2011 11:45 Odyssey wrote: I always gg out of games haha. I don't understand why the bm has gotten so popular. Children these days! Maybe they think they can get some sort of advantage out of making their opponent angry?
Personally I think trying to type and play hurts me more than any advantage I could get from an angry opponent. I actually kind of like it when people hurl insults at me, it doesn't bother me and chances are they are going to miss a supply depo or something because of it Often I will even egg them on by typing "lol", or something similar, minimum effort on my part and they keep typing and hopefully playing worse for it.
I never GG and always BM.
You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your fuckin' fingers and say, "That's the bad guy." So... what that make you? Good? You're not good. You just know how to hide, how to lie. Me, I don't have that problem. Me, I always tell the truth. Even when I lie.
If my opponent complimented me i would be pissed... The biggest satisfaction on the ladder is your opponent BMing and screaming imba.
Does writing only "gg" count as good mannered? :D
On August 17 2011 11:41 Xation wrote:You are doing a good thing, sir. I shall also attempt to compliment the cheeses that get thrown at me  . But in all seriousness, this is what ladder needs.. It's so bm atm.
this commuity got sooo bm!! I wonder where the community went which Day[9] is allways talking about ... "the wunderfull and nice community" ..what where Mr Dayj ? o.O
I always say gg but when the opponent really outclassed me (it happens like 1 out of 30 games on ladder) I add the "wp"
90% of my enemies don't even say GG before leaving, and i DON'T cheese...
On August 17 2011 17:27 iMp.will. wrote: I never GG and always BM.
You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your fuckin' fingers and say, "That's the bad guy." So... what that make you? Good? You're not good. You just know how to hide, how to lie. Me, I don't have that problem. Me, I always tell the truth. Even when I lie.
gg Scarface 
Very fitting though.
Im always goodmannered, and most people I met (gold-plat EU) are also gm.
I can't do this good manner thing when I gg because I don't lose, thus never gg.
Does that mean I have no skill? I have never lost, thus no gg. no gg = no skill, so me = no skill? hmm.
This seems so fake haha. If I marine scv all ined someone and they said "nice timing!" id probably leave the game out of confusion.
You know, I was half expecting the last screen to be you just completely losing it 
On August 17 2011 18:23 Hall0wed wrote: I can't do this good manner thing when I gg because I don't lose, thus never gg.
Does that mean I have no skill? I have never lost, thus no gg. no gg = no skill, so me = no skill? hmm.
You could always be a gentleman and offensive gg them. "You may not have succeeded, but your strategy was most definitely of the highest accord! Huzzah!"
i always gg even if its cheese. every loss is a step to another win for me
On August 17 2011 18:29 jjhchsc2 wrote: i always gg even if its cheese. every loss is a step to another win for me
Same here (at least 95% of the time, if it is some some ridiculous cheese, I may RQ once in a while) +1 respect to OP, keep at it
It's very important to gg the cheese, you can't give them the satisfaction of having you ragequit as well.
you are on the right track baby, you were born this way i really hope people take notes from you, as you said so much bm on the ladder, its not even funny anymore. ill take your example, ill try to never rage again!!
I will try to do the same as OP for now atleast while to see if there are any help for ragequitting:DD
As a mannered player I approve of this post
I see near the start of the thread people saying how players done gg much anymore. I see that as a good thing a gg means good game it should be said after a good game not after a bad one, if you think it was bad then dont gg, just leave or what ever you feel like doing.
For the good manner part, i see it to be good and bad , its nice to see good manner even against annoying play, shows matureness and many other things. But also i think bad mannering people mite be what can slowly getting them out of bring all the scv's to your base before the 5 min mark and get them to play more of a game then just a rush.
But lets also be honest the moment some one all in's you, you see it coming hold it of and you no you have one, just gloating a little bit to them does make you feel a little epic inside :D :D
On August 17 2011 18:50 The Iron Duke wrote: I see near the start of the thread people saying how players done gg much anymore. I see that as a good thing a gg means good game it should be said after a good game not after a bad one, if you think it was bad then dont gg, just leave or what ever you feel like doing.
No, it doesn't. GG is a sign of sportsmanship, not a declaration of your opinion of how the game went.
On August 17 2011 18:54 Horseballs wrote:Show nested quote +On August 17 2011 18:50 The Iron Duke wrote: I see near the start of the thread people saying how players done gg much anymore. I see that as a good thing a gg means good game it should be said after a good game not after a bad one, if you think it was bad then dont gg, just leave or what ever you feel like doing. No, it doesn't. GG is a sign of sportsmanship, not a declaration of your opinion of how the game went.
It can be sportsmanship or good game. I know I sometimes compliment my opponent if I lose some games. It's just honesty. I've had people compliment me sometimes. It goes both ways.
I prefer my opponent to BM though because I feel like I won the internet and ruined someone's day.
most you should say is GG WP ^^ what you write sounds sarcastic so perhaps you will recive flame xD
If i loose i say GG, if i was impressed by his tactics/strategy I add on a WP or make a comment about it. Its really not to hard people.
I find it really important to always be mannered, no matter the occasion. Hell, I even 'gg wp' cannon rushes. So I really support what youre doing here.
If I lose the other player just played better and therefore deserves a GG, even if I played utterly terrible. Always GG people
I just won a PvP (in high Gold league ) and my opponent said "gg nice 4gate". I didn't know whether it was actually a compliment or if he was angry or what. Good intentions but sometimes hard to get through text.
On August 17 2011 18:54 Horseballs wrote:Show nested quote +On August 17 2011 18:50 The Iron Duke wrote: I see near the start of the thread people saying how players done gg much anymore. I see that as a good thing a gg means good game it should be said after a good game not after a bad one, if you think it was bad then dont gg, just leave or what ever you feel like doing. No, it doesn't. GG is a sign of sportsmanship, not a declaration of your opinion of how the game went. no...GG stands for good game...google it...i am sure it will come up, and guess what those words should mean what they say..if not its just silly
good sportsmanship it saying hf gl, anything past that is not needed, thats just a fact.
Its just silly to think some one should say good game if you they got rushed, they are annoyed about it and didnt have any fun and feel it just wasnt good. If you go in to a game hoping for a nice maco game and you get it then its good, if you want a 2 bases scrap and you get its good, if you dont get what you want then to you its not good so no need to say good game.
i usually gg and i am mannerd but some stuff like cheese flying your building to a island etc does help me gg you.
Good job being really mannered on ladder. Usually when I win a game my opponent proceeds to say something along the lines of "learn to play noob" lol. I try to say gg after every game that I lose, but sometimes I just quit out of frustration.
I always used to say "gg wp" and then ask how would I counter my opponents build and say thank you, is that counted as good manner?
On August 17 2011 19:10 The Iron Duke wrote:Show nested quote +On August 17 2011 18:54 Horseballs wrote:On August 17 2011 18:50 The Iron Duke wrote: I see near the start of the thread people saying how players done gg much anymore. I see that as a good thing a gg means good game it should be said after a good game not after a bad one, if you think it was bad then dont gg, just leave or what ever you feel like doing. No, it doesn't. GG is a sign of sportsmanship, not a declaration of your opinion of how the game went. no...GG stands for good game...google it...i am sure it will come up, and guess what those words should mean what they say..if not its just silly
Yes, technically the "gg" stands for "good game" but the sentiment isn't descriptive by any means, and to think so is just foolish
I always say 'gg' when beaten these days and I always 'glgl' at the start of games. I feel it does help calm the rage that can sometimes emerge when you lose, especially to stupid shit. Reading posts about people's opinions on cheese I find that people are so conceited and vain when it comes towards this kind stuff. Assuming perfect balance, if you lose to something, even if they are 'terrible', they still played better than you (regardless of whether they won because you played poorly). Often I get most annoyed when I make a mistake myself, but I find its much more constructive to direct this annoyance/anger towards myself, so that instead of blaming them I blame myself in hope that I won't make the same misake again.
I can actually remember a game a few days ago where I had a decent conversation with a bloke who was cannon rushing me (I would have beaten it except I got over confidend and cancelled my defensive forge after I thought I had held it). Tbh it annoys me more when somebody doesn't reply to my 'glgl' than when we have a friendly chat and they end up cheesing me.
Thats assuming perfect balance...Don't get me started on the 1-1-1 though...
On August 17 2011 19:10 The Iron Duke wrote:Show nested quote +On August 17 2011 18:54 Horseballs wrote:On August 17 2011 18:50 The Iron Duke wrote: I see near the start of the thread people saying how players done gg much anymore. I see that as a good thing a gg means good game it should be said after a good game not after a bad one, if you think it was bad then dont gg, just leave or what ever you feel like doing. No, it doesn't. GG is a sign of sportsmanship, not a declaration of your opinion of how the game went. no...GG stands for good game...google it...i am sure it will come up, and guess what those words should mean what they say..if not its just silly good sportsmanship it saying hf gl, anything past that is not needed, thats just a fact. Its just silly to think some one should say good game if you they got rushed, they are annoyed about it and didnt have any fun and feel it just wasnt good. If you go in to a game hoping for a nice maco game and you get it then its good, if you want a 2 bases scrap and you get its good, if you dont get what you want then to you its not good so no need to say good game. http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idiom
I never leave a game without saying gg.
I salute you.
I always say gg♥ when I lose a game. There's no confusion as to how I feel with the heart there.
On August 17 2011 19:10 The Iron Duke wrote:Show nested quote +On August 17 2011 18:54 Horseballs wrote:On August 17 2011 18:50 The Iron Duke wrote: I see near the start of the thread people saying how players done gg much anymore. I see that as a good thing a gg means good game it should be said after a good game not after a bad one, if you think it was bad then dont gg, just leave or what ever you feel like doing. No, it doesn't. GG is a sign of sportsmanship, not a declaration of your opinion of how the game went. no...GG stands for good game...google it...i am sure it will come up, and guess what those words should mean what they say..if not its just silly good sportsmanship it saying hf gl, anything past that is not needed, thats just a fact. Its just silly to think some one should say good game if you they got rushed, they are annoyed about it and didnt have any fun and feel it just wasnt good. If you go in to a game hoping for a nice maco game and you get it then its good, if you want a 2 bases scrap and you get its good, if you dont get what you want then to you its not good so no need to say good game. gg in longform is good game. But it's not used to describe how the game went in most cases but a showcase of sportsmanship. You're being very closed minded if you think 'good game' is the only meaning to gg.
Oh Rage. How ironic your name is in this context. Love the idea and I'll certainly join in (when I actually get to play again TT). I do think it's fair to say that for best results, wording is extremely important since it's very easy to interpret "nice banshee harass " to be sarcastic. >.<
This is such a small thing, but I love the idea of making the ladder a more friendly place from the ground up. [note: I don't necessarily mean more n00b friendly or easier, just a place where you can have a good game and be respectful rather than lash out at your opponent with the rage of the seven seas]
And to the GG discussion going on right now:
Personally, I always GG but I do it because I know I lost. It's one of the things I love about Starcraft: when I lose, I made the mistake. There was no ref making a bad call or a teammate who screwed up, it was me. So while GG has a literal meaning, the conotation I associate with gg is: Congratulations, you beat me. I concede. (and it generally means well played as well; because regardless of the mistakes, they were able to beat me, so they played better than I did).
Regardless of whether you gg or not though, I don't think it hurts anybody to have a little more respect and a little less rage on the ladder; which is what Rage's post is about.
I don't really see much point in going through all the motions on ladder. In a tournament game it's good to have some respect for your opponent and the tournament, especially if it's offline, but ladder is basically just mindless practice.
Most games that I play go from start to finish with nothing said at all, and it's kind of nice. The only time I ever bother saying something is if they use some really interesting build or timing, I'll ask them what they did and maybe some advice on stopping it. I gladly help someone else out if they have a question for me too.
Complimenting your opponent and being excessively manner is nice, but it's only ladder.
On August 17 2011 19:46 sevia wrote: I don't really see much point in going through all the motions on ladder. In a tournament game it's good to have some respect for your opponent and the tournament, especially if it's offline, but ladder is basically just mindless practice.
Most games that I play go from start to finish with nothing said at all, and it's kind of nice. The only time I ever bother saying something is if they use some really interesting build or timing, I'll ask them what they did and maybe some advice on stopping it. I gladly help someone else out if they have a question for me too.
Complimenting your opponent and being excessively manner is nice, but it's only ladder.
Sure, it's certainly not a requirement that we all need to be manner but it doesn't seem like a bad thing to have a couple more people compliment you on your play when you win, as opposed to threaten your life and the health of your dog.
nice to see some examples for good manner its a rare thing these days :D:D
Do you good manner every game or just the games that you feel like your opponent deserves the good manner?
i only gg after games longer than 5 minutes. if i lose to a cannon rush or 6pool i usually lift my CC, hide it and watch streams
If I win against a player, I give them tips on how they can improve their build/timing :D
And if I lose I usually just say "gg" which seems adequate. Sometimes I add a little " " if I'm feeling super nice. :D
personally, I "GG" every time before I leave. I played a lot of team sports growing up, and after EVERY game, you'd slap hands and say "good game" (regardless of how the game played out).
I don't usually add a "wp" or additional comment like the OP (I feel some things like that can be taken offensively - thanks trolls...)
On August 17 2011 19:10 The Iron Duke wrote:Show nested quote +On August 17 2011 18:54 Horseballs wrote:On August 17 2011 18:50 The Iron Duke wrote: I see near the start of the thread people saying how players done gg much anymore. I see that as a good thing a gg means good game it should be said after a good game not after a bad one, if you think it was bad then dont gg, just leave or what ever you feel like doing. No, it doesn't. GG is a sign of sportsmanship, not a declaration of your opinion of how the game went. no...GG stands for good game...google it...i am sure it will come up, and guess what those words should mean what they say..if not its just silly good sportsmanship it saying hf gl, anything past that is not needed, thats just a fact. Its just silly to think some one should say good game if you they got rushed, they are annoyed about it and didnt have any fun and feel it just wasnt good. If you go in to a game hoping for a nice maco game and you get it then its good, if you want a 2 bases scrap and you get its good, if you dont get what you want then to you its not good so no need to say good game.
so you basically never gg
I've had someone compliment me and ask me for advice and then swear at me when I didn't reply. (I immediately queued and entered another match though)
On August 17 2011 19:58 OhYess wrote:If I win against a player, I give them tips on how they can improve their build/timing :D And if I lose I usually just say "gg" which seems adequate. Sometimes I add a little "  " if I'm feeling super nice. :D Why would you give someone tips if you beat them on ladder? Doesn't that just piss people off? Maybe its just me but whenever people do stuff like that to me on ladder it just kind of makes me more frustrated.
I'm really bad with manner on the ladder I'm like a different person when I'm playing Starcraft heh Even if it's a straight up macro game and I lose I often don't gg unless I believe he completely outplayed me, and most of the time in that situation I just say wp. Most of the time it's just me being stupid that makes me lose so I just get pissed and don't gg I don't rage as is the common assumption with people who don't gg, I'm just annoyed at myself.
It is something I should work on though
All those screen shots look like they were set up >.> Ladder people arent that mannered
On August 17 2011 12:00 Billd wrote:This is so mannered that some people might find it sarcastic! I say this because whenever I get cheesed I say "gg wp" and never mean it 
haha yeah, thought the same. I also go with gg wp on cheese, so fun. Want them to feel sorry for me!
I get so happy when someone says "ggwp" it is so nice to hear, hopefully more people will visit your thread and see what can be written. Most of my games ends with "<player> left the game!" or just some excuse why they didn't win.
Yesterday i had bad losing streak. I was unhappy that i couldn't give gg to everyone. At least i gave it to some very good macro games. *sigh* I need to work on that.
On August 17 2011 19:33 Horseballs wrote:Show nested quote +On August 17 2011 19:10 The Iron Duke wrote:On August 17 2011 18:54 Horseballs wrote:On August 17 2011 18:50 The Iron Duke wrote: I see near the start of the thread people saying how players done gg much anymore. I see that as a good thing a gg means good game it should be said after a good game not after a bad one, if you think it was bad then dont gg, just leave or what ever you feel like doing. No, it doesn't. GG is a sign of sportsmanship, not a declaration of your opinion of how the game went. no...GG stands for good game...google it...i am sure it will come up, and guess what those words should mean what they say..if not its just silly Yes, technically the "gg" stands for "good game" but the sentiment isn't descriptive by any means, and to think so is just foolish
Well i think good sportsmanship is shown by good manner and like i said before it is shown at the start of the game. I think its folly to assume, that gg should not be something that describes the game main when said after it is over. The fact people take gg and put this assumption on it i see as so very silly, simply because this is just how some(and obv i have no way of knowing the %) view it as a sportsmanship and to not put it is bad manner. assuming something and then applying it so general is just not correct which obv not every one agree's on. Also a lot of this reply goes towards the others who replied to my post. taking something as idiom when not every one feels the same way just isn't correct.
(sorry for any bad spelling or grammer, my dyselxcia gets the best of me >.< )
Loving how the last picture was a Geiko 3 rax. love it.
I think the problem of BM is due to the fact that the game has some point where you can win without skil, when randomness takes a major part on the reasons of the win than the decision making or "strategy".
For example: PvZ. It's hard to be good mannered when a zerg go for a 6 pool on tal darim when your probe can't found immediatly the enemy base and run blindy around the map when zerglings are inside your main. after that i think : "ok ,i've lost....but this is not my fault, but randomness." Ok, after 5/6 loses like that i think rage can be justified! or not? :D
I try to always be mannered  Almways begin the game with "hi gl hf" (after making a drone and send my recolter to minerals ans my overlord to scoot :D, i'm not this mannered :p)
And i almost always GG at the end unless i'm angry at myself for making some dumb mistake  (lie when i forgot to make sporecrawler against an obviously dark templar incoming :D)
And i often add a nice word after the GG about what i did wrong or what my opponent did well.
On August 17 2011 20:00 Flowjo wrote:Show nested quote +On August 17 2011 19:10 The Iron Duke wrote:On August 17 2011 18:54 Horseballs wrote:On August 17 2011 18:50 The Iron Duke wrote: I see near the start of the thread people saying how players done gg much anymore. I see that as a good thing a gg means good game it should be said after a good game not after a bad one, if you think it was bad then dont gg, just leave or what ever you feel like doing. No, it doesn't. GG is a sign of sportsmanship, not a declaration of your opinion of how the game went. no...GG stands for good game...google it...i am sure it will come up, and guess what those words should mean what they say..if not its just silly good sportsmanship it saying hf gl, anything past that is not needed, thats just a fact. Its just silly to think some one should say good game if you they got rushed, they are annoyed about it and didnt have any fun and feel it just wasnt good. If you go in to a game hoping for a nice maco game and you get it then its good, if you want a 2 bases scrap and you get its good, if you dont get what you want then to you its not good so no need to say good game. so you basically never gg
I completely understand what you mean, Iron Duke, but I think GG or good game actually originates from ordinary sports such as football or the like. I've played football for quite a while and no matter if you think the other team played very bad, was very lucky, did not show good sportsmanship or if the game was overall bad, you always shake hands after the game and say good game. This has nothing at all to do with how you actually feel aboutthe game or the other team, it's jst a traditional way to show good sportsmanship and respect for the other team.
=____= 2rax marine+scv all-in makes me want to rage sometimes....' sure I can be gm about like mid-late game pushes, but.... that cheese..............................
On August 17 2011 19:46 sevia wrote: I don't really see much point in going through all the motions on ladder. In a tournament game it's good to have some respect for your opponent and the tournament, especially if it's offline, but ladder is basically just mindless practice.
Most games that I play go from start to finish with nothing said at all, and it's kind of nice. The only time I ever bother saying something is if they use some really interesting build or timing, I'll ask them what they did and maybe some advice on stopping it. I gladly help someone else out if they have a question for me too.
Complimenting your opponent and being excessively manner is nice, but it's only ladder.
I respect your opinion, but the ladder is not mindless practice for everyone. A lot of people still thinks the ladder as scary place where you meet actual real opponents, and even though you might not feel this way it might be welcoming for your opponent to recieve some sort of good sportsmaship in the game. All in all, I see no reason to just say gg, when leaving. It basically takes a millisecond and both youand your opponent will feel a little happier afterwards 
I try really hard to do a "gg <3" at the end of every match, but there are days when it's pretty tough. I sneak a probe past the first marine to scout double rax, fast expand into 3 gate, delay and pick off marines with stalkers, drop perfect forcefields, clean up the attack, and it's "omfg you so lucky fukin no talent n00b" -> leave.
Much, much respect to the OP - maybe this thread can become the antidote to the horrible "strange/confusing BM" thread. I'll strive to live up to your example.
On August 17 2011 20:52 Penke wrote:Show nested quote +On August 17 2011 20:00 Flowjo wrote:On August 17 2011 19:10 The Iron Duke wrote:On August 17 2011 18:54 Horseballs wrote:On August 17 2011 18:50 The Iron Duke wrote: I see near the start of the thread people saying how players done gg much anymore. I see that as a good thing a gg means good game it should be said after a good game not after a bad one, if you think it was bad then dont gg, just leave or what ever you feel like doing. No, it doesn't. GG is a sign of sportsmanship, not a declaration of your opinion of how the game went. no...GG stands for good game...google it...i am sure it will come up, and guess what those words should mean what they say..if not its just silly good sportsmanship it saying hf gl, anything past that is not needed, thats just a fact. Its just silly to think some one should say good game if you they got rushed, they are annoyed about it and didnt have any fun and feel it just wasnt good. If you go in to a game hoping for a nice maco game and you get it then its good, if you want a 2 bases scrap and you get its good, if you dont get what you want then to you its not good so no need to say good game. so you basically never gg I completely understand what you mean, Iron Duke, but I think GG or good game actually originates from ordinary sports such as football or the like. I've played football for quite a while and no matter if you think the other team played very bad, was very lucky, did not show good sportsmanship or if the game was overall bad, you always shake hands after the game and say good game. This has nothing at all to do with how you actually feel aboutthe game or the other team, it's jst a traditional way to show good sportsmanship and respect for the other team. It's like shaking Hands after a Chess match, doesn't matter if you lost because of dumb mistake or something else, it's just a gesture to your enemy
On August 17 2011 20:21 The Iron Duke wrote:Show nested quote +On August 17 2011 19:33 Horseballs wrote:On August 17 2011 19:10 The Iron Duke wrote:On August 17 2011 18:54 Horseballs wrote:On August 17 2011 18:50 The Iron Duke wrote: I see near the start of the thread people saying how players done gg much anymore. I see that as a good thing a gg means good game it should be said after a good game not after a bad one, if you think it was bad then dont gg, just leave or what ever you feel like doing. No, it doesn't. GG is a sign of sportsmanship, not a declaration of your opinion of how the game went. no...GG stands for good game...google it...i am sure it will come up, and guess what those words should mean what they say..if not its just silly Yes, technically the "gg" stands for "good game" but the sentiment isn't descriptive by any means, and to think so is just foolish Well i think good sportsmanship is shown by good manner and like i said before it is shown at the start of the game. I think its folly to assume, that gg should not be something that describes the game main when said after it is over.The fact people take gg and put this assumption on it i see as so very silly, simply because this is just how some(and obv i have no way of knowing the %) view it as a sportsmanship and to not put it is bad manner. assuming something and then applying it so general is just not correct which obv not every one agree's on. Also a lot of this reply goes towards the others who replied to my post. taking something as idiom when not every one feels the same way just isn't correct. (sorry for any bad spelling or grammer, my dyselxcia gets the best of me >.< ) I think you should wiki sportsmanship. and also see my above post
On August 17 2011 19:59 DusTerr wrote: I played a lot of team sports growing up, and after EVERY game, you'd slap hands and say "good game" (regardless of how the game played out).
Maybe this is just because I was introduced to sportsmanship from an early age, but I used the term "good game" irl BEFORE it was shortened to "GG" online.
TL:DR - "good game" in terms of sportsmanship has never intended to mean "you played well".
On August 17 2011 20:52 Penke wrote:Show nested quote +On August 17 2011 20:00 Flowjo wrote:On August 17 2011 19:10 The Iron Duke wrote:On August 17 2011 18:54 Horseballs wrote:On August 17 2011 18:50 The Iron Duke wrote: I see near the start of the thread people saying how players done gg much anymore. I see that as a good thing a gg means good game it should be said after a good game not after a bad one, if you think it was bad then dont gg, just leave or what ever you feel like doing. No, it doesn't. GG is a sign of sportsmanship, not a declaration of your opinion of how the game went. no...GG stands for good game...google it...i am sure it will come up, and guess what those words should mean what they say..if not its just silly good sportsmanship it saying hf gl, anything past that is not needed, thats just a fact. Its just silly to think some one should say good game if you they got rushed, they are annoyed about it and didnt have any fun and feel it just wasnt good. If you go in to a game hoping for a nice maco game and you get it then its good, if you want a 2 bases scrap and you get its good, if you dont get what you want then to you its not good so no need to say good game. so you basically never gg I completely understand what you mean, Iron Duke, but I think GG or good game actually originates from ordinary sports such as football or the like. I've played football for quite a while and no matter if you think the other team played very bad, was very lucky, did not show good sportsmanship or if the game was overall bad, you always shake hands after the game and say good game. This has nothing at all to do with how you actually feel aboutthe game or the other team, it's jst a traditional way to show good sportsmanship and respect for the other team.
Dont worry that did come to my mind, about the hand shaking in football and i have had stuff like that when i have played football but also when shaking hands you tend to talk about the game. Like when you think they got a lucky goal, you tend to say it, obv not in a condescension way but more as a light hearted comment on the game. Which is kind of where i come in with gg with me seeing that as the commenting on the game, i would say good sportsmanship is shown when players leave when its obv its over, you no dont do the flying buildings around and throwing pylons around the map. Basily what i am trying to get at is there should not be a need for the gg and that we all should take other things as signs of good sportsmanship and not expect a gg or else its just bad manner.
@Flowjo, thank you for contributing. you have helped further this thread in so many ways. want a reply pack to see ?(protoss plat here , i am bet your dying for it)
I would actually think that the big publicity combatex is getting with his stream and videos is having a big influence on why the ladder is so bm atm.
I really wish I could be a good manner player, but I just get mad when I lose its how I am as a person. Maybe im a hypocrite, but its the same answer idra gives.
Every once in a while I've had someone kind of sort of good manner me. I held off a 4 warpgste rush then courted attacked and win and his response was "wow" "gg". I'd say that's a compliment.
Another time I was in a tense zergling vs zealot sentry battle when he killed off all my stuff, but then 3 voidrays show up so he says "oh" "gg". I'd say that's a compliment too.
People should stop to confuse saying (or not) GG with good manner. It's just some stupid habit that some people think of as the most important ritual of good sportsmanship - which, at least IMO, is absolutely ridiculous.
Telling your oponent to go fuck himself == bad manner. Leaving the game without GG == NO bad manner. Actually it's that easy.
On August 17 2011 21:08 DusTerr wrote:Show nested quote +On August 17 2011 20:21 The Iron Duke wrote:On August 17 2011 19:33 Horseballs wrote:On August 17 2011 19:10 The Iron Duke wrote:On August 17 2011 18:54 Horseballs wrote:On August 17 2011 18:50 The Iron Duke wrote: I see near the start of the thread people saying how players done gg much anymore. I see that as a good thing a gg means good game it should be said after a good game not after a bad one, if you think it was bad then dont gg, just leave or what ever you feel like doing. No, it doesn't. GG is a sign of sportsmanship, not a declaration of your opinion of how the game went. no...GG stands for good game...google it...i am sure it will come up, and guess what those words should mean what they say..if not its just silly Yes, technically the "gg" stands for "good game" but the sentiment isn't descriptive by any means, and to think so is just foolish Well i think good sportsmanship is shown by good manner and like i said before it is shown at the start of the game. I think its folly to assume, that gg should not be something that describes the game main when said after it is over.The fact people take gg and put this assumption on it i see as so very silly, simply because this is just how some(and obv i have no way of knowing the %) view it as a sportsmanship and to not put it is bad manner. assuming something and then applying it so general is just not correct which obv not every one agree's on. Also a lot of this reply goes towards the others who replied to my post. taking something as idiom when not every one feels the same way just isn't correct. (sorry for any bad spelling or grammer, my dyselxcia gets the best of me >.< ) I think you should wiki sportsmanship. and also see my above post Show nested quote +On August 17 2011 19:59 DusTerr wrote: I played a lot of team sports growing up, and after EVERY game, you'd slap hands and say "good game" (regardless of how the game played out).
Maybe this is just because I was introduced to sportsmanship from an early age, but I used the term " good game" irl BEFORE it was shortened to "GG" online. TL:DR - "good game" in terms of sportsmanship has never intended to mean "you played well". I would point out that to apply what is relvent in sports and apply it to online gaming does not make it a show of sportsmanship just because such a thing is done else where. In something which is so global, which means containing lots of different kind of people, cultures and so that apply what happens at the end of some football match(or what ever other sport you choose to for take in) is just not correct. Because some one does not say gg to me, does not mean i think they are not showing me good sportsmanship and yes i do see how its not the strongest point to discredit your view by saying look at the wider picture and then follow it up with a personal view based of my expenises(sp). But this is about options and i stand by mine.
While I agree ladder is overly BM at the moment, i think what ladder needs more is less messaging after the game discussing why you won or lost, not every game needs your expert platinum level input on the game, just re queue and shut up.
I'm fair mannered if people want to talk, or do standard "glhf." If someone gg's me and I won, I'll say it back. However, when I lose I hardly ever say it. It's mainly due to me being pissed at myself for whatever I screwed up, and generally not because the opponent beat me. For those games that go mid to late and there are nice exchanges and such, I'll usually gg.
Just watch White Ra. Even after losing to 6 rax, or some other unbelievably cheesy players he leaves by saying "wp, gg". Most amazing of all is that he means it
When I ladder (Top Diamond Zerg trying to go to master), I always blame my lose on myself, and congratulate my opponent, or at least gg.
It is my fault if I wasn't able to scout this stupid fucking no skilled all in, I should have ....
I get pissed at myself, but in a constructive way I think, and more importantly, I never blame it and almost always gives a gg.
Ladder is pretty bm atm, some low master player wished me to die and my mother as well, after I pushed back a dual port banshee.... weird.
Ah, decided to take a game and try and be sick manner.
Started out very friendly, said good luck have fun (and implemented the guy's name)
But at the end, I kinda won, and when he said gg, I panicked and hurried to write back, and it turned out something like
324 omg gg, awesome rushhh
and after the match he whisperd "prick"
Tried explaining I tried being good manner and I ment it, but he said I was a moron, and that his rush failed miserably, so it wasn't awesome, then I got ignored...
But I won't toss in the towel that easily, I'll try again!!
I played against some Rank 26 Master Terran. He only made Marines and a few Medivacs. After finally killing him I told him that Marines are good.
He agreed and left the game.
I'm afraid I could work on my post game manners too. Most of the time I have no problem with how I lose, but I'm so annoyed at myself for cocking something up that I either leave out of frustration or leave due to some stupid tactic I didn't see coming.
And then sometimes I'm just an arse. Most of it's just frustration at not being able to break someone's base or worse, dealing with my personal bane which is turtling terrans. For some reason I see a seige tank at the top of a ramp and my brain turns off.
Not proud of it
On August 17 2011 21:18 The Iron Duke wrote:Show nested quote +On August 17 2011 21:08 DusTerr wrote:On August 17 2011 20:21 The Iron Duke wrote:On August 17 2011 19:33 Horseballs wrote:On August 17 2011 19:10 The Iron Duke wrote:On August 17 2011 18:54 Horseballs wrote:On August 17 2011 18:50 The Iron Duke wrote: I see near the start of the thread people saying how players done gg much anymore. I see that as a good thing a gg means good game it should be said after a good game not after a bad one, if you think it was bad then dont gg, just leave or what ever you feel like doing. No, it doesn't. GG is a sign of sportsmanship, not a declaration of your opinion of how the game went. no...GG stands for good game...google it...i am sure it will come up, and guess what those words should mean what they say..if not its just silly Yes, technically the "gg" stands for "good game" but the sentiment isn't descriptive by any means, and to think so is just foolish Well i think good sportsmanship is shown by good manner and like i said before it is shown at the start of the game. I think its folly to assume, that gg should not be something that describes the game main when said after it is over.The fact people take gg and put this assumption on it i see as so very silly, simply because this is just how some(and obv i have no way of knowing the %) view it as a sportsmanship and to not put it is bad manner. assuming something and then applying it so general is just not correct which obv not every one agree's on. Also a lot of this reply goes towards the others who replied to my post. taking something as idiom when not every one feels the same way just isn't correct. (sorry for any bad spelling or grammer, my dyselxcia gets the best of me >.< ) I think you should wiki sportsmanship. and also see my above post On August 17 2011 19:59 DusTerr wrote: I played a lot of team sports growing up, and after EVERY game, you'd slap hands and say "good game" (regardless of how the game played out).
Maybe this is just because I was introduced to sportsmanship from an early age, but I used the term " good game" irl BEFORE it was shortened to "GG" online. TL:DR - "good game" in terms of sportsmanship has never intended to mean "you played well". I would point out that to apply what is relvent in sports and apply it to online gaming does not make it a show of sportsmanship just because such a thing is done else where. In something which is so global, which means containing lots of different kind of people, cultures and so that apply what happens at the end of some football match(or what ever other sport you choose to for take in) is just not correct. Because some one does not say gg to me, does not mean i think they are not showing me good sportsmanship and yes i do see how its not the strongest point to discredit your view by saying look at the wider picture and then follow it up with a personal view based of my expenises(sp). But this is about options and i stand by mine. Football (soccer) is more global than online gaming and the rules of sportsmanship apply...
Although I find not saying gg to be poor sportsmanship (as it would be irl) I don't find it to be bm - especially compared to the other bm out there!
On August 17 2011 21:38 DusTerr wrote:Show nested quote +On August 17 2011 21:18 The Iron Duke wrote:On August 17 2011 21:08 DusTerr wrote:On August 17 2011 20:21 The Iron Duke wrote:On August 17 2011 19:33 Horseballs wrote:On August 17 2011 19:10 The Iron Duke wrote:On August 17 2011 18:54 Horseballs wrote:On August 17 2011 18:50 The Iron Duke wrote: I see near the start of the thread people saying how players done gg much anymore. I see that as a good thing a gg means good game it should be said after a good game not after a bad one, if you think it was bad then dont gg, just leave or what ever you feel like doing. No, it doesn't. GG is a sign of sportsmanship, not a declaration of your opinion of how the game went. no...GG stands for good game...google it...i am sure it will come up, and guess what those words should mean what they say..if not its just silly Yes, technically the "gg" stands for "good game" but the sentiment isn't descriptive by any means, and to think so is just foolish Well i think good sportsmanship is shown by good manner and like i said before it is shown at the start of the game. I think its folly to assume, that gg should not be something that describes the game main when said after it is over.The fact people take gg and put this assumption on it i see as so very silly, simply because this is just how some(and obv i have no way of knowing the %) view it as a sportsmanship and to not put it is bad manner. assuming something and then applying it so general is just not correct which obv not every one agree's on. Also a lot of this reply goes towards the others who replied to my post. taking something as idiom when not every one feels the same way just isn't correct. (sorry for any bad spelling or grammer, my dyselxcia gets the best of me >.< ) I think you should wiki sportsmanship. and also see my above post On August 17 2011 19:59 DusTerr wrote: I played a lot of team sports growing up, and after EVERY game, you'd slap hands and say "good game" (regardless of how the game played out).
Maybe this is just because I was introduced to sportsmanship from an early age, but I used the term " good game" irl BEFORE it was shortened to "GG" online. TL:DR - "good game" in terms of sportsmanship has never intended to mean "you played well". I would point out that to apply what is relvent in sports and apply it to online gaming does not make it a show of sportsmanship just because such a thing is done else where. In something which is so global, which means containing lots of different kind of people, cultures and so that apply what happens at the end of some football match(or what ever other sport you choose to for take in) is just not correct. Because some one does not say gg to me, does not mean i think they are not showing me good sportsmanship and yes i do see how its not the strongest point to discredit your view by saying look at the wider picture and then follow it up with a personal view based of my expenises(sp). But this is about options and i stand by mine. Football (soccer) is more global than online gaming and the rules of sportsmanship apply... Although I find not saying gg to be poor sportsmanship (as it would be irl) I don't find it to be bm - especially compared to the other bm out there!
I think it would be very wrong to say that you can no as i also cant know that all around the globe, they show sportsmanship by saying good game to each other at the end of the game. As well i am not sure the number of people playing football out numbers the amount of people who play games online in some form. but i dont have the numbers so i am not going to pretend to know. But also its bigger globaly in the sense that it gets more different kind of people taking part in it compared to football where most of the time you have to be fit or atlest some what able for active running. while for gaming you have less restrictions to take part. Not what i meant by it when i said global but comparing it just to football then i think i will add that in as my original statement i mean for a more general sports. hope that makes sense
On August 17 2011 11:38 TheRageKage12 wrote:Hi Everyone, I had an epiphany the other day. So many people bad manners on ladder after they lose, but nobody good manners. I guess it makes sense, it is easier to yell and blame someone for beating you than it is to accept that they played better. So, in an effort to make the ladder a better place, I've decided to end every game I lose with some good manner for my opponent. Thus far, I have 6 instances of good manner: + Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler +Replays: http://www.mediafire.com/?drqka1kc3volxt1Furthermore, I've found myself much more willing to go back and see how I lost after complementing my opponent on a job well done. That might just be a coincidence (or maybe I'm weird). NOTE: Some players may become confused and frightened at the sight of such a rare occurrence of good manner. If they do begin to lash out, calmly explain to them that you meant your complements and that you most definitely aren't trolling. :D
I really like this.
I think it will actually help you become a better player too. If you accept that your opponent might have played well, you can easily keep a positive attitude, calmly watch the replay, and try to play even better than him. (It does not matter whether either of you was great by whatever standards you usually apply, merely having a positive mindset makes a huge difference.)
If you ragequit and/or BM when losing, you're not in a mindset that is conducive to learning about your mistakes, your strengths, and how to reduce the former and make best use of the latter. You can learn while angry, but it's inefficient and a waste of energy, time, and you lose out on having fun.
Australia171 Posts
I reckon what the OP is doing is positive and I encourage him to continue on doing it and hopefully improve. In every game I make an effort to type gl hf and gg when I lose. Having a positive approach helps develop character and improvement as a player.
Keep it up!
i absolutely allways "gl hf" at the beginning of the match. I think just that creates a little "bond" that cuts on at least some of the future bm.
i never cheeze, and when somebody complaints about (ie) me baneling busting them, no matter how offensive they are i just explain like... "i didn't do it blindly, i scouted you being way too greedy, and that is the correct way of punishing you for it".
It sometimes ends the agresiveness right there. They are angry that you supposedly just followed some buildorder you had in mind from before the game was even started, getting you a "free win".
BM to BM is like invading afghanistan to end terrorism.
Being "nice" no matter what ends BM 99% of the time. You take the fun away from the aggressor, and so it is not interesting anymore.
On August 17 2011 21:46 The Iron Duke wrote:Show nested quote +On August 17 2011 21:38 DusTerr wrote:On August 17 2011 21:18 The Iron Duke wrote:On August 17 2011 21:08 DusTerr wrote:On August 17 2011 20:21 The Iron Duke wrote:On August 17 2011 19:33 Horseballs wrote:On August 17 2011 19:10 The Iron Duke wrote:On August 17 2011 18:54 Horseballs wrote:On August 17 2011 18:50 The Iron Duke wrote: I see near the start of the thread people saying how players done gg much anymore. I see that as a good thing a gg means good game it should be said after a good game not after a bad one, if you think it was bad then dont gg, just leave or what ever you feel like doing. No, it doesn't. GG is a sign of sportsmanship, not a declaration of your opinion of how the game went. no...GG stands for good game...google it...i am sure it will come up, and guess what those words should mean what they say..if not its just silly Yes, technically the "gg" stands for "good game" but the sentiment isn't descriptive by any means, and to think so is just foolish Well i think good sportsmanship is shown by good manner and like i said before it is shown at the start of the game. I think its folly to assume, that gg should not be something that describes the game main when said after it is over.The fact people take gg and put this assumption on it i see as so very silly, simply because this is just how some(and obv i have no way of knowing the %) view it as a sportsmanship and to not put it is bad manner. assuming something and then applying it so general is just not correct which obv not every one agree's on. Also a lot of this reply goes towards the others who replied to my post. taking something as idiom when not every one feels the same way just isn't correct. (sorry for any bad spelling or grammer, my dyselxcia gets the best of me >.< ) I think you should wiki sportsmanship. and also see my above post On August 17 2011 19:59 DusTerr wrote: I played a lot of team sports growing up, and after EVERY game, you'd slap hands and say "good game" (regardless of how the game played out).
Maybe this is just because I was introduced to sportsmanship from an early age, but I used the term " good game" irl BEFORE it was shortened to "GG" online. TL:DR - "good game" in terms of sportsmanship has never intended to mean "you played well". I would point out that to apply what is relvent in sports and apply it to online gaming does not make it a show of sportsmanship just because such a thing is done else where. In something which is so global, which means containing lots of different kind of people, cultures and so that apply what happens at the end of some football match(or what ever other sport you choose to for take in) is just not correct. Because some one does not say gg to me, does not mean i think they are not showing me good sportsmanship and yes i do see how its not the strongest point to discredit your view by saying look at the wider picture and then follow it up with a personal view based of my expenises(sp). But this is about options and i stand by mine. Football (soccer) is more global than online gaming and the rules of sportsmanship apply... Although I find not saying gg to be poor sportsmanship (as it would be irl) I don't find it to be bm - especially compared to the other bm out there! I think it would be very wrong to say that you can no as i also cant know that all around the globe, they show sportsmanship by saying good game to each other at the end of the game. As well i am not sure the number of people playing football out numbers the amount of people who play games online in some form. but i dont have the numbers so i am not going to pretend to know. But also its bigger globaly in the sense that it gets more different kind of people taking part in it compared to football where most of the time you have to be fit or atlest some what able for active running. while for gaming you have less restrictions to take part. Not what i meant by it when i said global but comparing it just to football then i think i will add that in as my original statement i mean for a more general sports. hope that makes sense
my senior year of high school they changed the rule so you would say goodluck/good game at the beginning of the game instead of the end for soccer. Why? Because there were too many fights breaking out after games when teams would line up to say "good game". People don't like to give props to a team they just lost too. Whether it was a close game or you got killed, your usually pissed and want nothing to do with the team that just beat you. Same logic applies here.
Personally i never talk or gg on the ladder. Not worth it. The kids that say gl hf are the same ones that rage when they lose. During a tourny or a clan war however it is definitely important to be manner.
ggwp is about all I would send if I was trying to be well mannered. I think it is good that there is at least one person showing off good manner on the battle net ladder.
Haha this is an excellent idea! I thought it was just gonna be another "why do people BM on ladder" whinefest but it turned out much better
It takes a certain kind of mental fortitude to gg against allins or in games where you lose where it wasn't a good game but you did a dumb mistake and lost because of it.
One which I do not have I might add.
On August 17 2011 15:04 SichuanPanda wrote:Show nested quote +On August 17 2011 15:03 Fission wrote:On August 17 2011 14:55 SichuanPanda wrote: Until NA server gives up the cheese or get off the pot attitude I refuse to play another game. Master was just as boring as Diamond, and Diamond just as boring as Platinum. Russian roulette of all-in pushes. Until you abandon this kind of thinking you will never improve as a player. No desire to improve when I've been better than my opponents for ages. I didn't say I lose to all-ins and cheeses, I said its a boring way to play pretty simple what I said. Not sure how you could misinterpret it. I don't need to improve as a player I'm quite good enough already. I play this game for fun, and facing people who get a hard on for a win and do everything they can to get it with no shame for how little skill their build takes, or how far below 50% they have to go to get their points up is without a doubt not fun at all. Or do you think its fun to have someone A-move into your base and if you don't have a 200+ APM defense and a perfect force field (I play Protoss) you instantly lose? I guess you must. Actually I think Fission is 100% correct. First of all, really all allins are quite easily defendable if you just know how, and see them coming (scouting). At least easy defendable in that way that's it's easy to make it so that it becomes a micro battle (ie if you got perfect forcefields and 200 apm he will need perfect micro aswell to finish you off, if you have responded approprietely to his all in). Also I doubt you'd been better than your opponents for ages, as that's basically impossible with the matchmaking system, unless you've played so few matches that you actually aren't matched against even opponents yet (or if you are the best player on your entire ladder, and then should be rank 1 GM).
What I'm trying to say is that you don't have to play the russian roullette even if they do, if you play a solid game with good scouting it will never end up with a russian roullette for you, and you'd even start hoping for people to cheese you because you are so solid against that.
Personally for example, I think I got a way better winratio vs those who allin me than vs people who play standrad or greedy, simply because I choose builds where none playing russian roullette will have an easy time beating me. (Which does put me slightly behind people who play the reverse russian, IE greedy builds, but only slightly and that advantage I can remove with good play).
I still maintain that good manners are very important, especially when faced with the anonymous aspect of the Internet. BMing someone makes both people angry to some degree, especially if the BMer is the winner.
Good manners on the other hand make both parties feel better about the game, as long as you don't come over as sarcastic, that can't be a bad thing.
Good idea on doing this, and its interesting that you say you are more willing to look into your replays after being well mannered, I may have to start doing the same thing, more than just 'gg wp'
depending on how well they execute their strategy i give them compliments on their build. but i really hate when they just tell you, your race is op when you tell them how well they played. its weird
could be misunderstood as sarcasm sometimes
I try to GM as much as possible, at least GGing and such, but it is nice when you get into those little conversations post game reflecting about how everything went, even if I lost or won, GM seems to make everything more pleasent. Though I wont lie, a rage quit victory is pleasent as well hahah. Keep up the GM!
If I saw that ingame I would definately think he was sarcastic, lol.
I like your mannerism comments at the end. As for making you FEEL like watching the replays.. I guess I'll take your word on that. But I usually only watch replays and study them if I feel that my opponent legitly was a pro compared to me.
On August 17 2011 19:53 KazmA wrote: Do you good manner every game or just the games that you feel like your opponent deserves the good manner?
I try to do it every game but there are probably some circumstances where I'd only be able to say gg, like if I screw up horrendously bad. For example, forgetting ling speed or upgrading air weapons instead of warp gate.
I will say I try to be good mannered, but when I lose I tend to be so mad at myself that I just leave in anger. I guess in my own way I'm giving gm by not giving BM. But ya, lashing out against someone who beat you just makes the other person think you are a noob. Every time someone BMs me the first thing that comes to mind is "noob", I really don't know why and I feel bad because I know its not the case that they are just venting.
I think that this thread talks about being good mannered at the end of games that you lose can actually help make you a better player. Quite the interesting read.
Put some screenshots of GM guys, lets spread ze love with pictures
I always gg, regardless of what dumb noskill cheese my opponent does to win, or how bad mannered he is, telling me to "leave noob" etc.
I used to get really angry losing to dumb shit, and some days I still do. But when you got a few games under your belt it doesn't really bother you anymore. Alltho I'm getting kinda mad when I keep losing to a scouted 3 rax all-in, it's so hard to hold! 
no gg no skill, noggster out!
I used to say glhf sir at the beggining of games but 1/50 games someone would be manner in return, others either didn't reply or said something like "Im a woman", "Fuck you sir" or "glhf ma'am", so I reverted to just gl hf.
Man, saying "great timing" on a Marine/SCV all-in would make me cringe....props to you sir!
tbh, I don't see what's good mannered about lying. For example, I'm not gonna put "gg" if I got cannon rushed or 6 pooled because it wasn't a good game. I won't rage or BM unless I start getting bmed, but I don't see the point in saying "gg wp" when it was a terrible game and my opponent certainly didn't play well.
I usually have pretty good manners on the ladder. Sometimes if I get cheesed like 3 or 4 times in a row I might bm a bit but then I usually say something like "my bad for the bm, gg wp" before I leave and any bm I may do is never a personal attack.
I absolutely agree and I think that I will try and find something nice too say on the ladder from now on.
Good on you sir. People who BM when they lose are just taking their shame and turning it into anger so they dont have to face the fact that they lost because they made a mistake.
When you lose its because YOU fucked up.
Thats like poker players that blame calling stations for calling down their bluffs.
I always enjoy hearing how much I suck from someone in the same league as me who i just beat.
I think your good manners are a bit extreme OP :D A normal gg should be enough, unless your opponent really deserves a wp or did a nice strategy 
And never forget your gl&hf :o
This is a great idea. I always like it when people are nice unfortunately I sometimes have a bm problem (ironically it's only when I win but they waste time by dragging the game out) but it's definitely something I can work on. This is something I definitely want to try, as well as to work on my own problem. Keep up the good work
Awesome idea OP
I always am gm with a "gg" or gg wp", but I like this idea. I think I will do it occasionally when I have something that I can actually complement my opponent on (as opposed to doing it every match like you seem to be doing).
On August 18 2011 00:10 Josealtron wrote: tbh, I don't see what's good mannered about lying. For example, I'm not gonna put "gg" if I got cannon rushed or 6 pooled because it wasn't a good game. I won't rage or BM unless I start getting bmed, but I don't see the point in saying "gg wp" when it was a terrible game and my opponent certainly didn't play well.
Personally, I would still consider those good games. If I don't scout/counter those builds, it is my own fault for losing. However, if I lose because I make a serious serious mistake (like cancelling the rax on accident right when the lings get there) then I probably wouldn't be able to complement them on anything . In that instance, I MIGHT not give a gg but likely still will.
We need more people like you Think I'll start doing something similar :D
I always GG, and sometimes I complement them I saw them do something really well.(Like sick micro, or something like that)
Not to be too rude because it is nice that you were mannered, but the way your chat comes off is a bit obnoxious. A simple gg would of been better as you can tell from the screenshots none of those games where you lost were well timed or well executed by the other player. Just my opinion though, I would take those comments as more BM then good manner in those situations. Also, if you would like more mannered games try korean server if you can deal with a lot more aggressive styles and ping.
On August 18 2011 01:26 Msr wrote: Not to be too rude because it is nice that you were mannered, but the way your chat comes off is a bit obnoxious. A simple gg would of been better as you can tell from the screenshots none of those games where you lost were well timed or well executed by the other player. Just my opinion though, I would take those comments as more BM then good manner in those situations. Also, if you would like more mannered games try korean server if you can deal with a lot more aggressive styles and ping.
Fair enough. Keep in mind though I'm only in Diamond league so it isn't like I'm playing super-insanely good people with airtight plays. Also, it is up to me to make sure what I say doesn't come off as BM. I acknowledge that some of these games were phrased poorly and I'll be improving them in the future.
As for playing in Korea, I don't think so. I have enough trouble on NA. >_>
I also always GG at the end of the game, whether I won or lost. If he gg's before quitting, I try my best to gg back as quickly as possible just to show manners, otherwise I will gg in chat after the game. Even when someone ragequits, I type them a gg after the game. I do not exactly know how they feel about that, maybe they think I am insulting them; but as far as I know it makes them feel bad about themselves since they never respond.
Good manners on the ladder and otherwise should be the norm, and I really do not know why people hate on others and never show respect where it is needed.
i would love to read something often ♥ okay i'll begin with it too =)
I try to do this but sometimes it's hard picking out what to compliment when you're focused on your own failures. :-/
On August 18 2011 01:38 Sm3agol wrote: I try to do this but sometimes it's hard picking out what to compliment when you're focused on your own failures. :-/
I think that's half the battle right there. Try not to think about what you did wrong at the end of the game; save it for the replay when you can get a better picture of it. At the end of the game, try to figure out how your opponent outplayed you in any aspect of the game (if you can). Then, once you pick out what your opponent did right, go to the replay and figure out exactly what you did wrong and try to learn how your opponent's strength really contributed to the loss. Finally, see which was more influential to you losing: your mistakes or your opponents strengths. I'm sure some games you made a mistake which you can blame the loss on but, for me at least, I think its more often my opponent's strengths that win him the game more than my faults.
I bet many of them think it is sarcastic.
On August 18 2011 01:44 darthcaesar wrote: I bet many of them think it is sarcastic.
Maybe, at least 2 of them messaged me afterward with a friendly conversation, though. So you never know
Good job OP.
I've been doing good lately with always saying glhf and gg'ing out even in the most annoying losses. I think forcing one's self to do this helps with controlling the rage on games lost that (seemingly) shouldn't have been lost.
Haha, I even remember gg'ing on a zvz, even if the guy called me a fag when he saw my defensive banelings morphing. I lost that game to his +1 lings and good micro -- I still typed gg before surrendering.
Anyway, hopefully this culture of good manners do spread in the ladder -- especially coming from the "older" guys like me, to show the kiddies that bm isn't "cool".
ive stopped my bm in 1v1 ladder now even when they win through some all in/"get lucky" i dont see a need to do much past a gg though.
i suppose this is pretty rare. i usually only get a "gg wp" at best.
for some reason, i detect an insane amount of sarcasm in those first 6 pictures..
On August 18 2011 02:28 hytonight wrote: for some reason, i detect an insane amount of sarcasm in those first 6 pictures..
Do you have any suggestions on how to better express sincerity?
I gg every game these days just as it costs me nothing and helps me move on to the next game (I'm not saying everyone should).
On topic, I once was playing against a Terran in a long macro game where, without meaning to sound like a bitch, I was ahead pretty much the whole time but I really appreciated how good my opponent was, he just wasn't having much luck against me in that game. He asked for a pause as I was building up for what I thought would be the final push and I let him have it (I always allow 5 minutes if asked) and when he got back I said something like "Even if I win this [I was about a minute away from doing so] I just wanted to say now, I think you're the best Terran I've ever played".
I genuinely meant it, but he didn't believe me so as my push was winning I was having to explain his counter attack drops were awesome and the way he was expanding and holding was almost impossible for me to break, he got 4 bases up and I just couldn't do anything about it and was feeling constantly pressured with the way he was positioning himself and intercepting my drops was really well executed. So yeah, if you're going to compliment someone and don't want to come off as an arrogant git, be prepared to explain.
On August 17 2011 11:38 TheRageKage12 wrote:Hi Everyone, I had an epiphany the other day. So many people bad manners on ladder after they lose, but nobody good manners. I guess it makes sense, it is easier to yell and blame someone for beating you than it is to accept that they played better. So, in an effort to make the ladder a better place, I've decided to end every game I lose with some good manner for my opponent. Thus far, I have 6 instances of good manner: + Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler +Replays: http://www.mediafire.com/?drqka1kc3volxt1Furthermore, I've found myself much more willing to go back and see how I lost after complementing my opponent on a job well done. That might just be a coincidence (or maybe I'm weird). NOTE: Some players may become confused and frightened at the sight of such a rare occurrence of good manner. If they do begin to lash out, calmly explain to them that you meant your complements and that you most definitely aren't trolling. :D
Heh, this could just as easily be construed as sarcasm.
I would keep it just to GG WP because a lot of that comes off sarcastic Lol.
On August 17 2011 19:58 OhYess wrote:If I win against a player, I give them tips on how they can improve their build/timing :DAnd if I lose I usually just say "gg" which seems adequate. Sometimes I add a little "  " if I'm feeling super nice. :D
Yeaaah that's almost definitely irritating and rude.
I was slumping a long while ago and had toe misfortune to play against a gold league Zerg who did something I suppose you could call similar to the "Destiny 4 gate" where you just make roaches off two base and win ZvZs, and it is "unbeatable".
After the game he took time to explain to me that I lost because the build was unbeatable and that the only way to defend it was to do it as well and that he could teach me how to do the build if I was interested. I responded by shaking my head at the ignorance facing me, and carrying on with more games.
The moral of the story is simply because you won a game does not mean you're better than your opponent, much less so qualified to give them tips. If someone -asks- for help then it is an entirely different story (I've had friendly chats with many a Protoss on what the hell I'm supposed to do against them) but if you're offering unsolicited advice you're likely just making someone frustrated at a loss even more frustrated. Is a dick move, bro.
nice idea, mannered comments probably help you play better by stopping rage (which leads to tilt etc)
i dont BM but if i get cheesed i dont gg thats about it. If i get beat by some crazy tactic i would say "I dont even know what happened GG man"
u're so well mannered its a little scary lol. good thou. Ill just say gg well played. I would assume it would make him happy already
lame, I enjoy a good rage when I win and I think it only a favor to the next guy who enjoys a good rage when I lose. I will not follow, and respectfully decline your manner invitation
On August 18 2011 02:52 KimJongChill wrote:Show nested quote +On August 17 2011 11:38 TheRageKage12 wrote:Hi Everyone, I had an epiphany the other day. So many people bad manners on ladder after they lose, but nobody good manners. I guess it makes sense, it is easier to yell and blame someone for beating you than it is to accept that they played better. So, in an effort to make the ladder a better place, I've decided to end every game I lose with some good manner for my opponent. Thus far, I have 6 instances of good manner: + Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler +Replays: http://www.mediafire.com/?drqka1kc3volxt1Furthermore, I've found myself much more willing to go back and see how I lost after complementing my opponent on a job well done. That might just be a coincidence (or maybe I'm weird). NOTE: Some players may become confused and frightened at the sight of such a rare occurrence of good manner. If they do begin to lash out, calmly explain to them that you meant your complements and that you most definitely aren't trolling. :D Heh, this could just as easily be construed as sarcasm.
Yeah I was thinking the same thing. Usually if I'm feeling particularly well mannered, I'll say something along the lines of "Ah damn wasn't expecting that... should have scouted better". I dono, I know the OP means well but it just seems to come off as a glorified gg to me...
when i lose, a 3 second question comes in my mind to gg or not... so i have a long way to go.
i don't say anything at the start or finish of the game, unless i have respect for the person or it's a professional setting. what you do is alright i guess but it could be easily taken as bm
i feel like comments like these are sarcastic whenever i read them. in terms of manner i think 'gg' or 'gg wp' are the best.
sounds like ur being sarcastic in each of the 6 cases i would consider this worse then BM if i encountered it. i think a simple gg/wp is manner enough and maybe some friendly conversation in begging of games
The only reason I don't compliment my opponent is because I always blame myself for my losses. "Should have seen that coming. My macro was terrible. I overreacted to that 3 rax." etc. Sometimes I'll play someone that's just superior to me in terms of micro or multi-tasking but I also leave out of frustration like "wow I got demolished. I'm terrible at this game." Good manner is always nice to see but I'd probably never end gg out of a game with it. On the other hand, I'll never bm because of that same reasoning.
I say gg every game, and gg wp after good games/long macro games.
I consider it to be gm when people simply GG. That's all I need. GG WP is even better, but I would never expect it.
Anything else and it usually sounds sarcastic.
Cool thread.
I am absolutely starting to do this. I could be like the free hugs movement for SC2!
On August 17 2011 11:52 DFDream wrote: The only people who are ever mannered to me are on the Korean server T.T
Its very true, I got a "gg wp good to meet you" last night from a Korean, most of them are really nice guys and if they aren't, they usually vent in Korean so I don't understand them anyways.
If only I could find a way for those pesky Korean Terrans to leave the game earlier I'd have a blast
Very impressive! I will absolutely start to do this. Before this, I would only say something other than gg if I felt my opponent did something really good, like great drops or absolutely destroyed me with a nice push. I like the idea, it's win-win: Makes your opponents feel better (Unless they are paranoid bastards, in which case screw em ) and keeps your mindset more positive.
In all those screenshots I felt like you were sarcastic.
If you really want to be manner, just say "gg" or talk with him more or something.
And I'm not even sure if the thread itself was a troll.
I usually don't lose, but when I do, it's due to 1/1/1 all-in. Hence I can't contribute.
On August 17 2011 11:45 Odyssey wrote: I always gg out of games haha. I don't understand why the bm has gotten so popular. Children these days! that
My new one will be "gg well executed cheese dude!!"
... In all seriousness, this is something I tell myself I need to do but when someone has no skill and it is not a "good game" they are not going to get a gg from me...
On August 18 2011 09:28 Roggay wrote: In all those screenshots I felt like you were sarcastic.
If you really want to be manner, just say "gg" or talk with him more or something.
And I'm not even sure if the thread itself was a troll.
No troll.
everyone seems so uptight.....
I suppose i'm only gold / silver & i don't take it as serious as most.
i get a ling runby and i type "NOOOOOOO" sometimes get a "lol" in return. chat a bit and then GG.
I just don't understand rage at an opponent who beat you. Its like flipping the chessboard when you get checkmated.
you know.. as much as i hate to be the internet cynic like most of everyone here... no matter how many times you say gg wp to idra.. he'll still most likely say "GET OUT"
most of the time I lose because I played shit, not because my op played well. GM always feels hollow in those situations - i just want to shoot myself in the face
I find it ironic one of the kids name was TheRageKage.
On August 18 2011 15:10 Najda wrote: I find it ironic one of the kids name was TheRageKage.
I'm almost 21, skipper.
bm is fun every now and then no?
I gg when they beats me, not when I lost it. Esp to cheeses. I'm trying to bring back legitimacy to it -_-
On topic tho, beat the guy in PvP with a custom one base strat vs his standard one base PvP strat and got something along the lines of
"You cheesing bastard!!!! Good strat tho"
It is all fake, except for "nice timing"
Timings can actually be impressive when two players with the same ratings meet. Also, "nice micro" is possible, I've been told it once or twice, when I impressed even myself with that micro. It's very rare. Other than that, there is really no good emotion to be caused on the loser side when two players with the same rating meet. There are same rushes, same strats, same tricks over and over, and most of the losses come from you fucking up, not your opponent outclassing you, that's why most people get mad, that's why I usually get mad. At myself, not at the opponent, he just happens to be there and take some rant. Also, if you don't get mad while losing, you are bound to diamond league and most. Even WhiteRa gets mad, he just hides it professionally and calls it "special tactics"
The fact of the matter is there is no accountability at a less than pro level. People have no incentive to be good or bad mannered. Trying to crusade for better manner is very idealistic and commendable thing to do, but ultimately pointless.
People should do what they feel like, because everyone else does.
i say gg 99% of games unless im tilting hard
if i get cheesed (proxy, cannons, scv all in, etc) i say gg wp
sometimes i get into a nice chat with someone about the game how/why who lost. thats always nice.
This thread takes on a depressing hue if you are cynical enough to consider it all sarcasm.
99.9% of the time when you lose it is because you made a mistake, as never will you play an absolutely flawless game, but what's important to look at is not how you messed up, it's about where your opponent went right. And imo that is the right mindset to improve.
Ofcourse there are those games, say a PvZ where your zealot doesn't properly wall and zerglings sneak into your base, your opponent didn't do anything special and those can make anyone angry, but in almost any game you can compliment their good expansion risk, nice timing, or just a very solid strategy.
I will "gg" 100% of the time, and in most games, besides stupid mistakes I made (even if my opponents bm's) I'll say "gg wp". And often I do like asking for help against the builds my opponent is doing, since chances are he used it before and lost using it, so a nice way to improve that way too.
I also like adding smiley faces at the end, always tilted to the right (: I just see no purpose in being angry about loses, put them behind and move onto the next game, and no need to turn off your opponent either. People take the game seriously and want to win, but in the end, a ladder match will have no significant impact on anything, and therefore not taking them to heart a good idea.
My response to getting all-in'd...
"Sweet build dude, I think I saw that on Liquipedia too"
I gg when I lose unless it's an all-in or cheese.
On August 18 2011 13:16 Kh0rne wrote: everyone seems so uptight.....
I suppose i'm only gold / silver & i don't take it as serious as most.
i get a ling runby and i type "NOOOOOOO" sometimes get a "lol" in return. chat a bit and then GG.
I just don't understand rage at an opponent who beat you. Its like flipping the chessboard when you get checkmated.
I'm like this as well.
I can type "OH NOES" in chat when I don't have detection and get a dt rush or something.
I don't understand the rage of losing to "cheese". A loss is a loss. How is losing a long macro game any better, it's just exhausting.
I always type GG. Saying gl hf and gg is part of the game for me.
I always GG and sometimes if it was a fun game (and I lost) I try to say something nice about the other guy. I find that most people on ladder are actually pretty chill and I've really not run into much BM.
i usually just say gg if i lose and add a wp if they didnt do anything cheesy
I just paste in "LIM YO HWAN FIGHTING!" right before i leave the game. If i play the same guy more than once i always try to be well mannered an friendly.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/beBvz.png) took some deep breaths and responded to bad manner with good manner!
I always try to be good mannered. Even if my opponent's build exploits my mistakes and I lose -- when I could have won, had I executed better -- I thank them for teaching me something new I didn't already know. I may not say it to them, but I try to force myself to think that way. And if I already knew about whatever he did, the only person I'm mad with is me.
Of course, nobody's perfect >.> I've got some pretty bad manners if you do it first.
On August 18 2011 17:41 Tetragon wrote:![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/beBvz.png) took some deep breaths and responded to bad manner with good manner!
I'll bet that guy felt like shit right afterwords
One thing I noticed is that bad manners exist up to a certain level of master league. When you cross that border of about 1/3 top, maybe 2/5 top, BM is just gone, aside from Idra. Yea they still curse like shit, but it's all with understanding. They get greedy, they get punished, you miss scouting pattern you get owned. Of course everyone gets mad, but I guess people just realize it's goofy to insult where it's 100% clear that you fucked up. I'm talking about NA sever, so don't think I'm preaching from a different boat.
I actually burst out laughing at the "nice timing, gg" 2rax SCV all in screenshot. Either you are a saint or everyone is being trolled.
I salute you, sire. I can't even make myself to 'gg' when someone cheeses me, instead, I fight an urge to type something nasty to these people.
I was just told that I played well and that I was a good player after losing to a 2 stalker 4 zealot counter attack vs my 1/1/1 all in because I didn't raise the depot.
The guy I played was really nice and defended well, so I assume he was being nice, but I can hardly see where my play was impressive considering how easy the 1/1/1 is to execute.
I always GG no matter what. I don't see the point in raging at my opponent. If I lose it is something that I have done that has made me lose.
I generally don't put comments just as I feel it can be misconstrued as a sarcastic form of bm.
Like the time I complimented my opponent on how well he can make carriers, and what a useful skill it was to have. Good manners ftw!
I find good manner hard to do with all the 1-1-1 allin terrans out there...
LOL this reminds me of that South Park episode with the hybrids...
lol.. nice job.. much more enjoyable than bm.. but yeah I could see how people would think you're trolling though.. others are probably used to more bm than gm.
On August 18 2011 17:41 Tetragon wrote:![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/beBvz.png) took some deep breaths and responded to bad manner with good manner!
You sir, are amazing. Things like this are what keeps the community going ^^
Not all games are good. Not all games are well played.
gg has already become a mindless end-of game ritual (though it's a little amusing how many people message me to gloat about my 'ragequit' if I leave without a gg). Why do so many people think it's a good idea to make 'wp' and all it's variants equally meaningless? If I want to compliment my opponent on their play, I'd rather not have to write an essay to do so. On the other side of the coin, if I receive a 'gg wp' I'd like to think it's sincere and not just a mindless response to the game ending.
Maybe gm is worthwhile as a tool to keep yourself in a positive mindset (though I'd say there's far better ways to do that) but most people in this thread just seem to be in favor of automatically praising the opponent after every game, at which point it loses meaning.
this is gonna be hard...but im on board. ill admit when im mad i dont "gg."
I always gg, and if I find that my opponent has legitimately played well (which contrary to popular belief, is quite often when you lose), I throw out the wp as well =p
Too bad I don't get much in return =(
I do not BM often anymore, I used to when i was younger but w/e.
I still think "gl hf" and "gg" or even "wp" are more than set phrases. I start every game with a "gl hf" - and I usually mean it because I'm looking for an entertaining match vs my opponent and matches where u roflstomp the other person really aren't fun.
On the other hand I only pop a "gg" when the game was actually good. (90% of the games are good from my understanding) - however, excessive good manner when you get beaten by a 3 Rax SCV all-in is just sarcastic, because it is not a "nice timing" - it's a monkey see monkey do strategy ^^
"gg" or "gg wp" is enough. anyways im bm and almost never say gg
I am very mannered in tournaments+clan games. Don't care for it on ladder though, since it's "just ladder"
Mid-master if that has any value.
Am I the only one that notice how people are more friendly on ladder in the morning? Always "hi gl hf" and some small chatting in the beginning and then gg at the end of the game. Never happens to me when I'm playing in the evening. ;O
Good manner on ladder? I thought it was a myth!
I just gl hf and gg wp. Keep it simple. But I get more bm at the end of games than ggs unfortunately.
Only gg when i feel they deserve it but i dont go straight murder ball rage on anyone my rage is just quitting without saying anything then moving on
On August 19 2011 04:12 Reasonable wrote: One thing I noticed is that bad manners exist up to a certain level of master league. When you cross that border of about 1/3 top, maybe 2/5 top, BM is just gone, aside from Idra. Yea they still curse like shit, but it's all with understanding. They get greedy, they get punished, you miss scouting pattern you get owned. Of course everyone gets mad, but I guess people just realize it's goofy to insult where it's 100% clear that you fucked up. I'm talking about NA sever, so don't think I'm preaching from a different boat. No, it's still there.
I only bm when I get cheese...is that bad? By the way, I never, ever, cheese.
Sometimes I gg and sometimes I don't. I feel that gg should be used if the game was good imo.
If I had to type gg everytime I lost my g key would break
i am disgusted with how bad manner some of the people are i play in sc2, I just suck it up and deal with it, i have been playing sc2 and sc bw online for quite some time and u get used to it, but man i dunno if like people see a well know bad manner player and say, "i wanna be just like idra" but none the less people don't have to be a total douche bag whether they win on lose, i have encountered many people who win and still treat u like a piece of shit.(not that idra does these sorta things just using him as an example)
I respect what you're doing, but if someone spoke to me like that on the ladder I'd probably assume they were being sarcastic, unless they'd been friendly before.
I stick to gg wp, or something along those lines and will generally do this whatever the opponent has done, except maybe if I'm having a bad day and get marine scv all-inned, but even then I'll just leave without a gg and its more because I'm too busy being angry at myself to be polite.
What I don't understand are the people who are really friendly in the opening stages of the game, and then leave without a gg, even if its been a straight up macro game.
And raging or being rude to a bm player is probably the worst thing you can do if they win, that's exactly what they want. I'll ignore it and be polite if they win and rip into them if they lose, I figure those are the choices that minimise their satisfaction and maximise their sorrow respectively.
Best thing I ever heard regarding gm, is game 2 of Idra vs Zenio in the NASL. Zenio asked "where's my gg?" and Idra replies "earn it." You'll get a GG if you earn it otherwise I just leave the game.
On August 19 2011 09:02 Deragan wrote: Sometimes I gg and sometimes I don't. I feel that gg should be used if the game was good imo. I doesn't really mean good game so much anymore. Sort of like someone is rarely laughing out loud when they type lol. In fact I need to actual type in words of something made me laugh out loud to differentiate from the over-users. Its just polite, like saying nice to see you when you run into someone that you know, but are pretty indifferent about meeting.
I've given out a few "vgg" before or "gg yo" just because I figured it was warranted :p I've talked to a couple of people post-game as well about the game and it was quite pleasant. Good people do exist
I'll say glhf most of the time though I'm pretty bad with putting a gg at the end of the game when I lose...I usually just exit out and look at the replay unless it's a game with friends and such.
On August 19 2011 06:05 Aro wrote: Not all games are good. Not all games are well played.
gg has already become a mindless end-of game ritual (though it's a little amusing how many people message me to gloat about my 'ragequit' if I leave without a gg). Why do so many people think it's a good idea to make 'wp' and all it's variants equally meaningless? If I want to compliment my opponent on their play, I'd rather not have to write an essay to do so. On the other side of the coin, if I receive a 'gg wp' I'd like to think it's sincere and not just a mindless response to the game ending.
Maybe gm is worthwhile as a tool to keep yourself in a positive mindset (though I'd say there's far better ways to do that) but most people in this thread just seem to be in favor of automatically praising the opponent after every game, at which point it loses meaning.
I used to feel exactly like this. Then I realized, perhaps it wasn't so mindless. Yes, people do it mindlessly, but it doesn't have to BE mindless. I can control my own behavior, not other people's. So I started genuinely looking for things to compliment my opponents on. It actually ended up helping my play (my on-the-fly analysis improved drastically), and my mindset. Sure, there is no truly new composition these days, but there are creative timings. I may go "oh, shit, I'm being 2 rax proxy bunker rushed again," or I could say "wow, this guy got this rush up a lot quicker than I'm used to," and admire the smaller details, the distinct differences, and ultimately learn to distinguish between feints and all-ins while measuring my opponent's commitment.
I used to not gg but I feel that gging is important cause it makes me feel less frustrated about a loss. I also try to be good mannered and say tell an opponents that whatever they did was cool when I lose a close game
I had a game where the guy said
"lol so outplayed GG WP"
so I figured he meant that he got so outplayed by me and was being nice about it. Maybe it's the opposite, but I did kinda feel like I was running in circles around him and deserved it.
I admire your efforts and... may try it.
It's just that I have this problem where I get pissed when rushed/cheesed. And then I want to BM the douche who won.
I wholly realize the projection nature of it.
I do gg for good games, and most times I'll apologize later if I think I raged too hard at someone.
But to your point, if I could do this, and mean it, I'd be 10x a better person. Kudos to you for at least trying.
hahahahha the rage cage.... i should name myself thebonezone....
On August 19 2011 08:45 Termit wrote: Am I the only one that notice how people are more friendly on ladder in the morning? Always "hi gl hf" and some small chatting in the beginning and then gg at the end of the game. Never happens to me when I'm playing in the evening. ;O The game changes allot based on time. Between 5am-8am you get all the people who are doing all-nighters who don't speak at all, 8am-12 I find people are really mannered (probably playing during a lecture), between 5pm-midnight I find people get progressively more grouchy Just my person experience though 
The most mannered thing you can do in my books is a simple gl hf at the start, gg wp at the end. Maybe a few jokes during.
I've been trying this out and I actually feel a lot less angry at losses. Although it does seem people feel it comes off as sarcastic.
More power to you, OP. I will try to do that also, but it's not that long ago since i punched my external harddrive after being cheesed too many times in a row. I will try, though.
On August 18 2011 15:49 Reasonable wrote: It is all fake, except for "nice timing"
Timings can actually be impressive when two players with the same ratings meet. Also, "nice micro" is possible, I've been told it once or twice, when I impressed even myself with that micro. It's very rare. Other than that, there is really no good emotion to be caused on the loser side when two players with the same rating meet. There are same rushes, same strats, same tricks over and over, and most of the losses come from you fucking up, not your opponent outclassing you, that's why most people get mad, that's why I usually get mad. At myself, not at the opponent, he just happens to be there and take some rant. Also, if you don't get mad while losing, you are bound to diamond league and most. Even WhiteRa gets mad, he just hides it professionally and calls it "special tactics"
Actually, none of it is fake :D
Ironic someone named Ragecage being so good mannered. I shall name myself TheBMking and be super polite after a loss.
You are awesome, OP.
Mostly, I just gg, though I always gg when I can. Sometimes, I engage in friendly repartees/discussions with my opponents, especially in team games.
I wish I met more people like you.
I feel that even in the beginning of games, nobody ever tells each other "gl hf" sometimes, and it just ticks me off a bit. (I'm coming from a BW background where everybody would say that in chat usually) But there are those who say it then i say the same back.
I feel that in SC2 people on the ladder are pretty harsh when it comes to that stuff, and people should just calm down a bit sometimes :[.
I've done stuff like this quite a few times. I always GG, but a couple of times (especially in Beta) I am just flat out complimentary. A guy did Blink Stalkers into my siege line on LT, I remember specifically, taking about 2 or 3 and blink onto each tank and focus it, was really nice. I was just like damn dude- nice micro. Generally, if I get plain out macro'd I will give the GG WP. Also for some super annoying harass ^.^
How you find the manner to say "GG nice timing" to a svc marine all in leaves me dumbstruck.
On August 19 2011 12:11 Rimathil wrote: How you find the manner to say "GG nice timing" to a svc marine all in leaves me dumbstruck.
/Respect Early baneling's will take real good care of that push ^.^
On August 18 2011 15:49 Reasonable wrote: Other than that, there is really no good emotion to be caused on the loser side when two players with the same rating meet. There are same rushes, same strats, same tricks over and over, and most of the losses come from you fucking up, not your opponent outclassing you, that's why most people get mad, that's why I usually get mad. At myself, not at the opponent, he just happens to be there and take some rant. Also, if you don't get mad while losing, you are bound to diamond league and most. Even WhiteRa gets mad, he just hides it professionally and calls it "special tactics"
Yea pretty much. I always get mad when I lose, every game should be a win in my opinion. It's just about always my fault as well, which is where most of my anger comes from.
On August 19 2011 12:12 cursor wrote:Show nested quote +On August 19 2011 12:11 Rimathil wrote: How you find the manner to say "GG nice timing" to a svc marine all in leaves me dumbstruck.
/Respect Early baneling's will take real good care of that push ^.^
Unfortunately my ZvT build doesn't use early banes. Plus it is hatch first so if I don't scout that kind of thing I get completely screwed >_>
As someone who gets really angry at myself when I lose, I say gg'ing helps. It's like telling yourself '"it was a good game, my opponent played well, it's not the game, I can play better in the future and beat him." May sound stupid, but it helps me refocus. When I don't gg, not only am I angry at myself, but I feel bad about bming like 20 seconds later.
I just feel like people who beat me because they can blindly counter me don't deserve gg's. If they legit scout and react very well or straight up out play me of course I will give them a gg.
Hahaha, I'd be careful with being too mannered some people will prob take it as sarcasm. I just not act like a douche, wish them gl hf and GG if I lose.
I say gg for every one except cheesers. Some times I try to pm a person who said gg at the end of a game and give them a pointer if they did something obvious wrong, but I usually end up getting cussed at.
On a side note I've played a few people the past few days who have said "gl hf, sir" at the beginning of the game, then when I win they don't say gg.
Eh, I say gg once in a while. Depends in what mood I am in. I bm a lot on ladder lol, especially if I lose because I completely messed something up.
When I play a really good straight up macro game win or lose I talk to my opponent after the game and have made quite a few friends/practice partners in doing so.
I used to leave every game without a GG but I came to the same conclusion you did. If I compliment the other player at the end it makes me realize they played well and it wasn't just my horrible play.
That's very big of you, I will probably still rage when I lose though ; (
Pha, can't count how many times I've been called a scrub and that I'm bad, even though I don't cheese ^^
people just should take this game less seriously, I mean win some, lose some, its all good fun, its not like 80% of players the capabilities or the capacity to become pro So, I think it's a good thing what your doing sir. Also, I always gg or ggwp unless I get cheesed or I'm on a really bad losing streak (which can be really frustrating )
[QUOTE]On August 19 2011 18:22 StoRm_res wrote: Pha, can't count how many times I've been called a scrub and that I'm bad, even though I don't cheese ^^
people just should take this game less seriously, I mean win some, lose some, its all good fun, its not like 80% of players the capabilities or the capacity to become pro So, I think it's a good thing what your doing sir. Also, I always gg or ggwp unless I get cheesed or I'm on a really bad losing streak (which can be really frustrating )[/QUOTE
agree - yes ladder really bm atm- wonder why? - back in sc/bw there wasn't that much bm  hopefully these kids get older and bm will desapear a lil :D - no bm is also not good but not that much.
good post bro
I like this ^^ I used to just f10 n before, but to make myself accept that the opponent played better than me and that I have something to learn, I've begun to be nice :D
Well good work first of all 
I usually don't gg when I feel the game was out of my control. This usually ends up to me raging about imba shizzazle which i know isn't true.
I do gg when the opponent just outplayed me. That's skill.
well more manner on ladder would be nice but i think my ignore list is around a few hundret now and its strange i have to unban EVERY clanwar a few enemy players to can talk with them xD
On August 17 2011 11:53 blabber wrote: or you could just type gg on its own, because the people you're saying "good timing" to probably have no idea what they just did
its exactly THIs thinking that makes people bm ... a guy checking out the perfect timing for any situation train it hours and hours then scout you count what you do play the perfect conter with perfect timing and you tell him MEH TIMING LUCKER IF YOU NOT ATTACK NOW YOU WOULD LOSE SO HARD NOOB ... as you would know if he trained it ...
On August 19 2011 18:18 coL.drewbie wrote: That's very big of you, I will probably still rage when I lose though ; (
I think we're in a little bit different situations. For you, losing a game actually means something more than just "I lost a game." I think it is more appropriate for you to rage over it (since you have money and a team on a line) than for others who play just for fun to rage over it.
However, that's definitely not a free pass to BM everyone
OP, you're awesome and you should feel awesome.
On August 20 2011 07:39 TrickyGilligan wrote: OP, you're awesome and you should feel awesome.
Don't worry, I do :D
This is a good idea... but what happens when you get bunker rushed and then 6 gated and then bunker rushed and then speedling all-ined... all in a row....
I can not bring myself to congratulate the person, I can't even stop myself from BMing all the time. It's a little ridiculous.
I really can't see anybody typing 'well excuted push' ... I mean, it just seems that you have just gone BRB 6 games, and done that... How can you physically NOT RAGEEEEEEEEEEEEE. at maximum you GG lol... thats reality for me anyway
got all-in with scvs and called nice strat O.o LOL I would rage quit by that >_>
OP, you are a huge baller. I always gg out of sheer, unrepentant arrogance. If my opponent played well enough to beat ME, then, fuck, he must be insanely good and deserves that gg. I don't care how cheesy the strategy was; if it worked well enough to win against me, it's a damn impressive stratgey by default.
+ Show Spoiler +
do you still do this when your opponent start offensive GG'ing and BM'ing you?
I hope to meet you on ladder someday;)
On August 20 2011 08:28 tyles wrote: I really can't see anybody typing 'well excuted push' ... I mean, it just seems that you have just gone BRB 6 games, and done that... How can you physically NOT RAGEEEEEEEEEEEEE. at maximum you GG lol... thats reality for me anyway
Step back and realize it is just a game.
Is it frustrating? Yes.
Is it my fault for poor scouting? Yes.
If we assume the game is balanced (don't want to get into any of that here), then if they go for a rush/all-in build you SHOULD be able to stop it through good scouting/game sense. At least, that's how I personally see it.
I never BM unless they message me post game. Almost never GLHF, but usually GG, sometimes I don't just cause I'm lazy and want to get to the next game.
On August 20 2011 08:46 Ravencruiser wrote: do you still do this when your opponent start offensive GG'ing and BM'ing you?
I hope to meet you on ladder someday;)
I haven't encountered that yet. If I do, though, I'll just try to be really friendly and make them feel bad for BMing.
On August 17 2011 12:00 Billd wrote:This is so mannered that some people might find it sarcastic! I say this because whenever I get cheesed I say "gg wp" and never mean it 
Oh it doesnt matter if you are sincere or not, as long as its ot thinly veiled sarcasm. Your opponent wont know if you are really punching yourself in the face or not ;-)
I have doing the same after reading the OP. I gotta say it helps me stay on a healthy state of mind even if I still get a bit frustrated sometimes, not to mention I do my part to not make battle.net worse than it already is.
Join the "make ladder a better place" movement!
Sir, people like you are the reason I still enjoy playing on ladder. Keep it up. Everything else is destroying ESPORTS!
Sir, people like you are the reason I still enjoy playing on ladder. Keep it up. Everything else is hurting ESPORTS!
I gg every loss. ggwp if i was especially impressed.
"No gg no skill"
I actually have a macro on my razer lycosa that types " gg wp " and leaves the game when i press f12 :D
People make too much of a big deal out of this shit. That's what I think about it. According to a lot of people, this makes me very BM.
Recently I played a guy in a really close match and afterwards he was like "gg, you are one of the best protoss players I've ever played" which was weird because he won the game O_o
I only gg when its a good game, if I dont think it is I just leave.
On August 23 2011 06:55 Megakenny wrote: I only gg when its a good game, if I dont think it is I just leave.
Out of curiosity, do you have criterion to consider something a "good game?" Like, do you not consider it good if you make a critical mistake or if your opponent completely stomps you?
I've said everything you pictured in the OP with the intention of BM'ing my opponent.
On August 23 2011 06:48 7mk wrote: Recently I played a guy in a really close match and afterwards he was like "gg, you are one of the best protoss players I've ever played" which was weird because he won the game O_o Then you played a guy who 111 all in'd across terminus and bitched about imbalance when it didn't work. Sounds like a fun day for you 
I haven't been on the ladder much lately and in custom games people are a lot more polite since nothing is on the line (I assume). I can't tell you how many long and helpful conversations I've had with better and worse players because we were both extremely polite to each other in game.
I've recommended TL to about a dozen people in the last week
On August 23 2011 06:48 7mk wrote: Recently I played a guy in a really close match and afterwards he was like "gg, you are one of the best protoss players I've ever played" which was weird because he won the game O_o
He doesn't lose against Protoss, clearly.
I tend not to BM much. I keep my thoughts to myself, so I guess it's "neutral" manners for me XD
I always try to be gm in ladder. I always gg at the end and sometimes when people say glhf I type back "may your hammer be mighty"
On August 23 2011 07:00 NibbloniaN wrote: I always try to be gm in ladder. I always gg at the end and sometimes when people say glhf I type back "may your hammer be mighty"
That's pretty legit. I need to come up with something epic like that too.
I send gg my opponents way for everything but the most blatant cheese, aka cannon rush. Maybe one day I will gg to that as well, but not until I figure out how the hell to properly counter it. Until then I am going to assume they are doing a build that is a free win in my league (Gold) and that they likely couldn't even counter themselves :D
Those are pretty nice, well-mannered exits.
I don't take BM (or a lack of a response during the game) too seriously though. That being said, I start every 1v1 with "gl hf ^^" and every team game with "gl hf fellas", and end every (lost) game with "gg" or "gg wp".
I don't go into a detailed explanation like you do, but it's pretty cool in my book. Keep it up!
On August 23 2011 06:48 7mk wrote: Recently I played a guy in a really close match and afterwards he was like "gg, you are one of the best protoss players I've ever played" which was weird because he won the game O_o
I said something similar to a Terran a couple of months back, and I also won that game. I don't know if it's something similar, but in my case it was because I'd never played someone who dropped so much to counter my aggression and had such strong positioning as that guy did. I could have lost to him easily, and he forced my best from me and I still only just scraped through (If we played a best of 3 I wouldn't feel confident). I guess there are games, even if you win where you just know your opponent is better than you or at least damn good.
Maybe your opponent felt similarly I guess is the point of my rambling. Just because you lose, doesn't mean you played badly. If two people play perfectly, someone will still lose.
i gg only to people who deserve it same goes for wp
I like this kind of thing, it compliments your opponent and helps keep you from raging. It really does help keep your own anger level lower.
See, I don't think in the heat of the moment you can readily appraise your game as not being a good one... Even if you think you weren't playing your best, your opponent still was doing better and beat you. So gg to him. Just manner up and deal with it and get better. You don't deserve anything when you think you are better than your opponent, so I think a gg is standard, much like tipping in the USA.
lol if someone said to me "gg, awesome strat", i would definately bm "back", cause it sounds like he only executed some stupid strat but has no skill himself.
i'd prefer a simple gg, wp or something like that.
I just say to myself, would White-Ra GG, and the answer is of course, yes, yes he would, cause hes a man.
Very interesting topic. I've been so sick and tired of all the bm trolls on the ladder (which there are so many), so these days when I enter ladder the first thing I do is to send my workers to the mineral line of course, but the next thing I do is to put my opponent on ignore list - especially if I am planning to do an all-in strategy in the game. I don't even want to listen to those whines.
Some of those people might actually had been good-mannered, I don't know. If some actually did, I would feel quite sorry. Today I played three games(all wins) without ignoring and I've got one BMer already - so that is like already a 33% odd. This is a reason that also forces me to look for some other practice options than laddering... (Srsly, I need some practice partners ...)
I hope there were some methods to filter the chats better - so that I don't have to block every other player I face on the ladder.
On August 23 2011 07:13 Lisitsa wrote: Very interesting topic. I've been so sick and tired of all the bm trolls on the ladder (which there are so many), so these days when I enter ladder the first thing I do is to send my workers to the mineral line of course, but the next thing I do is to put my opponent on ignore list - especially if I am planning to do an all-in strategy in the game. I don't even want to listen to those whines.
Some of those people might actually had been good-mannered, I don't know. If some actually did, I would feel quite sorry. Today I played three games(all wins) without ignoring and I've got one BMer already - so that is like already a 33% odd. This is a reason that also forces me to look for some other practice options than laddering... (Srsly, I need some practice partners ...)
I hope there were some methods to filter the chats better - so that I don't have to block every other player I face on the ladder.
I believe that's what Day[9] does too: immediately ignores the player. I don't see a problem with this method; if you're there to play the game and not talk to your opponent then ignoring them on start is the most efficient method of accomplishing that goal.
Question: if you ignore the player, do you still see what they post in the game chat?
You don't see anything they enter during the game but you can still see it afterward in a replay.
Also, I've found out that it is a lot lesser likely to get BMed in mirror matchups, leading to the assumption that a part of ladder trolling has to do with what they think as racial imbalance.
It was a Terran player today (I am Protoss), which made so much sense when I have like 10% win rate in my PvT. Seriously that was only my 3rd win against Terran from ALL of this season. But I wouldn't whine about it, especially not on random ladder opponents.
Good work, need more people like you on the ladder OP.
On August 23 2011 07:17 Probe1 wrote: You don't see anything they enter during the game but you can still see it afterward in a replay.
Cool, thanks for the clarification.
There is definately no need for bashing the other player when you lose, but I'm a firm believer in not GGing if I don't feel it was a good game. If I feel like I and my opponent played well then i will tell him. I feel like to much attention is paid to the lack of a GG in ladder matches, especially in the pros.
On August 23 2011 07:21 Kernen wrote: There is definately no need for bashing the other player when you lose, but I'm a firm believer in not GGing if I don't feel it was a good game. If I feel like I and my opponent played well then i will tell him. I feel like to much attention is paid to the lack of a GG in ladder matches, especially in the pros.
I think that at a pro level it is more a professionalism thing than a manner thing. For the normal (read: non-pro) player, saying GG really doesn't mean too much beyond politeness and sportsmanship. On the other hand, pros have to deal with sponsorships, team relations, PR, and all this other stuff. It is more important for them to keep professional (since it is basically their job) than for us to do it. If you want to extend this out even more, you can start talking about how being professional helps E-Sports and all that stuff, but I'm not gonna get into that.
i find that this actually REALLY helps me get over my ladder fear lol, if i FORCE myself to say: glhf mate! w/ a heart or smiley
always seems to help make friends and put a lighter mood on the game
I always say GG in a tournament match, or any other official game. In ladder though, i never GG. I respond with a "glhf" if my opponent comes up with that on the start of the game, but i never type GG. It's not because of disrespect for my opponent, but it's just one of many ladder games against anonymous players. It's practice.
Do you really think people "execute good rushes well" and deserve credit for that?
Bad manner is sometimes more honest than saying thanks when someone spits in your face
On August 23 2011 07:34 Grackula wrote: Do you really think people "execute good rushes well" and deserve credit for that?
Bad manner is sometimes more honest than saying thanks when someone spits in your face
Yeah, I think he did it well. He denied scouting and I only caught wind of it when it was too late. I guess it was my fault because I suspected it and didn't react but nevertheless, he did perform the strategy well and micro'd well when he got to my base.
Rushes, like any strategy, can be performed poorly or well. Personally, I think being able to distinguish between the two makes me a better player.
On August 23 2011 07:28 Kafkaesk wrote: I always say GG in a tournament match, or any other official game. In ladder though, i never GG. I respond with a "glhf" if my opponent comes up with that on the start of the game, but i never type GG. It's not because of disrespect for my opponent, but it's just one of many ladder games against anonymous players. It's practice.
I mostly face ppl like you on the ladder, mostly always gl hf but never gg.
I always, "GG," after nearly every game. "GG WP," if they actually beat me through what I would consider out-playing me. I only get mad/don't say anything if it's REALLY bad. Like marine/SCV all-in... Kinda hard to GG to that.
As for the league difference, I find significantly more BMers on the Master leagues than in Dia/Plat/etc. I assume it is just harder for them to consume the fact that they've been outplayed.
I normally don't type gg, not because I don't concede defeat, only because I generally don't like chatting with my opponents at all (chances are that I might have already ignored him...)
On August 23 2011 07:21 Kernen wrote: There is definately no need for bashing the other player when you lose, but I'm a firm believer in not GGing if I don't feel it was a good game. If I feel like I and my opponent played well then i will tell him. I feel like to much attention is paid to the lack of a GG in ladder matches, especially in the pros. I agree with statement. Although I've been getting into the habit of GG regardless of whatever i think about the game. Except for the occasionally ridiculous all-in. But then i usually just float my builds and don't say anything than start BMing. And to be honest sometimes I enjoy nerd tears with my daily laddering.
On August 23 2011 07:41 eYeball wrote:Show nested quote +On August 23 2011 07:28 Kafkaesk wrote: I always say GG in a tournament match, or any other official game. In ladder though, i never GG. I respond with a "glhf" if my opponent comes up with that on the start of the game, but i never type GG. It's not because of disrespect for my opponent, but it's just one of many ladder games against anonymous players. It's practice. I mostly face ppl like you on the ladder, mostly always gl hf but never gg. 
Don't see anything wrong with that. I don't expect my random ladder opponents to GG too. Those guys who type glhf at the beginning and then flame after they have lost are much worse.
PvT on Shakura`s Plateau. Opponent showed signs of a delayed 1-1-1 and I reacted accordingly. The game went on and I had him heavyly contained in two bases (even denied a third) and thought to myself "might as well practice my macro instead of trying to bust through a million bunkers and tanks". I went scouting with obs for hidden bases but misplaced one in a base between the rocks. When I found his hidden base... he had a million BCs and instakilled everything I had. I thought it was pretty funny how I went from "unlosable" to "dead" in 1s, so I laughed with him when he yamatoed a bunch of stuff. I typed "gg : )" when...
He left game.
I couldn`t belive it. He had the cheesiest, coolest comeback and gave me the win. I asked him why and he said "you were too nice, I couldn`t let you lose". Made my day, specially after being repeatedly offended all day by 13 year olds making obvious mistakes. Now I hope I can rematch against him and properly give his win back.
edit: spelling.
This is just stupid, every day should be like this, not "The Week For This"
I allways GG, and sometimes WP also if the match was really good
People who watch WhiteRa should understand
More GG = More Skill No GG = No Skill
2292 Posts
I just got a gm surrender. I wonder if he was influenced by this thread  I was dumbstruck so I didn't reply back xD
On August 23 2011 06:58 TheRageKage12 wrote:Show nested quote +On August 23 2011 06:55 Megakenny wrote: I only gg when its a good game, if I dont think it is I just leave. Out of curiosity, do you have criterion to consider something a "good game?" Like, do you not consider it good if you make a critical mistake or if your opponent completely stomps you?
Something like that. Ive had a game where I accidentally cancelled my first gateway and just lost to a 4 gate (PvP), or where I play like garbage for the entire game.
It doesnt mean my opponent isnt good, or wouldn't beat me otherwise, but gg is for "good game". Those situations were not good games in my eyes.
Honestly good manner, bad manner, it really doesnt matter. Why are people so concerned about what your opponent says to you in game? I've had several people litterally FLIP out on me after I win OR lose. If i am winning they will make buildings around the map and cuss me out while I scavenger hunt the map to finish the game. If I lose and leave the game, they will PM me, once again cussing me out for not saying gg.
Honestly who the hell cares? I dont have to be polite to people I dont know, esspecially online. I have no obligation to say "glhf" or "gg" before or after any game that I play. In fact I am glad people actually get angry over something so insignificant, it provides entertainment for me for a good 3 seconds.
How much of a nerd do you have to be to be offended enough to hunt me down and spam me while I laugh at them and then put them on ignore.
As for people that stream or make posts hating on something or just being retarded, why do people care? If Destiny wants to be the most retarded streamer in the world, let him! Dont throw an outrage over what he says, it only gives him the attention he desperately needs for one reason or another. If you dont like it, dont watch it, its that simple. If IdrA wants to say fk you instead of gg, just laugh for 2 seconds like everyone else, then go on with your life. It really isnt hard.
Because of White-Ra's quote in Star Nation (more gg more skill) I will gg everytime I lose!
Because of White-Ra's quote in Star Nation (more gg more skill) I will gg everytime I lose!
I dont think that is entirely accurate
I don't like the idea of being pussy whipped into saying gg wp EVERY game because for a fair amount of the games, it isn't really a good game.
Nice tread. Good thing to focus on, and lately there has been alot of more gm players for some reason. This just might have something to do with it. Trendsetting for the bm kids I find it nice with a gg, but I understand people getting mad and ragequit. For my own sake I try to allways gg wp. If I dont I tend to feel bad about it an carry it over in the next game, and tilt easier. When I gg I sort of reset my mindset and move on to the next game xD Even if I get cheesed my opponent still outplayed me. Its my own fault (bad scout or just bad response) and if I dont gg and analyze replay afterwords its all been in vain. Next time Ill die just as easily.
Say gg people! Ladder would be a much nicer place for everyone ^^
On August 24 2011 06:08 ishyishy wrote: Honestly good manner, bad manner, it really doesnt matter. Why are people so concerned about what your opponent says to you in game? I've had several people litterally FLIP out on me after I win OR lose. If i am winning they will make buildings around the map and cuss me out while I scavenger hunt the map to finish the game. If I lose and leave the game, they will PM me, once again cussing me out for not saying gg.
Honestly who the hell cares? I dont have to be polite to people I dont know, esspecially online. I have no obligation to say "glhf" or "gg" before or after any game that I play. In fact I am glad people actually get angry over something so insignificant, it provides entertainment for me for a good 3 seconds.
How much of a nerd do you have to be to be offended enough to hunt me down and spam me while I laugh at them and then put them on ignore.
As for people that stream or make posts hating on something or just being retarded, why do people care? If Destiny wants to be the most retarded streamer in the world, let him! Dont throw an outrage over what he says, it only gives him the attention he desperately needs for one reason or another. If you dont like it, dont watch it, its that simple. If IdrA wants to say fk you instead of gg, just laugh for 2 seconds like everyone else, then go on with your life. It really isnt hard.
Really, you're right. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter. I don't care how you or other people act as long as it doesn't cause legitimate physical harm to others.
That being said, courtesy and manners are something I think are at least semi-important for people to have. If you act like a child (even on the Internet), why should anyone treat you with any more respect than that?
At the end of the day, people will say what they want to who they want for whatever reason. That's freedom of speech for you. I respect your opinions and I see where you are coming from. However, I think that treating people with respect (even online when they don't know who you are) and maybe even saying something nice about them is better than just making their day worse by crying, BMing, etc.
Mass marine/tank? I'd almost say your comment was sarcasm 
Anyway, I like to give compliments to players who deserve it. If they've thoroughly beaten me by sheer skill and not dumb luck with oddball timings or wonky cheeses, then I'll gladly admit defeat and praise them for their victory.
Just a few days ago, I was thoroughly defeated by a Terran who kept me contained with constant marine/tank pressure, and drops at all my expos. I simply couldn't keep up with him. He out-expanded me and built such a savage army. I eventually ran out of money and threw in the towel. Before leaving, I gged and said it was refreshing to actually play against a GOOD Terran player. I think I may have brought a tear to his eye because he replied, "You really think I'm good? That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me." We gged again and I left the game. Sure, I was upset I lost, but I felt good about making someone's day like that.
Worst thing is when people pretend to be nice with "GL HF ^_^" and all that crap then flip out at you in the end with a "Fuck Toss" or "This race is just a joke" when you win.
Ah well...haters gonna hate I guess!
i broke my mouse today!
Even though gg stands for "good game", I think that in SC2, gg is more of a "i surrender" type phrase.
On August 24 2011 07:17 HungShark wrote:Mass marine/tank? I'd almost say your comment was sarcasm  Anyway, I like to give compliments to players who deserve it. If they've thoroughly beaten me by sheer skill and not dumb luck with oddball timings or wonky cheeses, then I'll gladly admit defeat and praise them for their victory. Just a few days ago, I was thoroughly defeated by a Terran who kept me contained with constant marine/tank pressure, and drops at all my expos. I simply couldn't keep up with him. He out-expanded me and built such a savage army. I eventually ran out of money and threw in the towel. Before leaving, I gged and said it was refreshing to actually play against a GOOD Terran player. I think I may have brought a tear to his eye because he replied, "You really think I'm good? That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me." We gged again and I left the game. Sure, I was upset I lost, but I felt good about making someone's day like that.
No, he opened with Banshees and then got like 4-6 Ravens to harass. I thought he was going big air and cut back on tank production. Once I'd dealt with his air force, he ran at me with 3-2 Marines and completely destroyed my lacking-in-tanks army. He did good harass (keeping me in my base) and then beat me with a smart tech switch.
I don't know why everyone gets so Upset if you're opponent doesn't GG. You need to manner up if you beg him after the game for a GG
Grow up and get over yourself if someone isn't mannered to you.
EDIT: post came off pretty rude, this is just my opinion =)
On August 24 2011 07:36 Zeevo wrote: I don't know why everyone gets so Upset if you're opponent doesn't GG. You need to manner up if you beg him after the game for a GG
Grow up and get over yourself if someone isn't mannered to you.
EDIT: post came off pretty rude, this is just my opinion =)
The objective of this thread isn't to QQ about people not saying "gg", it is to combat the large amount of BM on ladder with GM. At least, that was my intention. >_>
Seems things have gotten out of hand
He deserved the win he took off me. So nice.
I dont glhf because i consider it an empty phrase.
I dont want my opponent to be lucky. I also dont want him to be unlucky. So why should i wish him luck? Have fun... am the moment i consider it to be harsh sarcasm. Have fun with my marine/scv all-in! Do I have fun? No. Does he know I wont have fun with this kind of play? Most probably YES. So why even mention it? He doesnt want me to have fun and he doesnt want me to be lucky. He wants cheap ladder points, thats all. I consider it the same if you run up to somebody you hardly know or dont even like an "Oh hi!!!! *kiss left/kiss right* How are you doing! Oh you look great!" You dont even care and honestly you are thinking -omg how did he get that fat - But... you lie... because you want to be good mannered... which is a contradiction in my eyes. I cant stand dishonest people. If I enjoyed a game, it was a gg. If he even totally outplayed me, its a gg wp. If hes just 6 raxing and playing down a extremely simple build order... it just cheap.
Generally I just say gg, I only say gl hf if I know that person as in like a fun game. But when I'm laddering I just want to focus on my play and leave other things aside like wishing the opponent gl or whatever.
Again it all depends on who I'm playing. When its a ladder opponent I don't know two shits about im not gonna be concerned about his feelings or what he thinks of me and I of him. Against a friend, its all in good spirit so then yeah.
On October 20 2011 05:49 Charon1979 wrote: I dont glhf because i consider it an empty phrase.
I dont want my opponent to be lucky. I also dont want him to be unlucky. So why should i wish him luck? Have fun... am the moment i consider it to be harsh sarcasm. Have fun with my marine/scv all-in! Do I have fun? No. Does he know I wont have fun with this kind of play? Most probably YES. So why even mention it? He doesnt want me to have fun and he doesnt want me to be lucky. He wants cheap ladder points, thats all. I consider it the same if you run up to somebody you hardly know or dont even like an "Oh hi!!!! *kiss left/kiss right* How are you doing! Oh you look great!" You dont even care and honestly you are thinking -omg how did he get that fat - But... you lie... because you want to be good mannered... which is a contradiction in my eyes. I cant stand dishonest people. If I enjoyed a game, it was a gg. If he even totally outplayed me, its a gg wp. If hes just 6 raxing and playing down a extremely simple build order... it just cheap. That's completely fine to be honest, but some people honestly do mean gl hf / gg. I do it every game because it is a sign of respect to your opponent, and I mean it. Whatever my opponent does, I consider it a "good game" because honestly, whoever wins was the better player in that game. Respecting the game and the players is good for everyone but of course you are not obligated to do it if you don't mean it.
I don't think good manner exists anymore on ladder. I have collected 8-10 replays within a week where people BM to a point of death threats on loses
If I'm lucky I get one GG from 15 wins :S People are different and thats fine, but the glhf and gg is about manner and not really "the meaning of the word" and some principle one have, imo that excuse wich is " i dont want them to be lucky of unlucky", or, "if I dont feel its a good game I wont give out gg" is just a bad excuse from sore losers. Manner up, none of this is dependant of how you live your life is it? Its the proper way to conduct yourself and again, its about being mannered.
Thats the way I was brought up, and I'm going to continue being like that, even though some of my losses sucks ass Its abit sad to see so many angry and unmannered people on the net, even though its expected.
I don't know if its just because I'm a lowly plat player and people aren't that serious down here... but I rarely get BM'd, win or lose. About the worst I'll get is no GG.
I always GG though... to me it doesn't really mean 'good game' so much as 'I surrender'... like laying your king down when it gets hopeless in a game of chess.
On October 20 2011 05:49 Charon1979 wrote: I dont glhf because i consider it an empty phrase.
I dont want my opponent to be lucky. I also dont want him to be unlucky. So why should i wish him luck? Have fun... am the moment i consider it to be harsh sarcasm. Have fun with my marine/scv all-in! Do I have fun? No. Does he know I wont have fun with this kind of play? Most probably YES. So why even mention it? He doesnt want me to have fun and he doesnt want me to be lucky. He wants cheap ladder points, thats all. I consider it the same if you run up to somebody you hardly know or dont even like an "Oh hi!!!! *kiss left/kiss right* How are you doing! Oh you look great!" You dont even care and honestly you are thinking -omg how did he get that fat - But... you lie... because you want to be good mannered... which is a contradiction in my eyes. I cant stand dishonest people. If I enjoyed a game, it was a gg. If he even totally outplayed me, its a gg wp. If hes just 6 raxing and playing down a extremely simple build order... it just cheap.
The actual meaning and signification of "gl hf" has become something else entirely, just as "gg" doesn't always mean, literally, "good game" -- rather, these acronyms have become short hand for a way to respectfully greet an opponent and offer surrender.
I pretty much gg every game, but I also playing for fun and not really aiming at improving that much, so it doesn't annoy me even when losing to silly rushes. But I also have the chat settings to "only friends" outside the game. If i want to talk some more to a dude I played I'll add him as a friend, otherwise, I don't really care about after game tips or whining
I usually always just gg but perhaps i should put in the extra seconds' worth of effort to give a compliment. Especially in a long long game, when you finally win and your opponent not only GG's but also compliments you... it would make you so happy. And I think one way to help yourself from not raging is to think of how happy you just made someone.
Man you guys need to drop a league or two, things are so laid back in gold/silver EU  Oddly enough its the odd bronzie that has given me any grief during a match. One accused me of cheating after I ineptly defeated his cannon contain. Another lifted off and walled himself into the back expansion on Searing Crater after I flooded his main with lings. I often get GL HFs from opponents, and if not they usually reply to mine. GGs are less common, but I can understand that people might be annoyed of losing in the heat of the moment and don't think of such things. Edit : And certainly nothing as ludicrous as death threats or profanity over a video game.
i usually say gg when i lose even if i get upset about the loss itself there are a few occasions though where im about to break my keyboard in half and beat someone to death with it ^^
8748 Posts
On October 20 2011 05:49 Charon1979 wrote: I dont glhf because i consider it an empty phrase.
I dont want my opponent to be lucky. I also dont want him to be unlucky. So why should i wish him luck? Have fun... am the moment i consider it to be harsh sarcasm. Have fun with my marine/scv all-in! Do I have fun? No. Does he know I wont have fun with this kind of play? Most probably YES. So why even mention it? He doesnt want me to have fun and he doesnt want me to be lucky. He wants cheap ladder points, thats all. I consider it the same if you run up to somebody you hardly know or dont even like an "Oh hi!!!! *kiss left/kiss right* How are you doing! Oh you look great!" You dont even care and honestly you are thinking -omg how did he get that fat - But... you lie... because you want to be good mannered... which is a contradiction in my eyes. I cant stand dishonest people. If I enjoyed a game, it was a gg. If he even totally outplayed me, its a gg wp. If hes just 6 raxing and playing down a extremely simple build order... it just cheap. there's this whole world of symbolism that you must discover in order to understand society. words don't always take their literal meanings and actions aren't always done for their physical effects. gl hf! =]
I always GLHF and always GG. Even if he bms me with the classic "fuck you" after the glhf and stuff. It is about you caring to be a manner guy, it does not have nothing to do with the game which was played and who you're going against, it does not have nothing to do with the literal meaning of the words you're saying, but I'm pretty sure people have already said that.
On October 20 2011 05:49 Charon1979 wrote: I dont glhf because i consider it an empty phrase.
I dont want my opponent to be lucky. I also dont want him to be unlucky. So why should i wish him luck? Have fun... am the moment i consider it to be harsh sarcasm. Have fun with my marine/scv all-in! Do I have fun? No. Does he know I wont have fun with this kind of play? Most probably YES. So why even mention it? He doesnt want me to have fun and he doesnt want me to be lucky. He wants cheap ladder points, thats all. I consider it the same if you run up to somebody you hardly know or dont even like an "Oh hi!!!! *kiss left/kiss right* How are you doing! Oh you look great!" You dont even care and honestly you are thinking -omg how did he get that fat - But... you lie... because you want to be good mannered... which is a contradiction in my eyes. I cant stand dishonest people. If I enjoyed a game, it was a gg. If he even totally outplayed me, its a gg wp. If hes just 6 raxing and playing down a extremely simple build order... it just cheap.
Like people have already said before me, "gl hf gg" is just showing you have manners and that you respect your opponent right? You're not actually sending him luck when you wish him gl. He's not actually going to become better because you told him gl hf. And even if you fall to a cheap strat, a win is still a win. It's not like cheap strats will win you a GSL or anything, because as you get better, you learn how to defend against cheap strats. I used to never gl hf because of the same reasons you listed, but I've discovered that even if you chat just a little little bit with your opponent, you feel so much better after losing, and your opponent is less likely to bm you if you win.
WoW! After a SCV-AllIn I wouldn't be throw out a GG lol oO
Germany116 Posts
I think manner on ladder is not really "imporant", as it doesn't realy change anything game-relevant, but it does for sure enhances the experience of actually playing against other people - and not just alone vs cpu.
I open up every game with "Hi there, gl & hf" and I usually gg, although I got a tendency not to if the game was simply not "good". I personally play first to enjoy the game, second to win, and while I hate getting cheesed, I do aknowledge that its legit - I just don't enjoy games resulting from it.
But the interesting thing about good manner is, that it draws out others people good manner - and general friendlyness. I rarely have games where the other doesn't gl & hf back and also had some conversations or just interaction in general during the matches. Its priceless when the enemy reminds you to put workers in your gas :D I think many underestimate that most people are actually nice and maybe even enjoy communication, the jerks just have the tendency to spit it out and it feels there are loads of them.
Be good mannered not because you feel obligated, do it to actually meet cool people on battle.net.
i just say gg even when i get cheesed thats what i consider good manners
how could you expect good manner on ladder when we have pro players acting like idra
To be honest, i never gg on ladder
If I get blind sided with something, like a really good transition or a timing I've never seen I'll generally throw a "gg wp, nice timing/transition" out for 'em. All's fair in love, war, and starcraft. xD
I do believe that gl and gg are basically exactly the same thing as walking by a team in baseball, football, or w/e and shaking their hands. However, there is always some form of animosity if the victor (or even loser) was malicious and rude in play. Should the pleasantries be exchanged 100% of the time? Maybe not, but close to it I would say.
I don't know why such stress is put on saying a 2 letter 'phrase'
Ever see a MLB game? Do the winners go over and shake hands with the losers? And say hey, great game.
No. There's this inherent intensity in this game. I get all worked up, even in a win. We all do. Some people, like myself, need a cool down phase before we can get the 'feeling' out of us and be cordial. Ask the few friends I have on Bnet, I'm super nice. When I ladder or play? I can be an EPIC rager. Epic. I played college baseball up until I threw my rotater cuff out. SC2 is my release of my competitive nature.
Now, I do gg. But I usually do it after a 'lol this is such a joke.... gg dude'
Every start, though, everyone gets a 'gl hf sir', how you respond to that is how I dictate how the verbal exchanges go.
If you want to lie and say gg after every game thats great for you, but don't look down at me for having some standards. Why is it good manners to go gg ? Because you say so? because the community says so? I refuse to believe people actually believe that lying to someone is being well mannered, it is pretty much the opposite of being well mannered.
On October 20 2011 06:36 Egyptian_Head wrote: If you want to lie and say gg after every game thats great for you, but don't look down at me for having some standards. Why is it good manners to go gg ? Because you say so? because the community says so? I refuse to believe people actually believe that lying to someone is being well mannered, it is pretty much the opposite of being well mannered.
Idk if you ever played organized sports. GG is SC2's way of shaking hands after a match. It's just like "gl hf". You might not ACTUALLY mean it, but it's a manner of showing respect online (since you can't really shake hands).
I'll always glhf but I'll admit I don't always gg. I usually don't if it was some super cheesy build but I've been trying to get in better spirits about it. I mean, I have every chance to do an equally as cheesy build and at the end of the day it's still a game.
On October 20 2011 06:32 iAmJeffReY wrote: I don't know why such stress is put on saying a 2 letter 'phrase'
Ever see a MLB game? Do the winners go over and shake hands with the losers? And say hey, great game.
MLB, is that baseball or something? And yes, in the European equivalent sport of soccer, the opposing captains do go and shake hands at the end of the game. And they swap jerseys. A gg is just the virtual equivalent of doing that. If you think your opponent actually played well, tag on a wp to the gg.
On October 20 2011 06:36 Egyptian_Head wrote: If you want to lie and say gg after every game thats great for you, but don't look down at me for having some standards. Why is it good manners to go gg ? Because you say so? because the community says so? I refuse to believe people actually believe that lying to someone is being well mannered, it is pretty much the opposite of being well mannered. You can compare it to say goodbye to someone irl, what would be your reaction if you spend 5-20 minutes with that person and suddenly he leaves without saying anything, just think about it.
On October 20 2011 06:32 iAmJeffReY wrote: I don't know why such stress is put on saying a 2 letter 'phrase'
Ever see a MLB game? Do the winners go over and shake hands with the losers? And say hey, great game.
Funny how the NFL/NBA's players believe in shaking hands after a game?
PS: Little Leaguers shake hands, so do high school baseball players.
The MLB must be lightyears behind in etiquette even compared to Starcraft, and you use it as an example, rofl.
On October 20 2011 06:41 RedFoxOne wrote:Show nested quote +On October 20 2011 06:36 Egyptian_Head wrote: If you want to lie and say gg after every game thats great for you, but don't look down at me for having some standards. Why is it good manners to go gg ? Because you say so? because the community says so? I refuse to believe people actually believe that lying to someone is being well mannered, it is pretty much the opposite of being well mannered. Idk if you ever played organized sports. GG is SC2's way of shaking hands after a match. It's just like "gl hf". You might not ACTUALLY mean it, but it's a manner of showing respect online (since you can't really shake hands).
And there we have it, "You might not actually mean it" in other words you are lying. So lying is good manners? I don't know about you but I don't show respect to people by lying to them, that's what I do to people I do not respect.
On October 20 2011 06:41 Superouman wrote:Show nested quote +On October 20 2011 06:36 Egyptian_Head wrote: If you want to lie and say gg after every game thats great for you, but don't look down at me for having some standards. Why is it good manners to go gg ? Because you say so? because the community says so? I refuse to believe people actually believe that lying to someone is being well mannered, it is pretty much the opposite of being well mannered. You can compare it to say goodbye to someone irl, what would be your reaction if you spend 5-20 minutes with that person and suddenly he leaves without saying anything, just think about it.
And what about if you don't like the person? You only say bye because it's socially awkward to just leave someone that you had spoken too. The game removes that social awkwardness of not saying bye because there is a low chance of you meeting them again.
On October 20 2011 06:41 Monkeyballs25 wrote:Show nested quote +On October 20 2011 06:32 iAmJeffReY wrote: I don't know why such stress is put on saying a 2 letter 'phrase'
Ever see a MLB game? Do the winners go over and shake hands with the losers? And say hey, great game.
MLB, is that baseball or something? And yes, in the European equivalent sport of soccer, the opposing captains do go and shake hands at the end of the game. And they swap jerseys. A gg is just the virtual equivalent of doing that. If you think your opponent actually played well, tag on a wp to the gg. MLB = major league baseball.
When they win? They shake their own team hands, because it was them who made the win happen. Fuck the other team.
On October 20 2011 06:46 iAmJeffReY wrote:Show nested quote +On October 20 2011 06:41 Monkeyballs25 wrote:On October 20 2011 06:32 iAmJeffReY wrote: I don't know why such stress is put on saying a 2 letter 'phrase'
Ever see a MLB game? Do the winners go over and shake hands with the losers? And say hey, great game.
MLB, is that baseball or something? And yes, in the European equivalent sport of soccer, the opposing captains do go and shake hands at the end of the game. And they swap jerseys. A gg is just the virtual equivalent of doing that. If you think your opponent actually played well, tag on a wp to the gg. MLB = major league baseball. When they win? They shake their own team hands, because it was them who made the win happen. Fuck the other team.
...oh. Well um, cultural diversity and all that. I'll say no more.
Lol, I just say wpgg if it was a good game. or just gg. If i lost in a stupid manner, I'll just gg. Don't usually compliment oppoenets since they either BM or don't say anything.
people who were raised right usually gg and then most lower class people tend to not have very good manner or etiquette and don't that is all there is to it. Look at any sport event when players shake hands even if the game wasn't good, it is called sportsmanship.
I always say gg wp after every game I lose. Sometimes people message me afterwards trying to explain themselves because they feel guilty about cheesing and being told "wp" for it
I try and be more chill on ladder these days. It's only practice and so I generally GG, or am very good mannered. I do this because I think it's a good community standard to be polite during games.
On October 20 2011 05:49 Charon1979 wrote: I dont glhf because i consider it an empty phrase.
I dont want my opponent to be lucky. I also dont want him to be unlucky. So why should i wish him luck? Have fun... am the moment i consider it to be harsh sarcasm. Have fun with my marine/scv all-in! Do I have fun? No. Does he know I wont have fun with this kind of play? Most probably YES. So why even mention it? He doesnt want me to have fun and he doesnt want me to be lucky. He wants cheap ladder points, thats all. I consider it the same if you run up to somebody you hardly know or dont even like an "Oh hi!!!! *kiss left/kiss right* How are you doing! Oh you look great!" You dont even care and honestly you are thinking -omg how did he get that fat - But... you lie... because you want to be good mannered... which is a contradiction in my eyes. I cant stand dishonest people. If I enjoyed a game, it was a gg. If he even totally outplayed me, its a gg wp. If hes just 6 raxing and playing down a extremely simple build order... it just cheap.
its a video game, get over yourself
I consider myself very mannered. But sometimes when I get 4gated while fastexpanding (I'm a mechterran) without preparing myself enough I cry when I write the GG. The thing is, it's not necessarely the words themselves but rather It's the symbolism of respect of the competition and your opponent.
Also, if you want to rage you can do it after the game by yourself :p But try avoiding raging just when your gf calls you so she thinks you're mad at her, it'll have consequences.
I don't know if forcing it when it isn't true is healthy but I like the idea behind this. I'm going to try and be more constructive when I know the loss was legit. I rarely gg even when I feel outplayed, I just get frustrated. Thanks for bringing this up. I'll give it a shot.
I think this is fantastic. I too always try to be as well mannered as possible when laddering or playing unrated practice games. There's a lot of BM out there but I've always seen it as a lack of class and over-inflated ego (e.g., "I'm angry because I'm better than you and you only won by cheating in some fashion"). This is why I hate IdrA. He's a phenomenal player but I root against him EVERY SINGLE TIME because he's so BM. Sheth, HuK, Boxer (as chivalrous an e-warrior as there ever was) ... so many well mannered pros that I admire, not just because they are dominant, but because they are as gracious in victory as they are in defeat. That, I think, is the mark of a true champion.
Someone else mentioned feeling anger when losing. I know exactly how that feels. For me it became easier to deal with the anger and frustration when I thought about it and realized that I was angry because I didn't know how to deal with a particularly strong strategy (curse you mutabling!!! lol). The anger also becomes easier to deal with when you stop and remind yourself that there are others out there who know how to deal with that strategy and prevail against it. Then instead of feeling like the game is rigged or imba and that you only lose because the other guy is abusing a broken part of the game, you can focus your energies on seeking out the counter-strategies that others have used and on perfecting your execution of those counter-strategies.
Finally, I've also found that being well mannered, even after a crushing defeat, makes me feel less angry, even if at that moment I just feel like I'm going through the motions. Angry losers are really just losers, but respectful losers are actually just learning.
I just played someone who refused to talk to me because I played Terran, he only elaborated when i said gg because I'd lost, then he said 'playing terran is low'. In regards to my manner i said glhf or some variation, sometimes talk with the player and the gg at the end, gg wp if they've earnt it.
On October 20 2011 06:59 Banchan wrote: I always say gg wp after every game I lose. Sometimes people message me afterwards trying to explain themselves because they feel guilty about cheesing and being told "wp" for it I'm trying harder to say gg after every game now. But I get annoyed with myself for throwing games and just want to leave...
but as for people feeling guilty for winning with cheese and being told 'well played'. It -is- well played. They just abused a weakness in your play, which is a big part of a strategy game. Either you mis-microed, or your build is just too risky cause it loses to cheese. You can fix both of those, and it's not your opponents fault.
I used to BM after a loss to cheese/something frustrating but I've found that if I just gg and think about why I lost I learn more and get more out of the game.
Good manner is overrated. BM ftw! And receiving bm is much more fun. And being bm is just for the fun.
I don't get why people insist on BM. Is it some lame rebellion idea, I don't know. Just get over yourself and have a good time competing.
It's not like the opposing teams in [insert proffessional sport] would tell each other to fuck off before the game, sure during games people say stuff in the heat of battle. And as far as i know, atleast team captains shake hands after the games.
It's a great game, enjoy it! I know I dont when I'm raging.
No point gg'ing when you dont mean it. Many people are just following the gg'ing since its the norm? And not saying it makes you a bad mannered person? imo if you think its a good game then gg, doesnt really hurt not having a gg. But facing players who rage before leaving is horrible and not acceptable.
I swear that second one was me i swear haha.
you dont have to GG on ladder if you think you played shit or the other player luckboxed a win. this isnt MLG main stage guys. if you dont mean it dont say it. also pre-emptive GGs are fine when the opponent is bloody drawing out an already won game by 10 mins because they either dont know their fucked or they are doing it out of spite. ill GG you first every time.
Eh, I've had people say "no gg no skill" after 6pooling me. I mean it's just a little ridiculous sometimes. Hell I've been bmed at the beginning of the game and then they expect a friendly gg when they all-in me?
I try to be civil, but there's no reason sometimes. Play the game, have fun. That's what it's all about.
i simply hit F11 and mute the player at the start of everygame, no matter who it is. and then if i lose i type gg and leave.
its so easy, never give in to temptation, im never baited into losing my cool, im never affected in game, and its even possible to ladder on NA because u dont have to deal with the attitude on that ladder if u cant hear them :D
plus u can see their bm if u watch the replay later and its funny a lot of times when bm is met with no response, some people try very hard to get your attention through bm
at the end of the day. i win ezpz
I don't see what the big deal with not saying gg is. Sometimes I forget to say it, sometimes I don't say it because I died to some sort of cheese or gimmick that I didn't scout... And sometimes I lose a good game and say gg. And to be fair, sometimes people (myself included, at times) are just annoyed at losing.
If someone leaves a game without a gg against me, I don't think they're being bad mannered. Hey, they're surrendering and not building shit all over the map or floating all their buildings, right? Just because you win doesn't mean THE GUY YOU JUST BEAT will necessarily be happy about it. So I don't know, I don't think it's bm to not say glhf or gg at all.
Honestly, does anyone ever think it's a "good game" situation when you just die within 3 minutes to a 6 pool? Really? So why lie about it instead of just leaving the game?
On October 20 2011 07:55 DoubleReed wrote: Eh, I've had people say "no gg no skill" after 6pooling me. I mean it's just a little ridiculous sometimes. Hell I've been bmed at the beginning of the game and then they expect a friendly gg when they all-in me?
I try to be civil, but there's no reason sometimes. Play the game, have fun. That's what it's all about.
Indeed, their attitude is dumb as fuck... But than again, people need to get off this behavior like "if he flame me, why should I be mannered?"... I think that's pretty much the logic... If you don't like the fact that a person is bm, why would you just be as bm as he is, or stay quiet, and let him have all the fun...
Remember, you can always put yourself a step ahead on this matter...
On October 20 2011 07:58 Houkka wrote:
Honestly, does anyone ever think it's a "good game" situation when you just die within 3 minutes to a 6 pool? Really? So why lie about it instead of just leaving the game?
Fair point but I wanted to offer a counter opinion: I do think it's a good game. Why? Because they took a risk and it paid off. I'm the one at fault because I didn't scout and react properly. One of the aspects about SCII 1v1 that I absolutely love is the fact that every loss is on my shoulders. I can't blame teammates or a ref for a bad call, I made a mistake(s). So when I'm beaten, the opponent played better. That might be smarter, better micro, better macro, or have better game sense. So do I enjoy losing to 6 pool? Of course not. But I'm the one who lost and so I do consider it a good game because it pointed out another thing I need to improve upon.
Just a different opinion.
I do congratulate my opponent if his build was good or just impressed me somehow (nice blink micro, drop on two of my expansions while attacking my natural and all that good jazz).
I read all of OP's quotes as sarcastic this is what Ladder has done to me.
great way to calm yourself down after a loss imo
On October 20 2011 08:09 Chriamon wrote:I read all of OP's quotes as sarcastic  this is what Ladder has done to me.
Haha, me too.. I would have thought douchebag to myself..
On October 20 2011 08:07 Arnfasta wrote:Show nested quote +On October 20 2011 07:58 Houkka wrote:
Honestly, does anyone ever think it's a "good game" situation when you just die within 3 minutes to a 6 pool? Really? So why lie about it instead of just leaving the game? Fair point but I wanted to offer a counter opinion: I do think it's a good game. Why? Because they took a risk and it paid off. I'm the one at fault because I didn't scout and react properly. One of the aspects about SCII 1v1 that I absolutely love is the fact that every loss is on my shoulders. I can't blame teammates or a ref for a bad call, I made a mistake(s). So when I'm beaten, the opponent played better. That might be smarter, better micro, better macro, or have better game sense. So do I enjoy losing to 6 pool? Of course not. But I'm the one who lost and so I do consider it a good game because it pointed out another thing I need to improve upon. Just a different opinion.
Sure, sounds completely reasonable. I pretty much agree with everything you said, I was just making the point that if you don't consider a game good for any reason at all, I don't see why one should still say good game. But of course, if you consider a game good, then say gg, by all means. <3
i always gg out, if i forgot because im angry at myself i will message the player explain that i got very angry and apologize for not gging, alot of people will show sympathy to a player that lost, if they bm me or anything like that ill gg then ignore them as soon as the S@#t talking starts
I have the bad habit of rage quitting but I am trying to fix that and if I do rage quit I make a point to message my opponent after and apologize and gg. I realize that it isn't a big deal to most people but I face so much bm on the ladder that I hope I can have some sort of effect on my opponents by being gm. A futile effort I fear but no reason not to try!
tapping gg is the most fun part of losing
On October 20 2011 08:18 Champi wrote: imo
tapping gg is the most fun part of losing I always get pissed off and raqe quit and feel bad 5 seconds later. I remember at one point I literally focused 100% on gging when I lost for about 15-20 games.
On October 20 2011 08:13 Houkka wrote:Show nested quote +On October 20 2011 08:07 Arnfasta wrote:On October 20 2011 07:58 Houkka wrote:
Honestly, does anyone ever think it's a "good game" situation when you just die within 3 minutes to a 6 pool? Really? So why lie about it instead of just leaving the game? Fair point but I wanted to offer a counter opinion: I do think it's a good game. Why? Because they took a risk and it paid off. I'm the one at fault because I didn't scout and react properly. One of the aspects about SCII 1v1 that I absolutely love is the fact that every loss is on my shoulders. I can't blame teammates or a ref for a bad call, I made a mistake(s). So when I'm beaten, the opponent played better. That might be smarter, better micro, better macro, or have better game sense. So do I enjoy losing to 6 pool? Of course not. But I'm the one who lost and so I do consider it a good game because it pointed out another thing I need to improve upon. Just a different opinion. Sure, sounds completely reasonable. I pretty much agree with everything you said, I was just making the point that if you don't consider a game good for any reason at all, I don't see why one should still say good game. But of course, if you consider a game good, then say gg, by all means. <3 I like both of your arguments a lot, but I'd like to add a point.
In competitive sports, let's use Hockey as it is the one I am most familiar with, the post-game line up and bump fists and shake hands is customary. It isn't so much an acknowledgement that the game WAS good, but rather that the other team played hard regardless of the outcome. Even though in most lines, the words "good game" are uttered, they are more customary than meaningful. When the Canucks go down 1-9 against Chicago because Luongo played like crap, the teams will still line up and shake hands.
So I do agree that even a cheese game deserves a gg. It might not have been your best game, and it maybe is not representative of your true skill, but you have to recognize that in that one instance, you were outplayed.
On October 20 2011 07:46 Taeng wrote: No point gg'ing when you dont mean it. Many people are just following the gg'ing since its the norm? And not saying it makes you a bad mannered person? imo if you think its a good game then gg, doesnt really hurt not having a gg. But facing players who rage before leaving is horrible and not acceptable. different people has different standards about what is gg so if for me its never a good game where i lose i never gg?
Maybe there should be like someway to get "manner points" I mean lets say after every game you can give your opponent points based on their manner from that game, and not doing anything doesn't change their rank or whatever.
I mean after every game you can click on your opponents name on the score screen and you have a plethora of things to do, most importantly block communication lol, but what if they added to things that were like +good manner and +bad manner. Maybe they could make some gay achievements for it whatever, I dunno just a thought, I'm sure others can build off of it.
i say gg to people i know, otherwise i dont really care because I'll never meet you in real life and likely never talk to you again. At pro level its different but at normal person level why is everyone so thin skinned ._.?
IMO if a game was a good game then i don't see the problem in saying it but to just expect to hear it when you win is kind of bad mannered in my view like "ya i beat you now you tell me its a good game nuB"(irony). Its just 2 letters said in a game get over it ._>
I don't say anything at all. It seems like just about everyone I play has a major attitude problem, so I don't want to give them anything at all to work on. So I just enter the game silently and leave the game silently. Sometimes people get mad at me and call me BM after the match for just quietly leaving the game, but I just don't respond to them either. Don't see how not being explicitly good mannered makes me bad mannered.
Personally, I always say GG, even when I get cheesed. It's just a way for me to vent a little bit of my frustration before leaving the game.Now do I expect to hear it uppon my opponent lost? I don't even watch if he says GG before leaving, it just doesn't matter.
I also always open up with a little more friendly version of the usual glhf like "hey glhf " just to initiate a conversation if the guy is open to it, making the whole game a little bit funnier. You usually don't trash talk a guy that you talk with during 5 minutes during the game.
I rarely say gg. It's an admittance of defeat through superiority. I only say it when my opponent has used an original strategy, and beaten and outmanuevered me. Nothing less is worth a GG.
On October 20 2011 08:20 Durn wrote: I like both of your arguments a lot, but I'd like to add a point.
In competitive sports, let's use Hockey as it is the one I am most familiar with, the post-game line up and bump fists and shake hands is customary. It isn't so much an acknowledgement that the game WAS good, but rather that the other team played hard regardless of the outcome. Even though in most lines, the words "good game" are uttered, they are more customary than meaningful. When the Canucks go down 1-9 against Chicago because Luongo played like crap, the teams will still line up and shake hands.
So I do agree that even a cheese game deserves a gg. It might not have been your best game, and it maybe is not representative of your true skill, but you have to recognize that in that one instance, you were outplayed.
Yeah, I can definitely understand that. And agree with it, even. I just want to defend the opposite side, who are even called bm sometimes. People in general don't like losing, so if they get upset about a loss and leave without a gg, I don't mind, because I know it sucks, because I've lost games myself. I just try to be a bit more understanding. Especially since the "gg" isn't as integral a part of this game as things like shaking hands is in hockey and bowing is in most martial arts.
I don't hold grudges against people online because I know that deep down, despite the occasional BM and shit flinging, we all love each other very much <3
This is a saints work. Even saying "gg" is a struggle for me at times. The immediate F10-N is my usual go to. But I'm gonna try this out.
On October 20 2011 08:40 PraetorialGamer wrote: I rarely say gg. It's an admittance of defeat through superiority. I only say it when my opponent has used an original strategy, and beaten and outmanuevered me. Nothing less is worth a GG.
ROFL! Get over yourself...
The other day I was called out by an opponent when I didnt respond with a GG when I beat him and he GG'd... I found it funny because in that instant I realized I didnt respond because people usually gg then leave before I can respond.
It's a game that we are suppose to have fun with... not use as a measuring tool for our cocks... Just GG.
I like the OP's idea. I'm guilty of raging in ladder from time to time, but it's never personal. Going into a game with a winning mindset and a kind attitude is still possible imo.
Seriously, being good or bad manner doesn't change shit about your play : just depend on the personality i supose. You can agree on the fact that you fucked up somewhere, and still think what the opponent does needs no skills : seriously, I will never say "awesome play" to a guy who marine scv all in me. Never.
You also need to have some respect for good players, saying gg always actually underrate the gg wp in my opinion.
i always compliment my opponents when i lose on the ladder actually - i like to look at my losses as a learning opportunity (this coming from a chess heavy background, thats probably the reason why)
so yeah
The "gg" that anyone's said to me that hit home was when I 1/1/1'd a Protoss (being a former Protoss player myself, I felt like dirt after), and he said "gg wp".
I would've NEVER gg'd against a 1/1/1 yet he had the balls to do so.
BM on ladder is good for ya.
I say GL at the start of every game and GG at the end. If I lose, it was my own fault. No point getting mad over getting beat, if you lost, it was you own fault. Man up and take the loss. Cheese in starcraft is just like camping in FPS. If you can't deal with it, then you don't deserve to deal with it, so take your losses and leave.
On October 20 2011 08:44 wastedeagle wrote: It's a game that we are suppose to have fun with... not use as a measuring tool for our cocks... Just GG. LOL! this ^^ some people need to learn that its just a game and losing doesn't mean you need to be a jerk and BM
I gg just about every ladder game. Keep composure, leave the game calmly, go and search again.
Every once in awhile I chat with the person I'm playing with - I met a good online friend when we started practicing together after a back-and-forth game and some banter. Unless the other person opens with bm - then they're open season.
May we spread Good Manners everyone, in Sc2 and beyond 
I think the best manners are being honest and/or asking for help — not just saying that the game was good or that the other person played well (which oftentimes one or bot of such statements a person might not mean)
I never say anything in games. Someone wins, someone loses, the small talk is stupid and unnecessary imo.
On August 17 2011 12:00 Billd wrote:This is so mannered that some people might find it sarcastic! I say this because whenever I get cheesed I say "gg wp" and never mean it 
cheesing is actually pretty hard bro deserves ze the compliments
When I get mass marine steamrolled I just say bg, because I don't really feel like an actual game has been played. But still it's more than most people say. When I had fun (or not but it wasn't something really annoying) I always gg and wp when deserved.
I make a point of being very well mannered ever game. If I get too upset I just quit right away, and i'll message him a few seconds later with a gg wp after i've had a sec to cool down. I feel like it's really accepting that you lost because of your own play and not because of any other factors (imbalance etc) and I think it's integral to both improving as a player and a person, and making the community a better place .
I fully agree with the sentiments of the OP.
More Sheth, less Idra please!
On October 20 2011 09:32 Freezzo wrote: When I get mass marine steamrolled I just say bg, because I don't really feel like an actual game has been played. But still it's more than most people say. When I had fun (or not but it wasn't something really annoying) I always gg and wp when deserved.
So how do you "deserve" a win? When your opponent wins using your imaginary rules that you made up? Isn't it worth saying "wp" if he beat you?
Where dat snitch at?36923 Posts
Unless the other team starts it, I am rarely ever BM on b.net.....
And, I always say GG before I leave a game....
Unless my friends are dicking around and I'm too pissed to care.
GG before you leave, this is imperative!
I used to actually be the biggest asshole on ladder ever. Then i decided to use my free name change to whipe my reputation and start saying gg after lost games, it actually makes me feel much less stressed now and i am actually playing better because of it, i would highly recommend others to do this.
Meh, I bm alot, especially if I'm on a losing streak, it is what it is. Even more especially if someone does garbage like a 7RR or any other terrible early game all-in. Mostly because I dont understand why you play the game if you do that. Seems so pointless and stupid and a waste of my time.
i BM a bunch, ill admit.
BUT! for some odd reason, if im pissed about a game, when i say GG before i f10-n, i actually dont feel as mad about it. im not sure why it is, but losing to something and getting mad at myself, saying gg makes me not upset anymore. no idea why this is, but its cool. haha
what bugs me to all hell is HOW EVERYONE on the ladder says "gl hf / glgl / glhfgg" but never GGs. ever. I'm not even a cheesy player, I always macro. this counter intuitive attitude of the ladder is getting annoying. Either straight up be BM / dont say anything, or be well mannered (ie saying gg if you say gl hf).
you can say that not gging is a sign of you not thinking it wasn't a good game, but the truth is if you don't often GG it's because you're angry / BM, and not because of the actual outcome of the game (like I said, 70%+ of my standard games go past the midgame, not cheese / gimmicks and these are my experiences in masters).
also I'm very happy blizzard enabled the "no messages from players not on your friends list" feature. being messaged after a game after losing to someone tilted me like no other.
AND on a side manner-note, dont fucking post someones bad manner PROVOKED by YOU in Teamliquid's "hilarious / confusing bad manner thread". It's so obnoxious when some guy says AFTER a game in a chat message "gg" (if his opponent didnt GG or something) OR if you cheesed the fuck out of someone and then the opponent rages a bit (and you continue to provoke his rage.).. then of course the opponent BMs the fuck out of him. he then derps over to the BM thread and says "lolz guyz look at dis BM dewchbaag isnt he so BM".... .... well no you fucking provoked him -.-
Gonna start doing this a little more. Yeah, everybody thinks its sarcasm unless you really REALLY elaborate.
Of course, if I'm intentionally being mannered, and it was a 6 pool or some crazy allin, the guy chats me afterwards and wants to team up for practice partners. Then I have some trouble with manners! Politely declining without insults if it was clear I had seen the best he had to offer as far as strategies in the matchup.
I like how this thread is filled with people who say "I always gg" but on the ladder it literally feels like I am the only one.
it is amazing how much better you personally feel after throwing out some good manners to your opponent, nevermind how you make your opponent feel.
it makes you less frustrated with a loss.
I try to GG, but i end up raging cuz i lost for some reason, but i always GG. I BM every once in a while but usually its just PvP and i lose because of some stupid nuance in builds or a half second lag where he moves up my ramp. other than that i don't BM, if ISTime doesn't BM, neither do i
I've tried this but it didn't work for me. However, adopting the mindset that all the games I lose are solely because my opponent is bad and plays in a suboptimal way that just happened to be very effective against the exact thing I was doing (by pure luck - remember, he is bad) has helped me a ton. This isn't a joke btw. I used to care a lot about losses and get upset, but with this belief it doesn't matter - the losses have no meaning.
I would still go back and watch the replay to see what I could refine and improve upon though (while narrating what my opponent is doing in a derogatory fashion; i.e. 'lol, this kid' 'rofl').
On October 20 2011 06:41 Superouman wrote:Show nested quote +On October 20 2011 06:36 Egyptian_Head wrote: If you want to lie and say gg after every game thats great for you, but don't look down at me for having some standards. Why is it good manners to go gg ? Because you say so? because the community says so? I refuse to believe people actually believe that lying to someone is being well mannered, it is pretty much the opposite of being well mannered. You can compare it to say goodbye to someone irl, what would be your reaction if you spend 5-20 minutes with that person and suddenly he leaves without saying anything, just think about it. Crazy thought, say goodbye or thank you for the game then, not good game. One is a lie and the other meets your requirements. As I see it you are just lieing to people on purpose. Thats pretty BM.
I don't gg against cheese like 6 pools, proxy rax and cannon. But gg to the rest.
I try to be mannered to everyone and GG even if I lose to 6pool, it is my own stupidity that I don't react it correctly. But if I hit losing streak I might just insta quit without saying anything.
I've been trying to do this more. Even in games that I get cheesed in some way, I'll at least say gg at the very minimum. If they did a good push, then I say "good push. gg". It doesn't irritate me when people leave without saying gg though.
Even today I had a conversation with a protoss that went FE, VR and then I complimented him because I couldn't scout his stargate. Even though I lost and it sucked, he was talking to me like a human being, using smilies, etc... It made me want to ladder more and gave me more motivation to do better.
If someone comes into a game and starts trolling and BMing, it puts me in a bad mood, regardless if I win and discourages me from laddering any further (probably resorting to Nexus Wars XD). There's no reason to be so BM. If we want to start counting StarCraft II as a REAL eSport, then people need to be more sportman about their games. Don't you remember 10 year old baseball, or even professional sports? Since when does the medium of the playing field change how courteous you are to the other team before and after the game?
On October 20 2011 06:18 RedFoxOne wrote:Show nested quote +On October 20 2011 05:49 Charon1979 wrote: I dont glhf because i consider it an empty phrase.
I dont want my opponent to be lucky. I also dont want him to be unlucky. So why should i wish him luck? Have fun... am the moment i consider it to be harsh sarcasm. Have fun with my marine/scv all-in! Do I have fun? No. Does he know I wont have fun with this kind of play? Most probably YES. So why even mention it? He doesnt want me to have fun and he doesnt want me to be lucky. He wants cheap ladder points, thats all. I consider it the same if you run up to somebody you hardly know or dont even like an "Oh hi!!!! *kiss left/kiss right* How are you doing! Oh you look great!" You dont even care and honestly you are thinking -omg how did he get that fat - But... you lie... because you want to be good mannered... which is a contradiction in my eyes. I cant stand dishonest people. If I enjoyed a game, it was a gg. If he even totally outplayed me, its a gg wp. If hes just 6 raxing and playing down a extremely simple build order... it just cheap. Like people have already said before me, "gl hf gg" is just showing you have manners and that you respect your opponent right? You're not actually sending him luck when you wish him gl. He's not actually going to become better because you told him gl hf. And even if you fall to a cheap strat, a win is still a win. It's not like cheap strats will win you a GSL or anything, because as you get better, you learn how to defend against cheap strats. I used to never gl hf because of the same reasons you listed, but I've discovered that even if you chat just a little little bit with your opponent, you feel so much better after losing, and your opponent is less likely to bm you if you win.
What you say does not have to mean the words' literal meaning.
Also, if your opponent beats you, he beats you. Not saying "gg" is more lame on your side because, even if he is "cheap", it just makes you so much more arrogant that you lost to a "cheap" strategy but leave the game without saying anything, as if it were a mistake on your part and you shouldn't have lost the game. Just shows how cocky you are. Or if you don't say gg cus you think it's stupid he plays with a "cheap" strategy, that's even worse.
Never seen this thread before for some reason, but the OP's chat seemed really sarcastic to me at first. I must be a really cynical person.
I always GG out of games. Even one that I was ahead in XD Although not that many people on the KR server I've beaten GG to me, but whether that is because of map imbalances (close positions) or my sometimes cheesy strategies (cloaked Banshee rush into base trade into mass mules into win), I have no idea.
I gg everything, even proxy2gate into cannon into losing to void ray followup(????). It's a GAME in the end. No need to get fussy over these details.
If the game felt hopeless i type gg wp.
oh and btw, i think ww =/= well won. korean gg happens to be 지지, shortened to ㅈㅈ, which is on the w key. I think some koreans forget to tab between english/korean, hence the whole ww thingy. It's also why you might see some people typing ㅎㅎ (ㅎ is on the g key). Just throwing it out there.
'no gg, no skill'
You need to be saying gg imo. It makes you look bitter if you don't... If I am talking to friends on mumble and my opponent does not gg we mock them for being angry at what is essentially just a practice game.
I always GG. GL and HF depend on my mood and I don't do it if I'm about to do some all in, but GG is a way of admitting defeat. I know that in this game you won't lose if you don't make any mistakes, scouting, macro, or control mistake. So if someone beats me, it deserves GG even if it's 6pool. Also when I lose stupidly from some cheese I'm always mad just on myself because I know that all those things are in the game, they are part of the game, so if I didn't take that into account while playing then it's just me playing badly and lazy.
On October 20 2011 18:15 Slyce wrote: 'no gg, no skill'
You need to be saying gg imo. It makes you look bitter if you don't... If I am talking to friends on mumble and my opponent does not gg we mock them for being angry at what is essentially just a practice game. Doesn't "no gg no skill" refer to that you have to lose so you can see what you need to improve? Not manners.
Do you people care much if opponents GG's or not? Personally I don't care if he goes gg or plain quit.
I try to always gg when I lose, especially when it's a tough match, or I was simply outplayed, but if I lose a game because of a stupid mistake, like not checking for a proxy,losing to something stupid, etc, I tend to be more angry with myself and just leave.
i dont think saying nothing throughout the entire game is rude, i just don't care for what you have to say. I get on sc2 to play games, not read about your life story. Simple Pimple.
I personnally do not use the term 'GG', because typing just two (same) letters is not exactly what i call ''showing respect to your opponent'. I tend to use 'well played' instead, and take some time to write a comment on the game (most of the time what I think i did wrong).
If someone really does kick my ass, I will let them know that they had me all game, and that I admired their play.
If I get cheesed, I wont GG unless it was a quality cheese. I guess I really do like to be mannered, but overall I just appreciate the play of my opponents a lot. If they beat me, 99% of the time its because they played better than me. So I think they deserve that little bit of gratification at the end.
I've actually had a 2v2 partner and a couple 3v3 partners which I got when I complimented their intense play styles which kicked my ass. So just being a little nice earned me a lot of fun.
Ive been A LOT more active on ladder this season. However, I cant say that good manner is in abundance. The majority of my 1v1s start with "GLHF" from my opponent - but they dont always end with a GG when I win.
Kind of weird that people will be nice and "GLHF" and even sometimes even try to engage in friendly banter but will just leave without the GG.
Overall, I dont really mind if they "GLHF" or "GG" just thought it was funny that people are eagar to be nice at the beginning of games but dont always leave with good manners.
IMO you should only GG if you think it was a "good game". if you get roflstomped, just quit and search for the next game. it was not a gg. unluckily gg has established itself as a thing you have to say to tap out. GG has no meaning anymore... its just something you type...
so i just GG if i feel it was a GG. if not i just write "you win".
Dunno how it goes on on the NA Ladder, but I'm playing on EU and I recieve (and give) a lot of ggs, well wons and what not. Plus I always gl/hf at the beginning of each game. But when I feel like it was just not a gg I either just go g (because it was a game afterall) or ng (for no game). Or i just tab out if I got 6 pooled or some shit like that. Just because I wish my opponnent luck and fun doesn't mean I have to call the game good when I leave, I never understood why just tabing out when the game is lost is bad mannered or not good mannered. I wish you luck and fun at the beginning in the hope that we'll play a good game together, if that does not happen there is no reason for me to gg, has nothing to do with manner imo.
On October 20 2011 19:34 centinel4 wrote: IMO you should only GG if you think it was a "good game". if you get roflstomped, just quit and search for the next game. it was not a gg. unluckily gg has established itself as a thing you have to say to tap out. GG has no meaning anymore... its just something you type...
so i just GG if i feel it was a GG. if not i just write "you win".
saying gg imo is a sign of respect towards your opponent and the game, it doesn't have to mean "a relatively good game, compared to others" imo anygame of starcraft that gets played until there's a clear winner is a good game
On October 20 2011 19:39 nttea wrote:Show nested quote +On October 20 2011 19:34 centinel4 wrote: IMO you should only GG if you think it was a "good game". if you get roflstomped, just quit and search for the next game. it was not a gg. unluckily gg has established itself as a thing you have to say to tap out. GG has no meaning anymore... its just something you type...
so i just GG if i feel it was a GG. if not i just write "you win".
saying gg imo is a sign of respect towards your opponent and the game, it doesn't have to mean "a relatively good game, compared to others" imo anygame of starcraft that gets played until there's a clear winner is a good game 
Yeah, it's become symbolic of the culture. It's an idiomatic way of showing respect.
When someone does something that impresses me I usually comment on it. Like if I'm in a 3v3 one ally gets cannon rushed and me and the other guy wins a 30+ minute war of attricion. I will usually give him somekind of feedback. Or if I'm completely crushed after making no apparent misstake in 1v1. I will only engage in BM if somebody starts it. Since I am a grand master in BM and cannot refuse a challenge ;-)
Personally I actually prefer BM it's kindoff a receipt for superior play. Like I played so good the other guy couldn't stand how inferior he was and had to lash out =) The best BM is when you crush a higher rated player and he resorts to calling you a "your league"-noob it just levitates my boat...
Hehe this was a good read. A good reminder that its up to us if we want to improve the ladder feel.
I have noticed no one lately seems to be "gl hf" at the beggining of the game and I've now stopped doing it myself unless my opponent does it.
Us competitive types are touchy 
For me gg is like tapping out in wrestling, it's just something you do. Not gging is like instead of tapping out you just run away.
I don't always GG. But when I do, I'm winning.
On October 20 2011 19:46 nam nam wrote: For me gg is like tapping out in wrestling, it's just something you do. Not gging is like instead of tapping out you just run away.
Hahaha. This made for a great mental picture.
Always GG if I lose.
GG WP if i got my ass handed to me, or other player made a especially good game, unique or creative.
If they Offensive GG me, I just leave. This has been my policy for years.
i always try to get as big of a mental edge possible on my opponent so my practice is: Opponent gl hf -> i say f*ck you, opponent ggs i pm them after game and say not really lol, I am about to win the game -> offensive gg. This has been my practice since beta and has netted me great succes.
I don't bother with 'glhf' or 'gg' 'manner' on the ladder. With friends sure, or if I actually think it was a good game. Otherwise what's the point?
For all the talk in here, the vast majority of the 'manner' players that say 'glhf' (I just reply 'u2') never 'gg' if they lose, or even worse will rage. There's plenty of 'manner' players that will offensive gg or gloat after the game is over also.
It is always nice when someone one all-ins you, loses, and then compliments you for holding it off. Good manners def make the game more enjoyable; I always start a game with a "glhf" and "how are you?" Most people respond kindly, some tell me to DIAF.
On October 21 2011 01:23 clownfish wrote: i always try to get as big of a mental edge possible on my opponent so my practice is: Opponent gl hf -> i say f*ck you, opponent ggs i pm them after game and say not really lol, I am about to win the game -> offensive gg. This has been my practice since beta and has netted me great succes.
Nice "success" trying to ridicule players you will most likely never play again. Or do you mean success as in helping you in maintaining your delusion?
I honestly can't believe this is a discussion. GLHF/GGGL or the likes at the start, GG at the end. This isn't Xbox Live.
I can appreciate what your trying but alot of what you say just comes across as sarcasm via the internet, personally i find it best to just force myself to type gg, helps me stay calm and focus for next game.
I borderline despise the "manner" aspect of this game. I'm not saying that we should all rage at each other but I see absolutely no reason to ever say anything to your opponent at the start or end of a game. This is a competition for me, I dont want you to have any luck and your happiness with the match matters little to me as well.
Furthermore, I can't believe that the terms have caught on like they have. You can't be "bad manner" or "good manner"...... You can be poorly mannered or well mannered if you wish, but not the former.... Ugh, end rant :/
i dont say glhf, but gghf. i dont want him to be lucky^^
and i gg in 99% of my games. the last 1% is the games where i am really really upset of myself not being able to stop a cheese from my opponent^^
It seems like being "neutral" bad manner is much easier now, what with the "block messages from non-friends" option. Some people dont say a word, and you can't even gg after the game
Copy pasting the conversation instead of taking a screenshot, because it´s easier.
Erewien: this is zerg. Erewien: you have no macro, just a move blings. Erewien: i hope your mother dies Erewien has reconnected. You: Look at the replay, you had it won Erewien: ye sure Erewien: muta play shouldnt be allowed to win from there You: Well, you messed up and lost lots of scvs to a counter get sensor towers ―――――――――――――――― Erewien: cant leave there whole army to defend third.. You: Also, you had scattered supply depots instead of a full wall And no of course you cant leave your whole army, but with a sensor tower you know how much I have there And you can move units from your rally point Erewien: how u mean that with that wall You: just wall of the entire path to the bottom right expo with depots and a bunker or two behind so my banelings have to hit the wall and cant reach the bunker / scvs Erewien: hm You: And get a sensor tower, there is no reason not to Also since you push to the north your rally point might as well be to where you are vulnerable to counter attacks which is your third. Your natural has a full wall you can raise at any time, Erewien: k thanks for info  You: and youre pushing to the north so counter attacks are less dangerous from there
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/WgtMX.jpg)
After I gg'd, we chat few lines. His compliment on my good macro (4base vs. 4base before his last push) made me smile. I've always struggled TvZ and felt that I needed to rely on 2base semiallins. This time I had picked up a build from MKP which felt really fluent and I could keep up with zerg in macrogame.
I always try to gg after a game, and the more infuriated I am with a loss, the more that I force myself to say wp. Why? Because my anger is just telling me that I felt hopeless in a situation, that I couldn't do anything in order to stop what he was doing. Whether It's a strat that I think is particularily irritating (spinewall/muta--->BL/infestor), or an all in I couldn't stop, the more rage that fills me towards the end of a game, the more I try to be kind.
For two reasons. First, it diffuses some anger, and secondly, theyre doing something right to get me angry like that (obvs if theyre not actually bming me or anything)
waht the fuck is wrong with just saying 'gg' and leaving the game?
On April 04 2012 04:54 vOdToasT wrote:Copy pasting the conversation instead of taking a screenshot, because it´s easier. Erewien: this is zerg. Erewien: you have no macro, just a move blings. Erewien: i hope your mother dies Erewien has reconnected. You: Look at the replay, you had it won Erewien: ye sure Erewien: muta play shouldnt be allowed to win from there You: Well, you messed up and lost lots of scvs to a counter get sensor towers ―――――――――――――――― Erewien: cant leave there whole army to defend third.. You: Also, you had scattered supply depots instead of a full wall And no of course you cant leave your whole army, but with a sensor tower you know how much I have there And you can move units from your rally point Erewien: how u mean that with that wall You: just wall of the entire path to the bottom right expo with depots and a bunker or two behind so my banelings have to hit the wall and cant reach the bunker / scvs Erewien: hm You: And get a sensor tower, there is no reason not to Also since you push to the north your rally point might as well be to where you are vulnerable to counter attacks which is your third. Your natural has a full wall you can raise at any time, Erewien: k thanks for info  You: and youre pushing to the north so counter attacks are less dangerous from there
HAHAHA he tells you he hopes your mother dies and you help him? oh wow.. guess what he learned from that: "damn, better tell some other people that i hope their mother dies so they help me : )"
what you should do if someone is being an asshole is to tell them to go fuck themselves. acting like that -> negative reaction. don't fucking try to be their friend. thats not 'good manner' thats just laughable.
I'd love to be mannered like that but everytime I lose to thor/banshee all-in I wanna punch somebody
"gg wp you deserve this win"
My friends and I have gone through this soooo many times. We made it the 100 games good manner challenge back when there were threads like 100 game 4 gate where you do nothing but 4 gates for 100 games (includes six pools, 2 rax all in etc).
For 100 games, my friends and I had to accept our defeat and surrender by saying "gg well played you deserve this win" NO MATTER WHAT THEY DO. It can be a macro game, a cheese, a rush, an all in, from canon rushes to six pools to proxies whatever it is, we must surrender by doing the saying. it was actually very funny. Some people responded with a "thank you"
On April 04 2012 05:37 willverrecken wrote: waht the fuck is wrong with just saying 'gg' and leaving the game?
Nothing is wrong with it. That is a very acceptable way to post. I think your missing the point of the OP. He is saying that because he has seen such a vast amount of BM. He thinks it is a nice chance to GM the opponent. Of course it isn't needed. Its just something different it you are like some of the people who take joy in making other people happy. For instance if I read this and got six-pooled instead of getting upset. I could tell him, "Caught me off guard! Nice one!" then afterwards even if the opponent thinks your sarcastic you still are happier and feel good about yourself. And I dunno what the unnecessary vulgarity in your post is about. Saying "what's wrong with saying gg and leaving?" would have gotten your point across without giving a negative image to everyone who reads your post. Unless I suppose that's the image your trying to give off to people.
How can you have any manner good or bad
User was warned for this post
I always gg every game regardless of how I lost.
If they did something I have never seen before, I let them know it's good.
On April 04 2012 05:47 Nizzy wrote: How can you have any manner good or bad
BM in the GM thread? We knew B.net would be down today for the ladder lock.
On April 04 2012 05:47 Nizzy wrote: How can you have any manner good or bad
Dude you should seriously erase this post before you get a temp ban. I dunno how you could have so many posts on TL and still deem this as an acceptable post.
I only GG when it was a legit good game.. real good battles, close game.. I dont consider 20 min sitting in your base then moving out to get roflstomped to be a good game, neither do i think cheeses are. in short when i find my play failing to match my opponent it wasnt really a game, it was a massacre.
I do always say Gl / glhf tho
On April 04 2012 05:52 skatbone wrote:Show nested quote +On April 04 2012 05:47 Nizzy wrote: How can you have any manner good or bad
WC3 WENT DOWN WE WENT TO US.WEST I FUCKING HATE GAMES TODAY BM in the GM thread? We knew B.net would be down today for the ladder lock.
Really? Since when do they shut it down for the entire day?
o.o very frustrated, I don't get to play anymore working 60+ hours a week since I grad in Dec. Finally a day off and ITS DOWN THE WHOLE DAY? Just disappoint. Don't know why I try playing this game anymore.
As far as the BM/GM I rarely even type anymore. Just say GG at the end no biggie. I'm over it
On April 04 2012 04:54 vOdToasT wrote:Copy pasting the conversation instead of taking a screenshot, because it´s easier. Erewien: this is zerg. Erewien: you have no macro, just a move blings. Erewien: i hope your mother dies Erewien has reconnected. You: Look at the replay, you had it won Erewien: ye sure Erewien: muta play shouldnt be allowed to win from there You: Well, you messed up and lost lots of scvs to a counter get sensor towers ―――――――――――――――― Erewien: cant leave there whole army to defend third.. You: Also, you had scattered supply depots instead of a full wall And no of course you cant leave your whole army, but with a sensor tower you know how much I have there And you can move units from your rally point Erewien: how u mean that with that wall You: just wall of the entire path to the bottom right expo with depots and a bunker or two behind so my banelings have to hit the wall and cant reach the bunker / scvs Erewien: hm You: And get a sensor tower, there is no reason not to Also since you push to the north your rally point might as well be to where you are vulnerable to counter attacks which is your third. Your natural has a full wall you can raise at any time, Erewien: k thanks for info  You: and youre pushing to the north so counter attacks are less dangerous from there
Nice! and thanks for the thread bump =] love this one
I will also try to do this. Most of the time I just leave, or get so frustrated I type the word "lol fuck" or any variation. Will try my hardest to do so. Only gripe would be that I have to actually adapt this mindset so I say it AND feel it instead of saying it and feeling like I want to kill my opponent. Will work on that too.
For some reason everytime I say glhf, I seem to lose, so I dont say it before games, however I will always gg out. I notice the highest league you get, the more prone you are to getting BM or a reaction at all.
The best good manner I've ever got are from Zergs after my one base timing push which killed it with minimal losses and I got "gg wp nice build" a couple of times. Another where the person made a comment on how cloes the game was before "ggs!" Most of the time it's usually "WOW TERRAN IMBA" "GO **** YOURSELF" "IM REPORTING YOU" or "wow have fun staying in x league forever"
Gentlemen (and ladies) always GM.
We have this game in common (and share the passion for it) and may even be friends IRL so treat your opponent with respect.
No mercy ingame but honor and respect outside of the game.
I don't really like this emphasis on good manner. I just act normal, I say things that I mean. At the beginning of the game I don't say anything b/c I always micro my drones to get 2 on the closes patches and I'm not skilled enough to type to the opponent and still do that. If they said glhf to me then I'll usually say hf after I finish microing my drones. Because in all honesty, I don't actually want them to have good luck. At the end, if they all in, I just leave, I don't BM, I just leave. I don't say gg if I didn't actually thing it was a good game, to me that is actually lying. If I play a game and they beat me straight up I always say ggwp because they actually played well. If I played bad and lose, I don't say gg because it wasn't actually a good game. Same if I win and they played really bad or I played bad and still won, I won't say gg. I pretty much only say stuff I mean. I don't like a system where if you aren't specific "good mannered" you are bm. I'm just a normal guy, not nice not mean, just playing a game , I'm not going to go out of my way to make some random stranger feel better or worse about his skill in a video game.
On April 04 2012 05:57 NinjaMagic wrote: I only GG when it was a legit good game.. real good battles, close game.. I dont consider 20 min sitting in your base then moving out to get roflstomped to be a good game, neither do i think cheeses are. in short when i find my play failing to match my opponent it wasnt really a game, it was a massacre.
I do always say Gl / glhf tho
GG is no more an actual tell of a "good game" then lol is a tell that the person is physically laughing out loud.
GG is about respect. Respect for yourself that you aren't going to get all flustered when you lose in a way you didn't like, and respect for your opponent that no matter what he did, he beat you fair and square.
If GG was actually only said during a "good game" then many pros wouldn't GG all the time. Because many times they lose to allins.
I'm not saying your method is a terrible method. But I am saying not GGing your opponent (to me) is a slap in the face to your opponent and it's upsetting when your the winner in the "massacre" scenario you described and the other person doesn't acknowledge that and just leaves without GGing. And you'll find yourself getting less frustrated too when you can GG any scenario (even a 6pooler) and leave. At least for me it gives me a very nice sense of self-respect to be able to maintain calm and GG just as I always would.
On April 04 2012 06:03 EienShinwa wrote: I will also try to do this. Most of the time I just leave, or get so frustrated I type the word "lol fuck" or any variation. Will try my hardest to do so. Only gripe would be that I have to actually adapt this mindset so I say it AND feel it instead of saying it and feeling like I want to kill my opponent. Will work on that too.
LOL at "lol fuck" ^^
Every single game I say GG... I said GG every single game in BW as well ;p, and every game in LoL...
I think that for me saying GG is too engraved into me, one time I was going into a custom game against the AI to test something and at the start of the game I said GL HF... ;p
The only time I go super manner is when I play someone in which the game is really close and so it will help me because it means that I can play them again, it also lets me practice my off races as I like to off race but I hate doing it on ladder ;p
I've recently realized that the only manner place on ladder is top 25 masters and up. Not to say it is without exception but instead that the majority of the people are manner as opposed to the minority in any other league and rank. The manner increases as you go up the ladder. top 8 are all robots. they play too many games to be bm.
On April 04 2012 06:17 udai wrote: I've recently realized that the only manner place on ladder is top 25 masters and up. Not to say it is without exception but instead that the majority of the people are manner as opposed to the minority in any other league and rank. The manner increases as you go up the ladder. top 8 are all robots. they play too many games to be bm.
I think this is not because they are robots but shows that they have a mindest of trying to improve from their losses and not saying "FUCK YOU I WAS OBVIOUSLY THE BETTER PLAYER" *alt+f4*
what about the "fuck i messed up, u still suck, gg"
On April 04 2012 06:13 Berailfor wrote:Show nested quote +On April 04 2012 05:57 NinjaMagic wrote: I only GG when it was a legit good game.. real good battles, close game.. I dont consider 20 min sitting in your base then moving out to get roflstomped to be a good game, neither do i think cheeses are. in short when i find my play failing to match my opponent it wasnt really a game, it was a massacre.
I do always say Gl / glhf tho GG is no more an actual tell of a "good game" then lol is a tell that the person is physically laughing out loud. GG is about respect. Respect for yourself that you aren't going to get all flustered when you lose in a way you didn't like, and respect for your opponent that no matter what he did, he beat you fair and square. If GG was actually only said during a "good game" then many pros wouldn't GG all the time. Because many times they lose to allins. I'm not saying your method is a terrible method. But I am saying not GGing your opponent (to me) is a slap in the face to your opponent and it's upsetting when your the winner in the "massacre" scenario you described and the other person doesn't acknowledge that and just leaves without GGing. And you'll find yourself getting less frustrated too when you can GG any scenario (even a 6pooler) and leave. At least for me it gives me a very nice sense of self-respect to be able to maintain calm and GG just as I always would.
Dont get me wrong, when I lose like that I shrug it off and que up another game. And yes I understand some people like to use it for "respecting your opponent". I do respect my opponent, I just dont feel its neccesary for me to write stuff I dont mean, which is how I roll in life generally.
Sometimes when I leave without gging they msg me afterwards wondering why no gg, and I tell them my view on the whole GG thing. 50% of the time, every time, they agree and say they dont really mean it, its just a habit of theirs.
Now that NA seems to be back online, I'll dig up some manner. Will edit it in.
EDIT: Such good sportsmanship, from an opponent who should have beaten me in this particular game, but for a snipe on the third nexus and one truly bad engagement. With all due respect, I will protect their anonymity, somewhat.
+ Show Spoiler +
On April 04 2012 06:17 udai wrote: top 8 are all robots. they play too many games to be bm.
I lol'ed at this.
On April 04 2012 06:35 NinjaMagic wrote:Show nested quote +On April 04 2012 06:13 Berailfor wrote:On April 04 2012 05:57 NinjaMagic wrote: I only GG when it was a legit good game.. real good battles, close game.. I dont consider 20 min sitting in your base then moving out to get roflstomped to be a good game, neither do i think cheeses are. in short when i find my play failing to match my opponent it wasnt really a game, it was a massacre.
I do always say Gl / glhf tho GG is no more an actual tell of a "good game" then lol is a tell that the person is physically laughing out loud. GG is about respect. Respect for yourself that you aren't going to get all flustered when you lose in a way you didn't like, and respect for your opponent that no matter what he did, he beat you fair and square. If GG was actually only said during a "good game" then many pros wouldn't GG all the time. Because many times they lose to allins. I'm not saying your method is a terrible method. But I am saying not GGing your opponent (to me) is a slap in the face to your opponent and it's upsetting when your the winner in the "massacre" scenario you described and the other person doesn't acknowledge that and just leaves without GGing. And you'll find yourself getting less frustrated too when you can GG any scenario (even a 6pooler) and leave. At least for me it gives me a very nice sense of self-respect to be able to maintain calm and GG just as I always would. Dont get me wrong, when I lose like that I shrug it off and que up another game. And yes I understand some people like to use it for "respecting your opponent". I do respect my opponent, I just dont feel its neccesary for me to write stuff I dont mean, which is how I roll in life generally. Sometimes when I leave without gging they msg me afterwards wondering why no gg, and I tell them my view on the whole GG thing. 50% of the time, every time, they agree and say they dont really mean it, its just a habit of theirs.
I agree with you. I only say gg if I feel it was actually a good game. I mean....that's what gg means, good game. I often will not gg if my opponent all-ins me. It's not because I think my opponent did something cheap or abusive. It's because I failed. I lost to something that I shouldn't have. I did not play well, the game wasn't hard fought or fun, I just got rolled. It's not bm, it's just true. It wasn't a gg.
I don't see why it has to be bm if someone does not say gg.
When i first looked at the pictures i though that it was responses from people you met on ladder and i thought it was fake ^^ Sad huh? :D
I never BM, most of my games i say gg but not always. Sometimes i even say gg wp. Sadly the higher you get in ladder the more BM people are, i guess there is a turning point somewhere in master league.
i have begun to gg every game, even if i fuck up badly/die to cheese, even throwing in some ggwps. I think this has helped my attitude of laddering and makes it easier to learn from my losses instead of being one of the sad people who need to bm on sc2 every time they lose
To be honest it feels like everyone is overplaying the BM they receive on ladder. I'm in platinum on the EU server.
I "gl hf" at the start of every game. I "gg wp" before leaving after every loss. I "ty gg" every time my opponent says gg to me.
Almost all of my opponents type gl hf or something similiar at the start and most of them gg before they leave. I get BM on ladder maybe once in every 20 games.
Maybe I'm just biased or my league is more mannered than every other league but I find it hard to believe that people are getting BM almost every game without having been BM themselves first.
I'm joining this camp. My rage was getting to the point that I actually broke a mug against my wall due to losing 3 games in a row to the same player on ladder. Cleaning up the mess I made I realized how foolish I was being.
Whenever I play mech vs protoss or zerg in a macro game they always bm me. Almost in all circumstances. Which is all of my games.
Or just leave the game. This isnt candyland and no one expects it to be.
On April 04 2012 06:14 NexUmbra wrote:Show nested quote +On April 04 2012 06:03 EienShinwa wrote: I will also try to do this. Most of the time I just leave, or get so frustrated I type the word "lol fuck" or any variation. Will try my hardest to do so. Only gripe would be that I have to actually adapt this mindset so I say it AND feel it instead of saying it and feeling like I want to kill my opponent. Will work on that too. LOL at "lol fuck" ^^ Every single game I say GG... I said GG every single game in BW as well ;p, and every game in LoL... I think that for me saying GG is too engraved into me, one time I was going into a custom game against the AI to test something and at the start of the game I said GL HF... ;p The only time I go super manner is when I play someone in which the game is really close and so it will help me because it means that I can play them again, it also lets me practice my off races as I like to off race but I hate doing it on ladder ;p
Holy shit you are like Mother Teresa of SCII. In Brood War I always GGed, simply for the fact that I could easily understand my losses and see that they won in a perfectly fair and balanced way. In SCII it will sometimes annoy and frustrate the hell out of me to lose a game where I felt like I played very well (until the point where I got roflstomped) and not understand what I did wrong even when I watch the replay, besides the "I shouldn't have engaged here." But that is neither here nor there. Love that attitude you have. I wish more people have it, then maybe I'll enjoy ladder more. Will try to gl hf every game starting and gg at the end of every game!
On April 04 2012 06:48 NinjaTrout wrote:Show nested quote +On April 04 2012 06:35 NinjaMagic wrote:On April 04 2012 06:13 Berailfor wrote:On April 04 2012 05:57 NinjaMagic wrote: I only GG when it was a legit good game.. real good battles, close game.. I dont consider 20 min sitting in your base then moving out to get roflstomped to be a good game, neither do i think cheeses are. in short when i find my play failing to match my opponent it wasnt really a game, it was a massacre.
I do always say Gl / glhf tho GG is no more an actual tell of a "good game" then lol is a tell that the person is physically laughing out loud. GG is about respect. Respect for yourself that you aren't going to get all flustered when you lose in a way you didn't like, and respect for your opponent that no matter what he did, he beat you fair and square. If GG was actually only said during a "good game" then many pros wouldn't GG all the time. Because many times they lose to allins. I'm not saying your method is a terrible method. But I am saying not GGing your opponent (to me) is a slap in the face to your opponent and it's upsetting when your the winner in the "massacre" scenario you described and the other person doesn't acknowledge that and just leaves without GGing. And you'll find yourself getting less frustrated too when you can GG any scenario (even a 6pooler) and leave. At least for me it gives me a very nice sense of self-respect to be able to maintain calm and GG just as I always would. Dont get me wrong, when I lose like that I shrug it off and que up another game. And yes I understand some people like to use it for "respecting your opponent". I do respect my opponent, I just dont feel its neccesary for me to write stuff I dont mean, which is how I roll in life generally. Sometimes when I leave without gging they msg me afterwards wondering why no gg, and I tell them my view on the whole GG thing. 50% of the time, every time, they agree and say they dont really mean it, its just a habit of theirs. I agree with you. I only say gg if I feel it was actually a good game. I mean....that's what gg means, good game. I often will not gg if my opponent all-ins me. It's not because I think my opponent did something cheap or abusive. It's because I failed. I lost to something that I shouldn't have. I did not play well, the game wasn't hard fought or fun, I just got rolled. It's not bm, it's just true. It wasn't a gg. I don't see why it has to be bm if someone does not say gg.
Because it is simply what is done, it's like how when you are talking to a teacher you call them Mr. Whatever
Let's say I call my teacher Mr. Davis, this is meant to show respect to him however lets say he is a complete and utter shitbag, in this case I don't proceed to call him Andrew(his first name) same with GG, even if it was a GG or not it is still said.
gg is not a declarative sentence, an assessment or you or your opponent's skill level, or your judgement whether the game was close. It's an action. Technically it would be an Illocutionary speach act, but I only took one semester of linguistics.
If you grew up playing sports, 'good game' is the american convention. Usually accompanied by a handshake. It doesn't matter if you won 10 goals to 1 because that's not the point. It's roughly equivalent to not shaking your opponents hand at a LAN event -- not a HUGE deal, but deliberately rude.
It's not just a starcraft thing either: http://www.flickr.com/photos/wwworks/3434735884/
gg + leave - when the game was good, gratz! + leave - when you lose, the game was bad, but you still want to be mannered wp + leave - when he played well never ragequit / leave without words.
On April 04 2012 07:32 JackDT wrote:gg is not a declarative sentence, an assessment or you or your opponent's skill level, or your judgement whether the game was close. It's an action. Technically it would be an Illocutionary speach act, but I only took one semester of linguistics. If you grew up playing sports, 'good game' is the american convention. Usually accompanied by a handshake. It doesn't matter if you won 10 goals to 1 because that's not the point. It's roughly equivalent to not shaking your opponents hand at a LAN event -- not a HUGE deal, but deliberately rude. It's not just a starcraft thing either: http://www.flickr.com/photos/wwworks/3434735884/
After reading this I decided to google what an Illocutionary speech act was and on wikipedia I found this hilarious, but I don't if this is just my lack of sleep XD
In uttering the locution "Is there any salt?" at the dinner table, one may thereby perform the illocutionary act of requesting salt, as well as the distinct locutionary act of uttering the interrogatory sentence about the presence of salt, and the further perlocutionary act of causing somebody to hand one the salt.
i love it when people get mad... does this make a bad person lol
On April 04 2012 07:26 NexUmbra wrote:Show nested quote +On April 04 2012 06:48 NinjaTrout wrote:On April 04 2012 06:35 NinjaMagic wrote:On April 04 2012 06:13 Berailfor wrote:On April 04 2012 05:57 NinjaMagic wrote: I only GG when it was a legit good game.. real good battles, close game.. I dont consider 20 min sitting in your base then moving out to get roflstomped to be a good game, neither do i think cheeses are. in short when i find my play failing to match my opponent it wasnt really a game, it was a massacre.
I do always say Gl / glhf tho GG is no more an actual tell of a "good game" then lol is a tell that the person is physically laughing out loud. GG is about respect. Respect for yourself that you aren't going to get all flustered when you lose in a way you didn't like, and respect for your opponent that no matter what he did, he beat you fair and square. If GG was actually only said during a "good game" then many pros wouldn't GG all the time. Because many times they lose to allins. I'm not saying your method is a terrible method. But I am saying not GGing your opponent (to me) is a slap in the face to your opponent and it's upsetting when your the winner in the "massacre" scenario you described and the other person doesn't acknowledge that and just leaves without GGing. And you'll find yourself getting less frustrated too when you can GG any scenario (even a 6pooler) and leave. At least for me it gives me a very nice sense of self-respect to be able to maintain calm and GG just as I always would. Dont get me wrong, when I lose like that I shrug it off and que up another game. And yes I understand some people like to use it for "respecting your opponent". I do respect my opponent, I just dont feel its neccesary for me to write stuff I dont mean, which is how I roll in life generally. Sometimes when I leave without gging they msg me afterwards wondering why no gg, and I tell them my view on the whole GG thing. 50% of the time, every time, they agree and say they dont really mean it, its just a habit of theirs. I agree with you. I only say gg if I feel it was actually a good game. I mean....that's what gg means, good game. I often will not gg if my opponent all-ins me. It's not because I think my opponent did something cheap or abusive. It's because I failed. I lost to something that I shouldn't have. I did not play well, the game wasn't hard fought or fun, I just got rolled. It's not bm, it's just true. It wasn't a gg. I don't see why it has to be bm if someone does not say gg. Because it is simply what is done, it's like how when you are talking to a teacher you call them Mr. Whatever Let's say I call my teacher Mr. Davis, this is meant to show respect to him however lets say he is a complete and utter shitbag, in this case I don't proceed to call him Andrew(his first name) same with GG, even if it was a GG or not it is still said. I just don't like that logic. I think that if you say something you should mean it IMHO. It kinda of takes away from gg if you say it all the time without meaning it. Not that I think people who do gg after every game are "killing esports." I appreciate people trying to be friendly. Nor do I think that people who don't gg after every game are heros. If you really wanted to say something after every game, I feel like it should be more like "fun playing with you," if you really did have fun, but you only say gg if it was (or at least you thought it was) a good game.
And as far as your teacher analogy goes, I'll be honest. I am guilty of calling a teacher mister as a sign of respect, even if they were an utter shitbag, but I only do that because I would get in trouble if I didn't. Unfortunately there are consequences for not following societal customs (as much as I disagree with them). If Blizzard threatened to ban my account if I didn't gg after every game, I would gg :p
Just my opinion. Take it as you will :D
Edit: I agree with what Apolo said a few posts ago. That makes more sense to me.
Looking at that pic with the SCVs attacking your hatch, I applaud your extreme patience as that kind of all-in gets a gamequit with no GG at BEST, I don't even want to repeat what I'd say if I were in a bad mood going into that game.
Good for you, man. Excellent precedent you're setting.
On April 04 2012 07:42 NinjaTrout wrote:Show nested quote +On April 04 2012 07:26 NexUmbra wrote:On April 04 2012 06:48 NinjaTrout wrote:On April 04 2012 06:35 NinjaMagic wrote:On April 04 2012 06:13 Berailfor wrote:On April 04 2012 05:57 NinjaMagic wrote: I only GG when it was a legit good game.. real good battles, close game.. I dont consider 20 min sitting in your base then moving out to get roflstomped to be a good game, neither do i think cheeses are. in short when i find my play failing to match my opponent it wasnt really a game, it was a massacre.
I do always say Gl / glhf tho GG is no more an actual tell of a "good game" then lol is a tell that the person is physically laughing out loud. GG is about respect. Respect for yourself that you aren't going to get all flustered when you lose in a way you didn't like, and respect for your opponent that no matter what he did, he beat you fair and square. If GG was actually only said during a "good game" then many pros wouldn't GG all the time. Because many times they lose to allins. I'm not saying your method is a terrible method. But I am saying not GGing your opponent (to me) is a slap in the face to your opponent and it's upsetting when your the winner in the "massacre" scenario you described and the other person doesn't acknowledge that and just leaves without GGing. And you'll find yourself getting less frustrated too when you can GG any scenario (even a 6pooler) and leave. At least for me it gives me a very nice sense of self-respect to be able to maintain calm and GG just as I always would. Dont get me wrong, when I lose like that I shrug it off and que up another game. And yes I understand some people like to use it for "respecting your opponent". I do respect my opponent, I just dont feel its neccesary for me to write stuff I dont mean, which is how I roll in life generally. Sometimes when I leave without gging they msg me afterwards wondering why no gg, and I tell them my view on the whole GG thing. 50% of the time, every time, they agree and say they dont really mean it, its just a habit of theirs. I agree with you. I only say gg if I feel it was actually a good game. I mean....that's what gg means, good game. I often will not gg if my opponent all-ins me. It's not because I think my opponent did something cheap or abusive. It's because I failed. I lost to something that I shouldn't have. I did not play well, the game wasn't hard fought or fun, I just got rolled. It's not bm, it's just true. It wasn't a gg. I don't see why it has to be bm if someone does not say gg. Because it is simply what is done, it's like how when you are talking to a teacher you call them Mr. Whatever Let's say I call my teacher Mr. Davis, this is meant to show respect to him however lets say he is a complete and utter shitbag, in this case I don't proceed to call him Andrew(his first name) same with GG, even if it was a GG or not it is still said. I just don't like that logic. I think that if you say something you should mean it IMHO. It kinda of takes away from gg if you say it all the time without meaning it. Not that I think people who do gg after every game are "killing esports." I appreciate people trying to be friendly. Nor do I think that people who don't gg after every game are heros. If you really wanted to say something after every game, I feel like it should be more like "fun playing with you," if you really did have fun, but you only say gg if it was (or at least you thought it was) a good game. And as far as your teacher analogy goes, I'll be honest. I am guilty of calling a teacher mister as a sign of respect, even if they were an utter shitbag, but I only do that because I would get in trouble if I didn't. Unfortunately there are consequences for not following societal customs (as much as I disagree with them). If Blizzard threatened to ban my account if I didn't gg after every game, I would gg :p Just my opinion. Take it as you will :D Edit: I agree with what Apolo said a few posts ago. That makes more sense to me.
When I see someone type gg to me I don't think "Wow, he must have thought that was a good game!". I think he's congratulating me on my win and respecting me as a player. It doesn't matter what your personal opinion on when someone should gg and what it means is. The vast majority of people are going to interpret the gg the same way.
If you think someone played exceptionally well or did something impressive. Typing "gg" or "gg wp" will never be enough to convey your feelings. The best way to show someone you liked what they did is to type a short message about it and compliment them. Typing "gg" is just about respecting your opponent and nothing more.
I always complement them if they did something impressive. Like the other day, this Terran kept using vikings and scans to kill off my obs so he could cloak ghosts and I couldn't really engage. He did it about 4 times, and that's not something you usually see in Diamond. So I told him how sick it was and to keep doing it in the future, since it really hurt.
I always troll/bash/flame people in laddergames when they show this special kind of sensibility. People who get offended by a little trashtalk should stop playing and start working on building their personality. I think threads like this are hilarious.
if someone on ladder would compliment me i would instantly assume its sarcastic, thats just how the ladder is nowadays.
I applauded a guy in a game recently for his reapers hellions drop all-in. never saw it before. seemed right being i was going ling/infestor and roach would be too late
On April 04 2012 07:22 Zoedgy wrote: Or just leave the game. This isnt candyland and no one expects it to be. But Candyland is delicious
28079 Posts
The Korean server has a lot of good manner. Whenever they try and type hangul to me I say not korean, and they end up talking with me in English; they are almost always extremely nice. Except for one time I said not Korean, and he replied "Fuck your mother". LMAO.
On April 04 2012 09:21 TheEmulator wrote: The Korean server has a lot of good manner. Whenever they try and type hangul to me I say not korean, and they end up talking with me in English; they are almost always extremely nice. Except for one time I said not Korean, and he replied "Fuck your mother". LMAO. They're nice to you because foreigner = free win ;D kekeke
Anyways, when I get caught off guard by something (hidden banshees / proxy voids / cheese) I usually say "damn, ya got me" or some similar phrase and gg out ^^
On April 04 2012 09:00 gingerfluffmuff wrote: I always troll/bash/flame people in laddergames when they show this special kind of sensibility. People who get offended by a little trashtalk should stop playing and start working on building their personality. I think threads like this are hilarious.
Strange, when I read posts like this I think people should start working on their personality. The part which makes them not a cockhead specifically.
On August 17 2011 11:47 Ungrateful wrote: The thing is pros no longer play As well mannered so that attitude is trickling down.
Then people need to watch some Sheth and White-Ra 
i support this effort. Lets not be an Orb. Strive to be a better person!
The first one seemed a bit sarcastic, but other than that, well done, i really like this idea. I've been saying GG lately, but I'm going to get into the habit of being even nicer, I'm going to say WP and things like GGGGGGG . I think it really helps with ladder rage and anxiety to make a little joke of it and admit that the guy played well than saying you played like crap, and he played worse, yet, somehow won .
I almost always tried to be manner on ladder whatever happens during the game (be it a 6 pool or a cannon rush). I find it helps me to stay calm, feel in control of myself and the game, and just have fun playing SC2. I usually initiate a mini-chat outside the usual "glhf" as well at the start by saying "hi" asking how they are are or how their laddering is going etc and then wishing them good luck etc. I hear a lot about BM but I rarely run into it - I don't really count quitting a game without a gg as BM.
The only 2 clear cut cases of BM I can recall have been, strangely enough, from fellow Protoss. One abused me for 4 gating him (when I saw his cyber was considerably delayed) and another called me a cheeser for making too many sentries, which meant that his chargelot focussed build was rendered null and void due to lots of FF. Go figure...
Anyway, good manner helps, IMO, in making the game more fun for both you and your opponent.
I don't really care if someone BM's me on ladder. There are only 2 things I get really pissed about: Losses and UNPAUSING THE GAME WHILE I'M AWAY. I'd vote for deathpenalty for such a crime.
Have to say, I've run into some really well-mannered people on the NA ladder recently. Keep it up fellas. Ya making me even prouder to be an American.
On April 04 2012 11:09 CaptainAmerica wrote: Have to say, I've run into some really well-mannered people on the NA ladder recently. Keep it up fellas. Ya making me even prouder to be an American. Appropriate username
12305 Posts
how the hell do you say GG to a cannon rusher D: this is insanity, I am being extremely GM when I just leave the game without any BM to him
On August 17 2011 11:45 All.In wrote: I always gg out of games haha. I don't understand why the bm has gotten so popular. Children these days!
That is just one of the many reasons it is popular to BM on ladder.
i'm so used to players using good manners as a form of passive aggression. usually its like a gg wp after a 111 or successful bunker rush.
I consider whoever says gg wp is manner, gg is fine but wp makes me feel better cuz that mean I definitely played well.
i have amuch easier time analyzing what i did wrong when i am mannered, it keeps your mind clear in stead of blinded by rage
On April 04 2012 13:42 tuho12345 wrote: I consider whoever says gg wp is manner, gg is fine but wp makes me feel better cuz that mean I definitely played well.
I hope you're joking....
I find people who think that "gg" should be some sort of statement of the quality of the game to be hilarious.
In every sport after the game you shake hands and say "good game", regardless of the subjective quality of that game. 12 year old little league baseball players are reprimanded for being "childish" for refusing to do it, and for some reason we're okay with it. It's strange to me.
If I may brag about what a manner-bear I am: Once upon a time, I was laddering and having a pretty decent night. All of a sudden, a wild Zerg player appeared. As soon as I typed "gl hf", he told me about how he was having such rough night and how he had been cheesed several times in a row. I pylon blocked his natural, and he expanded to his 3rd. Without any units to dissuade me, I decided to take a little gamble and try to cannon block his ramp. He saw it a little to late and lost almost everything trying to break my cannons. I proceed to easily win, and when I clean up his army and am ahead in upgrades, bases, workers, everything, he begins to whine about what a bad night he's had. So I left. Hopefully the ladder points were enough to soak up his little Zergy tears
On April 04 2012 13:51 Sc1pio wrote: I find people who think that "gg" should be some sort of statement of the quality of the game to be hilarious.
In every sport after the game you shake hands and say "good game", regardless of the subjective quality of that game. 12 year old little league baseball players are reprimanded for being "childish" for refusing to do it, and for some reason we're okay with it. It's strange to me.
Yup. To me it's the bow you do before and after in karate. gl hf, gg. not hard, not hard at all.
On April 04 2012 07:19 TBone- wrote: Whenever I play mech vs protoss or zerg in a macro game they always bm me. Almost in all circumstances. Which is all of my games.
haha... i "gg" after 95% of games, and only ragequit when I do something so bad I give away the game.... that being said zerg opponents ALWAYS ragequit or shit talk when i mech TvZ.... i have yet to get a gg for those wins. I don't get it, why the BM every single time? zergs help me out here
On April 04 2012 11:09 CaptainAmerica wrote: Have to say, I've run into some really well-mannered people on the NA ladder recently. Keep it up fellas. Ya making me even prouder to be an American.
I play both on NA and EU and maybe it was bad luck but on EU while most often they don't say gg and just leave sometimes with a lil' line of bm, on NA they pm you after to insult you u_u
On April 04 2012 15:25 Jinks28 wrote:Show nested quote +On April 04 2012 07:19 TBone- wrote: Whenever I play mech vs protoss or zerg in a macro game they always bm me. Almost in all circumstances. Which is all of my games. haha... i "gg" after 95% of games, and only ragequit when I do something so bad I give away the game.... that being said zerg opponents ALWAYS ragequit or shit talk when i mech TvZ.... i have yet to get a gg for those wins. I don't get it, why the BM every single time? zergs help me out here
I think it's because a terran mech army can feel invincible from a zerg point of view. Often you can't beat it straight up. You need huge masses of units, extremely good micro/infestor play or constant harassment and counter attacks to wear them down indirectly. For the "masses" strategy you need superior macro, the other strategies require creativity, skill and smarts. In a mental state of tunnel vision resulting from being pissed off after a couple of losses the latter qualities are often lacking. And if you just a-move everything towards the opponent's army and everything seems to evaporate, it's frustrating and feels unfair. (Personally, I don't bm, but I know the frustration.)
To the OP: Very good initiative, it's needed.
I have don that before, if they use a new timing attack (or atleast one I haven't seen before), if they beat me with carriers (have to love them for using carriers :D) or if it was an insane game, that was very well played by both of us (intense game going all the way to late game, with attacking and defending all the time)^^
On April 04 2012 07:41 alpinefpOPP wrote: i love it when people get mad... does this make a bad person lol
Depends. If you did nothing wrong it's just hilarious. I love when ppl bm me on the ladder desperatly trying to find something wrong with my superiority ^^ My personal favorite is when your team of gold 1v1 scrubs beats a team of diamond 1v1 players. Then they call you gold noob even if you master league in XvX ^^ Add to that the fact that they got beaten by gold noobs. It's just so illogical it totally cracks me up =) I also love when they challenge you to a 1v1 as if that would prove how good you are in team play or erase the defeat from reality...
I almost never gg btw. It's my personal oppinion that automated responses mean nothing. It's like a sign that says welcome or a corporate answering machine saying your call is really important to us. You really expect me to feel welcome? When you can't even be bothered to say it. To feel important? When you won't even pick up the phone. So saying gg every game is exactly the same as just quiting.
However if someone plays a good game I will give them a personalized moral booster pertaining to the game in question. Which people really appreciate judging from the replies I get...
Ps. I hate ppl who bm and then ignores you. The weakest minded fukin cowards on the internet...
On April 04 2012 15:53 oZe wrote:Show nested quote +On April 04 2012 07:41 alpinefpOPP wrote: i love it when people get mad... does this make a bad person lol Depends. If you did nothing wrong it's just hilarious. I love when ppl bm me on the ladder desperatly trying to find something wrong with my superiority ^^ My personal favorite is when your team of gold 1v1 scrubs beats a team of diamond 1v1 players. Then they call you gold noob even if you master league in XvX ^^ Add to that the fact that they got beaten by gold noobs. It's just so illogical it totally cracks me up =) I also love when they challenge you to a 1v1 as if that would prove how good you are in team play or erase the defeat from reality... I almost never gg btw. It's my personal oppinion that automated responses mean nothing. It's like a sign that says welcome or a corporate answering machine saying your call is really important to us. You really expect me to feel welcome? When you can't even be bothered to say it. To feel important? When you won't even pick up the phone. So saying gg every game is exactly the same as just quiting. However if someone plays a good game I will give them a personalized moral booster pertaining to the game in question. Which people really appreciate judging from the replies I get... Ps. I hate ppl who bm and then ignores you. The weakest minded fukin cowards on the internet...
Whoa buddy watch the language
hmm i dont gg to cheese because it is not a good game in my book, that is all.
On April 04 2012 15:25 Jinks28 wrote:Show nested quote +On April 04 2012 07:19 TBone- wrote: Whenever I play mech vs protoss or zerg in a macro game they always bm me. Almost in all circumstances. Which is all of my games. haha... i "gg" after 95% of games, and only ragequit when I do something so bad I give away the game.... that being said zerg opponents ALWAYS ragequit or shit talk when i mech TvZ.... i have yet to get a gg for those wins. I don't get it, why the BM every single time? zergs help me out here
Mech is strong. Very strong. When you lose to it, it seems unbeatable. So you BM because you don't know what else to do. That would be my guess.
I somewhat agreee with the "gg is an autmated response, it means nothing". But just like saying good morning to everyone when entering an office in the morning, it is a social convention. And I like the loosing player to show he is not an angry kid overflown with rage, bashing his keyboard. People who have the mentality to type gg after every loss do not make for "angry keyboard bashing kids" in my eyes.
Personally I really recently tried to implement gg in all of my losses. I found it really hard. When cannon rushed 3 times in a row (yes, I was like "they cannot be doing it again, can they?") it was hard to calmly say GoodGame and mean it. And when I finally made it I felt much more calm and collected afterwards. I mean, after all they played better, exploiting my lack of scouting. Gratz to them!
For me, when I play a really nice game it's the gg wp that signifies it. I rarely say wp and for me it should stay that way for "everyone". GG as a social convention and WP as a sign that you feel the other player really did something amazing.
On April 04 2012 16:51 nastyyy wrote:Show nested quote +On April 04 2012 15:25 Jinks28 wrote:On April 04 2012 07:19 TBone- wrote: Whenever I play mech vs protoss or zerg in a macro game they always bm me. Almost in all circumstances. Which is all of my games. haha... i "gg" after 95% of games, and only ragequit when I do something so bad I give away the game.... that being said zerg opponents ALWAYS ragequit or shit talk when i mech TvZ.... i have yet to get a gg for those wins. I don't get it, why the BM every single time? zergs help me out here Mech is strong. Very strong. When you lose to it, it seems unbeatable. So you BM because you don't know what else to do. That would be my guess.
just get roaches, then ill gg
i just played a taiwanese guy and we talked about taylor swift and other pop music.
we gg'd and re'd and talked about what kpop we like and don't like ^^
Bosnia-Herzegovina439 Posts
To say "gg" only counts if you are boiling with anger. Saying it and realizing that its your own fault is worth something . And your opponent is doing you a favor by cheesing you and eventually making you a better player. Saying "gg wp" when you are all flufy and dandy doesn't mean shit - you gotta be fucking angry as hell!!! :D I try to be and actually i am good mannered on ladder but only when it hurts me to say gg i know i am on to something.
I remember back in the days of 1st season I was playing a custom game of pvz and at that time I was experimenting on 6 gate push but found that in low numbers zerg units are better and i cant break spines so I started to play no tech 8-9 gates style with like 12+ senties. In one of the games a zerg complimented me with "this is the most awesome play from a protoss I have seen. How did you get all those units?" I'll see for a screenshot but it was soooo looong agoooo.
On August 17 2011 11:52 cOoLiD wrote: The only people who are ever mannered to me are on the Korean server T.T
This is such a tragedy, if it is true that Koreans are generally more manner than NA/EU I feel so ashamed of my region. Korean servers are undoubtedly the most difficult to play on, but still they are nicer people towards each other? It sounds like they just have a better mindset on all fronts in the game.
I am ashamed to be European in Starcraft.
You know, I saw this and kind of laughed, but I tried it after 2 of my loses today and it actually felt pretty good. I might actually start doing this after every loss.
Maybe this will also increase the number of friends I make after games. I only have a select few friends that I have met on ladder, but they all began with one of us BM'ing at the end of a match then trash talking through chat and eventually talking strategy then proceeding to practice games.
Thank you for this!
gg only means something to me when I can put a face to my opponents. Like a friend or in a tourney setting, but on ladder everyone's just faceless they might as well be computers. In my experience the people who care about gg are just as obnoxious.
On April 04 2012 21:32 duct_TAPE wrote:Show nested quote +On August 17 2011 11:52 cOoLiD wrote: The only people who are ever mannered to me are on the Korean server T.T This is such a tragedy, if it is true that Koreans are generally more manner than NA/EU I feel so ashamed of my region. Korean servers are undoubtedly the most difficult to play on, but still they are nicer people towards each other? It sounds like they just have a better mindset on all fronts in the game. I am ashamed to be European in Starcraft.
What league are you in, I almost never get BM in Platinum EU. If I do it's once in 20 or 30 games and stops almost instantly.
On April 04 2012 05:37 willverrecken wrote:waht the fuck is wrong with just saying 'gg' and leaving the game? Show nested quote +On April 04 2012 04:54 vOdToasT wrote:Copy pasting the conversation instead of taking a screenshot, because it´s easier. Erewien: this is zerg. Erewien: you have no macro, just a move blings. Erewien: i hope your mother dies Erewien has reconnected. You: Look at the replay, you had it won Erewien: ye sure Erewien: muta play shouldnt be allowed to win from there You: Well, you messed up and lost lots of scvs to a counter get sensor towers ―――――――――――――――― Erewien: cant leave there whole army to defend third.. You: Also, you had scattered supply depots instead of a full wall And no of course you cant leave your whole army, but with a sensor tower you know how much I have there And you can move units from your rally point Erewien: how u mean that with that wall You: just wall of the entire path to the bottom right expo with depots and a bunker or two behind so my banelings have to hit the wall and cant reach the bunker / scvs Erewien: hm You: And get a sensor tower, there is no reason not to Also since you push to the north your rally point might as well be to where you are vulnerable to counter attacks which is your third. Your natural has a full wall you can raise at any time, Erewien: k thanks for info  You: and youre pushing to the north so counter attacks are less dangerous from there HAHAHA he tells you he hopes your mother dies and you help him? oh wow.. guess what he learned from that: "damn, better tell some other people that i hope their mother dies so they help me : )" what you should do if someone is being an asshole is to tell them to go fuck themselves. acting like that -> negative reaction. don't fucking try to be their friend. thats not 'good manner' thats just laughable.
It wasn´t really about being nice, I just like knowledge and dislike ignorance. And he was ignorant, so I gave him the truth.
Also, if he didn´t believe that the game was unfair, he wouldn´t have gotten so angry. When I managed to explain to him how he could easily have won that game, he calmed down. He can say whatever he wants to me, I really don´t care. It´s not going to offend me. But his ignorance offended me.
On April 04 2012 16:41 Corsica wrote: hmm i dont gg to cheese because it is not a good game in my book, that is all.
Then say something else to bow out of the game politely
I always gg unless they are rude to me or gg first. I hate it when they gg first because you can`t possibly know if the game is over, I might have DTs incoming or hidden bases. I always use the :D face after my gl hf, it helps me feel not so bad about losing and it makes me feel more relaxed.
I always gg, but only give a wp if I feel my opponent did something spectacular. I expect the same from my opponent. But a few months ago, I switched to random and have found a new level of manner. At first, when I lost with terran (my old main), I would get mad and gg and quit. When I lost with zerg or protoss, I would stay in the game and talk to my opponent. I would ask them what I should have done, other than just improve my macro. It's amazing how many people will give you detailed strategies on how to beat them. It makes sense though; you already know you've won and the dick won't leave the game, and now hes asking you what beats you. You know what beats you and you just smashed this kid, might as well tell him. Because of this I now no longer get angry when I lose with any race. I just get curious and ask my opponent what beats them. Maybe its bad manner to stay in the game after a definite loss, but why not take advantage of the moment? And like I said, most people are more than willing to spill their guts on what beats them. If they are not talkative and are focused on killing all my building, I leave. That being said, I'd like to compliment anyone who stays in the game after a win and will discuss strategy with your defeated opponent. Anyway, give it a try next time, you'll be surprised. Actually listen to them, and you'll be much, much more surprised. By the way, when I made the switch I was gold. I got into platinum within a month.
On April 04 2012 06:13 Berailfor wrote: I'm not saying your method is a terrible method. But I am saying not GGing your opponent (to me) is a slap in the face to your opponent and it's upsetting when your the winner in the "massacre" scenario you described and the other person doesn't acknowledge that and just leaves without GGing. And you'll find yourself getting less frustrated too when you can GG any scenario (even a 6pooler) and leave. At least for me it gives me a very nice sense of self-respect to be able to maintain calm and GG just as I always would. Yeah.
I still sometime whine about balance in the public chat before I leave with no GG. But then I start with much frustration in the next game. When I manage to overcome my anger right within the game I lost and type GG before I leave, it only takes seconds until I noticed why I lost (for example I a-moved my army across the map and didn't notice in time he attacks me, or that I took my third too late, or that I overdroned in the mid-game) and then I start with a calm mind in the next game.
Using manner and show some basic respect to the opponent actually helps me.
I think the whole "gg / rage quitting" concept is futile, it's so overused it became an automatic message and then is meaningless. Even computer says "gg" ... Personnally i just gg when the game was actually a good game, that's all. And it's different from "hi hf" which is a social convention, and then needed. "gg" is a point of view, and if the game wasn't interesting no "gg" that's all. Sometimes some raging nerds insult me because I "rage quit"... So weird.
I always gg, losing to my opponent just means that he played better than me in that best of 1 and i should respect that, no matter what he does to get the win. Respect is a very important thing to have, because the truth is that its what i want from my opponents.
On April 04 2012 15:53 oZe wrote:I almost never gg btw. It's my personal oppinion that automated responses mean nothing. It's like a sign that says welcome or a corporate answering machine saying your call is really important to us. You really expect me to feel welcome? When you can't even be bothered to say it. To feel important? When you won't even pick up the phone. So saying gg every game is exactly the same as just quiting. Stuff like glhf and gg are pretty automated, yeah, so instead, not saying it means something.
Is it okay to not say gg if your opponent say it first, when they're winning? In a way, they said it for you. It's probably better manners to reply with "thanks, gg" though, obviously they are complimenting you on your play when they say gg while winning. But what if they say gg then call you a scrub, and tell you to get out? What then?
And how bm should I be considered, if I yell at my monitor to tell them to get out, but don't actually type anything to them?
On April 04 2012 21:32 duct_TAPE wrote:Show nested quote +On August 17 2011 11:52 cOoLiD wrote: The only people who are ever mannered to me are on the Korean server T.T This is such a tragedy, if it is true that Koreans are generally more manner than NA/EU I feel so ashamed of my region. Korean servers are undoubtedly the most difficult to play on, but still they are nicer people towards each other? It sounds like they just have a better mindset on all fronts in the game. I am ashamed to be European in Starcraft.
I have never been BM'd on Korea by a Korean. I have however been BM'd on Korea by a British person, a few Americans and a Canadian (wtf?)
I dont generally say anything other than GG at the end of my losses, which I do every time I lose. In fact, I dont really say anything at all except for gg, in games. If I want to whine about something I take it up with my friends so they can whine with me. I dont like raging and whining to complete strangers.
ahh its important to be gm. when im pist after a cheese i just put a gg hoping my oponent will catch that it.
On April 04 2012 21:51 RamboxAnyonomos wrote: I always gg, but only give a wp if I feel my opponent did something spectacular. I expect the same from my opponent. But a few months ago, I switched to random and have found a new level of manner. At first, when I lost with terran (my old main), I would get mad and gg and quit. When I lost with zerg or protoss, I would stay in the game and talk to my opponent. I would ask them what I should have done, other than just improve my macro. It's amazing how many people will give you detailed strategies on how to beat them. It makes sense though; you already know you've won and the dick won't leave the game, and now hes asking you what beats you. You know what beats you and you just smashed this kid, might as well tell him. Because of this I now no longer get angry when I lose with any race. I just get curious and ask my opponent what beats them. Maybe its bad manner to stay in the game after a definite loss, but why not take advantage of the moment? And like I said, most people are more than willing to spill their guts on what beats them. If they are not talkative and are focused on killing all my building, I leave. That being said, I'd like to compliment anyone who stays in the game after a win and will discuss strategy with your defeated opponent. Anyway, give it a try next time, you'll be surprised. Actually listen to them, and you'll be much, much more surprised. By the way, when I made the switch I was gold. I got into platinum within a month. That's still like the most annoying thing to me. I'm always so paranoid of "he might be hiding his base somewhere", so I just hunt those people that want to talk at the end of the game even harder and /w after the game.
I never really understand why people BM when they loose. It's so... pointless. I mean loosing is always frustrating, but why take it out on someone else, rather just improve yourself. Only time I don't gg is when someone offensively gg's(and that's time for liftoff into every corner) or bms me in other way(okay and that one time I forgot to gg, still remember it though it's been half a year ). Throw in wp when I feel i just got clearly outclassed or if the opponent did something cute.
I hate when people say "gg wp" when I totally didnt play well. Its either just an automatic response, or they're in denial that they played awful too.
lol sorry to grinch up the thread
I say GG after every loss, because it is a way to control my emotions and just move on to the next game. Once I type GG it gives me closure and I no longer need to think about that game.
I say "gg" everytime before leaving, its like a habit.
and also, i like to "GG WP" when losing to some kind of cheese (ironically ofc).
I'd feel worse inside about complementing someone on something I didn't believe is complement worthy.
To me, ladder Starcraft is like street ball. Anything goes (not literally, but you know what I mean) and I'm here to win. Not make friends, not put on a good show for spectators, not to work on some running routes or defensive plays. I put my forearm on you hard and you better bust your ass to get by me because there's no ref around to call foul.
I never "glhf" and "gg". If people "glhf" me, I do it back in an attempt to throw his guard off into believing that because of my formalities, I won't be early super aggressive or all-in. When I do lose, I leave the game with no gg and if I start typing smack, deal with it - it's part of the game. I already lost - what more do you want? Want some fries with that? How about a blowjob, sir?
On April 05 2012 01:54 Equity213 wrote: I hate when people say "gg wp" when I totally didnt play well. Its either just an automatic response, or they're in denial that they played awful too.
lol sorry to grinch up the thread
no sorries lol. i would agree. think its awesome that the OP is trying to add some class to the ladde but there's really no reason to say anything other than gg when your opponent either did something cheesy or wonky or just plain average. i feel bad for the poor sap who beats you accidentally with something awful and then says to himself "ooooh wp, i'm so good, i should keep doing this awful awful build."
The worst is when you do something stupid, they say you suck, and you can't defend yourself because you just right-clicked your army into their siege line.
On April 05 2012 01:56 Najda wrote: I say GG after every loss, because it is a way to control my emotions and just move on to the next game. Once I type GG it gives me closure and I no longer need to think about that game.
This is so true. Though sometimes when I'm in this beatiful row where you loose to stupid shit 5+ times in a row it becomes really hard to do.
On April 04 2012 21:40 Dujek wrote:Show nested quote +On April 04 2012 21:32 duct_TAPE wrote:On August 17 2011 11:52 cOoLiD wrote: The only people who are ever mannered to me are on the Korean server T.T This is such a tragedy, if it is true that Koreans are generally more manner than NA/EU I feel so ashamed of my region. Korean servers are undoubtedly the most difficult to play on, but still they are nicer people towards each other? It sounds like they just have a better mindset on all fronts in the game. I am ashamed to be European in Starcraft. What league are you in, I almost never get BM in Platinum EU. If I do it's once in 20 or 30 games and stops almost instantly.
I'm in mid masters and people are often BM to me. I have a feeling that they think they're the shit cause of being in masters when it dosn't mean crap, people in masters are awful too and deserve the losses they receive cause their timings are absolute garbage compared to real pro players. They complain about balance/whatever when they don't realise that's not really relevant at all to how they lost the game.
Why do you think pro players realise when they are getting outplayed and say openly in interviews that they couldn't do anything, their opponent was too good. They don't strut around thinking they're the shit and badmouth every player that beats them. Feels funny to say this cause it should be so obvious to everyone.
Yep, always leave with a gg here, cause I lost, so I need to do something different or better to win, and they showed me that. But if they beat me in an awesome way, I will totally congratz them for that. More GG more skill!!!
On August 17 2011 11:38 TheRageKage12 wrote:Hi Everyone, I had an epiphany the other day. So many people bad manners on ladder after they lose, but nobody good manners. I guess it makes sense, it is easier to yell and blame someone for beating you than it is to accept that they played better. So, in an effort to make the ladder a better place, I've decided to end every game I lose with some good manner for my opponent. Thus far, I have 6 instances of good manner: + Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler +Replays: http://www.mediafire.com/?drqka1kc3volxt1Furthermore, I've found myself much more willing to go back and see how I lost after complementing my opponent on a job well done. That might just be a coincidence (or maybe I'm weird). NOTE: Some players may become confused and frightened at the sight of such a rare occurrence of good manner. If they do begin to lash out, calmly explain to them that you meant your complements and that you most definitely aren't trolling. :D i really dont like people like you
jsut because someone is bad mannered doesnt mean there a terrible person that has no feelings and feels there great and the only reason they lsot is cause of some fluke
alot of the time people are bad mannered on ladder because there opponent deserves it by all-innning and doing stupid cheese like blocking the ramp with pylons and stuff like that
On April 05 2012 02:51 Forikorder wrote:Show nested quote +On August 17 2011 11:38 TheRageKage12 wrote:Hi Everyone, I had an epiphany the other day. So many people bad manners on ladder after they lose, but nobody good manners. I guess it makes sense, it is easier to yell and blame someone for beating you than it is to accept that they played better. So, in an effort to make the ladder a better place, I've decided to end every game I lose with some good manner for my opponent. Thus far, I have 6 instances of good manner: + Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler +Replays: http://www.mediafire.com/?drqka1kc3volxt1Furthermore, I've found myself much more willing to go back and see how I lost after complementing my opponent on a job well done. That might just be a coincidence (or maybe I'm weird). NOTE: Some players may become confused and frightened at the sight of such a rare occurrence of good manner. If they do begin to lash out, calmly explain to them that you meant your complements and that you most definitely aren't trolling. :D i really dont like people like you jsut because someone is bad mannered doesnt mean there a terrible person that has no feelings and feels there great and the only reason they lsot is cause of some fluke alot of the time people are bad mannered on ladder because there opponent deserves it by all-innning and doing stupid cheese like blocking the ramp with pylons and stuff like that I really dont like people like you. In my opinion cheeses are valid strategies, pylonblocking not maybe but all-ins aren't bad. They are pretty strong and should always be considered.
On April 05 2012 03:02 GoSuChicken wrote:Show nested quote +On April 05 2012 02:51 Forikorder wrote:On August 17 2011 11:38 TheRageKage12 wrote:Hi Everyone, I had an epiphany the other day. So many people bad manners on ladder after they lose, but nobody good manners. I guess it makes sense, it is easier to yell and blame someone for beating you than it is to accept that they played better. So, in an effort to make the ladder a better place, I've decided to end every game I lose with some good manner for my opponent. Thus far, I have 6 instances of good manner: + Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler +Replays: http://www.mediafire.com/?drqka1kc3volxt1Furthermore, I've found myself much more willing to go back and see how I lost after complementing my opponent on a job well done. That might just be a coincidence (or maybe I'm weird). NOTE: Some players may become confused and frightened at the sight of such a rare occurrence of good manner. If they do begin to lash out, calmly explain to them that you meant your complements and that you most definitely aren't trolling. :D i really dont like people like you jsut because someone is bad mannered doesnt mean there a terrible person that has no feelings and feels there great and the only reason they lsot is cause of some fluke alot of the time people are bad mannered on ladder because there opponent deserves it by all-innning and doing stupid cheese like blocking the ramp with pylons and stuff like that I really dont like people like you. In my opinion cheeses are valid strategies, pylonblocking not maybe but all-ins aren't bad. They are pretty strong and should always be considered. the point of the game is to have fun its no fun being all-inned
On April 05 2012 03:05 Forikorder wrote:Show nested quote +On April 05 2012 03:02 GoSuChicken wrote:On April 05 2012 02:51 Forikorder wrote:On August 17 2011 11:38 TheRageKage12 wrote:Hi Everyone, I had an epiphany the other day. So many people bad manners on ladder after they lose, but nobody good manners. I guess it makes sense, it is easier to yell and blame someone for beating you than it is to accept that they played better. So, in an effort to make the ladder a better place, I've decided to end every game I lose with some good manner for my opponent. Thus far, I have 6 instances of good manner: + Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler +Replays: http://www.mediafire.com/?drqka1kc3volxt1Furthermore, I've found myself much more willing to go back and see how I lost after complementing my opponent on a job well done. That might just be a coincidence (or maybe I'm weird). NOTE: Some players may become confused and frightened at the sight of such a rare occurrence of good manner. If they do begin to lash out, calmly explain to them that you meant your complements and that you most definitely aren't trolling. :D i really dont like people like you jsut because someone is bad mannered doesnt mean there a terrible person that has no feelings and feels there great and the only reason they lsot is cause of some fluke alot of the time people are bad mannered on ladder because there opponent deserves it by all-innning and doing stupid cheese like blocking the ramp with pylons and stuff like that I really dont like people like you. In my opinion cheeses are valid strategies, pylonblocking not maybe but all-ins aren't bad. They are pretty strong and should always be considered. the point of the game is to have fun its no fun being all-inned
executing the all-in, however, can be quite fun.
so we seem to have a contradiction here, for one person to have fun it means his opponent can't?
On April 05 2012 03:05 Forikorder wrote:Show nested quote +On April 05 2012 03:02 GoSuChicken wrote:On April 05 2012 02:51 Forikorder wrote:On August 17 2011 11:38 TheRageKage12 wrote:Hi Everyone, I had an epiphany the other day. So many people bad manners on ladder after they lose, but nobody good manners. I guess it makes sense, it is easier to yell and blame someone for beating you than it is to accept that they played better. So, in an effort to make the ladder a better place, I've decided to end every game I lose with some good manner for my opponent. Thus far, I have 6 instances of good manner: + Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler +Replays: http://www.mediafire.com/?drqka1kc3volxt1Furthermore, I've found myself much more willing to go back and see how I lost after complementing my opponent on a job well done. That might just be a coincidence (or maybe I'm weird). NOTE: Some players may become confused and frightened at the sight of such a rare occurrence of good manner. If they do begin to lash out, calmly explain to them that you meant your complements and that you most definitely aren't trolling. :D i really dont like people like you jsut because someone is bad mannered doesnt mean there a terrible person that has no feelings and feels there great and the only reason they lsot is cause of some fluke alot of the time people are bad mannered on ladder because there opponent deserves it by all-innning and doing stupid cheese like blocking the ramp with pylons and stuff like that I really dont like people like you. In my opinion cheeses are valid strategies, pylonblocking not maybe but all-ins aren't bad. They are pretty strong and should always be considered. the point of the game is to have fun its no fun being all-inned
If there were no punishing builds it would be a macro game every time, meaning no need to invest in early defense. Zerg for example would be able to take 5 bases against a ffe protoss and drone up to 95 and get broods by the 14 min mark.
I agree that all-ins are not the most exciting thing but it keeps players from being overly greedy.
On April 05 2012 03:25 duct_TAPE wrote:Show nested quote +On April 05 2012 03:05 Forikorder wrote:On April 05 2012 03:02 GoSuChicken wrote:On April 05 2012 02:51 Forikorder wrote:On August 17 2011 11:38 TheRageKage12 wrote:Hi Everyone, I had an epiphany the other day. So many people bad manners on ladder after they lose, but nobody good manners. I guess it makes sense, it is easier to yell and blame someone for beating you than it is to accept that they played better. So, in an effort to make the ladder a better place, I've decided to end every game I lose with some good manner for my opponent. Thus far, I have 6 instances of good manner: + Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler +Replays: http://www.mediafire.com/?drqka1kc3volxt1Furthermore, I've found myself much more willing to go back and see how I lost after complementing my opponent on a job well done. That might just be a coincidence (or maybe I'm weird). NOTE: Some players may become confused and frightened at the sight of such a rare occurrence of good manner. If they do begin to lash out, calmly explain to them that you meant your complements and that you most definitely aren't trolling. :D i really dont like people like you jsut because someone is bad mannered doesnt mean there a terrible person that has no feelings and feels there great and the only reason they lsot is cause of some fluke alot of the time people are bad mannered on ladder because there opponent deserves it by all-innning and doing stupid cheese like blocking the ramp with pylons and stuff like that I really dont like people like you. In my opinion cheeses are valid strategies, pylonblocking not maybe but all-ins aren't bad. They are pretty strong and should always be considered. the point of the game is to have fun its no fun being all-inned If there were no punishing builds it would be a macro game every time, meaning no need to invest in early defense. Zerg for example would be able to take 5 bases against a ffe protoss and drone up to 95 and get broods by the 14 min mark. I agree that all-ins are not the most exciting thing but it keeps players from being overly greedy. theres nothing stopping you from just doing some safe pressure like hellion expand or 2 base 4 gate or void ray agression or something that doesnt mean you ahve to leave if they defend
executing the all-in, however, can be quite fun.
so we seem to have a contradiction here, for one person to have fun it means his opponent can't?
i dont believe that someone who palys the game can only ahve fun by doing all-ins, but if they purposely choose a strat in order to remove my fun then i will let them know how i feel about, if someone is rude then im going to be rude back
2675 Posts
On April 05 2012 03:05 Forikorder wrote:Show nested quote +On April 05 2012 03:02 GoSuChicken wrote:On April 05 2012 02:51 Forikorder wrote:On August 17 2011 11:38 TheRageKage12 wrote:Hi Everyone, I had an epiphany the other day. So many people bad manners on ladder after they lose, but nobody good manners. I guess it makes sense, it is easier to yell and blame someone for beating you than it is to accept that they played better. So, in an effort to make the ladder a better place, I've decided to end every game I lose with some good manner for my opponent. Thus far, I have 6 instances of good manner: + Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler +Replays: http://www.mediafire.com/?drqka1kc3volxt1Furthermore, I've found myself much more willing to go back and see how I lost after complementing my opponent on a job well done. That might just be a coincidence (or maybe I'm weird). NOTE: Some players may become confused and frightened at the sight of such a rare occurrence of good manner. If they do begin to lash out, calmly explain to them that you meant your complements and that you most definitely aren't trolling. :D i really dont like people like you jsut because someone is bad mannered doesnt mean there a terrible person that has no feelings and feels there great and the only reason they lsot is cause of some fluke alot of the time people are bad mannered on ladder because there opponent deserves it by all-innning and doing stupid cheese like blocking the ramp with pylons and stuff like that I really dont like people like you. In my opinion cheeses are valid strategies, pylonblocking not maybe but all-ins aren't bad. They are pretty strong and should always be considered. the point of the game is to have fun its no fun being all-inned
I honestly rofl'd on this. Do you think, even mannered people, care about your feelings while they are trying to climb to diamond, masters, grandmasters or whatever league? Sir, I am not playing this game so YOU could have fun, I am playing it so I can have fun and if I think all-inns are way to victory or if I think I'll have fun if I try some cheese from time to time, deal with it.
On the topic, I never rage/flame etc my opponents nor I answer to any rage/flame myself but in same fashion I don't write those "gglhf" thingies, I just don't feel I have to behave by some code every damn game. If someone "gl hf" me I usually answer with "ty u2" and that's it.
On April 05 2012 02:08 ImGonnaRideYou wrote: To me, ladder Starcraft is like street ball. Anything goes (not literally, but you know what I mean) and I'm here to win. Not make friends, not put on a good show for spectators, not to work on some running routes or defensive plays. I put my forearm on you hard and you better bust your ass to get by me because there's no ref around to call foul.
I never "glhf" and "gg". If people "glhf" me, I do it back in an attempt to throw his guard off into believing that because of my formalities, I won't be early super aggressive or all-in. When I do lose, I leave the game with no gg and if I start typing smack, deal with it - it's part of the game. I already lost - what more do you want? Want some fries with that? How about a blowjob, sir?
I like you! :D (minus flame at the end of the game :>)
I would be interested to see some sort of large-scale analysis of frequency of BM across various leagues.
I'm almost positive (but have zero quantitative data) that bronze and masters is chock full of BM, silver and diamond are a little better, and platinum/gold/GM are relatively calm.
On April 05 2012 03:05 Forikorder wrote:Show nested quote +On April 05 2012 03:02 GoSuChicken wrote:On April 05 2012 02:51 Forikorder wrote:On August 17 2011 11:38 TheRageKage12 wrote:Hi Everyone, I had an epiphany the other day. So many people bad manners on ladder after they lose, but nobody good manners. I guess it makes sense, it is easier to yell and blame someone for beating you than it is to accept that they played better. So, in an effort to make the ladder a better place, I've decided to end every game I lose with some good manner for my opponent. Thus far, I have 6 instances of good manner: + Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler +Replays: http://www.mediafire.com/?drqka1kc3volxt1Furthermore, I've found myself much more willing to go back and see how I lost after complementing my opponent on a job well done. That might just be a coincidence (or maybe I'm weird). NOTE: Some players may become confused and frightened at the sight of such a rare occurrence of good manner. If they do begin to lash out, calmly explain to them that you meant your complements and that you most definitely aren't trolling. :D i really dont like people like you jsut because someone is bad mannered doesnt mean there a terrible person that has no feelings and feels there great and the only reason they lsot is cause of some fluke alot of the time people are bad mannered on ladder because there opponent deserves it by all-innning and doing stupid cheese like blocking the ramp with pylons and stuff like that I really dont like people like you. In my opinion cheeses are valid strategies, pylonblocking not maybe but all-ins aren't bad. They are pretty strong and should always be considered. the point of the game is to have fun its no fun being all-inned
Winning is fun. And trying to exploit the mechanics of the game in every possible way in order to win is how the game should be played. If you want to add your own rules to a perfectly fine game try finding guys to play 15min no rush with :p
Wow after reading this thread and the many opinions I'm a bit disgusted. Is it really THAT hard to type "gg" most of the time? I don't always gg every single time, no one does. I'll get cannoned and be on tilt and just quickly get out of the game and I have a thousand other excuses, but seriously? Its like playing baseball or basket ball and after the game everyone lines up and shakes each other hand or does that "Walking past/hand out/ sorta hi-five". Its a sign of good sportsmanship and respect, even if you got clobbered 100-0. It's some closure. Yes those are team games, what about wrestling? In highschool we always shook hands before and after, no matter who won or not. I didn't stomp my fucking feet and throw a tantrum like a baby, yell in his face and walk off (BM). That seems to be the difference between online gaming and real life. But both are compeitive and fun. I tend to say gg as much as possible, and I feel good when someone says it to me. I've made a ton of friends on battle.net from people i've beaten or beat me just from saying gg or gg wp and maybe sending them a msg or vice versa complimenting their play and striking a conversation. This goes hand in hand with people also crying about battle.net being lonely. Yes, it sorta is but while communicating and not being a whiney asshole I've made tons of friends and always have people messaging me when I get on just something as simple as them telling me about their day and asking how mine is. So, in conclusion, grow up and have some manners. We all go on tilt, but its infectious. But sometimes... good manners can be too.
Always gg, and if they do something remarkable, I'll comment on it. Recent example was a Terran (EmpirePinky, he was offracing) who went for 1-1-1 with delayed Cloak and Observer sniping. I got two fast Obs out and then paused for Immortal production. His delayed cloak caught me off guard and he steamrolled me. I told him that it was an unusual and clever play, and gg'd out.
I was trying to be good manner last night when I was doing random 2s. Mostly I was just PMing my teammates and saying GG or that I liked their build/strat. But, guess what? Literally, every single time (at least 3 occurrences) I tried to do that, they were set to only accepting PMs from people on their friends list. So tired of that option...
Also, does BM skip a generation or something, or what is up with the weird order of BM?
I'm almost positive (but have zero quantitative data) that bronze and masters is chock full of BM, silver and diamond are a little better, and platinum/gold/GM are relatively calm.
2675 Posts
On April 05 2012 03:32 GlintFox wrote: Wow after reading this thread and the many opinions I'm a bit disgusted. Is it really THAT hard to type "gg" most of the time?
Wow, just wow. If you are disgusted by people not "gg"-ing in some casual leagues I can't imagine how you feel everyday in your real life about important issues.
Why should I write "gl hf gg"? Because someone in WC2 days decided to use it every game? I just won't do stuff I don't feel doing over such a trivial thing as 1v1 game of SC2 in Plat/Diamond league.
Does my "gg" really affect your feelings and worth of victory at the end of the game? Cmon.
Pro games, different story, of course I believe there should be strong code of conduct in pro level games.
On April 05 2012 03:38 whiterabbit wrote:Show nested quote +On April 05 2012 03:32 GlintFox wrote: Wow after reading this thread and the many opinions I'm a bit disgusted. Is it really THAT hard to type "gg" most of the time? Wow, just wow. If you are disgusted by people not "gg"-ing in some casual leagues I can't imagine how you feel everyday in your real life about important issues. Why should I write "gl hf gg"? Because someone in WC2 days decided to use it every game? I just won't do stuff I don't feel doing over such a trivial thing as 1v1 game of SC2 in Plat/Diamond league. Does my "gg" really affect your feelings and worth of victory at the end of the game? Cmon. Pro games, different story, of course I believe there should be strong code of conduct in pro level games.
In my quote I was reffering to me being disgusted that people are that worked up and anti-good mannered. And considering what you posted I'm going to guess you didn't read the entire post. Interesting to say the least. The point was it's respectful and nice. No different than if you were playing a game in real life against someone you've never met. Lets say you and I 1v1 in basketball, and I don't talk to you whatsoever and after the game I don't even look at you and just walk away. Does that really affect you? No, but it would be a sign of SPORTSMANSHIP if i said, "hey, good game bro." And about leagues.. It shouldnt matter to be honest, sportsmanship is sportsmanship. But again, this seems to prove just how difficult it is for some people to type out two letters.
2675 Posts
On April 05 2012 03:47 GlintFox wrote:Show nested quote +On April 05 2012 03:38 whiterabbit wrote:On April 05 2012 03:32 GlintFox wrote: Wow after reading this thread and the many opinions I'm a bit disgusted. Is it really THAT hard to type "gg" most of the time? Wow, just wow. If you are disgusted by people not "gg"-ing in some casual leagues I can't imagine how you feel everyday in your real life about important issues. Why should I write "gl hf gg"? Because someone in WC2 days decided to use it every game? I just won't do stuff I don't feel doing over such a trivial thing as 1v1 game of SC2 in Plat/Diamond league. Does my "gg" really affect your feelings and worth of victory at the end of the game? Cmon. Pro games, different story, of course I believe there should be strong code of conduct in pro level games. In my quote I was reffering to me being disgusted that people are that worked up and anti-good mannered. And considering what you posted I'm going to guess you didn't read the entire post. Interesting to say the least. The point was it's respectful and nice. No different than if you were playing a game in real life against someone you've never met. Lets say you and I 1v1 in basketball, and I don't talk to you whatsoever and after the game I don't even look at you and just walk away. Does that really affect you? No, but it would be a sign of SPORTSMANSHIP if i said, "hey, good game bro." And about leagues.. It shouldnt matter to be honest, sportsmanship is sportsmanship. But again, this seems to prove just how difficult it is for some people to type out two letters.
I read entire post but quoted first part because it is well connected to the rest of your post while it is primary line I am answering to.
I played a lot of basketball in my life and I was never affected by anyone's reaction or lack of sportsmanship nor I ever had feeling I am entitled to be greeted with "good game bro". And I guess there is difference between you and me.
Also nothing is so black and white. BM player in my eyes is player who spams insults, while player who just leaves game without "GG"-ing me is someone who just doesn't care. For me, being angry or happy doesn't change my viewpoint of using "gg" at the end of the game, in both cases I just leave, chill a bit, go to the next game.
And btw, I already said, I never insulted anyone over SC2 game nor answered to any insults.
Leagues matter, you can't tell me majority of Bronze league players feel SC2 as much as Master league players. There is big difference between casuals, players who work to become pros, semi-pros and pros.
At the end of the day you should just chill the f*** out. :-) As long as your opponents don't use spiteful insults you shouldn't care so much! Peace!
Unless my opponent is being obnoxious in chat, I've been gg'ing out of every game I lose regardless of the strategy the other opponent utilizes. (see below)
+ Show Spoiler +
I encourage you all to do the same.
While I do think not gg'ing is rude, for many of the reasons already mentioned, it's still about a million times less rude than actually insulting your opponent directly.
On April 05 2012 03:26 Forikorder wrote:Show nested quote +On April 05 2012 03:25 duct_TAPE wrote:On April 05 2012 03:05 Forikorder wrote:On April 05 2012 03:02 GoSuChicken wrote:On April 05 2012 02:51 Forikorder wrote:On August 17 2011 11:38 TheRageKage12 wrote:Hi Everyone, I had an epiphany the other day. So many people bad manners on ladder after they lose, but nobody good manners. I guess it makes sense, it is easier to yell and blame someone for beating you than it is to accept that they played better. So, in an effort to make the ladder a better place, I've decided to end every game I lose with some good manner for my opponent. Thus far, I have 6 instances of good manner: + Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler +Replays: http://www.mediafire.com/?drqka1kc3volxt1Furthermore, I've found myself much more willing to go back and see how I lost after complementing my opponent on a job well done. That might just be a coincidence (or maybe I'm weird). NOTE: Some players may become confused and frightened at the sight of such a rare occurrence of good manner. If they do begin to lash out, calmly explain to them that you meant your complements and that you most definitely aren't trolling. :D i really dont like people like you jsut because someone is bad mannered doesnt mean there a terrible person that has no feelings and feels there great and the only reason they lsot is cause of some fluke alot of the time people are bad mannered on ladder because there opponent deserves it by all-innning and doing stupid cheese like blocking the ramp with pylons and stuff like that I really dont like people like you. In my opinion cheeses are valid strategies, pylonblocking not maybe but all-ins aren't bad. They are pretty strong and should always be considered. the point of the game is to have fun its no fun being all-inned If there were no punishing builds it would be a macro game every time, meaning no need to invest in early defense. Zerg for example would be able to take 5 bases against a ffe protoss and drone up to 95 and get broods by the 14 min mark. I agree that all-ins are not the most exciting thing but it keeps players from being overly greedy. theres nothing stopping you from just doing some safe pressure like hellion expand or 2 base 4 gate or void ray agression or something that doesnt mean you ahve to leave if they defendShow nested quote +executing the all-in, however, can be quite fun.
so we seem to have a contradiction here, for one person to have fun it means his opponent can't? i dont believe that someone who palys the game can only ahve fun by doing all-ins, but if they purposely choose a strat in order to remove my fun then i will let them know how i feel about, if someone is rude then im going to be rude back
If you start doing light pressure builds against a general consensus of 'no all-ins allowed' gameplay, you're essentially going all-in cause the other player will have a very economic build and if your light pressure dosn't do enough damage you're going to end up way behind in economy. By going for light pressure you have a way to be dealt with by the other person even by a very economic opening.
On April 05 2012 04:28 duct_TAPE wrote:Show nested quote +On April 05 2012 03:26 Forikorder wrote:On April 05 2012 03:25 duct_TAPE wrote:On April 05 2012 03:05 Forikorder wrote:On April 05 2012 03:02 GoSuChicken wrote:On April 05 2012 02:51 Forikorder wrote:On August 17 2011 11:38 TheRageKage12 wrote:Hi Everyone, I had an epiphany the other day. So many people bad manners on ladder after they lose, but nobody good manners. I guess it makes sense, it is easier to yell and blame someone for beating you than it is to accept that they played better. So, in an effort to make the ladder a better place, I've decided to end every game I lose with some good manner for my opponent. Thus far, I have 6 instances of good manner: + Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler +Replays: http://www.mediafire.com/?drqka1kc3volxt1Furthermore, I've found myself much more willing to go back and see how I lost after complementing my opponent on a job well done. That might just be a coincidence (or maybe I'm weird). NOTE: Some players may become confused and frightened at the sight of such a rare occurrence of good manner. If they do begin to lash out, calmly explain to them that you meant your complements and that you most definitely aren't trolling. :D i really dont like people like you jsut because someone is bad mannered doesnt mean there a terrible person that has no feelings and feels there great and the only reason they lsot is cause of some fluke alot of the time people are bad mannered on ladder because there opponent deserves it by all-innning and doing stupid cheese like blocking the ramp with pylons and stuff like that I really dont like people like you. In my opinion cheeses are valid strategies, pylonblocking not maybe but all-ins aren't bad. They are pretty strong and should always be considered. the point of the game is to have fun its no fun being all-inned If there were no punishing builds it would be a macro game every time, meaning no need to invest in early defense. Zerg for example would be able to take 5 bases against a ffe protoss and drone up to 95 and get broods by the 14 min mark. I agree that all-ins are not the most exciting thing but it keeps players from being overly greedy. theres nothing stopping you from just doing some safe pressure like hellion expand or 2 base 4 gate or void ray agression or something that doesnt mean you ahve to leave if they defendexecuting the all-in, however, can be quite fun.
so we seem to have a contradiction here, for one person to have fun it means his opponent can't? i dont believe that someone who palys the game can only ahve fun by doing all-ins, but if they purposely choose a strat in order to remove my fun then i will let them know how i feel about, if someone is rude then im going to be rude back If you start doing light pressure builds against a general consensus of 'no all-ins allowed' gameplay, you're essentially going all-in cause the other player will have a very economic build and if your light pressure dosn't do enough damage you're going to end up way behind in economy. By going for light pressure you have a way to be dealt with by the other person even by a very economic opening. thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard
Hellion expand doesnt require ou to cut workers at all, it doesnt hurt you in any way and doesnt at all prevent you from building up your econ
it also prevents your opponent from taking a fast third and can kill alot of drones if there palying to greedy, same deal with 2 base 4 gate or light stargate agression or +1 zealots
I've already commented on my part on the OP but I wanted to include this, as I didn't have my book with me on the subway and I had time to kill. I found this very interesting:
Out of all of the people who posted in this thread with a response relating to the fact that they do not gg, or do not gg if they don't think it's a good game/didn't deserve it, etc.
+ Show Spoiler +
Food for thought ><. GG guys, else you'll get permabanned ^^
On April 05 2012 05:20 Badfatpanda wrote:I've already commented on my part on the OP but I wanted to include this, as I didn't have my book with me on the subway and I had time to kill. I found this very interesting: Out of all of the people who posted in this thread with a response relating to the fact that they do not gg, or do not gg if they don't think it's a good game/didn't deserve it, etc. + Show Spoiler +Food for thought ><. GG guys, else you'll get permabanned ^^ coreelation =/= causation just because some people who got perm banned jsut so happened to be the people who do not GG doesnt mean anything
I dont GG, and dont whine, or talk thrash either. I dont think it's necessary to say GG, because 99% om the times, when i lose, i made a crucial mistake somewhere, so the game wasnt that good for me, but i think talking thrash doesn't solve anything, so im not BMing either..
On April 05 2012 05:15 Forikorder wrote:Show nested quote +On April 05 2012 04:28 duct_TAPE wrote:On April 05 2012 03:26 Forikorder wrote:On April 05 2012 03:25 duct_TAPE wrote:On April 05 2012 03:05 Forikorder wrote:On April 05 2012 03:02 GoSuChicken wrote:On April 05 2012 02:51 Forikorder wrote:On August 17 2011 11:38 TheRageKage12 wrote:Hi Everyone, I had an epiphany the other day. So many people bad manners on ladder after they lose, but nobody good manners. I guess it makes sense, it is easier to yell and blame someone for beating you than it is to accept that they played better. So, in an effort to make the ladder a better place, I've decided to end every game I lose with some good manner for my opponent. Thus far, I have 6 instances of good manner: + Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler +Replays: http://www.mediafire.com/?drqka1kc3volxt1Furthermore, I've found myself much more willing to go back and see how I lost after complementing my opponent on a job well done. That might just be a coincidence (or maybe I'm weird). NOTE: Some players may become confused and frightened at the sight of such a rare occurrence of good manner. If they do begin to lash out, calmly explain to them that you meant your complements and that you most definitely aren't trolling. :D i really dont like people like you jsut because someone is bad mannered doesnt mean there a terrible person that has no feelings and feels there great and the only reason they lsot is cause of some fluke alot of the time people are bad mannered on ladder because there opponent deserves it by all-innning and doing stupid cheese like blocking the ramp with pylons and stuff like that I really dont like people like you. In my opinion cheeses are valid strategies, pylonblocking not maybe but all-ins aren't bad. They are pretty strong and should always be considered. the point of the game is to have fun its no fun being all-inned If there were no punishing builds it would be a macro game every time, meaning no need to invest in early defense. Zerg for example would be able to take 5 bases against a ffe protoss and drone up to 95 and get broods by the 14 min mark. I agree that all-ins are not the most exciting thing but it keeps players from being overly greedy. theres nothing stopping you from just doing some safe pressure like hellion expand or 2 base 4 gate or void ray agression or something that doesnt mean you ahve to leave if they defendexecuting the all-in, however, can be quite fun.
so we seem to have a contradiction here, for one person to have fun it means his opponent can't? i dont believe that someone who palys the game can only ahve fun by doing all-ins, but if they purposely choose a strat in order to remove my fun then i will let them know how i feel about, if someone is rude then im going to be rude back If you start doing light pressure builds against a general consensus of 'no all-ins allowed' gameplay, you're essentially going all-in cause the other player will have a very economic build and if your light pressure dosn't do enough damage you're going to end up way behind in economy. By going for light pressure you have a way to be dealt with by the other person even by a very economic opening. thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard Hellion expand doesnt require ou to cut workers at all, it doesnt hurt you in any way and doesnt at all prevent you from building up your econ it also prevents your opponent from taking a fast third and can kill alot of drones if there palying to greedy, same deal with 2 base 4 gate or light stargate agression or +1 zealots
You're not thinking straight, you have to think in terms of your own rules. What prevents a zerg from taking 3 hatches before your 4 hellions, getting 3 roaches and then drone to 80? If no more than 4 hellions is your 'pressure' then you can take 3 hatches with no competetion. It's not like a normal game opening but it dosn't have to be if the zerg knows that you're ONLY doing light pressure.
Nice initiative man, I always gg out with the occasional ggwp, after trying to compliment people further in the manner you show, most people thought that i was being sarcastic, resulting in long conversations explaining that i do mean what i've said xD.
On April 05 2012 05:25 Forikorder wrote:Show nested quote +On April 05 2012 05:20 Badfatpanda wrote:I've already commented on my part on the OP but I wanted to include this, as I didn't have my book with me on the subway and I had time to kill. I found this very interesting: Out of all of the people who posted in this thread with a response relating to the fact that they do not gg, or do not gg if they don't think it's a good game/didn't deserve it, etc. + Show Spoiler +Food for thought ><. GG guys, else you'll get permabanned ^^ coreelation =/= causation just because some people who got perm banned jsut so happened to be the people who do not GG doesnt mean anything
Fuck, there needs to be some sarcasm spoiler, I figured ^^ was enough T_T. Thought wrong.
I only GG in ladder when I am impressed by my opponents play in some way. This means, this opponent plays a specific style I can relate to in some way. It might be some insane macro, some counter to my build or very good micro. It does not include wins by extremely cheesy plays or standard all-in plays and annoying plays which are obviously just for getting ladder points instead of improving yourself (which should be the very motivation for playing ladder). This is the way how I and many others will do it. Just accept it please. There is no need for an useless 'GG'-inflation where nobody really means it when he types these letter at the end of a match. Of course I am only speaking about my own ladder games and not about official matches by progamers in big tournaments or leagues.
Its like all the pro gg people wear it as a badge of superiority. People who think everyone should say gg come across as pompous and the people who don't come across as whiny. Who gives a fuck what people say. The people who msg you "gg" after a game are just as bad as the people who bm you. If the guy wanted to say it he would, like I said it comes across as pompous.
On April 05 2012 03:26 Forikorder wrote: i dont believe that someone who palys the game can only ahve fun by doing all-ins, but if they purposely choose a strat in order to remove my fun then i will let them know how i feel about, if someone is rude then im going to be rude back
I don't believe that someone who plays the game can only have fun by doing economic oriented games, all ins are fun strats to be executed, if you get annoyed by them, its your own mentality that does that, don't blame others
I went through a phase for a few months where I was so frustrated with many games that I'd end half of them with some sort of snide remark-- nothing really bad mannered, they were usually just provocative balance whines.
But recently I've realized that I feel a lot better after a game if I just "gg" at the end. It feels a lot better than rage quitting too. Then I'll either ask for advice, if I'm in a good mood, or open up a private channel and vent all to myself about how shitty I played.
On April 05 2012 05:31 duct_TAPE wrote:Show nested quote +On April 05 2012 05:15 Forikorder wrote:On April 05 2012 04:28 duct_TAPE wrote:On April 05 2012 03:26 Forikorder wrote:On April 05 2012 03:25 duct_TAPE wrote:On April 05 2012 03:05 Forikorder wrote:On April 05 2012 03:02 GoSuChicken wrote:On April 05 2012 02:51 Forikorder wrote:On August 17 2011 11:38 TheRageKage12 wrote:Hi Everyone, I had an epiphany the other day. So many people bad manners on ladder after they lose, but nobody good manners. I guess it makes sense, it is easier to yell and blame someone for beating you than it is to accept that they played better. So, in an effort to make the ladder a better place, I've decided to end every game I lose with some good manner for my opponent. Thus far, I have 6 instances of good manner: + Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler +Replays: http://www.mediafire.com/?drqka1kc3volxt1Furthermore, I've found myself much more willing to go back and see how I lost after complementing my opponent on a job well done. That might just be a coincidence (or maybe I'm weird). NOTE: Some players may become confused and frightened at the sight of such a rare occurrence of good manner. If they do begin to lash out, calmly explain to them that you meant your complements and that you most definitely aren't trolling. :D i really dont like people like you jsut because someone is bad mannered doesnt mean there a terrible person that has no feelings and feels there great and the only reason they lsot is cause of some fluke alot of the time people are bad mannered on ladder because there opponent deserves it by all-innning and doing stupid cheese like blocking the ramp with pylons and stuff like that I really dont like people like you. In my opinion cheeses are valid strategies, pylonblocking not maybe but all-ins aren't bad. They are pretty strong and should always be considered. the point of the game is to have fun its no fun being all-inned If there were no punishing builds it would be a macro game every time, meaning no need to invest in early defense. Zerg for example would be able to take 5 bases against a ffe protoss and drone up to 95 and get broods by the 14 min mark. I agree that all-ins are not the most exciting thing but it keeps players from being overly greedy. theres nothing stopping you from just doing some safe pressure like hellion expand or 2 base 4 gate or void ray agression or something that doesnt mean you ahve to leave if they defendexecuting the all-in, however, can be quite fun.
so we seem to have a contradiction here, for one person to have fun it means his opponent can't? i dont believe that someone who palys the game can only ahve fun by doing all-ins, but if they purposely choose a strat in order to remove my fun then i will let them know how i feel about, if someone is rude then im going to be rude back If you start doing light pressure builds against a general consensus of 'no all-ins allowed' gameplay, you're essentially going all-in cause the other player will have a very economic build and if your light pressure dosn't do enough damage you're going to end up way behind in economy. By going for light pressure you have a way to be dealt with by the other person even by a very economic opening. thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard Hellion expand doesnt require ou to cut workers at all, it doesnt hurt you in any way and doesnt at all prevent you from building up your econ it also prevents your opponent from taking a fast third and can kill alot of drones if there palying to greedy, same deal with 2 base 4 gate or light stargate agression or +1 zealots You're not thinking straight, you have to think in terms of your own rules. What prevents a zerg from taking 3 hatches before your 4 hellions, getting 3 roaches and then drone to 80? If no more than 4 hellions is your 'pressure' then you can take 3 hatches with no competetion. It's not like a normal game opening but it dosn't have to be if the zerg knows that you're ONLY doing light pressure.
The two hellions stop them...... This post should just stop right here but:
As Tastosis said, hellion openings are the rice and kimchi of TvZ openings.
Reaper expand TvT, Hellion Expand TvZ, 3base speedling vs FFE ZvP, +1 zealot timing after FFE PvZ... off the top of my head, all these builds would like a word with you.
Whether the units themselves do the damage, or the presence of the units, they have an effect that develop into a later game.
Forgive me if i'm innacurate about the PvZ opening, I'm a high master zerg and terran.
If only everyone on ladder was more mannered. It would make it a way more enjoyable thing. Props to you for taking the initiative, and being a well mannered player. We should all be a little more like Sheth!
Who even introduced the word "mannered" in gaming. It sounds so awfully wrong. Being polite or rude doesn't cut it, so we have to use "well-mannered" and "bad-mannered" now? That's bullshit
Also, I don't see the point in congratulating anyone for an undeserved win. The fact that someone won, doesn't make him the player who played better necessarily. In fact with cheesers, it's rarely them being 'a better player' that leads them to winning.
And last, I wish everyone shuts up about Sheth being 'mannered' and all. He's so sarcastic a lot of the time when he appears to be mannerly talking. The ladder is a stupid breeding ground of baddies who want free wins and 5 minute games, and would rather see you rage(quit) than say a 'gg' themselves. So fuck ladder and fuck them all.
On April 05 2012 10:48 ferencziffra wrote: The ladder is a stupid breeding ground of baddies who want free wins and 5 minute games, and would rather see you rage(quit) than say a 'gg' themselves. You're mostly right, so why give them that satisfaction by rage quitting?
On April 05 2012 10:48 ferencziffra wrote: Who even introduced the word "mannered" in gaming. It sounds so awfully wrong. Being polite or rude doesn't cut it, so we have to use "well-mannered" and "bad-mannered" now? That's bullshit
Also, I don't see the point in congratulating anyone for an undeserved win. The fact that someone won, doesn't make him the player who played better necessarily. In fact with cheesers, it's rarely them being 'a better player' that leads them to winning.
And last, I wish everyone shuts up about Sheth being 'mannered' and all. He's so sarcastic a lot of the time when he appears to be mannerly talking. The ladder is a stupid breeding ground of baddies who want free wins and 5 minute games, and would rather see you rage(quit) than say a 'gg' themselves. So fuck ladder and fuck them all.
It seems to be a common misconception that saying 'gg' is a compliment and therefore requires good play to earn. Its not - it comes from the sports field where players shake hands after a match, and both the winner and the loser say 'good game'. Its a mark of appreciation for the time spent and the sport, rather than a congratulations.
To me, its totally applicable to SC2 - you're playing a 1 on 1 game against someone for twenty minutes, and you want to just wander off and stop playing without even saying a word?
And yeah, I generally GG to cheese too, just because it probably gives them more pleasure to see me rage quit.
On April 05 2012 10:30 droit wrote:Show nested quote +On April 05 2012 05:31 duct_TAPE wrote:On April 05 2012 05:15 Forikorder wrote:On April 05 2012 04:28 duct_TAPE wrote:On April 05 2012 03:26 Forikorder wrote:On April 05 2012 03:25 duct_TAPE wrote:On April 05 2012 03:05 Forikorder wrote:On April 05 2012 03:02 GoSuChicken wrote:On April 05 2012 02:51 Forikorder wrote:On August 17 2011 11:38 TheRageKage12 wrote:Hi Everyone, I had an epiphany the other day. So many people bad manners on ladder after they lose, but nobody good manners. I guess it makes sense, it is easier to yell and blame someone for beating you than it is to accept that they played better. So, in an effort to make the ladder a better place, I've decided to end every game I lose with some good manner for my opponent. Thus far, I have 6 instances of good manner: + Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler +Replays: http://www.mediafire.com/?drqka1kc3volxt1Furthermore, I've found myself much more willing to go back and see how I lost after complementing my opponent on a job well done. That might just be a coincidence (or maybe I'm weird). NOTE: Some players may become confused and frightened at the sight of such a rare occurrence of good manner. If they do begin to lash out, calmly explain to them that you meant your complements and that you most definitely aren't trolling. :D i really dont like people like you jsut because someone is bad mannered doesnt mean there a terrible person that has no feelings and feels there great and the only reason they lsot is cause of some fluke alot of the time people are bad mannered on ladder because there opponent deserves it by all-innning and doing stupid cheese like blocking the ramp with pylons and stuff like that I really dont like people like you. In my opinion cheeses are valid strategies, pylonblocking not maybe but all-ins aren't bad. They are pretty strong and should always be considered. the point of the game is to have fun its no fun being all-inned If there were no punishing builds it would be a macro game every time, meaning no need to invest in early defense. Zerg for example would be able to take 5 bases against a ffe protoss and drone up to 95 and get broods by the 14 min mark. I agree that all-ins are not the most exciting thing but it keeps players from being overly greedy. theres nothing stopping you from just doing some safe pressure like hellion expand or 2 base 4 gate or void ray agression or something that doesnt mean you ahve to leave if they defendexecuting the all-in, however, can be quite fun.
so we seem to have a contradiction here, for one person to have fun it means his opponent can't? i dont believe that someone who palys the game can only ahve fun by doing all-ins, but if they purposely choose a strat in order to remove my fun then i will let them know how i feel about, if someone is rude then im going to be rude back If you start doing light pressure builds against a general consensus of 'no all-ins allowed' gameplay, you're essentially going all-in cause the other player will have a very economic build and if your light pressure dosn't do enough damage you're going to end up way behind in economy. By going for light pressure you have a way to be dealt with by the other person even by a very economic opening. thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard Hellion expand doesnt require ou to cut workers at all, it doesnt hurt you in any way and doesnt at all prevent you from building up your econ it also prevents your opponent from taking a fast third and can kill alot of drones if there palying to greedy, same deal with 2 base 4 gate or light stargate agression or +1 zealots You're not thinking straight, you have to think in terms of your own rules. What prevents a zerg from taking 3 hatches before your 4 hellions, getting 3 roaches and then drone to 80? If no more than 4 hellions is your 'pressure' then you can take 3 hatches with no competetion. It's not like a normal game opening but it dosn't have to be if the zerg knows that you're ONLY doing light pressure. The two hellions stop them...... This post should just stop right here but: As Tastosis said, hellion openings are the rice and kimchi of TvZ openings. Reaper expand TvT, Hellion Expand TvZ, 3base speedling vs FFE ZvP, +1 zealot timing after FFE PvZ... off the top of my head, all these builds would like a word with you. Whether the units themselves do the damage, or the presence of the units, they have an effect that develop into a later game. Forgive me if i'm innacurate about the PvZ opening, I'm a high master zerg and terran. seems like an appropriate place to discuss sc2 strategy.... + Show Spoiler +
On April 05 2012 10:48 ferencziffra wrote: Who even introduced the word "mannered" in gaming. It sounds so awfully wrong. Being polite or rude doesn't cut it, so we have to use "well-mannered" and "bad-mannered" now? That's bullshit
Also, I don't see the point in congratulating anyone for an undeserved win. The fact that someone won, doesn't make him the player who played better necessarily. In fact with cheesers, it's rarely them being 'a better player' that leads them to winning.
And last, I wish everyone shuts up about Sheth being 'mannered' and all. He's so sarcastic a lot of the time when he appears to be mannerly talking. The ladder is a stupid breeding ground of baddies who want free wins and 5 minute games, and would rather see you rage(quit) than say a 'gg' themselves. So fuck ladder and fuck them all.
You're talking as if this is something new, and not something that developed over the past 12 years of competitive gaming. "gg" isn't about it actually being a good game. It's about playing the game.
But this discussion is almost useless to have, since there are people who go, "Wasn't a gg, so i called him a faggot" and have a mentality that i find to be particularly detrimental to the scene as a whole.
On April 05 2012 11:03 reneg wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On April 05 2012 10:48 ferencziffra wrote: Who even introduced the word "mannered" in gaming. It sounds so awfully wrong. Being polite or rude doesn't cut it, so we have to use "well-mannered" and "bad-mannered" now? That's bullshit
Also, I don't see the point in congratulating anyone for an undeserved win. The fact that someone won, doesn't make him the player who played better necessarily. In fact with cheesers, it's rarely them being 'a better player' that leads them to winning.
And last, I wish everyone shuts up about Sheth being 'mannered' and all. He's so sarcastic a lot of the time when he appears to be mannerly talking. The ladder is a stupid breeding ground of baddies who want free wins and 5 minute games, and would rather see you rage(quit) than say a 'gg' themselves. So fuck ladder and fuck them all. You're talking as if this is something new, and not something that developed over the past 12 years of competitive gaming. "gg" isn't about it actually being a good game. It's about playing the game. But this discussion is almost useless to have, since there are people who go, "Wasn't a gg, so i called him a faggot" and have a mentality that i find to be particularly detrimental to the scene as a whole.
Totally agree with what you are saying. The fact any of us play the game is because we enjoy it, and in order to keep enjoying it then we need people to play against. If BMing someone after a game contributes to one person giving up/playing less then we are ultimately just shooting ourselves in the foot
If you do a pressure build and it doesn't do damage, you are behind.
From that point on, you are relying on an opponents mistake to let you back into the game.
If your "strong timing" fails to do sufficient damage, you have essentially just lost the game.
This critique on "allins" can be extended to any other form of play that isn't no-rush 20 minutes. It's ridiculous, the point of the game is to win, if you lose to your opponents play, you played wrong.
No, that doesn't imply he's a better all-around player, and no, you don't have to be mannered to him, but you are playing wrong.
On April 05 2012 11:13 drop271 wrote:Show nested quote +On April 05 2012 11:03 reneg wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On April 05 2012 10:48 ferencziffra wrote: Who even introduced the word "mannered" in gaming. It sounds so awfully wrong. Being polite or rude doesn't cut it, so we have to use "well-mannered" and "bad-mannered" now? That's bullshit
Also, I don't see the point in congratulating anyone for an undeserved win. The fact that someone won, doesn't make him the player who played better necessarily. In fact with cheesers, it's rarely them being 'a better player' that leads them to winning.
And last, I wish everyone shuts up about Sheth being 'mannered' and all. He's so sarcastic a lot of the time when he appears to be mannerly talking. The ladder is a stupid breeding ground of baddies who want free wins and 5 minute games, and would rather see you rage(quit) than say a 'gg' themselves. So fuck ladder and fuck them all. You're talking as if this is something new, and not something that developed over the past 12 years of competitive gaming. "gg" isn't about it actually being a good game. It's about playing the game. But this discussion is almost useless to have, since there are people who go, "Wasn't a gg, so i called him a faggot" and have a mentality that i find to be particularly detrimental to the scene as a whole. Totally agree with what you are saying. The fact any of us play the game is because we enjoy it, and in order to keep enjoying it then we need people to play against. If BMing someone after a game contributes to one person giving up/playing less then we are ultimately just shooting ourselves in the foot
The person who BM's doesn't see it as shooting himself in the foot. He lost a game and is mad, he is perfectly happy if the person who beat him never plays again.
I don't usually GG blatant cheese but I think I'm generally well mannered. If I'm truly out played then I will GGWP. If it was a good game, I GG.
I'm not quite sure why so many people think its okay to call someone profanities just because the game didn't go well. I see bm with things like "I'm going to kill your entire family" and think, geeze what's wrong with your brain lol...
Probably just 15 year olds ala xbox live who think its cool to do the same things over SC2.... pathetic.
On April 05 2012 11:21 Luepert wrote:Show nested quote +On April 05 2012 11:13 drop271 wrote:On April 05 2012 11:03 reneg wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On April 05 2012 10:48 ferencziffra wrote: Who even introduced the word "mannered" in gaming. It sounds so awfully wrong. Being polite or rude doesn't cut it, so we have to use "well-mannered" and "bad-mannered" now? That's bullshit
Also, I don't see the point in congratulating anyone for an undeserved win. The fact that someone won, doesn't make him the player who played better necessarily. In fact with cheesers, it's rarely them being 'a better player' that leads them to winning.
And last, I wish everyone shuts up about Sheth being 'mannered' and all. He's so sarcastic a lot of the time when he appears to be mannerly talking. The ladder is a stupid breeding ground of baddies who want free wins and 5 minute games, and would rather see you rage(quit) than say a 'gg' themselves. So fuck ladder and fuck them all. You're talking as if this is something new, and not something that developed over the past 12 years of competitive gaming. "gg" isn't about it actually being a good game. It's about playing the game. But this discussion is almost useless to have, since there are people who go, "Wasn't a gg, so i called him a faggot" and have a mentality that i find to be particularly detrimental to the scene as a whole. Totally agree with what you are saying. The fact any of us play the game is because we enjoy it, and in order to keep enjoying it then we need people to play against. If BMing someone after a game contributes to one person giving up/playing less then we are ultimately just shooting ourselves in the foot The person who BM's doesn't see it as shooting himself in the foot. He lost a game and is mad, he is perfectly happy if the person who beat him never plays again.
Of course you're right, but I meant on a universal level - ie if we all did that then we'd have far fewer players and everyone would just be rude in each game (which sadly isn't far from the truth right now...)
I personally think it helps you develop as a person to be able to be frustrated but to not respond in that state but instead put it aside and be encouraging to others.
Also it makes you enjoy the game and others instead of raging all of the time
I start every game with "gl hf! :D"
Even if I'm really frustrated and I hope that my previous opponent dies in a boiling pit of fire for their gateway timing, this will usually calm me down. Being nice to other people makes it harder to be mad at yourself and the game.
28079 Posts
On April 05 2012 13:17 bpgbcg wrote: I start every game with "gl hf! :D"
Even if I'm really frustrated and I hope that my previous opponent dies in a boiling pit of fire for their gateway timing, this will usually calm me down. Being nice to other people makes it harder to be mad at yourself and the game. lol. I also hope my opponents die in a boiling pit of fire.
My other pet hates are people that say: "man I played like shit, if I hadn't you would have been crushed" Well yes, thats true, but then the same is true for me too - we all make mistakes, and I probably made plenty on the way to beating you, but thats why we're not in GM.
or the utterly illogical "man you are fucking shit" (when they win or lose) Yes, I am rubbish, but my MMR is the same as yours - thats why we're matched, so you must be equally bad right?
On April 05 2012 13:17 bpgbcg wrote: I start every game with "gl hf! :D"
Even if I'm really frustrated and I hope that my previous opponent dies in a boiling pit of fire for their gateway timing, this will usually calm me down. Being nice to other people makes it harder to be mad at yourself and the game. :D so true. You reasoning is exactly why I started doing this as well. I want to have fun when I play, and it's much more fun when you're pleasant and recognize that it's A.) Not a big deal that you lost and B.) Something you can learn from 
On April 05 2012 14:15 drop271 wrote: My other pet hates are people that say: "man I played like shit, if I hadn't you would have been crushed" Well yes, thats true, but then the same is true for me too - we all make mistakes, and I probably made plenty on the way to beating you, but thats why we're not in GM.
or the utterly illogical "man you are fucking shit" (when they win or lose) Yes, I am rubbish, but my MMR is the same as yours - thats why we're matched, so you must be equally bad right? Many people with below average IQ play this game unfortunately .
No one really ever BMs me and i never really BM either, most of my games nothing at all is said, no gl hf and no gg. thats how i prefer it.
If there was an option to disable in game chat completly, i would use it
The only chat I hate is when people say "u2" so I never say "glhf" first. Don't really have any other pet peeves tbh.
I glhf every game and gg when I lose, and I haven't gotten any sort of BM in a very long time. I am still silver/gold though and I assume that has something to so with it
I always try my best to say gl hf and gg wp at the end, but sometimes my anger controls me, if only i was as good manner as you good job :D
I have serious ladder rage problems, so one day I just decided to be cool with it and congratulate everybody on their victory. I called it "Sheth Day." I do it every time it is Sheth's birthday.
Honest to god, it feels soooo much better than raging. It also expels my ladder fear!
Good manner is essential, if anything do it because its not nice to be mean!!!!!
I always start my games with "hf" and and them with either "well played" or "gg wp"
On April 06 2012 14:44 GhandiEAGLE wrote: I have serious ladder rage problems, so one day I just decided to be cool with it and congratulate everybody on their victory. I called it "Sheth Day." I do it every time it is Sheth's birthday.
Honest to god, it feels soooo much better than raging. It also expels my ladder fear! If you dig it so much, have you considered being mannered more than one day a year?
Almost all of these seem sarcastic. Also. I doubt that even one person who has posted by lording their Good manner is clean of rage. Don't act like you're better than the people who aren't good mannered to take screenshots
On April 06 2012 16:15 Baozer wrote: I always start my games with "hf" and and them with either "well played" or "gg wp"
Only "hf" kinda has a negative taste in my oppinion
I am totally happy if someone ggs before he leaves and maybe throws in a wp if the game was actually any good. Saying something nice in the end of a game seems really sarcastic most of the time and shouldn't be used unless the game was really great and you have something good to say. However that is not the case in most ladder games.
On April 06 2012 16:54 Suikakuju wrote:Show nested quote +On April 06 2012 16:15 Baozer wrote: I always start my games with "hf" and and them with either "well played" or "gg wp" Only "hf" kinda has a negative taste in my oppinion
Thorzain does it all the time, then again he also spams GG with mules so I wouldn't say he's the most mannered player out there.
Is it good mannered players festival ? When I play against one guy and hes a one man build type of guy, I'm not amazed by how well he played, I'm just amazed on how long he spent time refining his only build instead of training, oh yeah, cheese require less skills and requires less effort. That make sense. I gg out, but I wont throw a stupid wp.
I'm quite friendly towards Terran and Zerg players who win by skill but I will not ever say a "wp" towards an all-inning Protoss.
I always GG even if someone cheeses me or bad manners me.
when I ragequit (in my head, obviously my manner show differently) I just [SHIFT+ENTER] + GG WP [ENTER] and tehn leave the game.
I don't enjoy making people feel bad.
When I read what you wrote I had to laugh a bit. If I was your opponent I`d just assume you were being sarcastic  Who honestly compliments someone on making a bunch of roaches?
I get really mad while playing, so what i have started doing is, saying GG WP, when i think the win is really deserved, and just GG when i want to rage quit.
This means that GG for me is BM and GGWP is manner. For other people though, my GG appears as manner even though i am really mad.
I'm a masters protoss, the only thing holding me back from consistent practice on ladder and getting into that high masters/GM mmr that I think I am capable of is my ladder rage.
I always say gl at the start of a game, and I'll gg if they deserved a win, however I'll trash talk players often, sometimes because they did some worthless all in like 1.1.1 or stim+scv. Or sometimes because they just suck, had a zerg take his natural + drop a "hidden" proxy hatchery inside my base. Not blocking my 2nd, just inside my base. I hate playing vs players who have no idea what they are doing. They've made it to masters on the back of some cheese, then once they get here theyve actually got no idea what to do when they play vs someone who can defend it.
All in all SC is a game I like to watch, to play occasionally, but my ladder rage is so bad, I've never been able to consistently play for more than 2 weeks. Its not uncommon for me to punch my wardrobe, or desk after losses, its due to my competitiveness, but I just hate losing to people who I think are worse than me.
On April 06 2012 23:29 headbus wrote: I'm a masters protoss, the only thing holding me back from consistent practice on ladder and getting into that high masters/GM mmr that I think I am capable of is my ladder rage.
I always say gl at the start of a game, and I'll gg if they deserved a win, however I'll trash talk players often, sometimes because they did some worthless all in like 1.1.1 or stim+scv. Or sometimes because they just suck, had a zerg take his natural + drop a "hidden" proxy hatchery inside my base. Not blocking my 2nd, just inside my base. I hate playing vs players who have no idea what they are doing. They've made it to masters on the back of some cheese, then once they get here theyve actually got no idea what to do when they play vs someone who can defend it.
All in all SC is a game I like to watch, to play occasionally, but my ladder rage is so bad, I've never been able to consistently play for more than 2 weeks. Its not uncommon for me to punch my wardrobe, or desk after losses, its due to my competitiveness, but I just hate losing to people who I think are worse than me.
You shouldn't play this game if you can't control that rage. FFS this is just a video game man. Why do you concoct this whole little story re the motivation and skills of the player just to demean them? Seriously, wtf do you know? Maybe they are trying out a new cheese, maybe theyre drunk and just goofing around, maybe 1,000 other plausible things, including that yes maybe they suck. It's pathetic to see ppl loose a SC2 game and then try to win the 'mental victory' by harassing their opponent or trying to come up with these fantasy stories as to why they lost. Stop taking this so seriously.
People really need to control their nerd rage. You should control it in RL life for the sake of your own mental and physical health and you should control in game so you don't try to ruin the game for your opponent. The OP is awesome, imo. Surprised I missed this thread considering it's somewhat old.
I always start the games by saying "gl" and always "gg" at the end, even when its cheese, if I didn't stop it, it was my bad so no reason to rage.At least that my way of thinking, but I do get mad at myselft for messing up and stuff but will say gg anyway as the other guy didn't do anything wrong.
I find at times that when I type "gg" or even "gg wp", I feel more emotionally stable in the game to follow, as I have a tendency of getting mad after a loss, especially after losing a really long macro game.
However I think "gg wp" and then acknowledging my opponent's strategy is sugar coating his win, it is obvious that it worked, but I am sure that differs from person so person, so props to the ones that does it!
On April 06 2012 14:08 Cassel_Castle wrote: The only chat I hate is when people say "u2" so I never say "glhf" first. Don't really have any other pet peeves tbh. I always do that not even thinking about it... but I guess it could be taken as I don't have time to give you the same respect as you did to me.
Gonna type it from now on.
I start every game with a gl hf/gg hf. And even if the other guy does not respond I will gg out when I lose. I think gg'ing out in that situation makes the other person face what of an immature player he is. Not gg'ing would likely give him satisfaction to be not alone with his inside anger. And hosestly these are not sardistic gg's by me. I have learned to not get mad over losses.
If I meet someone in ladder I know who doesn't gl hf, I will happily gl hf him in the beginning, and if I win /dance or preliminary gg him out. 
In my opinion not responding to a gl hf shows that you already are mad inside and that you are not a true sportsman. People not gl hf'ing regularly will never be the core of this game. To play this game over years requires some kind of sportsmanship. These semi-bm fellows will just move on to other games eventually. It's a sign of bad attitude if you can't get yourself to respect the opponent you are playing. By not responding to an easy gl hf you just show that you are mad and are not in control of your own negative feelings, which shows you have a weak personality, too.
In 5-10 years the core of old school players will be majoritarian well mannered players, any bm player will have lost motivation and the race against himself, eventually beaten by his own attitude.
TLDR; This game can't be handled mentally by everyone who wants to play it. This is clearly shown in a lot of ladder games. People who can not handle it will quit sc2 eventually. As time moves further on, sc2 will have a more mannered community.
The US server is where all the BM is at imho.
I play on EU too and as far as ive seen, its been super manner. Everyone is really nice O:
i think this is a great thing, so far i "gg wp" every game i lose, will have to see if i have to go even further go White-Ra!
I don't encounter much BM anymore on EU. The most annoying BM is when people start SHOUTING AT YOU LIKE THIS after a game, complaining that my race is overpowered and that x unit is stupid, usually paired with a lack of grammar and/or punctuation. If only they played as fast as they talked crap they might enjoy the game more .
On April 06 2012 20:39 StarcraftNerd1547 wrote: I get really mad while playing, so what i have started doing is, saying GG WP, when i think the win is really deserved, and just GG when i want to rage quit.
This means that GG for me is BM and GGWP is manner. For other people though, my GG appears as manner even though i am really mad.
Pros say "gg!" or "wp!" when they're frustrated but it's a tournament so they have to be nice. Just something I've seen over time.
It can be anything with an exclamation mark though, Stephano uses "gratz!"
Due to just how much BM there is on the ladder, remarks like that feel sarcastic. At least to me.
As someone who gets really angry at myself when I lose, I say gg'ing helps. It's like telling yourself '"it was a good game, my opponent played well, it's not the game, I can play better in the future and beat him." May sound stupid, but it helps me refocus. When I don't gg, not only am I angry at myself, but I feel bad about bming like 20 seconds later.