On October 20 2011 05:49 Charon1979 wrote: I dont glhf because i consider it an empty phrase.
I dont want my opponent to be lucky. I also dont want him to be unlucky. So why should i wish him luck? Have fun... am the moment i consider it to be harsh sarcasm. Have fun with my marine/scv all-in! Do I have fun? No. Does he know I wont have fun with this kind of play? Most probably YES. So why even mention it? He doesnt want me to have fun and he doesnt want me to be lucky. He wants cheap ladder points, thats all. I consider it the same if you run up to somebody you hardly know or dont even like an "Oh hi!!!! *kiss left/kiss right* How are you doing! Oh you look great!" You dont even care and honestly you are thinking -omg how did he get that fat - But... you lie... because you want to be good mannered... which is a contradiction in my eyes. I cant stand dishonest people. If I enjoyed a game, it was a gg. If he even totally outplayed me, its a gg wp. If hes just 6 raxing and playing down a extremely simple build order... it just cheap.
The actual meaning and signification of "gl hf" has become something else entirely, just as "gg" doesn't always mean, literally, "good game" -- rather, these acronyms have become short hand for a way to respectfully greet an opponent and offer surrender.
I pretty much gg every game, but I also playing for fun and not really aiming at improving that much, so it doesn't annoy me even when losing to silly rushes. But I also have the chat settings to "only friends" outside the game. If i want to talk some more to a dude I played I'll add him as a friend, otherwise, I don't really care about after game tips or whining
I usually always just gg but perhaps i should put in the extra seconds' worth of effort to give a compliment. Especially in a long long game, when you finally win and your opponent not only GG's but also compliments you... it would make you so happy. And I think one way to help yourself from not raging is to think of how happy you just made someone.
Man you guys need to drop a league or two, things are so laid back in gold/silver EU  Oddly enough its the odd bronzie that has given me any grief during a match. One accused me of cheating after I ineptly defeated his cannon contain. Another lifted off and walled himself into the back expansion on Searing Crater after I flooded his main with lings. I often get GL HFs from opponents, and if not they usually reply to mine. GGs are less common, but I can understand that people might be annoyed of losing in the heat of the moment and don't think of such things. Edit : And certainly nothing as ludicrous as death threats or profanity over a video game.
i usually say gg when i lose even if i get upset about the loss itself there are a few occasions though where im about to break my keyboard in half and beat someone to death with it ^^
8748 Posts
On October 20 2011 05:49 Charon1979 wrote: I dont glhf because i consider it an empty phrase.
I dont want my opponent to be lucky. I also dont want him to be unlucky. So why should i wish him luck? Have fun... am the moment i consider it to be harsh sarcasm. Have fun with my marine/scv all-in! Do I have fun? No. Does he know I wont have fun with this kind of play? Most probably YES. So why even mention it? He doesnt want me to have fun and he doesnt want me to be lucky. He wants cheap ladder points, thats all. I consider it the same if you run up to somebody you hardly know or dont even like an "Oh hi!!!! *kiss left/kiss right* How are you doing! Oh you look great!" You dont even care and honestly you are thinking -omg how did he get that fat - But... you lie... because you want to be good mannered... which is a contradiction in my eyes. I cant stand dishonest people. If I enjoyed a game, it was a gg. If he even totally outplayed me, its a gg wp. If hes just 6 raxing and playing down a extremely simple build order... it just cheap. there's this whole world of symbolism that you must discover in order to understand society. words don't always take their literal meanings and actions aren't always done for their physical effects. gl hf! =]
I always GLHF and always GG. Even if he bms me with the classic "fuck you" after the glhf and stuff. It is about you caring to be a manner guy, it does not have nothing to do with the game which was played and who you're going against, it does not have nothing to do with the literal meaning of the words you're saying, but I'm pretty sure people have already said that.
On October 20 2011 05:49 Charon1979 wrote: I dont glhf because i consider it an empty phrase.
I dont want my opponent to be lucky. I also dont want him to be unlucky. So why should i wish him luck? Have fun... am the moment i consider it to be harsh sarcasm. Have fun with my marine/scv all-in! Do I have fun? No. Does he know I wont have fun with this kind of play? Most probably YES. So why even mention it? He doesnt want me to have fun and he doesnt want me to be lucky. He wants cheap ladder points, thats all. I consider it the same if you run up to somebody you hardly know or dont even like an "Oh hi!!!! *kiss left/kiss right* How are you doing! Oh you look great!" You dont even care and honestly you are thinking -omg how did he get that fat - But... you lie... because you want to be good mannered... which is a contradiction in my eyes. I cant stand dishonest people. If I enjoyed a game, it was a gg. If he even totally outplayed me, its a gg wp. If hes just 6 raxing and playing down a extremely simple build order... it just cheap.
Like people have already said before me, "gl hf gg" is just showing you have manners and that you respect your opponent right? You're not actually sending him luck when you wish him gl. He's not actually going to become better because you told him gl hf. And even if you fall to a cheap strat, a win is still a win. It's not like cheap strats will win you a GSL or anything, because as you get better, you learn how to defend against cheap strats. I used to never gl hf because of the same reasons you listed, but I've discovered that even if you chat just a little little bit with your opponent, you feel so much better after losing, and your opponent is less likely to bm you if you win.
WoW! After a SCV-AllIn I wouldn't be throw out a GG lol oO
Germany116 Posts
I think manner on ladder is not really "imporant", as it doesn't realy change anything game-relevant, but it does for sure enhances the experience of actually playing against other people - and not just alone vs cpu.
I open up every game with "Hi there, gl & hf" and I usually gg, although I got a tendency not to if the game was simply not "good". I personally play first to enjoy the game, second to win, and while I hate getting cheesed, I do aknowledge that its legit - I just don't enjoy games resulting from it.
But the interesting thing about good manner is, that it draws out others people good manner - and general friendlyness. I rarely have games where the other doesn't gl & hf back and also had some conversations or just interaction in general during the matches. Its priceless when the enemy reminds you to put workers in your gas :D I think many underestimate that most people are actually nice and maybe even enjoy communication, the jerks just have the tendency to spit it out and it feels there are loads of them.
Be good mannered not because you feel obligated, do it to actually meet cool people on battle.net.
i just say gg even when i get cheesed thats what i consider good manners
how could you expect good manner on ladder when we have pro players acting like idra
To be honest, i never gg on ladder
If I get blind sided with something, like a really good transition or a timing I've never seen I'll generally throw a "gg wp, nice timing/transition" out for 'em. All's fair in love, war, and starcraft. xD
I do believe that gl and gg are basically exactly the same thing as walking by a team in baseball, football, or w/e and shaking their hands. However, there is always some form of animosity if the victor (or even loser) was malicious and rude in play. Should the pleasantries be exchanged 100% of the time? Maybe not, but close to it I would say.
I don't know why such stress is put on saying a 2 letter 'phrase'
Ever see a MLB game? Do the winners go over and shake hands with the losers? And say hey, great game.
No. There's this inherent intensity in this game. I get all worked up, even in a win. We all do. Some people, like myself, need a cool down phase before we can get the 'feeling' out of us and be cordial. Ask the few friends I have on Bnet, I'm super nice. When I ladder or play? I can be an EPIC rager. Epic. I played college baseball up until I threw my rotater cuff out. SC2 is my release of my competitive nature.
Now, I do gg. But I usually do it after a 'lol this is such a joke.... gg dude'
Every start, though, everyone gets a 'gl hf sir', how you respond to that is how I dictate how the verbal exchanges go.
If you want to lie and say gg after every game thats great for you, but don't look down at me for having some standards. Why is it good manners to go gg ? Because you say so? because the community says so? I refuse to believe people actually believe that lying to someone is being well mannered, it is pretty much the opposite of being well mannered.
On October 20 2011 06:36 Egyptian_Head wrote: If you want to lie and say gg after every game thats great for you, but don't look down at me for having some standards. Why is it good manners to go gg ? Because you say so? because the community says so? I refuse to believe people actually believe that lying to someone is being well mannered, it is pretty much the opposite of being well mannered.
Idk if you ever played organized sports. GG is SC2's way of shaking hands after a match. It's just like "gl hf". You might not ACTUALLY mean it, but it's a manner of showing respect online (since you can't really shake hands).
I'll always glhf but I'll admit I don't always gg. I usually don't if it was some super cheesy build but I've been trying to get in better spirits about it. I mean, I have every chance to do an equally as cheesy build and at the end of the day it's still a game.
On October 20 2011 06:32 iAmJeffReY wrote: I don't know why such stress is put on saying a 2 letter 'phrase'
Ever see a MLB game? Do the winners go over and shake hands with the losers? And say hey, great game.
MLB, is that baseball or something? And yes, in the European equivalent sport of soccer, the opposing captains do go and shake hands at the end of the game. And they swap jerseys. A gg is just the virtual equivalent of doing that. If you think your opponent actually played well, tag on a wp to the gg.